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[Notebook: Language DB 57]

[Sunday 28 November 2004 - Saturday 4 December 2004]

[page 42]

Sunday 28 November 2004
Monday 29 November 2004
Tuesday 30 November 2004
Wednesday 1 December 2004
Thursday 2 December 2004

A night at school camp and then rush back to the rather exciting work of raising the

[page 43]

intellectual and financial capital to go into the religion business.

The basic unit of human existence is the lifetime, which is in effect the quantum of human life. Human life is the practical subject of theology, and so we see theology as the application of transfinite quantum field theory to the creation and annihilation of human life.

The quantum of action lies at the intersection of infinite receptivity (knowledge) and infinite unreceptivity (power). Like radar, it is hard to listen while radiating and high power so we time division multitask.

Let us imagine the quantum of action as a qualitative rather than a quantitative thing, in other words size does not matter but some formal property like completeness or closure which characterizes a distinct act. Then the terms 'quantum of action' and lifetime' may become synonymous, that is exhibit their symmetry.

In the end we can only talk about what can be expressed formally, because in the end that is what talk is, a form expressed in an ordered sequence of symbol, except the ur-form, which we represent by the empty set. A set containing an empty set passes for 1 and so on. So we can talk abstractly about forms using cardinal, rather than ordinal numbers. The cardinal number of a set is a function of its entropy, and vice versa. [the information content of a 'point set' is equal to the entropy of the space of which it is an element].

[page 44]

Friday 3 December 2004
Saturday 4 December 2004

'The idea that human activities are upsetting the current equilibrium between people and the environment is based on a misconception. There is not and never has been a significant equilibrium in the environment. Leigh page 188

Hence motion. Everything moves to get comfortable.

Propagation of panic is a form of 'power tripping' common to many from the George Bushes to the greenies - basically a 'radical' phenomenon which means pull everything up by the roots and start again. Here we take a slightly more gradualist, meliorist line, nevertheless a sequence of events (quanta) at every scale.

Maybe sciences start off in a dark, confused and complex way and remain so until a basic alphabet of symbols and a grammar are developed. Then new students (and old) and practical people can go to the heart of the matter and take out just the bits they want and put them into practice. Of all animals, only a few are domesticated. Of all reactions, just a few account for most of the traffic.

Let us approach quantum mechanics and discuss it in terms of alphabets, words, meaning, grammar, syntax etc.

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Leigh, G J, The World's Greatest Fix: A History of Nitrogen and Agriculture, Oxford University Press 2004 Preface: 'In the current world, knowledge is rarely valued for itself, and much more often for its commercial potential. Nevertheless, for nearly 30 years my colleagues and I had the immense privilege of studying a challenging problem with a minimum of bureaucratic interference. During this time I became aware that we were all members of a long line of investigators that stretched back for thousands of years. Each of us saw the problem of soil fertility, expressed for us as the conundrum of biological nitrogen fixation, in a different way, and each of us added a small brick to the imposing edifice of modern agricultural science. I have attempted to show in this book how human beings have solved the problems relating to soil fertility, using imagination, ingenuity and understanding of how the world works. ... ' 
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