A personal journey to natural theology and religion
This site is part of the The natural religion project
dedicated to developing and promoting the art of peace.
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[Notebook TTC, DB 54]

[Sunday 12 August 2001 - Saturday 18 August 2001]

[page 102]

Sunday 12 August 2001

Speakeasy night: divine music, divine people, divine dancing. Dancing is a more energy intensive, complex concrete form of music, or music is abstract dance, the form of dance which can be realized in an infinity of different ways with a point of accumulation where the dance and the must are fully consistent (in phase).

We click things. The name of the thing (relative to the window in which it is found)

[page 103]

Daryl's TCP/IP Primer page 4: Daryl

'cables don't have addresses' - but they do in the real world. Their address is their structure, which includes the structure of the whole Universe.

'All Ethernet and Token Ring cards have 6-byte addresses manufactured into them called MAC (Media Access Control)'

For two Ethernet-attached stations to communicate with eachother via IP they must know the MAC address of eachother.


Q: What is the distinctive feature of natural religion?

Theology distinguished between natural and arbitrary religion, ie religion devised to cement a status quo into eternity.

Tuesday 14 August 2001
Wednesday 15 August 2001

Religions may be superposed as long as there is physical consistency. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.



ie relationships that can change without destroying the identity of their terms (eg opposite Trinity where PERSON = RELATIONSHIP.

[page 105]

FAQ: Corporate

Q: Why are you ding this?
A: TTC is motivated . . .

Cost algorithm: based on 10% of value of equivalent printed page (on the assumption that the average 1000 page book costs $1000, or 10c per page). Of course you may read a book without buying it by borrowing it from a friend or library. Lets say each book is read ten times in its lifetime (many once, others hundreds of times), bringing the cost per page down to one cent, and electronic reception to 0.1 cent. So one read of this whole site (which would print out at about 1000 pages but will grow into tens of thousands), is worth about $1, which conveniently is the minimum of the Amazon honour system.

Faq Peace and Justice

[page 106]


Q: How does NR relate to other religions
Q: How to RCC?
Q: How to Christ/Islam/Jew?
Q: How to Bud, Hind etc etc

Peace and justice.

. . .

What is the cause of injustice?

Love is bullshit unless it is coupled to service (not indulgence and [mental] acts of contrition). Religion being the top of the tree is widely open to abuse (corruption) Especially arbitrary religions.

Thursday 16 August 2001

Making a meaningful leap over another wall: into the world of corporate action. It seems clear that TTC wants to be a public company and establish good religion as a valuable service in the community. The enemies of good religion are spin doctors and bullshit artists who do their best to scramble other people's perceptions for their own benefit.

So registering TTC as a public entity enters it into the area of business, the trading of value (often measured in money) in order to increase the collective value of all. Corporations in the past have sought wealth by marketing something valuable. This information is always embodied in some way, as in this writing, or the materials that go to make up a computer or a motor vehicle, or the airwaves that carry music to our ears and photons that bring light

[page 108]

to our eyes.

We start with religion as the service of god. In the case of Islam, the name itself means ? [people of the book is no good] Anyhow, lets keep going.

There are many different religions in the world, and many different concepts of why or what god is, and what one must do (if anything) to serve god.

Serve god = work to live.

cf expulsion from paradise

spirituality of god and angels.

Work to live is in some way analogous or related to the need for headroom to correct errors, and is a feature of the dynamics of the Universe which points to a less complex past. I am here writing this because low entropy energy from the sun orders (creates structure on) the surface of the earth which would otherwise be a barren surface of sea

[page 109]

and land. (presumably absence of solar energy would not stop tectonic processes) [but what of the inputs from erosion?] We will find out when we find an earth-like planet that has left its parent star and wandered too deep into cold dark space.

Friday 17 August 2001

Traditional religions are expressed as dreams of a perfect world.

We are selling religion and are therefore

1. Responsible for its quality and safety.
2. Once sold it is yours, not ours, and you may do what you want with it within the parameters of public law.

Jewish Mythology: Goldstein. Goldstein.

GENESIS: The founding fiction of a community that has lived to this day.

All communities have founding fictions. As you can see, the Theology Company's view is that we are all one species. This is well founded in biological theory, and empirically, in that we can all breed with one another, although some religious

[page 110]

traditions decree that people be murdered if they attempt to reproduce across class, caste, race or other lines.

Gödel" Quantified logic can lead to many equally logical outcomes. Maximum boolean formula contains ℵ0 variables each of which can have two states, yielding 20 different instances of each equation. Of these instances, a subset are tautologically true . . . .

Others are contradictions, false whatever values we plug in, and the value of the rest depends upon the values we plug in.

When we quantify variables by ℵ0 states, rather than two, we get the same result.

20 = 00 = ℵ1

F = Gm1m2/r2. F = Gm1m2r/r3.

[page 111]

ALGEBRA = METAPHYSICS (ie abstract representation of concrete). Rewrite theology Intro to reflect our founding myth and our mathematical model for fitting the whole Universe together. We are defined by genes and religion. The religion is made possible by the metaphysical; structure defined by the genes. Theology applies the metaphysical insights of algebra to the whole.

And then rewrite the theology pages to be the theological foundation of TTC.

The fundamentalists say that god created the world and that evolution is wrong, but of course it all depends on what you mean by god, word, create and evolve etc.

The term nonprofit is based on a narrow version of profit, the accountant's eye view, without taking much notice at all of the product or service that is generating the revenue. In an atmosphere of consumer (receiver) sovereignty, we

[page 112]

imagine that all receivers only receive what they want, that is what is profitable to them. One only trades for profit (by which we include avoidance of loss). We measure each dimension of profit and loss in appropriate units. The fundamental measure is (in economics) money. Money is an account of how much zero entropy one has in stock (?) so that we look for a channel to match bits and dollars, and come up with the cost of communication/computation.

Note at this level of abstraction, communication = computation, and we think of a computer as a channel (transducer) from one representation of the data to another (which may be a copy at a different address, or we may have physical (= destructive) communication where an ordered set is deleted at one location as it is written at another. The transformation does not affect the object itself, but it has relationships to other objects, ie its addresses.

[page 113]

The cost of communication and computation is the cost of erasure (Landauer) Landauer.

The Bible has human, but not physical or biological authenticity. Ie the story (in its mytho-poetic way) is fundamentally correct, but missing some details which totally change the way it is to be interpreted.

We are all messiahs, each bringing a unity of revelation to the totality of human experience..

Physics details the dynamic constraints within which evolution proceeds. In a divine Universe, all these constraints are necessary for consistency. Insofar as the world is inconsistent (if at all) anything can happen.

Conservation of probability. Probability density for a given outcome. The sum of the probabilities of the outcome for any event is the constant 1. Ie one and only one of the possible outcomes of an event is realized, ie MEASURED.

Saturday 18 August 2001

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Concordat Watch
Revealing Vatican attempts to propagate its religion by international treaty

Copyright: You may copy this material freely provided only that you quote fairly and provide a link (or reference) to your source.

Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Goldstein, David, Jewish Mythology, Hamlyn 1980-1987 Jacket: 'Judaism has flourished for millennia in a myriad of environments;' each has contributed something to the Jewish tradition. ... Jewish Mythology explores the core of the Jewish faith by retelling the stories made up and told by Jews throughout the world. The author develops essential ideas of Judaism, including the creation of the Universe, the history of man, the history of Israel and the future of Israel. He retells the familiar Biblical stories surrounding the great Biblical personalities such as Abraham, Moses and Elijah. He then fgoes on to show how their ideas and characters awere developed in the legends and folklore surrounding the Torah, and elaborated throughout rabbinical tradition.' 
Daryl Banttari Daryl's TCP/IP Primer 'This document is designed to give the reader a reasonable working knowledge of TCP/IP subnetting, addressing, and routing.' back
Landauer Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process Rolf Landauer: Abstract: 'It is argued that computing machines inevitably involve devices which perform logical functions that do not have a single-valued inverse. The logical irreversibility is associated with physical irreversibility, and requires a minimum heat generation, per machine cycle, typically of the order of kT for each irreversible function. The dissipation serves the purpose of standardizing signals and making them independent of their exact logical history. Two simple, but representative, models of bistable devices are subjected to a more detailed analysis of switching kinetics to yield the relationship between speed and energy dissipation, and to estimate the effects of errors induced by thermal fluctuations. back

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