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[Notebook: TURKEY]

[Sunday 25 May 2003 - Saturday 31 May 2003]

Sunday 25 May 2003
Monday 26 May 2003
Tuesday 27 May 2003

Scale invariance: the weak and sick become food for predators at many levels, among animals, corporations and nations. Han Suyin on the troubles of China from the time Europe and America began bleeding it dry until sometime in the nest few decades when it becomes a healthy, democratic, socialist, capitalist and scientific society.

Han Suyin Page 255: 'And this was his great foolishness in that he believed he could with words, with reason, plead the cause of China and obtain justice. How could this be? To demand from the powers that they refrain from such a succulent and profitable prey.' Suyin

Power comes out of the barrel of a gun. The power of a gun lies in its high energy. The only way we can beat military power is by the low energy power of complex organization which changes the social potential field in a way that gives rewards to peaceful action and arranges the physical empowerment to that a minimum of firepower is in the hands of those included to earn their survival by taking the lives and goods of others.

Railways were the Roman roads of the nineteenth century; of great strategic and economic value.

An inconsistency at the peer level n + 1 is based on consistency at levels n (and perhaps n + 2)

Wednesday 28 May 2003
Thursday 29 May 2003

Relationship = correlation - As we get to know one another, our lives begin to undergo small modifications to bring us into contact with one another more often. We seek a clear understanding of the way such correlation (cooperation [entanglement]) brings an increase in variety (even though in itself it is a restriction of variety). What we think is that the richness of states of permutation generated by union outweighs the restraints placed on the behaviour of the bonded pair (couple). What goes for couples goes for the group by seeing how all its elements interact pairwise.

Friday 30 May 2003

From a logical point of view a superposition is a contradiction, two or more different forms existing in the same spacetime. On the principle that the world is consistent,

[page 315]

this means that a superposition cannot exist in the mathematical sense. What can exist is a function which describes the superposition, since this is self-consistent. If we demand that every element of the superposition has equal existence, we are led to the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. The alternative is to accept different degree of existence, on the one hand observable events, which represent the selection and transmission of a particular element in the superposition. [the transition between two elements in the superposition?]

The reality of the world of superposition might be called virtual in that it cannot exist consistently, and so it can be viewed as the space of possibility, the Cantor Universe, generated by the set of ℵ0 [ℵ1?] Turing machines. This world we identify with that which is usually identified as spiritual.

The Cantor Universe gives us a model of the hierarchies of angels and other invisible, immaterial entities that lie between a single quantum of action considered as a unit and God, considered as pure act, whatever that may mean. Hence we say that pure act is equivalent to ℵ0.h. What is more interesting is the alphabet of turing machines (ℵ0 letters that form the physical foundation of the Universe upon which the unlimited complexity of the transfinite network is built.

Each religious tradition (this is going too far, lets say many) tend to go to an extreme: the mystical retiring from the world and the senses to find god, nirvana etc etc inside. This seems to be rather Taoist, eg, and is the final state of the entity known as Thomas Aquinas who allegedly saw all his (rather magnificent) work as straw and put down his pen. Fortunately he did not do this until the end of his life was nigh, which seems reasonable. A life totally directed to contemplating the infinite might be overdoing it. Aquinas alerted us to the fact that Heaven was the vision of God, as have almost all mystics (substituting different

[page 316]

words for god.

From Dodgy book:

A path from physical dynamics to theological dynamics explained by theological dynamics in terms of physical dynamics.

An operator solves a problem (finds an eigenvalue) and emits an observable solution.

Quantum ??? we penetrate into the higher reaches of the Cantor Universe in the same way as Cantor did by finding deeper and deeper structure in the continuum. We see the delta as a rectangle whose dimensions are aleph(n) by aleph(n+1) to that its area is aleph(n+1) normalized to 1. We interpret the alephs through measures and probabilities. The a priori probability of any event (number) in the set of natural numbers N is 1/ℵ0, the probability of a point in the reals is 1/ℵ1 and in the hyperreals (?) is 1/aleph(n).

Saturday 31 May 2003

'Rosalie looked attentively at Mr Hua. Doing calligraphy made one look more closely at everything, because every person and object was also word, diagram, with lines and spaces, planes and curves and hooks, thick or elongated limbs or moustaches, each placed in its own square or oblong, drawn as itself, itself with all its meanings within the framework of itself. Han Suyin Crippled 27 page 383. Suyin


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Heisenberg, Werner , Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory (translated by Carl Eckart and Frank C Hoyt), Dover 1949 Jacket: 'In this classic, based on lectures delivered at the University of Chicago, Heisenberg presents a complete physical picture of quantum theory. He covers not only his own contributions, but also those of Bohr, Dirac, Bose, de Broglie, Fermi, Einstein, Pauli, Schroedinger, Sommerfeld, Rupp, Wilson, Germer and others in a text written for the physical scientist who is not a specialist in quantum theory or in modern mathematics.' 
Suyin, Han, The Crippled Tree, Academy Chicago Publishers, Limited 1985 Amazon book description: 'In The Crippled Tree Han Suyin evokes, through the life of her two families (eastern and western), a panorama of the history of China from 1885 to 1928. It contains eye-witness accounts, from family papers, of the Sino-French War, of the revolution of 1911 and of the emergence of Chiang Kai-shek. This book is more compelling than history and more profound than biography: it describes how events mould the lives of individuals, and how their private emotions are twisted by the gigantic conflicts of a changing world. The theme of the book is the story of the Chinese family of Han Suyin, a family deeply feudal, rooted in a far inland province of China adjacent to Tibet; yet, because of the western invasion of China, brought face to face with compelling change. . . . ' 
Zee, Anthony, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, Princeton University Press 2003 Amazon book description: 'An esteemed researcher and acclaimed popular author takes up the challenge of providing a clear, relatively brief, and fully up-to-date introduction to one of the most vital but notoriously difficult subjects in theoretical physics. A quantum field theory text for the twenty-first century, this book makes the essential tool of modern theoretical physics available to any student who has completed a course on quantum mechanics and is eager to go on. Quantum field theory was invented to deal simultaneously with special relativity and quantum mechanics, the two greatest discoveries of early twentieth-century physics, but it has become increasingly important to many areas of physics. These days, physicists turn to quantum field theory to describe a multitude of phenomena. Stressing critical ideas and insights, Zee uses numerous examples to lead students to a true conceptual understanding of quantum field theory--what it means and what it can do. He covers an unusually diverse range of topics, including various contemporary developments,while guiding readers through thoughtfully designed problems. In contrast to previous texts, Zee incorporates gravity from the outset and discusses the innovative use of quantum field theory in modern condensed matter theory. Without a solid understanding of quantum field theory, no student can claim to have mastered contemporary theoretical physics. Offering a remarkably accessible conceptual introduction, this text will be widely welcomed and used.  
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