natural theology

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[Sunday 26 July 2009 - Saturday 1 August 2009]

[Notebook: DB 67: jciii]

Sunday 26 July 2009

[page 58]

Monday 27 July 2009

[page 59]

Malleus Maleficarum: On the whole one sees men blaming women for the inability to keep their vows of chastity, taken in the context of a false and repressive asceticism which itself arises from false notions about angels, devils and the Falls of both angels and humans. KramerAsceticism - Wikipedia An immense load of falsehood oppressing human existence from ancient times perhaps ultimately derived from the need of the ruling and literate classes to oppress the rest of the population in order to maintain their wealth and status. . . .

A transfinite memory space. The states of this space serve to define the Turing machines that transform the space, so we have in a sense a formally complete formal system which can give a kinematic account of its own dynamics. The fixed points of 'frames' in this kinema are the fixed points of the dynamics in the same way as the images in a film are the fixed points. Dynamics - Wikipedia Kinematics - Wikipedia

We may see the Universe as [represented by] one huge Feynman diagram, comprising all the local Feynman diagrams that we use to understand local events. Feynman diagram - Wikipedia

The transfinite network is a formal maximum space to be placed into correspondence with God, and it is big enough to model god, since it is the largest possible consistent address space without duplication. Now we can turn to the creative side of god, beginning with the correspondence between the initial singularity and the classical god, both sources of the Universe as we know it.

[page 60]

We explain creativity using the mathematical theory of communication, approaching it through the question 'why do we observe a quantized Universe?'

Psychological theory of the Trinity is a 'vestigium' of quantum mechanics, as we may see by comparing Thomas and Zurek. Zurek

What we are trying to do is to see how the world can 'emanate' ['imanate'?] within the standard model of god rather than be created outside it. From this we hope to derive a theology that demonstrates the unity of all human religion in the same way as biology has cut away any foundation for political racism.

The study of creation is in the first instance the study of the formal transfinite address space that we have described with the help of Cantor's theorem. So the formal expansion of the Universe is, from this point of view, driven by the non-constructive Cantor force described by this theorem. We can understand it in terms of increasing resolution beginning with the unresolved initial singularity leading to the current complexity of the Universe in which we can resolve countable infinities of states.

CREATION = RESOLUTION (omnino simplex --> omnino complex)

SATAN a personification of evil. Aquinas 326As Thomas notes, nothing can be perfectly evil insofar as existence (to us communication) is of itself good. Aquinas 25Where the evil arises is

[page 61] in the contradiction between the message and its recipient, as when a good bullet meets a good human and causes a fatal error.


Falls into two classes, halting and non-halting algorithms. Halting problem- Wikipedia

We introduce relative formalism / dynamism corresponding to matter and form, which we replace with




A machine maps itself onto itself, and so the number of possible mappings is transfinite relative to the number of states of the machine.

string = algorithm

All we require of an algorithm is that each step follows deteministically from the last, and the next step is determined by reading some fixed text.

A useful algorithm is cyclic, since as an algorithm it can be used again and again and does not wear out, just as atoms, arithmetic and logic do not wear out.

[page 62]

A football (or any sport) competition is more interesting when the participants are evenly matched so that the outcome is always in doubt. [maximum entropy = victory equiprobable]

From now on we will spell God and the Universe with capital letters on the assumption that they are proper names of a unique entity.

Theology is the science of science, basically applied epistemology, that is reflection on our thoughts and consciousness of our thoughts that enables us to trace, to some degree, the route to our conclusions. Aristotle was the first major logician and theologian, writing a body of work stretching from logic through physics to theology and ethics. Aristotle

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Just as all information is physical so all communication is communication of value and the currency of value is action, measured in quanta. So it is in the human economic world where we pay for a quantum of work (product) with a quantum of money determined by a market. Drive in a nail for a dollar, trading one quantum of action.


So money is a public abstract measure of value, whereas a driven nail is a private, concrete value.

From a dynamic point of view God is omnino simplex, a pure act, but this is not contradicted by the existence of

[page 63]

stationary points in the dynamics which we see as distinct entities which are born and die, nor by the increase in the number of stationary points (increase in complexity) as time goes by.

So how do we reconcile the existence of time with the notion that God is immobile and eternal. Here the problem seems to be that Aristotle and Aquinas were wrong to see the world as composed of passive potency and actuality. Modern physics sees potential anmd kinetic energy as equally 'energetic' and equivalent, one not being inferior to the other, so we see all motion as being from act to act (rather than potency to act) as Thomas explains in his articles on the life of God. Aquinas 113

There is no reason why an infinite living God should not have finite subsets, cyclic processes mapping onto themselves exhibiting stationary points as a consequence, Since we can observe God, all the features of the Universe are feature of God.

Theological Studies: 'Could theology be a science in the modern sense of the term?: a personal memoire with a solid hypothetical technical foundation.' This should be easy to write, since I can say exactly what I feel and think as a continuous narrative, a review of my last forty years of quite intense work.

The story I wish to tell begins with Bernard Lonergan's take on Thomas Aquinas' ideas about God and knowledge recorded in Insight. I found Insight in my third year of philosophical studies in the Australian Province of the Dominican Order. Order of Preachers I had already read a substantial part of theSumma and found it exciting and fascinating, a perfect model of systematic exposition, like a crystal sphere [and nothing like the religious instruction I had received at school, which was incredible].

[page 64]

As I read him, Lonergan saw himself as translating Aquinas' text into something like a modern scientific hypothesis whose self-explanatory nature made its truth inevitable. Like Thomas' proofs for the existence of God, Lonergan set out to establish the existence of God by showing that the world cannot be self-explanatory. Remember 'The first and more manifest way is the argument from motion.' Aquinas 13

Thomas Pynchon Vineland Pynchon Thomas Pynchon - Wikipedia

Story - string - algorithm which many people follow by listening and so achieve something like the experiences the storyteller wishes to transmit.

The key to knowledge is formalism, the invariant aspect of reality. We note that in reality some things change, others don't, or more generally, that things change at different rates and the rates of change are simply additive, like the Ritz combination law. Rydberg-Ritz combination principle - Wikipedia This was Plato's insight, derived perhaps from the ideas of Parmenides and the mathematicains. The defining feature of formal existence is that it is completely invariant with respect to time, outside time, in fact [although formalisms do have births and deaths 'in time']

Pynchon page 121: 'Somewhere further along, she'd be given to understand, she would discover that all souls, human and otherwise, were different disguises of the same greater being -- God at play.'

Page 128: 'DL reached the radical conclusion that her body belonged to herself.'

Contradiction makes us move and the time of motion is undefined (since nothing can be defined by a contradiction). The

[page 65]

contradiction between Catholicism and the Universe has lived in me most of my life and left me theologically undefined and helpless, between religions, between operating systems, hardware without software, simply exploring random states until finding one that is a step forward, the collapse of the wave function.

The key to understanding the world is to map our conscious experience onto quantum mechanics. Consciousness, because of its recursive nature, can easily go into flights of fantasy (like Christianity) based on ancient ideas of sacrifice and parenthood which entered the world with the story of Abraham and his son [Isaac, Genesis 22 Genesis ].

So my experience of abandoning the old religion is an element of the new religion, the alphabet of the new religion in the same way as the Hebrews became the alphabet of the Christians, who took the old elements, permuted them to produce a new story. It is because of this permutation, because the New testament is a mapping of the Old testament on itself that we can see so many 'predictions' in the Old Testament that are fulfilled in the New Testament. Theology thus becomes the dynamics of religions, showing how religions change. Historically religions have changed slowly, probably as a result of conquest and the subsequent mixing of ideas. The Roman Catholic Church has remained something like an Apostolic succession for nearly 2000 years, so the change away from it also takes a long time. Apostolic succession - WikipediaEurope has gone from fully Christian to half non-Christian in about 400 years - since the beginning of science, ie the recognition of the divinity of the world. I might see myself in the Galilean tradition, using mathematical tools and experience to show that the world is divine.

I am getting back to my monkish days, moved by

[page 66]

exciting ideas to get up earlier and earlier in order to get to work reading and writing. The only problem is the cold. I need a heated workroom.

The information carried by a point is equal to the entropy of the space in which the point is defined, so that even though a point has position but no structure, it can be seen as reflecting the structure (vector, ordered set) that defines its position in the space.

Religion is the fundamental infrastructure (foundation) of human society, and like everything else in the world it must be free to evolve (move) in order to remain compliant with its environment.

Lonergan - empirical residue; - insight and collapse of wave function: coding Lonergan
How universal is the Universe --> Cantor --> complexification (machine infinity). Transfinite network, communication and the mechanism of creation by definition and error correction.

Get new Beale and Jackson [if it exists]Beale & Jackson Saad

goodnews3 is that religion is dynamic, and attempts to render it static (by infallibility etc) are a mistaken application of formalism. Formalism, though in itself eternal, can be changed by action: action is communication; communication is quantized.

So theology studies the dynamics of religion which are expressed as a time series in the various histories of

[page 67] religion.


The scientific approach specifies a formal document with a minimum of emotional appeal, a case to be judged on merit, not partisanship.

Motivation by distaste for the Church must eventually give way to motivation by the gorgeous taste of natural theology and natural religion well cooked. Natural religion is dynamic like all of nature.

To say the Universe is divine is to say that it explains its own dynamics. The ancients have claimed that the dynamics of God are empty because God is eternally immobile. However, the Hebrews introduced their living God to this abstract theological God and between them they developed the Trinity of Christianity. Here we try to establish toe plausibility of equating the Trinity with the transfinite network and quantum field theory.

goodnews3: God is a living God and we are in it.


The world is dynamic at every scale, so religion is dynamic.

Old religions must die, just like old people, because they are no longer compatible with their environment.

[page 68]


In the physical layer, physical address = logical address and this is why we need complex numbers to describe the transformations. Explain this. A hunch, some premonition of deeper logical workings of the unconscious neural networks whose output is these words.

The point is the dynamics; the space is the formalism [ie dynamics is omnino simplex]. The trajectory of the point in the space is the trajectory of its transformation from one point in the formalism to another.

If we have n addresses with different contents, we have to have n different contents.

Messages (texts) are stationary points in the dynamics of a system, which may be shared with other systems, just like this sentence. I am taking a feeling in my mind and encoding it in these words, which seem appropriate and any reader (like yourself) will be to some extent constrained by these words to think a certain subset of all possible thoughts.

An infinite domain may have finite subsets.

The cardinal of the address space is equal to the cardinal of its contents, and so the cardinal of the set of all possible allocations of contents to addresses is the cardinal of the permutations of n numbers.

The transfinite network touches the outer limits of complexity

[page 69]

and we propose it as a phase space (or canvas) upon which to depict God.

Its all like inventing the wheel. Until you have seen it it is invisible. Once you have seen it it is obvious. This was what Lonergan thought about his unrevisable metaphysics, but he overlooked the transfinity of the world, that everything can be looked at from a new point of view, and no entity can control the way it is seen by other entities except by violence.

What the transformation theory says, that entities will communicate no matter how we 'objectively' address them, by their own 'private' addressing system. I know where to find you.

Each point in the dynamics is a point in infinite dimensional space, so the writing of this sentence is a line in a low dimensional space, a point in a higher dimensional space, each line requiring an infinity of points in a lesser space to represent itself.

The local God is the permutation of any local situation, the set of all possible permutations, like the possible plots of a soap opera with x personalities interacting.

Each insight is another blow, a 'trompe de psyche', another step along the way to a larger insight.

From Cantor Universe to function space to quantum mechanics.


[page 70]

Wednesday 29 July 2009
Thursday 30 July 2009
Friday 31 July 2009

Theology_science. The fundamental technique of mathematical physics pioneered by Newton is to create a space that can be placed into one-to-one correspondence with the phenomena of interest and then attempt to devise algorithms on the space which imitate the behaviour of the observed world. In Newton's case, the space was ordinary three dimensional space and the algorithm was summarised in the four laws of motion. Newton's Laws of Motion - Wikipedia Newton's law of universal gravitation - Wikipedia

We see each dimension of the Hilbert space as a memory location. When we make an observation we create the inner product of the vector being observed and the observing vector. The inner product is the integral of the products of corresponding memory locations in the observer and the observed to that if we have vectors zi and Zi, the inner product is SigmaiziZi.

. . .

Hopeless confidence. I badly want my ideas to be true, but when it comes to writing things down and the gaps appear confidence turns to dust. It is one thing to have a dream, another to deal with all the details of construction.

We treat a quantum mechanical system as a communication source and a measurement as the interaction of two sources, one encoding a message, the other decoding it, and then to check for truth, the reverse, closure being the only sure test for truth.

The Scapegoat Daphne du Maurier. Pretence. False pretence. Can a true pretence be a pretence? du Maurier

[page 71]


I have faith that the world is divine but I do not yet have the knowledge. Lonergan had faith that the world was not divine and thought he had proven it. He overlooked the no-cloning theorem, that every state in the world is unique and cannot be duplicated. Each state is unique (and each neuron is unique) because it has a unique place in in the overall network structure of the Universe.

A STATE is a PROCESS (Veltman page 33 Veltman)


No. Turing machines write and erase, and so are not reversible (because the path that led to here is erased Landauer). However it can return to a past state if it is cyclic because then past and future have equal entropy, and unitary evolution takes place at constant entropy, that is in a constant dimensional space, so unitary evolution is reversible. The isolated quantum computer is [reversible].

UNITARY = SOURCE (normalized probability)
UNITARY = ROTATION (constant length [of vector]= 1)

Quantum mechanical rays have a fixed length of 1 and vary only in direction. What is the probability that if your are in this state, ie actuality = 1, that you are also in another state represented by another vector? The probability is the dot product of me and the other state. What does this mean in communication terms? It is traffic analysis, the probability of a message on a given channel.

[page 72]

Unitary evolution is parametrized by energy, the frequency of action, rotational frequency described by the function phi = exp(E.t / h bar).

OBSERVATION- joining quantum systems together.

. . .

Dimensions, independent variables : (in Newtonian physics) mass does not couple to distance or time. In relativity the dimensions are no longer independent, they are bound by E = mc2.

Length and time are symmetrized into 'interval'.

Does going senile (or being juvenile) amount to being creative at each end of a productive life.

Saturday 1 August 2009

Performance anxiety: will I get it right? Even simple things like putting up gutters worry me, and I seem hopelessly outmatched when I set out to revise the religions of the world, but I cannot stop, despite my worries, because I have the faith that moves mountains, albeit with glacial slowness.

Maybe my new faith has grown so strong at last that it can stand alone and no longer needs to be formulated in terms of a revolt against Catholicism. I need no longer go around in my mind knocking the Church,

[page 73]

but rather rejoicing that it exiled me into a new land which is so much better than the old because, I believe, it is real.

Each failure to express myself seems to increase the tenion and perhaps the probability that I will ultimately emit the message that encodes how I feel. This is a very quantum mechanical thing that has been dawning on me since I invented my Hilbert oscillator. (the possessive expresses my belief that it has a lot of development before . . . we call it the Hilbert oscilltor. My Hilbert oscillator is dynamic, still trying to understand it.

The core of theology is the work of a conscious spirit trying to understand and express itself, as the characters of mythology, specially Jesus, all do. So the Scapegoat.


de Maurier page 287: 'The servants no longer have pride in their work.' Indicated perhaps by scrupulous neatness and cleanliness.

For a long time it has been widely held that there is a secret underpinning to the world, a God, or the Devil, or the Wave Function, the Ideas. From this view, the world that you see is not what it is. So for millennia philosophers have said that sensual knowledge is not real knowledge. But we know it is, based on a wonderful system of layered communication beginning (in the case of sight) with photons and ending, perhaps, with love and reproduction. This layered system has a set of symmetries which are common to all layers and we suspect these symmetries so be isomorphic to quantum mechanics.

[page 74]

Why do we see a quantized Universe? Because quantum mechanics is isomorphic to a computer network.

The unitary element of the Universe is in perpetual motion, that is perpetual action.

Theological Studies: A refutation of the five ways. The way to fame in science is a substantial leap forward in conjecture or a substantial refutation. I am concerned to refute the erroneous elements in the Christian good news (since good news is so often wishful thinking, like its contrary, [bad] news). And the goodness and badness of news is relative to the hearer. 'Tonight Great Britain firebombed Cologne (famous case)'; . . . Bombing of Cologne in World War II - Wikipedia The size of the violence measures the masive stupidity of nations, arising because the management is non-local, outside the light-cone of the the state of the nation (?). I am no longer taking a personal stance against the Church (that is now declared to be history) but refuting it with evidence from the public domain, not my personal. This is contrary to the advice of publicists, who know that personal sells because it can be immediately decoded into the experiences of our own lives, love, success, disease, misery, rejection etc etc. To see that we are we have to place ourselves in the context of the wider world, which is not so easy as being self-centered, a celebrity in one's own mind. It is very hard to make the decision between feeling and evidence, but this discipline is necessary because the evidence is no longer evolved into us as instinct (faith) but we are now venturing into such a rapid rate of change that evolution is almost irrelevant and we must rely in clear vision of the road

[page 75]

ahead, seen through the experience of the road behind.

Metanoia: Human software dynamics. [Mark 1:15 'Repent and believe the good news'.] Metanoia - Wikipedia

Hardware dynamics: Quantum mechanics
Software dynamics: quantum field theory = quantum mechanics with memory.

Quantum mechanics has no memory. Only the current state determines the next, there is no history, no memory, no entropy change, unitarity.

Probability: I set the fire so that it has a high probability that it will catch. Some days when the wood is wet and the kindling not cut fine enough, it does not [catch] and needs some sort of resuscitation.

We distinguish between memory and processor for pedagogic reasons. At the quantum mechanical level there is no real distinction, but the distinction arises when the symmetry of spacetime is broken into space and time.

Instead of trying for the theological blockbuster it seems more profitable to go step by step, starting with why quantized? and building up from there. Once we establish the primacy of logical continuity, the whole of late nineteenth / twentieth century just drops into physics and our horizons expand from heavily constrained continuous function to the boundless world of transfinite permutations.

The Dominican motto is Truth, but given their inquisitorial history, it should be revenge.

[page 76]

Nic Cave SMH GW 1/8/2009 p 15: 'I guess what I have been trying to do over the last decade is to remove my 'persona' from the picture, . . . to lead a life that is of no particular interest to anyone, a kind of non-life, a life of ritual and routine, so that my perceived persona does not interfere as much with the work itself. I find that the more incident free my personal life is, the more volatile, violent and explosive my imaginative life is.'

We all have a quantum of action; how it is deployed is a matter of fate and decision.

Drugs: Information is encoded physically.

One must distinguish between the critical path to the desired outcome and the mopping up operations that might be necessary to secure the bridgehead.

The persona: I have been underground for the regulation forty years, drilling and blasting my way through some very hard rock, looking always for the light. It is rising now, and the brand name for its personality is goodnews3.


Writing is stationary, ie eternal in se, and so one cannot write until one has reached a stationary point in one's mental dynamics, ie something like this that stays the same for long enough to write it down.

Continuity is exactly the constraint required to model the unitary computer, like the Carnot engine an

[page 77]

incompressible flow of entropy (information).


Meaning requires memory, that is mapping. Every memory is a mapping, a sentence, 'the sailor loves the girls', ie the sailor maps himself onto the girls by love (whatever that may mean).

#bbinclude#="MacBook:Users:jeffrey:Sites:NT:NT_text:aBBIncludes:back_end.txt" -->

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Beale, R, and T Jackson, Neural Computing: An Introduction, Adam Hilger 1991 Jacket: '... starts from basics and goes on to cover all the most important approaches to the subject. ... The capabilities, advantages and disadvantages of each model are discussed as are possible applications of each. The relationship of the models developed to the brain and its functions are also explored.' 
du Maurier, Daphne, The Scapegoat, Amereon 1991 Editoprial review: 'Two men--one English, the other French--meet by chance in a provincial railway station and are astounded that they are so much alike that they could easily pass for each other. Over the course of a long evening, they talk and drink. It is not until he awakes the next day that John, the Englishman, realizes that he may have spoken too much. His French companion is gone, having stolen his identity. For his part, John has no choice but to take the Frenchman's place--as master of a chateau, director of a failing business, head of a large and embittered family, and keeper of too many secrets. Loaded with suspense and wit, The Scapegoat tells the double story of the attempts by John, the imposter, to escape detection by the family, servants, and several mistresses of his alter ego, and of his constant and frustrating efforts to unravel the mystery of the enigmatic past that dominates the existence of all who live in the chateau. Hailed by the New York Times as a masterpiece of "artfully compulsive storytelling," The Scapegoat brings us Daphne du Maurier at the very top of her form.' 
Genesis, and Alexander Jones (editor), in The Jerusalem Bible, Darton Longman and Todd 1966 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, and God's spirit hovered over the water.' (I, 1-2) 
Genesis, and Alexander Jones (editor), in The Jerusalem Bible, Darton Longman and Todd 1966 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, and God's spirit hovered over the water.' (I, 1-2) 
Kramer, Heinrich, and James Sprengler, Montague Summers (translator), The Malleus Maleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and James Spengler, Dover Publications 1971 Amazon Product Description 'Full text of most important witchhunter's "bible," used by both Catholics and Protestants. First published in 1486, the book includes everything known at the time about cults, illicit sex, dealings with the devil, and more.' 
Lonergan, Bernard J F, Insight : A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '... Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 
Pynchon, Thomas, Vineland, Penguin Classics (September 1, 1997) Language: English ISBN-10: 0141180633 ISBN-13: 978-0141180632 1997 Jacket: 'A major political novel about what America has been doing to itself, to its children, all these many years. . . One of Amkerica's great writers has, after long wanderings down his uncharted road, come triumphantly home' Salman Rushdie New York Times Book Review<./i> 
Saad , David, and (editor), On-Line Learning in neural Networks, Cambridge University Press0521117917 ISBN-13: 978-0521117913 2009 Amazon Product Description 'On-line learning is one of the most commonly used techniques for training neural networks. Though it has been used successfully in many real-world applications, most training methods are based on heuristic observations. The lack of theoretical support damages the credibility as well as the efficiency of neural networks training, making it hard to choose reliable or optimal methods. This book presents a coherent picture of the state of the art in the theoretical analysis of on-line learning. An introduction relates the subject to other developments in neural networks and explains the overall picture. Surveys by leading experts in the field combine new and established material and enable nonexperts to learn more about the techniques and methods used. This book, the first in the area, provides a comprehensive view of the subject and will be welcomed by mathematicians, scientists and engineers, both in industry and academia.' 
Zurek, Wojciech Hubert, "Quantum origin of quantum jumps: Breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer in the transition from quantum to classical", Physical Review A, 76, 5, 16 November 2007, page 052110-1--5. Abstract: 'Measurements transfer information about a system to the apparatus and then, further on, to observers and (often inadvertently) to the environment. I show that even imperfect copying essential in such situations restricts possible unperturbed outcomes to an orthogonal subset of all possible states of the system, thus breaking the unitary symmetry of its Hilbert space implied by the quantum superposition principle. Preferred outcome states emerge as a result. They provide a framework for 'wave-packet collapse', designating terminal points of quantum jumps and defining the measured observable by specifying its eigenstates. In quantum Darwinism, they are the progenitors of multiple copies spread throughout the environment — the fittest quantum states that not only survive decoherence, but subvert the environment into carrying information about them — into becoming a witness.'. back
Aquinas 113 Summa I, 18, 3: Is life properly attributed to God? Life is in the highest degree properly in God. In proof of which it must be considered that since a thing is said to live in so far as it operates of itself and not as moved by another, the more perfectly this power is found in anything, the more perfect is the life of that thing. ... back
Aquinas 25 Whether goodness differs really from being? 'I answer that, Goodness and being are really the same, and differ only in idea; which is clear from the following argument. The essence of goodness consists in this, that it is in some way desirable. Hence the Philosopher says (Ethic. i): "Goodness is what all desire." Now it is clear that a thing is desirable only in so far as it is perfect; for all desire their own perfection. But everything is perfect so far as it is actual. Therefore it is clear that a thing is perfect so far as it exists; for it is existence that makes all things actual, as is clear from the foregoing (3, 4; 4, 1). Hence it is clear that goodness and being are the same really. But goodness presents the aspect of desirableness, which being does not present.' back
Aquinas 326 Whether the highest angel among those who sinned was the highest of all? '. . . if the motive for sinning be considered, we find that it existed in the higher angels more than in the lower. For, as has been said (2), the demons' sin was pride; and the motive of pride is excellence, which was greater in the higher spirits. Hence Gregory says that he who sinned was the very highest of all. . . . ' back
Aristotle The Internet Classics Archive | Works by Aristotle A comprehensive database of Aristotle's works. back
Asceticism - Wikipedia Asceticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Asceticism (from the Greek: . . . askesis, "exercise" or "training" in the sense of athletic training) describes a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from various sorts of worldly pleasures often with the aim of pursuing religious and spiritual goals. Some forms of Christianity (see especially: Monastic life) and the Indian religions (including yoga) teach that salvation and liberation involve a process of mind-body transformation effected by exercising restraint with respect to actions of body, speech, and mind. The founders and earliest practitioners of these religions (e.g. Buddhism, Jainism, the Christian desert fathers) lived extremely austere lifestyles refraining from sensual pleasures and the accumulation of material wealth. This is to be understood not as an eschewal of the enjoyment of life but a recognition that spiritual and religious goals are impeded by such indulgence' back
Bombing of Cologne in World War II - Wikipedia Bombing of Cologne in World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'The City of Cologne was bombed in 262 separate air raids[1] by the Allies during World War II, including 31 times[clarification needed] by the Royal Air Force (RAF). Air raid alarms went off in the winter/spring of 1940 as enemy bombers passed overhead. However, the first actual bombing took place on 12 May 1940.[2] The most notable attack on Cologne was the first Allied 1,000 bomber raid on 30 May/31 May 1942.' back
Dynamics - Wikipedia Dynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia '. . . in physics, dynamics refers to time evolution of physical processes' back
Halting problem- Wikipedia Halting problem- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In computability theory, the halting problem is a decision problem which can be stated as follows: given a description of a program and a finite input, decide whether the program finishes running or will run forever, given that input.

Alan Turing proved in 1936 that a general algorithm to solve the halting problem for all possible program-input pairs cannot exist. We say that the halting problem is undecidable over Turing machines. Copeland (2004) attributes the actual term halting problem to Martin Davis.' back

Kinematics - Wikipedia Kinematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Kinematics (from Greek . . . kinein, to move) is the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of objects without consideration of the causes leading to the motion.' back
Metanoia - Wikipedia Metanoia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Metanoia (from the Greek . . . metanoia, changing one's mind, repentance) has different meanings in different contexts. Metanoia in the context of theological discussion, where it is used often, is usually interpreted to mean repentance. However, some people argue that the word should be interpreted more literally to denote changing one's mind, in the sense of embracing thoughts beyond its present limitations or thought patterns (an interpretation which is compatible with the denotative meaning of repentance but replaces its negative connotation with a positive one, focusing on the superior state being approached rather than the inferior prior state being departed from).' back
Rydberg-Ritz combination principle - Wikipedia Rydberg-Ritz combination principle - Wikipedia 'The Rydberg-Ritz Combination Principle is the theory proposed by Walter Ritz in 1908 to explain relationship of the spectral lines for all atoms. The principle states that the spectral lines of any element include frequencies that are either the sum or the difference of the frequencies of two other lines.' back
Thomas Pynchon - Wikipedia Thomas Pynchon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Thomas Ruggles Pynchon, Jr. (born May 8, 1937) is an American novelist based in New York City, noted for his dense and complex works of fiction. Hailing from Long Island, Pynchon spent two years in the United States Navy and earned an English degree from Cornell University. After publishing several short stories in the late 1950s and early 1960s, he began composing the novels for which he is best known: V. (1963), The Crying of Lot 49 (1966), Gravity's Rainbow (1973), Vineland (1990), Mason & Dixon (1997), Against the Day (2006) and Inherent Vice (2009).' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls