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Sunday 13 February 2022 - Saturday 19 February 2022

[Notebook: DB 87: Cognitive Cosmology]

[page 194]

Sunday 13 February 2022

Lust for life - the love of god π god is love, joie de vivre

Wilson: The remormalization group is a continuous group in contrast to the digital logical view that network layers are symmetric with respect to complexity because the operation of an algorithm is independent of how fast it is executed [but this is irrelevant here because we are dealing with spatial rather than temporal complexity?]. Kenneth G Wilson (1982): Nobel Lecture: The Renormalisation Group and Critical Phenomena

Wilson page 102: 'II There are a number of problems in science which have a common characteristic, that complex microscopic behaviour underlies macroscopic effects.'

'Unfortunately there is a much more difficult class of problems where fluctuation persist out to macroscopic wavelengths and fluctuations on all intermediate wavelengths are important too.'

'In quantum field theory, "elementary" particles like electrons, photons, protons and neutrons turn out to have composite internal structure on all size scales down to 0. At least this is the prediction of quantum field theory.

page 103: 'At the critical point a pressure of 218 atmospheres and temperature of 374 Celsius the distinction between water and steam disappears and the whole boiling phenomenon vanishes. . . . At the critical point one finds bubbles of steam and drops of water intermixed at all size scales from macroscopic visible sizes down to atomic scales,' . . . "critical opalescence". Critical opalescence - Wikipedia

'Theorists have trouble wth these phenomena because they have many coupled degrees of freedom. . . . Some extremely clever transformations have enabled special cases of these problems to be solved analytically. . . . many problems of critical phenomena and virtually all examples of strongly coupled quantum fields have defeated analytic techniques until now.'

[page 195]

Wilson page 104: 'The "renormalization group" approach is a strategy for dealing with problems on many length scales. The strategy is to tackle the phenomenon in steps, one step for each length scale.

Monday 14 February 2022
Wilson page 104: Ising model

page 106: Is 'loss of analycity' a problem for a computational model which is digital from the beginning?

In a world of greater than 4 dimensions the Landau picture is correct. . . . below 4 dimensions, fluctuations at all scales up to the correlation length are important and the Landau theory breaks down.' This assumes Minkowski space is continuous?

Fluctuations correspond to different branches in the network?

page 111: 'The remormalization group approach, . . . As the fluctuations at each length scale are integrated out a new free energy functional FL + δL is generated from the previous functional FL. This process is repeated many times. If FL and FL + δL are expressed in dimensionless form then one finds that the transformation leading from FL to FL + δL is repeated in identical form many times (the transformation group thus generated is called the "renormalization group"). As L becomes large the free energy FL approaches a fixed point of the transformation and thus becomes independent of details of the system at the atomic level.'

page 113: 'Unfortunately it was found in the 1930s that the higher order correlation in the series for e and m are all infinite due to integrations over momentum that diverge in the large momentum (or small distance) limit [maybe an artefact of the fact that the relevant distance is not the distance in Minkowski space but the "distance" in Hilbert space where the action is].

page 113: '(. . . the natural scale of QED is the Compton wavelength

[page 196]

of the electron, 10-11 [or zero if we accept the idea (page 113) that the energy of an electron is infinite, part of the overall problem arising from using the real numbers to describe the quantized world].

Wilson (1979) page 158: 'For example the critical behaviour of fluids, ferromagnets, liquid mixtures and alloys can all be described by a single theory. Kenneth G. Wilson (1979): Problems in Physics with many Scales of Length

'The remormalization group is not a descriptive theory of nature, but a general method of constructing theories.'

eThe most convenient context in which to discuss the operation of the renormalization group is a ferromagnet or permanent magnet. . . . For iron the Curie temperature is 1044 degrees K. At higher temperatures iron has no spontaneous magnetization. As the iron is cooled the magnetization remains zero until the Curie temperature is reached and then the iron abruptly becomes magnetized. If the temperature is reduced further the strength of the magnetization increases smoothly. Curie temperature - Wikipedia

page 160: 'The total energy of two adjacent spins is smaller when they are parallel that when they are antiparallel.

page 164: 'What does it mean to solve or understand a model of a physical system?'

page 178: ' The renormalization theory of elecrodynamics does not abolish infinity; on the contrary the electron is defined as a point particle whose "bare" charge is infinite. In quantum electrodynamics the bare charge has the effect of inducing a charge of opposite polarity in the surrounding vacuum that cancels most of the infinity, leaving only the small net charge that is observed in ordinary experiments [with, eg, pith balls] . . . '

'The renormalization procedure provides a means for subtracting

[page 197]

the infinite shielding charge from the infinite bare charge so a finite difference results [you all wish, although of course infinity minus infinity is undefined].

Wilson page 179: Colour charge of quark diminishes as you approach it [just as plausible as above electron story]

Kondo effect - WikipediaKondo effect: superfluid helium Kondo effect - Wikipedia, Superfluidity - Wikipedia

Length scale vs complexity scale. Transfinite network is universal enough to deal with critical phenomena.

Quantum transformations are deterministic and do not change outcomes but observations do by introducing new operators from the classical particle world so we have a continual interplay between quantum and classical which is not deterministic even though processes in the Hilbert and classical Minkowski world can be deterministic [with Shannon type quantization].

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Energy is the charge to which gravitation responds [maybe a sort of null charge]. We have created spacetime through the velocity of light and the null geodesic.

Now we introduce 3D via communication and fermions given that in the simple system superpositions are either positive (giving bosons) and negative (giving fermions) and fermions have to keep away from one another making 3D space necessary for universal communication.

Now we need massive particles, potential energy and electric charge. We make charge [and magnetic moment] out of photons and mass out of energy trapped by null geodesics which are the insides of massive particles and are in effect Lie groups formed as fixed points in the initial singularity [assuming that the initial singularity is the archetypical particle].

How do we make electric charge and magnetic moment out of photons and the electromagnetic properties of spacetime via sepcial relativity?

[page 198]

Spacetime is curved because it is closed by consistency. How do we explain this? QED might be the next section.

QCD is based on the notion that protons are eternal and neutral particles are combined particles and antiparticles. In the end all this is no weirder than 'standard' physics.

How do we get the conservation of energy out of endlessly creative actions? Because there are only 0 Turing machines created as dimensions of the primordial Hilbert space and we demand that the universe be computable.

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Like the skaters, skiers, snowboarders etc I am trying to pull something off that is beyond me: sixty years later, have I got anything to offer? I keep taking little step that will fit together to make the complete essay to get cognitive cosmology on my map.

Thursday 17 February 2022

Woke in fright. My perennial fear is that I am going nowhere though my cause is just and it is in the nature of time that I cannot turn back, and the journey is too exciting to miss. Both theology and physics [as we have them] are hyptheses. Our ony guide is experience, personal experience and the carefully curated and measured experiences of scientists. Einstein and others have shown that genius can go astray and ' There are more thingsin heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. So anther morning of self-checking to see if my project has legs, a question I will ask every morning until I achieve a coherent closure of my trip around the world of pain and wonder. The uncertainty is exciting and given requisite variety andf the simple beginning, an inherent feature of the universe. The fundamental idea of my whole project is

[page 199]

that an initial singularity of pure action tries everything and these trials that involve contradiction are selected out to give us the universe we know. The evil we experience as a consequence of the process of "selecting out", not the work of evil spirits.

The principal caveat in all my work is that given the fundamental principle above, all that follows is my speculation about how this led to the current universe, building on the idea that our intelligence is an image of the intelligence of the divine universe, which shines throughout with the creative light of Aristotle's 'active intellect'.

A principle: causality requires contact, but we have two approaches. In Hilbert space where there is no distance and entanglement enables instant correlation but no transmission of information, (perhaps because information is physical and complex Hilbert space is only "half physical"). In real physical space we have communication possible because photons have both frequency and phase and we are in the physical realm of space and time and momentum and energy which transform identically under the Lorentz transformation. How do we get from photon momentum and energy to massive particles energy = mc2 and momentum = mv. How do we get a grip on all these features, momentum, mass, curvature, gravitation. The problem is to order the emergence of these features in terms of a series of zero sum bifurcations Here in the universe we see the roots of intelligence and emotion.

What we are thinking is that every additional quantum of action adds a dimension, that is an oriented complex plane, to the Hilbert space and we would like to correlate these with Turing machines of increasing complexity through superpositions which are feeding into more and more complex features in Minkowski space.

[page 200]

The speed of light couples time and space and null geodesics decouple [from] spacetime [into] the quantum world where spacetime does not exist but photons of 0 different frequencies in one-to-one correlation with Turing machines do. Do we need the transfinite network, like the Trinity, to carry us from the initial singularity to the universe? All these sentences are in effect geodesics through [cognitive] spacetime similar to inertial computations where curvature is absent. Can this mean anything, a potpourri of words just like those created by the uncontrolled singularity. I am trying to select a coherent picture of the creation of the universe out of the millions of words in these notes: 87 volumes × 200+ pages × 300 words = 5 000 000+.

Friday 18 February 2022

From a [ferromagnetic] point of view every sentence is a 'spin' and as we approach the critical point, more and more sentences (Turing machines) become correlated until at the critical point the whole essay becomes a fully coupled network, every source within which adds meaning to every other.

The mass of a particle is a measure of the rate of action = energy within that particle.

Lets assume that the only 'dimensions' [represented in] Hilbert space are energy and time [phase] which correspond to action. The emergence of length comes with the velocity of light which makes spacetime possible and the emergence of the boson/fermion duality which comes with the two initial possibilities of superposition [additive and subtractive]. Then mass and and potential arise with photons being trapped in particles giving a rate of action = energy / mass and electric charge / magnetic moment, another zero sum duality.

So we are looking for a logical sequence of zero-sum bifurcations: [forming a tree]

[page 201]

0. action-energy (phase, superposition)
1. Fermion / boson - photon, no fermion without space [and mass]
2. space-time, null geodesics - contact. Minkowski / curvature / gravitation
3. massive particles / fermions / fixed points / Lie groups / Turing machines
4. Potential / kinetic [mass is potential] - zero-energy universe 5. The allegedly violent Saul of Tarsus aka Paul of the Epistles introduced a totally unscientific definition of faith into the Christian canon, unfortunately endorsed by the founder of modern Catholic Theology, Thomas of Aquino [who appears to have fully believed the Catholic story and added greatly to it]: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things that appear not (Hebrews, 11:1). It is no better than hypothesis and the faith base of most religions is clearly false [from a fact based scientific point of view]. But Aquinas was sucked in. He looked forward to a post mortem vision of God and explained that this is the purpose for which we were created.

We already enjoy the vision of god in our divine universe, but the religions hooked on the false heaven have devoted their immense powers of persuasion towards convincing billions of people that we are damaged beings in a damaged world, making us slaves to the biggest lie ever told. Salvation does not come from an imaginary God but from the Universe that created itself and us. Instead of hating our lives and looking forward to a false hope, destroying our beautiful world as we go, we need to stop, take a deep breath and face reality.

Saturday 19 February 2022

Work on creation saves using E16 green theology (2016). Jeffrey Nicholls (2016): Essay 16: Green theology: a path to heaven

Perhaps I have seen the point at last. Einstein put general covariance on the map and showed us the universe, but he fell down on quantum theory. The point of general covariance is that gravitation is nothing because everything can couple to everything through a codeless code. Quantum mechanics is the exact opposite.

[page 202]

There is no invariance in quantum mechanics: every event is unique, dispersed through the space[time] of consistency by an analogue of the Cantor universe which is complex enough to give a unique but private address to every possible quantum event. We match the set of elementary events to the set of Turing machines connected seamlessly in some order, that is one of a set of permutations of the natural numbers of which there are 1. And since there is no logical limit on the number of orthogonal points in a set, we can then permute the set of 1 elements to create a set of 2 elements and so on without end. Each of these permutations is a processing pipeline, a string of Turing machines [coupled by sharing memory locations]. Differing orderings give differing results, laying a foundation for a network formed by a superposition of a set of n strings which is capable of connecting any two points (sources) in the relevant transfinite set. This system is maximally concrete rather than abstract because it suggests that every pair of points is connected by a unique process comprising a unique permutation of a string of processors.

From a medieval philosophical point of view this structure is one point in the spectrum of universals and the Cantor world is fully structured and every interaction is unique. This structure may also serve as a model of God which reconciles the ancient contrast between the absolute simplicity and complete complexity which carries a representation of every possibility, but these representations exist in the quantum domain where we cannot see them. Here we see a form of two factor authentication. We do not get a connection until certain conditions are met which means that a suitable meeting of quantum states [a contact], a measurement operator and an unknown vector with nevertheless has a probability of interaction (measured by the Born Rule) depending on the distance between states in Hilbert space, and since every state is a superposition or other states, we can expect a spectrum of eigenvalues corresponding to

[page 203]

a spectrum of eigenfunctions. . . .

. . . another glimpse into the foundations of reality. We like Hilbert space because it treats music (and any other string of data) geometrically. The fundamental point is that what are called orthogonal rays in quantum mechanics are in fact orthogonal complex planes. We see a state as a line on such a plane and a point or particle in Minkowski space created which such planes meet so that their lines cross to define a point. the arrangement of systems to get these hypothetical lines to cross is called quantum mechanics which we conceive mathematically as a measurement operator meeting an unknown state yielding a reading which tells us something (but not everything) about the meeting planes. We see only the eigenvectors of the measurement operator each with a certain probability depending on how close states of the measured system are to the orthogonal basis states defined by the measurement operator.

Simply, in quantum space, ie complex Hilbert, each complex plane is half a real particle, and it turns out that the complex vectors and rays do very well describing the physics that tells us that the mathematical symbol i maps onto a feature of reality that we will call spirit (ie theological aether) which is an invisible complex, but real, ie concrete.

Mathematicians glory in their abstract pictures but their abstracts only make sense if they are logically continuous implying no contradictions which we imagine are what cause structures to fail [decay], a bit like Escher pictures.

Particles have Hilbert space inside, like the initial singularity, that is the universe and these Hilbert spaces hold the Turing machines that give the particles (taken as black boxes) . . . their characteristic behaviour in response to stimulation.

[page 204]

Cantor showed that there is no limit to the internal complexity of a set and yet it can be treated as a named point ("the universe", "me") and sets can interact through one to one correspondences of their element (ie me and X producing a child), manipulated by mathematicians or by the natural processes that are modelled by sets.


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Further reading


Tyerman, Christopher, The World of the Crusades, Yale UP 2019 ' Throughout the Middle Ages crusading was justified by religious ideology, but the resulting military campaigns were fueled by concrete objectives: land, resources, power, reputation. Crusaders amassed possessions of all sorts, from castles to reliquaries. Campaigns required material funds and equipment, while conquests produced bureaucracies, taxation, economic exploitation, and commercial regulation. Wealth sustained the Crusades while material objects, from weaponry and military technology to carpentry and shipping, conditioned them. This lavishly illustrated volume considers the material trappings of crusading wars and the objects that memorialized them, in architecture, sculpture, jewelry, painting, and manuscripts. Christopher Tyerman's incorporation of the physical and visual remains of crusading enriches our understanding of how the crusaders themselves articulated their mission, how they viewed their place in the world, and how they related to the cultures they derived from and preyed upon..' 


Amanda Mabillard, Shakespeare Online, ' "We should certainly think a logic-loving philosopher or an iron-nerved general tainted in his wits, if he allowed his reason to be swayed by a shadowy apparition, or his intrigues to be governed by a trio of vanishing witches; yet Shakespeare was making use of the most powerful motive at his command. Doubtless every person in The Globe play-house shuddered at the appearance of Hamlet's ghost, for it was true, actually true to them, that this might be either Denmark's spirit or the very devil in a pleasing shape".' Henry Thew Stephenson. back

Cristiano Lima [Technology 202], Mark Zuckerberg is a political lightning rod. Facebook is elevating a new target., ' No tech executive has drawn more political or regulatory scrutiny in recent memory than Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook parent company Meta. But after years of the mogul getting dragged into the spotlight, the tech giant has begun to reduce his prominence, most notably by elevating stand-ins and dispatching them to Washington. On Wednesday, the company took its biggest step yet toward achieving that goal by promoting Nick Clegg, a former British politician, to the role of president of global affairs. It’s a position that stands to make Clegg Meta’s public face to policymakers worldwide. . . . Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said he’s skeptical. “As long as Mark Zuckerberg keeps his iron grip on Meta’s voting shares, he bears responsibility for Facebook’s many failures. … Until he hands over control, I don’t think there’s a chance in hell that Meta does the right thing for users, instead of continuing to pad his own wallet,” Wyden told The Technology 202.'F back

Critical opalescence - Wikipedia, Critical opalescence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Critical opalescence is a phenomenon which arises in the region of a continuous, or second-order, phase transition. . . . The phenomenon is most commonly demonstrated in binary fluid mixtures, such as methanol and cyclohexane. As the critical point is approached, the sizes of the gas and liquid region begin to fluctuate over increasingly large length scales (the correlation length of the liquid diverges). As the density fluctuations become of a size comparable to the wavelength of light, the light is scattered and causes the normally transparent liquid to appear cloudy.' back

Curie temperature - Wikipedia, Curie temperature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In physics and materials science, the Curie temperature (TC), or Curie point, is the temperature above which certain materials lose their permanent magnetic properties, which can (in most cases) be replaced by induced magnetism. The Curie temperature is named after Pierre Curie, who showed that magnetism was lost at a critical temperature.' back

Jeré Longman, In the Kamila Valieva Story, Echoes of a Dark Era of Doping, ' The announcement that Kamila Valieva, the 15-year-old Russian figure skating star, had tested positive for a banned substance echoed another dark Olympic era. And it sent a chilling reminder that female athletes in certain sports have long been considered disposable in countries that support state-sponsored doping. . . . A similar attitude appears to persist in Russia three decades after the collapse of the Eastern bloc and less than a decade after its own state-sponsored doping system was revealed at the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. The drug in Valieva’s case is different and less severe but, seemingly, not the continued vulnerability of female athletes in sports like figure skating. . . . “It feels abusive, the whole thing,” said Lambelet Coleman, the law professor. “Fifteen-year- olds don’t go out and find this stuff. There’s probably a system behind this. She probably didn’t know what she was doing. The fact that her doping sample from Dec. 25 wasn’t tested until Feb. 8, the day after they won gold, it’s just all wrong. It feels like she is a victim in this rather than a perpetrator”. ' back

Julie Zauzmer Weil, Asked to help, Post readers sent searing evidence about dozens more enslavers in Congress, ' When The Washington Post published the first list of members of Congress who were slaveowners last month, the article included a call to action: Help us complete the database. Ruette Watson was among dozens of readers who responded with searing evidence of enslavement. The outpouring included wills handwritten in the 19th century; birth certificates of babies born into slavery on congressmen’s plantations; newspaper ads placed by senators or representatives seeking the return of Black people who fled captivity; letters and book excerpts and journal articles. And in the case of Watson, an oral history project focused on Black women that included a 1977 interview with her remarkable grandmother, Esther Mae Prentiss Scott.' back

Kenneth G Wilson (1982), Nobel Lecture: The Renormalisation Group and Critical Phenomena, Nobel Prize Lecture, 8 December 1982: This paper has three parts. The first part is a simplified presentation of the basic ideas of the renormalization group and the e expansion applied to critical phenomena, following roughly a summary exposition given in 1972. The second part is an account of the history (as I remember it) of work leading up to the papers in I971-1972 on the renormalization group. Finally, some of the developments since 1971 will be summarized, and an assessment for the future given.' back

Kenneth G. Wilson (1979), Problems in Physics with many Scales of Length, ' One of the more conspicuous prop­erties of nature is the great diversity of size or length scales in the structure of the world. An ocean, for example, has currents that persist for thousands of kilometers and has tides of global extent; it also has waves that range in size from less than a centimeter to several meters; at much finer resolu­tion seawater must be regarded as an aggregate of molecules whose charac­teristic scale of length is roughly 10-8 centimeter. From the smallest structure to the largest is a span of some 17 or­ders of magnitude.' back

Kondo effect - Wikipedia, Kondo effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In physics, the Kondo effect describes the scattering of conduction electrons in a metal due to magnetic impurities, resulting in a characteristic change in electrical resistivity with temperature.The effect was first described by Jun Kondo, who applied third-order perturbation theory to the problem to account for s-d electron scattering. . . . Extended to a lattice of magnetic impurities, the Kondo effect likely explains the formation of heavy fermions and Kondo insulators in intermetallic compounds, especially those involving rare earth elements like cerium, praseodymium, and ytterbium, and actinide elements like uranium. The Kondo effect has also been observed in quantum dot systems.' back

News Agencies, Qandeel Baloch: Pakistan court frees brother for the killing, ' A Pakistani appeals court on Monday acquitted the brother of social media star Qandeel Baloch of her murder, a 2016 killing that sparked national outrage and changes in laws covering so-called “honour killings”. Muhammad Waseem appealed against his 2019 murder conviction and life sentence. Waseem had admitted in a 2016 media conference organised by police that he strangled his 26-year-old sister due to her social media activities. . . . Hundreds of women are killed each year in Pakistan by family members over perceived offences to honour, including elopement, fraternisation with men outside marriage or other infractions against conservative Muslim values on female modesty.' back

Sean Ingle, ‘Tremendous coldness’: IOC president condemns Kamila Valieva’s entourage, ' The way 15-year-old Russian skater Kamila Valieva was treated by her coach after her two falls in her figure skating routine on Thursday evening was “chilling” and does not inspire any confidence in her entourage, the International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach has said. . . . . “To see her struggling on the ice, seeing how she tries to compose herself again and finish her programme, you could see in every movement in the body language, you could feel this was an immense mental stress. “But this was not all,” Bach added. “When afterwards I saw how she was received by her closest entourage, with what appeared to be a tremendous coldness, it was chilling to see this. “Rather than giving her comfort, rather than trying to help her, you could feel this chilling atmosphere, this distance. And if you were interpreting the body language, it got even worse because there were even some dismissive gestures I saw on TV".' back

Spectroscopy - Wikipedia, Spectroscopy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation as a function of the wavelength or frequency of the radiation. . . . . Matter waves and acoustic waves can also be considered forms of radiative energy, and recently gravitational waves have been associated with a spectral signature in the context of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO).' back

Superfluidity - Wikipedia, Superfluidity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Superfluidity is the characteristic property of a fluid with zero viscosity which therefore flows without any loss of kinetic energy. When stirred, a superfluid forms vortices that continue to rotate indefinitely. Superfluidity occurs in two isotopes of helium (helium-3 and helium-4) when they are liquefied by cooling to cryogenic temperatures. . . . The theory of superfluidity was developed by Soviet theoretical physicists Lev Landau and Isaak Khalatnikov. back

Wake in Fright (novel) - Wikipedia, Wake in Fright (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedis, ' n his introduction to the 2012 Text Publishing edition, Peter Temple said: ". . . Cook can make us feel the heat, see the endless horizon, hear the sad singing on a little train as it traverses the monotonous plain. . .. And Cook has range too. He captures the icy, flooding charm of a first beer on a heat-struck day. He knows what it feels like to catch luck's eye and hold the gaze across a smoky room, to feel the irrational deservedness of it, to hear fortune singing sweet in the veins. And he knows dark things—the frightening chasm that opens when certainty disappears, the savagery in the human heart. Wake in Fright has the power to disturb, a rare thing in any novel".' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2022 © Jeffrey Nicholls