A personal journey to natural theology and religion
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[Notebook TTC, DB 54]

[Sunday 13 May 2001 - Saturday 19 May 2001]

[page 155]

Sunday 13 May 2001

Monk page 265: Wittgenstein abstracts people from nations (and war) 'Patisson [friendship came to an end] when W suspected P of a jingoistic attitude to the war'. Monk

[page 16]

I have for a long time living with the tension between my slightly twisted soul and a mathematical picture of the world that will help me to bend my soul back to specification (that is, to openness to unlimited spiritual growth). The situation is abstractly identical to the problem faced by a panel beater who has undertaken to restore a twisted car wreck to a roadworthy condition. One must arrange forces of suitable magnitude and direction to restore fiducial points on the chassis to their specified relative position. In the case of panel beating long experience and specialized machines make the job easy. In my case it has been a matter of devising new actuators and appropriate applications of the mathematical theory to get straight. The available religions did not seem able to help me (but were to some extent responsible for the damage in the first place) so I had to devise my own, which I now begin to promote as an alternative to the old religions.

We begin with a scientific base in theology, expand it to the individual sphere in

[page 17]

religion, apply it to the public sphere in spirit, and finally begin to examine its consequences for political economy in nakedIcame. All these activities come under the wing of Theology Limited. Emphasis on theology with others providing applications. Begin already with a public company. That way we learn to work it straight off.

Since the place is full of Lonergan experts who all (we may assume) ,take an appropriately critical attitude to L's work, I conclude that criticism of L per say does not fall 'outside our present theological enterprise'. Since I also 'write well' the trouble must lie in the degree of my criticism going beyond the bounds of "?" whether or not in some way officially binding the university.

Make the Uni small c catholic, and then since university means catholic, drop the catholic and become Australian University.


[page 18]

274 Requisite variety says notation cannot control meaning because the set of possible meanings is much bigger than the set of notations. Aleph(n) is big enough to be the address of aleph(n+1).

While p is one definite thing, not-p may be a transfinity of things.

PHYSICS01QUANTUMMECHANICS - We plunge in an map Hilbert space onto TN, via quantum computation.

274: TN is a machine for the 'ultimate analysis of the phenomena in question' which is now built and we are beginning to play with it and see if it will perform as specified and not be a) inadequate for the task or b) unstable.

OS is a stable system, or should be, always able to recover from an error at any level.

Let us observe that there is always a hardware connection between two communicating entities. This is a physical bond (it might only be a stream of photons or

[page 19]

electrons. We can visualize this as ME -- YOU or as trees connected at the root.

[diagram - trees connected at the root]

How do we make this into Hilbert space? Infinite dimension = infinite vector = ordered set, cardinal? (we must begin with ℵ0). The wave function of the Universe must be as big as the TN.

If set theory describes the Universe, then we must be able to put it all in pictures.

[diagram POWER - CONTROL]

Three dimensions is enough to write a story (or draw a picture) - beginning - middle - end.

[diagram - Binary Tree]

[page 20]

The transfinite tree.

Exponential growth leads to 'transfinitation'


What we have here is an address structure that is layered in time, as addresses evolve.


What is the difference between the transfinite tree and the binary tree - the degree of abstraction.

Binary tree has too much detail? We replace the trees with countable layers by Turing Machines, that is address generators (since a Turing machine delivers a countable tape which may be regarded as the address of one point in an uncountable set.


[page 21]

In the TN, not(p and not-p) is a local truth. [local = in communication].

the TN gives us enough pigeonholes to store any imaginable number of things, and enough processes to carry out any imaginable number of actions.

a principle: for practical purposes the address is an abstract version of the thing.

[diagram: pure process - pure form]

By giving everything a name (= place, eg Thomas of Aquinas) we can avoid confusion.

Probability density is the clay from which quantum mechanics is forged. Rather QM gives us pictures that show the expected probability densities of various events as functions of space-time (or the dual, momentum-energy) Momentum and energy are the graduations (units) in spacetime. High momentum = fine grained; energetic = fast.

[page 22]

Hilbert space is a space of vectors (addresses) each of which represents the process of getting from a to be. Read Veltman again and use it to map quantum field theory to the transfinite network.


Every act (measured by nh) is the execution of a truing machine, ie a state vector (lit: state carrier)

Greenhouse forcing 2 Wm2. Area of earth 5E8 km2 = 5E14 m2, so forcing = E15 W.

Human energy consumption = 10 Gte CE = 10E13 W. Ie greenhouse forcing 100x actual consumption.

6 E 9 people = 1.6 kW/head/

Monday 14 May 2001
Tuesday 15 May 2001

The church claims to be the universal church fit for all people. But it takes the

[page 23]

view that people must fit it and not vice versa, and this is a serious error. It implies that the way god (or whatever) actually made people is considered to be a less weighty source of information about god's( or w's) plan (if any) for humanity than their own interpretations of a small body of texts contained in the Bible. Forget about this sort of thing. Anybody who wants to know it knows it and those who don't won't.

[diagram: at every point in spacetime there is a 'proper time'.]

grace = intelligent cooperative control (make space big enough for everyone except criminals)

Is the binary tree simultaneously a representation of a computer and a heat engine. Or do we need the transfinite tree for heat engines?

Wednesday 16 May 2001


It is amazing how quickly moments of despair and elation flit by. There is no thought without feeling. The state of my mind is a substrate of the state of me. 'No thought without feeling' is the noetic equivalent of Landauer's insight that all information is physical.


Western Christian tradition deprecates feeling by naming it passion (suffering) and postulating that it, being a consequence of original sin, will be removed in paradise. Feelings test thoughts and of they pass feeling flows into action. How do we characterize feeling: something too complex to think about. The hormonal system, for instance, using the bloodstream as its carrier, sends a message to (potentially) every cell in the body, a much wider distribution that is available through the nervous system.

[page 25]

Absent mindedness: as long as the environment is cool, one can devote one's full resources to data processing. Without doubt, all this writing is survival oriented. It serves to save my sanity in a floating world, and it gives hope for the future peaceful organization of the human race, based on welfare state with local responsibility.

Social security: the recycle rate is a socially adjustable parameter.

Files are like the leaves on trees. QM models a file with a vector in Hilbert space.

On a general definition a sentence is a differential equation and getting the meaning out of a sentence

Thursday 17 May 2001
Friday 18 May 2001
Saturday 19 May 2001

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Aristotle , and (translated by H Tredennick and G Cyril Armstrong), Metaphysics X-XIV, Oeconomica and Magna Moralia, Harvard University Press, ; William Heinemann Ltd. 1977 Introduction III Aristotle's Metaphysical Theory: 'The theory of universal science, as sketched by Plato in The Republic, was unsatisfactory to Aristotle's analytical mind. He felt that there must be a regular system of sciences, each concerned with a different aspect of reality. At the same time it was only reasonable to suppose that there is a supreme science, which is more ultimate, more exact, more truly Wusdom than any of the others. The discussion of this science, Wisdom, Primary Philosophy or Theology, as it is variously called, and of its scope, forms the subject of the Metaphysics. page xxv 
Beale, R, and T Jackson, Neural Computing: An Introduction, Adam Hilger 1991 Jacket: '... starts from basics and goes on to cover all the most important approaches to the subject. ... The capabilities, advantages and disadvantages of each model are discussed as are possible applications of each. The relationship of the models developed to the brain and its functions are also explored.' 
Chrsitie, Agatha, Taken at the Flood, Collins Crime 2000  
Hofstadter, Douglas R, I Am a Strange Loop, Basic Books 2007 Amazon Editorial Reviews From Publishers Weekly 'Hofstadter�who won a Pulitzer for his 1979 book, G�del, Escher, Bach�blends a surprising array of disciplines and styles in his continuing rumination on the nature of consciousness. Eschewing the study of biological processes as inadequate to the task, he argues that the phenomenon of self-awareness is best explained by an abstract model based on symbols and self-referential "loops," which, as they accumulate experiences, create high-level consciousness. Theories aside, it's impossible not to experience this book as a tender, remarkably personal and poignant effort to understand the death of his wife from cancer in 1993�and to grasp how consciousness mediates our otherwise ineffable relationships. In the end, Hofstadter's view is deeply philosophical rather than scientific. It's hopeful and romantic as well, as his model allows one consciousness to create and maintain within itself true representations of the essence of another. The book is all Hofstadter�part theory, some of it difficult; part affecting memoir; part inventive thought experiment�presented for the most part with an incorrigible playfulness. And whatever readers' reaction to the underlying arguments for this unique view of consciousness, they will find the model provocative and heroically humane.' (Mar.) Copyright � Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 
Lo, Hoi-Kwong, and Tim Spiller, Sandra Popescu, Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information, World Scientific 1998 Jacket: 'This book provides a pedagogical introduction to the subjects of quantum information and computation. Topics include non-locality of quantum mechanics, quantum computation, quantum cryptography, quantum error correction, fault tolerant quantum computation, as well as some experimental aspects of quantum computation and quantum cryptography. A knowledge of basic quantum mechanics is assumed.' 
Monk, Ray, Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius, Vintage ex Jonathan Cape 1990 1990 Review: 'With a subject who demands passionate partisanship, whose words are so powerful but whose actions speak louder, it must have been hard to write this definitive, perceptive and lucid biography. Out goes Norman Malcolm's saintly Wittgenstein, Bartley's tortured, impossibly promiscuous Wittgenstein, and Brian McGuinness's bloodless, almost bodiless Wittgenstein. This Wittgenstein is the real human being: wholly balanced and happily eccentric ... ' The Times 
Veltman, Martinus, Diagrammatica: The Path to the Feynman Rules, Cambridge University Press 1994 Jacket: 'This book provides an easily accessible introduction to quantum field theory via Feynman rules and calculations in particle physics. The aim is to make clear what the physical foundations of present-day field theory are, to clarify the physical content of Feynman rules, and to outline their domain of applicability. ... The book includes valuable appendices that review some essential mathematics, including complex spaces, matrices, the CBH equation, traces and dimensional regularization. ...' 
Weinberg, Steven, The First Three Minutes: a modern view of the origin of the Universe, Basic Books 1993 Preface: 'The present book is concerned with the early unvierse, and in particular with the new understanding of the early Universe that has grown out of the discovery of the cosmic microwave radiation background in 1965.'  
Marks, Johnathan, "Long shadow of Linnaeus's human taxonomy", Nature, 447, 7140, 3 May 2007, page 28. 'It has taken two and a half centuries to shed Linnaeus's fallacy that the human species comes taxonomically organized into a few large, natural groups that are fairly homogeneous and fairly distinct from one another. We have come to understand, rather, that the predominant patters of human variation are cultural, polymorphic, clinal and local.'. back
Nature editorial, , "Hard to defend: US missile defence plans require scrutiny", Nature, 447, 7140, 3 May 2007, page 2. 'The utility and value of missile defence systems remains unproven, but the United States plans to go ahead and deploy one in Eastern Europe nevertheless.'. back
Nature first author, , "Robert Eichler", Nature, 447, 7140, 3 May 2007, page xi. 'In our home countries we are all in similar positions politically - we fight for financial support from our governments and from other funds in order to gain high-quality results. In this respect, every scientific community in the world speaks the same language.'. back
John Paul II Ex Corde Ecclesiae Apostolic Constitution of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II on Catholic Universities. back
John Paul II Ex Corde Ecclesiae Apostolic Constitution of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II on Catholic Universities. back

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