natural theology

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VII Notes



[Sunday 31 January 2010 - Saturday 6 February 2010]

[Notebook: DB 68: Salalah]

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Sunday 31 January 2010

Differential geometry gives us a geometric (Venn diagram) view of a network of one layer in which all points carry the same weight, that is occupy the same number of dimensions, ie can be described by words or vectors of the same length. Layering introduces the idea of building up higher dimensional space from lower ones, along the lines of tensor products of Hilbert spaces. Here, we see, lies the key to transforming between geometric spaces and logical or information spaces.

The threats of bliss and punishment in an afterlife are logical extensions of the common awareness that what we do now has some bearing on our future, just as what we have done in the past is in many ways relevant to our present state. Always the moral imperative is something that spans time - work now, enjoy idleness later, mate now, have children later, and so on. The whole purpose of human knowledge is in a way to ensure survival into the

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future. Eg I have finished my coffee and have to go to work now or the job will never get done.

My 4-momentum, as I potter along through life, is a set of events, some occurring in parallel like the simultaneous lives of the 10 trillion or so cells and viruses that make me go, and, at the top (or root) of the tree, the series of events which I remember as my own history, a fragment of which is recoded in this sequence of letters, each of which is both a form (in its own rest frame) and an event (in the frames of a reader (or me the writer) moving along the sentence.

Would Einstein have discovered relativity had not the railways standardized timekeeping on the Continent?

Epistemology Agatha again: 'We have three things that do not make sense: the struggle, the turned key, and the snip of rubber. But there must be some way of looking at these three things which would make sense . . .

Hawking & Ellis page 11: '. . . the only concepts defined by the manifold structure are those that are independent of the coordinate system,.' General covariance. General covariance - Wikipedia

Monday 1 February 2010

We can decompose dynamics into a formalism, that is an algorithm that mimics the measurable points of the dynamics. The only points that we can measure are the fixed points of the dynamics. The whole dynamics is beyond representation, ie it is its own model. This concept of the dynamic whole was one of the major discoveries

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of human society and it is encapsulated in physical, metaphysics and mystical concepts that we place in the general class of divine, that is referring to the whole of existence.

Let us say that it is the task of science to write down tractable formal representations of reality, that is the global dynamics of the Universe.

The transformations of a point grow transfinitely into the Universe we experience. Einstein modelled the large scale dynamics of the Universe using differential geometry. The theory works so perfectly that we are inclined to think that differential geometry does not just model the Universe, it is some how realized by the Universe,

At the opposite end of the scale we have quantum mechanics, Hilbert paces and all that. Here, thanks to the founding fathers, we have a mathematically succinct model which seems to fit reality perfectly, but maybe not quite. Because quantum mechanics noes not predict the coordinates of points as applied general relativity does.

We begin with a 'flat' computer network, in fact a power network, transmitting energy from a to b and answerable only to general relativity. This is the network described by gravitation, concerned with bandwidth alone.

Deterministic = discrete

power = probability. My power is absolute with respect to a certain event if I can make

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that event happen with probability 1/ Powerless = probability 0.

Power = 1 / error. My power increases as my error rate decreases.

As son as I met you I wanted to have a baby with you.

Hanusch: Creation and Entrepreneurship page 1. To see a possibility (ie a profitable action (= set of actions) and realize it in terms of the promised profit. Hanusch

'It is the role of the entrepreneur to create innovations and to destroy the old equilibrium by establishing new combinations. [permutations] Along with this process of "creative destruction" progress in productivity will be achieved.'

The space of permutations is influenced by 1. the number of possibilities; 2. the ordering of these possibilities, ie the ordering of actions = functions.

The essence of process is duality, one moves the other in such a way that the harmony of the whole is maintained by the fundamental law of conservation: to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is formalized in the general theory of relativity, and is seen there as both the conservation of energy and the coupling of the universal structure to energy.

Hanusch page 10: economic sociology / political economy.

[page 174]

Schumpeter: 'Like Marx (perhaps only Marx), he saw the economy essentially not as an equilibrium but as a dynamic phenomenon.' Joesph Schumpeter - Wikipedia

Equilibrium = Stasis, Dynamics <=> disequilibrium.

'I was trying to construct a theoretical model of the process of economic change in time, or perhaps more clearly, to answer the question how the economic system generates force which necessarily transforms it.'


The mathematical theory of communication applies to stationary sources. How does the theory develop when sources are not stationary? Quantum mechanics describes non-stationary sources whose probability distribution functions change in time in a way governed by an energy matrix.

Hanusch page 11: 'How the investments that bring about growth arise inside the system.'

Bliss comes from cardinal equivalence, meeting one's equal. The Catholic notion that we need to see the whole of God to be happy is false. We only need to see a piece equivalent to (and the dual of) ourselves.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Walras entrepreneur '. . . whose role in to lease

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land from the land owner, hire personal faculties from the labourer and borrow capital from the capitalist in order to combine all three productive services in agriculture, industry or trade.' Hanusch page 38.Leon Walras - Wikipedia

Wednesday 3 February 2010

I suppose I can say that I have great ambitions for natural religion and try hard to realize the intellectual foundation of this ambition to the point where it can become the foundation for entrepreneurial activity, but progress sometimes seems to be desperately slow, as evidenced by the sparsity of notebook entries in the recent period. Soon, however, with the help of the old age pension, I hope top devote more tome to it and rebuild the websites I have planned to take the message to the world.

Mapping the transfinite network to space-time. Space = memory, time = parameter of a process [program counter] each step in the process is a tick of time meaured by a quantum of action.

Thursday 4 February 2010

What is the network equivalent of the metric on a manifold, and so the equivalent of curvature? In its most succinct form, a metric has the form ds2 = dx2 - dt2 and this function defines a 'cone of causality' bounded by the null lies defined by the maximum velocity of messages (in physics the velocity of light c. In a network we may take ds to be the number of operations necessary to send a message and dt as the time available to complete those operations. If the message cannot be sent in the time available,

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effective communication is impossible. So if one is trying to escape a falling tree, in one cannot get out of the way in time one is dead. Given infinite time, any message is possible, but in the real world time os often of the essence, if time is not available to complete process, the event does not happen.

Hawking and Ellis '6 Causal Structure' Hawking & Ellis page 180.

A differential equation is a fixed point in the dynamics that it describes, so the Einstein equation [ G = T] may be seen as the fixed point in the large scale structure of the Universe. Einstein field equations - Wikipedia

Firepower and the Pope: Intellectual criminality and peer review.

Turing machine = coordinate neighbourhood = synchronous system.

Asynchronous = store and forward = memory = space endowed with degree of freedom, binary, integral, continuous.

Hawking & Ellis page 262: '. . . our view [is] that the singularities implied by the theorems of this section involve infinite curvature in general.'

Infinite curvature = total change of personality in a finite distance = annihilation and creation, ie points of infinite curvature are events where some state is annihilated and another state is created.

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closed timelike surface = oscillator = periodic function.

Minkowski space [set of inertial frames] = synchronous; Einstein space [set of relatively accelerated frames] = asynchronous

The mission from God: to make god known to the people: to teach them that we are divine.

. . .

Friday 5 February 2010

My feelings are a product of history, my history, which includes the history of the Universe, the planet, my species and my personal life and education. As i sit here now watching the rain that has been falling for more than a week and reading Hawking and Ellis or which I have only a rudimentary understanding, I experience a familiar feeling of mild despair which might ultimately be traced to my certainty of ultimate death, and more proximately to minor money worries coupled to the probability that my ability to earn an income is beginning to decline. This position, I imagine, is common to many of us and is a foundation for the appeal of those religions that hold out the hope of an eternal life of bliss if we just have faith in them and practise the charity that they ordain. The natural religion project is an attempt to replace this rather fanciful attempt to boost human conscious morale by a belief system founded in reality which accepts the fat of death but nevertheless maintains that life can be

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valuable, exciting and pleasant to all its possessors of we all work together to deal with the physical deficiencies that life is heir to such as disease, poverty, starvation and so on and the metaphysical deficiencies that have arisen by some people trying to climb out of their misery on the backs of others by implementing slavery and other forms of human [in]equality.

As I see it (a product of my history) the first task of natural theology is to see that the Universe itself is divine so that theology can become a sciences and the nature of God is no longer a mysterious spirit owned by religious institutions like the Christian churches. Every little bit of progress in this direction heartens me, although it involved the (for me) difficult work of understanding modern physics, since I see that this is the study of God's body, or in the layered model of God, as the study of the physical layer of the divinity. My particular interest these days (Hence Hawking & Ellis) is to see the ancient notions of ca completely simple god and the modern initial singularity as isomorphic. The task then becomes to explain the complexification of the initial singularity into the present Universe. Here I draw a parallel between the doctrine of the trinity and the quantum mechanical formalism of communication or observation. These ideas see at present robust to me. The immediate task I have set myself is to provide a formal model of this 'creation' using the requirement that the Universe is consistent coupled with the fundamental theorems of Cantor, Goedel, Turing and Shannon. Progress here is slow, since my first writing in this direction (How Universal)_ dates back to 1967, and I have yet to be able to write anything that has drawn the attention of the mainstream either in physics or theology, but I do have enough

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hope, faith and charity to press on with the task as these notes demonstrate.

For a long time the numinous power of my early religious indoctrination made the notion of natural theology seem hopeless and ill advised. I have overcome that problem at the same time as slowly building a case for my position which heartens me to make greater efforts to go public with my views using both journalistic and learned media. At the same time I have become convinced that religion is a service like any other and that a publicly funded corporate religion is a reasonable alternative to the private and secretive religious organizations that currently infest the globe, so that I can go ahead with a clear conscience to develop the theology Company with s view to an eventual public float. How exactly we are going to earn an income from this enterprise still remains murky, since it seems hard to see how to charge fees for religious services, so the long established practices of followers donating to their religion still seems the way to go.

Saturday 6 February 2010

Time and energy (rate of change) are not present in the purely formal (eternal) models of the world that dominated thought from the time of Parmenides and Plato to the origin of dynamics around the time of Galileo.

Every event occupies a volume of space time, that is of memory and processing steps. The event can be resolved into a series of spacelike sheets,representing a discrete stage ion the processing (working out) of the event.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Hanusch, Horst, Evolutionary Economics: Applications of Schumpeter's Ideas, Cambridge University Press 2008 Amazon Product Description 'This volume contains eleven papers - some theoretical, others empirical - given at the 1986 founding meeting of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society in Augsburg. By raising questions and offering additional statistical evidence, they further stimulate interest and discussion about the kinds of intuitive ideas that Schumpeter introduced in his seminal period before World War I. Whatever may be the academic mainline trend in economics, two policy-oriented 'disequilibrium' schools have flourished and still thrive: one stresses the need for social redistribution as a counterweight to a negative propensity to unemployment; the other emphasizes the explicit roles of the dynamic entrepreneur, innovation and stressful competition in stimulating economic growth. And while it is possible that the heyday of the demand-side 'age of Keynes' is passing, it also may be true that the time of the supply-side 'age of Schumpeter' is now emerging.' 
Hawking, Steven W, and G F R Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time , Cambridge UP 1975 Preface: Einstein's General Theory of Relativity ... leads to two remarkable predictions about the universe: first that the final fate of massive stars is to collapse behind an event horizon to form a 'black hole' which will contain a singularity; and secondly that there is a singularity in our past which constitutes, in some sense, a beginning to our universe. Our discussion is principally aimed at developing these two results.' 
Hofstadter, Douglas R, and Daniel C Dennett, The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self & Soul, Bantam 1985 Jacket: 'In this unique, mind-jolting book, DH, the author of Gädel, Escher, Bach, the intellectual best seller that won the 1980 Pulitzer Prize, and Philosopher Daniel Dennett, author of the widely acclaimed Brainstorms, explore the meaning of self and consciousness through the perspectives of literature, artificial intelligence, psychology and much more. ... ' 
Lonergan, Bernard J F, Insight : A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '... Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 
Wilson, Edward Osborne, Sociobiology: The new synthesis, Harvard UP 1975 Chapter 1: '... the central theoretical problem of sociobiology: how can altruism, which by definition reduces personal fitness, possibly evolve by natural selection? The answer is kinship. ... Sociobiology is defined as the systematic study of the biological basis of all social behaviour. ... It may not be too much to say that sociology and the other social sciences, as well as the humanities, are the last branches of biology waiting to be included in the Modern Synthesis.'  
Einstein field equations - Wikipedia Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'The Einstein field equations (EFE) or Einstein's equations are a set of ten equations in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity which describe the fundamental interaction of gravitation as a result of spacetime being curved by matter and energy. First published by Einstein in 1915[ as a tensor equation, the EFE equate spacetime curvature (expressed by the Einstein tensor) with the energy and momentum within that spacetime (expressed by the stress-energy tensor).' back
General covariance - Wikipedia General covariance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedis 'In theoretical physics, general covariance (also known as diffeomorphism covariance or general invariance) is the invariance of the form of physical laws under arbitrary differentiable coordinate transformations. The essential idea is that coordinates do not exist a priori in nature, but are only artifices used in describing nature, and hence should play no role in the formulation of fundamental physical laws. A physical law expressed in a generally covariant fashion takes the same mathematical form in all coordinate systems, and is usually expressed in terms of tensor fields. The classical (non-quantum) theory of electrodynamics is one theory that has such a formulation.' back
Gerald Ryle Firepower promoters suspended over sales 'In all, more than $100 million was raised from selling Firepower shares to about 1300 investors - through these and other transactions - on the false premise that the company would deliver huge windfalls after it listed on a London stock exchange. At the centre of the optimism was a fraudulent claim by Firepower that it had invented a pill that could dramatically improve fuel consumption and decrease toxic emissions in motor vehicles.' back
Joesph Schumpeter - Wikipedia Joesph Schumpeter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Joseph Alois Schumpeter (8 February 1883 – 8 January 1950) was an economist and political scientist born in Moravia, then Austria-Hungary, now Czech Republic. He popularized the term "creative destruction" in economics.' back
Leon Walras - Wikipedia Leon Walras - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Marie-Esprit-Léon Walras (December 16, 1834 in Évreux, Eure - January 5, 1910 in Clarens, near Montreux, Switzerland) was a French mathematical economist associated with the creation of the general equilibrium theory. . . . In 1874 and 1877 Walras published Elements of Pure Economics, a work that led him to be considered the father of the general equilibrium theory. The problem that Walras set out to solve was one presented by Cournot, that even though it could be demonstrated that prices would equate supply and demand to clear individual markets, it was unclear that an equilibrium existed for all markets simultaneously. Walras created a system of simultaneous equations in an attempt to solve Cournot’s problem. He presented an informal argument for the existence of an equilibrium based on the assumption that an equilibrium exists whenever the number of equations equals the number of unknowns.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls