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Sunday 3 October 2021 - Saturday 9 October 2021

[Notebook: DB 87: Cognitive Cosmology]

[page 52]

Sunday 3 October 2021

Over the years I have formed a set of prejudices about how a divine and logical universe might work which are all summed up in the heuristic of simplicity. A mathematical structure which interests me is the ring, a set of elements that add, subtract and multiply by do not divide, implicitly integral with no rational or real elements and therefore consistent with the integral quantum of action and integral logical operations. One would like to create a ring version of QCD on the basis that all the linear operations in quantum mechanics are elements of a ring. Ring (mathematics) - Wikipedia

Wilczek page 555: 'This so called zero point motion is a consequence of the uncertainty principle.' Obviously, given the cosmological constant problem, zero point energy as commonly understood does not exist, at least in the quantum vacuum, so in the interests of simplicity we should ditch it and 'all of its works and pomps'. This ditching may be facilitated by the independence of Hilbert and Minkowski space, ie does the uncertainty principle exist in Hilbert space [ie a state vector is a state vector and that is that]?

Einstein 1913: zero point energy 'dead as a doornail'. Zero-point energy - Wikipedia

All quantum activity occurs in single discrete quanta. 'The content of [the equation Em − En] is far more profound than a definition of the symbol ν (and h). It is a compatibility condition. Its physical content is that in order that [equations above] lead to Planck's law, it is necessary that the transitions m ⇄ n are accompanied by a single monochromatic radiation quantum. By this remarkable reasoning, Einstein therefore established a bridge between blackbody radiation and Bohr's theory of spectra.' Abraham Pais (1982): 'Subtle is the Lord . . . ' : The Science and Life of Albert Einstein: page 407

Perhaps we do not allow ½ℏω. Fluctuations are a consequence of the discreteness of action, like the tosses of a coin.

Compton Pais page 414; ' "The experimental support of the theory indicates very convincingly that a radiation quantum carries with it directed momentum as well as energy".' Ie it is a particle in spacetime.

The answer to the cosmological constant problem lies in the fact

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that the elements of a superposition are serial in time rather than parallel so that we must consider them one by one as different dimensions of a Hilbert space linked by the ring of linear operators rather than interpreting them as though they exist in parallel (see φ(x), page 51, Notes 26 September 2021)

Monday 4 October 2021

The essence of religion is its social role in binding people into a common framework of belief which facilitates communication between them. The actual content of this belief seems to be less important than its social role so that there is a wide spectrum of belief systems whose common feature may be that ultimately our lives are ruled by hidden and mysterious forces that take different representations in different religions. The core idea of natural theology and natural religion is that the forces governing our life are not completely mysterious but are discernible in the nature of the world revealed to us by experience, particularly the carefully curated and disciplined experiences that pass the tests of scientific credibility. From a physical point of view all things are ultimately ruled by the somewhat hidden and mysterious forces revealed by quantum theory, and so it is of theological

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and religious interest to interpret quantum theory in the same as we are inclined to interpret other hidden forces as elements of religious belief and to see this theory not as a highly specialized discipline in physics but as a common and easily understood element of the creative power of the universe in which we exist. This is slowly becoming clear to me as the idea behind cognitive cosmology so that from a theological point of view I am trying to interpret quantum mechanics in metaphysical and epistemological terms, a project that has been quite common since quantum mechanics came on the scientific scene. O'Murchu (1997): Quantum Theology : Spiritual Implications of the New Physics, Polkinghorne (2008): Quantum Physics and Theology: An Unexpected Kinship

Is the big distinction that quantum mechanics in Hilbert space is an Abelian group (a ring) whereas once we graduate to spacetime things become non-Abelian [non-commutative] (Yang-Mills). Abelian group - Wikipedia, Yang-Mills theory - Wikipedia

A quantum Hermitian linear operator is diagonal and so may be decomposed into a series of integers which in quantum theory represent frequencies, that is energies, ie gaps between the procession of quanta from an initial quantum. There may be a lot to be learned by looking through the mathematics to see what is being counted since I imagine that counting is at the root of all mathematical operations and it is but a short step from counting to logic (eg it took Whitehead and Russell only about 100 pages to prove that 1 + 1 = 2). Whitehead & Russell (1910, 1962): Principia Mathematica

Wignerites like me would like to see the differences between Hilbert and Minkowski spaces in the mathematics and the first thing that strikes the mind is the idea that complex numbers and periodic functions are essential to quantum theory but not to spacetime. The second thing to note is that they are both quadratic. In the quantum case we find that we get real numbers by the inner product (ψ . ψ*) = |ψ|2, whereas in Minkowski space we have the quadratic form ds2 = ημν dxμ dxν, one yielding a spacetime metric, the other a probability metric which has the implication of a correlation. In communication terms it seems that quantum theory is serial, spacetime theory is parallel, quantum theory is linear, spacetime theory is quadratic, ie in some way self-referential [as Einstein found with gravitation].

[page 55]

Every event (ie collision) in spacetime sets the quantum roulette wheel spinning and we see the outcome of the event when the wheel comes to rest.

The role of music is in a way the inverse of [quantum] observation. It is to take a complex parallel event and decompose it into a long serial string of sound, eg Patti Smith on a night of love: Because the night. Einstein and Sherlock Homes on their violins, me trying to have a rest and leaping out of bed to record my ideas in these strings of words. Patti Smith Group: Because the Night

From my point of view the theological and religious world has many scams and scammers essentially promising the impossible, eternal life, often subdivided into bliss and pain. I am trying not to be a scammer, although I feel that my standard of performance is not to be as bad as them. I am pretty sure that the universe plays all the roles of the traditional gods and I am trying to create a story based on physics, information and information processing to make this idea feasible. My principal worry is that although I can point out many difficulties with modern physics I do not yet understand it well enough to make a fully informed critique. I am therefore somewhat in the fake it till you make it category, relying on rather abstract arguments to claim that I am on course to make it, and promise to try hard to get there while I am alive, but can offer no guarantees and am therefore in all honesty precluded from becoming a preacher. Which is why I left the Order of Preachers in the first place. Nevertheless I think my inchoate story is much more promising than theirs. Erin Woo: Key takeaways from the fourth week of the Elizabeth Holmes trial

Notes [musical] ⇆ particles

Tuesday 5 October 2021

Trying to make sense of funny idea. The role of a 'graviton' as a massless spin x particle that travels at the velocity of light

[page 57]

making space possible through the creation of the null geodesic in order to maintain contact [causality] in a spatially extended world. The key idea is that time is in some way the inverse of space so travel at the speed of light, space traversed over time taken, LT-1 [= 0/0 = 0] eliminates the evolution of quantum amplitude so particle travelling at c on a geodesic does not experience either space or time and so establishes contact despite the presence of space. Think about this more, elaborate it beyond geometry into causality by contact. So how do massive particles contact one another in space, moving as slowly as a lover's caress? What does this tell us about the difference between mass and energy? What does E = mc2 really mean. Time for bed and some more dreaming. Tomorrow visit the blood bank. Will bleeding make me smarter? I wish.

In this picture the graviton creates [enables] space. What has spin 2 got to do with it> Something about 4D. The Dirac equation represents 4 spin ½ particles, four dimensions via the gamma matrices, the diron, 4 × ½ = 2. So numeralogically perfect, but do fermions also create space? This graviton made of 4 fermions creates 4D space because the fermions are orthogonal. Each of their inner products with one another is 0 because they are are exactly π out of phase. There has got to be a story here. Just tell it and it will come true — design and then construct.

To be an explorer in any space is to face uncertainty because nobody has been there before.

Somewhere the CPT theorem has to come in because we have 4D spacetime. Maybe we start off with just one fermion in 2D Minkowski space and then it grows to 4D to give us the spacetime we live in because 4D is what we need for communication without interference, in other words classical behaviour when all quantum behaviour in the absence of 4D space involves interference.

It is good to be crucified without being killed. It has concentrated my mind very sharply on my new god.

[page 58]

Wednesday 6 October 2021

Went to bed seeking to dream up some inspiration about the creation of space. First dream was about repairing primitive firehose constructed of conical tubular pieces of something like bamboo joined together, small end into big end by litlle pieces made of wire penetrating the joint to hold the pieces together. The problem was leakage. The solution was to remake the joint. Someone else, a vaguely recognised woman, had done most of the job. I arrived late, took some instruction and then finished the last bit of the job, remembering my time in the fire brigade deploying and rolling up canvas hoses. [logical continuity?]

Later, early in the morning, back to cognitive cosmology. Wilczek lists two features of quantum field theory: The dynamic degrees of freedom are operator functions on space and time (which I like to understand as logical computations); and the interactions of field are local in space and time. This locality, preserved by null geodesics, serves for me as the 'technology' that takes us from Hilbert to Minkowski space. What is missing here is another common perception, closely related to the creation of space, that we need the quantum field theoretical quantum harmonic oscillator to explain the creation and annihilation of particles made possible by special relativity and the equation of mass and energy. This led me to a repeat of the scenario on §7 The Mathematical Community with the role of the mathematical field in the creation of mathematics as an analogy of the field in quantum field theory. The new scenario, the theological community, also deals with creation and annihilation in a field where the particles are people and the theologians, as advisors to the ruling power, use their connection to the divinity to decide who is to live and reproduce and who is to die, since most imperial activities comprise facilitating the lives of their chosen people while practising one form or genocide or another on the rest, often the indigenous inhabitants of lush pastures who need to be removed to appropriate the resource for us. This is

[page 59]

a reflection of the role of religion in war and politics. Although military killing has been in the past a divinely glorified approach to the success of a group seeking power, we have done much to outlaw it in democratic politics and economic competition by expanding various imperiums by less violent means which do not so much require killing as redirecting the activities of people into new streams by education and legislation. The ancient religions have nevertheless long histories of conquest by killing which have led to the global supremacy of a minimal number of religious tribes, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists etc. As an exercise in scale invariance, the study of theological and political communities gives us a further insight into the roles of creation and annihilation in field theory Modern societies have softened ancient methodology by sacking rather than murdering unwanted agents and by incarcerating and fining rather than executing those held to have broken the law. Our ancient scripture, Exodus 20 sqq. presents a clear example, through the characters Moses and Yahweh, of the murder of unbelievers.

It is generally agreed that the graviton, if it exists, will have spin 2 in order to fit in with the stress-energy tensor of gravitation, and we would like to get the Dirac equation into the picture because it very conveniently comprises 4 linear first order wave equations which we take to be independent and orthogonal representing spin ½ fermions. It also seems convenient that 4 × ½ = 2, so we may think of the graviton as a compound particle (a bit like the helium nucleus) of 4 fermions. One problem that arises is the enormous discrepancy between the gravitational constant Gand the electrical constant ε which becomes an issue because all spin ½ particles are charged. Nevertheless the Dirac equation (once again) conveniently describes 4 particles, electron, positron and their antiparticles, which fit in with the zero bifurcation principle and in effect add up to a single spin 1 bose particle, the photon. There is a rich field for speculation, here which seems to be associated with the electrical properties of spacetime embodied in the photon [pointed out by Maxwell]

[page 60]

and the grail which Einstein and Weyl sought of finding the symmetry embodied in space between electromagnetism and gravitation. In the interests of reckless theologico-physical speculation and possible solution in the second edition of this essay I will head straight for a cognitive interpretation of QCD and leave this at that.

A further problem arises because electrons are massive and so cannot follow null geodesics, but an old idea, that gravitation is so primitive that it is in effect naked amplitude, a realization of quantum theory that has as yet to break through into spacetime and when it does impresses the structure of gravitational spacetime, as described by Einstein, on the emergent universe [here we are guided by the utility of non-Abelian continuous groups in both particle physics and gravitation]. This structure is to be imposed by fixed point theory on quantum mechanics in the amplitude regime where the gamma [matrices] are not yet necessary to establish the orthogonality of the solutions to the primitive Dirac equation. [This is] forged of pure quantum mechanics, before the advent of spacetime and massive particles, when contact is the realization of what was to become in the emergence of spacetime the null geodesics stretching across the universe from the first moment to the present entangling the present with the initial singularity via contact made possible by the non-existence of space. Dream on. Is there a payoff here for the new degree of freedom between Hilbert and Minkowski? The question is how much structure [can be] based on frequency differentiation in Hilbert space? Fourier analysis suggests that given frequency and phase we can represent any function if we go to infinite frequencies and continuous phases. But how are these to be represented? In particles? So what is so special about a particle? It is a fixed point, therefore durable, and the durability of the universe comes, via fixed point theory, from the convexity and compactness demanded by non contradiction, the root of both eternity and perpetual motion.

[page 61]

Thursday 7 October 2021

We now come to an impasse which has stopped physics and physicists in their tracks, the barrier to unification, the gap between the electrical world and the gravitational world that stopped Einstein and Weyl and leaves the standard model helpless in the face of gravitation. What is the symmetry that unites these two faces of the world that we know so well through space travel and electrical technology, and how is this symmetry broken to generate these two disparate worlds? Our first guess that the symmetry and the break are present in the first moments of creation. Can quantum mechanics explain them, or do we need to go deeper into the heart of God? How does this relate to the fact that my family have crucified me, which I can see as an element of a shadow of a very old event celebrated in the glorification of war, which seems to be one of the deepest elements of all cultures, a consequence of the zero sum algorithm built into evolution: I can only live if you die. Walt Whitman: I sing the Body Electric, Leaves of Grass (1855)

So the best we have to date are superstrings. Do they help? Finally time to read Kaku. Kaku (1998): Introduction to Superstrings and M-Theory

Kaku page vii: 'Superstrings apparently solve a problem that has defied solution for the past 50 years, namely the unification of . . . quantum field theory and gravitation.

1968 Veneziano & Suzuki Beta function written by Leonhard Euler Veneziano amplitude - Wikipedia

page viii: Three themes: path integrals; second quantization; duality

page ix: Appendix: Lie groups, general relativity; supersymmetry; supergravity

'We emphasize that the method of path integrals forms the foundation of this book . . . '

page 3: QFT works down to 10-17 metre, gravitation 1040 greater.

[page 63]

Kaku page 4: ' . . . clear that the secret to [the mysterious incompatibility of quantum field theory and gravitation] most likely lies in the power of gauge symmetry

' Superstrings possess by far the largest set of gauge symmetries ever found in physics . . ..

page 5: ' The secrets of the [string] model, at its most fundamental level, are still being pried loose.'

page 6: Two simple geometrical statements: (1) Global Symmetry; [requires broadcast communication] (2) Local Symmetry [requires addressed communication]. Kaku says 'Remarkably Yang-Mills theory and gravity theory are the unique solutions to these statements.' (?)

All this palaver is based on the assumption that QFT makes any sense, all of which is based on the infinite energy of the 'vacuum'.

blah, blah, blah — superstring theory is built in spacetime and depends on trying to use ever more complex groups to renormalize the theory. The answer may be to get rid of point particles, infinite zero point energies and perturbative methods and make a simple logical universe that computes itself along through time in a Hamiltonian sort of way [because the Lagangian approach assumes that nothing happens between beginning and end so that we can integrate across it without any of the local detail that can live in a Hamiltonian matrix]. What we need is a list of all the new freedoms gained by assuming that Hilbert space is independent of spacetime.


1. gauge theory = contact in Hilbert space = null geodesic in spacetime.

2. boson vs fermion = in phase vs out of phase contact.

3. space and particles are created whenever state vectors [(Schrödinger picture), transformation operators (Heisenberg picture)] with a common eigenvector come into contact. Schroedinger picture - Wikipedia, Heisenberg picture - Wikipedia

4. Hilbert space is in continual motion whose fixed points are the particles that appear in Minkowski space.

[page 63]

5. There is no 'space' in Hilbert space so the size of particles is irrelevant here and only has meaning when a particle appears in Minkowski space.

6. There is only energy, no mass, in Hilbert space so mass of particles is irrelevant until they enter Minkowski space where energy becomes mass where speed of particles [viewed from the outside] is less than c [while the mass itself arises from energy trapped in null geodesics inside the particles. See Wilczek on mass of baryons; when I read this book I see that my ideas are not so outlandish after all!] Frank Wilczek (2008): The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces

7. All bosons work by contact in Hilbert space which becomes null geodesic in Minkowski space.

8. Fermions interact by contact in Hilbert space and acquire mass (and charge?) when the enter Minkowski space as fixed points.

9. Patch of space comes into existence with materialization of fermion which is in effect the manifestation of the electric charge of the fermion and accounts for the electrical properties of space and the electrical interaction of fermions by gauge particles.

10. Going the other way, two particles in Minkowski space must make contact to initiate a quantum interaction. These interactions may initiate themselves spontaneously [in Hilbert space].

11. Since the transformations between Hilbert and Minkowski space always involve electric charge, we must conclude that gravitation is in effect a feature of 'naked' Hilbert space, maybe the graviton does not exist, but in some way the fixed points of the initial singularity establish general relativity as a Lie group.

Maybe [something like] this scenario will help us to avoid the complexities of string theory which sounds very much like a mathematical solution in need of a problem. Mathematics is very useful for filling in the details of a story once it is developed, but it seems that mathematical modelling begin with some linguistically expressed concepts

[page 64]

of what we are imagining before the application of mathematics begins. Bohr, for instance, had to reject the idea that a moving electron radiates and loses energy before he could develop the concept of stable electronic orbits using the fact that Planck's constant has the dimensions of angular momentum and that a stable orbit is a standing wave with an integral number of complete cycles in each stable orbit. Given these ideas, the first mathematical model of an atom with a single electron in orbit began to make sense until the problem of two electrons with similar parameters arose, exclusion principle and so on. 6.15 am, first driving mission for the day complete, read news, think about this, have a snooze, climb Mount Lofty, drive and back to here.

From Kaku page 4:

' Superstrings possess by far the largest set of gauge symmetries ever found in physics . . ..

Kaku seems to think that this is a good thing (brought about by using ever more gauge groups) because it increases the probability of renormalizing the infinities appearing when we try to make a quantized field theory of gravitation. I am inclined to see this as a mistake because we are talking about the first moments of the initial singularity when things should be simple. The naked amplitude idea seems to have a certain attraction because it makes gravitation the midwife to space and we just have to see how fixed point theory applied to the initial singularity singles out amplitudes that manifest as the 4D curved spacetime that we live in. We must remember that here we are inside the initial singularity.

Time doesn't stop. It is the life of god, the power of god, energeia, entelecheia

Friday 8 October 2021

The symmetry that joins gravitation to electrodynamics has to be logic, but making the connection escapes me still.

What are all the people doing? What is the world doing? A lot of

[page 65]

the people are not taking any notice of the world because they are insulated in a thick fatty layer of ancient myth. My tiny contribution is to try to cut through the fat to a clear view of the practical theological implications of scientific theology. My current obstacle seems to be superstring theory which is a form of mathematical mythology, a twenty six dimensional drama intended to explain a world which is in its heart and soul an absolutely simple, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent divinity. My problem is to express these old ideas in a way that shows that they are consistent with the seething, violent and uncertain world that we live in. Here I am following in the footsteps of Plato and Parmenides who were trying to endow the world with a central core of certainty which we can rely on. We know now that we can rely on physics to tell us all we need to know about everything from biology to climate change, but we need to listen and we need to make the vision simple enough to attract listeners. Christianity works because it is a familiar story with familiar characters. Somehow we have to do the same with the world that sustains us. Scientific theology chapter 6 Creating our new divine world needs to be updated to reflect this.

Saturday 9 October 2021

The specific sign of our divinity is agency, the ability to act to facilitate our lives. In modern society this correlates closely with political power which has a strong correlation with wealth so we think that the rich are more able to get their own way than the poor and so they are in effect closer to divinity. So it has been with the magnificent rulers of the world who are wealthy enough to buy themselves military force and have a tendency to declare themselves divine, Augustus / Augusta / August . . .. Perhaps the most general definition of equality is equivalence of agency which might be measured by entropy or information. The most general role of creation is to create entropy and in the human world to share it around equally. This is the point I was tryingg to make in my essay on metaethics. Jeffrey Nicholls (2019a): Entropy and Metaethics

Kaku page 51: So the plan seems to be to use strings as

[page 66]

little local harmonic oscillators in place of particles (which could easily be harmonic oscillators ie quanta of action).

Kaku page 52: We now define action as the surface area of the world sheet. So? In the particle case, the action of a particle is simply h [spin 1, spin ±½].

page 53: The big thing: graphs [Feynman] → manifold ['world sheet', Lie group]. In the network picture a manifold is simply a graph taken to the continuous limit.

Ivan Todorov: Ivan Todorov: "Quantization is a mystery"

Todorov page 4: Planck proposed indistinguishable quanta of energy [but particular photons are emitted at particular times and can be detected individually, thus becoming distinguished in spacetime.

Jordon proves "Heisenberg commutation relation 2πi(pq - qp) = h.

Page 6: ' Heisenberg; "If one finds a difficulty in a calculation which is otherwise quite convincing one should not push the difficulty away; one should rather try to make it the centre of the whole thing".'

Schrödinger "Quantization as an eigenvalue problem" [ie seeking the fixed point of an operator].

page 7: Ludwig Fadeev: "quantization is an art." From a mathematician's point of view.' In the theory of communication and computation it is de rigeur.

page 10: ' The language of categories'
Category is non-intersecting sets of maps.
Functor: maps between categories, eg from topological spaces to groups.

[page 67]

Todorov page 10: ' A Kähler manifold is a Riemannian manifold with a compatible complex structure.

page 15: We are looking for a prequantization map P : A ≈ PA where PA is an operator algebra of "prequantum observables" acting on [Hilbert space] H and satisfying

(i) P(f) is linear in f and P(1) = 1, Hilbert identity operator.

(ii) it maps the Lie algebra of Poisson brackets into a commutator algebra. Lie Algebra - Wikipedia, Poisson bracket - Wikipedia, Commutator - Wikipedia

(iii) P(f)* = P(f) for real smooth functions f(p, q).

page 18: From prequantization to quantization John Baez: ' "Now it doesn't seem to be true that God created a classical universe on the first day and then quantized it on the second day [BUT is might be true that they created a quantized universe on the first day and used it to create a classical universe on the second day.

Fadeev: ' ". . . prequantization seems to provide a nice map . . . to Hilbert spaces . . . so that (i), (ii), (iii) are satisfied . . . but . . . the resulting prequantized algebra and the corresponding Hilbert space are too big." '

page 9: 2. Introduction to geometric quantization (a mistake, logical quantization better).

' We begin with Baez; explanation of why quantization is a mystery : "Mathematically, if quantization were 'natural' it would have been a functor from the category Symp whose objects are symplectic manifolds (= phase spaces) and whose morphisms are symplectic maps (= canonical transformations) to the category Hilb whose objects are Hilbert spaces and whose morphism are unitary operators".'

Its seems that this way of mapping Minkowski space to Hilbert space does not work too well since the collapse of the wave function on observation seems to indicate that Hilbert space is bigger than Minkowski.

God is love, divine potential

Another suasio that Hilbert space is bigger than Minkowski space arises from the strand of faith in the world of quantum computation that the 'hidden information' in quantum superpositions such as the qubit |q> = a|0> + b|1> where a and b are complex numbers may give a quantum computer more power than a Turing machine. I am not inclined to take this argument seriously because of the measurement bottleneck created by the collapse of the wave function but it nevertheless suggests that Hilbert space viewed through the eyes of computation may be greater than Turing space. In Todorov's article we might note that the set of Turing computable functions is greater than any category or set of functors between categories, or at least has the same power as these sets. I feel more strongly than ever that it is a mistake to see Minkowski space as the domain of Hilbert space.

So back to Kaku:


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Further reading


Aristotle, and H Tredennick (translator), Metaphysics I-IX , Harvard University Press, William Heinemann 1980 Introduction: "[Aristotle] felt that there must be a regular system of sciences, each concerned with a different aspect of reality. At the same time it was only reasonable to suppose that there was a supreme science which was more ultimate, more exact, more truly Wisdom than the others. The discussion of ths science - Wisdom, Primary Philosophy or Theology, as it is variously called - and of its scope, forms the subject of the Metaphysics' page xxv. 

Farman-Farmaian, Sattareh, Daughter of Persia: A Woman's Journey from Her Father's Harem through the Islamic Revolution, Corgi Books 1993 From Publishers Weekly 'As founder in 1958 of the Tehranok/per book School of Social Work, Sattareh naively believed, "If one only avoided politics, one could achieve something constructive." After two decades of humanitarian efforts in Iranian family planning, day care, vocational programs and aid to the poor and prisoners' families, she was arrested in 1979 by Khomeini's machine-gun-toting teenage minions. Branded an "imperialist," she narrowly escaped execution and now lives in the U.S. The 15th of 36 children, Sattareh revered and feared her "all-powerful" father, a prince and governor. This dramatic if restrained autobiography, written with freelancer Munker, describes her patriarchal upbringing and her education at UCLA. She belatedly realized that "keeping our mouths shut let the Shah do what he wanted." Her memoir is actually most effective as a political document. She powerfully condemns the Eisenhower-backed coup that toppled democratic premier Mossadegh and installed ruthless dicatator Reza Shah Pahlavi, whose fascist secret police were trained and financed by the CIA. The Shah's corrupt, unjust regime, she graphically demonstrates, fueled explosive resentment that found an outlet in Khomeini's fanaticism.' Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc 

Feynman, Richard P, and Albert P Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, McGraw Hill 1965 Preface: 'The fundamental physical and mathematical concepts which underlie the path integral approach were first developed by R P Feynman in the course of his graduate studies at Princeton, ... . These early inquiries were involved with the problem of the infinite self-energy of the electron. In working on that problem, a "least action" principle was discovered [which] could deal successfully with the infinity arising in the application of classical electrodynamics.' As described in this book. Feynman, inspired by Dirac, went on the develop this insight into a fruitful source of solutions to many quantum mechanical problems.  

Kaku (1998), Michio, Introduction to Superstrings and M-Theory (Graduate Texts in Contemporary Physics), Springer 1998 ' Called by some "the theory of everything," superstrings may solve a problem which has eluded physicists for the past 50 years -- the final unification of the two great theories of the twentieth century, general relativity and quantum field theory. This is a course-tested comprehensive introductory graduate text on superstrings which stresses the most current areas of interest, not covered in other presentation, including: string field theory, multi loops, Teichmueller spaces, conformal field theory, and four-dimensional strings. The book begins with a simple discussion of point particle theory, and uses the Feynman path integral technique to unify the presentation of superstrings. Prerequisites are an aquaintance with quantum mechanics and relativity. This second edition has been revised and updated throughout.' 

O'Murchu (1997), Diarmuid, Quantum Theology : Spiritual Implications of the New Physics, Crossroad Publishing Company 1997 Jacket: 'For quantum theorists, the fact that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts underpins all reality. "This is not merely a scientific principle of immense significance for our times" writes DO'M, "it is also a theological norm, known to mystics for centuries and now maturing into the supreme wisdom of our age."' 

Pais (1982), Abraham, 'Subtle is the Lord...': The Science and Life of Albert Einstein, Oxford UP 1982 Jacket: In this . . . major work Abraham Pais, himself an eminent physicist who worked alongside Einstein in the post-war years, traces the development of Einstein's entire ouvre. . . . Running through the book is a completely non-scientific biography . . . including many letters which appear in English for the first time, as well as other information not published before.' [Raffiniert ist der Herr Gott, aber boshaft is er nicht] 

Polkinghorne (2008), John, Quantum Physics and Theology: An Unexpected Kinship, Yale University Press 2008 Amazon Product Description 'Despite the differences of their subject matter, science and theology have a cousinly relationship, John Polkinghorne contends in his latest thought-provoking book.  From his unique perspective as both theoretical physicist and Anglican priest, Polkinghorne considers aspects of quantum physics and theology and demonstrates that the two truth-seeking enterprises are engaged in analogous rational techniques of inquiry. His exploration of the deep connections between science and theology shows with new clarity a common kinship in the search for truth.   The author identifies and explores key similarities in quantum physics and Christology. Among the many parallels he identifies are patterns of historical development in quantum physics and in Christology; wrestling with perplexities such as quantum interpretation and the problem of evil; and the drive for an overarching view in the Grand Unified Theories of physics and in Trinitarian theology. Both theology and science are propelled by a desire to understand the world through experienced reality, and Polkinghorne explains that their viewpoints are by no means mutually exclusive.' 

Seymour-Smith, Martin, Robert Graves: His Life and Work, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 1995 Introduction: 'Robert graves is unique in English letters: in his paradoxical versatility -- as brilliantly successful popular historical novelist, eccentric but erudite mythographer, translator, pungent and outspoken critic, and as arrogant poet oblivious to pubic opinion -- and in his lifelong refusal to conform. It is of course as a poet that he will be chiefly remembered, and by general readers as well as by critics, who are certain to accord him major status (a phrase he hates). But he will be remembered too as a man, as a personality and perhaps as a kind of prophet of 'the Return of the Goddess'.' 

Shuster, W Morgan, The Strangling of Persia, Higgins Press 1912, 2008 Review: "Outside Iran, hardly anyone recalls W. Morgan Shuster, or the 1907 Anglo-Russian agreement. Yet what happened then helps explain how Russia was shut out of the Persian Gulf and why Iranians behave as they do today. Before that pact, Iranians looked upon Russia as a traditional enemy and Britain as a well-meaning friend. Britain had aimed to keep all rivals, especially Russia, away from approaches to India, notably the Persian Gulf. The gulf was virtually a British lake, charted, mapped and cleared of pirates by the British Navy... Hardly had he arrived when Shuster became embroiled in a dispute with Russia over customs policy. He asked for, and was given, plenary powers, by Iran's national assembly. Czarist armies were soon marching on Tehran, demanding Shuster's removal. An embarrassed Britain, citing the 1907 pact, came to Russia's support. Shuster departed but then wrote a forceful book, The Strangling of Persia." -- The New York Times 

Whitehead (1910, 1962), Alfred North, and Bertrand Arthur Russell, Principia Mathematica (Cambridge Mathematical Library), Cambridge University Press 1910, 1962 The great three-volume Principia Mathematica is deservedly the most famous work ever written on the foundations of mathematics. Its aim is to deduce all the fundamental propositions of logic and mathematics from a small number of logical premisses and primitive ideas, and so to prove that mathematics is a development of logic. Not long after it was published, Goedel showed that the project could not completely succeed, but that in any system, such as arithmetic, there were true propositions that could not be proved.  

Wilczek (2008), Frank, The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces, Basic Books 2008 ' In this excursion to the outer limits of particle physics, Wilczek explores what quarks and gluons, which compose protons and neutrons, reveal about the manifestation of mass and gravity. A corecipient of the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics, Wilczek knows what he’s writing about; the question is, will general science readers? Happily, they know what the strong interaction is (the forces that bind the nucleus), and in Wilczek, they have a jovial guide who adheres to trade publishing’s belief that a successful physics title will not include too many equations. Despite this injunction (against which he lightly protests), Wilczek delivers an approachable verbal picture of what quarks and gluons are doing inside a proton that gives rise to mass and, hence, gravity. Casting the light-speed lives of quarks against “the Grid,” Wilczek’s term for the vacuum that theoretically seethes with quantum activity, Wilczek exudes a contagious excitement for discovery. A near-obligatory acquisition for circulating physics collections.' --Gilbert Taylor  

Zee, Anthony, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, Princeton University Press 2003 Amazon book description: 'An esteemed researcher and acclaimed popular author takes up the challenge of providing a clear, relatively brief, and fully up-to-date introduction to one of the most vital but notoriously difficult subjects in theoretical physics. A quantum field theory text for the twenty-first century, this book makes the essential tool of modern theoretical physics available to any student who has completed a course on quantum mechanics and is eager to go on. Quantum field theory was invented to deal simultaneously with special relativity and quantum mechanics, the two greatest discoveries of early twentieth-century physics, but it has become increasingly important to many areas of physics. These days, physicists turn to quantum field theory to describe a multitude of phenomena. Stressing critical ideas and insights, Zee uses numerous examples to lead students to a true conceptual understanding of quantum field theory--what it means and what it can do. He covers an unusually diverse range of topics, including various contemporary developments,while guiding readers through thoughtfully designed problems. In contrast to previous texts, Zee incorporates gravity from the outset and discusses the innovative use of quantum field theory in modern condensed matter theory. Without a solid understanding of quantum field theory, no student can claim to have mastered contemporary theoretical physics. Offering a remarkably accessible conceptual introduction, this text will be widely welcomed and used.  


Abelian group - Wikipedia, Abelian group - Wikipedia, 'An abelian group, also called a commutative group, is a group satisfying the requirement that the product of elements does not depend on their order (the axiom of commutativity). Abelian groups generalize the arithmetic of addition of integers; they are named after Niels Henrik Abel.' back

AFP, ‘Thousands of paedophiles’ in French Catholic Church since 1950, ' The commission’s research had uncovered between 2,900 and 3,200 paedophile priests or other members of the church, Jean-Marc Sauve told the AFP news agency on Sunday, adding that it was “a minimum estimate”. The commission’s report is due to be released on Tuesday after two and a half years of research based on church, court and police archives, as well as interviews with witnesses. The report, which Sauve said is 2,500 pages long, will attempt to quantify the number of offenders and the number of victims.' back

Al Jazeera, The 33-year-old woman who left Taipei to become a shaman, ' The Laiyi Indigenous Museum nearby has exhibits on hand tattoos, a custom outlawed by the Japanese and later the Republic of China government, which mandated cultural assimilation. Since Taiwan’s democratic transition in the 1990s, however, the government has helped lead a national resurgence in Taiwan’s Indigenous culture from rewriting school textbooks to funding museums and heritage sites. Indigenous studies is now a major academic discipline and five years ago, following the election of President Tsai Ing-wen, the government established the Presidential Office Indigenous Historical Justice and Transitional Justice Committee.' back

Anglo-Persian Oil Company - Wikipedia, Anglo-Persian Oil Company - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) was founded in 1908 following the discovery of a large oil field in Masjed Soleiman, Iran. It was the first company to extract petroleum from the Middle East. In 1935 APOC was renamed the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) and in 1954 it became the British Petroleum Company (BP), one of the antecedents of the modern BP plc.' back

Aquinas 13, Summa: I 2 3: Does God exist?, I answer that the existence of God can be proved in five ways. The first and more manifest way is the argument from motion. . . . The second way is from the nature of the efficient cause. . . . The third way is taken from possibility and necessity . . . The fourth way is taken from the gradation to be found in things. . . . The fifth way is taken from the governance of the world. back

Aquinas 13 (Latin), Summa: I 2 3: Whether God exists?, 'Respondeo dicendum quod Deum esse quinque viis probari potest. Prima autem et manifestior via est, quae sumitur ex parte motus. Certum est enim, et sensu constat, aliqua moveri in hoc mundo. Omne autem quod movetur, ab alio movetur. Nihil enim movetur, nisi secundum quod est in potentia ad illud ad quod movetur, movet autem aliquid secundum quod est actu. Movere enim nihil aliud est quam educere aliquid de potentia in actum, de potentia autem non potest aliquid reduci in actum, nisi per aliquod ens in actu, sicut calidum in actu, ut ignis, facit lignum, quod est calidum in potentia, esse actu calidum, et per hoc movet et alterat ipsum. Non autem est possibile ut idem sit simul in actu et potentia secundum idem, sed solum secundum diversa, quod enim est calidum in actu, non potest simul esse calidum in potentia, sed est simul frigidum in potentia. Impossibile est ergo quod, secundum idem et eodem modo, aliquid sit movens et motum, vel quod moveat seipsum. Omne ergo quod movetur, oportet ab alio moveri. Si ergo id a quo movetur, moveatur, oportet et ipsum ab alio moveri et illud ab alio. Hic autem non est procedere in infinitum, quia sic non esset aliquod primum movens; et per consequens nec aliquod aliud movens, quia moventia secunda non movent nisi per hoc quod sunt mota a primo movente, sicut baculus non movet nisi per hoc quod est motus a manu. Ergo necesse est devenire ad aliquod primum movens, quod a nullo movetur, et hoc omnes intelligunt Deum.' back

BP - Wikipedia, BP - Wikipedia, 'BP p.l.c. . . . is a global oil and gas company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the third largest energy company and the fourth largest company in the world measured by revenues and is one of the six oil and gas "supermajors"." back

Commutator - Wikipedia, Commutator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In mathematics, the commutator gives an indication of the extent to which a certain binary operation fails to be commutative. There are different definitions used in group theory and ring theory. . . . The commutator of two operators acting on a Hilbert space is a central concept in quantum mechanics, since it quantifies how well the two observables described by these operators can be measured simultaneously.' back

Emmy Noether & Daniel Berlyne, Ideal Theory in Rings (Translation of "Idealtheorie in Ringbereichen" by Emmy Noether), ' This paper is a translation of the paper "Idealtheorie in Ringbereichen", written by Emmy Noether in 1920, from the original German into English. It in particular brings the language used into the modern world so that it is easily understandable by the mathematicians of today. The paper itself deals with ideal theory, and was revolutionary in its field, that is modern algebra. Topics covered include: the representation of an ideal as the least common multiple of irreducible ideals; the representation of an ideal as the least common multiple of maximal primary ideals; the association of prime ideals with primary ideals; the representation of an ideal as the least common multiple of relatively prime irreducible ideals; isolated ideals; the representation of an ideal as the product of coprime irreducible ideals; equivalent concepts regarding modules.' back

Erin Woo, Key takeaways from the fourth week of the Elizabeth Holmes trial., ' SAN JOSE, Calif. — The fourth week of the fraud trial of Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes lacked star power, but jurors got their most detailed look yet at how medical tests from the failed blood-testing start-up were plagued with inaccuracies. . . . But this week, jurors mainly heard intricate technical accounts of the problems with Theranos’s blood tests. Just two witnesses, both scientists, testified as prosecutors sought to show that Ms. Holmes had intentionally misled investors and others on her start-up’s track record.' back

Ferdowsi - Wikipedia, Ferdowsi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Hakīm Abu'l-Qāsim Firdawsī Tūsī (Persian: حکیم ابوالقاسم فردوسی توسی), more commonly transliterated as Ferdowsi (or Firdausi), (940–1020) is a highly revered Persian poet. He was the author of the Shāhnāmeh, the national epic of Persian people and of the Iranian World. . . .

Ferdowsi is one of the undisputed giants of Persian literature. After Ferdowsi's Shāhnāmeh a number of other works similar in nature surfaced over the centuries within the cultural sphere of the Persian language. Without exception, all such works were based in style and method on Ferdowsi's Shāhnāmeh, but none of them could quite achieve the same degree of fame and popularity as Ferdowsi's masterpiece.' back

Heisenberg picture - Wikipedia, Heisenberg picture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physics, the Heisenberg picture (also called the Heisenberg representation) is a formulation (largely due to Werner Heisenberg in 1925) of quantum mechanics in which the operators (observables and others) incorporate a dependency on time, but the state vectors are time-independent, an arbitrary fixed basis rigidly underlying the theory.' back

Ivan Todorov, "Quantization is a mystery", ' Abstract: topics in quantization theory (addressed to students that are not com- plete novices in quantum mechanics). After recalling in the introduction the early stages of the quan- tum revolution, and recapitulating in Sect. 2.1 some basic notions of symplectic geometry, we survey in Sect. 2.2 the so called prequantization thus preparing the ground for an outline of geometric quantization (Sect. 2.3). In Sect. 3 we apply the general theory to the study of basic examples of quantization of K ̈ahler manifolds. In Sect. 4 we review the Weyl and Wigner maps and the work of Groenewold and Moyal that laid the foundations of quantum mechanics in phase space, ending with a brief survey of the modern development of deformation quantization. Sect. 5 provides a review of second quantization and its mathematical interpretation. We point out that the treatment of (nonrelativistic) bound states requires going beyond the neat mathematical formalization of the concept of second quantization. An appendix is devoted to Pascual Jordan, the least known among the creators of quantum mechanics and the chief architect of the “theory of quantized matter waves”. back

Jeffrey Nicholls (2019a), Entropy and Metaethics, ' If we reject divine revelation as the foundation for morality we must find our grounds within the universe, which is tantamount to the naturalization of morality. So the question becomes 'how does nature embrace spirit as the sovereign ground for moral value?' . . . I propose an answer in terms of what Einstein considered to be the most fundamental and irrefutable law of nature, the second law of thermodynamics, which expresses the fact that entropy almost never decreases. In a more morally relevant frame, this law expresses the fact that the universe is inherently creative. Human spirituality, whatever it may be, has emerged from the natural world.' back

Lie Algebra - Wikipedia, Lie Algebra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematics, a Lie algebra . . . is an algebraic structure whose main use is in studying geometric objects such as Lie groups and differentiable manifolds. Lie algebras were introduced to study the concept of infinitesimal transformations. The term "Lie algebra" (after Sophus Lie) was introduced by Hermann Weyl in the 1930s. In older texts, the name "infinitesimal group" is used.' back

Lizzy Attree, Nobel Prize winner Abdulrazak Gurnah: an introduction to the man and his writing, ' Abdulrazak Gurnah is a Tanzanian writer who writes in English and lives and works in the UK. He was born in Zanzibar, the semi-autonomous island off the east African coast, and studied at Christchurch College Canterbury in 1968. Zanzibar underwent a revolution in 1964 in which citizens of Arab origin were persecuted. Gurnah was forced to flee the country when he was 18. He began to write in English as a 21-year-old refugee in England, although Kiswahili is his first language. His first novel, Memory of Departure, was published in 1987.' back

Ofer Aderet, 'I Shot Hundreds of Jews That Day': Babi Yar Perpetrators' Testimonies Revealed , ' Marking the 80th anniversary of the slaughter of some 33,000 Jews in Babi Yar, in Ukraine, testimonies by some of the perpetrators were released to the public for the first time on Wednesday. “On that day I may have shot some 150 to 250 Jews. The whole shooting episode went off without a hitch. The Jews surrendered to their fate like sheep to the slaughter,” reads the description of the slaughter by SS man by the name of Viktor Trill. “I saw a huge hole that looked like a riverbed that had dried up. Inside it were layers of bodies. The Jews had to lie down on the bodies and were shot in the neck".' back

Patti Smith Group, Because the Night, Take me now baby here as I am
Pull me close, try and understand
Desire is hunger is the fire I breathe
Love is a banquet on which we feed

Come on now try and understand
The way I feel when I'm in your hands
Take my hand come undercover
They can't hurt you now,
Can't hurt you now, can't hurt you now
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to lust
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us

Have I doubt when I'm alone
Love is a ring, the telephone
Love is an angel disguised as lust
Here in our bed until the morning comes
Come on now try and understand
The way I feel under your command
Take my hand as the sun descends
They can't touch you now,
Can't touch you now, can't touch you now
Because the night belongs to lovers ...

With love we sleep
With doubt the vicious circle
Turn and burns
Without you I cannot live
Forgive, the yearning burning
I believe it's time, too real to feel
So touch me now, touch me now, touch me now
Because the night belongs to lovers ...

Because tonight there are two lovers
If we believe in the night we trust
Because tonight there are two lovers ...

Patti Smith, Bruce Springsteen & U2, Because the Night, 'Take me now baby here as I am
pull me close, try and understand
desire is hunger is the fire I breathe
love is a banquet on which we feed

come on now try and understand
the way I feel when I'm in your hands
take my hand come undercover
they can't hurt you now,
can't hurt you now, can't hurt you now
because the night belongs to lovers
because the night belongs to lust
because the night belongs to lovers
because the night belongs to us

have I doubt when I'm alone
love is a ring, the telephone
love is an angel disguised as lust
here in our bed until the morning comes
come on now try and understand
the way I feel under your command
take my hand as the sun descends
they can't touch you now,
can't touch you now, can't touch you now
because the night belongs to lovers ...

with love we sleep
with doubt the vicious circle
turn and burns
without you I cannot live
forgive, the yearning burning
I believe it's time, too real to feel
so touch me now, touch me now, touch me now
because the night belongs to lovers ...

because tonight there are two lovers
if we believe in the night we trust
because tonight there are two lovers ...

Phil Kay, 'Sops to Humanity', ' We currently claim the right to exercise violence in broad swathes of the world. We have extremely limited contact with, or understanding of, the societies where that violence is happening. War waged like this is not politics by other means, but something more disturbingly akin to pest control—an endless series of deaths meted out to the members of those societies we find most troubling (which under the last administration could mean anyone carrying a two-way radio or wearing a tactical vest). When the anthropologist Hugh Gusterson did fieldwork in Waziristan, a poor region of Pakistan where drones have been deployed for more than a decade, he found people trapped in the “living death” of “fear as a way of life,” in which above every moment hangs the possibility of a drone strike or special-operations raid. ' back

Pleroma - Wikipedia, Pleroma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Pleroma (Greek πλήρωμα) generally refers to the totality of divine powers. The word means fullness from πληρόω ("I fill") comparable to πλήρης which means "full", and is used in Christian theological contexts: both in Gnosticism generally, and by St. Paul the Apostle in Colossians 2:9 (the word is used 17 times in the NT).[2] Pleroma is also used in the general Greek language and is used by the Greek Orthodox Church in this general form since the word appears in the book of Colossians. Elaine Pagels of Princeton University, view the reference in Colossians as something that was to be interpreted in the Gnostic sense.' back

Poisson bracket - Wikipedia, Poisson bracket - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, 'IIn mathematics and classical mechanics, the Poisson bracket is an important binary operation in Hamiltonian mechanics, playing a central role in Hamilton's equations of motion, which govern the time-evolution of a Hamiltonian dynamical system . . . In a more general sense: the Poisson bracket is used to define a Poisson algebra, of which the algebra of functions on a Poisson manifold is a special case. These are all named in honour of Siméon-Denis Poisson.' back

Rick Noack, Catholic clergy in France likely abused more than 200,000 minors, independent commission estimates, ' The Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church, set up over two years ago with the approval of French church officials, examined abuse allegations over the past seven decades. Commission leader Jean-Marc Sauvé said his team had identified only a small percentage of victims, but academic research and other sources meant that the real number is likely around 216,000, or even around 330,000 if one includes sexual abuse by lay members. The vast majority of the victims were male, according to the report. The authors cautioned that the margin of error could be several tens of thousands.' back

Ring (mathematics) - Wikipedia, Ring (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In mathematics, rings are algebraic structures that generalize fields: multiplication need not be commutative and multiplicative inverses need not exist. In other words, a ring is a set equipped with two binary operations satisfying properties analogous to those of addition and multiplication of integers. Ring elements may be numbers such as integers or complex numbers, but they may also be non-numerical objects such as polynomials, square matrices, functions, and power series. Formally, a ring is an abelian group whose operation is called addition, with a second binary operation called multiplication that is associative, is distributive over the addition operation, and has an identity element (this last property is not required by some authors.' back

Ronnie Linder, At 34, This Israeli-Arab Surgeon Is an Expert in One of Medicine’s Most Prestigious Spheres , ' There are clear reasons that induce young Arabs to flock to the health care industry. “The medical professions are generally in the public arena, to which the terms of admission are a degree and a certificate. In high-tech, however, it’s not enough to have an engineering degree, you need connections such as [having served in the army’s intelligence unit] 8200, and also ‘soft’ skills that are less present in the Arab population,” explains Dr. Marian Tehawkho, director of the Center for Economic Policy of the Israeli Arab Society, part of the Aaron Institute at Reichman University (formerly the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya).' back

Roz Pidcock, The most influential climate change papers of all time, ' What do you consider to be the three most influential papers in the field of climate change? . . . With eight nominations, a seminal paper by Syukuro Manabe and Richard. T. Wetherald published in the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences in 1967 tops the Carbon Brief poll as the IPCC scientists’ top choice for the most influential climate change paper of all time. Entitled, “Thermal Equilibrium of the Atmosphere with a Given Distribution of Relative Humidity”, the work was the first to represent the fundamental elements of the Earth’s climate in a computer model, and to explore what doubling carbon dioxide (CO2) would do to global temperature.' back

Rydberg-Ritz combination principle - Wikipedia, Rydberg-Ritz combination principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Rydberg-Ritz Combination Principle is the theory proposed by Walter Ritz in 1908 to explain relationship of the spectral lines for all atoms. The principle states that the spectral lines of any element include frequencies that are either the sum or the difference of the frequencies of two other lines.' back

Schroedinger picture - Wikipedia, Schroedinger picture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physics, the Schrödinger picture (also called the Schrödinger representation) is a formulation of quantum mechanics in which the state vectors evolve in time, but the operators (observables and others) are constant with respect to time.' back

Shani Littman, 'The Job Wasn’t Completed in 1948. The Land Wasn't Emptied of Arabs' , Director of the movie "The First 54 Years: An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation." " Were you given any explanation for the rejections in Israel? “No. And I’m also not one of those types that would go and investigate. I knew that this film would raise problems.” One reason, he surmises, is that the movie is based on soldiers’ testimonies collected by Breaking the Silence, the Israeli anti-occupation organization founded by army veterans. The group collects testimony of alleged abuses by the army in the occupied territories and troubling situations in which the soldiers have found themselves during their army service.' back

Veneziano amplitude - Wikipedia, Veneziano amplitude - Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia, ' In theoretical physics, the Veneziano amplitude refers to the discovery made in 1968 by Italian theoretical physicist Gabriele Veneziano that the Euler beta function, when interpreted as a scattering amplitude, has many of the features needed to explain the physical properties of strongly interacting mesons, such as symmetry and duality. Conformal symmetry was soon discovered. . . . This discovery can be considered the birth of string theory, as the discovery and invention of string theory came about as a search for a physical model which would give rise to such a scattering amplitude.' back

Walt Whitman, I sing the Body Electric, Leaves of Grass (1855), ' 1 I sing the body electric, The armies of those I love engirth me and I engirth them, They will not let me off till I go with them, respond to them, And discorrupt them, and charge them full with the charge of the soul. Was it doubted that those who corrupt their own bodies conceal themselves? And if those who defile the living are as bad as they who defile the dead? And if the body does not do fully as much as the soul? And if the body were not the soul, what is the soul? ' back

Yang-Mills theory - Wikipedia, Yang-Mills theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Yang–Mills theory is a gauge theory based on the SU(N) group, or more generally any compact, reductive Lie algebra. Yang–Mills theory seeks to describe the behavior of elementary particles using these non-Abelian Lie groups and is at the core of the unification of the electromagnetic force and weak forces (i.e. U(1) × SU(2)) as well as quantum chromodynamics, the theory of the strong force (based on SU(3)). Thus it forms the basis of our understanding of the Standard Model of particle physics.' back

Zero-point energy - Wikipedia, Zero-point energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Zero-point energy (ZPE) is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical system may have. Unlike in classical mechanics, quantum systems constantly fluctuate in their lowest energy state as described by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. As well as atoms and molecules, the empty space of the vacuum has these properties. According to quantum field theory, the universe can be thought of not as isolated particles but continuous fluctuating fields: matter fields, whose quanta are fermions (i.e. leptons and quarks), and force fields, whose quanta are bosons (e.g. photons and gluons). All these fields have zero-point energy. These fluctuating zero-point fields lead to a kind of reintroduction of an aether in physics, since some systems can detect the existence of this energy. However this aether cannot be thought of as a physical medium if it is to be Lorentz invariant such that there is no contradiction with Einstein's theory of special relativity.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2021 © Jeffrey Nicholls