Natural Theology

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Notes DB 92: Physwical_Theology_II_2025

Sunday 9 February 2025 - Saturday 15 February 2025

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Sunday 9 February 2025

A new notebook, celebrating a new phase of my life, my 80th birthday and the imminent publication of Cognitive Cosmology, my new Genesis as I emerge from the dark forest of imperial Catholicism into the light of the divine physical Universe which is no longer the dead matter of an imperial history but the living mind of the divinity first discerned by many indigenous communities. Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet" Social and Emotional Wellbeing: Country, culture and spirituality

Such religious and theological literature as we have seems to divine the world into an all controlling spirit (God, Vishnu) and material avatars of this spirit, all the time assuming that this spirit is omniscient and omnipotent and in complete control of our lives, so that everything that happens as 'meant to be', ie foreordained by the spirit which has absolute providence over every event, as Aquinas claims. Aquinas, Summa, I, 22, 3: Does God have immediate providence over everything?

At the same time the imperial notion that all humans are guilty and subject to government and punishment (Hell) was overlaid on this deterministic view by giving us free will and making us responsible for our actions, the intrinsic Catch 22 of traditional theology.

We have been saved from this horror by two discoveries of

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modern science: first, we see that the universe is expanding and we extrapolate that back to an initial singularity, the God, for instance, of Aquinas which is absolutely simple, without structure. Second, we know that information in physical, represented by discrete symbols so that an absolutely structureless entity can carry no information, it cannot be omniscient, it cannot have deterministic control over everything, so the creation of the Universe must be a matter of random variation and selection by the demand for ontological consistency that we see built into the stable structures of our world. The immediate consequence of this hypothesis is that the universe is divine so we can now set about understanding our lives and our relationships with one another on this basis.

Welcome to the new world of physical theology foreshadowed by John Hopfield in his Nobel lecture tracing his course from solid state physics to material intelligence. At present our understanding of artificial ib based on classical Turing computation in Minkowski space. The hypothesis here is that this missed the point of natural intelligence which is that it resides in quantum mechanics and the wave nature of reality which de Broglie put his finger

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on in the wave nature of the electron. John J. Hopfield (2024_12_08): Nobel Lecture: Physics is a point of view, Louis de Broglie (1929): Nobel Lecture: The Wave Nature of the Electron

Monday 10 February 2025

Theme for the cognitive cosmogenesis essay, power corrupts and the historical epitome of power is the Papacy which has declared itself to have an infallible bond with the omnipotent and omniscient Catholic god. The alternative proposed here is that this god is a fiction and all the powers and roles attributed to this god can be attributed to the universe. In proof of this we offer the standard model of cosmology which sees the universe originating from a structureless initial singularity. This singularity must be both eternal and omnipotent. In the light of modern information theory, a structureless entity cannot be omniscient sdo we assume that the initial axctions of this singiularity are random, constrained only by the ontological impossibility of actual contradiction. This opens the way for a simple evolutionary picture of the self creation of he universe which we may see by analogy as the physical mind of divinity. This approach 152 words removes the power of divinity from the heavens to the earth and opens the way to a new reset of the the interpretative relationship between quantum mechanics and Minkowski spade and relativity,

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I have upset my landlady. Will I have to move again. Yes, but slowly. l4l_index footnotes.

At last getting stuck into lust for life. Here is the plan, written in the part as the temperature slowly falls from 30+ to 20ish

Section I: [front page index] First, short introduction on the dead ends we have reached in physics, theology, politics etc etc. Then project is to turn physics and theology upside down introducing evolution and quantum mechanics and then a quick run through the ten steps from the initial singularity to the Unverse. 1. naked gravitation; 2 random Hilbert space; 3. quantum intelligence; 4 particle forms; 5. energization of independent particles; 6. bosons; 7. fermions; 8 Minkowski space; 9 Einstein spacetime; 10 divinity and the mind of god.

Section II: Ten chapters of 1000 words explaining all this in more detail, emphasizing the relationship of physics and theology and the role of quantum mechanic as the spirit of the universe, explaining how it has been misunderstood using the house of cards story. All this relates vaguely to the prima pars [of the Summa of Aquinas].

Section III: Prima Secundae: Endless section explaining politics in terms of quantum mechanics using the principle of simplicity with respect to complexity, explaining people, animals ect as fermions,

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cultural connection through spirit, music speech, bosons with an emphasis on first nations spirituality then we move on to sexuality, rights, education etc.

Section IV: Secunda Secundae getting down into the woods odf detailed behaviour, law etc etc.

Section V: Tertia Pars" All the time trying to stay close to physical intellect like Hopfield and setting up the proofs to show that well educated democracy is the broadest bandwidth most stable and peaceful path to salvation [the good education functioning like the DNA in the cells of a human body, putting everybody on the same age in the management of the world]. This is to talk about entropy and stability from solid state theory, no need for crucifixions to please angry gods, no Satan, just bad design and irrational behaviour arising from inability to find a rational path, so go beserk, like the primordial Hilbert space, and let communication and superposition find the way.

Tuesday 11 February 2025
SA Housing, SACAT, Rentright. Cardinal crimson #c4 1e 3a [not very bright, add to all values?]
Wednesday 12 February 2025

Today's mystery - time? We may think of the first observable appearance of Hilbert space in the observable world as photons and their accompanying null geodesic which is still effectively outside space and time.

Yesterday evening phone notes in the park:

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As I go along I remodel things to fit together and hopefully the whole thing will be coherent. Working through lust for life will polish the picture some more.

Quantum mechanics is the spirit filling the ancient division between spirit and matter - Hilbert space vs Minkowski space. We have to insert the traditional role of theology and materialism and make quantum mechanics the abstract basis of the world, following Plato.

Universe divine implies physics and theology are the same subject, both spanning the matter / spirit divide. Physics provides the data, theology the interpretation. The physical boundary between matter and spirit is mediated by bosons and fermions which are joint creations of gravitation, in effect Hawking and Ellis's time reversed black hole creating structures and energizing / realizing them (like Aristotle' hylomorphism) by the bifurcation of zero energy naked gravitation into kinetic and potential energy. A good story with no maths, as proposed by Feynman whose great strength seems to have been physical intuition gained like Hopfield by tinkering and me by fixing cars and building. I am very pleasd with my intellectual development following Aristotle and Aquinas. Time to have another go

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at the abstract of AJP.

"Physics at its best, is a point of view fr understanding the totality of [humanity] and [their] universe." John J. Hopfield (2024_12_08): Nobel Lecture: Physics is a point of view

How does Hilbert space relate to time? By random changes, rather as the probability of different outcomes of a die or a roulette wheel change as "time" progresses [is changes cause the time, not time causing the changes], a symmetry which can be reersed ti link change to ti, numerus motus secundum prius et posterius. How does quantum mechanics fix time? [As an order of superposition?] By fixing stationary points that become observable by acquiring energy, like the 'quantum jump' of electrons moving from one eigenvector to another by the emission or absorption of a photon. How do photons create electrons, electric charge, mass and spin? How do photon mediate the proof of E = mc2? [We find a lot of electron in Dirac equation, but what bout electric charge?]. Dirac equation - Wikipedia last revised 24/Jan/2021. Traffic (SSL) December 2021: 7.45 MB; 2022: 44.45 MB; 2023: 31.61 MB; 2024: 50.31 MB; 2024 year; 427 MB. This sire mainly my honours year. Maybe link to summtay of cognitive cosmogenesis to bring it u to date. [SSL] 2024 year 1.39 GB. '[AWStats]; Webalizer lumps people and bots together, total March 2034 to February 2025 6042819 kB = 6.043 GB.

What's the next question? Gravitation is our most personal and intimate connection to divinity touching every cell in our bodies, every moment of our lives, even if we are in free fall on a geodesic it is controlling us. If we deviate from the geodesic, like standing on the ground, we feel it. We distinguish massive geodesics [fermions] from massless geodesics. How does

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gravitation create mass and time, [not present in naked gravitation, present in Minkowski space we say via the quantum formulation and gravitation energization of particles. Answer: rate of action = energy = mass]

Phonons are bosons Phonon - Wikipedia

We have to realize that Hilbert space is good for the superpositions of observable periodic functions (and may apply to unobservable periodic functions, those superposed by non-hermitian operators). We imagine that carefully constructed superposition can create as many stationary points as there are frequencies in the base states of the superposition. Whose theorem is this, unitary symmetry [at the basis for Dirac's transformation theory. Paul Dirac (1983): The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (4th ed)

A good thing for Hawking and Ellis is my 'time reversed black hole', ie the creation of real particles from naked gravitation. We may look upon l4l as an instruction book for reading cognitive cosmology.

Thursday 13 February 2025

How to I react to the global turmoil created by the US turn to far right isolationism? [it may be a good thing to keep their stupidity at home?] Just keep plugging the creative power and intelligence of quantum mechanics in Hilbert space by expanding the scope of naked gravitation in the creation of elementary particles by using the principle of symmetry with respect to complexity

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to extend the particle doctrine to all free agents in the universe acting under the benign hand of gravitation to human beings, stars and galaxies. Does this idea make any sense? The key to the symmetry with resect to complexity is the symmetry of unitarity which controls communication between entities of all sizes. We can argue that the network communication structure of the universe, that depends on quantum communication and the role of hermitian operators as all scales of complexity tells is everything we need to know about human relationships and in particular emphasizes the role of compassion identified by Buddha.

This is my 'Einstein approach' if I could pull it off to win the culture war between imperialism (ie field theory) and the independence of particles in one-to-one relationsjips. A dream that needs to be realized, the subject of the tertia pars redemption and salvation, the last step in the process of cognitive cosmogenesis outlined in Cognitive Cosmogenesis. The basic plot is that the Universe is intelligent and divine and if we want peace and happiness of Earth we had better get with the plot. They say that blurbs should not spoil the plot, but my idea is that the blurb should counter the imperial church by showing the true root to salvation, educated intelligence involving the right mind to govern all interactions of particles from the hermitian operators in photons to the compassionate hearts of people.

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The acts of human behaviour seem to show that we are mostly endowed with cooperation and compassion because it plays such a central role in our process of reproduction and education, but it is also open to exploitation by bad actors who subvert our tendency to be cooperative and compassionate by a transactional approach to relationships. which take advantage of "naive" individuals who can be ripped off by confidence tricksters exercising the 'art of the deal' so central to the personality of the current lying president of the US who seems to be able to get almost anybody to fall for his lies and hopefully benefit him. So we find the isolationist far right tendency toward transactional behaviour spreading among the good people of the US.

Still trying to score the perfect blurb.

Stop 14 Belair Road, West Side: One of the problems we have faced since time immemorial is powerful people who claim infallible connection to fictitious divinities who give them the right and power to slaughter large numbers of unbelievers (opposition). We see a current example in Vladimir Putin who is waging a Holy War sanctioned by Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill of Moscow of against the people of Ukraine. Ksenia Luchenko (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace): Why the Russian Orthodox Church Supports the War in Ukraine

A permanent

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solution to this class of problem is to establish that the universe plays all the roles traditionally attributed to divinity. It is now widely accepted in scientific circles that the world reached its current state through a long process of evolution which accounts for the current state of human personality. It seems clear that the fundamental trait that ensures our survival is to cooperate and that this state is supported by communication and more generally love. Traits supported by scientific investigation and strongly opposed to wholesale slaughter and destruction based on fictitious beliefs.

The purpose of this book is to establish that the universe that created itself is intelligent and its intelligence is rooted in its physical nature which is open for all to see. . . . Here comes bus no 300 anticlockwise.

The prelude above is already 200 words and I am only halfway throuh establishing the case for the book. We need some very concise Dylanesque poetry to do the job. Keep trying. Write it to Cath in concise language which she will understand. 150 powerful words.

Monotheism is the most dangerous doctrine ever invented - Jonathan Sacks:

Sacks argued that religion remains “the most powerful creator of groups, stronger than ideology, race, nationalism.” When monotheism is tied to dualism — the belief that history is a cosmic conflict between the children of light and the children of darkness — it becomes “the most dangerous doctrine ever invented,” allowing people to “commit evil with a clean conscience". Michael Gerson (2015_05_11): The violent narrative of religious rivalry

I do not doubt that theology and religion are the most efficient creators of dissension and violence in the world, and the saddest thing of

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all is that they are all based on fantasy and mythology, beautifully illustrated by the disastrous intervention of the Gods of the Iliad, in human affairs. [also Mahabhratra and the Bible. Jeffrey Nicholls (2020), Tim Costello (2022-03_06): Vladimir Putin: a miracle defender of Christianity or the most evil man?, Peter T. C. Chang (2021_06_21): The religion behind a divided America and its conflict with China, Theodicy - Wikipedia

Start again, tell it like it is:

The core idea in this book is that we could solve all our problems by ditching all our weird religious beliefs and strange gods and facing the fact that the universe itself is divine. It creates itself, and if we could interpret our knowledge of physics properly we would arrive at a credible scientific theology. All our problems have long since been solved during the evolution of the universe and we just have to learn the tricks that did it. The idea is that the world has natural intelligence far in excess of any artificial intelligence that we have yet to discover. Among its most complex and amazing creations we find all forms of life from bacteria through forests to our own bodies. Each of us is a cooperative community of some 50 trillion independent cells. Our cells all work together on a common plan to nurture and protect one another. They build, own and operate each one of us. If we can understand how this happens, organizing world peace for a mere ten billion independent people will be a pushover. At the foundation of it all is quantum mechanics, the outstanding social and political structure that guides the whole system.

196 words

Friday 14 February 2025

Latest blurb despatched to AM and will be abstract to l4l. Now delete abstract and use it as preface instead, heading Front.

I often feel that my life was somehow wasted as a consequence of joining the Dominicans, finding myself on the wrong track and being unable to establish a suitable social role ever since. In effect writing cognitive cosmogenesis is an effort to join the real world again and contribute something as a 'public intellectual' implementing a significant change in theology but I have so far shied away from the limelight and this is partly because I have failed, in general, to attract 'followers' for my cause. My stated reason for this is my attempt to express a significantly powerful idea in suitably relevant circles to attract attention. This, on the back of my book, is the purpose of my submission of an essay to the Australasian Philosophical Journal, but there is no certainty that it will be accepted. Push on, nevertheless, and continue to enjoy the fruits of my own insight even though noone seems to be listening. I am hopiong to make an impression in the last 20 years of my life, but perhaps I will just finish up dying quietly [like just about everybody else].

The task that has been set for me is a long one, radically changing the minds of some three billion people. I wish ti reflect this in the introduction

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to lust for life which think will be developed and promotd as my personal brand, capturing some of the sexiness of pornography without repelling too many prudes.

Last line of blurb no 4: "At the foundation of all this is quantum mechanics, the outstanding political and social structure that guides the whole system". al4l06_preface.

Saturday 15 February 2025

Wake this morning thinking of dangerous jobs I have done, mostly high roofs over concrete floors wth inadequate resources creeping around on the purlins dragging the iron up and laying is out, happy to put the first screw in. Now in the city I see lots of scissor lifts, safety harnesses and most people working comfortably within their envelope of safety. My book, also written with inadequate resources exploring ideas far from the mainstream has a similar frisson of danger which must be dealt with with great care to ensure safety and certainty. The sad story of Einstein's rejection of quantum mechanics is always in my mind, how he had a brilliant beginning and came to a dead end because he failed to understand the role of uncertainty in

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evolution. Looking back I see my career as a sad beginning pointing to a happy ending. I entered a deterministic Church, an imperial entity proud of its infallible heritage but built in fact on feet of clay which I detected and was rejected but fortunately not murdered which remains the fate of blasphemers in modern autocratic theocracies. Now I am thinking back through my book and wondering uf it is safe to propagate and keep coming back to the sentence above "At the foundation of all this is quantum mechanics, the outstanding political and social structure that guides the whole system" ands trying to build it into a new framework, which I call lust for life, the irresistible evolutionary power of an utterly ignorant omnipotence which has created our magnificent Universe and i wonder how that applies to the Trump administration in the US.

Here we have a solipsist who is acting like a black hole trying to destroy the political structure of a fairly democratic nature which has been up over 200 years of revolutionary war, imperial expansion and the industrial power which thwarted Hitler in the 1930s. Is his destruction the beginning if a new phase of development or has the GOP turned into a bunch of scared weird little people who think their only hope us theocratic autocracy. An essay. Was Einstein a victim of theocratic autocracy.


You may copy this material freely provided only that you quote fairly and provide a link (or reference) to your source.

Further reading


Dirac (1983), P A M, The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (4th ed), Oxford UP/Clarendon 1983 Jacket: '[this] is the standard work in the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, indispensible both to the advanced student and the mature research worker, who will always find it a fresh source of knowledge and stimulation.' (Nature)  


ABCCulture Compass, From the Fangufangu to the panpipes — re-awakening the sounds of the Pacific, ' John Kanai grew up watching his uncles and grandfathers blow and beat the traditional bamboo panpipes in Malaita, his home in Solomon Islands. More than an instrument, for John, the sound of traditional panpipes is akin to the sounds of ancestors, a connection to the past. "The panpipe is something that your ancestors did," he told Culture Compass. "Whenever I perform… it's always a spirit of wholesomeness, like nothing else matters in the world." "You're sharing a part of something that is ancient." Panpipe music is found in most of the islands of the Solomons, and was one of the many ways aspects of culture was preserved — from showing reverence for the dead, or celebrating a milestone. "They performed during funerals, and also when the son of the chief becomes the next chief of the tribe," he explains. Passed down from generations before, John's family has continued the panpipe tradition, but in other parts of the Pacific, the sounds of our ancestors were forced to stop when colonial missionaries arrived. back

Alex Lo (2025_02_12), My Take | How hyping ‘the China threat’ poisons US domestic politics, ' Seriously, the more you threaten China, the more its leadership is able to rouse up ethnonationalism to justify its rule. Now, if you want a primer on how we get to this spiralling insanity, you can do worse than reading a new book, The Rivalry Peril: How Great-Power Competition Threatens Peace and Weakens Democracy, by international relations specialists Van Jackson and Michael Brenes. Their key argument is that rivalry with China is bad for the political health of Americans, who are already not well. This is because to prosecute Cold War 2.0, the political elites hype up the China threat and amp up the military and the national security apparatus. That will end up compromising America’s own democratic values as well as its civil and political institutions. “China rivalry … favours demagogues and jingoists in domestic politics even as it perverts US grand strategic thinking,” the authors wrote. “[It] cannot ameliorate what ails the United States … Far from birthing a new political consensus, a new unity, what instead follows is the suspension of civil liberties for targeted groups, the empowerment of extreme reactionary and anti-democratic voices, a climate of racialised fear that tips into societal violence, deflection of political accountability and the diversion of public resources away from public welfare. [. . . ] The authors call it “national security Keynesianism”, that is, the old military-industrial complex plus the more recent omnipresent surveillance state apparatus, which now does business with practically all the best-known tech and telecoms giants. Google – whose corporate motto used to be “Don’t be evil” – has just reversed its long-standing policy not to sell its technologies for surveillance or military use. Those juicy Pentagon and National Security Agency contracts! ” back

Aquinas, Summa, I, 22, 3, Does God have immediate providence over everything?, ' I answer that, Two things belong to providence—namely, the type of the order of things foreordained towards an end; and the execution of this order, which is called government. As regards the first of these, God has immediate providence over everything, because He has in His intellect the types of everything, even the smallest; and whatsoever causes He assigns to certain effects, He gives them the power to produce those effects. Whence it must be that He has beforehand the type of those effects in His mind. As to the second, there are certain intermediaries of God's providence; for He governs things inferior by superior, not on account of any defect in His power, but by reason of the abundance of His goodness; so that the dignity of causality is imparted even to creatures.' back

Atossa Araxia Abrahamian (2025_02_13), ‘Here lives the monster’s brain’: the man who exposed Switzerland’s dirty secrets, ' Today, in his tenth decade of life, Jean Ziegler is Switzerland’s most notorious public intellectual. That’s because, over the course of writing about 30 books, serving for close to three decades in the Swiss parliament, and relentlessly crusading for leftwing causes in his free time, Ziegler has made a career of unsparing criticism of his home country and its outsize influence on the rest of the world. In the 1960s, though, he was just another eager young leftist, waiting for his chance to change the world. [. . .] For centuries, the Swiss had prided themselves on keeping blood and money apart: of keeping its bank vaults isolated from the upheavals of the outside world. In Ziegler, they spawned an iconoclastic figure who forced them to reckon with the moral cost. back

Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, Social and Emotional Wellbeing: Country, culture and spirituality, ' Under the range of holistic frameworks and models that have defined social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Country, culture and spirituality play important roles to the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Country, culture and spirituality may have different meanings and significance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities across Australia, and can be dependent on factors such as age, geographical location and cultural knowledge. Rather than viewing Country, or land, as a physical environment, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people consider Country as a deeply symbolic and spiritual place. The connection between person and Country reinforces Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ identity and sense of belonging.' back

Dirac equation - Wikipedia, Dirac equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In particle physics, the Dirac equation is a relativistic wave equation derived by British physicist Paul Dirac in 1928. In its free form, or including electromagnetic interactions, it describes all spin-1⁄2 massive particles such as electrons and quarks, for which parity is a symmetry, and is consistent with both the principles of quantum mechanics and the theory of special relativity, and was the first theory to account fully for special relativity in the context of quantum mechanics. It accounted for the fine details of the hydrogen spectrum in a completely rigorous way.' back

Holly Chik (20245_02_14), US research hub at heart of brain drain for scientists returning to China, study finds, ' Top young Chinese scientists are returning home from Cambridge, Massachusetts – a city that houses some of America’s most renowned universities – at a higher rate than anywhere else in the world, according to a new study. A team of population geographers looked at around 1,250 Chinese researchers who moved back to mainland China over 12 years from 2009. They found that Beijing was the most favoured destination, accounting for more than a third of the returnees. A further 17 per cent opted for Shanghai, the second most popular destination. Without providing their exact figures, they said Cambridge was the largest source of returnees, and also the “primary source of returning talent to Beijing and Shanghai”. The researchers added that Singapore was the main source for those who moved to Nanjing, while those leaving Hong Kong for the mainland favoured Guangzhou and Wuhan. Cambridge is home to world-renowned institutions such as Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, along with biotech firms such as Moderna and Pfizer, which both developed their own mRNA Covid vaccines. The city, which forms part of the greater Boston metropolitan area, is also known for Kendall Square, an area described as “the most innovative square mile on the planet” and is home to hundreds of start-ups focusing on biotech research and innovation.' back

Indigenous religion - Wikipedia, Indigenous religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Indigenous religions or native religion is a category used in the study of religion to demarcate the religious belief systems of communities described as being "indigenous". This category is often juxtaposed against others such as the "world religions" and "new religious movements". The term is commonly applied to a range of different belief systems across the Americas, Australasia, Asia, Africa, and Northern Europe, particularly to those practiced by communities living under the impact of colonialism.' back

Jeffrey Nicholls (2020), Cognitive cosmology, ' The idea here is to lay the foundation for a world order based on a theology that identifies god and the universe. If the Universe is divine, all our experience is experience of god so theology can become a real evidence based science. Since there is but one universe, science will unify theology, as it has unified other disciplines like physics and biology. The unification of theology is a step toward the unification of religion. The unification religion is a step toward the unification of humanity. Finally, the unification of humanity is a step toward respecting and sharing Earth as our true home. With current scientific knowledge and adequate political motivation we have shown that we can, at least locally, radically improve both our condition and the condition of the planet. The principal evils standing in the way of global improvement are ignorance and the greed of those who work purely for profit.' back

John J. Hopfield (2024_12_08), Nobel Lecture: Physics is a point of view, ' John J. Hopfield delivered his Nobel Prize lecture "Physics is a point of view" on 8 December 2024 at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. He was introduced by Professor Ellen Moons, Chair of the Nobel Committee for Physics. … back

Joseph Sipalan (2025_02_10), Turkey’s Erdogan in Malaysia: Israel must rebuild Gaza at cost of US$100 billion, ' Israel must pay the full US$100 billion cost of rebuilding Gaza after destroying the territory, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday during his visit to Malaysia, as he urged Muslim and other countries to push hard for a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. Turkey and Malaysia have been among the most vocal opponents of Israel’s 16-month war on Gaza. The war has killed over 47,000 Palestinians – mostly women and children – in Gaza, according to the territory’s health ministry. Hostilities were suspended on January 19 after Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas signed a ceasefire deal that included a hostage and prisoner swap. US President Donald Trump has proposed the rebuilding of Gaza under American “ownership” and the relocation of Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan. Malaysia and other countries have slammed Trump’s idea as tantamount to ethnic cleansing. During the first day of his two-day visit to Malaysia, Erdogan dismissed any attempt to expel Palestinians from Gaza, in an apparent reference to Trump’s proposal. Gaza’s buildings had been devastated by Israeli attacks, with about 50 million tonnes of debris strewn across the territory, Erdogan said. [. . .] Looking beyond the war, Erdogan said the rebuilding of Gaza should go hand in hand with efforts to establish an independent Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, calling it a “duty” of Muslim countries to support Palestinian statehood.' back

Ksenia Luchenko (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), Why the Russian Orthodox Church Supports the War in Ukraine, ' When Russia invaded Ukraine, the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) did not hesitate to throw its support behind the Kremlin’s war against a neighboring Orthodox nation. Far from wavering, that support has only grown more strident as the war progressed. The reason is not just that the church is used to giving its blessing to any actions taken by the country’s leadership. Quite simply, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, head of the ROC, is betting on Putin’s tanks to preserve the institution of the church throughout the fallen empire. Yet the more militant the patriarch’s rhetoric and the more visible he becomes in Russian propaganda, the more bigoted he looks from the outside and the stronger the centrifugal forces within the church. By using force to try to keep the splintering parts of the once-unified ROC together, the patriarch is only driving them away. The ROC is the only Moscow-centered institution that has managed to continue operating across the entire expanse of the former Soviet Union since its collapse. Indeed, it traces its lineage back to the pre-revolutionary ROC, making it bigger and older than the state.' back

Louis de Broglie (1929), Nobel Lecture: The Wave Nature of the Electron, ' The necessity of assuming for light two contradictory theories-that of waves and that of corpuscles - and the inability to understand why, among the infinity of motions which an electron ought to be able to have in the atom according to classical concepts, only certain ones were possible: such were the enigmas confronting physicists at the time I resumed my studies of theoretical physics. Now a purely corpuscular theory does not contain any element permitting the definition of frequency. This also renders it necessary in the case of light to introduce simultaneously the corpuscle concept and the concept of periodicity. On the other hand the determination of the stable motions of the electrons in the atom involves whole numbers, and so far the only phenomena in which whole numbers were involved in physics were those of interference and of eigenvibrations. That suggested the idea to me that electrons themselves could not be represented as simple corpuscles either, but that a periodicity had also to be assigned to them too. . . . Thus to describe the properties of matter as well as those of light, waves and corpuscles have to be referred to at one and the same time. The electron can no longer be conceived as a single, small granule of electricity; it must be associated with a wave and this wave is no myth; its wavelength can be measured and its interferences predicted. It has thus been possible to predicta whole group of phenomena without their actually having been discovered. And it is on this concept of the duality of waves and corpuscles in Nature, expressed in a more or less abstract form, that the whole recent development of theoretical physics has been founded and that all future development of this science will apparently have to be founded.' back

Mark Brown (2025_02_11), Leeds student jailed in Saudi Arabia for 34 years over tweets is released, ' Campaigners have welcomed the release of a Saudi PhD student at Leeds university who was sentenced to 34 years in prison for posting tweets in support of women’s rights. Salma al-Shehab, 36, is understood to have left the prison in Saudi Arabia where she was being held and has been reunited with her two young children. “It is fantastic news,” said Lina al-Hathloul, head of monitoring and advocacy at the Europe-based Saudi rights group ALQST. “She has not seen her children during her whole four years of imprisonment.” Al-Shehab was arrested while on holiday in Saudi Arabia in January 2021. Campaigners say she was kept in solitary confinement for more than nine months before she was brought before Saudi Arabia’s Specialised Criminal Court (SCC). She was initially sentenced to serve three years in prison for the “crime” of using an internet website to “cause public unrest and destabilise civil and national security”. An appeals court later handed down the new sentence – 34 years in prison followed by a 34-year travel ban – after a public prosecutor asked the court to consider other alleged crimes. The additional charges included the allegation that al-Shehab was “assisting those who seek to cause public unrest and destabilise civil and national security by following their Twitter accounts” and by retweeting their tweets. Amnesty International said her “crime” was no more than “posting tweets in support of women’s rights”. Last March an open letter was signed by more than 300 academics, students and employees at Leeds university calling for al-Shehab’s immediate release. It said she had been jailed “on the basis of peaceful tweets”.' back

Michael Gerson (2015_05_11), The violent narrative of religious rivalry, 'What is needed is “theological work,” according to the former chief rabbi of the United Kingdom, Jonathan Sacks. Speaking at a recent conference of the Faith Angle Forum, Sacks argued that religion remains “the most powerful creator of groups, stronger than ideology, race, nationalism.” When monotheism is tied to dualism — the belief that history is a cosmic conflict between the children of light and the children of darkness — it becomes “the most dangerous doctrine ever invented,” allowing people to “commit evil with a clean conscience.” ' back

Peter T. C. Chang (2021_06_21), The religion behind a divided America and its conflict with China, ' The crises the US faces at home and abroad are the outgrowth of a peculiar American world view shaped by Christianity’s monotheistic belief system. To begin with, the American faith in liberal democracy is the secular adaptation of the monotheist world view. Just as most Christians believe there is no salvation outside the church, most Americans regard liberal democracy as the only pathway to a free and just international order. This has propelled the US into a global push to liberate and democratise the world. Next is the American sense of manifest destiny as the “shining city upon a hill”. The doctrine has origins in the Jewish people’s self-identification as God’s “chosen people”. Later, Christianity universalised the elect, whereupon Jews and Gentiles alike could be converted into God’s chosen people. [. . .] Until Americans are willing to move past the myth of ‘American exceptionalism’, the US is unlikely to be able to coexist peaceably with the outside world.' back

Phonon - Wikipedia, Phonon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' A phonon is a collective excitation in a periodic, elastic arrangement of atoms or molecules in condensed matter, specifically in solids and some liquids. A type of quasiparticle in physics, a phonon is an excited state in the quantum mechanical quantization of the modes of vibrations for elastic structures of interacting particles. Phonons can be thought of as quantized sound waves, similar to photons as quantized light waves. The study of phonons is an important part of condensed matter physics. They play a major role in many of the physical properties of condensed matter systems, such as thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity, as well as in models of neutron scattering and related effects. The concept of phonons was introduced in 1930 by Soviet physicist Igor Tamm. The name phonon was suggested by Yakov Frenkel. It comes from the Greek word φωνή (phonē), which translates to sound or voice, because long-wavelength phonons give rise to sound. The name emphasizes the analogy to the word photon, in that phonons represent wave-particle duality for sound waves in the same way that photons represent wave-particle duality for light waves. Solids with more than one atom in the smallest unit cell exhibit both acoustic and optical phonons.' back

Tim Costello (2022-03_06), Vladimir Putin: a miracle defender of Christianity or the most evil man?, ' Kyiv must be taken, in his mind, to preserve the Christian battle. And there may be many Christians in the west who agree with some of his sentiments. A miracle defender of Christianity or the most evil man? Well, it is Ukrainian Christians among others whom he is now slaughtering indiscriminately and he has little understanding of Jesus, who said “blessed are the peacemakers”. No, this is a power vision threaded through with nationalistic Christian theology. And evil is the right word when a leader uses religion to justify in God’s name invasion, violence and annihilation.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2025 © Jeffrey Nicholls