natural theology

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dedicated to developing and promoting the art of peace.

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[Notebook NAKEDICAME, DB 53]

[Sunday 24 September 2000 - Saturday 30 September 2000]

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Sunday 24 September 2000
Monday 25 September 2000
Tuesday 26 September 2000
Thursday 21 September 2000

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'If it would suit you, I can probably subject you to force majeure through the law, thus excusing you from any personal responsibility for exploration of non-Christian ideas.'

This project is the outcome of what I feel has been a dream run (so far). A very fortunate life (so far).

The formative experience.

and that condition is an accident of birth, of a particular time and place in the history of humanity, a period so men and animals become conscious of their own evolution and begin to leave permanent artifacts encoding their feelings.

The main issue on theology revolves around the nature and reality of matter and spirit. Different views on these questions are reflected from different cultures and ideologies, ranging from the assertion that all is matter, through

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various mixed states of matter and spirit to the opposite end of the spectrum pure spirits such as god and the angels and the human soul after we die.

Profoundly reductionist view: each of us has a religion which is none other than the sum of our experience of life so far. We may then say that our lives are constrained by two bodies of information, our genotype realized in our physical body, and the sum of the influences of our environment upon us, our religion, something learned after birth.

CORPORATION: System involving two or more people working for a common purpose.

Systems definition; Legal definition: Corporations Act.

[page 17]


Introduction: The twentieth century saw three attempts to bring the war to end all wars to a successful conclusion. The present state of the world attests that all three were failures. If the 21st century is not to be a mirror of the 20th . . .

War is essentially a conflict not of human individuals but of corporations which feel that the deaths of some of their members is a reasonable price to pay for some wartime goal. In their warring tendencies, corporations are enemies of humanity, even though their ability to fulfill human needs which cannot be achieved by individual effort recommends them to us.

All war is holy, whether it be a war to exterminate the inhabitants of desirable land (Joshua, c 1000 bce), a war to assist our colonial

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mother (England) or our neo-colonial powerful friend (USA)

Not for profit company - ie no dividends, only stability, (and share issues) - the most valuable but worthless organisation in the world.

How do we construct a human friendly planet? I believe I owe most of the good fortune in my life to being a citizen of a nation where democracy and science are the most important guides to national corporate action, to the attitude of the nation to its citizens.

Not all its citizens, however, for the Australian nation has yet to conclude a treaty with the erstwhile inhabitants of the land after a frontier war lasting nearly two centuries.

human spirit vs corrupt organizations of all sorts = human spirit vs error.

[page 19]

Spirit: the power to overcome (remodel) adversities (systems necessary to achieve a certain goal).

The natural spirit, expressed uniquely in each organism, must be respected in its full variety and not restricted by some doctrinal = formal constraint - NO: inconsistent doctrinal traits.

Dividing by zero is outside the dynamic range of any machine. But when we go transfinite, we overcome the divide by zero barrier to open up a whole new world.

What are the demands of the natural-spirit?

Equilibrium spirit
Maximum entropy spirit
natural spirit = wild spirit. No restriction by corporation.

Of all resources the most important are people (slaves, employees), family, friends.

[page 20]

More available and reliable common goods (such as the environment of wild humans) reduce the need for private gods.

Why do I act?

1. for love of activity - conscious
2. for increase of fitness - unconscious.

We get the best value when we align our consciousness with the unconscious realities that stem from our physical existence, the need to eat, to maintain a viable temperature, to avoid sudden death, to reproduce.

The physical incarnation of MEANING is BONDING. Our fundamental question of life is binding and loosing.

We live in time and any communication between two individuals involves a narrative (code, message) stretched out over time. I am here to criticize my own cultural inheritance. I work at a moment in time. We can define a moment by naming its beginning

[page 21]

and end. For this site, the beginning of the moment was my birth into a small Roman Catholic community. The end of that moment will be my death. The public context of this moment is the transformation I have made in Christian meaning with the hope of expanding it not just to encompass all human meanings, but the meaning of the whole divine Universe. I want to give new meaning to old words, as all writers do.

The meanings I wish to explore are defined by mathematics and the first definition we make is


These ideas explored in naturalTheology.



I do this from exuberance of spirit tempered by fears that I will never reach my goal,

[page 22]

never say something worth hearing. The challenge always is to develop new strength (new tools, new productivity) to carry the new and greater load of insight, so that one may yet have the energy to scamper about and play in the fields of the world.

. . .

Wednesday 20 September 2000
Thursday 21 September 2000
Friday 22 September 2000
Saturday 23 September 2000

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Bell, John S, Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics, Cambridge University Press 1987 Jacket: JB . . . is particularly famous for his discovery of a crucial difference between the predictions of conventional quantum mechanics and the implications of local causality . . . This work has played a major role in the development of our current understanding of the profound nature of quantum concepts and of the fundamental limitations they impose on the applicability of classical ideas of space, time and locality. 
Deighton, Len, Faith, HarperCollins 1994 Amazon Editorial Reviews From Publishers Weekly Deighton's beleaguered British spy, Bernard Samson, returns to kick off the third trilogy in the outstanding series that has run from 1984's Berlin Game through 1990's Spy Sinker. Taking up where Sinker left off, in the fall of 1987 (thus making Deighton perhaps the only major thriller author who's still writing about the Cold War), this rich entry finds Samson leaving California to pick up VERDI, code name for a high-ranking East German Stasi officer who may be defecting to Britain's SIS. The operation goes disastrously wrong during a shoot-out in East Germany, but Samson manages to get back to London, where he encounters real danger and fighting: the take-no-prisoners politicking within the SIS, involving Samson, his duplicitous wife and a slew of internal enemies and possible friends. Deighton's penchant for explosive violence, telling detail and throwaway humor (too much coffee, Samson comments to his boss, "'makes some people very tense.' 'Not me,' said Dicky, biting into a fingernail. 'I'm used to it'") are much in evidence here, and readers will enjoy some of the finest intramural politicking since C.P. Snow. What's more problematic is whether they'll relish a tale set in the Cold War and thus lacking the unpredictability of stories set in the post-Soviet world or the nostalgia of those evoking less recent wars, like Deighton's own SS-GB. Given the author's mastery of the genre, though, the odds are that they will, strongly. 125,000 first printing; $150,000 ad/promo. Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc.  
Job, The Book of Job in The Jerusalem Bible, Darton Longman and Todd 1966 Introduction: 'The Book of Job is the literary masterpiece of the [Biblical] Wisdom movement. . . . The author of the Book of Job . . . is without doubt an Israelite, brought up on the works of the prophets and the teachings of the sages. . . . The writer puts the case of the good man who suffers. This is a paradox for the conservative view then prevalent that a man's actions are rewarded or punished here on earth.' (726, 727) 
Joshua, and Alexander Jones (editor), The Book of Joshua in The Jerusalem Bible, Darton Longman and Todd 1966 Introduction to Joshua: 'The Book . . . falls into three parts: a. the conquest of the Promised Land, ch 1-12; b. the partition of the territory between the tribes, ch 13-21; c. the last days of Joshua . . . . . . . The Israelite invasion of Canaan may be placed within the last thirty years of the 13th century; (bce) . . . .' (268) 
Lonergan, Bernard J F, Insight : A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '. . . Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 
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