natural theology

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[Sunday 9 October 2011 - Saturday 15 October 2011]

[Notebook: DB 71 Israel]

Sunday 9 October 2011
Monday 10 October 2011

[page 62]

Tuesday 11 October 2011

[page 63]

Physics describes the global flow of meaningless (cardinal) units (quanta) of action, We can see these flows as a set of sources and sinks ('orbits', 'states') joined by communication channels that carry 'gauge' particles. The mechanics of quantum theory provides a good model for describing the nature of the orbits and the frequency of communication between them.

The wave / particle dichotomy is a false dichotomy, comparing expectation values (waves) to actual events (particles).

My concern up to now has been to stand back as far as possible to get a view of the whole. My starting idea is that the world is constrained only by logical consistency. It is impossible (a tautology) to observe an actual inconsistency, that is the same thing being two or more things, The quantum mechanical notion of superposition verges on logical inconsistency when we ask ourselves how many different states can coexist 'on top of one another'. The practical answer to this problem is that we only see the eigenstates of our observable one at a time.

What flows in the cosmic plumbing is probability, that is the frequency of an event. Since there is always something happening

Probabilistic frequency is a ratio of events black ball / white ball.

Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Gamma et al Gamma

[page 64]

The principal modern application of epistemology is in health and safety, more generally quality control, designed to prevent 'bad' outcomes in day to fay life and activities. At the human level, we may connect epistemology and civility, hypothesizing that in the long term truth leads to good relationships, the moral output of good religion. Ikegami

Jesus identified hypocrisy as the principal failing of the religious hierarchy of his community, and delivered some memorable phrases in his condemnation of it : 'brood of vipers' springs to mind, although currently we would recognise that vipers are no more hypocritical than any other creature. ['Serpents, brood of vipers, how can you escape being condemned to hell?' Mt 23:33] It is a feature of divinity that hypocrisy is a very potent survival strategy, as Jesus learnt to his cost. The vipers struck him down and his real triumph took hundreds of years to emerge when the Christians (hypocritically?) took over the Roman Empire.

We map the evolution (creation) of the world onto the transfinite computer network. Using the Cantor symmetry we can explain all there is to be explained by the relationship between two consecutive transfinite cardinals, remembering that each 'unit' in Cantor's double abstraction is a quantum of action, an event, and that distinguishable events can be strung together in the manner of a Turing machine (deterministic) or network (indeterministic) to produce a complex process some of which are capable of catalysing their own reproduction, so copying themselves until they

[page 65]

reach some equilibrium with the available resources or become extinct.

Another fleeting glimpse of something in the forest. Inspired by Owen Jones Guardian 11 October 2011. Owen Jones

So much of this stuff is depressingly banal, overburden which has to be moved to get to the good stuff we hope to find underneath.

The transition between hypothesis and faith comes when one becomes sufficiently convinced of the truth of one's hypothesis to trust one's health, life, comfort or fortune on it. So I build a scaffold which from long experience will hold me. I push it around a bit to see if is strong, and finally climb up it and start loading it with bricks of whatever because now I have faith in my scaffold.

So I am coming to trust natural theology. It is certainly safe than its predecessors, which are largely subjective accounts of the ways of absolute power with only a secondary concern with empirical truth.

Wednesday 12 October 2011
Thursday 13 October 2011
Friday 14 October 2011
Saturday 21 October 2011

Neuenschwander: kaons page 146: 'When "asked" in a measurement what kind of kaon it is, the particle has the probability |a+|2 of answering "I'm a neutral kaon". Meanwhile, when it is not asked, the kaon moves merrily along in some mixture of these two eigenstates.' Is this to confuse probabilistic symmetry with reality? Maybe each species of kaon has a history which has left [it]

[page 66]

in a define concrete state which has some probability |a+|2 but is in reality definitely one or the other, but because of the symmetry between the states we do not know which until we observe. The result of our observation is partially determined by the operators wo choose to make the observation. Neuenschwander


Liddel-Hart Wiki: 'The profoundest truth of war is that the issue of battle is usually decided in the minds of the opposing commanders, not in the bodies of their men.'

The extreme right conservative stance is a self fulfilling prophecy: treat people badly and they will react badly, providing an excuse to treat them worse. The opposite is also true, though there will always be a certain level of crime which must be detected as early as possible and closed down.

Noether's theorem deals with the continuous probabilities of discrete events and there is no (?) equivalent theorem for discrete events. Neuenschwander page 192.

What are the Mormons doing right? Paul Harris

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Everett III, Hugh, and Bryce S Dewitt, Neill Graham (editors), The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Princeton University Press 1973 Jacket: 'A novel interpretation of quantum mechanics, first proposed in brief form by Hugh Everett in 1957, forms the nucleus around which this book has developed. The volume contains Dr Everett's short paper from 1957, "'Relativge State' formulation of quantum mechanics" and a far longer exposition of his interpretation entitled "The Theory of the Universal Wave Function" never before published. In addition other papers by Wheeler, DeWitt, Graham, Cooper and van Vechten provide further discussion of the same theme. Together they constitute virtually the entire world output of scholarly commentary on the Everett interpretation.' 
Gamma, Erich, and Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlisides, Design Patters: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley Professional 1994 'Capturing a wealth of experience about the design of object-oriented software, four top-notch designers present a catalog of simple and succinct solutions to commonly occurring design problems. Previously undocumented, these 23 patterns allow designers to create more flexible, elegant, and ultimately reusable designs without having to rediscover the design solutions themselves. * The authors begin by describing what patterns are and how they can help you design object-oriented software. They then go on to systematically name, explain, evaluate, and catalog recurring designs in object-oriented systems. With Design Patterns as your guide, you will learn how these important patterns fit into the software development process, and how you can leverage them to solve your own design problems most efficiently.' 
Ikegami, Eiko, Bonds of Civility: Aesthetic Networks and the Political Origins of Japanese Culture, Cambridge University Press 2005 Amazon editorial reviews: 'In this fascinating and illuminating study of the politics of civility in Japan, Eiko Ikegami discusses the way that politeness and politics are inseparable. She shows persuasively that what in Western cultures is normally separated, like art and politics, has been, and is, closely interwoven in Japan. It is an amazing society that rises before her audience's eyes, and, since Ikegami presents this astonishing story with enviable lucidity, her book is as accessible to the reader innocent in the ways of Japan as it is to the specialist.' -Peter Gay, Yale University 
Jones, Owen, Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class, Verso 2011 Amazon Product Description 'A compelling investigation into the myth and reality of working-class life in contemporary Britain.

In modern Britain, the working class has become an object of fear and ridicule. From Little Britain’s Vicky Pollard to the demonization of Jade Goody, media and politicians alike dismiss as feckless, criminalized and ignorant a vast, underprivileged swathe of society whose members have become stereotyped by one, hate-filled word: chavs.

In this groundbreaking investigation, Owen Jones explores how the working class has gone from “salt of the earth” to “scum of the earth.” Exposing the ignorance and prejudice at the heart of the chav caricature, one based on the media’s inexhaustible obsession with an indigent white underclass, he portrays a far more complex reality. Moving through Westminster’s lobbies and working-class communities from Dagenham to Dewsbury Moor, Jones reveals the increasing poverty and desperation of communities made precarious by wrenching social and industrial change, and all but abandoned by the aspirational, society-fragmenting policies of Thatcherism and New Labour. The chav stereotype, he argues, is used by governments as a convenient figleaf to avoid genuine engagement with social and economic problems, and to justify widening inequality.

Based on a wealth of original research, and wide-ranging interviews with media figures, political opinion-formers and workers, Chavs is a damning indictment of the media and political establishment, and an illuminating, disturbing portrait of inequality and class hatred in modern Britain.'

Neuenschwander, Dwight E, Emmy Noether's Wonderful Theorem, Johns Hopkins University Press 2011 Jacket: A beautiful piece of mathematics, Noether's therem touches on every aspect of physics. Emmy Noether proved her theorem in 1915 and published it in 1918. This profound concept demonstrates the connection between conservation laws and symmetries. For instance, the theorem shows that a system invariant under translations of time, space or rotation will obey the laws of conservation of energy, linear momentum or angular momentum respectively. This exciting result offers a rich unifying principle for all of physics.' 
Chandler, David, "Interfaces and the driving force of hydrophobic assembly", Nature, 437, 7059, 29 September 2005, page 640-647. The hydrophobic effect -- the tendency for oil and water to separate -- is important in diverse phenomena from the cleaning of laundry ... to the assembly of proteins into functional complexes. ... Despite the basic principles underlying the hydrophobic effect being qualitatively well understood, only recently have theoretical developments begun to explain and quantify many features of this ubiquitous phenomenon.. back
B. H. Liddell Hart - Wikipedia B. H. Liddell Hart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart (31 October 1895 – 29 January 1970), usually known before his knighthood as Captain B. H. Liddell Hart, was an English soldier, military historian and leading inter-war theorist.' back
Justin Romberg Nyquist Theorem The Connections Project, Rice University: 'The fundamental theorem of DSP [digital signal processing]' back
Owen Jones Britain could be a model unhappy family 'The strains on Britishness might pull us apart, but our shared history of radical dissent suggests we are better together' back
Paul Harris Mitt Romney leads the charge as Mormonism moves into the American mainstream 'With two Mormons contending for the presidency and a growing media profile, the church has never been so popular – nor so closely scrutinised' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls