natural theology

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VII Notes



[Sunday 13 June 2010 - Saturday 19 June 2010]

[Notebook: DB 69 Creation]

[page 78]

Sunday 13 June 2010

Peacock page 42: 'The observational manifestation of gravity is tidal forces: the relative acceleration of different particles that cannot be removed by change of frame.' Peacock

Monday 14 June 2010

The Theology Company goes into the market with a superior reality, rather than myth based, product.

Peacock page 61: 'No other astrophysical mechanism [other than accretion on a black hole] can approach the efficiency of gravity in energy generation', ie converting massive energy into photon energy.

page 65: 'To the relativist, cosmology is the task of finding solutions to Einstein's field equations that are consistent with the large scale matter distribution in the Universe.'

'matter' comes into existence with space-time, fixed masses measuring the rate of change of memory, ie rate of processing, ie energy.

page 77: 'This tuning of the initial conditions [density and rate of expansion is called the flatness problem, and is one of the motivationf for the applications of quantum theory to the early Universe . . . .'

One cannot have matter without space. But one can have space without matter (a space of particles moving et c, is massless

[page 79]

and zero proper interval from point to point.

Peacock page 78: '. . . one of the great conclusions of relativistic cosmology: the Universe is of finite age [had a beginning] and has its origin in a mathematical singularity at which the scale factor went to zero, leading to a divergent spacetime curvature. Since zero scale factor also implies infinite density (and temperature), the inferred picture of the early Universe is one of unimaginable violence.' [scale factor relative to what?]

But perhaps it simply started at absolute zero and matter gradually emerged by a creative process equivalent to one quantum of action which has now been reproduced in a suitable space as a countable infinity (locally) of quanta of action.

Advantages of natural religion and theology:

a) No need for an infallible dogmatic pope - we all see the same evidence;
b) Nature is not arbitrary; c) Ie natural religion is nothing new - it is the part of the Universe that explains evolutionary complexification.

Our fundamental assumption, taken from quantum mechanics, is the dynamic Universe is pixellated by events measured by the number nh, where h is Planck's constant, the size of the quantum of action [measured in space-time]. The next thing to note is that the rate of change of pixels is measured by their energy, ie the inverse of their 'latency'.

Peacock pae 151: Most authors develop quantum mechanics in 4-space, whereas it exists independently of space purely in time and is used by the spatial layer in a way that gives us quantum field theory. [we may also be able to develop a form of gravitation in which ds2 =(i dt)2.

[page 80]

Peacock page 153: '. . . it should be emphasized that the state |ψ> is not the same as the wave function ψ; the latter is a function of position but the former is an operator.' existing prior to space in the time domain where there is no space and all differentiation is represented by different frequencies.

Natural religion is in conflict with no one insofar as it sees all other religions as variously consistent instances of natural religion.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Human relationships: Apart from ourselves other people form fixed points in our lives and we know and navigate ourselves by reference to them, a Machian idea. Mach's principle - Wikipedia

Peacock page 172: Geometric calculus = Clifford Algebras.

page 177: Fμν = ∂μAν - ∂νAμ Electromagnetic field tensor.

Lorentz condition ∂μAμ = 0, ie the sum of the coordinate rates of change of the four components of Aμ is zero, as some increase, others decrease indicting a conserved flow from one to another. We see this conserved flow as characteristic of the alphabet of electromagnetism. Our fundamental conserved object is action, so we may think of ∂μAμ = 0 as conservation of action by(eg) messages flowing between the dimensions of ∂μAμ, a quantum mechanical thing, since unitary transformations change the probabilities of events represented by the basis vectors of the transformation, which may have infinite or transfinite dimension.

[page 81]

So we come to a set of assumptions to map the formalism of quantum mechanics onto the transfinite symmetric network.

1. Quantum mechanics is the lowest hardware layer of the Universe and it describes the flow of quanta of action between various processes each described by an eigenvector, function, operator or Turing machine.

2. We associate one quantum of action with each execution of a Turing machine, whih we associate in turn with a minimal message. [perhaps a complex message requires one quantum of action for each element of the message, plus one for the overall message?]

3. The traffic in a channel is measured by messages per unit time, ie quanta per unit time or energy. The eigenvalue equation applies to the energy operator of a network encodes the traffic rates.

4. [Probability is conserved both by a network source and quantum source.]

The ideas presented here are strongly physical and might perhaps be better published in a physical journal, but the point here is not so much physics itself as the role of physics in the Universe. Given the assumption that all information is encoded and processed physically, we see that physics provides the sets of discrete symbols and transformation processes which are used by the higher (more spiritual) layers of the Universe to go about their business, Hence the quotation from Feynman [at the head of new_creation, to be published]. This philosopher realizes that he is a complex network of machines created by billions of years of evolution to be capable of processing inputs and outputs like this paragraph.

[page 82]

Peacock page 177: Electromagnetism would look particularly simple if we could satisfy both these conditions [freedom to make a scalar potential φ vanish; Coulomb gauge ∇.A = 0] simultaneously φ = ∇.A = 0 . . . . In general this simplicty is unobtainable: the scalar potential in the Coulomb gauge is independent of time but does not vanish in all cases. However, it is possible to make the simple choice in a vacuum.'

Vacuum = no space, no rest mass. We might say naked electrodynamics, describing the transmission of angular momentul (action) between various vectors in the space of an isolated quantum system.

We wish to develop evidence based religion by analogy with evidenced based medical practice, where we avoid any mumbo jumbo and stick to interventions that have been shown to work. The scientific foundation of medicine is biology. That of religion is theology. In the last century of biology we have seen views change from the idea that the materials of life are completely different from the materials [of the rest of the world] to the realization that life is the execution of complex algorithms guided ultimately by the data encoded in DNA, although much of the definition of life is embedded in living cells and passed directly from generation to generation mainly in the mechanism of the egg (which may be the whole organism in the case of single celled creatures. Historically theology has been bedevilled by the belief that is subject God is essentially in visible to us. This is a politically motivated doctrine, since it allows organizations like the Roman Catholic Church to claim ownership of God and a monopoly on communication with God, a monopoly which has yielded huge wealth and power.

[page 83]

Because the initial singularity and the isolated quantum system have no spatial extent, their Hilbert space can be imagined to be four dimensional containing in embryo the three real space dimensions that will eventually grow from it. Maybe this is the inflationary epoch.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Love is a steadying force, a form of viscosity which dissipates the fluctuations of a single particle by coupling it to other particles in its neighbourhood. ie (possibly ephemeral) bonding.

Where did the matter in the Universe come from? The watchword of relativistic physics is given enough energy we can make anything, and there is no shortage of energy in the Universe. Let each action correspond to one swing of a pendulum. Here we have a transfer from pure kinetic energy to pure kinetic energy and back again if we measure phase from the bottom of the swing. Between these points conservation of energy requires that the state of the pendulum is a superposition of kinetic and potential energy, |E> = a|T> + b|V>, a2 _ B = 1. A pendulum is an oscillator in a potential well where (ideally) the restoring force is proportional to the distance from static equilibrium. Particles (stationary states) are fixed points in the global system with fixed energies (rest masses), or at least as fixed as their lifetimes allow.

The lifetime of a particle is an integer measured by the number of internal transitions before it does something observable.

All the [legitimately] continuous function in physics are probability functions, measuring the calculated probabilities of various events whose nature is constrained by the symmetries imposed on the Universe by consistency,

[page 84]

ie the Universe can only be consistent of all the many things we see around ius are partly the same by common descent. The full space of a particle is generated layer by layer from the initial singularity.

The mathematical theory of communication is a part of statistical mechanics.

All communication takes place through the initial singularity, the isolated quantum system in which we exist.

The Universe can do anything that God can do which we consider to be (to a first approximation) the power of the transfinite computer network, where we can have a transfinite number of instances of Computers.

Peacock page 336: 'We have returned to the sort of fine tuned initial conditions from which inflation was designed to save us.' [The scalars (cardinals)measured by physicists depend on the ordinal numbers of the processes underlying our measurements].

The need for fine tuning suggests a 'ballistic' approach to the evolution of the Universe in which everything is determined by initial conditions. We prefer instead the guided approach, where the evolution of the Universe is guided by the need to have consistent relationships within itself.

Thursday 17 June 2010

What am I getting excited about?In time I imagine it will enter the horizon of my consciousness, but for now I guess it is another idea to write something that will match my insights to the current editorial zeitgeist and so be published. This requires finding a suitable starting point in the space of current public debate, which I have in the past guessed to be the relationship between religion and war In a nutshell

[page 85]

religions are a) so powerful that they can effectively decree the deaths of their members; and b) to sure of their truth that they cannot compromise with their neighbours and so must kill them. In an evolutionary setting, the truth is we must eat to live, we need extra food to reproduce and where resources are limited our reproduction and growth come at the expense of reducing reproduction and growth elsewhere.

This, while motivating me under the nuclear sword, is maybe a bit deep and heavy for public discussion and instead we have to begin with everyday events in my chosen area, ie religion and politics and their mutual interaction. So What does God Want is a commentary on the effect of ancient religion on modern politics.

So local journalism: back to my starting point: 2BOB.

But the ultimate aim seems to be religious and political commentary in the New York Times [since fundamentalism America is the biggest market, cashwise]

I sit here in sunny Australia and see the wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth floundering in a mire of problems ranging from its attempts to be the world policeman to the third world conditions in which the poorer segment of the population live. What is the problem?

In many cases it is simply corruption. In others, positive doctrine, laissez faire (= leave it in the hands of God). The political influence of religion is maximized in the book religions, those that found their theology on fixed (usually very ancient) texts. Presumably their power has for a lot to do with their stability.

Did we throw out God with the bathwater?

[page 86]

As at 1 July 2010 I give my profession as journalist, is an input into the public process, taking my own input from the same process. [ie mapping the public process onto itself]

Natural religion = oldest religion: fundamentalism with a Capital F. We are not special, therefore, what applies to us applies to everything and vice versa. On the other hand, we are totally special, each one of us a degree of freedom in the divine Whole.

The birth of a Politico-Religious Columnist

An 'issue bank' ie manifest errors requiring correction, using as an invisible underlying theory natural theology.

My unicity, and the unicity of any point in the Universe can be represented formally by an ordered string of symbols which begin from the same root and define a branching path in the tree whose leaf I am.

On Pedigree.

Reflection on a Life.

Cosmological Fundamentalism.

Natural Religion: A Manifesto. The opening shock.

In all ancient religions we find a correlation between what God wants and what the Priesthood wants. Priests are a political class purporting to derive their platform from sources visible only to themselves. The answer, of course, is religion with out priests,

[page 87]

public religion, natural religion, founded on scientific observation of the world, ourselves and our role in the world.

All this is just business as usual, a slow dissolve from plumbing to journalism.

General covariance: we transform aways the social milieu to get a glimple of what ancient thinkers were really thinking in their personal coordinate free environment.

Friday 18 June 2010

'Dark matter' interacts by gravitation alone, and so we see it as a layer lower than matter coupled to other forces. So which came first, the photon or the dark matter? or perhaps simultaneously. To every 'force' there corresponds as 'mass' that 'resists' that force, since with no resistance and Newton's third law, there can be no force, So what is the network origin of gravitation: a tendency in network optimization to shorten routes with high traffic, given that the cost of traffic is a function of length, which is the processing distance between two memory 'locations'.

The two extremes of symmetry - every event is completely unique; every event in a given layer shares the same set of hardware layers: 'hardware'

To be popular, natural religion should embrace everyone and offend no one, but insofar as the natural religious outlook differs from the local historical religious outlook, there is bound to be conflict. the trick is to create an environment in which natural religion is so outstandingly good that people

[page 88]

'spontaneously' leave their old religious beliefs behind. This seems to be the ancient attitude to Christianity people embraced it because of its beliefs and promises. the core promise of natural religion is that we can all live in harmony, with one another and the planet, if we accept some natural discipline.

I have been through along period of solitary research during which I seem to have been ashamed of my religious ambitions perhaps, to put it crudely, that I thought I was violating my mother Church. Now I am learning to accept that this Church and all Churches need reform to move their intellectual base from ancient and often grim faery stories to the much more remarkable realities revealed by science. Thus my role has evolved from religious destroyer (in retaliation for the damage that religion did to me) to religious reformer, seeing the broader picture beyond my local environment. Since all the old religions suffer from similar problems (faery vs science) the general project is to reform them all but my specific starting point is my birth-religion. 8.25 am the sun enters, 2 days from the winter solstice.

The festival of the Invincible Sun promises redemption from the pain of winter. Sol Invictus - Wikipedia

. . .

One might say that much of my trajectory through life has been driven by repulsion from the constraints of my youth. Now I feel an attractive potential as I gain a clearer picture of a better way based on

[page 89] a more realistic model of god.

'Matter' means immanent action, so while there is no immanent action in a photon, there is the the Universe that contains the photon.

The information carried by an action (emission of a symbol) is equal to the entropy of the space from which the action is drawn. So the minimum ration of entropy/action is 0, the maximum aleph(n) (?).

At the level of the initial singularity, all communication is both local (in the Universe) and non-local (anywhere in the Universe).

Field = network of computers.

One way to look at my history is that my life has been 'up in the air' )without roots) until I could solve the religion problem which mean accepting in my heart that my God is my Universe. With this acceptance, my life grounded and I can become load bearing because I have a foundation. Previously I was inertial, responding to applied forces by acceleration (running away) rather than elastic strain. The phase change that is occurring within me (maybe) is the slow evolution of a desire to 'go public' onmy new found understanding. No doubt the same force that kept me working for decades on an apparently hopeless task will also push me into the spotlight trying to make my personal phase change propagate through the whole human system.

The whole Christian effort is directed toward erasing our faith in the Universe (by the story of the Fall) in order

[page 90]

to make way for faith in an artificial world which brings profit to the priesthood who preach it. As Marx noted, the fact that spirit is physically embodied means that physical means must be found to propagate spiritual desires, so the Church gained its resource by taking over the resources of other religions, often through the medium of modern medical treatment in areas with ineffective health care, a good thing in itself but somewhat vitiated by its motivation, to spread their (false) Word of God.

Saturday 19 June 2010


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Deutsch, David, The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes - and its Implications, Allen Lane Penguin Press 1997 Jacket: 'Quantum physics, evolution, computation and knowledge - these four strands of scientific theory and philosophy have, until now, remained incomplete explanations of the way the universe works. ... Oxford scholar DD shows how they are so closely intertwined that we cannot properly understand any one of them without reference to the other three. ...' 
Everett III, Hugh, and Bryce S Dewitt, Neill Graham (editors), The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Princeton University Press 1973 Jacket: 'A novel interpretation of quantum mechanics, first proposed in brief form by Hugh Everett in 1957, forms the nucleus around which this book has developed. The volume contains Dr Everett's short paper from 1957, "'Relativge State' formulation of quantum mechanics" and a far longer exposition of his interpretation entitled "The Theory of the Universal Wave Function" never before published. In addition other papers by Wheeler, DeWitt, Graham, Cooper and van Vechten provide further discussion of the same theme. Together they constitute virtually the entire world output of scholarly commentary on the Everett interpretation.' 
Liddy, G Gordon, Will: The Autobiography of G Gordon Liddy, St. Martin's Press Amazon editorial review: 'G. Gordon Liddy's autobiography is as spookily fascinating now as it was in 1980, especially the memorably unvarnished depiction of his early years. Listening with admiration to Adolf Hitler on the radio, seeking to free himself from "disabling emotionalism" by slaughtering chickens, young Gordon must have made quite an impression on the neighbors. The army, the F.B.I., the Watergate scandal, and jail are covered with equal pungency: you have to admire the author's ferocious candor, whatever you think of his values. This new edition features a 1996 postscript as combative as the main text.' 
Peacock, John A, Cosmological Physics, Cambridge University Press 1999 Nature Book Review: 'The intermingling of observational detail and fundamental theory has made cosmology an exceptionally rich, exciting and controversial science. Students in the field — whether observers or particle theorists — are expected to be acquainted with matters ranging from the Supernova Ia distance scale, Big Bang nucleosynthesis theory, scale-free quantum fluctuations during inflation, the galaxy two-point correlation function, particle theory candidates for the dark matter, and the star formation history of the Universe. Several general science books, conference proceedings and specialized monographs have addressed these issues. Peacock's Cosmological Physics ambitiously fills the void for introducing students with a strong undergraduate background in physics to the entire world of current physical cosmology. The majestic sweep of his discussion of this vast terrain is awesome, and is bound to capture the imagination of most students.' Ray Carlberg, Nature 399:322 
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, The Phenomenon of Man, Collins 1965 Sir Julian Huxley, Introduction: 'We, mankind, contain the possibilities of the earth's immense future, and can realise more and more of them on condition that we increase our knowledge and our love. That, it seems to me, is the distillation of the Phenomenon of Man.'  
Mach's principle - Wikipedia Mach's principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In theoretical physics, particularly in discussions of gravitation theories, Mach's principle (or Mach's conjecture[1]) is the name given by Einstein to an imprecise hypothesis often credited to the physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach. The idea is that the local motion of a rotating reference frame is determined by the large scale distribution of matter, as exemplified by this anecdote: You are standing in a field looking at the stars. Your arms are resting freely at your side, and you see that the distant stars are not moving. Now start spinning. The stars are whirling around you and your arms are pulled away from your body. Why should your arms be pulled away when the stars are whirling? Why should they be dangling freely when the stars don't move?' back
Sol Invictus - Wikipedia Sol Invictus - Wikipedia, the feee encyclopedia 'Sol Invictus ("Invincible Sun") was the official sun god of the later Roman Empire. In 274 the Roman emperor Aurelian made it an official cult alongside the traditional Roman cults. Scholars disagree whether the new deity was a refoundation of the ancient Latin cult of Sol, a revival of the cult of Elagabalus or completely new. The god was favored by emperors after Aurelian and appeared on their coins until Constantine. The last inscription referring to Sol Invictus dates to 387 AD[5] and there were enough devotees in the 5th century that Augustine found it necessary to preach against them.' back
Sydney Opera House - Wikipedia Sydney Opera House - Wikipedia. the free encyclopedia 'The Sydney Opera House is a multi-venue performing arts centre in New South Wales, Australia. It was conceived and largely built by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, opening in 1973 after a long gestation that began with his competition-winning design in 1957. The NSW Government, led by Premier Joseph Cahill gave the go-ahead for work to begin in 1958.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls