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[Notebook: DB 57 Language]

[Sunday 23 January 2005 - Saturday 29 January 2005]

[page 72]

Sunday 23 January 2005

de Soto page 37: 'Leaders of the Third World and former communist nations need not wander the world's foreign ministries and international financial institutions seeking their fortune. In the midst of their own poorest neighbourhoods and shantytown , there are - if not acres of diamonds - trillions of dollars, all ready to be put to use if only the mystery of how assets are transformed into live capital can be unravelled. de Soto

page 40: 'Why assets can be made to produce abundant capital in the West but very little in the rest of the world is a mystery.'

page 41: '"capital"' . . . that part of a country's assets that initiates surplus production and increases productivity.'

page 43: Adam Smith: 'the . . . money which circulates in any country, may very properly be compared to a highway, which, while it circulates and carries to market all the grass and corn of the country, produces itself not a single pile of either.'

Successful trader is a catalyst which favours profitable trades from unprofitable ones by increasing the rate of profitable trades relative to the rate of unprofitable trades.

Rate = 'energy' is the determining factor in population. Faster breeders are, other things being equal, more prevalent in the population. One other thing that must be equal is the death rate, determined by the annihilation operator. The net

[page 73]

rate of reproduction ie births - deaths. If it is zero, we have a constant population. Otherwise exponential growth and decay which may be under the control of other population dependent and population independent factors.

As a banal generality , we can say that everything is influenced by a number of factors. Science begins when we seek to enumerate and give a weight to each factor. Quantum mechanics does this by calculations in Hilbert space: people do it in their brains, which suggests an analogy between quantum mechanics and a neural network. Quantum mechanics concerns itself with what happens at the nodes. When we try to extrapolate it to the whole network of the world with all its 'interferences' = communications we generally resort to simplified models. The transfinite network, on the other hand, is an attempt to asses the maximum complexity of the system that lies behind the observed world, a system responsible for my whole systematic structure of operation resolved to the level of individual quanta.

After a certain amount of thought (modelling) we make a move, and then await the consequences, as planned, or not, or somewhat.

Monday 24 January 2005
Tuesday 25 January 2005
Wednesday 26 January 2005
Thursday 27 January 2005
Friday 28 January 2005

de Soto page 46: 'What creates capital in the West . . . is an implicit process buried in the intricacies of formal property systems.'


binding logical (virtual, abstract) structures to physical structures,

page 47: 'Any asset whose economic and social aspects are not fixed in a formal property system is extremely hard to move in the market.'

Possession is nine-tenths of the law. What we need for capitalism is trustworthy documented and transferable possession.

Reading back through 1982 and wondering about my position then. Notes 1982 Publish the emotional stuff? yes, because that is what motivated the formalization you see here, a representation, an abstraction of 'writable' states of my mind here. We take mind here to mean everything of which we are conscious, not just a repository of ideas, but as a repository of all feelings {experiences].

The search is for integrity. We are downloaded with a certain set of algorithms as we grow up, and there is no guarantee that they are not, to some extent, inconsistent.

[page 75]

DANGER => ABSTRACTION (Because time is [often] of the essence)

The archetypal (binary) abstraction there was a radical contradiction between my human nature and the institutional requirements of the Roman Catholic Church.

Now is the time to go back and review all the notes form the 80s when I finally began to see that I could make a religion (ie a mental operating system) of my own. This, as it developed, became the tool that enabled me to break out of the fundamentalist egg.


The fundamentalist credo: as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be.

Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper.

The beginning: 'Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was . . .

It is not easy looking back at my crippled self quarter of a century ago. There is a tendency to edit our the off centre bits, but that might decrease the value

[page 76]

of the archive. What I write here as consciousness with a 25 year return period. Other sectors of consciousness work in tenths of a second, but the principle (symmetry) is the same, parametrized by time and complexity.

25 years is about the longest wavelength that can be clearly recognized in a human life of 75-100 years.

My breakout weapon is the transfinite network, a technology [to be] described in more detail in A New Theology.

. . .

Agatha Christie 'The mysterious Mr Quin '"He won't be the first or the last fellow who's shot himself without being able

[page 77]

to give a reason," said Alex Portal heavily.' Christie page 11

Agatha Christie page 14: 'The evidence of history is against you. The contemporary historian never writes such a true history as the historian of a later generation. It is a question of getting true perspective, of seeing things in proportion. If you like to call it so, it is, like everything else, a matter of relativity.

The backward light cone (feed in, fan in) increases in breadth as we go forward in time. (Communication cone) So it takes 30 years for people to write their memoirs, for governments to publish their files, etc, and that is just the first cycle.

'The personal equation will have dropped out, and you will remember facts as facts without seeking to put your own interpretation on them.

'Christine' epistemology.

FACTS ={ALPHABET} = STRING (of events),

Saturday 29 January 2005

Although my motivations important, the actual results obtained are more so. This seems to be the importance of separating the personal (natural theology) scientific (a new theology) and religious (the theology company) sites.

These notebooks are an example of 'going with the flow'. If I feel like it, I write. If I don't I don't. There

[page 78]

is no distinction, in other words, of the old fashioned sort that says no pain no gain, keep your nose to the grindstone etc. I act, in other words, rather like Jamie Uys' idealization of the Bush people of the Kalahari in 'The Gods must be Crazy'. Uys This may be attributed to laziness, but also reflects the fact that I cannot force ideas to come to the surface of my mind, but must wait until they bubble up and create a desire to be recorded. Of course more mundane tasks like dishes and bricklaying do respond to discipline but these fall into the category of bonum utile tasks performed in order to secure the freedom to wait for the spirit to develop, (as in photography) to reveal itself.

Pure self indulgence, one might think; in the old religion an evil, at least here on earth. But the situation is the same as bricklaying - suffer a bit of stress now for heaven later; either a pay packet or a cool beer, or an eternity of bliss in heaven.

Agatha Christie Mr Quin page 61: 'The present is apt to be - parochial'. Einstein would have said 'local'. The further we look into the past, the wider our vision. This in a way is our peculiar advantage - being able to look back to the big bang we can see the whole of the past, and so gain the most precise resolution of the present.

function: we can write doSomething(0), where the (0) is a placemarker for the thing to which something is done, like hang(him). Formally, the 'agend' can be represented by an ordered set of symbols.

[page 79]

We can see reproduction as a consequence of death insofar as if we (or any other living thing) did not die, reproduction must exponentially decay to prevent the destruction of the environment by overloading.

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Further reading


Anonymous, and Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty, Brian K Smith (translators), The Book of Manu, Penguin Classics 1992 '"The Laws of Manu" form a towering work of Hindu philosophy. Composed by many Brahmin priests, this is an extraordinary, encyclopaedic representation of human life in the world, and how it should be lived. Manu encompasses topics as wide-ranging as the social obligations and duties of the various castes, the proper way for a righteous king to rule and to punish transgressors, relations between men and women, birth, death, taxes, karma, rebirth and ritual practices. First translated into English in 1794, its influence spread from Nietzsche to the British Raj, and although often misinterpreted, it remains an essential work for understanding India today.' 

Campbell, Joseph, Myths to Live By: how we re-create ancient legends in our daily lives to release human potential, Penguin/Arkana 1993 Amazon customer review: 'I read this book while on a cruise, and found myself spending a lot of time reading. Of all his works, this is the most down to earth. The others are too 'professorial' as if intended to impress, while this one simply lays it on the line. Psychology and mythology relate to each other very nicely, as Mr. Campbell realized when asked to share his concepts with those of a Psychologist. Jung was a favorite because of his concept of Universal Mind. Contrary to what might be thought, the book is not anti-religious, but it does explode particular Christian beliefs. Rather, it reveals the Universal meaning of 'life' which each community resolves in its own way, frequently as not, in similar ways. Boil away the variety of customs, etc, and you have the essence of Joseph Campbell's work and a better appreciation of man's universal mind.'Kenneth G. Ramey 

Christie, Agatha, The Mysterious Mr Quin, St. Martin's Minotaur 2002 Amazon product decription: 'A conjurer of skill with an instinct for detection, Mr. Harley Quin has an almost magical flair for appearing at the scene of the most remarkable crimes. But is it just a trick of light that haunts his shadow with a ghostly apparition? Is it fate that invites him to a New Year's murder? And what forces are at work when his car breaks down outside Royalston Hall, an isolated estate with a deadly history?'  

de Soto, Hernando, The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else, Basic Books 2000 'The hour of capitalism's greatest triumph is its hour of crisis. The fall of the Berlin Wall ended more than a century of political competition between communism and capitalism. Capitalism stands alone as the only feasible way to rationally organise a modern economy. . . . As a result, with varying degrees of enthusiasm, Third World and former communist nations have balanced their budgets, cut subsidies, welcomed foreign investment, and dropped their tariff barriers. Their efforts have been repaid with bitter disappointment. . . . In this book I intend to demonstrate that the major stumbling block that keeps the rest of the world from benefiting from capitalism is its inability to produce capital. . . . The poor . . . do have things, but they lack the process to represent their property and create capital. The have houses but not titles, crops but not deeds, businesses but not statutes of incorporation. It is the unavailability of these essential representations that explains why people who have adapted every other Western invention, from paper clips to nuclear reactors, have not been able to produce sufficient capital to make their domestic captialism work.' pages 1-7 

Mascaro, Juan, and (translator), The Bhagavad Gita, Penguin Books 1962-1968  

Uys, Jamie, The Gods Must be Crazy I & II, 1980, 1989 Amazon editorial review: ' South African director Jamie Uys caught lightning in a bottle with The Gods Must Be Crazy--a Coke bottle, to be specific. This slaphappy collection of goofy pratfalls and culture-clash gags became an enormous international smash, and made a sort of star out of the Bushman selected to play the central role, the completely ingratiating N!Xau. He plays a man, unaware of white culture, who finds a Coca-Cola bottle in the Kalahari (dropped by a passing pilot) and promptly has his life turned around by this mystical object. The movie looks slipshod and even amateurish at times, yet its attitude is so bubbly it's hard to resist. Proving that physical comedy remains a true international language, millions of moviegoers around the world drank it up. The Gods Must Be Crazy II (1989) returns N!Xau to the bizarre world of the white man, this time in a slicker plot (and a with a bigger budget) that, perhaps predictably, yields fewer real belly laughs than the first time around. Director Jamie Uys sticks to his cherished notions that tribesmen are wiser than civilized people, and that fast-motion comedy is inherently funny. The storyline begins with N!Xau's innocent Bushman searching for his lost children; he then gets sidetracked by subplots. The humor is basic, but in best silent-movie tradition Uys prepares his set-pieces with elaborate care, and he understands the value of the long-delayed pay-off.' --Robert Horton  


Ergodic hypothesis - Wikipedia, Ergodic hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In physics and thermodynamics, the ergodic hypothesis says that, over long periods of time, the time spent by a particle in some region of the phase space of microstates with the same energy is proportional to the volume of this region, i.e., that all accessible microstates are equally probable over a long period of time.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2021 © Jeffrey Nicholls