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[Sunday 1 June 2008 - Saturday 7 June 2008]

[Notebook: DB 64 Gravitation]

[page 47]

Sunday 1 June 2008

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On the relationship between formalism and reality. To ?: in the beginning formalism dominated, an effect (caused by a force) resulting from the invention of writing. Here we see in a general way, how human life is influenced by writing, particularly enforced writing which we call law.

The first visible physicist in the western tradition is Parmenides, who was aware that truth lay in the correspondence between two representation of the same entity. In the human sphere, truth lies in the relationship between our reality and the symbols we emit, spoken, written and in general body language. Assuming with Landauer that all information is represented physically, all language is body language. This position has also influenced human development, because the rule of law requires us to abstract from individuals. This is a matter of private law (privilege) which human symmetry demands that we deprecate in the public sphere.

[page 48]

PUBLIC vs PRIVATE Public is the higher layer and must respect the privacy of the human layer because (in coding terms) the invasion of the private memory of one process by another can lead to disorder. This is the object of object oriented programming, to develop clear dependencies (parenthood) and independencies in the dynamics of the system described by the software.

Flourishing flies

In general a bug is an unwanted side effect of a process which has not been anticipated and caught as an error. For the quantum computation industry, this is 'decoherence' an evil to be avoided.

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Zukerkandl page 363: 'It has been the intention of this study to outline what may be called a musical concept of the external world. The attempt seemed worth while for its own sake as well as for the sake of a possible contribution to one of those permanent discussions that mark our intellectual history, that in which the concept of reality is at issue. Zukerkandl

CONTINUOUS = COMPRESSIBLE. So F = ma is a continuous function whose infinity of correspondences can be faithfully represented by the expression F = ma.

[page 49]

Zukerkandl, page 363: '. . . human behaviour is to a large extent shaped by belief and assumptions, mostly inexplicit, concerning the ultimate nature of reality.'

TOOL <--> USER. The tool is the physical layer exploited by the user, in Zukerkandl, tone is the tool of music; in quantum mechanics energy = frequency is the tool of everything.

Theology died its first death in the 4th century AD when it became codified in creeds sanctioned by councils which became in effect laws that distinguished between believers and heretics. Not much occurred until the medieval Crusades which began in 1096 and brought intellectually backward (but militarily forward) Christians into contact with Muslim people with the opposite attributes, who nevertheless won most military engagements and stimulated the theological developments associated with Albert and Thomas and ultimately led to the birth of science.

Music is a force in human pace, ie we couple to music. Zukerkandl, page 375.

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In music we hear an operator, ie in a piece of music with as many notes as the dimension of an operator. How is timing represented by the operator?

'In the Dreaming their whole pattern of life on the Continent was set, the laws and ceremonies established which would ensure the correct cyclic functioning for the conservation

[page 50]

of all forms of life in the environent. From this time the Aborigines regarded themselves as part of the totality of creation, rather than lords of all they surveyed,' King-Boys page 2. King-Boys

The Aborigines kept their material possessions to a minimum in order to be free to live; the incoming settlers struggled to acquire a maximum of material possessions to provide a bulwark against their fears and insecurities in the face of this strange and to them hostile land already occupied by people whose skin was not white.

Chaitin Algorithmic Information Theory page 1:

'I believe that pure LISP is in precisely the same role in computational mathematics that set theory is in theoretical mathematics in that it provides a beautifully elegant and extremely powerful formalism which enables concepts such as numbers and functions to be defined from a handful of more primitive notions.' Chaitin

Monday 2 June 2008

Chaitin 1987: Algorithmically inexplicable text = incompressible.

Schwartz in Chaitin: Since texts of this sort have properties associated with the random sequences of classical probability theory, the theory of describability described in . . . the present work, yields a very interesting new view of the notion of randomness.

[page 51]

Chaitin page ix: 'The aim of this book is to present the strongest possible version of Gödel's incompleteness theorem using an information theoretic approach based on the size of computer programs.'

'Gödel's original proof of his incompleteness theorem is essentially the assertion that one cannot always prove that a program will fail to halt.

page 1: EVAL (McCarthy 1960)

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The demonization of [physical] contact.

The monetary unit is a trade gauge particle. It is like a boson.

Tuesday 3 June 2008

EXISTENCE (the experience of existence) = COMMUNICATION (with self or world).

The Eucharist: they really believe that a few words turn wine into blood, even if it still looks like wine. They call it a miracle. Their God makes the world act falsely for their delectation. All this is just another example of communication. Deceptive communication designed to secure a living for false priests.

The network theory has become my modus vivendi, a cosmic reference system to give meaning to the apparently disparate experiences of my life from digging holes to writing and being with other people.


The www is stable because it is distributed. A deleted portion can be reconstructed from duplicates stored elsewhere.

The festival of the invincible sun in the dead of winter.

I sit here in my atmospheric cocoon surrounded by glass watching the misty rain and thinking how cold and lonely the spaces between the stars.

The Church: like going to work for a respectable looking bank and discovering, on closer inspection, that they are the mafia.

Drug = chemical compound meaningful to the physiological control system, ie binding to information receptors.

Shanghai Baby Wei Hui . . . Hui

Tension requires communication with two sources, effectively 'at once', being pulled between the unstoppable stud and the impotent soul mate.

God's body is our evidence, our revelation, just as our bodies reveal us (and we hide/flaunt ourselves accordingly)

I receive and transmit messages, therefore I am = I am observable.

[page 53]

On the relationship between formalism and reality - on the relationship between observation and reality. Every observation is a relationship, the air and the mercury (confined by glass) together give us a temperature reading, revealing the average kinetic energy of the particle in the air.

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In reality the only possibly complete geodesics are those mapped out by eternal particles, that is photons and gravitons, non-composite particles - if we take the ancient view that anything composite can disintegrate. So I have an approximate geodesic shared with the earth that begins with my conception and ends with my death.

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Wednesday 4 June 2008

On formalism and reality is Wittgenstein Territory (In Yoffee and Sherratt page 112) Yoffee and Sherratt

Murray: 'The real problem seems to lie in claims that relativism entails that judgments must be arbitrary and that there exist no visible means of deciding between alternative views. Practitioners are resented with the specter of an archaeology where there exists no rational basis for judgment about the merits of knowledge claims, and no strong foundation for the management of the archaeological record so that it might continue to provide focus for

[page 54]

debate between practitioners and between practitioners and other groups who have an interest in the archaeological past. In this account, the discipline is at the mercy of political forces, forces which may use censorship (or political and economic domination) to produce pasts which ultimately serve only as the basis of mythologies rather than as frameworks wherein we might expand our understanding of humanity by challenging those taken-for-granteds which structure our experience (see Murphy 1987).'

All knowledge is relative to a frame of reference which is ultimately isomorphic to the software which communicants use to encode and decode their messages to one another. Gravitation exists before encoding, before there is any perceptible software n the Universe, that is before encoding, decoding and meaning. We could say that gravitation is symmetry free and might equally represent a random pattern of communication or maximally compressed algorithms a la Chaitin. Chaitin

Parmenides produced a definition of truth and deduced a conclusion from it that lies at the heart of the search for invariants in nature. On the other hand, many cannot accept that motion is less real than stasis just because we cannot write it down. In fact the art of physics ever since has been the search for ways to write down, that is model, motion. Enter Heracleitus . . . and the idea of logos, which we here translate as ordered set. Cantor quote: [?]

[page 55]

Temperature maps between energy and entropy, that is between energy and information.

Nyquist's theorem shows us how to map continuous periodic functions to digital functions. 2 samples being required for the shortest period in the wave, indicating that a wave is equivalent to two scalars, say two samples or a [real] phase and an amplitude. The sampling rate is equivalent to the rate of completion (halting) of Turing machines.

On the (non?-)quantization of gravitation is a chapter in why is the Universe quantized.

Parmenides: the first observable physicist in the scientific tradition. The aim of the scientific tradition is to avoid castles in the air because they lead to defeat and extermination. Parmenides - Wikipedia, John Burnet

Thursday 5 June 2008
Friday 6 June 2008
Saturday 7 June 2008

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Chaitin, Gregory J, Algorithmic Information Theory, Cambridge UP 1987 Foreword: 'The crucial fact here is that there exist symbolic objects (i.e., texts) which are "algorithmically inexplicable", i.e., cannot be specified by any text shorter than themselves. Since texts of this sort have the properties associated with random sequences of classical probability theory, the theory of describability developed . . . in the present work yields a very interesting new view of the notion of randomness.' J T Schwartz 
Hui, Zhou Wei, Shanghai Baby, Robinson 2001 Editorial review From Library Journal 'Wei Hui's debut novel, which was banned in China, delves deep into the dark and glittering heart of Shanghai, as experienced by a hopeful and hedonistic young novelist, Nikki (better known to her friends as Coco, after the also irrepressibly glamorous Coco Chanel). Although deeply in love with her impotent artist boyfriend Tian Tian, the frustrated Coco takes a successful German businessman as a lover. What follows is the painful and explicit sexual and vocational journey of a young woman in search of her true self, attempting to gain control of her own trajectory as nefarious forces work on her from both within and without. Indeed, it seems almost as if the city's over-the-top materialism drives its inhabitants toward adultery and dark passions, forcing them at once into the dual role of victim/accomplice. It is just such paradoxes that make Wei Hui's novel so complex and thought-provoking: she deftly explores the intimate relationships that belie the seeming oppositions of East and West, love and desire, the natural and the artificial, hedonism and spiritualism. Haunting and resonant, Shanghai Baby proves the existence of the sacred in the profane. For all Chinese literature and contemporary fiction collections.' Tania Barnes, Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc 
Needham, Joseph, Science and Civilisation in China (Volume 2) History of Scientific Thought, Cambridge UP 1956  
Russell, Bertrand, A History of Western Philosoph, and its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from Earliest Times to the Present Day, Simon & Schuster 1945 Amazon ditorial reviews: Ray Monk: 'A History of Western Philosophy remains unchallenged as the perfect introduction to its subject. Russell...writes with the kind of verve, freshness and personal engagement that lesser spirits would never have permitted themselves. This boldness, together with the astonishing breadth of his general historical knowledge, allows him to put philosophers into their social and cultural context... The result is exactly the kind of philosophy that most people would like to read, but which only Russell could possibly have written.'  
Yoffee, Norman, and Andrew Sherratt, Archaeological Theory: Who Sets the Agenda (New Directions in Archaeology), Cambridge University Press 1993 Amazon Product Description 'Since the l960s, archaeology has become increasingly taught in universities and practiced on a growing scale by national and local heritage agencies throughout the world. This book addresses the criticisms of postmodernist writers about archaeology's social role, and asserts its intellectual importance and achievements in discovering real facts about the human past. It looks forward to the creation of a truly global consciousness of the origins of human societies and civilizations.' 
Zuckerkandl, Victor, and William R Track (Translator), Sound and Symbol Volume1: Music and the External World, Princeton University Press 1969 back
Chaitin, Gregory J, "Randomness and Mathematical Proof", Scientific American, 232, 5, May 1975, page 47-52. 'Although randomness can be precisely defined and can even be measured, a given number cannot be proved random. This enigma establishes a limit in what is possible in mathematics'. back
John Burnet Parmenides of Elea: The Poem 'The Poem Parmenides was the first philosopher to expound his system in metrical language. His predecessors, Anaximander, Anaximenes, and Herakleitos, wrote in prose, and the only Greeks who ever wrote philosophy in verse at all were just these two, Parmenides and Empedokles; for Xenophanes was not a philosopher any more than Epicharmos. Empedokles copied Parmenides; and he, no doubt, was influenced by the Orphics. But the thing was an innovation, and one that did not maintain itself. The fragments of Parmenides are preserved for the most part by Simplicius, who fortunately inserted them in his commentary, because in his time the original work was already rare. I follow the arrangement of Diels.' back
Parmenides - Wikipedia Parmenides - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Parmenides of Elea (early 5th century BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher born in Elea, a Greek city on the southern coast of Italy. He was the founder of the Eleatic school of philosophy, his only known work is a poem which has survived only in fragmentary form. In it, Parmenides describes two views of reality. In the Way of Truth, he explained how reality is one; change is impossible; and existence is timeless, uniform, and unchanging. In the Way of Opinion, he explained the world of appearances, which is false and deceitful. These thoughts strongly influenced Plato, and through him, the whole of western philosophy.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls