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[Notebook: DB 62 Interpretation]

[Sunday 23 September 2007 - Saturday 29 September 2007]

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Sunday 23 September 2007

LAYERING = PREREQUISITE The building up of a story as in a textbook eg Kreyszig. Kreyszig

Quantum mechanics Kreyszig pp 571 sqq


So we want to go from the quantum mechanics of a single particle constrained to move in one dimension to the quantum mechanics of the whole Universe including (necessarily) ourselves.

Routs from quantum mechanics to communication network theory:

a) spectral
b) uncertainty principle
c) superposition
d) Hilbert oscillator / harmonic oscillator

We assume the continuum hypothesis, is cardinal (real line) = ℵ1

To navigate with security we have to know the

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space we are in, tautologically human space, a subset of universal space.

We were brought up on the equation of pain (self denial) and doing good, a sort of lose / win situation somehow implying that God wanted his people to suffer to be worthy of Him, a model of reality that accepts the existence of hard times.

Our lifestyle depends upon abundant energy. The sun provides abundant energy but it is expensive compared to plundering energy from the past by burning fossil fuels. The free enterprise system will go for the cheapest and must be controlled to divert it into the most sustainable.

What do do about Iraq? Replace violence with discussion. This is the way to peace. But how, if factions are determined to eliminate one another?

Monday 24 September 2007

Fair trade and the Roman Catholic Church: on the public marketplace one is liable to fall foul of the law by denigrating a product simply because it is a competitor. This is more in the realm of politics rather than economics. One can, however, emphasize the demonstrable advantages of one's own product and the demonstrable disadvantages of the opposition, and that is what I wish to do.

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policy / fair trade.

In this view, the Roman Catholic Church clearly oversteps the bounds of fairness by its bold assertion that it is the one true church, that its cosmological model is true, and that we must therefore do what it tells us if we are to be saved. At the political level of resolution we can oppose this by voting with our hears and feet, but ideally one would like to develop scientific grounds and a group of expert witnesses sufficient to have its position restricted by consumer protection legislation.

The time it takes a law to bit is a function of the funds invested in enforcing it. Nevertheless, if this investment is cumulative and causes the growth of an enforcement community, as with the environmental protection legislation of legislation intended to reduce murder, rape, violence and so on [the law will eventually have its desired effect[.

Nevertheless many see thuggery as the way to achieve their ends, even though they may not be able to do effective violence themselves. This may be why there are so many expatriate delegations in the US trying to get the US military to go and bash up their enemies. The military, for its part, boasts its ability to exert force anywhere on the globe at short notice.

Environmental protection is ultimately in the hands of engineers. Most of us have not got time to worry every day about what to do with our shit. Instead, we rely on some installed system, the 'machine for living' aspect of our constructed environment. Behavioural change is not

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enough, the environment and behaviour must change together.

Tuesday 25 September 2007

The quantum network seems to have gone quiet for a few days, perhaps because I have been thinking quantum and neglecting the classical. Messages are classical,m so when we observe a qubit we get a maximum of one bit of information even though the quantum computation community believes that because the coefficients of the base vectors in a qubit are complex (ie ordered pairs of real) numbers, a qubit is a superposition of card (R ) = ℵ1 states, which (if equiprobable) would enable a qubit do encode log(ℵ1) = ℵ0 bits of information.


We use the information theoretic view of quantum mechanics explained in the textbook by Nielsen and Huang. Nielsen & Huang

Let us guess that just as all the interactions in the Universe may be understood as 'system' and 'observer' (sometimes thinking that the observer must be conscious) we may also suspect that every interaction in the Universe may be characterized as teleportation, that is the communication of a state by a combination of entanglement and classical communication.

Open (unanswered) questions

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Wednesday 26 September 2007

Because the network model is scale invariant, we can model quantum communication after ordinary communication. The receiver receiving a message can only speculate about the process that generated the message, as in quantum mechanics where we speculate about the wave functions that give us the messages we receive.

One of the features of novelization is an attempt to get behind the observable actions (including speeches) of the characters to understand their invisible motivations. Thought reading.

Extreme idealism is tantamount to denial of the concrete, a most dangerous position.

Thursday 27 September 2007

The key to the correspondence between a communication network and quantum mechanics is the fact that from an observers point of view a quantum mechanical system fulfills the definition of a source from the point of view of the mathematical theory of communication. The quantum mechanical formalism allows us to predict the probability that a particular system will emit a particular symbol whose value is an eigenvalue of the operator used to read the source.

A network comprises a set of nodes and relationships

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between the nodes represented geometrically by edges.

Classical physics - univocal
quantum physics - polysemous with normal distribution of 'meaning vectors, Lylor and Rendle-Short, ALJ 27:2 10/2007 page 147-173. Lylor & Rendle-Short

Friday 28 September 2007

Quantum mechanics is the mechanism (ie deterministic process) behind the source, in the same sense as we might say that my personality is the mechanism that yields sentences like this and all my other observable output.

Einstein summation convention shows us where to integrate.

Boltzmann's method of counting complexions shows that every particle in the system being considered as a unique addressed entity, ie it is concrete. CercignaniAbstract entities (which represent a symmetry (property) shared by a number of concrete entities) do not exist at the physical layer. We may take this as a definition of physical parallel to the idea that in physical systems there is no memory (?) so that to transmit is to be annihilated and to receive is to be created. Every creation is accompanied by an annihilation which somehow shows in the conservation of probability which is represented by the unitarity of quantum mechanical operators.

It is scientific to drift. Bo going with the flow (being inertial) we can find an invariant (local) basis for

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observing the rest of the world.

A vector space of words. Words can be added (concatenated) and multiplied by a scalar (repeated). The basis vectors are the words themselves, and change of basis implies establishing a correspondence between one unique set of words to another. This is possible in computer language but not in natural languages where the mappings [are too complex]

interpretation 1: quantum mechanics; 2: Special relativity; 3: quantum field theory; 4: general relativity

The basis states of human existence are Knowledge and Action, and we oscillate continuously between them. Knowledge and action correspond to potential and kinetic energy and so we can model life by an harmonic oscillator, or in fact a superposition of harmonic oscillators.


Function space = superposition space.

The configuration space of quantum mechanics is (a) function space, ie a constrained function space, ultimately to be constrained by consistency, or more properly inconsistency or error which ultimately leads to its own downfall (and may take a lot down with it, eg Hitler, Stalin).

Bookkeeping errors, once exposed, by consistency checks must be tracked down.


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Periodic functions map many points in their range to one point in their domain. The period is the distance between such mappings.

Quantum mechanics as a network theory may be demonstrated by mapping the harmonic oscillator to a network of communication between matter and fields (ie potential and kinetic energy, not necessarily in that order)


SYMMETRY = PROPERTY, used to define an equivalence class, eg electron, human, etc.


Verbal symmetry making love - having sex - fucking. Same observable events, different feelings and connotations.

Words exist in a physical space of letters and a meaning space of sentences; sentences in a physical space of words and a meaning space of paragraphs.

For three thousand years we have conceptualized our situation in terms of action as passion. In Homer the Gods are agents and the people are the patients, and this mapping is still with us. The powerful are agents and are motivated to align themselves with God in their greatness and goodness, while attributing smallness and badness with weakness. The network model is democratic, saying that power comes with numbers, one person, one vote, one value. This is how physics works.

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In the local frame events are ordered by time. This is how we live our lives, one thing after another.

How do we define democracy in a network?

By far the worst feature of the Church is its use of guilt as a path to power.

The Book (40 years on) = a) My motivation: a big whinge about the Catholic Church. d) An Interpretation of the Standard Model; c) the consequences for the Roman Catholic Church (much of its preaching becomes criminal misinformation) and the world: if we get with the physics we will move toward heaven.

The Church: all big dicks and no brains. Thomas thought ejaculation weakened rather than empowered. Aristotle wrote that every animal is sad after intercourse. What happened to afterglow?

Judging by my writing, it would appear that the neural committees that run me have decreed another sexy period in my life, a reward (or punishment perhaps) for making good progress on 'the Project'.

It does not cost anybody anything for me to live a blissful existence. I deliver value for money in my wok and do not have to unfairly exploit any one to stay alive. This algorithm, in the long run, is far more productive that any scheme which relies on deception and repression to make some rich at the expense of others.

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Although we believe in general covariance, we are always looking for rock steady reference frames as aids to navigation in all the spaces [we move in].

HUMANITY = tensor product of all of us.

Saturday 29 September 2007

There is only one abstract Hilbert space of any given dimension. The Hilbert oscillator oscillates between these Hilbert spaces in the same way that the quantum harmonic oscillator oscillates between number states (discrete energy states E = h little omega.

The difficulty I have with E = hf is that while h is a constant., f is real, and so E is real.

What are the opposing forces that shape the black body curve. On the one hand is the 'mob' behaviour of bosons seeking to be in the same state - a boson symmetry.

Symmetry - identical particles are identical up to their spacetime address.

The quantum mechanics is to this extent independent of spacetime, ie logically prior.

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Logic is ordered by time, ie a program counter, a natural number, as we number lines and equations in a proof.

All our mathematics texts are written in discrete symbols. These us no direct representation of the continuum except the geometric line and even this is ultimately molecules of ink clinging to molecules of paper. Feynman: The black body spectrum III 4-8. Feynman

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Cassirer, Ernst, Kant's Life and Thought, Yale University Press 1971 Jacket: 'Ernst Cassirer's own philosophical system and approach to the history of ideas developed under the continuous influence of Kant. Cassier looked on Kant's teachings as an expression of the permanent tasks of philosophy, and it was as an heir to Kant's work that he produced this intellectual biography which is at the same time as a survey of Kant's writing.' Note: 'Kants Leben und Lehre was first published in 1918, by Bruno Cassirer in Berlin, as a supplementary volume to the edition of Kant's works of which Ernst Cassirer was both general editor and also sole or coeditor of four individual volumes.' p xxii 
Cercignani, Carlo, Ludwig Boltzmann: The Man Who Trusted Atoms, Oxford University Press, USA 2006 'Cercignani provides a stimulating biography of a great scientist. Boltzmann's greatness is difficult to state, but the fact that the author is still actively engaged in research into some of the finer, as yet unresolved issues provoked by Boltzmann's work is a measure of just how far ahead of his time Boltzmann was. It is also tragic to read of Boltzmann's persecution by his contemporaries, the energeticists, who regarded atoms as a convenient hypothesis, but not as having a definite existence. Boltzmann felt that atoms were real and this motivated much of his research. How Boltzmann would have laughed if he could have seen present-day scanning tunnelling microscopy images, which resolve the atomic structure at surfaces! If only all scientists would learn from Boltzmann's life story that it is bad for science to persecute someone whose views you do not share but cannot disprove. One surprising fact I learned from this book was how research into thermodynamics and statistical mechanics led to the beginnings of quantum theory (such as Planck's distribution law, and Einstein's theory of specific heat). Lecture notes by Boltzmann also seem to have influenced Einstein's construction of special relativity. Cercignani's familiarity with Boltzmann's work at the research level will probably set this above other biographies of Boltzmann for a very long time to come.' Dr David J Bottomley  
Feynman, Richard P, and Robert B Leighton, Matthew Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics (volume 3) : Quantum Mechanics, Addison Wesley 1970 Foreword: 'This set of lectures tries to elucidate from the beginning those features of quantum mechanics which are the most basic and the most general. ... In each instance the ideas are introduced together with a detailed discussion of some specific examples - to try to make the physical ideas as real as possible.' Matthew Sands 
Garret, Don (editor), The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza, Cambridge University Press 1995 Jacket: 'Benedict (Baruch) de Spinoza has been one of the most inspiring and influential philosophers of the modern era, yet also one of the most difficult and most frequently misunderstood. Spinoza sought to unify mind and body, science and religion, and to derive an ethics of reason, virtue and freedom "in geometrical order" from a monistic metaphysics. Of all the philosophical systems of the seventeenth century, it is his that speaks most deeply to the twentieth century. The essays in this volume give a clear and systematic exegesis of Spinoza's thought informed by the most recent scholarship. They cover his metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science, psychology, ethics, political theory, theology, and scriptural interpretation, as well as his life and influence on later thinkers.' 
Lonergan, Bernard J F, and (edited by Frederick E Crowe and Robert M Doran, Grace and Freedom: Operative Grace in the Thought of St Thomas Aquinas, Jacket: "Grace and Freedom represents Lonergan's entry into subject matter that would occupy him throughout his lifetime. At the same time it is a manifestation of the thinking that has made him one of the world's foremost Thomist scholars. ... Lonergan's thesis is that from the sixteenth century onwards, commentators on Thomas Aquinas lacked historical consciousness, raised questions that Thomas had never considered, and obfuscated the issues. Lonergan's achievement consists in having retrieved the actual postion by adopting a historical approach that has reconstructed [Thomas's] intellectual development on grace. ... What Lonergan also adds is a unique diagnosis of the mistakes made by the modern scholastic authors in their treatment of grace. Throughout this work, Lonergan discovers in Thomas a mind in constant development, displaying radical shifts on fundamental questions. ... ' 
Miles, Jack, God : A Biography, Vintage Books 1996 Jacket: 'Jack Miles's remarkable work examines the hero of the Old Testament ... from his first appearance as Creator to his last as Ancient of Days. ... We see God torn by conflicting urges. To his own sorrow, he is by turns destructive and creative, vain and modest, subtle and naive, ruthless and tender, lawful and lawless, powerful yet powerless, omniscient and blind.' 
Nielsen, Michael A, and Isaac L Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press 2000 Review: A rigorous, comprehensive text on quantum information is timely. The study of quantum information and computation represents a particularly direct route to understanding quantum mechanics. Unlike the traditional route to quantum mechanics via Schrödinger 's equation and the hydrogen atom, the study of quantum information requires no calculus, merely a knowledge of complex numbers and matrix multiplication. In addition, quantum information processing gives direct access to the traditionally advanced topics of measurement of quantum systems and decoherence.' Seth Lloyd, Department of Quantum Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Nature 6876: vol 416 page 19, 7 March 2002. 
Lylor, Therese, Johanna Rendle-Short, "'That's so Gay': A contemporary Use of Gay in Austrlian English", Australian Journal of Linguistics, 27, 2, October 2007, page 147-173. 'Recently a different usage of the word gay has appeared in Australian English. In addition to the earlier meanings of gay being 'happy', 'carefree' and 'frivolous' (1st meaning), and to a later meaning of gay being synonymous with 'homosexual' (2nd meaning), it appears that gay is now being understood by young people to mean 'stupid', 'lame', or 'boring, as in 'That shirt is so gay,' or 'How gay is that?' (3rd meaning).'. back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls