Notes DB 91: Divine_Gravitation_2024
Sunday 26 January 2025 - Saturday 1 February 2025
[page 351]
Sunday 26 January 2025
Final draft of essay. What is missing? Now I want something new to put in lust for life, more concentration on politics. What have I done so far? Turned theology and physics inside out. This is my Einstein thing I wanted? Perhaps there is something bigger I want but so far it is out of sight. Sleep on it? Is there a feeling there?
Monday 27 January 2025
Cannot send cognitive_cos_dec2024 until end of Feb. Email Geoffrey Hinton re Natural intelligence of the quantum universe.
Tuesday 28 January 2025
Emailed Austin Macauley to approve cover. Now we need blurb and publish date.
When the author was a little child that Catholic Church
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began perverting his mind with 2000 years of lies about his humanity and his world. He believed it all and set out to become a priest but after a few years saw the light and was kicked ouit of the seminary as a heretic. For sixty years he thought about what happened to him. And now the conclusion arrives, a lethal weapon against the Church and all its ilk, a thermonuclear bomb built on the root of the world. It shows beyond doubt that their God is false and reality is not the swamp of sin that they have vowed to drain. Reality is divine, not a sick mistake made by their vicious God. This is a tiny book, but just like any virus it is lethal and the only answer to it is to begin to preach the truth. The Universe is divine and plays all the roles, creator, sustainer and judge, usurped by their God.
60 years later, having thought the matter over, this book is his answer. It is not the swamp of sin they hope to drain, although they have made it so. Every war is a religious war, fed by religious lies while they all smugly claim to be bringers of peace. Bringers of peace for their own followers sometimes, but not for all the rest.
Back to the abstract: This essay is a work of political philosophy, ie philosophy applied to politics.
[Commentary on Hopfield lecture]
Hopfield Nobel: The choice of problem is the primary determinant of what one achieves in science. John J. Hopfield: Nobel Lecture: Physics is a point of view, Hopfield network - Wikipedia
[page 353]
' Ultimately defining the germ of a useful viewpoint upon which mathematic can be overlaid. Physics is a point of view. Learning to think with my hands and manipulate real objects.'
' Paradox between common sense and theoretical view of the facts. Ownership of an interesting question and total responsibility for research and progress.'
' Haemoglobin took me from solid state to biochemistry. High energy proof reading and decribed crucial experimkents to prove the theory.'
' How mind emerges from brain is for me the deepest question posed by our humanity. Dynamic logical trajectory, so trajectory is stable and will get back on track if disturbed, associative memory, convergence, spin systems, magnetic trajectories, lets make the biological system follow the same mathematical methodology - neurobiology and solid state physics, has to do with energy. Energy function describes convergent flows in a wide range of systems.'
Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities, J. J. Hopfield. John J. Hopfield (1982) : Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities
Here we are moving out or the quantum regime into the Minkowski regime.
' The omission of the almost obvious became an invitation for other people to add to the subject.'
' Dense associative memory.'
[page 354]
' Physics is a point of view for understanding the totality of man and his universe.'
Wednesday 29 January 2025
Cover Blurb in file /aaaPRODUCTION/Cover_Proof/
Geoffrey Hinton (2025_12_08): Nobel Lecture: Boltzmann machines
[Commentary on Hinton's lecture]
' Hopfield network - goodness → - energy. Each neuron can locally compute what it has to do to reduce the energy = badness. Hopfield network - Wikipedia
' Hopfield network can have many energy minima.'
' Hopfield: Memories could be energy minima of a neural net.'
' The binary decision rule can be used to "clean up" incomplete or corrupted memories (Hopfield 1982)' John J. Hopfield (1982): Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities
' Different computational role for Hopfield networks, not to store memories but to construct interpretations of sensory input.'
' Visible neurons contain data; interpretation represented by hidden neurons. Energy of hidden neurons ≡ badness of interpretation so best interpretation is lowest energy.'
' Interpretation of the same Necker cube. This is a bit like the work of the eigenvalue equation' (illustration at 6.31 of 31.53).
' Interpreting is like dreaming. Assign a 2D line neuron for each line'
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' Use one 3D edge neuron for each possible 3D edge. The 2D line neurons each try to activate all the edge neurons that could project that line. The 3D edges compete by using connections with negative weights. Now we put in extra connections to represent lines connected in the real image, i.e. make 3D edges support eachother if they join in 3D. Strongly support eachother if they join at right angles in 3D.'
' This setup might create a network which will settle to either interpretation of the cube. Causes 2 main problems:
1. How do we avoid getting caught in a local minimum?
2. We would like the network to put in all the connections we have to put in by hand.'[Is all of this irrelevant in the quantum regime where there is no energy?]
'Answer to 1 is noise, ie stochastic binary neurons. [bit like QM weights?]. So clamp the binary image on the visible units and for each neuron make it behave probabilistically when motivations become nearly equal. So go round and round doing hard/soft choices and system will approach thermal equilibrium.'
'At thermal equilibrium, states of hidden neurons are an interpretation of the line drawing, if we got the right weights for the lines, etc.'
11.50 Thermal equilibrium. What is stabilized is probability distribution over configurations of the system, ie quantum mechanical
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ie the Boltzmann distribution. The probability of finding the system in a configuration is determined solely by the energy of the configuration: hν / kT = pi. Low energy more probable than high energy [Planck].'
' Ensemble of identical Hopfield networks started in certain states. Run the algorithm and the probability becomes stable. Detailed balance.'
' Concentrating on image with stochastic binary neurons (letting the network dream). Start with random binary state for all neurons, then follow the update rule.'
' Look at visible neurons and see a binary image generated by the network.'
Paper: The quantum eigenvalue equation as a model for Hopfield/Boltzmann networks [ie a linear approach to a complex logical structure]. [Me to write, justifying natural intelligence NI vs AI, straight out of my book to PNAS].
15.04: ' The aim of learning in a Boltzmann machine.'
' Learning the insights in the network is equivalent to figuring out how the hidden neurons should be used to model the structure in the images it perceives (after a random start). Hard problem.'
'Start with random and show it lots of images and hope the system can use the hidden neurons to model the underlying causes of the images. Very optimistic. 1983. Very simple algorithm.' Geoffrey E Hinton & Terrence J. Sejnowski (1983): Optimal Perceptual Inference
[page 357]
'Wake phase: Settle to thermal equilibrium and or every pair of connected neurons add a bit of weight.'
'Sleep phase: Settle to thermal equilibrium by updating hidden and visible then for every pair of connected neurons, if they are both on, take a little bit off the weight between them.'
'On average, this will increase the probability that the image generated by the net when it is dreaming will resemble the images it produces when it is awake. ie the weights change so that the images the network finds plausible (ie low energy) resemble the images it sees when it is awake. Believe in what you see when you are awake and unbelieve what you see when you are asleep.'
' Everything that a weight between two neurons need to know about the other weights in order to learn correctly is conveyed by the difference between two quantities that can be measured locally. How often two neurons are on together when they are awake and when they are dreaming, versus back propagation (is biologically implausible).'
'Settling to thermal equilibrium is a very slow process.'
'But, 17 years later, if there are no connections between hidden neurons the wake phase becomes very much simpler.'
'So clamp an input on the visible and update all the hidden neurons in parallel.'
[page 358]
'Sleep phase still requires old process'
'Shortcut: contrastive divergence. Visible.'
'A practical demo: Netflix used restricted Boltzmann machines to improve predictions of movies people would like.'
'Stacked restricted Boltzmann machines. Give hidden units data to next machine each finding structure between hierarchy of abstract features add a final layer and give it class labels. It has learnt the struture and then can give it names, they generalize better because they have got the data.'
'2006 - 2011 using stacks of Boltzmann machines'
'2012: Google got better speech resolution. Stacks of Boltzmann machines are out of date, historical enzymes. Unlearning during sleep is still a good plan. QED '
Thursday 30 January 2025
Phone snippets for a blurb.' Theological wars became pandemic in both East and West after Christians sold out to Constantine's Empire, one of the first major encounters being the Crusades.' Christopher Tyerman (2019) The World of the Crusades
[note from Mahabharata: Krishna encourages Arjuna by telling him that though he might be killed in battle he can have another reanimated life unless he has reached perfection. This is why all wars are holy wars. The sacrifices of the combatants for the benefits of their lords are encouraged by the very ancient and very false doctrine that we do not really die but we have an immortal soul. A very big lie to tell those who are about to die.] Mahabharata - Wikipedia' Here I coopt the God of Aquinas and identify it with gravitation which influences every moment of our lives and
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and creates the Universe and conclude that theology can be a real science based on our extensive knowledge of physics. As John J. Hopfield, one of the Nobel prize winners for the invention of artificicial intelligence concluded his Nobel lecture : "Physics is a point of view for understanding the totality of humanity and our Universe." Obviously our AI is but a feeble imitation of the quantum mechanical intelligence that creartes our magnificent Universe.
An expose of an infallible papacy that says women are too spiritually defective to become priests.'
A gentle thermonuclear explosion emanating from the roots of the Universe that will blow away all the mythical imperial religions and spell the end of theocracy and autocracy and expose the lie that is papal infallibility.
Theological wars murder people hoping to kill a state of mind. Innocent III conducted a 20 year war against the Albigensian heretics, killing a million of them for having a state of mind no weirder than the angels and devils and apocalyptic ending that characterize the Catholic Church. There will be no apocalypse in any conceivable lifetime. We are living on a planet looking forward to another five billion years of lifegiving sunlight.
[page 360]
Saturday 1 February 2025
Is natural intelligence smarter than the artificial variety?
1. The background model - gravitation - quantum mechanics - classical mechanics in Minkowski space
2. The quantum creation of universal formalism and its gravitational realization.
3. Quantum intelligence - creating the new universe.
4. The Turing / Hopfield / Hinton model : Training, garbage in garbage out - interpreting the old universe.
When truth cannot be agreed upon, war is inevitable.
Genocide and imperialism go hand in hand.
The Church is not founded on reality but on human states of mind. It may be argued that such states of mind are realities, but we only have access to them through opinions of the possessors of these states of mind and the coupling of these states of mind [to reality] may be very weak as we see in the president
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of rhe United States who denies the existence of human induced climate change and the spectrum of genders based on human sexuality.
'Waiting for the mood to write by watching women in motion. Evolution designed heavenly pleasure to prevent species from dying out but it can be associated also with rape and violence in the competition for impregnation: lust for life / violence for life.
Cover Blurb
When the truth cannot be agreed upon, war is inevitable (Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, conversation between Krishna (aka Vishnu) and Arjuna) Bhagavad Gita - Wikipedia
'Jesus of Nazareth was a political revolutionary. He transformed Judaism into Christianity. Constantine turned Christianity into the established religion of the Empire and it became Roman Catholicism.'
In 1963, I joined the Catholic Order of Preachers, the Dominicans, to become a priest. The Dominican’s star theologian is Thomas Aquinas. He renewed theology by introducing the logic and physics of Aristotle. His work was exciting.
In the 1959 Pope John XXIII announced that the Church needed updating aggiornamento. Wouldn’t it be a miracle if theology caught up with modern science?
The official Catholic Church is a glorious concoction of ancient mythology. We know there was no Original Sin. We know there will be no Apocalypse. We know that sunlight will support life on Earth for five billion more years.
Science feeds on physical contact. Theology must see and feel god if it is to be a science.
This book begins with Jesus and the god that Aquinas found in Aristotle. It identifies them with gravitation. Gravitation influences every moment of our lives. It creates the world.
In 1965 the Order expelled me. It is heresy to say the world is divine. Back in the real world I never forgot my love for Aquinas. This book might be what he would say if he knew what we know.
Adelaide, 31 January 2025 (227 words)