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vol VII: Notes



[Sunday 20 May 2012 - Saturday 21 May 2012]

[Notebook: DB 71 Israel]

[page 162]

Sunday 20 May 2012

An analysis of religious risk: Pascal's Wager. Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia

We are all the time trying to figure out our place in the world and each of these scenarios carries a certain amount of risk. The view that it is all 'just for us' and we can exploit it as we wish now seems to be putting us on the road to extinction. What would Goldman's do?


We have to embrace the whole spectrum from surf sex and sun to famine, war and disease. Natural religion can do this without invoking Satan. Satan - Wikipedia

[page 163]

Global financial crisis : global religious crisis

Financial security : make conflicting interests (trying to get energy = cash) orthogonal.

The foundation of true religion is that in the end all our interests coincide.

Bruce Gregory Inventing Reality: Physics as Language Gregory

Monday 21 May 2012
Tuesday 22 May 2012

Our experience of ourselves and other people suggests that physically observables have some metaphysical motivation,. The reason why these two are kissing all the time suggests that they are 'in love', an internal state which I have observed within myself and tend to extrapolate to others. This scenario is a prototype of science, observe, hypothesise (guided by personal experience) test (are you two in love, or perhaps just in lust?).

Special relativity: the real action is in relative motion [space-time process]

Mass is potential energy.

A dynamic system at equilibrium looks stativ so while we se mass as a static potential, it is in effect the sum of the (kinetic) energies of all the porcesses within it.

[page 164]

Gravitation is a representation of the algorithms of differential geometry which describe a flow constrained only by consistency and a conservation law which arises from a symmetry = meaninglessness.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Scale invariant creation and annihilation : what works for photons works also for planets and people, and al makes sense in a network.

Eureka Street: On reimagining the sacred

Theological and climate denialists have both fallen for the idea that there are areas of knowledge beyond the reach of science, ie experience.

Field: continuous statistical approximation to a discrete set of events, the shape of a population.

Weisskopf in Gregory page 227: 'It is the existence of well defined specific qualities [an alphabet] of which nature abounds, that runs counter to the spirit of classical physics.

Classical physics is totally blind to the discrete nature of events in the Universe, except at the level of thermodynamics, which is the door to statistical mechanics, classical and quantum, and this in turn leads us to the theories of computation and communication which are the deterministic and probabilistic foundations of a true theory of everything, theology.

[page 165]

The problem of universals is solved by the genetic nature of the Universe. We begin with symmetries (eg identity of electrons) and then watch the symmetries breaking to give the variegated Universe we see, which is a language comprising an alphabet of symmetries [eg instances of electron].

Reading: an imagined conversation with an author.

Wigner Gregory page 119: "Part of the art and skill of the engineer and of the experimental physicists is to create conditions in which certain events are sure to occur.' The Role of Invariance Principles in Natural Philosophy. Wigner: Symmetries and Reflections

angular momentum -- phase

Communication occurs when the communicants share the same language. In quantum mechanical terms this means share the same orthogonal basis so that operators in the two communicating spaces commute. Wojciech Hubert Zurek: Quantum origin of quantum jumps

Gregory page 128: 'A force arises when virtual gauge particles are exchanged.'

Dirac, Gregory page 15: 'In atomic theory we have fields and we have particles. The fields and the particles are not two different things. They are two different ways of describing the same thing -- two different points of view. We use one or the other according to convenience.'

Weinberg: The particle is nothing else but the representation

[page 166]

of its symmetry group. The Universe is an enormous direct product of representations of symmetry groups. Crease and Mann. Crease & Mann

Physicists scale by energy, but is this Right> Here we scale by complexity, and this scale may not have the same order as the scale by energy. Electrons seem to be simple than quarks, and yet they have a much lower energy. Neutrinos are approximately the same complexity as electrons but very much less energetic and photons (which may be the simplest particle of all) come in an infinite range of energies.

Gregory page 168: 'The Universe would be what the vacuum produces when left to itself.'

Did we discover God or did we invent it? We discovered it because it existed before us and made us. We invented the language to talk abut God because once there were no humans and even after we came into existence it was probably a long time before we invented language to talk about God.

Instead of scaling by energy we scale by entropy, and we believe entropy is created by communication, ie differentiated copying. So we have layers like the transfinite number each new layer created by permuting the layer beneath it.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Survival is the ultimate epistemological test.

Gregory 0-age 183: 'Dirac found that we can talk of electrons and positrons as being created out of nothing but energy and being reduced

[page 167]

reduced to nothing but energy.' He is wrong here because all observed events are generated in the context of the Universe and so are constrained by it, so we should say 'using energy and a possible permutation of the local environment, eg the Large Hadron Collider'.

'Context' has its effect through communication. I am created out of 'nothing but energy' but shaped by every interaction throughout my history stretching back through a thread of action to the initial singularity == classical God.

My model of God is effective insofar as it forms part of the environment of action for myself and people I influence.

Event == revelation. The event 'hits the tape first' revels the winner of the race.

Have stopped working on the website and back to the notebook -- perhaps because a major rearrangement of the website is in progress. Making a book a la Summa Theologiae part I, working a way through the hierarchy of questions beginning with 'what is theology?' and ending with 'what does this mean in practice?'

Aquinas proceeds 'per sic et non' building a path through a binary tree of possibility from God to the leaf called the Catholic Church.

A New Religion embodied in the catholic church, ie a church broad enough to hold the whole Universe, ie God (as I cannot help but write again and again).

We have been gradually displaced from our position at the centre of the Universe by our growing awareness that our powers are not unique but distributed throughout the system.

Gregory page 186: 'There seems to be no already made world to be discovered.

Stupid, try the 'kick the stone (barefoot)' test.

'The struggle between Galileo and the Church was a struggle over the procedure to be used in determining the truth of certain statements. The resolution of that conflict consisted in distinguishing two domains of inquiry, religion and science each of which has its own procedure for determining truth. In the realm of most religions the appeal is to authority; in the realm of science the appeal is to observations and experiments.'

The ultimate authority is God, and we know God through observations and experiments ie by science, and so science becomes the source of religious truth.

Ting: 'Science is one of the few areas left where the majority does not rule' -- divine dictatorship.

Scientists do not agree so much on conclusions as procedures.


The procedures by which we build theories are identical to the procedures by which the world builds itself, and the way we build ourselves, continuously searching the space of possibilities for our next action, in my case turn on the pump, check for leaks and go on building the new shed. Back in an hour or so.

Laplace 190.

[page 169]

Gregory page 191: The word electron refers to a process with certain fixed points.

We don't need rich people to make the economy grow. We have banks to assemble large numbers of small accounts into larger ones and finance large works if necessary.

Friday 25 May 2012

All the effort represented by these notebooks is work toward fulfilling the promise of my youth, the discovery that the Universe is divine. My task since then has been to elaborate this point of view and bring it to a form which attracts others. How universal is the Universe?

Is theology a science? The popularity of the Bible and other ancient classics is probably due to their ? of human experience, a mixture of hope and despair, war and peace, pleasure and pain, hunger and plenty,. Insofar as this is true, these works may be called scientific hypotheses open to testing.

A bankable hypothesis.

Mendelssohn page 58: 'The great pioneers of modern science, such as Maxwell, Planck and Einstein have often been deeply religious men, because they felt that this beauty of simplicity experienced by the human mind reveals a divine creation of the Universe in which man himself is an integral part (1976, ie 36 BP). Mendelssohn

SIMPLICITY <== GENETIC ORIGIN from omnino simplex.

The only article of scientific faith -- consistency ==> simplicity

[page 170]

Religion, simplicity, unity, consistency, intelligence, care.

Mendelssohn page 61: 'There are no accidents in science; the solution may be delayed a little, or it may be reached by a lucky throw ahead of time, but only a little.

We are trying to communicate with the Universe. The quantum theory of observation (Zurek) tells us that this requires that we and the Universe share a common basis of orthogonal symbols, which can be placed into one to one correspondence, to composing a message compatible with both the Universe ad ourselves, the scientific community.

The founding myth of science is that there was a scientific revolution against the Church, but in truth religion and science did much to encourage and support one another (?). There are many interpretations of the evidence of history, mostly contemporary written records that have survived. We might see things differently if we had time to read all the records that have been lost.

The Higgs boson is a bankable hypothesis. If we fail to find it what then? Move to logical continuity.

Theology - science:

1. Fixed point theorem : answer to Parmenides, Plato and Aquinas - invriance. Noether, Einstein + intervals.
2. Logical continuity
3. Information theory
4. Theory of computation

[page 171]

4. Quantum mechanics, eigenfunctions, computable, logic
6. The transfinite transition / Cantor Symmetry / scale invariance
7. Layered network
8. Limits: Cantor, Goedel, Turing, Shannon
9. Initial singularity -- classical God
10. Trinity, quantum measurement, communication, language.
11. Fit hypothesis to reality a) quantum mechanics; b) everyday experience.

. . .

My mission is to convince the world that GOD == UNIVERSE

Mendelssohn page 68: '. . . Copernicus looked for reason ion God's wisdom. While accepting it he wanted to know why the Almighty has made the planet move in just this particular way. In other words he was looking for the theory God had used. Scientists know that it is usually more difficult to ask the right question than to give the correct answer. Copernicus's question constituted the fundamental intellectual sep out of the Middle Ages into the modern world.'

Copernicus, Tycho, Kepler, Galileo, Hamilton, Hilbert, von Neumann . . .

We look for an all embracing understanding of the forces of nature. Everything is moved by information as Aristotle saw -- something stays the same (matter, environment), something changes (form).

[page 172]

page 74: "Copernicus, Tycho and Kepler had done more than record and calculate the motions of the planets. They has acted with the clear aim of discovering the fundamental mechanism of the Universe and of the phenomena making up our physical world.'

page 104: 'It is the unambiguous mathematical equation that constitutes a true law of nature and it therefore cannot be formulated until the necessary mathematical techniques have been invented first..'

So mathematical theology (theory of everything) depends on Goedel, Turing, Cantor, etc etc.

page 104: 'All progress that was to come was based on the achievements of the seventeenth century. The "century of genius" as it has often been called set the stage, but the action of the drama to be performed on it was as yet unknown. This turned out to be the complete subjugation of the world, and its means was the harnessing of the forces of nature that had just been discovered. Employing them to produce power for man's own use and at his bidding became the ultimate key to world domination. Power production was to be the greatest triumph of the scientific method.

page 142: '. . . the white man's domination was not primarily due to his cruelty or his aggressiveness, but to the long and patient development of his own natural philosophy.'

Which gave more effective expression to cruelty and aggressiveness.

How do we explain Maxwell's equations as computation?

[page 173]

Feynman vol II page 1-11: 'From a long view of the history of mankind -- seen from say ten thousand years from now -- there can be little doubt that the most significant event of the 19th century will be judged to be Maxwell's discovery of the laws of electrodynamics. The American Civil was will pale into insignificance in comparison with the important scientific event of the same decade.'

Saturday 26 May 2012

The fundamental insight: all the mathematics of physics can be realized by Turing machines: eigenfunctions are Turing machines, ie universal machines whose symmetry is broken by being programmed in a certain way.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Chaitin, Gregory J, Information, Randomness & Incompleteness: Papers on Algorithmic Information Theory, World Scientific 1987 Jacket: 'Algorithmic information theory is a branch of computational complexity theory concerned with the size of computer programs rather than with their running time. ... The theory combines features of probability theory, information theory, statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, and recursive function or computability theory. ... [A] major application of algorithmic information theory has been the dramatic new light it throws on Goedel's famous incompleteness theorem and on the limitations of the axiomatic method. ...' 
Crease, Robert P, and Charles C Mann, The Second creation: Makers of the Revolution in Twentieth=Century Physics, Rutgers University Press 1996 Amazon book description: From Library Journal 'This is the latest effort at a popular treatment of the "Grand Unified Theory" contemporary theoretical physicists are aiming to achieve. It presents a human-interest-style history of quantum electrodynamics and the ensuing elementary particle theory, enlivened by brief sketches of many of the key participants. As a whole, it is an entertaining volume, but some of the judgments and interpretations are questionable. Also, the complex mathematics of modern physics is entirely omitted, and a novice is likely to end his reading with some notion of the historical background but without a coherent understanding of the current "standard model" in elementary particle theory. Recommended, with reservations, for academic and public libraries. Jack W. Weigel, Univ. of Michigan Lib., Ann Arbor Copyright 1986 Reed Business Informationcentury physics. Robert P. Crease is an associate professor of philosophy at SUNY--Stony Brook. Award-winning science writer Charles C. Mann is a contributing editor of The Atlantic Monthly and Science magazine. His most recent book is Noah's Choice. ' 
Feynman, Richard P, and Albert P Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, McGraw Hill 1965 Preface: 'The fundamental physical and mathematical concepts which underlie the path integral approach were first developed by R P Feynman in the course of his graduate studies at Princeton, ... . These early inquiries were involved with the problem of the infinte self-energy of the electron. In working on that problem, a "least action" principle was discovered [which] could deal succesfully with the infinity arising in the application of classical electrodynamics.' As described in this book. Feynam, inspired by Dirac, went on the develop this insight into a fruitful source of solutions to many quantum mechanical problems.  
Gödel, Kurt, and Solomon Feferman et al (eds), Kurt Gödel: Collected Works Volume 1 Publications 1929-1936, Oxford UP 1986 Jacket: 'Kurt Goedel was the most outstanding logician of the twentieth century, famous for his work on the completeness of logic, the incompleteness of number theory and the consistency of the axiom of choice and the continuum hypotheses. ... The first volume of a comprehensive edition of Goedel's works, this book makes available for the first time in a single source all his publications from 1929 to 1936, including his dissertation. ...' 
Gregory, Bruce, Inventing Reality: Physics as Language, John Wiley & Sons 1990 'Book Description ISBN-10: 0471524824 | ISBN-13: 978-0471524823 'Physicists invented a language in order to talk about the world. This book does not set out to explain the discipline, but rather to explore the relationship between the language of physics and the world it describes. The ``physics'' whose history the author traces here is concerned with understanding the ultimate constituents of matter and the nature of the forces through which these constituents interact. The very precise language (mathematics) of physicists gives us an opportunity to see more clearly than is otherwise possible just how much of what we find in the world is a result of the way we talk about it. Anyone interested in the history of physics and its language would enjoy reading this book.' 
Lonergan, Bernard J F, Insight : A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '... Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 
Mendelssohn, Kurt, Science and Western Domination, Thames and Hudson 1976 Jacket: 'The white man's geopolitical domination of the world has passed its zenith and the shadows are lengthening rapidly. How was it achieved in the first place? Was it merely by the force of arms or was there some underlying idea which enabled the Western nations to turn the world into their dominion? This ss the question which Dr Kurt Mendelssohn raises and resolves in this fascinating book.' 
Stewart, Ian, Why Beauty is Truth: A History of Symmetry, Basic Books/Perseus 2007 Jacket: ' ... Symmetry has been a key idea for artists, architects and musicians for centuries but within mathematics it remained, until very recently ,an arcane pursuit. In the twentieth century, however, symmetry emerged as central to the most fundamental ideas in physics and cosmology. Why beauty is truth tells its history, from ancient Babylon to twenty-first century physics.' 
Wigner, Eugene, Symmetries and Reflections: Scientific Essays , MIT Press 1970 Jacket: 'This volume contains some of Professor Wigner's more popular papers which, in their diversity of subject and clarity of style, reflect the author's deep analytical powers and the remarkable scope of his interests. Included are articles on the nature of physical symmetry, invariance and conservation principles, the structure of solid bodies and of the compound nucleus, the theory of nuclear fission, the effects of radiation on solids, and the epistemological problems of quantum mechanics. Other articles deal with the story of the first man-made nuclear chain reaction, the long term prospects of nuclear energy, the problems of Big Science, and the role of mathematics in the natural sciences. In addition, the book contains statements of Wigner's convictions and beliefs as well as memoirs of his friends Enrico Fermi and John von Neumann. Eugene P. Wigner is one of the architects of the atomic age. He worked with Enrco Fermi at the Metallurgical Laboratory of the University of Chicago at the beginning of the Manhattan Project, and he has gone on to receive the highest honours that science and his country can bestow, including the Nobel Prize for physics, the Max Planck Medal, the Enrico Fermi Award and the Atoms for Peace Award. '. 
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Pascal's Wager (also known as Pascal's Gamble) is an argument in apologetic philosophy which was devised by the seventeenth-century French philosopher, mathematician, and physicist, Blaise Pascal. It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or does not exist. Given the possibility that God actually does exist and assuming the infinite gain or loss associated with belief in God or with unbelief, a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.).' back
Satan - Wikipedia Satan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Satan (Hebrew: הַשָּׂטָן ha-Satan), "the opposer",[1] is the title of various entities, both human and divine, who challenge the faith of humans in the Hebrew Bible.[2] In Christianity the title became a personal name, and "Satan" changed from an accuser appointed by God to test men's faith to the chief of the rebellious fallen angels ("the devil" in Christianity, "Shaitan" in Arabic, the term used by Arab Christians and Muslims).[3] In Islam, a shayṭān is any evil creature, whether human, animal or spirit. With the definite article, the Shayṭān is Iblis, the Devil.' back
Wojciech Hubert Zurek Quantum origin of quantum jumps: breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer and the transition from quantum to classical 'Submitted on 17 Mar 2007 (v1), last revised 18 Mar 2008 (this version, v3)) "Measurements transfer information about a system to the apparatus, and then further on -- to observers and (often inadvertently) to the environment. I show that even imperfect copying essential in such situations restricts possible unperturbed outcomes to an orthogonal subset of all possible states of the system, thus breaking the unitary symmetry of its Hilbert space implied by the quantum superposition principle. Preferred outcome states emerge as a result. They provide framework for the ``wavepacket collapse'', designating terminal points of quantum jumps, and defining the measured observable by specifying its eigenstates. In quantum Darwinism, they are the progenitors of multiple copies spread throughout the environment -- the fittest quantum states that not only survive decoherence, but subvert it into carrying information about them -- into becoming a witness.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls