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VII Notes



[Sunday 25 April 2010 - Saturday 1 May 2010]

[Notebook: DB 68: Salalah]

[page 334]

Sunday 25 April 2010

My early morning oscillation between despair and hope slowly moving toward hope as the sun rises and the probability of being in a state of hopelessness decreases as I start to see daylight. Like the stock market the emotional barometer rises and falls as the prospect of prosperity brightens and darkens. We want to take control and make it bright all the time. The good news in natural religion is that as long as the sun shines we can approximate to paradise, provided only that we have a true (and therefore globally consistent) picture of how the world works and use our common understanding as the foundation of a cooperative effort to secure our bridgehead on the planet by nurturing the systems that nurture us, in short by reducing our footprint. The awareness is coming but the warlords don't like it because they have to share their power and live like one of us instead of like their false idea of an all powerful all seeing God. Special relativity is the beginning of the end for omnipotence and omniscience - we are all locals.

'Prestige, Mr Flory, is like a barometer. Every time you are seen to enter my house the mercury rises half a degree.' Orwell, Burmese page 100. Orwell

[page 335]

Most of the business of the [human] world is talking, writing and reading. In developed countries probably less than half manipulate the physical environment to get physical valuables out of it. This situation is a consequence of the mechanization and automation of physical work to the point where one physical worker is matched by at least one paper worker. In general we might divide paper work into design and accounting.

ECONOMICS (ACCOUNTING FOR MONEY) - DESIGN (ACCOUNTING FOR PHYSICAL VARIABLES - mass, strength, conductivity, hardness etc etc).

Reading a book is to put oneself on a different place in the network. While I am reading Orwell I have moved from Elands to Burma. In the human conscious layer I am where I am conscious of being.

One beauty of the network for me is that it is continually revealing new beauties to me, like the formalism of quantum mechanics.

One of the advantages of natural religion is that all consciousness is consciousness of God and so we are always in the presence of God and have no need of fancy 'spiritual exercises' to get there.

Transmitting a message from peer to peer is one cycle of the Hilbert oscillator, moving from parallel to serial in the physical layer and back up to parallel in the receiving peer layer or words to this effect. How do we see this in the symmetric computer network?

What we are saying here has been said many times by the amateur and professional theologians of every

[page 336]

religion in every language. Here we are starting to express it mathematically in the language that contains all languages, mathematics.

We can rephrase three points in the evolution of philosophy that characterize the theoretical model. First Plato and Aristotle realized that matter is not the source of meaning, but its substrate. Second that Aquinas adapted the Aristotelian doctrine to show that God could be a living God and that the motion of its life is the structure of the Trinity. Finally, Lonergan saw that it is insight that maps between matter and meaning by encoding and decoding the messages meaningful to a certain layer of peers through the material (physical) layer.

This motion is described by the Hilbert oscillator.

The entropy of two state system cycles from 0 (psi = 1|0> + 0|1> = 0|0> + 1|1>) to 1 (psi - (|0> + |1>) / sqrt(2), equiprobabiity). Larger systems also go through points of zero entropy (when they are observed and the outcome is certain).

Monday 26 April 2010

Walking on this ice, but it seems to be getting thicker and the hope remains of finding solid ground.

Nothing comes. One would like to know what is going on in one's own mind but it is impossible to look until a conclusion

[page 337]

becomes conscious.

All hydrogen atoms are identical so one can be substituted for another in a complex structure, just as one letter 'a' is as good as any other in this text. On the other hand every letter 'a' like every hydrogen [atom] is a unique physical object [event], ie unique in the physical layer, generic in the higher layers, where we abstract from the detailed identity of physical objects. What has this to do with the boson-fermion distinction and the velocity of light?

'"A statesman these days has a difficult task. He has to pursue the policy he deems advantageous to his country, but he has at the same time to recognise the force of popular feeling. Popular feeling is often sentimental, muddle headed and eminently unsound, but it cannot be disregarded for all that.

'"How well you express it! That is exactly the curse of a politician's life. He has to bow to the country's feeling, however dangerous and foolhardy he knows it to be."' Christie Christie Murder in the Mews: An Impossible Theft page 83.

The naked transfinite symmetric network obeys Maxwell-Boltzmann statstics, which are not realized by any [fundamental] particles, except approximately. What we are now looking for is the source of the constraints exhibited by Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics. The answer lies in how we interpret permutations, symmetrically or anti-symmetrically.

THEOLOGY is the science of FEELING. The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa Ecstasy of Saint Theresa - Wikipedia

What you have read is just a shot in the dark, but if

[page 338]

nothing else, it may have provided a new way of looking at the darkness we are shooting in.

'If I had my way the country should be purified ---'Christie page 87.

Total freedom -- sweet spot -- total control
0 information -- maximum entropy -- 0 entropy

Poetically the task is to build a peaceful planet on a foundation of sunshine. As long as the Sun shines the Earth is in a state of disequilibrium and therefore motion at many scales. To find peace at any scale may be a clue to finding peace at every scale so the task for me is to extrapolate my relatively peaceful life to all scales more and less complex than myself.

'Assuming that Stirling's formula holds in the transfinite domain'. Stirling's approximation - Wikipedia No reason why not since each transfinite layer operates on a discrete domain from the point of view of the resolution of that layer. A layer lies between a domain and a range, an alphabet of operations and a domain, all the complex operations that can be synthesized from the available domain.

The set of Turing machines is the domain of operations, a Turing-complete function space. A complete operation is an ordered set of operations drawn from the Turing domain. Turing machines are networks of Turing machines all driven synchronously by the same clock. A network has many different clocks, each one counting the operations of a local machine.

[page 339]

Explain the wave functions. They are the eigenfunctions of an operator singled out (selected) by the eigenvalue equation AX = aX where X is a vector and A an operator.

Cantor symmetry <--> permutation. All permutations from 2 things to transfinite things have the common property of being unique orderings of operations / symbols.

My education saddled me with a problem which has dominated my attention ever since. I have been in the problem and what I write here is the sense I make out of my inputs.


'I haven't the faintest idea' Zero resolution knowledge = no knowledge.

Inconsistency rotates.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Orwell 1984 "It was not by making yourself heard but by staying sane that you carried on the human heritage." page 446.

abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

now permute a and b, ab --> ba
1 --> 3, 2 --> 4, 3 -->1, 4 --> 2, 5 -- 6, 6 -- 5 etc

where a, b, c are the physical layer, 1, 2, 3 . . . the layer above.

[page 340]

Quantum mechanics = {linear algebra, Born interpretation, data}, a system whose output is a probability distribution that, given input measured from reality, provides output that matches reality, and so we assume that in some way it matches what is really happening, ie the Schrödinger and eigenvalue equations. How does the network model match this? It seems easy enough, through the approach taken by quantum information and quantum computation to see how quantum mechanics models the network. What about the inverse, the network model of quantum mechanics which I am seeking to produce? The value of this model is that it unifies the quantum and classical view, and enables us to see that the Universe is at one material and spiritual via the layering approach. Quantum mechanics is concerned with the physical layer, which is at root fully explicable in terms of time, energy and frequency, E = ℏ ν. Our basic set of Turing machines is a set of clocks running at different frequencies, with no memory and no space. At this point it is easy to see that quantum mechanics and computation are identical because nothing is really being computed or observed. The fun starts with the generation of space, ie independent systems observing one another.

To get the black body distribution frequencies must communicate with one another and this is conceived (historically) as the role of material oscillators that can receive energy, store it and add to it or subtract from it and emit a different frequency. The key to this idea is potential (stored, static [stationary]) energy. The need for error free communication culls the continuous spectrum of radiation down to the line spectrum of the material oscillators, which lines are represented by eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the relevant operators that create and annihilate the lines.

[page 341]

So we map the quantum harmonic oscillator to a set of Turing machines with different clock frequencies.

What answers are we looking for from quantum mechanics? In most human activities we have an outcome in mind (a hole in one) and we seek the initial conditions and actions that will make the desired outcome most probable. In the case of golf natural talent + coaching + years of practice, trying to internalize algorithms that will make the ball go where we want it. The evolution of the Universe, on the other hand, has no simple target, but rather a lot of possible activities, some of which reinforce themselves, some of which negate themselves, survivors and not-survivors. Lonergan's schemes of recurrence again. Quantum mechanics gives is a linear process ('interference') which boosts some outcomes and deprecates others. When we are talking about periodic functions, in phase boosts, out of phase attenuates, and this is perhaps the whole story at the level of energy / action / frequency.

The notion of speakability goes back to Parmenides. We can only speak about stationary states. So let us assume that all the messages in the Universe are stationary states, In a relativistic Universe that is inherently dynamic, the only possible stationary states are relationships between two variables, that is a function. So E =ℏ ν is perhaps the fundamental stationary state in the Universe, the function that bonds energy in a fixed relationship to time via the quantum of action. A stationary state is a memory. Every stationary state involves duality, the relationship between two moving systems expressible in a fixed function Further, we might say that all stationary states are eigenfunctions of certain operators.

[page 342]

Evolution = creation of new speakables, new messages, new invariants, new functions. Orthonormal Hilbert spaces are are an invariant feature of all the realizable functions in the Universe and in quantum mechanics the space for these functions is energy / frequency, a one dimensional function exploiting a potential duality whose invariant constant of proportionality is action. The fundamental duality of quantum mechanics is represented by the bras and kets and the invariant that connects them is evaluated by the inner product. The eigenvalue yielded by this inner product is an element of an observable probability distribution whose fundamental expression is 0, 1, an impossible outcome combined with a necessary outcome. One can imagine that the only way forward is through the necessary event, the tick. All this writing is wandering about in a dark room feeling things here and there. But the fact that it is writable means that it is a stationary point in my mind. This is proven if I read over it again and again and agree with what I have written each time. Later, perhaps, I will change my mind, but that later picture will tell me why things are wrong and help to isolate the misconception that led to the error (from the updated point of view). Computing machinery has made us very conscious of the development of software to take advantage of the machine limited universal power of our computers.

Stationary points are marked by concentrations of action, in space delta functions, with spaces between them in frequency space, ie the space is lined or pixellated.

What I write is a fixed point in the dynamic relationship between my mind and my world.

[page 343]

. . . creating new speakables

Celibate priests can talk about fucking until the cows come home but until they have done it with someone they love their words are speculation. Further, we would say that fucking is unspeakable for those who have not experienced it because they have no experience of a reality to map to their words. Speakability and unspeakability are therefore very likely to be related to experience.

This is not just true of people. As quantum mechanics shows us, fundamental particles also talk to one another but they are so simple that there is no separate reality to give meaning to their statements. At the quantum mechanical level there is no distinction between words and reality, the words are the reality.

How does this quantum mechanical picture fit the human world? We note that apart from our animal needs, like food, shelter, warmth, sensual stimulation etc, much of human reality revolves around words, fantasies, fiction, romance, business deals and so on. Like quantum mechanics, much of our discourse is castles in the air. Nevertheless, we are all bound by the hard realities of animal existence. Where do these come from? What is the source of the boundaries on our behaviour?

The answer proposed here is that all behaviour, human and otherwise, is bounded by the laws of communication and computation, which permeate the whole Universe and serve to control the creation of the permanent structures that we see.

The answer is proposed as a new theology, the theology of a visible god that creates itself, ie our Universe.

[page 344]

'We have felt that it would be much easier for you to gain an understanding of the basic machinery of quantum mechanics by beginning with the two state approximation and working gradually up to the more complex theory than to approach the subject the other way around. For this reason our approach appears to be in the reverse order to the one you wil find in many books.' Feynman page 16-1. Feynman

Messages are stationary (fixed) so in the energy domain each frequency is a different message.

Another duality: smoke and get some ideas plus some adverse physiological effects. Don't smoke don't get any ideas and don't get adverse physiology. Smoking perturbs both the mental and the physiological systems so I get ideas and I wake up grumpy with a dry mouth. Often, fully aware of this, my cost / benefit analysis says have a smoke because the net effect is (to my mind) beneficial, particularly if I suppose that my ideas will contribute a mite to peaceful coexistence for all particles / nodes / personalities.

We access personalities by asking questions (perturbations, provocations) and observing the answers. We approach with a measurement operator (a set of possible answers) and the observation reveals which answer our interviewee decides to give.

All the machinations of quantum mechanics depend upon phase, either in itself or as a function of space and time, yet we cannot observe phase, only probability [by repeated trials]. The probabilities turn out so well that we are led to believe strongly in the invisible phases [amplitudes]

[page 345]

When you turn a system you get the same state only with a new phase factor Feynman 17-7.

Feynman 17-8: '. . . a system of definite energy is one which when displaced τ in time reproduces itself multiples by exp(-iωτ) or exp(-i/hEτ)

So we ask, why does the linear mathematics of phase work so wonderfully, and differences of phase transform into probabilities. This is the $64 question.

Isolation - non-communication - no error - no quantization, ie continuity, like the evolution of the undisturbed quantum system.

God - unobserved - continuous - omnino simplex

Wednesday 28 April 2010

The Hamiltonian network:

iℏ dCi / dt = ∑j Hij Cj

Feynman 16-12

1984. Cheerful! 'When once you had succumbed to thought crime it was certain that by a given date you would be dead." Orwell page 491. Orwell

The transfinite computer network is isomorphic to mathematics (Wigner). Eugene Wigner

[page 346]

Thursday 29 April 2010

The evolution paradigm explains the ancient connection between macrocosm and microcosm. From the present point of view, macro and micro are two points along the Cantor symmetry. The mental generation of words (logoi) parallels the evolutionary development of species. Orwell, Daughter chapter 2.

We say that creation is a product of symmetry (equiprobability) and selection. Conservation of energy is closely related to conservation of probability which in turn is related (in quantum formalism) to the conservation of energy, that is the probability per unit time of a quantum event (measure h). Quantum mechanics expresses the probability of a quantum event as the square of an amplitude which is a function of phase. The conservation of energy is expressed by the relationship |exp(iωt)2) = 1. Feynman III, 17.

The fundamental agressive tactic is to destabilize other systems, either to eat them or to take some of their value. The essence of monarchy is to deprive all other members of the community of political power. The fundamental loving tactic is to stabilize one's lovers making their lives less error prone (painful) by cooperation.


Fermi particles exclude one another pairwise.

[page 347]

REVOLUTION = PHASE CHANGE = new communication protocols - from collision (gas) to attraction (liquid, solid).

Maybe we would like our society to be like a liquid, conserved, flexible and collision free. These assumptions seem to fit quantum mechanics, where the fluid is probability .

NORMALIZATION = CONSERVATION of ACTION (constant number or particles. No creation or annihilation [?].

Philosophy is the search for independent personal stability.

Philosophy of mathematics; mathematics of philosophy.

All the action lies between the layers in the transfinite network. These layers are indexed by their cardinal numbers, which are elements of Cantor's transfinite series each number generated recursively from the last by a unique process of permutation.

Habeas corpus: conserving the human alphabet.

Friday 30 April 2010

'. . . things change in your mind. And then the whole world changes because you look at it differently.' Orwell, Daughter page 411.

The meaning of life: the driver of life: sunshine

Symmetry: 'Let Q be any of a number of operations wou could perform on a system without

[page 348]

changing the physics.' Feynman 17-2. So what are we changing? In quantum mechanics, an unobservable phase. So is it really changing, or is it just a feature of the mathematics that does not correspond ti anything? What we can observe are the effects of purported differences in phase.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Feynman 17-3: 'A physical system is symmetric with respect to the operation Q-hat when Q-hat commutes with the operation U-hat, the operation of the passage of time, Q-hatU-hat = U-hatQ-hat.

Probability vs amplitude. Can the symmetric Universe deal with this. Here's the rub!

Some of the difficulty may arise from the use of coordinate systems to describe phenomena (rather like Newton's use of God as the coordinate system to describe the solar system) instead of describing them in terms of their internal relationships, eg '. . . rotating a system by the angle θ is rotating the reference frame by the negative of θ' Feynman 17-5. The reference frame is the observer, ie the operator used by the observer, the observable.

Symmetries do not change observations, even though pure imaginary phases are changing, ie clocks are ticking.

<>p> Most of the content of quantum mechanics lies in linear algebra, that is in the pure formalism. All that comes from outside the algebra is input. So we

[page 349]

can implement the algebra in a computer and give it different inputs to get different outputs. The point of quantum mechanics is that a distribution of inputs gives a distribution of outputs, as opposed to classical physics where a definite input gives a definite output.

'Constant of the motion': I am a constant of the motion which is my life.

All parts of a single computer operate synchronously, and changing the phase of the synchronicity makes no difference to the relationship between input and output — the software works the same no matter when we start the machine. On the other hand, the relative phase between two distinct machines influences the outcome of their interaction with one another.

Newton's first law says isolated systems are conserved.

Third law says communcation is duplex: your effect on me is equal to my effect on you.

Second law measures the change.

Music and musicians are repetitive, doing the same thing over and over again. This is possible because they are isolated, their output is not coupled to anything, while the actions of a carpenter, being coupled to reality, never repeat. Of course musicians often interaxt with an audience, but you can record a song in a memory and play it again and again. Same goes for driving nails, but not for a whole job, but houses repeat, bit not indivdal lifetimes. The point is that all actions in whatever

[page 350]

domain (except perhaps the life of the Universe) are recursive. So the Universe is a system full of recursions but overall expanding and complexifying.


We are saying that quantum mechanics is the fundamental model of the Universe that applies at all scales, hence the increased instances of the form 'quantum theology'. Here we wish to put quantum theology on a sound mathematical footing by coupling Cantors transfinite numbers to quantum mechanics and network computation, ie seen at a certain level of abstraction the dialogue of philosophers is isomorphic to the dialogue of atoms and all the other dialogues in the Universe.

Up against the wall. Time to go out and do some more work out of the office and into the field to get some more things to write about.

Anais Nin: seeing everything from one's own reference frame vs looking for a universal reference frame which allows us to observe observations, ie to set up reference frames (measurement operators) from which to observe the interactions of disparate objects like the Sun and the planets. Newton's measurement operator is 'God's sensorium'. Patrick J. Connolly

Philosophers and theologians may be understood to be seeking the outermost available reference frame, as Newton did. The ultimate reference frame is consistency by which we measure events to see if they are consistent or inconsistent. This, an important social function (perhaps the most important) is finding and removing corruption in the system, that is error.

Although some might think human communication

[page 351]

is above or outside Shannon's laws of communication and Turing's law of computation, that each step is determined by the outcome of previous steps.

Much of office work (bureaucracy) is training people's work to be as computerlike (deterministic, error free) as possible, which is why computers fit into offices so well.

ABSTRACT - No axes
CONCRETE = Embedded in an environment

Feynman page 17-8: 'You see, therefore, the relationship between the conservation laws and the symmetry of the world. Symmetry with respect to displacements in time implies the conservation of energy; symmetry with respect to position in x, y or z implies the conservation of that component of momentum. Symmetry with respect to rotation around the x, y and z axes implies conservation of the x, y and zcomponents of angular momentum. Symmetry in respect of reflection implies the conservation of parity. Symmetry with respect to the interchange of two electrons implies the conservation of something we don't have a name for, and so on.


Newton's laws od dialogue:
a) a memory stays the same unless changed
b) the more intense the dialogue the faster the change

[page 352]

c) both sides are equal contributors to the process.

SYMMETRY - ISOLATION - NO PHYSICS (but evolution of phase represented by the pure imaginary exp(-iωτ) = exp(-i/hEτ)

Each step in the evolutionary tree must be self sustaining. Quantum systems sustain themselves because they cannot get any simpler, ie cannot fail and can therefore be modelled by continuous functions.

Vanity Fair: Presidential Profiles

On the average bankers are average like everybody else and so they need a system to surround them that keeps average peoplei n line by a suitable system of error detection and correction built around a clear expression of what they are trying to do. The forces toward corruption are strongest in banking and religion, banks by bypassing the discipline of arithmetic, religions by ignoring the evidence of their eyes and living by old books and ideas.

'In London, where anti-bank fever is running much higher than in America, it is estimated that 5000 bankers will receive pay bonuses of $1.5 million or more'. Vanity Fair 4/2010:72.

Michael Lewis: The Big Short Lewis


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Carter, Graydon, and Mark Summers (Illustrator), Todd S Purdum (Foreword), Vanity Fair's Presidential Profiles: Defining Portraits, Deeds and Misdeed of 43 Notable Americans -- And What Each One Really Thought About His Predecessor, Abrams Amazon product description: 'Forty-three men have held the highest office in the United States, making up an exclusive club of statesmen and sinners, grinds and slackers, winners and losers, Boy Scouts and rogues. They are profiled in incisive and entertaining commentaries written by Vanity Fair contributors Judy Bachrach, David Friend, David Kamp, Todd S. Purdum, and Jim Windolf that tell of their deeds, plumb their characters, and dispense the essential dish about their personal lives. Portraits newly drawn by the acclaimed artist Mark Summers illuminate each of them as vivid individuals. Also included: revealing remarks-in the presidents' own words-showing what each really thought about the man who had preceded him in the Oval Office, an introduction by Graydon Carter, and a foreword by Washington insider Todd S. Purdum.' 
Christie, Agatha, Murder in the Mews:Four Cases of Hercule Poirot, PAN 1954 Jacket: 'Murder in the Mews comprises the exciting stories of four of Hercule Poirot's cases; . . . [Murder in the Mews], . . . The Incredible Theft, . . . Dead Man's Mirror [and] . . . Triangle at Rhodes.'back
Domb, Cyril, The Critical Point: An historical introduction to the modern theory of Critical Phenomena, CRC Press 1996 Jacket: 'The relationship between liquids and gases engaged the attention of a number of distinguished scientists in the nineteenth century. In a paper published in 1869, Thomas Andrews described experiments that he had performed on carbon dioxide. From this he concluded that a critical temperature exists below which liquids are gases are distinct phases of matter. but above which they merge into a single phase. Other natural phenomena were subsequently discovered to which the same critical point description can be applied. These included ferromagnetism, solutions and various types of lambda point transition.
This book provides a historical account of theoretical explanations of critical phenomena which ultimately led to a major triumph of statistical mechanics in the twenteth century.
Contents include Historical survey; classical theories of fluids, magnets and light scattering; the Onsager revolution; Reconciliation; renormalisation group.' 
Feynman, Richard P, and Robert B Leighton, Matthew Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics (volume 3) : Quantum Mechanics, Addison Wesley 1970 Foreword: 'This set of lectures tries to elucidate from the beginning those features of quantum mechanics which are the most basic and the most general. . . . In each instance the ideas are introduced together with a detailed discussion of some specific examples - to try to make the physical ideas as real as possible.' Matthew Sands 
Lewis, Michael, The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, W. W. Norton & Company; Reprint edition 2011 Review from Bookmarks Magazine 'Michael Lewis has written from the perspective of a financial insider for more than 20 years. His first book, Liar's Poker, was a warts-and-all account of Wall Street culture in the 1980s, when Lewis worked at the investment bank Salomon Brothers. Everything Lewis has touched since has turned to gold, and The Big Short seems to be another of those books, combining an incendiary, timely topic with the author's solid, insightful, and witty investigative reporting. Only the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette criticized what it felt was a rush job of writing and a failure to integrate the individual stories. Few readers will care for the message here (despite laugh-out-loud moments of absurdity), but Lewis is a capable guide into the world of CDOs, subprime mortgages, head-in-the-sand investments, inflated egos--and the big short. However, as Entertainment Weekly points at, if you're only going to read one book on the topic, perhaps this should not be the one.' 
O'Murchu, Diarmuid, Quantum Theology : Spiritual Implications of the New Physics, Crossroad Publishing Company 1997 Jacket: 'For quantum theorists, the fact that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts underpins all reality. "This is not merely a scientific principle of immense significance for our times" writes DO'M, "it is also a theological norm, known to mystics for centuries and now maturing into the supreme wisdom of our age."' 
Orwell, George, George Orwell Omnibus: The Complete Novels: Animal Farm, Burmese Days, A Clergyman's Daughter, Coming up for Air, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, and 1984, Secker and Warburg : Octopus Books 1976  
Riesz, Frigyes, and Bela Sz-Nagy, Functional Analysis, Dover Publications 1990 Jacket: 'This noted text, highly regarded in its field, discusses modern theories of differentiation and integration and the principal problems and methods of handling integral equations and linear functional and transformations. ..." 
Schiff, Leonard I, Quantum Mechanics, McGraw-Hill 1968 Preface: 'This volme has a threefold purpose: to explain the physical concepts of quantum mechanics, to describe the mathematical formalism, and to provide illustrative examples of both the ideas and the methods.' 
Tymoczko, Thomas, New Directions in the Philosophy of Mathematics: An Anthology, Princeton University Press 1998 Jacket: 'The traditional debate among philosophers of mathematics is whether there is an external mathematical reality, something out there to be discovered, or whether mathematics is the product of the human mind. ... By bringing together essays of leading philosophers, mathematicians, logicians and computer scientists, TT reveals an evolving effort to account for the nature of mathematics in relation to other human activities.' 
Wigner, Eugene, Symmetries and Reflections: Scientific Essays , MIT Press 1970 Jacket: 'This volume contains some of Professor Wigner's more popular papers which, in their diversity of subject and clarity of style, reflect the author's deep analytical powers and the remarkable scope of his interests. Included are articles on the nature of physical symmetry, invariance and conservation principles, the structure of solid bodies and of the compound nucleus, the theory of nuclear fission, the effects of radiation on solids, and the epistemological problems of quantum mechanics. Other articles deal with the story of the first man-made nuclear chain reaction, the long term prospects of nuclear energy, the problems of Big Science, and the role of mathematics in the natural sciences. In addition, the book contains statements of Wigner's convictions and beliefs as well as memoirs of his friends Enrico Fermi and John von Neumann. Eugene P. Wigner is one of the architects of the atomic age. He worked with Enrco Fermi at the Metallurgical Laboratory of the University of Chicago at the beginning of the Manhattan Project, and he has gone on to receive the highest honours that science and his country can bestow, including the Nobel Prize for physics, the Max Planck Medal, the Enrico Fermi Award and the Atoms for Peace Award. '. 
Ecclesiastes 3:1, There is a time, '1There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:' back
Ecstasy of Saint Theresa - Wikipedia, Ecstasy of Saint Theresa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa (alternatively Saint Teresa in Ecstasy or Transverberation of Saint Teresa) is the central sculptural group in white marble set in an elevated aedicule in the Cornaro Chapel, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome. It was designed and completed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, the leading sculptor of his day, who also designed the setting of the Chapel in marble, stucco and paint. It is generally considered to be one of the sculptural masterpieces of the High Roman Baroque.' back
Eugene Wigner, The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences, 'The first point is that the enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious and that there is no rational explanation for it. Second, it is just this uncanny usefulness of mathematical concepts that raises the question of the uniqueness of our physical theories.' back
Patrick J. Connolly, Newton and God's Sensorium, 'Conclusion In this paper, I have tried to provide an interpretation of Newton’s claim that God has a sensorium. I have disagreed with Leibniz that Newton’s claim is either unintelligible or entails somethingharmfultonaturalreligion. AnexaminationofmanyofNewton’sscientific, metaphysical, and theological views reveals that he had carefully considered ideas about sensoria, space, and God’s relation to the world. Specifically, I have argued that these passages show that Newton believed that God exercised His will in space.' back
Stirling's approximation - Wikipedia, Stirling's approximation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematics, Stirling's approximation (or Stirling's formula) is an approximation for large factorials. It is named in honour of James Stirling.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls