vol VII: Notes
[Sunday 13 May 2012 - Saturday 19 May 2012]
[Notebook: DB 71 Israel]
[page 155]
Sunday 13 May 2012
The world runs on excitement. This brings us to zero point motion and the cosmological constant problem. Einstein 1913, Weinberg 1989. What is transferred in communication is energy, potential for kinetic, as in the harmonic oscillator. Weinberg
The Guardian : error detection and exposure with the possible consequence that the powers that be change their ways and control the excesses of tabloid journalism and corruption everywhere. The Guardian
The internet is a wonderful thing from a practical point of view, but its theoretical underpinnings are also rather wonderful and show us how to construct an error free, that is corruption free, human society. Corruption is equivalent to non-orthogonality between channels which must be orthogonal for error free operation.
The true power of the internet. The source of internet power. Analogy to motor vehicles. The mathematical foundations of physical transport were laid by Isaac Newton and his laws apply to the motion of all massive objects like tennis balls and space ships.
When I get excited enough about my ideas I will start to move them.
Kaiser Chiefs
On going into the prophet business - a commentator.
[page 156]
A person : per sona, pro phetes.
On making the finite network infinite.
Platonic mathematics accepts that the continuum is a zone of infinite resolution of symbols.
'EWe are seeing the results of a policy where the radical right and the enemies of Europe are entering parliament'. Sigmar Gabriel, head of the Social Democrats (SDP), said in an interview. Conally and Wilsher.
On building a new picture of the world. To navigate through life one needs to know the space in which we life. Many ancient theories of the world see us as somehow puppets of an unseen power. This theory fits the data quite well, since no matter how carefully we plan our lives, unplanned for events can completely change our course, rather like a collision.
Physics is the dynamics of meaningless symbols. Higher layers give meaning to individual symbols and manipulate them accordingly.
We can create because we are part of God.
The unseen power is not completely unseen, however. If we call the unseen power God, we can write the equation Universe = God. This hypothesis implies that the unseen power is not completely unseen because every experience is experience of God and we can use our memory and intelligence to connect our experience into a larger picture which approaches God.
[page 157]
So what is God? Via negativa, stationary points. Aristotle says God is pure actuality, pure happening. Given this starting point and the Scholastic philosophy of his day, Aquinas created a comprehensive model of God that still dominates theological thought today.
God is not only pure act, but we can model the fixed points in the divinity using a transfinite computer network. Although it is transfinite, all the actual messages transmitted through this network are finite, ie definite and quantized. The transfinity is manifest in the encoding and decoding of the finite messages, as a finite differential equation has an infinity of solutions, each an instance of the set of fixed points encoded in the equation.
Power: the ability to cause pain.
The Papacy caused me pain by making ridiculous and impossible demands on human nature and condemning failures. The Catholic Church and the Communist Party of China. McGregor: The Party
We gain identity by mapping ourselves onto the real world [including other people], by having a home.
Monday 14 May 2012
Tuesday 15 May 2012
Wednesday 16 May 2012
Poured tea in the laptop and now it is resting bagged on a bed of rice to dry. The hard drive looks good and I have done very little since I backed up last. Just hope it goes again.. Here, as elsewhere, the divine Universe is the judge, deciding if it works or not.
[page 158]
As a species, we are confused. Slowly, over the last few thousand years we have begun to interact outside our home territories and learn about our differences. The vast range of possibilities opened up by communication leads to doubt and conflict. In the midst of this multi-ethnic confusion we are coining a few fundamentals, the Un Charter of human rights being a broad based foundation for human interaction. A list of freedoms, however, simply defines a multidimensional space. We still need some guidance as to the best direction to freely move. We can learn about this by analogy to physics, which pictures a Universe with infinite degrees of freedom which are nevertheless coupled together in various ways to form a layered network. The foundation of a functioning network is error free communication. We an understand this, as engineers do, that the receiver receives exactly the sequence of symbols sent by the sender. In higher layers of the network, the space of symbols may grow exponentially, leading to confusion. This confusion can be fixed by making sure each layer has no loopholes through which its designed behaviour can be corrupted. [There must be a procedure to deal with every possible error.] The greatest need in this field is a unified theory of everything which used to be a theology. Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Wikipedia
Sell a security. Sell a statement that you claim to have the value outlined in the prospectus.
GFC = black hole in the monetary system.
Goldman (Cohan page 37) 'I do believe that in business there are psychic factors which are so old and so ingrained in the human mind that no system can set them aside, and one is [the] capital strength of an institution. Cohan
[page 159]
Goldman: transmitting cash and taking a percentage. Cohan 287.
Thursday 17 May 2012
Friday 18 May 2012
Cohan page 297: Forbes: 'Goldman seems to be putting less emphasis on serving clients and more on dealing for its own account.' (so earning the whole profit (and loss) rather than just a fee.
Banking: making a profit by decreasing the entropy of money (or of the set of accounts) by consolidating many small investors. Banks form the trunk of the financial tree (?) carrying all the flow to and from the leaves. Or use circulatory system as an example arterial blood seeping from the leaves of the arterial tree into the leaves of the venous tree.
page 352: Weinberg ; 'As people progress some of them grow and others swell.'
Thinking a lot about how to make the big hit that loosens the jam. Still think it is to publish 'Is theology a science'. There is a lot of discussion about 'Theology and science' which is to assume that theology is some realm of discourse independent of science. We reject this position. All knowledge comes through the input of our senses processed by the network we have built up during our lifetime using systems evolved over the life of the Universe from the gravitational network to the whole universal network.
Gravitation is basic because it is the most symmetric. [Every body speaks gravitation]
[page 160]
I dislike the physical effects of marijuana (rather as I dislike the physical effects of restumping houses) but it has a powerful psychological effects that seems to get bons mots out of me that might otherwise take a long time to surface. Wedeen et al, Science 335:1628, Chen et al, Science 335:1634. .
My biggrest problem with God has been the conflict between knowing everything and being omnino simplex, that is without any form of distinct markers to encode the information content of divine universal knowledge. We solve this problem with fixed point theory.
From a scale invariant point of view, running Goldman Sachs and running my own life are isomorphic, gain, loss, risk, reward, work etc
A theory of security : How much freedom should we sacrifice for security. Insecurity = unfreedom. How much freedom should we trade for our security?
Prime matter : something with a practical infinity of states. Hylomorphism - Wikipedia
The information carried by a point in a space is equal to the entropy of that space, that is a count of the points in the space, that is the cardinal of the space [without reference to its 'shape'].
Saturday 19 May 2012
That is that the God proposed by the traditional theology is not the true God. Not it. Another glimpse lost!
The internet has illustrated the depth of anger and sexual
[page 161]
frustration in the community.
Quantum information theory is the bridge between physics and theology.
Science: Physics, Information theory, theology
Technology: Design, matter (set of states) Finance, Work.
New outline for A New Theology -- short, clear, fast -- orgasmically obvious, yet not a climax but a process (sequence of climaxes?).
CLIMAX = HALT (Turing) Davis: Computability and Unsolvability
. . .
From geometric to logical space.
From physical to metaphysical space.
The basic error is that there is a field of knowledge not open to empirical testing, ie observation. This is the claim that the world is run by invisible mysteries to which only we have the key.
Peace requires forgetting and we can forget when all claims are resolved.
We buy debt = fixed financial points, and sell it[page 162]
since it is a discrete and relatively stable object.
Step 1: get theology recognised as a science == (Universe == God.)
Goldman: predicting the probable outcome of financial events, as a manufacturer (builder) might predict the probable outcome of certain contracts. Commercial intelligence gathering. The old dictatorial model maintained to sources of truth, faith based (whose source is the dictatorship itself) or experience based, the feelings and experiences of those being dictated to.
Universe divine ⊃ lover divine
Quantum mechanics -- predicting the market.