Sunday 8 January - Saturday 15 January 2023
[Notebook: DB 88 Salvation]
[page 239]
Sunday 8 January 2023
The universe walks, it does not spin. Maybe God writes in complex numbers, periodic functions which may be transformed into real signals.
Omnes page 237: A New Beginning; A Preliminary Report; '. . . a new philosophy of knowledge. Roland Omnes (2002): Qantum Philosophy: Understanding and Interpreting Contemporary Science
238: He claims to have identified an unbridgeable gap between theory and the real world. Common sense collapsed when confronted by the infinitesimally small in the spaces of intelligibility, locality, causality, discernibility and cognizability.
page 239; Omnes plan (see page 63) 'One of my most precious dreams . . . is to see one day scientific knowledge so clearly established as to allow a return of philosophy to its pre-Socratic sources.'
page 240: To break the circle [of science] means finding that which it cannot learn about itself by itself. It is finding a fundamental principle for science that science itself cannot provide. Only then, perhaps, may metaphysics [theology?] begin.
' The probable existence of a beginning of the universe is proof of the creation of the world and as a consequence, the existencre of a creator.'
[page 240]
Omnes page 244: Mircea Eliade: 'In short "the sacred" is an element of the structure of consciousness and not a mere stage in the development of consciousness. Mircea Eliade (1981): A History of Religious Beliefs and Ideas Volume 1: From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries
page 245; Sacred - 'powerful, rich and meaningful.' Given that God is omnino simplex it is meaningless, sole, related to no other. The role of creation is to create meaning within god, from duality to transfinity.
' To sum up: the way we see it the sacred is everywhere in the universe and nothing is completely profane. Profanity is but an illusion of our on ignorance, the slumber of our mind or the madness of our false ideas.' Laplace rules. Laplace's demon - Wikipedia
page 246: 'Science as Representation: Science is a representation of reality, an abstract and coded picture, albeit a faithful one.'
He does not discuss the social sciences, ie human communication [which holds the clue to quantum communication], so he misses the point entirely and his book is more or less useless.
page 248: 'Science represents the world as bundled up inside a tight network of laws.' No, it is a system of layered symmetries, the more universal laws like action and energy being deeper symmetries. Noether. Noether's theorem - Wikipedia
page 250: Science evolves as the universe evolves and the evolution of science retraces the evolution of the universe.
page 252: Thomas Kuhn, the Darwin of Science. Thomas Kuhn (1996): The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
page 254: Kuhn and Foucault: 'in both cases the rallying concepts épistémè or paradigm may be convenient indicators for the history of mentalities but they have nothing in common with reality, the only object relevant to science.' He speaks as though science has noting to do with mind or mentality.
page 255: Method, a set of criteria for testing truth. Science conjecture and refutation (Popper), Evolution, variation and selection, (Darwin) Karl Popper (1972): Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge, Charles Darwin (1859): The Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
page 259: 'Calculation is practically never the case in biology' ? Statistical proof that variation and selection lead to new species is the mathematical foundation of biology.
page 261: Intelligence and evolution are based on variation, trial, success, and failure, especially in engineering.
page 269 'we are ready to accept, pending a complete inventory, that there exists an irreducible disjuncture, a chasm, between theory and reality.
[page 241]
' By "theory of knowledge" I understand a scheme seeming to explain how human knowledge may know the world, a world that made its own laws.' Including, of course, knowledge at all scales from bacteria to universities. The world knows itself. We are but a minuscule subset.
page 271: ' It is only now, almost at the end of the book that we really address the philosophy of knowledge.'
page 273: He has a very naive idea of particles: ' . . . the barren poverty of particles reduced to themselves would be unable to sustain any symbols that might conceal the laws. Hence mathematics exists by itself, as the consistency and fecundity of the fragments already discovered by the human mind suggests. He is ignorant, as Aristotle and Aquinas were, of the huge density of information in matter. Jeffrey Nicholls (2017): Computing power of a grain of sand: the calculation
' The chasm' the ultimate irreducibility of Reality to formalism.' It is as though he had never heard of Hilbert, Gödel and Turing.
page 274: 'the notion of existence': in the world, to exist is to communicate.
'Logos never never offers itself in concrete form.' Maybe he has never seen a logic book [the initial singularity, the actus purus, which exists before the distinction into potential and kinetic, is de facto concrete]. [see end of page 245, below.]
page 276: John 'In the beginning was the word . . . and the word was made flesh.' In the beginning was the Hilbert space, and Hilbert space became observable.
page 279: ' Everything becomes clear if Logos is a consistent entity independent of Reality.' A backdoor Christian proof of the independence of God like Lonergan. Bernard Lonergan (1992): Insight: A study of human understanding
page 281: 'What matters is to know that we are moving ahead and there will be celebrations of the mind, and that, perhaps, philosophy may soon start again'. It is Christian books like this which increase my faith in cognitive cosmology, rough as it might be in its current incarnation.
Thinking back on my days as a tradie I am trying to bring the same physical authenticity to my writing which may therefore end up as being as exciting as a cheap but strong and durable tin shed.
Monday 9 January 2023
Smaldino: 'When a measure becomes a target it ceases to be a good measure. Paul E. Smaldino & Richard McElreath: The natural selection of bad science.
[page 24]
Tuesday 10 January 2023
The central plank of my case against the Church is their claim that we are all sinners and they have the only answer. The rebuttal comes from the theory of evolution which shows that rate of competition (sometimes deadly) and cooperation in the development of the universe [are such that the initial singularity has developed into the current magnificent universe.]
My project with the Catholic Church is to get a new category of child abuse, child intellectual abuse, institutionalized fake news.
Zoe Steggall is advocating political advertising reform to protect against misinformation. Maeve McGregor: Time is running out to protect the Voice referendum from lies and deceit
Omnes [these notes pp. 231 sqq] is very upset about the role of mathematics in physics but it does seem quite essential and one of the key insights, taken up by Feynman, was Dirac's paper on the Lagrangian in quantum mechanics which became the core of the path integral representation of quantum mechanics which provided us with a visual interpretation of stationary action as the point at which the 'waves' are in harmony so that small changes in frequency [and phase] make no difference to the result. The heart of this appears to be the algebraic relationship between complex exponential and the trigonometric functions, the Pythagorean notion of harmony and fixed points (eigenvectors, eigenvalues), and the overall picture that what counts is the communication between sources using as an alphabet the eigenvalues of the relevant operators. The key to evolution in the simplest regions of the universe, as in the biological world, is heritability. This is easy to understand when each organism carries two copies of itself, that is itself and the genotype which may be passed on to the offspring. How do we do this among fundamental particles? We think along lines of symmetry. The genotype of a species is the symmetry which defines the species. The groups that define the generations of particles may play a similar role, establishing symmetries between, for instance, the electrodynamic communications between photons and charged particles. P. A. M. Dirac (1933): The Lagrangian in Quantum Mechanics, Feynman & Hibbs (1965): Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, The Feynman Lectures on Physics: I:22 Algebra
I want to say that actus purus is a thing represented by complex number orthogonal to the real numbers that represent observations, which we write |φ|2.
Wednesday 11 January 2023
Thursday 12 January 2023
78 today. V4.2_ evolution, V4.3_evil.
[page 243]
V4.4_cooperation_rules: otherwise the universe would just be hydrogen, or less.
The network is more powerful that its parts, so Putin, like Hitler, is doomed [but the whole needs the parts to exist]. Nothing can take on the world and win. If I am to beat the Church, I must coopt the world, that is effectively implement my theory of creation.
[classical] Causality is not creative but deterministic, like a Turing machine. What we need for creation is the randomness which is a feature of a network [arising from deterministic machines interrupting one another at random times] , but a network is also a more complex environment with the power to select stable systems. Ie the environment is bigger than the individual, so I swim in a sea of books, the work of other people which shape my thoughts by my selection of who to agree with and who to disagree with. A recent change has been changing my starting point from triplicity to duality.
I think of all these plants [in the park] millions of generations old which have slowly formed themselves to suit their environments [and which have had their own somewhat smaller influence upon the environment in which they find themselves].
Friday 13 January 2023
Why does random evolution lead to complexification? Why does cooperation beat competition: [because it has higher entropy, choosing from more possibilities?] It is all in the selection [the information in the entity selected is equal to the entropy of the space from which it is chosen].
Cause = communication. Deterministic cause = error free communication resulting from an invertible codec. Thinking through Galileo's dynamics in information theoretic terms. Drake. Codec - Wikipedia, Stillman Drake (1995): Galileo at Work: His Scientific Biography
The Platonists and their Christian followers consider the visible world to be an illusion and the invisible world to be real. How wrong can you get?
Saturday 14 January 2023
Physical theology. Given its simple beginning and its current complexity we can assume without doubt that some effective creative force is at work. We may see analogies of this force in intellectual insight and sexual orgasm which may explain our preoccupation with these events and lead us to want to explain them by some process of evolution which is creative beyond causality, fed by variation and selection, the mechanism of evolution driven by pure action and logical consistent in music and Hilbert space.
Alfred North Whitehead, Cosmic Philosophy. Alfred North Whitehead (1979): Process and RealityWe can say, pretty much without doubt, that it is the attitude of institutions like the Catholic Church which has made the pornography industry do completely disrespectful of women, almost uniformly derided as sluts. Slut-shaming - Wikipedia
2023: Still wondering about the way to go next. Evolution, peace, lust for life. At the root of it all the slogan: 'god is pure act, the action of action is to act.' From this we derive waves and music built around the Huygens-Fresnel principle (with modern quantum modifications). Huygens-Fresnel principle - Wikipedia
The physical thing is to some degree a refutation of Plato but also incorporates the notion explaining Wigner's observation that mathematics physically represented by written symbols is constrained by the principle of non-contradiction. This seems clear enough with logic and the real numbers as explained by Gödel and Turing, but complex numbers, as invisible facilitators, enable mathematics to go where real numbers cannot go [but computation can go there simply by correctly coding complex numbers]. This fact seems to be implicit in quantum mechanics and I am currently mystified by the theological / formal role of algebraic completeness which is an important feature of Wigner's world and his contributions to quantum theory. Wigner's theorem - Wikipedia
Here we find a solution / refutation of Omnes' problems with the mathematical description of the physical world. Maybe I should reinstate the chapter on the mathematical community in cognitive cosmology are rewrite the existing page 25: Conclusion.
Russell in Desmet: "The splendid certainty I had always hoped to find in mathematics was lost in a bewildering maze. Ronald Desmet; Alfred North Whitehead (Stanford Ecyclopedia of Philosophy)
Hardy on Principia Mathematica "mathematics, one may say, is the science of propositional functions."
Whitehead: "symbolic logic represents only a minute fragment of the possibilities of the algebraic method".
'Whitehead saw the extension of the Principia to a fourth volume on geometry / physics. [He] defined points as equivalence classes of converging series of volumes as Cantor had defined real numbers as equivalence classes of converging series of rational numbers.' So forgetting that god only made the integers and the universe is quantized, and consequently geometrically pixellated [but he came to the quantum later, below].
[page 245]
Special relativity moved Whitehead's interest to volumes of spacetime - events.
1920: Whitehead alternative to Einsteins relativity. He was trying to improve the explanatory content of relativity rather than its predictive content.
Einstein non-linear, Whitehead linear.
'Surely we can be scientific without taming the authority of our intuition and without engaging in the disastrous race to disenchant nature and mankind' (Desmet, echoes Omnes ?).
Carlo Rovelli: ' The world of quantum mechanics is not a world of objects, it is world of events.'
Whitehead: "Modern physical science is the issue of a coordinated effort sustained for more than three centuries, to understand those activities of nature by reason of which the transitions of sense perception occur." This requires an understanding of the world and an understanding of sense perception.
Whitehead 1934: "The fundamental concepts are activity and process . . . the notion of self sufficient isolation is not exemplified in modern physics. There are essentially no self contained activities in limited regions . . . "
'The enormous success of scientific abstractions has foisted onto philosophy the task of accepting them as the most concrete rendering of fact, and thereby modern philosophy has been ruined. . . . But this juggling with abstractions can never overcome the current confusion introduced as the ascription of misplaced concreteness to the scientific scheme." Very Omnes.
"As we think we live."
Process and reality: The ultimate metaphysical truth is atomism.
Not philosophers but theologians saved process philosophy from ruin. Centre for Process Studies: Mission and History
We might say that the difference between abstract and concrete is a question of entropy, information density or cardinal number, so the natural state of the simple [initial] universe is in effect abstract [and so perhaps naturally suited to mathematical treatment.