Notes DB 90: Psychogenesis_2024
Sunday 19 May 2024 - Saturday 25 May 2024
[page 346]
Sunday 19 May 2024
My project has fizzled a bit so I need to recentre on page 26: Field's end. My intuitive feeling is that the greatest evil that has hit us,which is implicit in the predatory feature of evolution, is imperialism and the dehumanization of people, and my feeling that this is related, by the principle of symmetry with respect to complexity, to field theory, which has the effect of reducing the autonomy of particles by a sort of Stalinist collectivisation.[This . . .] has the effect of destroying the reality of space-time which I am trying to explain through fermions and bosons by reversing the logic of the spin-statistics theorem in the light of the insight that quantum mechanics is a formalism for universal computation analogous to the turing machine. Spin-statistics theorem - Wikipedia
What I need to do is explain that in the long version of page 24: The end of field theory [corresponding to Chapter 26 in the book] and then instantiate it on page 25: Consequences [book Chapter 27] with the dehumanization I suffered when I joined the Dominicans and teetered toward becoming a slave for the propagation of false doctrine and
[page 347]
a footsoldier in the war against 'heresy'. ie modernism and the Kantian doctrine of enlightenment which has been the foundation of many wars ever since. [It] has been brought into the light by the behaviour of the GOP under the influenc of Trump in the US where people totally abandon their integrity to follow a false and baseless dream.
After 60 years studying theology and physics I see that that the methodology of sweeping false doctrines under the carpet by normaliztion is an exact analogue of the justification of imperialism and the salvation propagated by Christianity. So the theme of page 26 goes back to the theological problem of evil. The realiztion that the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience are not supererogation but selling my soul to the imperium, exposing the error of the religiously oriented schools like Blackfriars which I attended and was seduced by. The most telling point may be Aquinas's perversion of Aristotle's argument for the unmoved mover to prove that God is not the Universe.
Lonergan's proof for the existence of god is demolished by the theory of evolution. I go back to Chapter 3 [Bernard] Lonergan: I need a new God. My book is slowly coming a full circle, a quantum of action. I can now revise it in this light and indulge myself without caring about my physical mass.
[page 348]
The Israeli genocide against the Palestinians brings the personality of Yahweh and the Christian god into focus.
Space is space for independence as I learnt from the Shield of the Trinity and expressed vaguely in the Theory of Peace. Independence and freedom and space go together and war is a consequence of the constriction of space. Renormalization and Catholicism are both parallel means of evading the real problems of evil built into evolution and creativity whose clearest expression is the absence of Jesus' commandment of love from the Nicene Creed that Constantine used as the ideological foundation of his empire. My writing (calligraphy?) has calmed down now that I have seen the light that eventually broke through the haze when I began to a couple of years ago to adapt physics and theology to one another since they are both about the same divine universe. My panic is in a sense over and I just have to put the resolution into words.
My Archimedes / Einstein moment has come and I just have to get it in words.
Monday 20 May 2024
In the linear world of quantum mechanics problems can be worked out pairwise and then superposed to give solutions to larger problems. We see this with the
[page 349]
superposition of water waves in theoretically independent molecules, each pair doing their own thing and adding up to a global wave. This has been achieved in Hilbert space, ignoring Minkowski space. Now what? What we have just told is Zurek's story, a bosonic story where linear superposition is free. Now we introduce fermions and spatial exclusion that hold as for all solid objects. They must exclude one another by interaction which we see in quantum mechanics as the superposition of wave functions [probability amplitudes] that add up to nothing. On the two slit experiment this nothingness is achieved for a single particle by waves travelling different distances to a given point by the geometry of spatially separated slits, or photons do it in interferometers by travelling through different spatial paths. In other words, certain conditions of space create certain conditions of wave behaviour, or is it that certain conditions of wave behaviour create space? Here are two pictures of the spin-statistics theorem and we want to think that the fermions create Minkowski space quantum mechanically rather than Minkowski space creating quantum mechanical behaviour as the Streater and Wightman proof seems to indicate. So how does a linear system turn into a quantum system so that ds2 = dx2 - dt2?
Linear: a(x + y) = (ax+ ay)
Quadratic: a(x + y)2 = ax2 + 2axy + ay2
[page 350]
The complication comes in the cross terms. In the linear approach, the state vectors are 'lonely' in the sense used by Arendt (Weiss) and so independent which is why we can superpose water waves where viscosity (interconnection) is low and so drops of water become independent. This facility of quantum mechanics makes its intelligence work, but we need another level of selection in Minkowski space to introduce the cross terms and social action and this is made possible by bosons connecting isolated fermions via null geodesics, and the existence of null geodesics has a quadratic foundation.
[Phone at doctor] Quantum mechanics is linear and Minkowski space is quadratic which implies cross terms which must be managed by massless bosons which connect fermions to one another in a social spatial network. How does this implement special relativity? [By injecting energy into the fermions snd increasing their mass?] By the Minkowski metric [which depends on the fact that everyone sees the same local velocity of light].
We assume that quantum mechanics and gravitation release large cohorts of particles which are then subjected to [a] further round of selection in Minkowski space so we end up with the standard load of elementary particles which require some sort of social context or environment to exist [ie Minkowski space].
[page 351]
Dirac took the quadratic out of the Minkowski equation to make the linear Dirac equation which turns out to be 4 coupled linear equations, wonderful bit of work, how do we go back the other way? [end of phone message].
We follow measurement as a conversation with symmetry with respect to complexity.
I am having the usual feeling that I am not up to scratch, but push on. Even if the book is not perfect, it makes a lot of good points and the cleanup continues.
Tuesday 21 May 2024
Pushing ahead with the book which has grown a bit boring in the absence clear insights into the quantum creation of Minkowski space which is as I wrote above, my pons asinorum. However I remain quite happy with the notion that Hilbert space and quantum mechanics are foundations of the creation of the world and if I cannot find a convincing mechanism for the quantum creation of Minkowski space I can assert that like the first creation of life we know it must have happened because it was possible but at the moment we do not know how. My story about spacetime is that quantum theory is linear and creative and a universal algorithm like the Turing machine for computation and communication and so it must be able to do anything logically possible even if we do now know how, and the creative power of evolution has already discovered snd implemented it. After all the big bang also
[page 352]
envisages the creation of space from the initial singularity. so Q[uod] E[rat] D[emonstrandum].
We have to face the fact that [when] both holes are open the electron interferes. Only one hole open, the electron does not interfere. We solve the first problem by saying that the wave function of the electron goes through both holes and interferes with itself while travelling different distances to different points on the screen. This tells us that events in Minkowski space feed into events in Hilbert space even though we say that there is no space and time in Hilbert space. Does this mean my idea that Hilbert space is independent [is dead]? More to the point, how are we to understand the interactions between Hilbert and Minkowski space if Hilbert space does not receive messages from Minkowski space and vice versa, so it seems that they are in effect the same space. What we have been trying to do is get special relativity out of Hilbert space and it seems at this point that the project has failed. So how do the two spaces communicate to make the two slit experiment work? There has to be something good here and it looks like it is something to do with time, distance, phase and the generation of the Minkowski metric from the Hillbert metric.
On page 348 I wrote that 'my Archimedes / Einstein moment has come and I just have to set it in words',
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but it looks like I have not made it yet. I have to get a clear picture of the bifurcation of kinematic Hilbert time, the only parameter in Hilbert space, into space-time, the parameter in Minkowski space, and the story must have something to do with going from linear to quadratic and Dirac's gamma matrices etc: needs to be solved in ['the book'] Chapter 12: Is Hilbert space independent of Minkowski space?: it is simpler because it has just one parameter but on the other hand ℵ0 different instances of this parameter [embodied in orthogonal rays]. Bang my silly hear against the sky. How do we deal with entanglement and locality?
Of course both the electron and the slit system have their own vectors in Hilbert space (whose measurements results are to us the physical slits and electrons) and these Hilbert spaces are forming a tensor product state that gives us the overall picture that we observe. Silly not to think of this before. The interface between Hilbert and Minkowski is a continual process of measurement, particles meeting and creating new particles.
Meaning is quadratic. I am typing out the sentence beginning 'However I am quite happy . . .' on page 351 and see that it does not make sense because I have left out the 24th word 'if'' so the rest of the sentence does not make sense when I write it out [ie the if plays the role of as cross term connecting the first and second parts of the sentence] [also do the artificial intelligence machines realize this when they are patching pieces of stolen data together to make their "disccoveries">?].
[page 354]
Wednesday 22 May 2024
Thursday 23 May 2024
Beginning to work on CC_24_fields_end retitled cc24_alternative, An alternative to field theory, and finally crystallizing my ambition to completely redirect both theology and physics from totally distinct disciplines to one unified sketch of a theory of everything. I have finally clarified my theological ambition after 60 years of preparation because I believe it is in my grasp using the cognitive quantum theory as a basis and rejecting the mathematical concept of continuity, replacing calculus with linear operators.
Friday 24 May 2024
I am having a bit of trouble bringing the book to a satisfactory conclusion. The early parts of it knock the Catholic Church but I am now sick of that and can see an opening for my last bit of potence will be some commentary on chromodynamics extending to the symmetry with respect to complexity extending to human symmetry as a consequence of the bottom up God. Tomorrow I have to do something about the Minkowski space inside the proton in a 2000 word chapter 27 where I think I would like to shamelessly mix
[page 355]
physics and theology in a protonic microworld. A task for the day. I want to assemble the book and send it to the publishers on Monday 3 June.
We may imagine that protons are the first massive fermions created in the Universe and add up the degrees of freedom required to both make them and explain them and the symmetries operating between the colours of the gluons and the quarks and how much actual information is involved to keep things flowing as a function of the lifetimes of the various states and how this may relate to the random creation of a proton through the creation of a compact Minkowski space inside the the naked gravitation, in other words we seek an orbital explanation of confinement similar in some respects to one atom, a living cell or any permanent dynamic structure.
Saturday 25 May 2024
Temperature-entropy diagram [only for reversible (equilibrium) system]
Knowledge (language) and reality form a constant entropy Carnot cycle as explained by Einstein quoted in my essay on value and its parallel essay on the divinity of money.
69 Figure 1 is a first version of a formal representation of the H[ilbert] O[scillator]. It is based on Hilbert's questions is mathematics consistent? and is mathematics computable? The four states of the oscillator 0-3 simply represent the four possible combinations of yes-no answers to these two questions in their natural binary order.
Note: The Hilbert Oscillator discussed in this ancient essay is illustrated in the following image:
Hilbert Oscillator version 1.
70 Let us attempt an intuitive correlation of these states with the search for understanding. We begin with a problem, a situation best represented by state 1. In this state one is certain that there is inconsistency - a previous belief has been successfully falsified.
71 The next step is to consciously and unconsciously permute the set of known facts or observations in an attempt to arrive at a consistent understanding. This corresponds to state 0, a state of darkness lacking both consistency and computability. Einstein gave us a classic expression of this and the next phase: The years of searching in the dark for a truth that one feels but cannot express, the intense desire and the alternations of confidence and misgiving, until one breaks through to clarity and understanding are known only to him who has himself experienced them. Abraham Pais (1982): Subtle is the Lord...': The Science and Life of Albert Einstein, page 257
72 The breakthrough to clarity corresponds to the reestablishment of consistency and the ability to see order in an infinite number of observations from the new point of view. This corresponds to state 2. Finally the new insight can be reduced to writing and definite methods of computation, corresponding to state 373 Experience shows that this point, the answer to the original problem, gives rise to a large number of further problems. The volume of scientific work awaiting completion grows rather than diminishes with each discovery.
74 Figure 2 is an attempt to summarise this interpretation of the Hilbert cycle in a manner reminiscent of the temperature-entropy diagram used in thermodynamics.
Hilbert Oscillator version 2.
75 We now turn to establishing a more formal relationship between the Hilbert cycle and the Cantor Universe.
76 C[antor] T[heorem] interpreted dynamically establishes the existence of the C[antor]F[fore], which acts to increase the complexity of the universe. Since the source of the CF is consistency, it acts at every point in the universe. We may understand the CF as the foundation of the second law of thermodynamics which tells us that the entropy of the universe never decreases (and usually increases) in any process. Jeffrey Nicholls (1992): An essay on the divinity of money
Einstein could not understand quantum mechanics because he was blinded by mathematical determinism as he explained in is 1933 [Herbert Spencer]
[page 356]
Lecture. He said God does not play dice. In this book God is the supreme dice player because he is totally ignorant but He is led to knowledge, which is the Universe, by the mathematical constraint of non-contradiction identified by Hilbert which still points a path towards the future as detected by Gödel and Turing. Albert Einstein (1933): On the Method of Theoretical Physics: Herbert Spencer Lecture 1933
Here we have the core of the new theology, it is a refrigerator, using zero entropy mechanical energy to keep the Universe of unrestrained possibility cool and give us meaningful, reversible communication which lies at the heart of the linear operators in quantum mechanics, discovering meaning amid chaos. If the proton is eternal it must have zero energy and zero temperature and in some way zero entropy, like the initial singularity which was eternal until fixed point theory derived the causes of [kinematic] motion within it in the form of Hilbert space and quantum mechanics. So Chapter 26 [An alternative to field theory] ends with the reversibility of reality and explanation as a lead into Chapter 27 [The [political consequences of physical theology] [. . . ] which emphasize human symmetry as the cure to imperialism driven by mind destroying drugs [opium? money?] There is a story in there somewhere, to be the takeaway conclusion of my book, heralded in the abstract. Amitav Ghosh (2024): Smoke and Ashes: Opium's Hidden Histories
Is imperialism like a refrigerator, using the zero entropy mechanical energy of violence to freeze human creativity into slavery which creates more zero entropy energy which is used by the theocrats to make themselves wealthy and bring more people into slavery? The force opposing creation?
[page 357]
The time reversed black hole grows a universe within itself by Hawking radiation [which cannot go out because there is no out]. The protons are the refrigerators.
Conclusion: The Catholic Catechism is a nauseating pack of lies that makes Trump look like a paragon of veracity.
Chapter 26: An alternative to quantum field theory
Chapter 27: Physical theology.
Both atoms and galaxies have hard centres.