Sunday 12 February 2023 - Saturday 18 February
[Notebook: DB 88 Salvation]
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Sunday 12 February 2023
A long week of near silence which has given me more confidence in my subconscious gatekeeper which has had the effect of stopping progress and demanding a major revision of cc19_memory which represents the first serious discussion of the reality and role of spacetime in the world we actually experience. Now I can see some relationship between the emergence of spacetime, phase, energy, momentum, 3D space, boons and fermions which appear to have emerged all of a piece. The Minkowski metric provides the geometric foundation for the maintenance of contact communication across spatial distance by massless particles travelling at c and this geometry is linked to the bifurcation of phase into spacetime and the relationship of [superpositions of] phase to fermions and bosons and the creation of massive particles with internal process by 'kinematic tautology' otherwise known as closed self sustaining loops (orbits, groups) rather like Eccles neural network explanation of the images of imagination [and perhaps the first manifestation of particles being created "in the image of god", ie elements of the universe with internal process as the universe itself has internal process]. So now I am back on the road to plausibility and hopefully finish the revision of the cognitive cosmology site, the compression of it into an essay, the compression of the essay into an annotated table of contents and an abstract of the whole show to submit to Rovelli and others. John C. Eccles (1958): Innovation in Science: The Physiology of Imagination
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Particles in spacetime carry energy and momentum and have Hilbert spaces associated with them and when these particles interact the distances between these Hilbert spaces are computed to produce the probabilities that will be the real output of the Born rule. These Hilbert spaces are linked to the relevant 4 vectors in Minkowski space,
The Dirac equation is the only valid equation in Minkowski space. The non-relativistic equation (Schrödnger ) is an approximation. Dirac gives exact results for hydrogen.
Spacetime is the operating system for Hilbert space. Every move we make [in our Minkowski space] is input to the Hilbert world to get a result in Minkowski space.
Why does all this happen? The role of proof (= computation) is to bring things into existence like in mathematic where variations lead to ideas and hypotheses which we make concrete wth proofs (eg Pythagoras) to establish 'kinetic tautologies'.
What we are looking for is a story which is in tune wth physics and seeks sufficient internal consistency to produce conjectures with a prospect of replacing some of the Rovellis and Kakus of this world.
Cognitive cosmology is in effect a critique of theology and physics.
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Eliot: Hollis page 266: 'When a work of art no longer terrifies us, he said, then what he called "attractive terror" has been diminished, then either our senses have been dulled or we were mistaken in our original reading.' Matthew Hollis (2022): The Waste Land: A Biography of a Poem
Monday 13 February 2023
A dose of morning despair, the first since Christmas, I think. Partly by the landlady killing herself with alcohol and fear of losing my accommodation. So what are the chances of cognitive cosmology revolutionizing theology and physics by bringing them into conformity with one another? If the hypothesis that the universe is divine is correct, the conformity must exist as fact.
What I am trying to do is replace a fictitious omnipotent and omniscient creator who made the universe according to a preordained plan and manages it from moment to moment in detail. This is the Roman Catholic view enforced with much torture and bloodshed over a couple of thousand years and enormous expenditure of human effort. The Catholic Church purports to know why the god did this and uses this fiction to control the population and to market and support itself.
Th alternative appears to offer some difficuties but appears to be the reality.
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1.We assume that the Universe is divine and plays all the roles of the traditional God.
2. All the evidence points ot he fact that the Univere began as a structureless initial singularity with zero entropy and no capacity for a divine plan to create the world other than it is a being and exercises the properties of being [ie actions].
3. Since nothing comes from nothing, the singularity must be eternal since it existed [like the traditional God] before time began.
4. The Universe that we observe is a vast and complex structure that has originated from the initial singularity. The hypothesis is that the singularity is pure undifferentiated action as understood by Aristotle and Aquinas.
5. The universe has evolved from this source by variation and selection from the undifferentiated action of the source and selection by consistency which leads to permanent structures.
6. What could be wrong about this scenario?
Verrender: one task for lust for life is to develop a new social
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economic algorithm based on the cosmic algorithms that control the physical world, ie conservation of energy and increase of entropy which means in effect less energy per unit of information. Ian Verrender: Why the Reserve Bank is pushing us towards a recession that we don't need to have
I am panicking a bit trying to get cognitive cosmology into the mainstream but realize that at least I have got it out there in rudimentary form and the main thing is to take the time to get it right. I am somewhat inspired by Hollis's account of all the work it took Eliot to write the Wasteland and the influence writing has on human society. One effect of this is to let me be a bit more poetic about expressing cognitive cosmology. In 1982-3 I named my notebooks Poesis I and Poesis II which I hope to transcribe onto the net to find out how I was feeling 40 years ago.
Now I am happy and relaxed again, aware that because of my youth I still have 20+ years to make my point.
The next slogan: Being is action / action is being. Being is both static and dynamic, like Hilbert space a fixed axiomatic structure that describes motion [by what it does not say, although complex numbers are naturally open to circular motion which many have thought to be the best sort]..
A fundamental political problem lies at the interface between politics and money, something we have known for a long time. Michael Kranish: After helping prince’s rise, Trump and Kushner benefit from Saudi funds
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The promise of what is to come.
Hollis page 312: Eliot: 'The first voice is the poet talking to hmself - or to nobody' as the Father spoke to himself and the result was the Son. To be is to act and to act is in the first instance to act ipon oneself (Hilbert) producinsg something real (Minkowski).
page 326: Eliot: 'A piece of writing, meditated apparently without progress for months or years may suddenly take shape and word; and in this state long passages may be produced which require little or no retouch,' . . . 'You may call this communication with the Divine or you may call it temporary crystallization of the mind.'
I am trying to be a prepared mind fitting together the dstails of spacetime, electromagnetism, energy, momentum, action 3D space and all these things which seem to happen at once in the page on memory [cognitive cosmology page 20]. I hope I can conform the evolution of my mind to the evolution of the Universe at this point.
Hilbert space has no fixed dimension and its dimensions are independent of Minkowski space and target only the orthogonality of bases. The creation of massless particles is closely associated with the quantum creation of spacetime and 2D (1 + 1) is sufficient for this. We only need 1 + 3D to accommodate fermions, so that will be the next thing. The Schrödinger equation is good in Hilbert space, the Dirac equation belongs to
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Minkowski and brings us to the end of cc19_memory after we introduce the boson-fermion network atom. Then we go to fixed points for a while [now revised cc19_fixed points, cc20_memory].
What was it? Short term memory is like a resonant particle, no lifetime.
Still, what was it? People said good evening as I walked by and I forgot. Now to reproduce the train of thought which was about entropy and the entropy of gravitation and the electromagnetic properties of spacetime which must be included somewhere in the birth of Minkowski space [and] in some way related to the Hilbert space creation of photons, null geodesics, spacetime and electrons. Bang head against the pillow for a while and see what emerges. There is no hurry, Universe took 14 billion years to make [itself] and I still have 20 years to understand it and I do feel that sometimes I am making progress. Also antiparticles and zero sum complexification. Invention of anti-matter introduced another bit of complexity, maybe as Feynman and Wheeler think reversal of time. Read Feynman and Weinberg's little book. Richard Feynman & Steven Weinberg (1986): Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics: The 1986 Dirac Memorial Lectures
Fixed points and entropy [weighed count of physical entities].
Tuesday 14 February 2023
Formal vs real: Energy in the classical world is the ability to do work, to move a force through a distance, E = F.s. In the formal Hilbert world energy is the rate of communication
in acts (≈ bits) per second, E - hf. We express the formal world wth complex numbers, giving it algebraic closure. We express the classical world with real numbers [or better, rational numbers]. Why is this? Why is Pythagoras' theorem true? It is a special feature of 3 space which I think about every time I walk along a diagonal rather than round two sides. Why is the diagonal shorter? [the two sides are a fictitious distance created by town planners, builders etc, path dependence]. Maybe this just is, but it seems to be a radical property of space which may demand an explanation rather as I have stumbled on the peculiar nature of Minkowski space.
Kevin Brown: Dirac equation. The task must be to link the Dirac equation to the quantum creation of Minkowski space. A project to answer a few days of stagnation, but can I 'pull it off'. Sometime I think my insight into the quantum creation of Minkowski space is on a par with Dirac's application of the gamma matrices to make sense of the square root of Schrödinger's [4]momentum operator. Kevin Brown: The Dirac Equation (Mathpages)
My hope for separating Hilbert and Minkowski was to introduce a new degree of freedom to simplify quantum field theory. I now have to fit the Dirac equation into the picture by thinking about the gamma matrices [and Clifford algebra]. Clifford algebra - Wikipedia
Wednesday 15 February 2023
The special feature of my approach is that I explain he existence of spacetime and memory from
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principles of quantum mechanics rather than just assuming the existence of the univere and all that is in it as observed, and providing a superficial and erroneous description because the interface between quantum mechanics and spacetime is misunderstood. The root of my explanation is that the universe is divine, pure action quantum mechanical, a consequence of von Neumann's axioms of [abstract] Hilbert space. Think on this every time you wake up in despair and keep rattling the pieces of the jigsaw until they take a shape that fits together to make myself. Even if everything in cognitive cosmology is wrong the fundamental priciple is right (I think, therefore I am right!!). As have thought for 60 years now (although it was not clear at the beginning) this job is worth doing and must be done, and deo volente I will do it. Is my confidence misplaced? I do not think so, and I am very well placed to try and if I fail it will be just another step in the saga that began when the ruling class [through their tame theologians] found it expedient to divide the heavens from the Earth and use their propaganda about the invisible heaven to control and exploit their "subjects". I have been on this trajectory for a long time but now it is becoming more of a passbility that an impossible dream. I am beginning to feel that I was born for this and all the events of my life have been leading to it.
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Ulysses: observation: divining the inner states of persons from their inputs and outputs, the metaphysical extension of physics made possible by the fact that the only constraints on the world are perpetual motion and consistency. James Joyce (1922, 1986): Ulysses The Corrected TextThe point of Cantor's proof is a non-cloning theorem: there are no duplicates among the set of power sets that we use to to prove that ℵ1 is greater than ℵ0. In order to actually construct ℵ1 we need ℵ1 copies of each eement of ℵ0.
The prnciple of individuation is not 'matter' as Aristotle may have claimed, but space. Neverthless the Scholastic definition of matter may be seen to describe space: nec quid, nec quale, nec quantum, nec alquid eorum quibus ens determinatur. When we leave formalism into reality we have to begin to deal with conservation laws [whereas in mathematics, we can make up sets ad libitum]
The first big payoff from the independent Hilbert space postulate must be the solution of the cosmologival constant problem as forshadowed on page 19: Fixed points, laws and symmetries. How is this going to work? The standard approach assumes that the ½hω is real energy whereas if it is simply an ideal in Hilbert space it can predate Minkowski and become part of the zero energy picture where grasvitationsl potential cancels kinetic. What do you think of that? We can use
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the same trick to get rid of the other infinities in quantum field theory. We will have to sophisticate it a bit so that it does not look too obvious.
A lot of what I have to learnt is about the application of mathematical ideas to real physics as in wave mechanics in general. A solution to the real problem may lie in a rework of the quantum harmonic oscillator and maybe the annihilation of unnecessary bits of energy. The conservation of energy can only make sense if the energy of the universe is zero. What about conservation of action? As entropy always increases, so action mut always increase as more gods pour out of the cosmic yoni. Yoni - Wikipedia
In Hilbert space the quantum is the logical distance between the orthogonal vectors whose product is zero precisely because they are orthogonal so one is not the other. Something here a bit like Cantor's proof and the no-cloning theorem where the elements of the power set are differentiated by their structure.
The quantum is a logical operator which has nothing to do with energy in Hilbert space [because] there is no energy there. This connects with the divinity of gravitation the fact that the differential manifold is an ideal like the complex numbers and the potential content of gravitation is equal at the Hilbert level to the kinematic content of the particles in the universe and the whole story is ideal so it does not necessarily
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affect reality except at the digital logical level [where all the problems of continuity and infinity that we find in contemporary physics are eliminated by the digital behaviour of Hilbert space]. This is a word salad but if we toss it around a bit we might get a story, or at least a poem or a song. Nielsen & Chuang (2016): Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
Thursday 16 February 2023
The simple answer to all of the above is that because we have made Hilbert space independent of Minkowski space , events in Hilbert space are not necessarily reflected in Minkowski space, and in particular the principle that we only observe fixed points so the dynamics of Hilbert space is represented in Minkowski space only by eigenvectors and corresponding eigenstates.
The Minkowski metric is a fixed point in the divinity akin to the Trinity.
Is Hilbert space topological space, C∞? See von N.
We can say that broken symmetries exist inside the symmetry that the break. So we may see the Universe as a complex hierarchy of broken symmetries existing inside the initial symetry, god, the initial singularity, which we identify with pure action and graviation in 4D. The first broken symmetry inside God we may see as Minkowski space, represented as a 4 × 4 matrix with -1, 1, 1, 1 or vice versa along the diagonal. The question is why 3D space, and the answer seems to be the provision of sufficient entropy to enable fermions to move without contact [or maybe the first break of symmetry is the axioms of Hilbert space].
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The fact that the quantum computation people can achieve all they need to execute any possible computation in Cn proves, to me that computer processing in Hilbert space is digital and so avoids all the problems of continuity and infinity to be found in quantum field theory. This perception kills, I think, the idea that because the quantum world is a deterministic continuous analogue computer it is more powerful than a Turing machine. We use this argument to overcome the cosmic constant problem and it is at last the payoff from the postulate that Hilbert space is prior to and independent of Minkowski space (?)].
A basic issue is resolution. In Hilbert space every action is one quantum of action. Particles in Minkowski space "carry" software to manage their interactions wiht one another and the speed of execution in Hilbert space is a function of the energy of the particles in Minkowski space, where the 'speed' is the interval required to execute the quantum of action, from very short to the age of the universe (interval = inverse time). [Hilbert space is also a metric space, the distance between states being measured by their inner product which determines the probability amplitude of their connection.]
We imagine a sone dimensional operator called T (for "time") von N. John von Neumann (2014): Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, page 231
The thing is that von Neumann's Hilbert space works perfectly well in its natural domain, which is one dimensional [time] unitary evolution [represented by a matrix of any countable dimension].
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and the rot only sets in when it is grafted onto Minkowski space instead of being understood as the source of this space (page 12: The quantum creation of Minkowski space).
Friday 17 February 2023
Saturday 18 January 2023
page 19: Fixed points, laws and symmetries seems good. Next to page 20: Space-time—the cosmic memory and operating system and we might approach it via the zero-dimension Hilbert space = not - Hilbert space which we identify with the divine initial singularity and we might begin to think in terms of Trinity again: Father-Son makes a qubit by an application of fixed point theory to the continuous, convex, compact, consistent god we started with while algebraic completeness naturally gives rise to Hilbert space via von Neumann's axioms as the first fixed point in the Universe. This leads, via chance and selection to 2D 1 + 1 Minkowski space and next fermions, 3 + 1 Minkowski space and the Dirac equation. A dream run to goal?
My difficulties with quantum mechanics and my difficulties with the human power structures on the planet I live on seem to be closely related so that when my progress on quantum theory seems to dry up I find myself reading a rather boring le Carre spy tory to find inspiration. My trouble lies on tpage 20 on memory and I am not sure what I am trying to do with it except perhaps to implement the ideals on fixed points in divinity foreshadowed on page 19. The fixed point in question is on the one hand the doctrine of the Trinity and on the other von Neumann's axioms of quantum Hilbert space, since both Hilbert and the Trinity seem to be the first break in the divine simplicity of our continuous, convex, compact God. John le Carre (2004): Absolute Friends