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[Sunday 6 March 2011 - Saturday 12 March 2011]

[Notebook: DB 70 Mathematical Theology]

[page 146]

Sunday 6 March 2011

Where absolute cleanliness is required, every speck of dust is an error. In terms of probabilities, the cleanest environments on earth may be the insides of computers, the set of physically embodied symbols that make a computer go.

What is required: an effort of communication: a demand to be heard. Here the demand does not take the form of suicide bombing.

Much of the religious strife in the world arises from the exceedingly narrow perspective of the traditional religions. Most of the major religions have some sort of literary basis, Bible, Tripitaka, etc. Even though some of the texts comprise a few million words, they are as nothing compared to the flow of information between each of us and our human and natural environment. Bible, Tripitaka - Wikipedia

This narrowness is characteristic of the two-year-old state of mind that spawned these religions born of monarchy and the monarchical fiction that the monarch ruled by divine right. In the divine world, this is still true, although the divine right was principally founded in superior military power.

[page 147]

Everyone can write. The hard part is to write the truth, which is difficult because the dynamic truth is bigger than the static writing, In effect we can only know the stationary points (states) of a dynamic system so far as the entropy of the system is the entropy of the points.

Education defines the alphabet of free action in a given society. We seek to unversalize education by distilling out the essential elements of any society, human, molecular or otherwise.

Hope arises because the Universe is a network of universal computers, which can execute the algorithms necessary to prevent error, thus guaranteeing their own survival. If we want to explore the Universe we must explore this network and learn its properties. We are greatly helped in our study of this transfinite network by understanding the finite computer networks we use to communicate over the internet.

Brideshead last rites page 383. Waugh

Creation and annihilation.

Sport / War: how willing are you to sacrifice your personal capital (= health) for the good of the side (team, group, nation etc).

Theology was once considered a science but now is no longer. For a long time after the invention of writing people seem t have considered that the written word and the sort of logical arguments that can be carried on in writing were a surer source of knowledge of the world that actual experience of the world. Sensory experience was derated as unreliable. Motion and stillness.

[page 148]

Monday 7 March 2011
Tuesday 8 March 2011

Given that the Universe is divine, what then? The most important consequence would sem to be that we can release ourselves from the intellectual and moral dictatorships that have set us against ourselves, one another and the Earth and be free to enjoy reality as it is. This is not all roses, but neither is the whim of an arbitrary ruler, but a world with a very distinct personality that can be discerned by systematic theological investigation and turned to our benefit by evidence based religion. We are entering the era of secular religion that began with Galileo's manifesto, that we should read the book of nature in preference to ancient tomes written by people who knew a lot less than us.

. . .

Preacher training course for evangelists working for a divine world. Every idea has to fight for its place in the sun by developing a successful phenotype.

The product: a sentence, 'The World is divine'.

The consequences: endless. The benefits: huge, etc.

If the idea is appealing enough, it will spread itself, like a virus. It must be as simple and magical as the wheel. Every string can be viewed as a time sequence in a dynamic read or write.

[page 149]

The world (and a computer) comprises memory and processors, that is memory reders and writers. So we produce the IT version of fixed point theorems.

God is not untouchable.

Cutting edge theology.

The theory is starting to become explainable, so that one can pass it on to another in a string of words.

Big actions are defined by small actions, and a construct a big action by programming, ie specifying each small action and the order in which they occur.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

What right have we to dive around in motor cars (automobiles = living things)?

As quantum mechanics sugests, the Universe is as fuzzy as the human mind.

Thursday 10 March 2011
Friday 11 March 2011

South by Southwest South by Southwest - Wikipedia

Saturday 12 March 2011

'Act of God = uninsurable risk.

[page 150]

Our intelligence is the product of a network so we can guess how much more intelligent the whole universal network is.

Landauer: Energy is necessary for forgetting. The world's main problem is that it has not learnt to forget since it clings to the memory of ancient words that could easily be replaced by contemporary observation. Landauer

One might expect that it would take quite a long time for the theoretical notion that the Universe is divine to filter down to one's emotions and displace the depressing expectations of Christianity (for this life at least) with the rather more exciting feeling that one was part of God. We fear God as city dwellers fear wilderness. Although our minds are very plastic and quite capable of learning something new every day, the indoctrination we receive from our human environment since birth is very deep seated and difficult to change. We can see this problem on a larger scale in the diffusion of theoretical knowledge through the community, a process that seems to have a half life of about fifty years. It is 60 years since Rachael Carson published Silent Spring Concern for the human impact on our environment had much earlier origins, but her wok caught the public imagination. Now a good proportion of the population believe that we must reduce our footprint on Earth. The notion that the Earth, like ourselves must accelerate this change of opinion, which is greatly hampered by the Christian notion that this world is damaged goods and is to undergo a complete makeover at the end of time, [is now commonplace]. Rachael Carson

[page 151]

The phrase time is money hides the true nature of time and money, which is ? They are both abstract counts of action. Today I drove in 1000 nails in six hours and earned $100. I swapped six hours of my time and energy for $100 by driving in these nails. My employer might caculate that each nail cost 10c to drive, and work out ways to make me work faster so that the cost per nail would come down. Of course he might try to reduce my wages, but we ignore that here. (It is orthogonal to our concerns).

It will only be when I am emotionally convinced of my position that I will become evangelical about it, a transformation that seems to be hapening now. From my point of view the most important change seems to be that I understand the position well enough to explain it in a fairly clear way, particularly

From one point of view, this knowledge changes nothing: my new knowledge of the world does not change the way the world behaves. From my point of view, however, it has the potential to change how I feel about the world and myself and see some prospect of income derived from propagating the idea.

Everything is built to work for its own salvation, which might explain why I find it hard to leave this job for I see possibilities of the world going down and taking me and my children with it. The search for security that can overachieve to greed and the reduction of the security of others, as King Leopold did so well. Hochschild

[page 152]

Energy measures rate of change in whatever dimension.

FREEDOM == ORTHOGONALITY (a new dimension of meaning) A degree of freedom. As energy goes down new degrees of freedom are revealed. The energy is distributed over more states. [A gas is maximally free and enjoys Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics Gibbs Paradox - Wikipedia, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics - Wikipedia

The Christian God is a mongrel (in my local vernacular), that is a person who should be tried for some combination of rape, murder and war crimes.

The real God, on the other hand, is not an image of an ancient and violent dictator, but a reasonable person with quite a fixed and predictable personality that we can rely on in our planning.

Earthquakes and tsunamis are very much in the news, An important feature of these events is that they come at all scales but with varying frequencies. The little ones are common, the big ones are rare, the huge ones rarer still. This is an example of a distribution, and all our knowledge of the world appears to come in distributions.

As an aside: I do like to sleep with cuddly people. It is all a matter of bandwidth and the skin is a very broad channel with lots of lines (hot-spots) in it.

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Carson, Rachael, Silent Spring, Mariner Books 2002 Editorial review: 'Silent Spring, released in 1962, offered the first shattering look at widespread ecological degradation and touched off an environmental awareness that still exists. Rachel Carson's book focused on the poisons from insecticides, weed killers, and other common products as well as the use of sprays in agriculture, a practice that led to dangerous chemicals to the food source. Carson argued that those chemicals were more dangerous than radiation and that for the first time in history, humans were exposed to chemicals that stayed in their systems from birth to death. Presented with thorough documentation, the book opened more than a few eyes about the dangers of the modern world and stands today as a landmark work.' 
Hochschild, Adam, King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror and Heroism in Colonial Africa, Mariner Books 1999 Amazon book description: 'In the 1880s, as the European powers were carving up Africa, King Leopold II of Belgium seized for himself the vast and mostly unexplored territory surrounding the Congo River. Carrying out a genocidal plundering of the Congo, he looted its rubber, brutalized its people, and ultimately slashed its population by ten million--all the while shrewdly cultivating his reputation as a great humanitarian. Heroic efforts to expose these crimes eventually led to the first great human rights movement of the twentieth century, in which everyone from Mark Twain to the Archbishop of Canterbury participated. King Leopold's Ghost is the haunting account of a megalomaniac of monstrous proportions, a man as cunning, charming, and cruel as any of the great Shakespearean villains. . . . " 
Job, The Book of Job in The Jerusalem Bible, Darton Longman and Todd 1966 Introduction: 'The Book of Job is the literary masterpiece of the [Biblical] Wisdom movement. . . . The author of the Book of Job . . . is without doubt an Israelite, brought up on the works of the prophets and the teachings of the sages. . . . The writer puts the case of the good man who suffers. This is a paradox for the conservative view then prevalent that a man's actions are rewarded or punished here on earth.' (pp 726, 727) 
John of the Cross, and E Alison Peers (Translator, editor, Intorduction), The Dark Night of the Soul: A Masterpiece in the Literature of Mysticism, Image 1959 'A sixteenth-century mystic who wrote of man's relationship with God, St. John of the Cross was also a Carmelite monk who helped reform the Order and aided St. Teresa of Avila in establishing new convents for women. In this book--his spiritual masterpiece and a classic of Christian literature and mysticism--he addresses several subjects, among them pride, avarice, envy, and other human imperfections. He also provides an extended explanation of Divine love; and describes methods of conversion through prayer, submission, and purification. "...the most faithful [translation] that has appeared in any European language: it is, indeed, much more than a translation for [Peers] added his own valuable historical and [critically interpretive] notes."--London Times. 
Revised English Bible, Revised English Bible, Oxford University Press, USA 2003 From Library Journal 'From its inception the New English Bible was intended to be revised. This revision, which has taken into account praise and criticism of the New English Bible and advances in biblical scholarship, is the fruit of 15 years' labor. The style has remained dignified but not stuffy, vigorous but not coarse. Many Briticisms and awkward phrases have been reworked ("loose livers" in I Cor. 5:9 is now "those who are sexually immoral"), though some remain ("a rod in pickle" in Prov. 19:29). The removal of "thee" and "thou" from address to God and the cautious, discriminating use of inclusive language reflect current usage. Transposition of words, verses, and whole passages in the name of clarity--carried over from the New English Bible --will cause continued concern and will decrease somewhat this work's value as a study Bible. All things considered, however, this is an excellent translation that will easily find a place in public and private reading. Highly recommended. - Craig W. Beard, Harding Univ. Lib., Searcy, Ark. Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc.' 
Waugh, Evelyn, Brideshead Revisited, Penguin Books 2000 Amazon customer review: An Often Misunderstood Classic of 20th Century Literature By Gary F. Taylor "Like most great novels, BRIDESHEAD REVISITED is about a great many things--not the least of which is the decline of English aristocracy. But at center, Evelyn Waugh's greatest novel (and one of his few non-satirical works) is about religious faith, and how that faith continues to operate in the lives of even those who seem to reject it, and how that faith supports even those who falter badly in it. . . . ' 
Landauer, Rolf, "Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process", IBM Journal of Research and Development, 5, 3, 1961, page 183-191. 'Abstract: It is argued that computing machines inevitably involve devices which perform logical functions that do not have a single-valued inverse. This logical irreversibility is associated with physical irreversibility and requires a minimal heat generation, per machine cycle, typically of the order of kT for each irreversible function. This dissipation serves the purpose of standardizing signals and making them independent of their exact logical history. Two simple, but representative, models of bistable devices are subjected to a more detailed analysis of switching kinetics to yield the relationship between speed and energy dissipation, and to estimate the effects of errors induced by thermal fluctuations. '. back
Bible Bible: King James Version 'About the Bible, King James Version The original electronic text for this version of the Bible was provided by the Oxford Text Archive. Original tagging was performed by the New Centre for the Oxford English Dictionary (Waterloo). Subsequent conversion to SGML was performed by the University of Michigan Humanities Text Initiative. The HTI is grateful for the permission of the Oxford Text Archive to provide access to the text.' back
Gibbs Paradox - Wikipedia Gibbs Paradox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In statistical mechanics, a semi-classical derivation of the entropy that doesn't take into account the indistinguishability of particles, yields an expression for the entropy which is not extensive (is not proportional to the amount of substance in question). This leads to an apparent paradox known as the Gibbs paradox, allowing, for instance, the entropy of closed systems to decrease, violating the second law of thermodynamics. It is possible, however, to take the perspective that it is merely the definition of entropy that is changed to ignore particle permutation (and thereby avert the paradox).' back
Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics - Wikipedia Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In statistical mechanics, Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics describes the statistical distribution of material particles over various energy states in thermal equilibrium, when the temperature is high enough and density is low enough to render quantum effects negligible.' back
South by Southwest - Wikipedia South by Southwest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'South by Southwest (SXSW) is a set of film, interactive and music festivals and conferences that take place every spring (usually in March) in Austin, Texas, United States. SXSW first began in 1987 and is centered on the downtown Austin Convention Center. Each of the three parts runs relatively independently, with different start and end dates. In 2011, the conference lasted for ten days, with interactive lasting for five, music for six, and film lasting the longest at nine days.' back
Tripitaka - Wikipedia Tripitaka - Wikipedia, the free encclopedia 'Tripiṭaka is a traditional term used by various Buddhist sects to describe their various canons of scriptures. As the name suggests, a Tripiṭaka traditionally contains three "baskets" of teachings: a Sūtra Piṭaka (Sanskrit; Pali: Sutta Pitaka), a Vinaya Piṭaka (Sanskrit & Pali) and an Abhidharma Piṭaka (Sanskrit; Pali: Abhidhamma Piṭaka).' back
University of Oxford The Oxford Text Archive 'The Oxford Text Archive develops, collects, catalogues and preserves electronic literary and linguistic resources for use in Higher Education, in research, teaching and learning. We also give advice on the creation and use of these resources, and are involved in the development of standards and infrastructure for electronic language resources.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls