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Sunday 27 March 2022 - Saturday 2 April 2022

[Notebook: DB 88: Salvation]

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Sunday 27 March 2022

Writing = calculation

The Hilbert Minkowski problem seems to be at the root, the problem of the relationship of formalism to reality. Pure quantum mechanics is a formalism easy to describe in terms of quanta of action and superposition, which is the addition of vectors. Taking the basis vectors of the primordial Hilbert space to be equinumerous to the set of angels gives us a clear model to understand both angels and

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Hilbert space. Each new angel and each new vector must have a distinguishing feature to render it orthogonal to all the rest, but this picture seems to be formal rather than embodied. The next step [following the Aristotelians] recognizes matter as the distinguishing or instantiating factor added to forms we get a clue of how the formal world becomes the real world. The formal world is inherently dynamic (why [because action never rests]) it keeps itself in existence in the time / energy domain by repeating itself over and over again by unitary transformations. Principle of individuation - Wikipedia

How do we conceive an observation as an instance of communication between the Hilbert and Minkowski spaces page 14: The measurement problem.

Monday 28 March 2022

Let us say that an observation is the injection [into a system] of a quantum of action representing the measurement operator and then we can apply Zurek's argument for the "collapse of the wave function", ie a quantum source deciding which symbol to emit. This is, to me, another little secret enclosed in 'pure' quantum mechanics. It leads to quantization through the existence 0f eigenfunctions, the set of orthogonal vectors superposed to create a particular effect. Wojciech Hubert Zurek (2008): Quantum origin of quantum jumps: breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer and the transition from quantum to classical

We may see this as the source of the equations which are so common in physics. By equating two variables we create a significant point where they cross or meet. So we can say that E = mc2 is a fixed point created by the product of m and c2. Maybe exploring quantum space is a bit like trying to envisage quantum mechanics as a mathematical structure.

A bit like accountancy. Input to accountancy are numbers measured in the source of business and the accountant's task is to work out how to arrange these numbers to study the viability of the business.

A quantum is a process that we shall represent by a Turing machine [implying that a quantum can do anything a turing machine can do]. This is possible because there is a universal [set of unitary] quantum operators to match the universal operator nand in the domain of classical logic. Quantum logic gate - Wikipedia

I am feeling prophetic: trying to visualize god through quantum mechanics following the tracks of O'Murchu et al. Diarmuid O'Murchu (1997): Quantum Theology: Spiritual Implications of the New Physics, John Polkinghorne (2008): Quantum Physics and Theology: An Unexpected Kinship

Zurek in a nutshell: because the entropy of a superposition is 1 because it is normalized and an observation yields an entropy of 1 (+?) (check von Neumann) nothing is lost in information terms which we see as the foundation for a conservation law: Information is

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neither crested nor destroyed. This is a foundation for the quantum treatment of black holes (Hawking radiation). Hawking radiation - Wikipedia

We would expect the agency of quanta of action to be both inherent and random. Why? No control at the 1 qubit level, just a flow of probability.

Tuesday 29 March 2022
Back to the old job, cranking out words, looking for forms of words that capture aspects of the formalism of the process in quantum mechanics that guides the process of evolution, which has two stages: reversible unitary reproduction; and the so called quantum jumps which we attribute to the effect of a newly created] quantum of action coming into contact with a system.

We might say that the role of gravitation is to manipulate the orientations of the local Minkowski spaces in the system to create a consistent whole, that is a whole that looks the same however we look at it so long as we apply the transformation between our point of view and the point we are viewing, which might be something ten billion lights years away which we are seeing as it was ten billion years ago.

So gravity rotates Minkowski spacetime diagrams and the formation of a black hole requires that these diagrams be turned around so that in effect the future points to the past, which is the case only when we are in the pure time domain. Here we meet the reversibility of the unitary quantum evolution. Now we bring in the jumps, but we don't really have to, they are there at the beginning, the action that (logically represented) changes some p into some not-p, a new state. The quantum of action from a symmetry point of view, is the vehicle for the creation of new space.

This opens up a train of thought leading from black holes to particles where both are represented in continuous groups which are in effect closed continua. Nothing you can do in this group will get you out of it. Due to fluctuations, however, this bond can be broken by increased entropy, what we would call a workaround. This is the way the quantum world created the Minkowski world by settling on a metric which enabled null geodesics to maintain operational contact through space.

Gravitation makes cyclic motion possible, in some

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way turning back time so we can come around again, identically, in a conservative field.

Quantum mechanics describes the subtle interplay between motion and fixed points. Every motion, to be a motion, has to have a skeleton, a set of fixed points that define it: in the case of the qubit the two states are |0> and |1>. Gravitation manipulates the orientations of the Minkowski spaces in order to make [continuous] closed orbits possible. Or is it the other way around: the existence of orbits demands gravitation [curved space] as we can see by looking at the moon floating through the sky.

The first bifurcation: gravitation and quantum mechanics. We do quantum mechanics first and then come back to gravitation. What fixed point theory tells us is how to map the boundary of the universe onto the contents of that universe, a bit like the idea that all the entropy swallowed by a back hole is to be found encoded on its event horizon [this is not a boundary in space, but a boundary in logic, dividing what can be rom what cannot be.].

Rotating the 4D light cones (the Minkowski spaces [aka elements of geodesics]) relative to one another to create orbits. This we might imagine as a purely formal structure described by a differentiable manifold where the differentials encode the dynamics of the network in the form of a local piece of flat-space, a point on a geodesic. The condition for the existence of a particular theory of gravitation is its ability to create a geodesic (orbit) closed in space but open in time, a spiral [like the orbit of Mercury and other planets]. The passage of time turns all recursive functions, ie complex powers of e, into spirals, and on the poetic side we could take each spiral to be an angel.

I am beginning to think that I must work hard on my writing if I am ever going to get it finished. The last few months work has been slow but the flow of ideas strong, so I suspect I am going as fast as I can.

As I work over and over a little piece of text I like to think that it becomes more intuitive and informative as I go along. The central selfish purpose of all this writing is to drag myself to produce a coherent new theology based on identifying god and the universe as cognitive entities [and in a way to heal the spiritual wounds caused by the Catholic Church which told me so many lies from birth onwards].

The interface between Minkowski and Hilbert. Interactions in Minkowski space have local consequences in Hilbert space [beginning right at the beginning when gravitation and quantum mechanics bifurcate].

We may thus imagine Einstein space constructed of the little Minkowski spaces of which geodesics are made. The curvature of the Einsteins space is represented by the orientation of its constituent Minkowski spaces which are flexibly and elastically connected together [with differential operators] like stretch chain mail.

The additional structure in Einstein space is reflected in the extra entries in the metric matrix and the fact that these new entries are functions of their spacetime coordinates.

Wednesday 30 March 2022

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If my theological ideas are so good for the world why am I not more motivated to develop and propagate them? Something about me. Lack of confidence? Conviction that the world works this way anyway so saying it out loud is no help? Laziness? Overconfidence, like I have it in the bag and just have to work steadily to bring it home? Or just accept that I am what I am and I do what I do and it will all work out in the end. A very long slow process that began in 1961, say, when I committed to the Dominicans and is now slowly emerging on the internet a page at a time, working at my natural pace, not trending toward torpor or useless anxiety. And in the background increasing my financial fortune so I can back myself when the time comes.

I am a simple particle floating in the space of human consciousness hoping for the day when I finish writing the cognitive cosmology website, publish it and then begin promoting it with a view to increasing my possibility of becoming a centre of condensation or phase change by propagating a particular state in this space. Here we get into application of Cantor's ideas of transfinity and Everett's notion of the wave function of the universe. See Genesis 1:27 where it is stated that we are created in the image of god: in effect every particle is an image of the universe and uses the same technology of bootstrapping itself into existence, which is the role of a god. Is this what Thales (now [the name of] a weapons manufacturer) meant when he said that the world is full of gods. Thales S.A. (HO.PA)

Using the layered model of complexity generation, I wish to identify the source of creation, both by naming it, which has long been done, but [also] by establishing it as the root of creation by describing a consistent (logically sound) estimate of how it works. We take as our axiom that a deterministic system cannot create and so lock the quantum [linear] transformations into unitary repetition of the status quo. This is continuity [= determinism = nothing happens]. It gets us nowhere and is represented physically (realized) in gravitation which is not quantized, code free contact interaction. This interaction is guided by the shape of the space forced on it by consistency. The shape of space is physically decided by the local metric, but there is a lot of work shaping the details of space, that is quantum mechanics that is maintained in its continuous mode but created by its active mode which has [been called measurement], but might be better called communication by contact, ie superposition, which we take to be limited to 0 bases (whatever the actual value of

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this variable, the cardinal of a set of natural numbers [including 0] (its these little insights that change everything by making the alephs into variables that run from the initial symmetry forever).

Sitting in my little camp wondering if it is time to go out and forage. My pension has been docked again because the government has now calculated that I am worth $700 000. Since they probably calculated this from old data I must update my account to get my pension back in time for the next advance. Financial discipline enforced by my dependence on the government. I will always need to discipline myself to deal with the possibilities of my mode of existence, a servant paid by the people of Australia seeking to create an event in the evolution of theology which has been claiming [static] infallibility for thousands of years.

Can one propagate without being a believer? Epistemologically belief runs on a spectrum from something one would die for to a passing whim, which may or may not lead to action. Trouble starts when autocrats are able to demand the execution of untested whims which are likely in the long run to bring about their downfall, but a lot of lives and property are usually lost and the damage done at all scales in the resolution of such a tragedy.

The central problem is the link of all this theoretical speculation about how the world works with everyday life, making the theology into a religion, the green religion. Coal power: a necessary atrocity on the way to heaven, fossil technology. We now have to join the living by respecting our habitat.

Thursday 31 March 2022

I seem to have spent the last two weeks struggling with cc04_self-aware trying to see the role of gravitation in the creation of the universe. My feeling is that Einstein's key to gravitation was methodological [epistemological] rather than physical and the end result is the only possible transformation in 4D space which respects the principle of general covariance as understood in the classical Minkowski domain. This approach yielded Einstein's result in the classical domain but served to block his vision of quantum mechanics because it is a continuous formal theory based on the real numbers which is considered deterministic. This is consistent with the hypothetical evolution of an unobserved quantum system. Some think that because the universe is all there is it cannot be observed and so the wave function

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evolves deterministically, and so cannot explain quantum events, the other half of quantum mechanics. The first step toward explanation is that the universe comprises many independent events, that observe each other, each one using its own reality as the frame of reference to judge the other. This local approach takes general covariance to its logical limit by understanding every event in the universe as brought about and determined [to a limited degree?] by the meeting of two states. So the intention of page 4 is to make this point, and the first step is to change its name to indicate [that gravitation is the universe talking to itself]. What we then set out to do is to show that whatever explanation of the nature of the universe that we come up with has to say that is it beyond the classical limit and it is Einstein's [local covariant] methodology that led us there. General covariance - Wikipedia

How many mathematical proofs are there? Each one is in effect a Turing machine and devising a proof is in fact devising an algorithm which when executed transforms the input of a proof to its output. The simplest proofs are arithmetic calculations like multiplication. More complex ones find results which are symbolic rather than arithmetic, although the fact that every symbol can be digitized couples symbols to [classical digital] computers.

Time to change from being a hippy to being a professional. I once made a solemn profession (subsequently annulled by the Pope [whatever that might mean]) where I promised to practise poverty, chastity and obedience for the rest of my life. A mistake from which I was saved by being expelled from the Order for doubting some of the 24 Thomistic theses. I think I once had a piece of paper stating this, but I still feel that I was enthralled by Aquinas and eager to read him in the original and develop his doctrine, which I am trying to do here without claiming anything weirder than an intelligent talking serpent. Pope Pius X (1914): 24 Thomistic Theses

Friday 1 April 2022

An auspicious date! My conviction that the universe is divine is more of a feeling than a proof but I have three points of contact: one with science through the initial singularity, and two through god and the angels that connect me through Aquinas and Aristotle to ancient tradition. The route to proof runs through necessary existence, omniscience and omnipotence. The route lies from the initial singularity (god) through the angels (Hilbert space emerging within god) to spacetime, gravitation,

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potential and matter, a form of energy. potential nec quid, nec quale, nec quantum nec aliquid eorum quibus ens determinatur [neither an essence, nor a quality nor a quantity, nor any of those features by which being is determined]. These are Aquinas's per se nota ie the laws of logic, in modern times reduced to a clear symbolism that can be programmed to run on a machine A morning thought to be contrasted with the down and out days of bottom trawling for shellfish [scallops].

My problem is the same as the Wright Bros and millions like them: I've got an idea, how to make it fly? The Bros made engines, propellers, and airframes out of wood, fabric and metal. I am trying to build an equivalent in words, an intellectual object which may have value as an intellectual property but to me must be released freely and not pushed, to let it grow organically, that is in quasi static equilibrium as it walks from one step (state) to the next.

The trick, as Newton showed, is to cut everything down to four dynamic laws. The law that defines god is that action acts. This is the fundamental hardware through which all process the universe is funnelled, just as all the traffic on the internet is funnelled through hardware, physical implementations of logic.

The process of the initial singularity is quantum mechanics which we can describe simply and cleanly in the mathematical symbolism of linear space.

The linear space of quantum mechanics generated the quadratic space of relativity through communication with itself. This is the fundamental feature of relativity, the hardware root of all universal process, consciousness, acting on oneself.

Stardom is worth money because the upper echelons of society are desperate to control the thought processes of the lower echelons lest they lose their measure of autocratic privilege. Ryan Glasspiegel: Adam Schefter, Adrian Wojnarowski sign multi-year deals to stay at ESPN

Is this why I like women wrestling for sex, because they are like gravitation, digging deep into primordial feeling, as all lovemakers do, whatever their mode, from love to lethal violence, via contact sports touching the margins of disabling injury.

Gravitation: masturbation, self communication [self indulgence].

I make writing by locating symbols in space, same as I make a house really. It just has to work.

N. N. TrakakisPolitically, Russia is about a century out of date. Self consciousness

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is still restricted by the state, as in a monastery. N. N. Trakakis: Is Orthodoxy finished?

And so to bed with an empty head: today's work: to compare gravitation to eternal love.

Saturday 2 April 2022

The political ansatz: Most of the trouble in the world is caused by false beliefs propagated by the warlord / ruling class in order to maintain their privileges by claiming a mandate from heaven. But they are wrong on physical grounds: power naturally comes from below and creates the peaceful world from the initial singularity.

Time to make myself work instead of drifting along seeking insight? Is this right or wrong? One ruling class trait is to make the weaker class work for the benefit of the rulers. Does this hold within my personality, embedded by my Catholic upbringing? Working for myself I work when I want to but if I think my work has real public benefit it is reasonable to push myself.

A beautiful sunny morning and sweet white grapes.

Fuzzy feeling, looking for some clarity to write down. The same idea applies to the neural network [as] to a quantum network that we are looking for a productive meeting of states which generate an idea (in the mind) or a particle (in quantum mechanics), continuing the idea that an intellectual insight and particle production are analogous events in a cognitive system. Have [thought] this often, but I am always hoping to understand it better.

Gravitational acceleration is in some sense unphyscical in free fall. This might success that gravitation is in a way a fictitious force.

During the last few weeks I have been testing the idea that nicotine increases intelligence, smoking a couple of cigaretts every day, sacrificing a bit of heath for reserch. Each time I have been rewarded by an insight. The most profitable has been the identification of angels and vectors in Hilbert space, motivaed by Aquinas's idea that every angel is a separate species. Other cigarettes have yielded other insights that have led me through the dark night of gravitation. Fortunately I am running out of tobacco, and will give up the practice, but I feel that the experient has been instructive. Now I am back on track and do not need this dangerous help any more. Read the warning on the packet.

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and threw the rest away. Angel ≡ Hilbert vector first appears on January 30 in these notes.


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Further reading


Polkinghorne (2008), John, Quantum Physics and Theology: An Unexpected Kinship, Yale University Press 2008 Jacket: 'Despite the differences of their subject matter, science and theology have a cousinly relationship, John Polkinghorne contends in his latest thought-provoking book.  From his unique perspective as both theoretical physicist and Anglican priest, Polkinghorne considers aspects of quantum physics and theology and demonstrates that the two truth-seeking enterprises are engaged in analogous rational techniques of inquiry. His exploration of the deep connections between science and theology shows with new clarity a common kinship in the search for truth.'   


Barratt, Maddox, Davis & Smith, What are ‘binaural beats’ and do they affect our brain?, ' The perceptual auditory illusion created by binaural beats occurs when two pure tones of slightly different frequencies are presented to each ear. These two tones are then processed within our brains to sound like a third frequency. This third frequency is thought to produce a range of effects, including relaxation and attentiveness.' back

Brian Welch et al, A highly magnified star at redshift 6.2, ' Here we report observations of a more distant and persistent magnified star at a redshift of 6.2 ± 0.1, 900 million years after the Big Bang. This star is magnified by a factor of thousands by the foreground galaxy cluster lens WHL0137–08 (redshift 0.566), as estimated by four independent lens models. Unlike previous lensed stars, the magnification and observed brightness (AB magnitude, 27.2) have remained roughly constant over 3.5 years of imaging and follow-up. The delensed absolute UV magnitude, −10 ± 2, is consistent with a star of mass greater than 50 times the mass of the Sun.' back

General covariance - Wikipedia, General covariance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, In theoretical physics, general covariance (also known as diffeomorphism covariance or general invariance) is the invariance of the form of physical laws under arbitrary differentiable coordinate transformations. The essential idea is that coordinates do not exist a priori in nature, but are only artifices used in describing nature, and hence should play no role in the formulation of fundamental physical laws.' back

Genesis 1:27, God creates humans, ' 27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. ' back

Hawking radiation - Wikipedia, Hawking radiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Hawking radiation is blackbody radiation that is predicted to be released by black holes, due to quantum effects near the event horizon. It is named after the physicist Stephen Hawking, who provided a theoretical argument for its existence in 1974. . . . A black hole of one solar mass (M☉) has a temperature of only 60 nanokelvins (60 billionths of a kelvin); in fact, such a black hole would absorb far more cosmic microwave background radiation than it emits. A black hole of 4.5×1022 kg (about the mass of the Moon, or about 133 μm across) would be in equilibrium at 2.7 K, absorbing as much radiation as it emits. Yet smaller primordial black holes would emit more than they absorb and thereby lose mass.' back

J. Eugene Clay, Two Orthodox Christian countries at war – here’s an explanation of the faith tradition shared by Russia and Ukraine, ' Until the 11th century, the Orthodox churches recognized the Roman Catholic Church as one of the autocephalous Orthodox churches. By 1054, however, differences in theology, practice and church government led the pope and the patriarch of Constantinople to excommunicate each other. . . . These mutual excommunications were lifted only in 1965. In 1980, the 14 autocephalous Orthodox churches and the Roman Catholic Church created the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue to discuss the difficult issues that continue to divide them. These talks suffered a major blow in 2018 when the Russian Orthodox Church suspended its participation to protest the creation of a new autocephalous church in Ukraine.' back

James J. Sheehan (2022), A New Europe? Has the war in Ukraine ended Europe's postwar era?, ' “States make war, and vice versa.” The American sociologist Charles Tilly’s famous remark is a pretty accurate summary of modern political history if we recognize that different kinds of states make different kinds of wars, and vice versa. What kind of European state is the war in Ukraine likely to make? To understand this question we must remember how, after 1945, a new kind of war made a new kind of European state. At first, the global contest between the Soviet Union and the United States encouraged European states—including longtime neutrals such as Norway, Belgium, and the Netherlands—to rearm and join an anti-Soviet alliance. But gradually, the European stalemate between the superpowers, based on weapons with the capacity to destroy the continent, created an international environment in which the possibility of war drifted to the margins of most Europeans’ political imagination.' back

John Vidal, Energy efficiency guru Amory Lovins: ‘It’s the largest, cheapest, safest, cleanest way to address the crisis’, ' But for much of that time efficiency was seen as a bit of an ugly sister, rather dull compared with a massive transition to renewables and other new technologies. Now, he hopes, its time may have come. Lovins is arguing for the mass insulation of buildings alongside a vast acceleration of renewables. “We should crank [them] up with wartime urgency. There should be far more emphasis on efficiency,” he says.' back

Michael Hutchings, Introducion of mathematical arguments, A mathematical proof is an argument which convinces other people that something is true. Math isn’t a court of law, so a “preponderance of the evidence” or “beyond any reasonable doubt” isn’t good enough. In principle we try to prove things beyond any doubt at all — although in real life people make mistakes, and total rigor can be impractical for large projects.' back

Mikhail Shishkin, Neither Nato nor Ukraine can de-Putinise Russia. We Russians must do it ourselves, ' The modern world is separated from most Russians by a revolution, humankind’s most important: the transition from the supremacy of the collective consciousness to the priority of the individual. . . . . There was no de-Stalinisation in Russia and there were no Nuremberg trials for the Communist party. Now Russia’s fate depends on de-Putinisation. Just as the “ignorant” German population was shown concentration camps in 1945, so “ignorant” Russians must be shown destroyed Ukrainian cities and the corpses of children. We Russians must openly and courageously acknowledge our guilt and ask for forgiveness. ' back

N. N. Trakakis, Is Orthodoxy finished? , ' I have adapted my title from a sober judgment in a recent Facebook post by a leading Greek Orthodox theologian, Professor Petros Vassiliadis of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki — in it he wrote, “Orthodoxie c’est fini” (French for “Orthodoxy is finished”). .. . . For even if the church relates to the world through democratic means (persuasion, not coercion), this does not necessarily mean that the church will also relate to itself (to its own members) in democratic fashion. And this is precisely the problem today: the Orthodox Church eschews democratic forms of (self-)governance. The laity, especially women and LGBTIQ+ persons, continue to be marginalised, while diversity, doubt, and dissent continue to be viewed as dangerous rather than as necessary elements of a flourishing, self-critical community. Is it any wonder, then, that Putin’s police-state, where protesters are arrested and detained every day and war coverage is heavily censored, would find its most faithful ally in the autocratic Russian Church? ' back

Niko Vorobyov, Patriarch Kirill: Putin ally faces backlash after ‘blessing’ war, ' On March 16, Pope Francis held a video meeting with Patriarch Kirill, the 75-year-old leader of the Russian Orthodox Church and a longtime ally of President Vladimir Putin. The head of the Catholic church warned the Russian patriarch against hiding behind religion to justify armed aggression and conquest. “Once upon a time there was also talk in our churches of holy war or just war,” the pope said, according to the Vatican press office. “Today we cannot speak like this.” Ten days earlier, in a sermon, Patriarch Kirill appeared to endorse Moscow’s so-called “special peacekeeping operation,” as the war on Ukraine is officially called in Russia. “We have entered into a struggle that has not a physical, but a metaphysical significance,” the patriarch said.' back

Paula Gerber, UN committee rules anti-lesbian sex laws breach human rights in landmark decision, ' On Wednesday, a United Nations committee became the first international law body to recognise that criminalising female same-sex sexual activity is a fundamental breach of human rights. The landmark decision means all countries that criminalise women having sex with other women should immediately repeal these laws.' . . . . The majority of the countries that criminalise same-sex sexual activity are members of the Commonwealth, whose anti-homosexuality laws were introduced by the British Empire.' back

Pope Pius X, 24 Thomistic Theses, 'The Twenty-Four Fundamental Theses Of Official Catholic Philosophy Commentary by P. Lumbreras, O.P., S.T.Lr., Ph.D. Latin translation of theses by Hugh McDonald Citations of St. Thomas from and Fr. Edouard Hugon, O.P.'s Les vingt-quatre theses thomistes (Double-click any Latin word for its definition in Lewis & Short.) In our preceding paper we proved by documents of recent Popes that the Church, in exercising her right, has adopted the scholastic philosophy as her official philosophical teaching, that by scholastic philosophy the Church understands not only chiefly but exclusively the philosophy of St. Thomas, and that St. Thomas' philosophy stands for at least the twenty-four theses approved and published by the Sacred Congregation of Studies. In this paper we will give a translation of these theses with a very brief explanation of each. Sacred Congregation of Studies Decree of Approval of some theses contained in the Doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas and proposed to the Teachers of Philosophy Sacred Congregation of Studies Datum Romae, die 27 iulii 1914. B. Card Lorenzelli, Praefectus Ascensus Dandini, a Secretis' back

Pope Pius X (1914), 24 Thomistic Theses, 'The Twenty-Four Fundamental Theses Of Official Catholic Philosophy Commentary by P. Lumbreras, O.P., S.T.Lr., Ph.D. Latin translation of theses by Hugh McDonald Citations of St. Thomas from and Fr. Edouard Hugon, O.P.'s Les vingt-quatre theses thomistes (Double-click any Latin word for its definition in Lewis & Short.) In our preceding paper we proved by documents of recent Popes that the Church, in exercising her right, has adopted the scholastic philosophy as her official philosophical teaching, that by scholastic philosophy the Church understands not only chiefly but exclusively the philosophy of St. Thomas, and that St. Thomas' philosophy stands for at least the twenty-four theses approved and published by the Sacred Congregation of Studies. In this paper we will give a translation of these theses with a very brief explanation of each. Sacred Congregation of Studies Decree of Approval of some theses contained in the Doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas and proposed to the Teachers of Philosophy Sacred Congregation of Studies Datum Romae, die 27 iulii 1914. B. Card Lorenzelli, Praefectus Ascensus Dandini, a Secretis' back

Principle of individuation - Wikipedia, Principle of individuation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The principle of individuation is a criterion that individuates or numerically distinguishes the members of the kind for which it is given, that is by which we can supposedly determine, regarding any kind of thing, when we have more than one of them or not.[1] It is also known as a 'criterion of identity' or 'indiscernibility principle'. The history of the consideration of such a principle begins with Aristotle.[2] It was much discussed by the medieval philosopher Duns Scotus (c. 1266–1308) with his "haecceity" and later, during Renaissance, by Francisco Suárez (1548–1617), Bonaventure Baron (1610–1696) and Leibniz (1646–1716). back

Quantum logic gate - Wikipedia, Quantum logic gate - Wikipedia, the free eneyclopedia, ' In quantum computing and specifically the quantum circuit model of computation, a quantum logic gate (or simply quantum gate) is a basic quantum circuit operating on a small number of qubits. They are the building blocks of quantum circuits, like classical logic gates are for conventional digital circuits. Unlike many classical logic gates, quantum logic gates are reversible. It is possible to perform classical computing using only reversible gates. For example, the reversible Toffoli gate can implement all Boolean functions, often at the cost of having to use ancilla bits. The Toffoli gate has a direct quantum equivalent, showing that quantum circuits can perform all operations performed by classical circuits.' back

Roger Boyes, Don’t bet on the end of Vladimir Putin, ' Almost five decades ago I was sent on my first assignment to Moscow as a wet-behind-the-ears foreign correspondent for Reuters, and was told in farewell drinks at the pub just how lucky I was. Surely, said my fellow hacks, I would witness the end of Leonid Brezhnev, the evil man in the Kremlin. Well, end-Brezhnev turned out to be mid-Brezhnev as he staggered on and on.' back

Ryan Glasspiegel, Adam Schefter, Adrian Wojnarowski sign multi-year deals to stay at ESPN, ' ESPN has retained its high-profile NFL and NBA insiders after a push from sports gambling companies to poach them away. The network announced on Thursday that it has signed multi-year contract extensions with Adam Schefter and Adrian Wojnarowski. “Adam and Woj are difference-makers that solidify our long-term position as the definitive source for everything NFL and NBA,” ESPN chairman Jimmy Pitaro said in a statement. “When you combine today’s news about Adam and Woj with Jeff Passan’s signing, we are making a deliberate statement about ESPN’s commitment to serving fans with the most in-depth reporting, storytelling and around-the-clock news".' back

Thales S.A. (HO.PA),, ' Our Markets: In Defence and security, armed forces, governments and global organisations entrust Thales with helping them achieve and maintain security, tactical superiority and strategic independence in the face of any type of threat. In an increasingly unpredictable world, governments rely on our expertise to protect their citizens and make the world safer, from designing smart sensors and connecting soldiers on the digital battlefield to delivering solutions that protect states, cities and critical infrastructures. Whatever it takes.' back

Tom van Laer, Agricultural productivity, sex education and gender equity: 5 times soap operas enabled social change, back

Wojciech Hubert Zurek (2008), Quantum origin of quantum jumps: breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer and the transition from quantum to classical, 'Submitted on 17 Mar 2007 (v1), last revised 18 Mar 2008 (this version, v3)) Measurements transfer information about a system to the apparatus, and then further on – to observers and (often inadvertently) to the environment. I show that even imperfect copying essential in such situations restricts possible unperturbed outcomes to an orthogonal subset of all possible states of the system, thus breaking the unitary symmetry of its Hilbert space implied by the quantum superposition principle. Preferred outcome states emerge as a result. They provide framework for the “wavepacket collapse”, designating terminal points of quantum jumps, and defining the measured observable by specifying its eigenstates.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2022 © Jeffrey Nicholls