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[Notebook: DB 58 Bringing god home]

[Sunday 23 April 2006 - Saturday 29 April 2006]

[page 99]

Sunday 23 April 2006

All life is in effect searching state spaces and trying to acquire states that increase fitness. Intellectually we know we have fund something of value when we can compress a large body of apparently amorphous data into a comprehended package, like this sentence.


These ideas are essentially the 'Hilbert oscillator' that I was writing about some twenty years ago. Confidence seem to come from getting the same results from may different pints of view.

Quantum mechanically expressed, the search for knowledge is a search for eigenvalues/states/functions/

[page 100]

All these ideas are born out of passion, but to be blind to culture the passion must be exorcised and the pure formal insight alone communicated. Science shows that the appropriate language for this is mathematics plus a set of terms agreed by the various subsets of the scientific community. The aim is to capture the passion in words. The mother of all passions is love. Here we account formally for love and the creation and dissolution of bonds of love. Formal structure is the transfinite network. We use this network to reinterpret the traditional properties of god.


Time division multiplexing of a serial channel allows is to create spaces of stationary states that are occupied part of the time. The integrated time of realization of these states is normalized to one.

We have to bring a hush of hope to the earth while people realize that it is no longer the thing 'pro patria mori'. Modern economic developments and humanitarian initiatives can solve all the life and death problems without deliberately killing people to resolve the situation.

When we lived as wild animals, we suffered the constraints of wild animals, including the carrying capacity of our environment. Given a fixed ceiling of resources it seems inevitable that stronger human corporations would take resources from the weak, thereby further increasing their own fitness, which can be crudely measured by the number of offspring reaching maturity.

Things attract us by their possibility, that is their value or utility, their potential. We are attracted and repelled by these potentials as we perceive them, ie

[page 101]

as we see the possibilities of this earth. At the extremes many people have used other people as slaves, many people have formed enduring bonds of love between peers.

Quantum mechanics is kinematic insofar as it defines a space of states and calculates rates of transition between them using vector algebra, transformations being made by operators which themselves form a vector space and so on ad infinitum.

We relate the subsets of Cantor's proof to the permutations of transfinite state space by the concepts of cycles of a permutation. All this one should know. I remember lectures about permutations in the distant past.

Let this be the first year of your PhD, beginning now. This takes the pressure off and gives time to develop the websites as supplementary information.

Monday 24 April 2006
Tuesday 25 April 2006
Wednesday 26 April 2006

The root problem of any model of god is creativity, which we propose to prove must exist in a consistent world.

CONSISTENT : Individual communication (packets, particles) 'make sense' to their recipients. Those which do not are assumed to be corrupt and retransmission requested.

Whether the 'proof of creativity' is consistent under a scientific protocol can only be tested by formally capturing the model and then drawing out its consequences to see if any inconsistencies arise. We see that the uncertainty, undecidability and incomputability features of the Universe prevent us from seeing any straight out contradictions.

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We have left the wild condition and are now in effect keeping ourselves in a sort of zoo, subject to certain constraint but given unlimited food, shelter and health care.

'The human condition' has fixed and variable elements in it.

survival, security, reproduction
poverty, obedience, chastity.

One loses seriously by obedience by voluntarily submitting oneself to an outside force with different interests to oneself.

All the old system is built on the dignum et dulce est pro patria mori, and it is good that one man die for the welfare of the many principles. Owen, John 11:50

. . .

Every act of intelligence (insight) constrains the search space.

We introduce structures into the transfinite network suggested by the discoveries of all the sciences, beginning with physics. FIT = CONSISTENT with ENVIRONMENT.

Our problem is that we are adapting the whole environment to ourselves instead of just our immediate microenvironment.




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Thursday 27 April 2006

The agenda behind this paper is simple - religious war will not subside completely until we all share one religion.

Unity of religion is based on the unity of god and our religious vision of god. At present we have many gods and many religions. Most of the gods share a common trait: they are invisible to us. This circumstance allows unverified and contradictory hypotheses about the nature of god to multiply unchecked. As an alternative we propose . . . . The same old story.

INTOLERANCE - readers of the Bible can easily see that God is an intolerant old bastard, no doubt sharing many of the traits of the people that created these texts.

A photon has no rest frame. The velocity of a photon, observed in any inertial frame, is c. What may change is the energy of the photon, depending on the velocity (and so energy) differences between the frames.

Friday 28 April 2006

A fundamental theorem: the 'security function' has a maximum. Subject to certain conditions. Stalin tried to secure himself at the cost of rendering everybody else insecure [and ultimately destroyed the foundation of his own security, likewise Adolph]. This may not be true if we equate security with error free communication under the most extreme conditions. We need to examine the effects of error on a network. What we see is that it reduces the complexity of the network because a

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smaller number of states are distinguishable. Noisier channels have less 'productive' entropy and so transmission through them is slower.

Time is of the essence, since it is the inverse of bandwidth.

Complexification in the Universe s therefore achieved by overcoming noise. As the noise goes down the size of the state space goes up until at zero noise it reaches its mathematical limit.

What survives: a cycle, something that is able to continually renew itself.

Creation and error correction are made possible by the exponential power of error correcting algorithms.

Sitting in the sun where it all started back at the International Solar Energy Society conference in Paris in 1973 (?). What we need to understand is how a flow of very simple particles, photons from the sun to the earth, can have given rise to the web of life that cradles us. Is the source of this creation outside the world or is it the world itself? We opt for the latter, and undertake to show that it is inevitable that a world like ours, which fills the space of all possible worlds, must be creative in the way that we see. A bit strong. Instead we seek a model of god that fits the observed features of the world.

As with nuclear energy, sexual energy can only be released in certain specific circumstances. Nevertheless both are valuable, so there is an incentive to ensure that the conditions are met.

Saturday 29 April 2006

The motivation for this paper is the catalogue of horrors that result when powers seek to perpetuate themselves by attempting to control the minds of their subjects.

[page 105]

My experience of this was in a Roman Catholic Religious Order, the Dominicans (of Inquisition fame). Sabatini Leave out the nasty bits : what we are offering here must be a hand of reconciliation, not an attempt at punishment and enslavement for evils done.

My rather scientific upbringing (in a Christian medical family) began to clash with my dogmatic environment and I was eventually found unfit to continue. I was out, but I had discovered treasures in the works of Thomas Aquinas.

The first was his first (of five) ways of proving the existence of God. Aquinas 13

Aquinas model goes back to Parmenides, of whom fragments remain, the static model. Burnet

Aristotle introduced dynamics with the ideas of potency and act, a duality which slowly evolved into the modern distinction between potential and kinetic energy, In the modern world, potential and kinetic are peers. One may substitute for the other within the general constraint of energy conservation. This duality introduces a degree of freedom which may be parametrized by the ratio of potential to kinetic energy in any system. In the old view . . . reflected in Aquinas' proof, potential is subordinate to act, creating a hierarchy which must end in an entity that is all act and no potential.

Aquinas derives the traditional properties of god from the hypothesis that god is pure act.

On modelling god: this work is motivated by the question: What if we are inside god?

[page 106]

Parallel work in relativity, quantum mechanics and mathematics.

In the 'classical' areas of science there is a one-one mapping between observable states and the a mathematical representation of these states. So we can speak of a state of motion whose velocity relative to some frame of reference is a real number v. In the quantum regime, we do not measure reals, but positive integers. The number of counts registered by a sensor of a certain design at a certain point in spacetime. Classical spacetime, we see, gives us a reference system in which to locate our various counts. So our physical observations mix classical and quantum ideas.

We may see an explanation of this particulate nature of observation in the mathematical theory of communication.

The revised standard model proposed here is the coalescence of three streams of though that began in the second half of the nineteenth century, relativity, quantum mechanics and mathematics.

The diagonal proof revisited.

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

John, and Alexander Jones (editor), in The Jerusalem Bible, Darton Longman and Todd 1966 Introduction to Saint John: '[This] gospel has a complex literary form: it is akin to the earliest Christian preaching, and yet at the same time it gives the final results of a quest ... for a deeper and more rewarding apprehension of the mystery of Jesus. Each of the evangelists has his own approach to Christ's person and mission. For St John, he is the Word made flesh, come to give life to men, 1:14,and this, the mystery of the Incarnation, dominates the whole of John's thought.' p 140.  
Owen, Wilfred, The Collected Poems of Wilfred Owen, New Directions 1965 Jacket: 'Wilfred Owen's death in World War I was an irreparable loss to English poetry, His war poems, most of which were composed in a thirteen-month period on the front line, have kept their originality and force through the past seventy years. The best of them are considered the finest poems about war in the English language. This definitive edition of Owen's poetry, based on a close study of the ms. sources in the British Museum and elsewhere, contains a selection of the poet's juvenilia and several other unpublished poems, as well as those which have appeared in the editions edited by Siegfried Sassoon and Edmund Bunden.' 
Sabatini, Raphael, Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition: A History, Kessinger Publishing 2003 Editorial Reviews Book Description "With 16 halftone illustrations, including a map. Partial contents: Early persecutions; Inquisition canonically established; Order of St. Dominic; Isabella the Catholic; Jews in Spain; New-Christians; Prior of Holy Cross; Holy Office in Seville; Supreme Council; Jurisprudence of the Holy Office; Pedra Arbues de Epila; Torquemada's further "instructions"; Inquisition in Toledo; Torquemada and the Jews.' 
Aquinas 13 Summa: I 2 3: Whether God exists? I answer that, The existence of God can be proved in five ways. The first and more manifest way is the argument from motion. ... The second way is from the nature of the efficient cause. ... The third way is taken from possibility and necessity ... The fourth way is taken from the gradation to be found in things. ...The fifth way is taken from the governance of the world. back
John Burnet Parmenides of Elea: The Poem 'The Poem Parmenides was the first philosopher to expound his system in metrical language. His predecessors, Anaximander, Anaximenes, and Herakleitos, wrote in prose, and the only Greeks who ever wrote philosophy in verse at all were just these two, Parmenides and Empedokles; for Xenophanes was not a philosopher any more than Epicharmos. Empedokles copied Parmenides; and he, no doubt, was influenced by the Orphics. But the thing was an innovation, and one that did not maintain itself. The fragments of Parmenides are preserved for the most part by Simplicius, who fortunately inserted them in his commentary, because in his time the original work was already rare. I follow the arrangement of Diels.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls