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[Notebook: DB 59 Draughts]

[Sunday 10 September 2006 - Saturday 16 September 2006]

[page 152]

Sunday 10 September 2006

Quantum mechanics is one dimensional field theory, ie a function of time alone. The interior of a computer is also one dimensional and all its states are a function of the clock. Clock pulses are long enough so that the travel times of signals from the memory etc are hidden and everything works in a 'formal' deterministic way.

So a small enough (spatially) or slow enough (so that its spatial size is irrelevant) has a 'light cone' consisting of a time line alone.

[page 153]

Photon = text no rest mass.

Massive particle = moving texts = internal process = computer = rest mass. Quantum mechanics and computers give no meaning to velocity. Velocity enters when we have space and time, v = dx/dt.

In physical terms, the only boundary condition is consistency.

The inconsistency of the Catholic system put me under great pressure to devise a consistent system. The greater the pressure on a network (ie my central nervous system) the faster it all works (stress energy tensor <==>

Every particle carries its own rest frame except the photon, which has no rest frame and so is outside dynamics just as formalism is essentially non-dynamic.

Control in a Turing Machine is subject to Shannon [Information theory] and [the Shannon-Nyquist sampling theorem], which control the effective cardinality or machine infinity. Shannon,

The level of control decreases as 1/x because the round trip increases with x, as does the time between observations and corrections. We must sample and correct at twice the frequency of change.

Error correcting power grows exponentially with processing time, so the tradeoff between frequency and freedom from error favours

[page 154]

taking one's time to avoid error. This is like Shannon type making the packets bigger.

Why do symmetries break, that is networks grow?

General covariance (action alone) breaks to give us 2D spacetime (spin 1/2)

In our attempts to make all permutations equiprobable in a given peer group, the permutations involved inevitably contain symmetries. No cardinality without symmetry, ie 2 digits allows us to construct all countable numbers.

Once we divide things into past and future we have a constraint. The only constraint on the future is past + consistency.


Lorentz (Minkowski) - fixed metric (tensor eta(ij))

Monday 11 September 2006

Correspondence principle between symmetric Universe and harmonic Universe says two converge when Turing machines are simply adders and number of elements added is large.

Misner on geodesic deviation page 218: Observer measuring geodesic deviation is limited by quantum mechanics of measurement (uncertainty principle) in the precision of

[page 155]

measurement and therefore in the precision he can calculate the curvature of the space in which he moves. As he increases precision , he increases 4-momentum of measuring process, and so introduces perturbation which will ultimately exceed precision of measurement. Misner, Thorne and Wheeler

page 220 Route dependence = algorithm dependence.

What we do here is rather like Kirchoff, showing the existence of functions without completely defining them. This is a task for variation of software engineering.

The variational principle applies to software is non-linear in the resources required, particularly when someone discovers an exponential speedup of a process.

Einstein on Riemann: 'Only the genius of Riemann, solitary and uncomprehended, had already won its way by the middle of the last century to a new conception of space, in which space was deprived of its rigidity, and in which its power to take part in physical events was recognized as possible. 1934 Essays in Science, Philosophical Library, NY page 68

Bianchi identities: differential symmetries of Riemann tensor

Contractions of Riemann tensor: 'Ricci curvature tensor', 'scalar curvature' and 'Einstein curvature tensor.


A water molecule has as much personality as I

[page 156]


Age is the affine parameter of life, ie elapsed time since birth.

Exponential growth in error correcting power enables exponentially growing number of unique identifiable messages. So we expect alphabets to grow like 2n, 0, 1, 2, 4, 16, 64k etc.

A function is a static mapping,but we can render its range dynamic (ie moving) if we introduce motion into its [domain]. As we move along the function, the variations in the domain drive variations in the range. The relationship between the two sets of values is the 'differential' of the function.

Cantor was interested in big numbers because in those days continuity was defined by proximity and it seemed logical that the more points we force into a given interval, the closer together they must be.

In general relativistic space, every point is unique. There are no laws of physics when we look at the whole. But there are local laws. We cannot discuss the whole structure of the symmetric Universe. This, like the set of all sets, as a self contradictory (non) entity.

The observable Universe is a set of events (symbols) which obeys the rules of set theory, predicate

[page 157]

calculus and all theorems of mathematics, each of which is a Turing machine that communicates between two points in the Universe, a function.

General relativity makes every point unique, as does the symmetric Universe. Every pair of points of the same cardinality n can be transformed from one to another by an elements of the permutation group of n items,

So the set of transformations between aleph(n) unique points has aleph(n + 1) elements.


How do we model curvature in the symmetric network? Begin with the idea that it depends on the metric and that the unit (dimension) of the metric is action.

Special relativity defines spaces of possible causality and non-causality. Quantum mechanics determines 'degree of causality' by |overlap integral of amplitudes| 2 .

How do we model curvature in the symmetric network? FORCE is the product of INCONSISTENT contact [?]. There can be no inconsistency and therefore force in a matter free (flat) Universe, but the introduction of matter causes curvature, that is geodesic deviation. This too is force free except where the constraints of other forces prevent entities from following their geodesics (as the electromagnetic binding forces prevent me from following my geodesic to the centre of the earth by the g force on my bum.

[page 158]

Tuesday 12 September 2006



When we come to measuring geodesic deviation we find that the precision is limited by the uncertainty principle and the four-momentum density.

General covariance means every point has its own reference [rest, identity] frame which is tantamount to saying that the point 'is' in its own reference frame. This condition is fulfilled by the symmetric Universe.

I am a terrorist whose intention is to detonate an explosion under all those who deny general covariance by acting as though they have right (duty) to control the lives of others, particularly by killing, torturing or confining them.

Contact contradiction drives action = error correction

How do we make the covariant dust of action become symmetric? How does matter shape space? Communication shape space? This work is like climbing around on rocks, continually getting new views, gradually discerning the shape of the whole massif.

Each new view provides a new language, a new element of the descriptive alphabet that will eventually

[page 159]

enable us to construct an isomorph of the structure we are investigating.

In physics we are inclined to think that the reference frames are secondary to reality, an idea that seems to have motivated Einstein's difficulties with quantum mechanics. But in the symmetric model reference frame and reality have the same standing. Instead of asking how matter curves space, we ask how software influences software, ideas influence ideas, language influences language. Gravitation carries energy which is the source of gravitation and so the system here is, unlike quantum mechanics, non-linear. By devising the right language, like the coordinate version of the field equations, we can talk about things and calculate them without really understanding them. This is common. One needs very little knowledge of human physiology to have a baby!

Agatha Death Comes at the End: '"This is my life," she thought, "there is no escape . . . "' Christie

Evolution creates the 'tree of life'. The past controls the future insofar as it is controllable. If we wish to control a future, we perform actions in the corresponding past.

Eternity "tota simul". Aquinas 45 It is alright for mystics to talk about such things because they depend on others for their survival, but practical people need frames of reference in which to work, as in laying out a building or designing a water system. [How does this idea of eternity square with the divine life? Aquinas 113]

[page 160]

Physicists, following the path of Newton and thousands of years of theology, are trying to find the invariant structure of the Universe on the assumption that it is something fixed, put there by god, which could have been different. A fundamental tenet of Christianity is that it was different before the Fall and will be different again after the Apocalypse ['revelation']. Here we take the view that what invariants there are are features of the dynamics of a system that creates itself, subject to no external constraints.

The invariants are 'naturally selected' by the Lagrangian method.

Every measurement is a relationship between a 'reference frame' (the tape) and the thing measured (the object) which, when they are brought into contact yields a message ('the measurement')

Since god lives, we apply cybernetics, the study of control and communication in the animal (non-deterministic) and the machine (deterministic). Wiener

We assume that all structures are a consequence of natural selection under cybernetic constraints, ie requisite variety, error free communication, recursion, computability, [stability] etc,

The basic measurement is GO NO-Go, true/false or something else binary, as in digitizing sound at the Nyquist frequency.

[page 161]

In the spirit that the unfolding of the Universe is isomorphic to the evolution of mathematics, we can look at the history of mathematics for clues to the history of the Universe. This is in support of the idea that the Universe is divine, but does not prove it. Ultimately the decision whether to treat reality as (god + Universe) or simply god is a matter of taste or faith, although our model of god allows us to pick a peer group and call all large groups god and all smaller groups creation.

Now the symmetric Universe seems very large, but when we examine the Universe, we find some very simple things. How can this be? The answer seems to be the relativity of transfinity. This feature of transfinity is encoded in cardinal arithmetic in the equation 2 exp (aleph(n) = aleph(n) exp (aleph(n) = aleph(n+1). What we are saying is that the world is fundamentally quantized into different degrees of transfinity, but for simplicity (and without loss of generality) , we can imagine each transfinite number as an element of a binary number of a higher power. Their essential quality is that one is not the other, like spin up and spin down. We are talking about machine infinity. Turing discussed the question of how many distinct symbols a machine could read and print. Turing page 250

What we are saying is that each increase in definition moving from binary to human and beyond. We see a number of binary distinctions around the place, spin up, spin down, space, time, alive, dead and so on. This is the first break in the symmetry of the eternal, immutable, invisible, extraspatial, omnipotent etc etc god of the ancients, the initial singularity from which all else springs.

[page 163]

Making structure is controlling possibilities. Today I made trusses, that is physical triangles of steel connected together so as to carry a load over a wide span of open space, ie the roof. The thing cannot fail as long as the sides of the triangles do not change their lengths, a condition enforced by the strength of the steel beams and the bolts. Engineers analyze things like this to convince themselves that the thing will stand up. Insofar as they are very conservative, they are mostly right. Another level of engineering examines the failures of engineered structures to see here they went wrong. At the computable level, things can be controlled, but once they become incomputable, we must take our chances. But we can continue to improve our chances by expanding our ability to compute the Universe in which we find ourselves. The earth is a system closed to almost everything apart from a negative flow of entropy from the sun. If we are to last, we must fit in with the environment in which we find ourselves. Fit in means basically to close the cycles of all the flows we induce in the environment, billions of tons of coal and oil ad steel and groceries.

Machine infinity = 1/machine resolution + 1.

Evolution by variation and selection.

We are to interpret the minimum action with maximum fitness. Many, even all, maybe at the maximum of fitness (like the sides of a die) and then outcomes are equiprobable. . . .

[page 163]

Relative phase measures logical consistency = overlap = how much I understand your conversation.

How long can a loop of error free communication be. Each entity has a generation time until it evolves to a fixed state, after which all generations are the same, as for electrons. The electron structure only has meaning in the context of the rest of the elements of the Universe.


So what corresponds to amplitude, the quantum way of calculating probabilities? The overlap is a function of the 'angle' between the states in an infinite dimensional space, calculated by the inner product.

The key to peace: swap rigid human space for flexible and general human covariance, ie we are all to be measured by our own coordinates, ie null or no measurement. I am what I am, ie moving inertially through life. This is gravitation, which would never have been noticed unless thee were non-gravitational structures in the Universe to provide contrast, as it were.

We implement general human covariance by everyone treating everyone with equal respect.

Why differentiate? Does Cantor say it is inevitable?

Why is the structure of the Universe 'legolike'.

[page 164]

ie quantized, one photon, one book, all sorts of distinct unities.

The first constraint: not all possibilities can be realized. This is because realization of possibilities feeds upon itself, by creating even more possibilities that each demand realization in their own way. In business, for instance, there are a spectrum of ways to fleece the punters, each appropriate to a given situation. Deighton Only When I Larff. Deighton


a) error free
b) timely, ie responding with sufficient bandwidth to control a situation

In order to avoid error by using integration alone we must use very redundant physical systems (eg lots of electrons, troops, workers) to get secure communication.

Using transfinite arithmetic, we may equate the cardinal 0 different events (Turing machines) in the Universe with the cardinal 0 of events that have occurred (at the quantum or any other level) in the Universe since it began, or in fact throughout the life of the Universe. This is the physical layer.

[page 165]

To go there means to be observed there. So, the path integral is not telling us the probability of a particle going from a to b. It is telling us [the probability] of a particle being created at a and annihilated at b. Quantum field theory is the statistics of birth and death. No one observes Feynman's little arrows rotating their way along all the alternative paths from a to b. Feynman It is only when an observation is made that the phases of all the arrows are added to give the final arrow which squared gives the probability of the event born at a, died at b.

Quantum mechanics does not know what all the little arrows mean and does not ask. It just knows that the arrow game, played according to the rules, gives credible results.

The first constraint on the symmetric Universe. Not all possibilities can be realized. The first to realize this was Heracleitus in 500 BC who saw that every time a scientific question was answered is spawned a forest of new questions. If we accept the symmetry that god lives and the Universe is an intelligent living thing like ourselves, we should expect what happens to us should happen everywhere and be everywhere visible in the tree of life, rooted in the big bang.

[page 166]

Applying invariance with respect to complexity, we expect to find intelligence as we attribute it to ourselves everywhere, and everywhere implemented by physical networks like the brain that processes our minds.

Possibilities 'compute' as in quantum mechanics and the fit ones (long arrows achieved by integrating harmony, tend to win out.

Burgess Here Comes Everybody page 49: 'The growth of the embryo and the growth of the soul mirrored eachother in Joyce's personal symbolism. In the "Oxen in the Sun" episode in Ulysses, a history of English literature -- which is a good enough record of the spiritual history of a nation -- is used to symbolize embryonic growth; in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, embryonic growth to symbolize the spiritual history of a young poet.' Burgess

Eliminate violence and bullshit.

The best way I can repay them for deluding me is to debunk their delusion.

Creation. God created the Universe. If the Universe is god, the Universe creates itself. This is how it has seemed to be, from the big bang to now. We have a long history of creation. It will be valuable of we can understand it.

Wednesday 13 September 2006
Thursday 14 September 2006

[page 167]

We identify the initial singularity with the standard model of god, and on the assumption that the past controls the future (insofar as it can be controlled) it follows that god controls the evolution of the world.

All communication links lead from past to future [in 4-space, ie in the direction of increasing time].

Friday 15 September 2006
Saturday 15 September 2006

Insofar as space is not time, questions of precedence and causality do not arise within it, but it can be seen a[s] something in itself formally invariant. Our measure of distance in undifferentiated time is the quantum of action. Special relativity gives us the equation ds= dx2 -  dt2 where the interval is zero if we measure dx in terms of light travel time, ie that we let c = 1.

Definition of space = simultaneous existence of distinct entities, or in terms of communication, simultaneous reception of distinct messages, as in the receptors of our eyes. But what of sound? Two ears, with much sharper phase (time) perceptions than our eyes serve to locate the sources of sound in space with considerable precision.

Feynman page 2-8: 'Unless a thing can be defined by measurement, it has no place in the theory' Feynman Ie only communicable things can be part of the theory. All measurements are cardinal. A measurement of an ordinal is a sequence or ensemble of measurements.

[page 168]

In an uncontrolled system error increases exponentially with time. Therefore stationary states, which are elements of space, are controlled. Control removes the effect of time, so that control at the Nyquist Frequency of the error can establish eternity.

. . .


Phase differences are the result of different processing times via the different possible routes (algorithms) available < x | i >s via algorithm i.

SPACE = MEMORY. Somebody's law: space stays the same unless somebody changes it. Dynamically space == momentum, time == energy.

We cannot measure phase without two scalars, ie enough pieces to make a complex number.


Tomonaga: 'As you know a physical quantity is expressed by a matrix in matrix mechanics and as a linear operator in wave mechanics' page 43. Tomonaga ie the physical quantity is not the state but the transition between states, and

[page 169]

not even this, but the absolute square of the amplitude to be in both states at once.

Boson vs Fermion / Past vs Future / Space vs Time.

Wave functions are function of degrees of freedom. The Trinity is three degrees of freedom. How do the persons interact?

ds= dx2 -  dt2, |q> = a|0> + b|1>, |a|2 + |b|2 = 1.

Place value notation breaks the symmetry of the digits, since a digit in place n+1 is worth one tenth of the digit in place n [given decimal numerals]. This split in value arises from the meaning encoded in the process of encoding and decoding numerals.

The evolution of the Universe is the evolution of new degrees of freedom = new entropy = new error correction.

Boson = cardinal; fermion = ordinal. Death = bose, life = fermi.

Shelley Frankenstein [page 37; 'I was obliged to exchange chimeras of boundless grandeur for realities of little worth' (!) Shelley

page 44: 'I wished, as it were, to procrastinate all that related to my feelings of affection until the great object, which swallowed up every habit of my nature, should be completed.

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Burgess, Anthony, Here Comes Everybody: An Introduction to James Joyce for the Ordinary Reader, Hamlyn Paperbacks 1982 Foreword to revised edition: 'My book does not pretend to scholarship, only to a desire to help the average reader who ... sees all his works available in aperback and is scared more of their content than their price. The appearance of diffuclty is part of Joyce's big joke; the profundities are usually expressed in good round Dublin terms; Joyce's heroes are humble men. If there was ever a writer for the people, Joyce was that writer. But there is need for the kind of pilot-commentary I attempt to provide. After nearly fifty years of reading Joyce, it seems only right that I should pass on what I have learned of his methods to those who come fresh to his riches.' 
Christie, Agatha, Death Comes as the End, HarperCollins 2001 Amazon customer review: "An ancient setting. An age-old crime. A timeless mystery." 'I have read everything Agatha Christie has ever written, and i think this one is definitely the best. Even such masterpieces as Murder on the Orient Express, Towards Zero, Murder in Mesopotamia and Ordeal by Innocence pale in comparison with this brilliant piece of writing. With this book, she outdoes Paul Doherty and Ellis Peters at their own game with just a single blow. The characters are great, the plot is great, the setting is the most interesting ever. This is her best novel. It's nothing short of fabulous.' A reader, 15 Dec 2001. 
Deighton, Len, Only When I Laugh, # Mysterious Press 1987 Amazon Editorial Review: From Publishers Weekly Originally published in England in 1968, this early Deighton novel is set not in his familiar espionage milieu but in the world of international con artists. As caper novels go, it is entertaining, even cute at times, but it is far less than what Deighton fans expect from the author of such bestsellers as The Ipcress File, SS-GB and Berlin Game. Told in alternating chapters by the three members of the con teamSilas, Liz and Bobthe book recounts the trio's exploits, first in New York as they bilk a pair of businessmen and later in their London home base where they launch an ill-fated scheme to sell phony arms to a small African nation. The repartee among the three is as much a part of plot as are the details of the "stings." Bob's ambition to become the ringleader, as well as to separate Liz from Silas, leads to a final operation in Beirut. Clever and not without charm, the book is nonetheless unpolished and lightweight compared to Deighton's best. 50,000 first printing; 35,000 ad/promo. Copyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc.  
Feynman, Richard P, and Robert B Leighton, Matthew Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics (volume 3) : Quantum Mechanics, Addison Wesley 1970 Foreword: 'This set of lectures tries to elucidate from the beginning those features of quantum mechanics which are the most basic and the most general. ... In each instance the ideas are introduced together with a detailed discussion of some specific examples - to try to make the physical ideas as real as possible.' Matthew Sands 
Feynman, Richard P , and Albert P Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, McGraw Hill 1965 Preface: 'The fundamental physical and mathematical concepts which underlie the path integral approach were first developed by R P Feynman in the course of his graduate studies at Princeton, ... . These early inquiries were involved with the problem of the infinte self-energy of the electron. In working on that problem, a "least action" principle was discovered [which] could deal succesfully with the infinity arising in the application of classical electrodynamics.' As described in this book. Feynam, inspired by Dirac, went on the develop this insight into a fruitful source of solutions to many quantum mechanical problems.  
Feynman, Richard, QED: The Strange Story of Light and Matter, Princeton UP 1988 Jacket: 'Quantum electrodynamics - or QED for short - is the 'strange theory' that explains how light and electrons interact. Thanks to Richard Feynmann and his colleagues, it is also one of the rare parts of physics that is known for sure, a theory that has stood the test of time. ... In this beautifully lucid set of lectures he provides a definitive introduction to QED.' 
Hallett, Michael, Cantorian set theory and limitation of size, Oxford UP 1984 Jacket: 'This book will be of use to a wide audience, from beginning students of set theory (who can gain from it a sense of how the subject reached its present form), to mathematical set theorists (who will find an expert guide to the early literature), and for anyone concerned with the philosophy of mathematics (who will be interested by the extensive and perceptive discussion of the set concept).' Daniel Isaacson. 
Jackson, Roger, and Roger Makransky (editors), Buddhist Theology: Critical reflections by contemporary Buddhist Scholars, Curzon Press 1999 Jacket: 'This volume is the expression of a new development in the academic study of Buddhism: scholars of Buddhism, themselves Buddhist, who seek to apply the critical tools of the academy to reassess the truth and transformative value of their tradition in its relevance to the modern world.' 
Khinchin, A I, Mathematical Foundations of Information Theory (translated by P A Silvermann and M D Friedman), Dover 1957 Jacket: 'The first comprehensive introduction to information theory, this book places the work begun by Shannon and continued by McMillan, Feinstein and Khinchin on a rigorous mathematical basis. For the first time, mathematicians, statisticians, physicists, cyberneticists and communications engineers are offered a lucid, comprehensive introduction to this rapidly growing field.' 
Misner, Charles W, and Kip S Thorne, John Archibald Wheeler, Gravitation, Freeman 1973 Jacket: 'Einstein's description of gravitation as curvature of spacetime led directly to that greatest of all predictions of his theory, that the Universe itself is dynamic. Physics still has far to go to come to terms with this amazing fact and what it means for man and his relation to the Universe. John Archibald Wheeler. ... this is a book on Einstein's theory of gravity (general relativity).' 
Shelley, Mary, Frankenstein, Pocket 2004  
Shelley, Mary Wollstoncraft, and Johanna M Smith (editor), Frankenstein: Complete, Authoritative Text With Biographical, Historical, and Cultural Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Contemporary Critical (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism), Palgrave MacMillan 2000  
Tomonaga, Sin-itiro, The Story of Spin, University of Chicago Press 1997 Jacket: 'The Story of Spin, as told by Sin-itiro Tomonaga and lovingly translated by Takeshi Oka, is a brilliant and witty account of the development of modern quantum theory, which takes electron spin as a pivotal concept. Reading these twelve lectures on the fundamental aspects of physics is a joyful experience that is rare indeed.' Laurie Brown, Northwestern University. 
Wiener, Norbert, Cybernetics or control and communication in the animal and the machine, MIT Press 1996 The classic founding text of cybernetics. 
Shannon, Claude E, "Communication in the Presence of Noise", Proceedings of the IEEE, 86, 2, February 1998, page 447-457. Reprint of Shannon, Claude E. "Communication in the Presence of Noise." Proceedings of the IEEE, 37 (January 1949) : 10-21. 'A method is developed for representing any communication system geometrically. Messages and the corresponding signals are points in two function spaces, and the modulation process is a mapping of one space into the other. Using this representation, a number of results in communication theory are deduced concerning expansion and compression of bandwidth and the threshold effect. Formulas are found for the maximum rate of transmission of binary digits over a system when the signal is perturbed by various types of noise. Some of the properties of "ideal" systems which transmit this maximum rate are discussed. The equivalent number of binary digits per second of certain information sources is calculated.' . back
Turing, Alan, "On Computable Numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem", Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 2, 42, 12 November 1937, page 230-265. 'The "computable" numbers maybe described briefly as the real numbers whose expressions as a decimal are calculable by finite means. Although the subject of this paper is ostensibly the computable numbers, it is almost as easy to define and investigate computable functions of an integrable variable or a real or computable variable, computable predicates and so forth. The fundamental problems involved are, however, the same in each case, and I have chosen the computable numbers for explicit treatment as involving the least cumbrous technique. I hope shortly to give an account of the rewlations of the computable numbers, functions and so forth to one another. This will include a development of the theory of functions of a real variable expressed in terms of computable numbers. According to my definition, a number is computable if its decimal can be written down by a machine'. back
Aquinas 113 Summa I, 18, 3: Is life properly attributed to God? Life is in the highest degree properly in God. In proof of which it must be considered that since a thing is said to live in so far as it operates of itself and not as moved by another, the more perfectly this power is found in anything, the more perfect is the life of that thing. ... back
Aquinas 45 Whether this is a god definition of eternity, "The simultaneously-whole and perfect possession of interminable life". I answer that, As we attain to the knowledge of simple things by way of compound things, so must we reach to the knowledge of eternity by means of time, which is nothing but the numbering of movement by "before" and "after." For since succession occurs in every movement, and one part comes after another, the fact that we reckon before and after in movement, makes us apprehend time, which is nothing else but the measure of before and after in movement. Now in a thing bereft of movement, which is always the same, there is no before or after. As therefore the idea of time consists in the numbering of before and after in movement; so likewise in the apprehension of the uniformity of what is outside of movement, consists the idea of eternity. Further, those things are said to be measured by time which have a beginning and an end in time, because in everything which is moved there is a beginning, and there is an end. But as whatever is wholly immutable can have no succession, so it has no beginning, and no end. Thus eternity is known from two sources: first, because what is eternal is interminable--that is, has no beginning nor end (that is, no term either way); secondly, because eternity has no succession, being simultaneously whole. back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls