vol VI: Essays
Table of contents
0: A new theology (January 1996)
1: On visible salvation (October 1999)
2: On evolutionary Pneumatology (November 1999)
3: Is the Universe Divine (December 1999)
4: On representation of the Word (February 2000)
5: How much freedom should we trade for our security (August 2002)
6: An essay on physical theology (October 2002)
7: Physical theology (December 2006)
8: On the (non-) quantization of gravitation (June 2008)
9: The Church that stole God (June 2008)
10: Religion and survival (December 2008)
11: Physics and theology (July 2009)
12: Why do we observe a quantized Universe? (August 2009)
13: On modelling the world (November 2010)
14: The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics revisited (September 2014)
15: Is the Universe divine? (June 2015)
16: Green theology: a path to heaven (August 2016)
17: Scientific Theology (June 2017)
20: On leading theology into Cantor's Paradise (July 2018)
21: Can we consistently identify God and the Universe? (May 2018)
24: God is dead: Long live God (November 2018)
25: Is the whole truth inaccessible? A case for invincible ignorance (July 2019)
Essay 26: Entropy and metaethics (July 2019)
28: On creating the world (April 2020)
29: Political dynamics: Rousseau, Rawls and the Physiology of Contract (July 2019)
30: An essay on the divinity of money (revised February 2023)
31: Was Einstein a victim of theocratic autocracy?
32: A new singularity liberates quantum mechanics from Minkowski space
33: Cognitive cosmogenesis: a systematic integration of physics and theology
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