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Sunday 1 May 2022 - Saturday May 2022

[Notebook: DB 88: Salvation]

[page 71]

Sunday 1 May 2022

Impasse continues. If I was a river, I would change course. What is my basic ground for claiming that the world is divine? Creation and complexification. Cantor's theorem. Cantor's theorem - Wikipedia, Keith E. Yandell: Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (1881–1955)

[page 72]

Turing's theorem places a limit on logical computation. The dream of quantum computation is that it can act as a massively parallel analogue computer and so overpower Turing. Our take on quantum mechanics as a logical process rejects this idea and and reduces the quantum word to the power of Turing. The massive parallelism does not arise until the origin of spacetime overcomes the no-cloning theorem and allows the multiplication of turing powered Hilbert spaces separated from one another by spacelike separation. There is something here but I have not got my finger on it. Formalism is an impossible dream without action [provided for instance by a machine or human mind], the active ingredient provided by the unmoved mover. oOnly action is actually capable of exponential growth during the creation of energy by bifurcation into potential and kinetic. Sleep on it.

Monday 2 September [sic, read May] 2022

(let's do the time warp again)

Klir & Valach: The universe is a system without an environment; it is self sufficient. Klir & Valach (1967): Cybernetic Modelling

A draft of cc17_transfinity is complete but it cannot reach its final form until I have completed the whole site so I can distribute material into the right places. As I go along I get further and further out on a limb until I have to face quantum field theory and try to introduce the straightforward approach which I see implicit in the heuristic of simplicity.

The world is made of action ≡ the world is divine.

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Some time back I got very excited (in my quiet way) when I devised a story to explain the nature of the Minkowski metric by the role of the null geodesic in extending quantum contact through space through the fact that the Minkowski metric made null geodesics possible as a relic of the days before space came into existence. This seemed to me as a singular act of grace. As I have noted above, I have come to a few impasses since then and the latest has been to distinguish between transfinite networks in Hilbert and Minkowski space. The answer came today when I hit on the right question: where is Hilbert space? and the answer: nowhere because 'where' does not exist in the Hilbert epoch. So it becomes true that Hilbert space is an algorithm like arithmetic which occurs whenever it is used. Because no cloning does not exist in Minkowski space,

[page 73]

the restriction placed on transfinity in Hilbert space is no longer operative and we can go fully transfinite, each new particle eliciting its own instance of Hilbert space so we can have a transfinity of Hilbert spaces [represented] in Minkowski space. I cannot say that I am a genius but that I have one, and it is leading me along the path of creation by getting me to ask questions that point to the problems that the universe had in creating itself. Triple-alpha process - Wikipedia

This insight seemed quite valuable as did the next about differentiating events in Minkowski space and noting that fermions are massive which echoes Aristotle's idea that matter is the principle of individuation. Mass implies internal energy which implies internal process, so we can estimate that an electron contains something like a qubit which enables the two states of both an electron and a photon. Spin (physics) - Wikipedia, Sin-Itiro Tomonaga (1997): The Story of Spin

Wednesday 4 May 2022

I am in effect writing an origin story and every origin story is an attempt to explain why things are the way they are. Most of the old ones simply presuppose a wise being who choses to make things the way they are and could have done things differently. My story is much more constrained because now we have a very detailed [scientific] origin story beginning with an initial singularity and following the observed structure and history of the world apart from a few mad ideas like the ethers of Wilczek and the cosmological constant problem that arises from our assumptions about the vacuum and so on. I am therefore constrained to keeping the good bits of the current story which are proved in the technologies that are derived from them while at the same time writing a relatively simple story that works around all the difficulties we see in the current scientific story. Frank Wilczek (2008): The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces

Not the least of our problems with the current scientific story is the political temptation embedded in the continual improvements in the technology of war. [This] led to colonization in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries when people with guns stole the land of people with spears. The problem has reappeared when Putin, the absolute autocrat in modern Russia is proposing to complete his colonization of Ukraine by employing nuclear weapons when it is beginning to appear that conventional weapons will not be sufficient to complete his project. The Soviet Union and the US failed in their attempts to control Afghanistan and Viet Nam with conventional weapons and chose to withdraw rather than turning to the nuclear option. Putin, with the help of the Orthodox Patriarch Kiril seems to believe

[page 74]

that he is involved in a Holy War in his attempt to destroy Ukraine and his God, like the gods of the colonizing European powers, favour the use of superior weapons to achieve his project. Niko Vorobyov: Patriarch Kirill: Putin ally faces backlash after ‘blessing’ war, Agence France-Presse & Reuters: Ukraine war: Russia’s propaganda warriors are arguing for use of nuclear weapons, Nobel laureate warns

Every day I think my task is hopeless because I do not understand anything I have been talking about. Yet every day I go on because I think it is a job that must be done. I read widely and find no one else interested in it. My only hope, which gets at least realized now and then, is to simplify the problem down to the point where I can understand it and express it well enough to attract knowledgeable people to work on it. I am full of faith and hope but very shy on competence.

'While the classical framework is geometric and non-linear the quantum description is intrinsically algebraic and linear. . . . In the present context it is the deeper and more correct theory that is linear and the non-linear, geometric, classical framework is to arise as a suitable limiting case.'

'. . . the space of physical states is not the Hilbert space H but the space of rays in it, ie the projective Hilbert space P, and P is a genuine non-linear manifold.'

'Schrödinger evolution is precisely the Hamiltonian flow on the quantum phase space.' Ashtekar & Schilling (1997): Geometrical Formulation of Quantum Mechanics

Logic is non-linear.

When I begin to read a lot of stuff about theoretical physics my heuristic of simplicity revolts. How can a baby universe, entropy 0, manage such complicated feats? This is, I think, what keep me going [they cannot be right, they have missed the point?]

Norton: 'Einstein's renowned solution (to the referred frame in electrodynamics) was not to modify electrodynamics, but the background sace and time itself.' John D. Norton (2022): Home Page

Thursday 5 May 2022

A problem with cognitive cosmology is that it is a bit inhumane and not passionate enough but the backbone of it all is the early days of the initial singularity. Reading back it all looks rather unappetizing, like logic and mathematics, but this seems to be the way we have to go in the beginning to lay the foundations for peace and love when we come to the human level in contrast to the war and violence we are trying to eliminate.

Friday 6 May 2022

It is a while since I felt so excited about an idea to write. I am a little over halfway through the site on cognitive cosmology. I have got to the part where I need to read Nielsen and Chuang again (I should buy the latest edition) but that is not what I am excited about. Nielsen & Chuang (2000): Quantum Computation and Quantum Information

It is the concept that mental states can also be part of empirical science and the realization that my last sixty years of theoretical investigation is the direct outcome of the mentality I absorbed from my Catholic environment, particularly Mum who really believed in the afterlife until the moment of her death [and had unbreakable faith that she would meet her dead children there]. I imagine my indoctrination began at baptism when I was unwittingly committed to believing Catholic belief. And I take it very seriously, particularly the doctrine that masturbation is a mortal sin and will send you to hell. If you do not sincerely and effectively renounce it as a prerequisite to guarantee the effectiveness of the forgiveness I received in confession, the premium get out if gaol card in the whole organization. At some point I decided that supererogation (going over the top) would save me. This motivated me to enter the Dominicans and do my best to bring my unruly body under control. It did not work. My vice continued and I fell in love with one of the brethren. Supererogation - Wikipedia

Halfway through reading Bernard Lonergan I saw that the only way to begin to make sense of theology was to postulate that the universe is the real god, and the way to get ahead is to think of everything in that light. I wrote this out and published it in my local monastic community. The view was deemed incompatible with my retention in the order. My vows were annulled and I was no longer a cleric. That I realize was fortunate and I was also very fortunate to be exposed to the work of Thomas Aquinas who used his genius and that of Aristotle to create what has remained in the Church an academically respectable synthesis of the Nicene Creed and the work of Aristotle. This was in effect a second baptism. That experience gave me a coherent mental representation of Christian doctrine which, apart from claims of miracles has no physical empirical foundation whatever. It is a psychological construct formed by the confluence of thousands of years of careful and committed thinkers who accepted the Bible as Gospel. This structure, which I carry in my mind, forms one half of my problem. The other half is the modern scientific culture in which I now live. In this culture ideas and feelings are real data and must be accounted for in any theory of everything. This implies a need for a mapping from quantum mechanics to a physical thinking brain as a step toward understanding the observable universe as a brain. Writing the conclusion to cognitive cosmology has motivated this paragraph, but it is not part of the site. It is a postscript explaining motivation (or a prescript). Bernard Lonergan (1992): Insight: A Study of Human Understanding

One cannot reasonably reject something which has an important function until you have established an alternative. Cognitive cosmology describes god's body. The next step is a description of god's spirit by analogy to the human spirit. In the image if god we are (inevitably) created by the nature of the living universe which we inhabit.

God's body, the physical structure of the universe is the most difficult element of the classical god to reconcile with the material world so the essay collected in these pages attacks just that problem. Once we have got the basic physical universe, we are no longer in the dark. The big bang theory attributes the release of light as the point where the system is cool enough to allow electrons to bond to protons. [This] let light pass them by so that the photons could travel unintercepted for long distances, across the universe in many cases. We can ask did they bond because they cooled or did they cool because they bonded? Even at the very high rate of interaction they would have stuck together for short intervals, a [probabilistic] function of an uncontrolled system.

Can we say that the world is bound together by photons and gluons on [null] geodesics? The gluons are much more complex but they are still massless and travel at c. How can this be? To answer this, we must ask a question similar to that above. Are they massless because they travel at the speed of light or do they travel at the speed if light because they are massless. A zero sum differentiation [which establishes the border between Hilbert and Minkowski space, the massless particles being in effect carriers of quantum states that exist in both worlds, and the velocity of light, which mediates between space and time, is simply the value fixed and appearing in the Minkowski metric for the ratio between space and time in a the zero sum way represented by null geodesics].

What is mass? Trapped energy. How is it trapped? Dynamically. We model the content of particles as differential manifolds by establishing a space of group actions which do not take them outside the group. What are the boundaries to these groups that confine the manifolds? Let us say they are the border between consistency and inconsistency, and anything that passes the bounds of consistency is annihilated. We interpret the manifold as a network of computers (actions, eg quarks and gluons) and beyond these boundaries the systems become inconsistent. Something that looks like Cantor's paradox in action (?) or somebody's paradox [Russell?]. A simple model / example cannot be too far away [given the space made available by logic and Turing machines]. What about all the functions inside a particle are incomputable [not halting, like a wave] and so logically cycle forever. Computable functions [very rare in the continuous domain] break the continuity of the group and "escape"? Cantor's paradox - Wikipedia, Russell's paradox - Wikipedia

Continuity ≈ explanation of a centre / condition if extreme pleasure - smooth, no jolts [heaven?].

Some are driven by the pressure of survival, others have headroom

[page 77]

for leisure, excess capacity like warfighting which is available when necessary under adequate psychological pressure, zero sum, kill or be killed.

Saturday 7 May 2022

A photon looks very like a quantum state travelling through Minkowski space which is the burden of [cognitive cosmology] page 12 [the quantum creation of Minkowski space].

Fluctuations in the early universe are traditionally called quantum fluctuations but this may be the result of a misunderstanding of the cybernetic situation which makes a system probabilistic through lack of control as we see when we throw dice and make them spin with no real control over the rate or axes of spin.

A clock is an incomputable function that never halts, like the perpetual motion in the quantum regime.


You may copy this material freely provided only that you quote fairly and provide a link (or reference) to your source.

Further reading


Klir (1967), Jiri, and Miroslav Valach, Cybernetic Modelling, Iliffe, SNTL 1965, 1967 Preface: 'The principal purpose of this book is to show the part played by cybernetic modelling in the solution of problems common to the animate and inanimate world. The system, its behaviour and structure are used here as fundamental concepts forming the basis of a wide approach that utilizes the model as a methodological instrument. ...' J Klir and M Valach, Prague, 1965.back

Lonergan (1992), Bernard J F, Insight: A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '. . . Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 

Nielsen (2000), Michael A, and Isaac L Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press 2000 Review: A rigorous, comprehensive text on quantum information is timely. The study of quantum information and computation represents a particularly direct route to understanding quantum mechanics. Unlike the traditional route to quantum mechanics via Schroedinger's equation and the hydrogen atom, the study of quantum information requires no calculus, merely a knowledge of complex numbers and matrix multiplication. In addition, quantum information processing gives direct access to the traditionally advanced topics of measurement of quantum systems and decoherence.' Seth Lloyd, Department of Quantum Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Nature 6876: vol 416 page 19, 7 March 2002. 

Tomonaga (1997), Sin-itiro, The Story of Spin, University of Chicago Press 1997 Jacket: 'The Story of Spin, as told by Sin-itiro Tomonaga and lovingly translated by Takeshi Oka, is a brilliant and witty account of the development of modern quantum theory, which takes electron spin as a pivotal concept. Reading these twelve lectures on the fundamental aspects of physics is a joyful experience that is rare indeed.' Laurie Brown, Northwestern University. 

Wilczek (2008), Frank, The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces, Basic Books 2008 ' In this excursion to the outer limits of particle physics, Wilczek explores what quarks and gluons, which compose protons and neutrons, reveal about the manifestation of mass and gravity. A corecipient of the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics, Wilczek knows what he’s writing about; the question is, will general science readers? Happily, they know what the strong interaction is (the forces that bind the nucleus), and in Wilczek, they have a jovial guide who adheres to trade publishing’s belief that a successful physics title will not include too many equations. Despite this injunction (against which he lightly protests), Wilczek delivers an approachable verbal picture of what quarks and gluons are doing inside a proton that gives rise to mass and, hence, gravity. Casting the light-speed lives of quarks against “the Grid,” Wilczek’s term for the vacuum that theoretically seethes with quantum activity, Wilczek exudes a contagious excitement for discovery. A near-obligatory acquisition for circulating physics collections.' --Gilbert Taylor  


Agence France-Presse & Reuters, Ukraine war: Russia’s propaganda warriors are arguing for use of nuclear weapons, Nobel laureate warns , ' Russian journalist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dmitry Muratov decried on Tuesday Russian propaganda arguing for using nuclear weapons in the Ukraine conflict, warning that would signal “the end of humanity”. . . . Speaking at an event marking the World Press Freedom Day, Muratov, whose own Novaya Gazeta newspaper has been forced to suspend publication amid Moscow’s military intervention, warned that the Kremlin’s “propaganda warriors” were striving to make nuclear weapons use more palatable to the Russian public.' back

Alon Pinkas, Analysis | Israel’s Ukraine Policy Isn't Only Immoral. It's Also Unwise , ' Fumfering – a word we get from Yiddish – means to mumble, mutter, murmur, dither, waffle, be evasive, temporize and stall. Fumfering is also the right term to describe Israel’s immoral and imprudent policy on the Ukraine crisis and war. In a week when Russia has escalated the fighting and rattled its nuclear weapons once again, while the U.S. president has asked Congress for $33 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel’s policy seems to transcend fumfering and is just untenably unwise and morally embarrassing.' back

Ashtekar & Schilling (1997), Geometrical Formulation of Quantum Mechanics, ' States of a quantum mechanical system are represented by rays in a complex Hilbert space. The space of rays has, naturally, the structure of a Kähler manifold. This leads to a geometrical formulation of the postulates of quantum mechanics which, although equivalent to the standard algebraic formulaion, has a very different appearance. In particular, states are now represented by points of a symplectic manifold (which happens to have, in addition, a compatible Riemannian metric), observables are represented by certain real- valued functions on this space and the Schrödinger evolution is captured by the symplectic flow generated by a Hamiltonian function.' back

Cantor's paradox - Wikipedia, Cantor's paradox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In set theory, Cantor's paradox is derivable from the theorem that there is no greatest cardinal number, so that the collection of "infinite sizes" is itself infinite. The difficulty is handled in axiomatic set theory by declaring that this collection is not a set but a proper class; in von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel set theory it follows from this and the axiom of limitation of size that this proper class must be in bijection with the class of all sets. Thus, not only are there infinitely many infinities, but this infinity is larger than any of the infinities it enumerates.' back

Cantor's theorem - Wikipedia, Cantor's theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In mathematical set theory, Cantor's theorem is a fundamental result which states that, for any set A , the set of all subsets of A, the power set of A, has a strictly greater cardinality than A itself. For finite sets, Cantor's theorem can be seen to be true by simple enumeration of the number of subsets. Counting the empty set as a subset, a set with n elements has a total of n 2>sup> subsets, and the theorem holds because n2>sup> > nfor all non-negative integers. Much more significant is Cantor's discovery of an argument that is applicable to any set, and shows that the theorem holds for infinite sets also.' back

Florian Humpenöder et al, Projected environmental benefits of replacing beef with microbial protein, ' Ruminant meat provides valuable protein to humans, but livestock production has many negative environmental impacts, especially in terms of deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, water use and eutrophication1. In addition to a dietary shift towards plant-based diets2, imitation products, including plant-based meat, cultured meat and fermentation-derived microbial protein (MP), have been proposed as means to reduce the externalities of livestock production3–7. Life cycle assessment (LCA) studies have estimated substantial environmental benefits of MP, produced in bioreactors using sugar as feedstock, especially compared to ruminant meat3,7. Here we present an analysis of MP as substitute for ruminant meat in forward-looking global land-use scenarios towards 2050. Our study complements LCA studies by estimating the environmental benefits of MP within a future socio-economic pathway. Our model projections show that substituting 20% of per-capita ruminant meat consumption with MP globally by 2050 (on a protein basis) offsets future increases in global pasture area, cutting annual deforestation and related CO2 emissions roughly in half, while also lowering methane emissions. However, further upscaling of MP, under the assumption of given consumer acceptance, results in a non-linear saturation effect on reduced deforestation and related CO2 emissions—an effect that cannot be captured with the method of static LCA.' back

Jalgris Hodson, If Elon Musk succeeds in his Twitter takeover, it would restrict, rather than promote, free speech, ' In various research projects since 2018, we have interviewed scholars who have experienced online harassment, surveyed academics about their experiences with harassment, conducted in-depth reviews of literature detailing how knowledge workers experience online harassment, and reached out to institutions that employ knowledge workers who experience online harassment. Overwhelmingly, throughout our various projects, we’ve noticed some common themes: Individuals are targeted for online harassment on platforms like Twitter simply because they are women or members of a minority group (racialized, gender non-conforming, disabled or otherwise marginalized). The topics people post about matter less than their identities in predicting the intensity of online harassment people are subjected to. Men who experience online harassment, often experience a different type of harassment than women or marginalized people. Women, for example, tend to experience more sexualized harassment, such as rape threats. When people experience harassment, they seek support from their organizations, social media platforms and law enforcement, but often find the support they receive is insufficient. When people do not receive adequate support from their organizations, social media platforms and law enforcement, they adopt strategies to protect themselves, including withdrawing from social media.' back

John D. Norton (2022), Home Page, ' My research interests in history of physics began with close scrutiny of Einstein's discovery of the general theory of relativity. Einstein's "Zurich notebook gives us extraordinary insight into Einstein's step by step reflections at a decisive moment in the discovery of the theory.' back

Keith E. Yandell, Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (1881–1955), ' Pierre Teilhard de Chardin taught that the evolutionary process is governed by a ‘law of complexification’ which dictates that inorganic matter will reach ever more complex forms, resulting in inorganic matter being followed by organic matter and organic matter being followed by conscious life forms.' back

Kendall-Taylor & Frantz, Opinion | Is Russia Better Off Without Putin? The Answer is Changing. , ' We have studied autocratic regimes for many years, and the empirical record increasingly supports the conclusion that a Russia with Putin is likely to be worse than one without him. In our research, we have analyzed the leadership transitions of autocrats who have been in power for 20 years or more, as Putin has been, to gauge what is likely to happen once Putin leaves power.' back

Nick Toscano, Power struggle: The fight for the soul of Australia’s largest polluter, ' AGL, Cannon-Brookes said, was headed down a path that would “entrench” fossil fuels in our economy and was wholly inconsistent with limiting global warming. Through a controversial demerger, AGL’s board is proposing to spin out its carbon-heavy power stations into a standalone company that would continue burning coal until 2045 – more than 20 years away. The demerger is going to a shareholder vote on June 15. And Mike Cannon-Brookes is prepared to do everything he can to stop it.' back

Niko Vorobyov, Patriarch Kirill: Putin ally faces backlash after ‘blessing’ war, ' On March 16, Pope Francis held a video meeting with Patriarch Kirill, the 75-year-old leader of the Russian Orthodox Church and a longtime ally of President Vladimir Putin. The head of the Catholic church warned the Russian patriarch against hiding behind religion to justify armed aggression and conquest. “Once upon a time there was also talk in our churches of holy war or just war,” the pope said, according to the Vatican press office. “Today we cannot speak like this.” Ten days earlier, in a sermon, Patriarch Kirill appeared to endorse Moscow’s so-called “special peacekeeping operation,” as the war on Ukraine is officially called in Russia. “We have entered into a struggle that has not a physical, but a metaphysical significance,” the patriarch said.' back

Rita Ferrone, At Least Take the Bodies, ' Vladimir Putin’s political interests are served by keeping the body count a secret and suppressing evidence of Russian losses. A stream of corpses returning to the villages and towns of the Russian Federation would falsify his preferred narrative of a swift and successful “special military operation.” As the number of casualties continues to mount, so does the pressure to conceal them. Statistics on this question are impossible to verify, but on March 24 NATO estimated that between seven thousand and fifteen thousand Russian soldiers had died in Ukraine, whereas Russia’s defense ministry has admitted to only 1,351 deaths.' back

Russell's paradox - Wikipedia, Russell's paradox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'According to naive set theory, any definable collection is a set. Let R be the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. If R is not a member of itself, then its definition dictates that it must contain itself, and if it contains itself, then it contradicts its own definition as the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. This contradiction is Russell's paradox.' back

Sian Powell, Escape from Hong Kong: The locals starting new lives in Australia, ' Sophie Mak will probably never go home. She has been too vocal and too critical of both China’s and Hong Kong’s governments over the years, using Twitter to comment on the unfolding tragedy in her homeland, Hong Kong. With long black hair, a short-sleeved, bright red dress and a surprisingly deep and husky voice, Mak, 24, is a typical Hongkonger: enthusiastic, committed to democracy, and deeply aware of the dangers threatening her home.' back

Spin (physics) - Wikipedia, Spin (physics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In quantum mechanics and particle physics, spin is an intrinsic form of angular momentum carried by elementary particles, composite particles (hadrons), and atomic nuclei.
Spin is one of two types of angular momentum in quantum mechanics, the other being orbital angular momentum. Orbital angular momentum is the quantum-mechanical counterpart to the classical notion of angular momentum: it arises when a particle executes a rotating or twisting trajectory (such as when an electron orbits a nucleus). The existence of spin angular momentum is inferred from experiments, such as the Stern–Gerlach experiment, in which particles are observed to possess angular momentum that cannot be accounted for by orbital angular momentum alone.' back

Supererogation - Wikipedia, Supererogation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In the theology of the Roman Catholic Church, "works of supererogation" (also called "acts of supererogation") are those performed beyond what God requires. For example, in 1 Corinthians 7, Saint Paul says that while everyone is free to marry, it is better to refrain from marriage and remain celibate to better serve God. The Roman Catholic Church holds that the counsels of perfection are supererogatory acts, which specific Christians may engage in above their moral duties.' back

Triple-alpha process - Wikipedia, Triple-alpha process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The triple-alpha process is a set of nuclear fusion reactions by which three helium-4 nuclei (alpha particles) are transformed into carbon.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2022 © Jeffrey Nicholls