vol VII: Notes
[Notebook BOOK 4/5/94 DB 50]
[Sunday 2 May 1999 - Saturday 8 May 1999]
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Sunday 2 May 1999
ie do the world lines of the Universe fill the whole of the Cantor Universe?
Before the Galilean revolution in our conception of science, theology was the theory of everything. Being the theory of everything, it has greater inertia than any of the other sciences, so it has been very slow in its evolution. Evidence of theology is scripture. In the last century theologians have taken a scientific attitude to scripture, and begun to study the
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origins and transmission of the Biblical texts in minute detail.
Monday 3 May 1999
THEOLOGY break from tradition/theology
Rename old home pages -> archives (here to keep old versions of some historical interest)
BUSINESS = securing input the input we want either directly or by exchange, direct or mediated by measurement (eg money)
Basic business system is the alimentary canal.
As in all scientific endeavours, changing the model has no effect on the data in themselves, but by putting them in a new context is gives them new meaning
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No symbolic representation can be deterministic because there is an infinity of mappings between symbol and reality.
So the unconditional love of god which is at the core of Christianity easily survives in the new model of god as unconditional love of our environment, which makes existence possible. Environment also conditions (ie communicates with) my life, so some aspects of my environment may not please me.
We are all god together and god is no longer immutable. We can sculpt it to suit ourselves, as long as we treat ourselves and environment with respect and do not make changes that increase rather than decrease the environmental burden on human existence.
Unconditional love of god has a practical output whose most general
equilibrium never existed. The Universe is driven by an apparently inexhaustible power ...
[page 262]
In my experience the RCC employs a less optimal model of love in its expansion of Christianity into management.
Arrow leadership. Arrow Leadership
Love -> sculpting the world 1 sculpting people. / 2 sculpting not people.
Take the chosen ones from their families at an early age and put them in the care of previously chosen ones, who are theoretical eunuchs. This condition is expressed in the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. I made these three vows, in good faith, as a monk in the Roman Catholic Order of Preachers.
Catholic Order of Preachers.
St Thomas was all heart, taking on the big job. The big bureaucracy.
Rule of law - habeas corporis - identification.
Guardian Weekly.
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The dimensions of human space.
Rotate the axes
Politics Data matching
Data non-matching
Trust in a world wide data base can only come when corruption is overcome.
Consider the internet payments system.
Your card number is encrypted using an algorithm known only to you and your bank. We send this code to the bank together with a request for authorization and receive a simple yes or no, upon which we release/not the goods.
Dispassionate view = delocalized view (ie 'position independent' code).
Where do I stand in all this? The
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amount of work to be done seems overwhelming, but as the size of the project grows in my mind, so does its promise, so that it has the potential to carry its own weight.
Steve Jobs.
Is it heaven to be deeply engaged in a task. Attracted by the feeling of achievement at the end if even one person can understand me (ie myself). Clarity comes from long observation.
What do I want? To be heard, ie to have something interesting to say. Why? because this has not happened to me ie I want it in the older sense. More than anything, a religious community? perhaps just a lover? more likely a helpmate to enhance the productivity of everyday life, so that life may become more relaxed. Is that the goal? Not greatly interested in politics except as a means to some (what?) end.
[p 265]
Am I in heaven? If not, what is missing? All is good except for a bit too much anxiety = drivenness = in the grip of a potential. So relaxation will come when the gradient of the potential becomes zero, ie at equilibrium. There is no equilibrium in life, so no point in being anxious about anxiety. Relax, do a good job, and accept the outcome.
So today I made a big fuckup at work, costing about three hours. Eyes off the ball, making the transition from carpenter to intellectual.
Tuesday 4 May 1999
So the ancient religious advice relax, the system will look after you even if (Job) things look really bad. There is no guarantee of that in the old sense of divine providence, but it is still sound advice because the system is so vast that we cannot foresee and control all the possibilities, so we must learn to accept the data and respond flexibly.
Dogma does not help.
Consistency does.
Performance anxiety (life is shortish)
What exactly are we trying to tell everybody? The space of human existence can be much bigger than we think. What is needed to realize this space is creative cooperation: we move from being independent organisms to becoming the cells of one body, and our powers are greatly enriched by the combinations and permutations thus made possible.
This is the fundamental message of religion.
Really I do feel quite content. I feel that the natural religion project p is moving along, and can see that it is better for it to become robust and viable and well formed, than stillborn through prematurity. All that is required is steady work for about another ten years, given all the distance travelled in the last thirty.
[p 267]
The key to my serenity is a reconciliation between dynamic unity and static complexity, ie relating the simplicity of god to the complexity of the observed Universe. A point in a space is a unity whose complexity is measured by the complexity of its spatial matrix = dimensionality?
differentiation | integration
{symbols} whole
QM Dirac transformation theory = permutation theory (groups and QM)
Wednesday 5 May 1999
Thursday 6 May 1999
Friday 7 May 1999
The hardest part of this is continuing in an intellectual vacuum, that is not being able to established links with similarly cultured individuals. (This is written in some ancient diary where I contemplated trying to find the intelligentsia of London.) What is lacking and what I seek is a community devoted to things beyond everyday life. Though I sometimes falter, poverty and loneliness keep me going through the thin spots where the excitement of
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what I am seeing is not powerful enough. So the stick grows when the carrot fails, and there is always hope, faith and charity.
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THEOLOGY = the motion of god. Potential and Action are equivalent and oscillate (in the harmonic oscillator) indefinitely.
Finish this article with the problems of god PURE ACT = COMPLETED BEING
Via negativa : words.
TECHNOLOGY The browser is technology, a transformer. 1 TOOL 2 WASTE 3 MIND.
Theology technology of the whole, transform anything into anything.
THEOLOGY 1 Existence of God. 2 Evolution (completion vs progress) (Mind of Go
The Christian edifice is a magnificent hypothesis still embodied by a good
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proportion of the world's people, but like the phlogiston theory and the notion that the earth is at the centre of the Universe, it is difficult top fit it to the evidence. As Xian fundamentalists realize, their biggest problem is the theory of evolution. Since the Church has recognized the reality of this theory, it must now begin to come to terms with its consequences.
Saturday 8 May 1999
We have been building a castle in the air, that is a model. Although the castle is rather skeletal, but we have now reached the apex of the theoretical structure, where we meet the force that turns possibilities into reality, love. The second half of the story is grounding this castle so that it becomes reality. The force that turns dreams into reality is love.
Theology is specifically concerned with conscious personal experience. This creates a dichotomy between theology and the other sciences.
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There are still some big leaps necessary before we got to theological heaven.
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Let us suppose that theology is the science whose specific data arise from private conscious experience. Theological data arise form introspection. This specifically differentiates theology from the other sciences. But it raises a fundamental question: How do my experiences of being human relate to this gigantic physical structure I call my body. We know that our mental functions are concentrated in the central nervous system. How does personal experience relate to the physical functioning of the central nervous system.
The traditional answer is that it doesn't.
Descartes founded the present era.
[p 271]
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Stability and the attractors of life.
Stable: resists force and does not change
Labile: responds to force and does change
Quickness of mind: how fast I can process all the puzzles and find the ANSWER ie the INVERSE, so QUESTION x ANSWER = 1.
QUESTION abstract operator ANSWER = I ie answer = q-1.
This is to be our understanding of problem and insight which gives rise to the fundamental 'multiplied' structure of the Universe (quadratic)
To mind of god
The ancients used the versatility of mind to propose a new form of reality called spirit. This was necessary because their model of matter, which made it inert and without structure, made it incompatible with subjective mental experience (pleonasm?)
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So god's mind must be omnino immaterial
Our picture of the Universe is somewhat different. We learn from QM that the Universe is an infinite lattice of states which may or may not be occupied by a particle. Such a system is obviously suited to representing data and performing computations on it.
Probability density functions on a network.
Just as the unified motion of an engine is a superposition of all its components.
Technology : mapping. The search for insight is a technology.
A dream comes true when all conditions are fulfilled, that is when all the necessary inputs are available from the environment to realize the dream, a chip, a house, a love affair, even reproduction.
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Once we have a physical law we have a window to pushing the Universe's buttons.
Make haste slowly. Thee is an optimum rate of development (motion) and life will be most beautiful if everything is adjusted to this rate (Theorem 1)
Statistical mechanics relates energy distributions to probability density functions.
Think of love as an attractor (eg a potential minimum), then to be in love is to be in a state of stable equilibrium. To be out of love is to be in an unstable state (unless the surrounding romantic landscape is perfectly flat) with a tendency to move down the steepest available gradient. [distinguish determined and stochastic systems] Let us postulate that Goedel's theorem requires any sufficiently complex phase space to have undecidable (ie random) patches, so that we experience both stochastic and classical forces, eg genetic vs romantic love. Also stochastic = flat because thee is no environmentally determined direction of motion. All are equally probable. Read E on Brownian
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motion. The above looks like a stunning series of insights, helping to open the link between theology and the other sciences, carrying me a big step toward my goal. The measure of the distance I have to travel (on my stochastic path to my new religion)
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The Transfinite network is the phase space of logic. Its permutational structure means that it can encompass all possible sequences of any conceivable number of symbols.
When I am building, as I labour in the trenches to put in the foundations and underground services, I imagine the structure that is to rise above. As I build I gradually penetrate this space until I have completed the outer envelope of the building.
Few of us can handle n > 3 physical space in our imagination, but Descartes showed us how to convert geometry into arithmetic [and algebra].
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Or is this too detailed. No. Stepping stone to QM which both defines its own states (so we do not need an artificial coordinate system) and predicts probabilities of occupation. Yes, leave it out. They can look in book. We don't avoid technicality here. What must be eliminated is any kind of prejudice or talking down to people. So
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The whole of society maybe modelled by a horse race and a totalizator. Serendipidity. Just read EB 'pari-mutuel'. Editors: Encyclopaedia Britannica
QM is not confined to microscopic systems. If quantum computers are feasible (and it seems so) then quantum states must become macroscopically observable. This is known to happen in BE condensates, but we need a large space of macroscopic states to build a computer. Bose-Einstein Condensate - Wikipedia
The phase space is like a blank page. PHASE SPACE = MEMORY SPACE.
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One variable location per dimension, so the memory becomes a vector and a computation becomes a rotation of that vector.
Applying the phase space idea to computation.
How does it feel. I am being ridden by a demanding rider, but at least I have direction. A horse's job is to go where the rider wants it to go.
Reinterpret the doctrine of substance and accidents (Aristotle, Met 11:8). One person's accident is another person's substance, and the whole reality is the superposition of all these points of view.
network = superpositions.
The mind of god is the superposition of all human minds.
[page 277]
>Bayes and conditional probability. The probability of the hypothesis, given the data p(H|D) relates to the prior probability of the hypothesis by
p(H|D) = p(H) p(D|H) / p(H) p(D|H) + p(not H) p(D|not H). Bayes' theorem - Wikipedia
Model -> love Indicative reasoning (Algorithms for detecting the environment)
Love -> model Deontic reasoning (Algorithms for calculating what to do) [Cummins p 40]
At every point supervisory programs (measurers of the gain in fitness provided by any activity) are ordering tasks and subtasks. (ie planning my day) so that I waver between reading (gathering information) writing (recording information) publishing (distributing information) and domestic tasks of multiple sorts from doing dishes to telling stories.
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Time budget, self management etc. The longer the planning perspective the tighter the packing of deterministic futures.
Mind is parallel processor (that is a network) responding to varying inputs and outputs. Both inputs and outputs are parallel (eg multiples sensors, multiple muscles), but there must be crosstalk (ie network activity) to unify all these activities into a fit package.
Now my day changes because NN's tank has sprung a leak and dropped all its water.
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My best description of what is going on is that I am babbling. Babies and young songbirds go through a babbling phase when they are learning to make the sounds of their language by using them as toys rather than tools. Understanding comes later. Here I babble furiously, hoping later to talk perfectly coherent mathematical theology. The pieces are around me, but understanding comes slowly. Like a jigsaw, there are the easy edge pieces, the slow midsection and the rush to the finish when pieces are few.
Model/theory/the tree of life
Data flows in the tree of life. How a tree becomes a network.
New logo: the transfinite tree.
Peer nodes in a tree form a group.
How do we map time tree onto space trees and yield special Relativity? Time division multiplexing vs space division multiplexing (same data)
Sensation is digital and symbolic input just like reading. So what I see as I sit here is a symbolically represented space (landscape) mostly coded as photons.
Matter and form are relative terms.
When time division multiplexing + space division multiplexing match, we get reality (p = 1)
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There exists a symbolic representation of the world which can be traced in an unbroken line from quantum mechanics to writing such as this.
My lifeline to the outside world is Nature magazine, which I await each week with ?? can't think of the word apprehension? anticipation?
In metaphysical situations the sender may keep a copy of the transmitted message so that the text is multiplied by communication. In physical situations only one copy of each occupied state exists, so that the sender loses (annihilates) its copy when it transmits (creates) it into the receiver. No cloning theorem - Wikipedia
This fact appears as a conservation of fundamental elements of each particle change (ie interactivity) energy, momentum, angular momentum.
Superposition is metaphysical and perhaps explains all complex structure in the Universe.