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vol VII: Notes



[Sunday 1 July 2012 - Saturday 7 July 2012]

[Notebook: DB 72 Energaia ]

[page 73]

Sunday 1 July 2012

Haidt page 25: David Hume: ' "reason is and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them." ' (?) Hume

So my passion is the the Universe is divine. My reason spends 24/7 looking for ways to harmonize this belief with the scientific evidence we have.

Monks = copyists. Scriptorium - Wikipedia

My righteous mind rejects the concept that the rich and powerful should farm the poor and weak in order to preserve and extend their wealth and power. The modern,

[page 74]

symbol of this monarchic order is the Pope and his role, the Papacy.

Haidt page 28: Plato, Timaeus and the political edge of philosophy. Plato: Timaeus

'Just in case there is any doubt about Plato's contempt for the passions, Timaeus add that a man who masters his emotions will live a life of reason and justice, and will be reborn into a celestial heaven of eternal happiness. A man who is mastered by his passions, however, will be reborn as a woman.'

'rationalist delusion'. The opposite of Dawkins' 'god delusion'. Dawkins

page 31: Wilson, Sociobiology Wilson

page 33; Damasio, Descartes Error Damasio

In the layered model, the later ('intellectual') layers of the mind are built on the earlier ('passionate') layers.

page 35: Evolutionary psychology Cummins: The Evolution of Mind

page 40: 'The results supported Hume, not Jefferson or Plato. People made moral judgements quickly and emotionally. Moral reasoning was mostly just a post hoc search for reasons to justify the judgements people had already made.'

page 43: Pattern matching.

'seeing that' vs 'reasoning why', Margolis

page 44: 'We do moral reasoning not to reconstruct the actual reasons

[page 75]

why we ourselves came to a judgement, we reason to find the best possible reasons why somebody else ought to join us in our judgement.'

Haidt page 45: 'Contrasting emotion with cognition is therefore as pointless as contrasting rain with weather, or cards with vehicles.' Or stasis with motion.

Darwin's tangled [bank] is to be understood as a communication network. Darwin

We [ie physicists and mathematicians] accept that a continuous formalism can be deterministic.

It is natural for theologies and religions to teach us to accept mysteries and miracles because there is an enormous amount we do not know, but this does not mean we cannot know.

Infinity is another name for symmetry with respect to complexity [or size], assuring us, for instance, that arithmetic still works no matter how large the numbers (or how small).

Haidt page 46: Why distinguish intuition from passion, they come together as when one perceives a clear and present danger.

page 49: Henry Ford ' "If there is one secret to success it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from their angle as well your own." ' Relativity, transformation.

'Empathy is an antidote to righteousness although it's very difficult to empathize across a moral divide.'

[page 76]

Haidt page 49: Haidt settles with Hume.

page 54: Buddha: 'It is easy to see the faults of others, but difficult to see one's own faults. One shows the faults of others like chaff winnowed in the wind, but conceals ones own faults as a cunning gambler conceals his dice.' Dhammapada verse 252. Buddha

page 58: IAT

page 63: 'the trick is to see what surprises babies.'

page 64: ' "the capacity to evaluate individuals o'n the basis of their social interactions is universal and unlearned." Hamlin, Wynn & Bloom

page 66 Greene, 2001, Science 293: 2105-8 Greene

page 73: 'Plato (who had been a student of Socrates) had a coherent set of beliefs about human nature, and at the core of these beliefs was his faith in the perfectibility of reason.'

page 74: 'Glaucon [Republic] . . . the most important principle for designing an ethical society is to make sure that everyone's reputation in on the line all the time so that bad behaviour will always bring bad consequences.' Plato

The Catholic Police State rules by an all seeing God.

A principle: nothing exists if it is not physically represented.

page 75: 'Human beings are the world champions of cooperation beyond

[page 77]

kinship, and we do it in large part by creating systems of formal and informal accountability.

Haidt page 75: 'we act like intuitive politicians striving to maintain appealing moral identities in front of our multiple constituencies.' At least some people do.

In the social world 'Appearances are more more important than reality.' Or perhaps appearance is effectively reality.

Haidt's story is largely about mental energy and momentum, the changer and the resistance to change, isomorphic to time and space..

page 86: 'Our politics is groupish, not selfish.'

Suddenly everyone has gone and I have become an empty nester alone in the woods. I seem to have come a full circle back to a quasi-monkish existence with all the family at a distance. My neighbour is moving because of this. Will I move? I don't thing so, because I am deeply embedded in the community and fully occupied in developing and testing my theological hypotheses (delusion).

Haidt might be using rational arguments to justify his intuitionism. Are we saying that people's moral choices are not ultimately decided by their model of the world.

page 99: ' "culture and psyche made eachother up".' Shweder Cultural Psychology -- dual spaces.

[page 77a]

It is very handy that we can represent a network by a matrix (graph).

Haidt page 103: 'high = good = pure = God . . . low = bad = dirty = animal.'

page 115: 'Hume's work on morality was the quintesssential Enlightenment project: an exploration of an area previously owned by religion using the methods and attitudes of the new natural sciences.'

Hume: ' "Moral Perceptions, therefore, ought not to be classed with Operations of the Understanding, but with Tastes or Sentiments." '

Locality involves both space and time, ie momentum and energy.

page 117: Bentham: Utility (fitness?) Jeremy Bentham - Wikipedia

God = the way things are (to which one must conform to survive.)

page 119: 'Kant, like Plato, wanted to discover the timeless, changeless form of the Good.'

Which is? Consistency, wholeness, what works, etc. Picked out by Hamilton's principle which is a continuous mathematical version of variation and selection explained by Feynman's path integral approach equating phase and action. Feynman & Hibbs

page 201: 'Humans construct moral communities out of shared norms, institutions and gods that, even in the twenty-first century, they fight and kill and die to defend.'

[page 77b]

'self-domestication' Self-domestication - Wikipedia

Monday 2 July 2012

Haidt page 248: Durkheim: ' "A religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden — beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community called a Church, all those who adhere to them." '

So no problem in the long run, of getting everyone into the one Church moved by the steady force of understanding our condition.

Science founding hypothesis: the world is consistent and intelligible. Christianity founding hypothesis: God is omnipotent, loves us and can be trusted, and works for the best no matter how bad things look.

page 249: Harris, Dawkins, Dennet and Hitchens, God is not great, how religion poisons everything. Harris, Dennett, Hitchens

page 250: 'The New Atheist model of religious psychology: Believing --> Doing.' Hard to fault.

Dawkins, 'God Hypothesis "there exists a superhuman, supernatural intelligence who deliberately created the Universe and everything in it, including us".' page 31.

'Believing, doing and belonging are three complimentary yet distinct aspects of religiosity . . .'

page 251: Intuition = transparent processing.

[page 78]

Haidt page 254: 'To Dennett and Dawkins, religions are sets of memes that have undergone Darwinian selection. Like biological traits, religions are heritable, they mutate, and there is selection among the mutations. The selection occurs not on the basis of the benefits religions confer upon individuals or groups but on the basis of their ability to survive and reproduce themselves.

Which implies the survival and reproduction of the communities in which these religions are embodied.

Reference frame, reference body, embodiment. We understand through dual frames and a metric which says if one goes one way the other must go the other way in order to maintain the overall symmetry. So the invariance of ds is a consequence of action and reaction are equal and opposite.

Maybe the new theology starts with Einstein and covariance. We strip things of meaning by giving them any meaning [whatever].

Religion as Adaptation: Atran and Henrich Evolution of Religion biological theory Atran & Henrich

Insofar as gravitation is a force that sees only energy and is completely indifferent to structure, how can it be the source of the subtle structure of spacetime without outside help which we will assume to be logical confinement?

Quantum mechanics allows for many different quantized energy levels induced by a potential.

[page 79]

The New Atheism is attacking a paper tiger, the best sort to fight from a safety point of view.

Can I do it? On morning like this I think I can. I am emulating my forebears, writing with a shivering hand. The sun will come up in fifteen minutes and I will be comfortable again. With the religious right and the new atheism the theological debate is becoming topical and a historically founded new theological paradigm should open out the debate.

It might be a little arrogant for the current scientific community to think that they are that much smarter than the 'Fathers of the Church'. We all stand on the shoulders of these people. Science did not burst full blown upon the scene but grew in the Middle Ages from the assimilation of ancient Greek thought passed on through Arabic channels.

Many pioneering scientists deeply religious, eg Newton, Einstein.

Between them the Religious Right and the New Atheists have brought theology into the limelight. A naive history of science would suggest that science and theology are opposed.

Haidt page 256: 'There is now [and always was!] a great deal of evidence that religions do in fact help groups to cohere, solve the free rider problem and win the competition for group level survival.'

[page 80]

Haidt page 257: '. . . the very ritual practices that the New Atheists dismiss as costly, inefficient and irrational turn out to be a solution to one of the hardest problems humans face: cooperation without kinship.'

Another such process is trade: you help me, I help you, and the metric could be money.

page 266: Putnam and Campbell, American Grace Putnam & Campbell

page 267: P&C: ' "By many different measures religiously observant Americans are better neighbours and better citizens than secular Americans — they are more generous with their time and money, especially in helping the needy, and they are more active in community life." ' page 461.

P&C: ' "It is religious belongingness that matters for neighbourliness, not religious believing" ' page 473.

Haidt: 'Religions are moral exoskeletons.' ie bad religions that contain people. Good religions are endoskeletons, we can grow without moulting.

page 270: 'Moral systems are interlocking sets of values, virtues, norms, practices, identities, institutions, technologies, and evolved psychological mechanisms that work together to suppress or regulate self-interest and make cooperative societies possible.

The exoskeleton view. The endoskeleton says cooperation is the best form of self interest, and hence its universal prevalence from nucleons to nations.

[page 81]

Haidt page 272: Opts for utilitarianism, which is a global view.

Better opt for a declaration of rights, which defines the local space (inertial frame) from which the human Universe is built. Utilitarians would make some suffer for a greater good, a la God and Jesus.

page 274: '[America] now seems polarized and embattled to the point of dysfunction.'

page 278: Innate = heuristic

There is a duality between address and contents of the memory at that address (?). They are not cardinally equivalent, since each bit among billions is 0 or 1.

page 286: '. . . binding foundation —Loyalty, Authority, Sanctity — . . .

. . .

We can apply Loyalty, Authority, Sanctity (above) to the ubergroup, the divine Universe.

page 289: Muller, Conservatism: ' "What makes social and political arguments conservative as opposed to orthodox is that the critique of the liberal or progressive arguments takes place on the enlightened grounds of the search for human happiness based on the use of reason." ' page 4 Russel Kirk Muller

page 294: Bertrand Russell: 'It is clear that each party to this dispute — as to all that persist through long periods of time — is partly right and partly wrong. Social cohesion is a necessity, and mankind has never succeeded in enforcing cohesion by merely

[page 82]

rational arguments. Every community is exposed to two opposite dangers: ossification through too much discipline and reverence for tradition, on the one hand; on the other hand, dissolution, or subjection to foreign conquest, through the growth of individualism and personal independence that makes cooperation impossible. History of Western Philosophy page 9. Russell

Haidt page 305: 'A more positive way to describe the conservatives is to say that their broader moral matrix enables them to detect threats to moral capital that liberals cannot perceive.'

page 307: Edmund Bourke on locality: ' "To be attached to the subdivision, to love the little platoon we belong to in society, is the first principle (the germ, as it were) of public affections. It is the first link in the series by which we proceed toward a love of our country, and to mankind".' and the rest.

page 308: Adam Smith: ' "That wisdom which contrived the system of human affections . . . seems to have judged that the interest of the great society of mankind would be best promoted by directing the principal attention of each individual to that particular portion of it, which was most within the sphere both of his abilities and of his understanding." 'Part VI, section II, chapter 2. Smith

Tuesday 3 July 2012

A lightly new direction. The foundation of my theology is, from a logical and mathematical point of view, the blindingly obvious that everything we observe in the Universe including the Universe itself is a discrete entity, that is something bounded and at a distance from all other entities. So the

[page 83]

continuous paradigm is just an abstract approximation to what is really going on, which is best explained by analogy with a computer network. So for the time being we leave theology out of the picture (a la Newton) and simply describe how the Universe works. If this picture gains traction then we can reveal the isomorphism to God.

The continuous picture is an intellectual construct that people have been thinking about and working on for 3000 years or so, but it is only an approximation to reality and because it has very low entropy, cannot capture the full glory of the Universe. So the continuum is logically a subset of the discretum, a particular construct of axioms and rules of inference, a jewel set in a logical framework, but it is the logical framework rather that the mathematics of the continuum where the real picture of the Universe lies. We are inclined to think that we can do things that the world can't but we have missed the point that it made us rather than vice versa.

Lots of books come out these days about the dodginess of the human mind, laying down evolutionary hypotheses about how we got this way. Our emergence is an example of the process by which everything has emerged. This emergence populates the space of evolutionary possibility. This space is the transfinite network.


a) big, b) most powerful possible processor.

[page 84]

Now that we have got a plan, we have to begin to do it.

Quantum gravity won't renormalize, so either quantum theory or renormalization has to be wrong. Renormalization [began] as a dodgy but effective process in the minds of its creators, but since then further successes and a lot of mathematical theory have given it a halo of respectability, which does not mean it is right. Rather it is a necessary consequence of the continuous paradigm, necessary if this paradigm is to be forced to yield measurable answers.

Haidt might be right: first we get the passion and then we look for the reasons, but this is really just a bit of science data (experience) followed by hypothesis and more data collection. Only the hypothesis can be falsified, not the data which are real experiences, input. Hypotheses are the output and what we act upon: he's going to jump that way so I go this way. Moments later the hypothesis is falsified or gains credibility.

However I think about this stuff I cannot get way from the theological angle: the world is divine and self sufficient, designing and building itself without exterior constraint. There are no initial conditions.

I have tried to write this article without using theological concepts, but have found that it is impossible. Like God, the Universe is pure intellect, pure love, pure power, in sum, pure act.

Although science would like to distance itself from

[page 85]

theology, one sees that many of the best scientists are religious people, theologically motivated.

2300 years ago Aristotle invented the unmoved mover. The modern version of his insight, the result of 2300 years of careful thought and observation is the principle of conservation of energy. Quantum mechanics sees a world of perpetual motion, energy being the rate of action, and action being the measure of what everything, including ourselves, does.

One might say our blindness is extreme, but it too can be explained by the evolutionary need to do whatever is necessary to survive from generation to generation, so our minds are on the game, not the environment of the game. Christianity has done very well for us, even though many find faults with it. We do not need to throw it away, just see it as part of a larger picture and tweak it to make a better fit with this picture.

The plan will only work really if we develop plausible computable functions that explain the observations, and we have them already, the eigenfunctions of quantum operators. So all we have to prove is a one to one mapping between computable functions and the eigenfunctions , and the key is discreteness, standing waves. Eigenfunction - Wikipedia

Phases and neurons go together like a horse and carriage. In quantum mechanics phases add linearly. In the brain there is a metric which determines the weights to be attributed to various phases [by various neurons].

[page 86]

Wigner on gravitation. [Relativistic Invariance and Quantum Mechanics, Symmetries and Reflections pp 51-81] Wigner

Implicit in all the theology / science discussions is the concept that they are different [independent] sources of knowledge.

There was a time (was there?) when every boy had to train as a soldier or a priest, with a bit of hunting, farming etc on the side.

Marihuana, tobacco, alcohol, chocolate and coffee may be killing me but they are certainly helping me to break some of the conceptual bonds that I absorbed in my youth and so ?? the initial break came when I was quite young but it has taken me a long time to make sense of it.

The most painless way to deal with difficult people is to fall in love with them so love thy neighbour may mean take the trouble to see their point of view. To do this one needs an intellect flexible enough to see that there is an infinity of points of view on every issue, although communication of points of view requires a symmetry between the communicants, a set of meaningful symbols, a shared orthogonal basis. Such a basis must be computable if it has any change of being realized and being stable.

Theology is the traditional theory of everything because God is traditionally the fullness of being, everything possible.

Transfinite numbers are the mathematical equivalent of the fullness of being insofar as we cannot imagine a

[page 87]

being so complex that it cannot be brought into correspondence with transfinite numbers. The application of mathematics in science is a matter of establishing such correspondences and then seeking the mathematical relationships between them to write such expressions as F = ma

Dreamtime Dreamtime - Wikipedia

This is all I can do and it seems good.

Broad Church : general covariance Broad church - Wikipedia, General covariance - Wikipedia

General covariance is an infinite dimensional symmetry which has been broken step by step through evolution to bring us to the set of mappings that we currently enjoy.

For a long time I have been working by the clock, counting every minute and trying to optimize it to create a geodesic from my Catholic upbringing to the theological and religious future that I see, Once it is documented I will be able to relax.

How does logic explain how squared amplitude gives probability, that is frequency? The world is a superposition of frequencies = probabilities. So probability is parametrized by time -- time division multiplexing -- what proportion of your time do you spend doing thread x?

. . .

[page 88]

Te heart of the matter lies in the computational interpretation of quantum mechanics. Physics is a matter of conserved currents. We interpret these as flows of conserved action.

A quantum of action is a physical manifestation of the execution of a computable function. How this happens remains a mystery at this point, but no more mysterious that the operation of the wave equaion in infinite dimensional Hilbert space.

How does one prove eigenfunctions are computable function? See Pour-el and Richards Pour-El & Richards

The bit that Haidt seems to miss is that empirically based rational behaviour is so powerful that a little bit goes a long way and our society is shaped by simple ideas like roads, water pipes and communication links in general [which establish continuous connections between particles].

Quantum states can be mapped to a scalar as action, energy, momentum [in one spatial dimension].

A logical geometry of distinct states.

As you get older you will gradually become more aware of all the different acts that have to be kept together to make life work. Few people get old enough to comprehend them all.

Bin Laden's killers. A bunch of murderers really. No doubt Bin Laden was a murdered, but was

[page 89]

it necessary to descend to his level?

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Geodesics all begin just 'outside' ('inside') the initial singularity.

The Modularity of Mind corresponds to the modularity of the Universe, modules being snippets of software (structure) like electrons, atoms, etc. Fodor

To be a soldier is to stake one's like for the common good determined either genetically or socially. SAS member killed on seventh tour of Afghanistan. Risking not just life and limb but mental health and peace of mind. My fear of soldiering had a lot to do with my choice of the priesthood.

Continuity is a strong constraint on complexity which is appropriate at the low end of physical hardware layer.

The source of the notion of universal continuity which we have had since the time of Aristotle is the apparent continuity of motion, like the motion of the pen in each word of 'running writing'.

I am a source like a neuron whose output is guided by the relative weights (as a function of time) of the tasks necessary to maintain my existence like shopping (hunting, gathering) and eating.

The paradox is that we continue to believe that we can represent an irreducibly particiulate Universe by continuous functions, guided by Lagrange and Noether. Neuenschwander

[page 90]

A foundation of the logical approach is that a symmetry is a non=event.

How can a particle (like the Higgs boson) be responsible for the emergence of mass? Given special relativity we can read energy for mass. Given the quantization of action, we can read rate of action for energy, and for each entity we can partition action into inward directed (local) and outward directed (global). The mass of a particle then becomes the rate of inward action necessary to maintain its particulate existence.

A thesis: like Everett, very short.

. . .

Empty nestification gives me time to concentrate on the theological reform plan.

Got as bit weak back there but I am back on the rails again.


Does it work? In the end the model I am promoting must work as a useful model of the world. I m trying to follow in the footsteps of the 'Fathers of Physics' and come up with a theory of principle that will work. It must begin with the observation that the Universe is intelligent enough to make us, who think ourselves intelligent enough to understand our

[page 91]

origins. As we prize our mental capabilities above all, we must recognise the mental powers of the Universe that made us and learn to thing of it as mind rather than matter.

Cosmic psychology.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Shine S336:1375-7. 1376: Endler on Shine: '[Shine] "really observes and thinks about what the animals are doing and . . . lets the hypothesis be generated by their natural world, which is the characteristic of a real scientists". Endler says.'

All the evidence points to a discrete Universe,that is a logical Universe. Nevertheless physics is founded on continuous mathematics, as exemplified by the use of continuous functions in the theory of probability. We can construct a model Universe that looks like the real one using digital logic rather than the continuum.

There is a close connection between continuity and causality. We believe that because there are continuous functions the state equations of quantum [theory] evolve deterministically, like Turing machines,.

We can say that a deterministic computer is a logical continuum because each step is a logical consequence of the step before it.

Getting real is not easy. Gone to do some welding.

[page 92]

This is a work of fiction, a story that I have made up.

If physics sees that their continuous approximation has a minimal 'infinitesimal' h, they need no longer let their denominators go to zero and [make] the necessary corrections . . . to deal with infinities.

The next conceptual hurdle is : is logical continuity as convincing as geometric or 'physical' continuity. One way to deal with this is to recognize that the logical process is pre-geometry, so the question of spatial continuity does not arise, since all processes are a time series of actions.

Theology = cosmic psychology.

Virtual particles = transparent processing. Perturbative expansions trace more and more remote and weak (infrequent) connections that nevertheless affect the outside result [all quantum events are of equal action, what differs is their probability/ frequency]

The transition from state a to state b requires one or more computation operations. When more than one is required, the second cannot begin until the first is finished.

We might imagine that each 'law' that we find in the Universe corresponds to a unique hardware or software algorithm. Energy is conserved because everything is processed through the fundamental piece of ware, the initial singularity, is. We begin with the equation, is is.

'Thermodynamiclly' we might day that the Universe began as one particle with infinite energy. This dopes not make sense insofar as the existene of energy implies the existence of

[page 93]

duality whose changes have a frequency. Each change of this duality is represented by a quantum of action. Not operation as two spin ½ flips.

The reference molluscs and the represented world contain the same information like reciprocal spaces and in a sense link eachother together through as chain whose bond is the metric.

Why the continuum? It works pretty well. And it feels good, there is no action at a distance and the fields that inhabit space obey many symmetries including the universal conservation of action, energy and momentum, electric charge and so on.

From an accounting point of view the easiest way to conserve things is to create opposites in pairs. Gatlin and binary coding.

Assume a duality of dualities: potential < — >kinetic / space < — >time.

Time marches inexorably on in all parts of the Universe accessible to us. Most of our knowledge of the Universe comes from measuring frequencies and trying to make a model to fit these observations.

Where did all the energy come from? KE - PE = 0 (once we get the signs right) so it works like the banking system, PE is collateral for KE and vice versa and because energy transactions are reversible and perfect, the system is not subject to 'financial' crises. Strict arithmetic accountability is maintained.

[page 94]

Only digital structure can define numbers without error since they have exponential power over unordered aggregates of points.

AQ computer system depends critically on how the data is represented, that is how the software is encoded by the programmer to be decoded by the hardware and put into action.

Newton left the actual operation of the Universe in the hands of God and undertook only to explain its dynamics. Since that time our description of the world have become more self-sufficient, reaching the peak of independence in the general theory of relativity which explains the shape of the Universe on very few geometric assumptions.

A bit of loneliness might drive this project to completion and then I can sit back and receive the rewards, if any. At least I will be happy if I can dream up something I find satisfactory. I have lots of bits and pieces now and slowly putting them together.

Continuity = (operational) via negativa (do nothing) Apophatic theology - Wikipedia

Superposition : either we store all the states in a look-up table or we compute them on the fly. The latter seems more practical, since a simple algorithm can work with an infinity of different inputs to give an infinity of outputs (if it is reversible).

The Universe imagined by the Standard Model is very Platonic and impractical. How are all these differentials and integrals implemented?

[page 95]

So we try to imagine naked relativity, before the advent of whatever came next.

The Universe invented gravitation all by itself, something that seems almost miraculous when we consider the genius of the man who worked it out thirteen billion years later.

What we can count in the world, as in a computer, is the relative frequency of various operations. Quantum theory explains these frequencies, and it explains why some things do not happen, the 'via negativa'.

Friday 6 July 2012

'Emergent' processes are rooted in the processes the emerge from as broken symmetries are rooted in unbroken symmetries.

The idea of a public wedding is to remove all public doubt about who is the partner of whom, so sending a definite message which is the result of the mysterious processes of love and courtship.

The properties of the initial singularity (then known as God) have been subject to thousands of years of study since the time of Parmenides. Theology begins with the fundamental problem of science : how to record the nature of a moving world in fixed text.

General covariance exposes the heart of gravitation by removing all the 'post gravitational' developments built upon it. By allowing all possible reference frames it exposes the symmetry common to them all.

[page 96]

. . .

'The Higgs boson is not God!' We are all God particles.

It makes me feel good to believe that I am descended from God and remain [part of God].

Like the Christians, the physicists are following a false God. This is because the Judaeo-Christian concpt of God still rules. In the beginning God created the world. This sentence defines the world as a product of God and the design of the world is a design dreamt up and implemented by God, just as a carpenter might design and build a house.

Politicians have been in love with physicists ever since they delivered the ultimate implementation of divine power, thermonuclear weapons. Physics has lapped up the resulting flow of money with ever more experiments to add finesse to the weapons design and facilitate the task of 'stewardship in a world without nuclear testing.

Ar last this work is becoming a job. My 'subconscious' or 'intuition' has decided that it is a task worth investing in, if only to siphon a bit of physics money my way.

Physics has been filling in while theology was out to lunch. Traditional theology began to lose credibility with the rise of science and the consequent notion of enlightenment. The priests say it is all a mystery, beyond your ken. Trust us. The scientists, following Aristotle, said No, it is alive and it works and we will find out how. The tremendous

[page 97]

expansion of the human species in the last few centuries is witness to this. But while traditional theology has lost its credibility it retains its blind power. As the world goes down the plughole due to population pressure the Pope says contraception is a sin. He says this because (sitting on his celibate perch) he thinks fucking as animal behaviour verging on the sinful and can only be done if it is for the express purpose of having children, even if it is fun. Wrong, dangerously wrong.


The rate of action in the world remains constant but what changes is the way that the action is arranged. At one end of the scale we imagine random sequences of action, and at the other a single deterministic machine in which every action is predetermined. Reality lies between these poles -- symmetry and computation, continuum and discretum.

So, I am building a new world.

Physics is still stuck with Newton's continuous divine sensorium, ie divine interface. The events of our lives are our interface with God.

Say it again: the Universe used its intellectual power to make our intellectual power, so we think of it as an intellect gradually coming to develop and understand ourselves by creation.

Why are their beings rather than nothing? Given God, 'emanation' is logically demanded to maintain consistency. Emanationism - Wikipedia

[page 98]

Logical continuum is a flow of action[s].

Physics is up against an intractable barrier, how to take in gravitation, and like any other potential, it has led to a flowering of state (hypotheses) like string theory. All in defence of the continuous paradigm.

Nazi Germany: Hitler's private army. Deighton page 263. Deighton Winter

The Universe of discrete particles is made continuous by communication - fermion / boson.

Does the Higgs boson give mass to itself? Higgs boson - Wikipedia

Contradictions are represented by π difference in phase and hen added cancel to their probability of existence is zero, eg fermions in the same state. Fermion - Wikipedia

Conserved current → closed process, reversible, grouplike, arithmetic but not deterministic because of ordering, enabling the number of orders to exceed the number of letters and so requisite variety says we can have no control in this direction. Control works in the opposite direction and it it how complex systems maintain themselves by maintaining the environment which gives them the inputs necessary to survive.

A quantum of action can do anything a computer can do.

Deighton 276: ' "We've had persecution of the Jews in Europe for cenutries," ' said Lottie. "But in the old days if a Jew converted to the Christian faith the persecution ended."

[page 99]

"Hitler offers no such respite. Hitler hates the Jews because they are of the Jewish race, not because of some subtle distinction in their beliefs about God." '

The Universe, like an embryo, goes through something like 1, 2, 4 etc cells by division of each cell like the procession of the Son of God.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Given the physical nature of time as a parameter, −t, while algebraically possible, is unphysical, like mathematical infinitesimals. Like the Christians, physicists have become fixated on a false paradigm because it seems to work in many, perhaps most, cases, particularly in the artificial milieux of accelerator physics. But we still have to get numbers, that is probabilities, out of [our model].

Enlightenment - getting to know God.

Deighton page 379: ' "This is Moscow . . . They'll fight harder for Moscow. We all know that." ' The sad weight of history.

What is most important is the change of attitude : we must begin to see the world and ourselves as divine and use this insight to guide our behaviour toward a stable model founded on solar energy.

A good idea generates its own motivation, or perhaps its the motivation that makes it a good idea, it works, therefore we think it. Both 'mental' and 'cosmic' psychology studies physically realized structures, because (Landauer) all information is represented physically. Rolf Landauer

[page 100]

Deighton page 384: ' "Yes, Heil Hitler, Colonel Weizäcker. And may God be with you." ' Can God be with everyone in a conflict situation?

Love - free fall.

. . .

Novel - network of people exploring personalities.

page 397: ' "You haven't seen what happens at the other end of all this paperwork. It gets very rough." '

On Revealing a New God.

I take it to be the priests' job to eliminate war and contradiction in general by preaching a consistent model of the world.

Old man dreaming dreams.

Even when we observe a continuum we observe it one photon at a time.

What did I do with my glasses? When I am distracted my short term memory disappears. They fell out of my pocket, I picked them up, and the rest is silence.

On the God thing, I am working to justify my intuition.

War gives a strong incentive to find new ways to use the powers of the Universe to kill our enemies and protect ourselves.

[page 101]

Two approaches to reversibility: a) go back in time (not really possible); b) a lossless codec which encodes its input and then decodes it to give an output identical to the input coupled by the message (metric) between transmitter and receiver. Codec - Wikipedia

Inverse eigenfunctions coupled through a particle. A computer is itself a network and we look at it through different layers. The processing that lies behind phenomena is transparent at the user end, but we may burrow down into it by going to higher energies.

Magnetism does not emerge until we have communication at a finite velocity to get the necessary relativistic effects to generate magnetism between moving charges as well as the electric force.

So we may imagine clocks of different frequencies coupled by and gates that give an output when they get two inputs in or out of phase.

Simplest computer, one gate (not) one memory, whose state is reversed by the action of the gate. In a two state Universe, not is reversible. We might imagine the two states of memory as antiparticles of one another, to be represented more graphically by + and - than by 0 and 1, which carries overtones of size. Better think of it as a two state quantum system, ie two orthogonal complex vectors. Here each complex variable acts as a clock.

Time interval - probability. How is time curved? By the differences in frequency of different elements of the superposition.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Barnes, Peter, Capitalism 3.0: A Guide to Reclaiming the Commons, Berrett-Koehler Publishers 2006 Amazon Editorial Reviews Book Description 'In Capitalism 3.0, Peter Barnes redefines the debate about the costs and benefits of the operating system known as the free market. Despite clunky features, early versions of capitalism were somewhat successful. The current model, however, is packed with proprietary features that benefit a lucky few while threatening to crash the system for everyone else. Far from being "free," the market is accessible only to huge corporations that reap the benefits while passing the costs on to the consumer. Barnes maps out a better way. Drawn from his own career as a highly successful entrepreneur, the author's vision of capitalism includes alternatives to the current profit-driven corporate approach, new legal entities, and a more responsible use of markets and property rights. Capitalism 3.0 offers viable solutions to some of the country's most pressing economic, environmental, and social concerns.' 
Chaitin, Gregory J, Information, Randomness & Incompleteness: Papers on Algorithmic Information Theory, World Scientific 1987 Jacket: 'Algorithmic information theory is a branch of computational complexity theory concerned with the size of computer programs rather than with their running time. ... The theory combines features of probability theory, information theory, statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, and recursive function or computability theory. ... [A] major application of algorithmic information theory has been the dramatic new light it throws on Goedel's famous incompleteness theorem and on the limitations of the axiomatic method. ...' 
Cummins, Denise Dellarosa, and Colin Allen (editors), The Evolution of Mind, Oxford University Press 1998 Introduction: 'This book is an interdisciplinary endeavour, a collection of essays by ethologists, psychologists, anthropologists and philosophers united in the common goal of explaining cognition. . . . the chief challenge is to make evolutionary psychology into an experimental science. Several of the chapters in this volume describe experimental techniques and results consistent with this aim; our hope and intention is that they lead by example in the development of evolutionary psychology from the realm of speculation to that of established research program' 
Damasio, Antonio, Descartes Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain, Avon Books 1995 Amazon Customer Review: 'Ever since the Renaissance roughly two different camps have existed. One (still the predominant paradigm today) is the rationalistic school represented by Descartes et al., the other represented by Hume, Rousseau et al. The latter group postulated a great many things about how emotions and feelings were important, but no proof could be produced at the time. With Antonio Damasio's book, however, we finally have the proof we have waited 400 years for! Emotions are indeed important, and the body and mind are not seperate entities but rather a united whole. This is not just a philosophical matter now, but a scientific theory corroborated by clinical evidence. Damasio even describes accurately just how these emotions and feelings influence and guide us. ... ' Jesper, 
Darwin, Charles, and Greg Suriano (editor), The Origin of Species, Gramercy 1998 Introduction: 'In considering the Origin of Species, it is quite conceivable that a naturalist, reflecting on the mutual affinities of organic beings, on their embryological relations, their geographical distribution, geological succession, and other such facts, might come to the conclusion that each species has not been independently created, but has descended, like varieties, from other species.' 
Dawkins, Richard, The God Delusion, Houghton Mifflin 2006 Amazon Editorial Review From Publishers Weekly 'The antireligion wars started by Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris will heat up even more with this salvo from celebrated Oxford biologist Dawkins. For a scientist who criticizes religion for its intolerance, Dawkins has written a surprisingly intolerant book, full of scorn for religion and those who believe. But Dawkins, who gave us the selfish gene, anticipates this criticism. He says it's the scientist and humanist in him that makes him hostile to religions—fundamentalist Christianity and Islam come in for the most opprobrium—that close people's minds to scientific truth, oppress women and abuse children psychologically with the notion of eternal damnation. While Dawkins can be witty, even confirmed atheists who agree with his advocacy of science and vigorous rationalism may have trouble stomaching some of the rhetoric: the biblical Yahweh is "psychotic," Aquinas's proofs of God's existence are "fatuous" and religion generally is "nonsense." The most effective chapters are those in which Dawkins calms down, for instance, drawing on evolution to disprove the ideas behind intelligent design. In other chapters, he attempts to construct a scientific scaffolding for atheism, such as using evolution again to rebut the notion that without God there can be no morality. He insists that religion is a divisive and oppressive force, but he is less convincing in arguing that the world would be better and more peaceful without it.' Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 
Deighton, Len, Winter: A Berlin Family 1899-1954, HarperCollins Publishers 1996 Amazon editorial review From Library Journal 'Brothers Peter and Paul Winter, separated by World War II, are reunited at the Nuremberg trials. Peter, a U.S. army colonel, is on the staff of prosecuting attorneys; Paul, a former influential Gestapo lawyer, may soon be on trial for his life. Through the Winter brothers, their influential financier father and American-born mother, their friends and colleagues, Deighton gives a recognizably human form to the shape of German history from 1900 through 1945 and makes comprehensible the awful appeal of Nazism to people of different persuasions. The somewhat contrived ending does not diminish the power of this fine novel, which again shows that Deighton's mastery is not limited to the spy story.' BOMC alternate. Charles Michaud, Turner Free Lib., Randolph, Mass. Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc. 
Dennett, Daniel C, Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Pheno, Penguin Viking 2006 Jacket: 'In this daring and important new book, DCD seeks to uncover the origins of this remarkable family of phenomena that means so much to so many people, and to discuss why--and how--they have commanded allegiance, become so potent and shaped so many lives so strongly. What are the psychological dnd cultural soils in which religion first took root? Is it an addiction or a genuine need that we should try to perserve at any cost? Is it the product of blind evolutionary instinct or rational choice? Do those who believe in God have good resons for doing so? Are people right to say that the best way to live the good life is through religion. In a spirited argument that ranges through biology, history, and psychology, D explores how religion evolved from folk beliefs anbd how these early "wild" strains of religion were then carefully and consciously domesticated. At the motives pf religion's stewards entered this process, such features as secrecy, and systematic invulnberability to disproof emerged. D contends that this protective veneer of mystery needs to be removed so that religions can be better understood, and--more important--he argues that the widespread assumption that they are the necessary foundation of morality can no longer be supported. ... ' 
Elliott, Mary, and (Foreword by Paul Ehrlich), Ground for Concern, Penguin Books 1977 Preface: 'This book is neither a political manifesto nor a textbook on nuclear power. It is a reasoned statement of the concern that Australians, and people throughout the world, feel about the prospects of a nuclear future. The authors have tried to grapple honestly with the problems of the atomic age, which is our age. They have tried to speak about complex matters in plain language.' 
Feynman, Richard P, and Albert P Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, McGraw Hill 1965 Preface: 'The fundamental physical and mathematical concepts which underlie the path integral approach were first developed by R P Feynman in the course of his graduate studies at Princeton, ... . These early inquiries were involved with the problem of the infinte self-energy of the electron. In working on that problem, a "least action" principle was discovered [which] could deal succesfully with the infinity arising in the application of classical electrodynamics.' As described in this book. Feynam, inspired by Dirac, went on the develop this insight into a fruitful source of solutions to many quantum mechanical problems.  
Fodor, Jerry A, The Modularity of Mind , MIT Press 1983 Jacket: 'This monograph synthesizes current information from the various fields of cognitive science in support of a new and exciting theory of mind. Most psychologists study horizontal processes like memory. Fopdor postulates a vertical and modular psychological organisation underlying biologically coherent behaviours. This view of mental architecture is consistent with the historical tradition of facultu psychology while integrating a computational approach to mental processes. One of the most notable aspects of Fodor's work is that it articulates fetures not only of speculative cognitive architectures but also of current research in artifical intelligence.' Prof. Alvin Liberman, Yale University, 
Harris, Sam, The End of Faith: Religion, Terror and the Future of Reason , W. W. Norton 2005 From Publishers Weekly 'In this sometimes simplistic and misguided book, Harris calls for the end of religious faith in the modern world. Not only does such faith lack a rational base, he argues, but even the urge for religious toleration allows a too-easy acceptance of the motives of religious fundamentalists. Religious faith, according to Harris, requires its adherents to cling irrationally to mythic stories of ideal paradisiacal worlds (heaven and hell) that provide alternatives to their own everyday worlds. Moreover, innumerable acts of violence, he argues, can be attributed to a religious faith that clings uncritically to one set of dogmas or another. Very simply, religion is a form of terrorism for Harris. Predictably, he argues that a rational and scientific view—one that relies on the power of empirical evidence to support knowledge and understanding—should replace religious faith. We no longer need gods to make laws for us when we can sensibly make them for ourselves. But Harris overstates his case by misunderstanding religious faith, as when he makes the audaciously naïve statement that "mysticism is a rational enterprise; religion is not." As William James ably demonstrated, mysticism is far from a rational enterprise, while religion might often require rationality in order to function properly. On balance, Harris's book generalizes so much about both religion and reason that it is ineffectual.' Copyright © Reed Business Information 
Hitchens, Christopher, God is Not reat: How Religion Poisons Everything, Twelve 2009 From Publishers Weekly 'Hitchens, one of our great political pugilists, delivers the best of the recent rash of atheist manifestos. The same contrarian spirit that makes him delightful reading as a political commentator, even (or especially) when he's completely wrong, makes him an entertaining huckster prosecutor once he has God placed in the dock. And can he turn a phrase!: "monotheistic religion is a plagiarism of a plagiarism of a hearsay of a hearsay, of an illusion of an illusion, extending all the way back to a fabrication of a few nonevents." Hitchens's one-liners bear the marks of considerable sparring practice with believers. Yet few believers will recognize themselves as Hitchens associates all of them for all time with the worst of history's theocratic and inquisitional moments. All the same, this is salutary reading as a means of culling believers' weaker arguments: that faith offers comfort (false comfort is none at all), or has provided a historical hedge against fascism (it mostly hasn't), or that "Eastern" religions are better (nope). The book's real strength is Hitchens's on-the-ground glimpses of religion's worst face in various war zones and isolated despotic regimes. But its weakness is its almost fanatical insistence that religion poisons "everything," which tips over into barely disguised misanthropy.' Copyright © Reed Business Information 
Hume, David Hume, A Treatise on Human Nature, Oxford University Press, USA 2011 'Review from previous edition: "Useful far beyond the small circle of scholarly experts... The Treatise has a fair claim to be the most important and influential philosophical text ever written in English... After more than 250 years, Hume is still at the front line of philosophical inquiry... This edition belongs in any university or college library anywhere in the world, and its publication will certainly excite more than a murmur among philosophers and scholars." --Robert Callergard, Theoria' 
James, Lawrence , Raj: The Making and Unmaking of British India, The Softback preview 1998 Jacket: 'The Raj ... was always precarious. Its masters knew that it rested ultimately on the goodwill of the Indians, which was why pressure for self government was met with a mixture of compromise and sternness. The twists and turns of the struggle for independence are told with a wealth of fresh material. ' 
Knox, Ronald, Let Dons Delight: Being Variations on a Theme in an Oxford Common Room, Sheed and Ward 1958 Jacket: When Mgr. Knox died, many of his panegyrists singled this book out as the best of its kind he ever wrote - which in this case is saying much. Certainy, he alone could have done it. To create eight sets of Simon Magus dons, from 1588 to 1938, conversing and arguing with eachother each in the very voice of his age and in terms of the topics of his day - for that you really have to know your Oxford, your dons, your history, classics and English literature.'back
Landrecker, Hannah, Culturing Life: How Cells Became Technologies, Harvard University Press 2007 Review New Scientist : 'The discovery that it was possible to grow cells in a lab dish transformed them from being the immutable building blocks of individual bodies into plastic, malleable resources with a life of their own. In Culturing Life, anthropologist Hannah Landecker skillfully interweaves the scientific, historical, and cultural aspects of this transformation, and examines how cell culture challenges humanity's notions of individuality and immortality...An insightful and thought-provoking perspective on how technology has changed scientists' and society's understanding of life.' --Claire Ainsworth 
Lonergan, Bernard J F, and Robert M. Doran, Frederick E. Crowe (eds), Verbum : Word and Idea in Aquinas (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan volume 2) , University of Toronto Press 1997 Jacket: 'Verbum is a product of Lonergan's eleven years of study of the thought of Thomas Aquinas. The work is considered by many to be a breakthrough in the history of Lonergan's theology ... . Here he interprets aspects in the writing of Aquinas relevant to trinitarian theory and, as in most of Lonergan's work, one of the principal aims is to assist the reader in the search to understand the workings of the human mind.' 
Muller, Jerry Z Muller, Conservatism: An Anthology of Social and Political Thought from David Hume to the Present, Princeton University Press 1997 PUP: 'At a time when the label "conservative" is indiscriminately applied to fundamentalists, populists, libertarians, fascists, and the advocates of one or another orthodoxy, this volume offers a nuanced and historically informed presentation of what is distinctive about conservative social and political thought. It is an anthology with an argument, locating the origins of modern conservatism within the Enlightenment and distinguishing between conservatism and orthodoxy. Bringing together important specimens of European and American conservative social and political analysis from the mid-eighteenth century through our own day, Conservatism demonstrates that while the particular institutions that conservatives have sought to conserve have varied, there are characteristic features of conservative argument that recur over time and across national borders.' 
Neuenschwander, Dwight E, Emmy Noether's Wonderful Theorem, Johns Hopkins University Press 2011 Jacket: A beautiful piece of mathematics, Noether's therem touches on every aspect of physics. Emmy Noether proved her theorem in 1915 and published it in 1918. This profound concept demonstrates the connection between conservation laws and symmetries. For instance, the theorem shows that a system invariant under translations of time, space or rotation will obey the laws of conservation of energy, linear momentum or angular momentum respectively. This exciting result offers a rich unifying principle for all of physics.' 
Pour-El, Marian B, and Jonathan I Richards, Computability in Analysis and Physics, Springer-Verlag 1989 Author's Preface: 'This book is concerned with the computability or noncomputability of standard processes in analysis and physics. ... The book is written for a mixed audience. Although it is intended primarily for logicians and analysts, it should be of interest to physicists and computer scientists ... The work is self-contained. ... The reasoning used is classical - i.e. in the tradition of classical mathematics. Thus it is not intuitionist or constructivist in the sense of Brouwer or Bishop.'  
Putnam, Robert D, and David E Campbell, American grace: How religion Divides Us and Unites Us, Simon & Schuster 2010 From Booklist: 'In recent controversy over the national motto, In God we trust, Putnam and Campbell see a symptom of profound change in the national character. Using data drawn from two large surveys, the authors plumb these changes. The data show that the tempestuous sixties shook faith in religion and that the seventies and eighties incubated a strong resurgence of devotion. But the two most recent decades add another twist, as young Americans have abandoned the pews in record numbers. Still, despite recent erosion of religious commitment, Americans remain a distinctively devout people. And devotion affects life far from the sanctuary: Putnam and Campbell parse numbers that identify religious Americans as more generous, more civically engaged, and more neighborly than their secularly minded peers. But the analysis most likely to stir debate illuminates how religion has increasingly separated Republicans from Democrats, conservatives from progressives. Readers may blame the Christian Right for this new cultural fissure, but survey statistics mark liberal congregations as the most politicized. But whether looking at politics or piety, the authors complement their statistical analysis with colorful vignettes, humanizing their numbers with episodes from the lives of individual Protestants and Catholics, Jews and Mormons. An essential resource for anyone trying to understand twenty-first-century America.' --Bryce Christensen 
Rowling, Joanne K, Harry Potter nd the Prisoner of Azkaban, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 2004 Amazon editorial review: 'For most children, summer vacation is something to look forward to. But not for our 13-year-old hero, who's forced to spend his summers with an aunt, uncle, and cousin who detest him. The third book in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series catapults into action when the young wizard "accidentally" causes the Dursleys' dreadful visitor Aunt Marge to inflate like a monstrous balloon and drift up to the ceiling. Fearing punishment from Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon (and from officials at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who strictly forbid students to cast spells in the nonmagic world of Muggles), Harry lunges out into the darkness with his heavy trunk and his owl Hedwig. As it turns out, Harry isn't punished at all for his errant wizardry. Instead he is mysteriously rescued from his Muggle neighborhood and whisked off in a triple-decker, violently purple bus to spend the remaining weeks of summer in a friendly inn called the Leaky Cauldron. What Harry has to face as he begins his third year at Hogwarts explains why the officials let him off easily. It seems that Sirius Black--an escaped convict from the prison of Azkaban--is on the loose. Not only that, but he's after Harry Potter. But why? And why do the Dementors, the guards hired to protect him, chill Harry's very heart when others are unaffected? Once again, Rowling has created a mystery that will have children and adults cheering, not to mention standing in line for her next book. Fortunately, there are four more in the works.' (Ages 9 and older) --Karin Snelson 
Russell, Bertrand, A History of Western Philosophy, and its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from Earliest Times to the Present Day, Simon & Schuster 1945 Amazon ditorial reviews: Ray Monk: 'A History of Western Philosophy remains unchallenged as the perfect introduction to its subject. Russell . . . writes with the kind of verve, freshness and personal engagement that lesser spirits would never have permitted themselves. This boldness, together with the astonishing breadth of his general historical knowledge, allows him to put philosophers into their social and cultural context . . . The result is exactly the kind of philosophy that most people would like to read, but which only Russell could possibly have written.'  
Schopenhauer, Arthur, The World as Will and Representation (Volume 1) (translated by E F J Payne), Dover 1969 Jacket: 'Arthur Schopenhauer's Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung is one of the most important philosophical works of the 19th century, the basic statement of one important stream of post-Kantian thought. It is without question Schopenhauer's greatest work, and, conceived and published before the philosopher was 30, and expanded 25 years later, it is the summation of a lifetime of thought.  
Smith, Adam, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Liberty Fund Inc. 2009 Book Description: 'The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Smith's first and in his own mind most important work, outlines his view of proper conduct and the institutions and sentiments that make men virtuous. Here he develops his doctrine of the impartial spectator, whose hypothetical disinterested judgment we must use to distinguish right from wrong in any given situation. We by nature pursue our self-interest, according to Smith. This makes independence or self-command an instinctive good and neutral rules as difficult to craft as they are necessary. But society is not held together merely by neutral rules; it is held together by sympathy. Smith argues that we naturally share the emotions and to a certain extent the physical sensations we witness in others. Sharing the sensations of our fellows, we seek to maximize their pleasures and minimize their pains so that we may share in their joys and enjoy their expressions of affection and approval.' 
Stewart, Ian, Why Beauty is Truth: A History of Symmetry, Basic Books/Perseus 2007 Jacket: ' ... Symmetry has been a key idea for artists, architects and musicians for centuries but within mathematics it remained, until very recently ,an arcane pursuit. In the twentieth century, however, symmetry emerged as central to the most fundamental ideas in physics and cosmology. Why beauty is truth tells its history, from ancient Babylon to twenty-first century physics.' 
Wigner, Eugene, Symmetries and Reflections: Scientific Essays , MIT Press 1970 Jacket: 'This volume contains some of Professor Wigner's more popular papers which, in their diversity of subject and clarity of style, reflect the author's deep analytical powers and the remarkable scope of his interests. Included are articles on the nature of physical symmetry, invariance and conservation principles, the structure of solid bodies and of the compound nucleus, the theory of nuclear fission, the effects of radiation on solids, and the epistemological problems of quantum mechanics. Other articles deal with the story of the first man-made nuclear chain reaction, the long term prospects of nuclear energy, the problems of Big Science, and the role of mathematics in the natural sciences. In addition, the book contains statements of Wigner's convictions and beliefs as well as memoirs of his friends Enrico Fermi and John von Neumann. Eugene P. Wigner is one of the architects of the atomic age. He worked with Enrco Fermi at the Metallurgical Laboratory of the University of Chicago at the beginning of the Manhattan Project, and he has gone on to receive the highest honours that science and his country can bestow, including the Nobel Prize for physics, the Max Planck Medal, the Enrico Fermi Award and the Atoms for Peace Award. '. 
Wilson, Edward Osborne, Sociobiology: The new synthesis, Harvard UP 1975 Chapter 1: '... the central theoretical problem of sociobiology: how can altruism, which by definition reduces personal fitness, possibly evolve by natural selection? The answer is kinship. ... Sociobiology is defined as the systematic study of the biological basis of all social behaviour. ... It may not be too much to say that sociology and the other social sciences, as well as the humanities, are the last branches of biology waiting to be included in the Modern Synthesis.'  
Atran, Scott, Joseph Henrich, "The Evolution of Religion: How Cognitive By-products, Adaptive Learning Heuristics, Ritual Displays and Group Competition Generate Deep Commitments tp Prosocial Religions", Biological Theory: Integrating Development, Evolution and Cognition, 5, 1, 2010, page 18-30. Abstract 'Understanding religion requires explaining why supernatural beliefs, devotions, and rituals are both universal and variable across cultures, and why religion is so often associated with both large-scale cooperation and enduring group conflict. Emerging lines of research suggest that these oppositions result from the convergence of three processes. First, the interaction of certain reliably developing cognitive processes, such as our ability to infer the presence of intentional agents, favors—as an evolutionary by-product—the spread of certain kinds of counterintuitive concepts. Second, participation in rituals and devotions involving costly displays exploits various aspects of our evolved psychology to deepen people's commitment to both supernatural agents and religious communities. Third, competition among societies and organizations with different faith-based beliefs and practices has increasingly connected religion with both within-group prosociality and between-group enmity. This connection has strengthened dramatically in recent millennia, as part of the evolution of complex societies, and is important to understanding cooperation and conflict in today's world.'. back
Greene, Joshua D., R. Brian Sommerville, Leigh E. Nystrom, John M. Darley, Jonathan D. Cohen, "", Science, 293, 5537, 14 September 2001, page 2105-2108. 'ABSTRACT The long-standing rationalist tradition in moral psychology emphasizes the role of reason in moral judgment. A more recent trend places increased emphasis on emotion. Although both reason and emotion are likely to play important roles in moral judgment, relatively little is known about their neural correlates, the nature of their interaction, and the factors that modulate their respective behavioral influences in the context of moral judgment. In two functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies using moral dilemmas as probes, we apply the methods of cognitive neuroscience to the study of moral judgment. We argue that moral dilemmas vary systematically in the extent to which they engage emotional processing and that these variations in emotional engagement influence moral judgment. These results may shed light on some puzzling patterns in moral judgment observed by contemporary philosophers.'. back
Hamlin, J Kiley, Karen Wynn, Paul Bloom, "Social Evaluation by Preverbal Infants", Nature, 450, 7169, , page 557-60. Abstract: The capacity to evaluate other people is essential for navigating the social world. Humans must be able to assess the actions and intentions of people around them, and make accurate decisions about who is friend and who is foe, who is appropriate social partner and who is not. Indeed, all social animals benefit from the capacity to identify individual conspecifics that may help them and to distinguish these individuals from others that may harm them. Human adults evaluate people rapidly and automatically on the basis of both behaviour and physical features, but the ontogenic origins and development of this capacity is not well understood. Here we show that 6- and 10-month-old infants take into account an individual's actions toward other in evaluating that individual as appealing or aversive; infants prefer an individual who helps another to one who hinders another, prefer a helping individual to a neutral individual, and prefer a neutral individual to a hindering individual. These findings constitute evidence that preverbal infants assess individuals on the basis of their behaviour toward others. This capacity may serve as the foundation for moral though and action, and it early developmental emergence supports the view that social evaluation is a biological adaptation.'. back
Apophatic theology - Wikipedia Apophatic theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .Apophatic theology (from Greek ἀπόφασις from ἀπόφημι - apophēmi, "to deny")—also known as negative theology or via negativa (Latin for "negative way")—is a theology that attempts to describe God, the Divine Good, by negation, to speak only in terms of what may not be said about the perfect goodness that is God. It stands in contrast with cataphatic theology.' back
Broad church - Wikipedia Broad church - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Broad church is a term referring to latitudinarian churchmanship in the Church of England, in particular, and Anglicanism, in general. From this, the term is often used to refer to secular political organisations, meaning that they encompass a broad range of opinion.' back
Buddha Dhammapada Verse 252 'The Story of Mendaka the Rich Man While residing near the town of Baddiya, the Buddha uttered Verse (252) of this book with reference to the renowned rich man Mendaka and his family.' back
Carl Hoefer Causal Determinism (Standord Encyclopaedia of Philosophy) 'We ought to regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its antecedent state and as the cause of the state that is to follow. An intelligence knowing all the forces acting in nature at a given instant, as well as the momentary positions of all things in the universe, would be able to comprehend in one single formula the motions of the largest bodies as well as the lightest atoms in the world, provided that its intellect were sufficiently powerful to subject all data to analysis; to it nothing would be uncertain, the future as well as the past would be present to its eyes. The perfection that the human mind has been able to give to astronomy affords but a feeble outline of such an intelligence. (Laplace 1820)' back
Codec - Wikipedia Codec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'A codec is a device or computer program capable of encoding or decoding a digital data stream or signal. The word codec is a portmanteau of "coder-decoder" or, less commonly, "compressor-decompressor". A codec (the program) should not be confused with a coding or compression format or standard – a format is a document (the standard), a way of storing data, while a codec is a program (an implementation) which can read or write such files. In practice, however, "codec" is sometimes used loosely to refer to formats.' back
Dreamtime - Wikipedia Dreamtime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In the animist framework of Australian Aboriginal mythology, Dreamtime is a sacred era in which ancestral totemic spirit beings created the world.' back
Eigenfunction - Wikipedia Eigenfunction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In mathematics, an eigenfunction of a linear operator, A, defined on some function space is any non-zero function f in that space that returns from the operator exactly as is, except for a multiplicative scaling factor. More precisely, one has Af = λf for some scalar, λ, the corresponding eigenvalue.' back
Emanationism - Wikipedia Emanationism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Emanationism is a cosmological theory which asserts that all things "flow" from an underlying principle or reality, usually called the Absolute or Godhead. Any teachings which involve emanation are usually in opposition to creation ex nihilo as emanation advocates that everything has always existed and has not been "created" from nothing.' [page 98 back
Eric W Weisstein Poisson Bracket -- from Wolfram MathWorld back
Fermion - Wikipedia Fermion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In particle physics, fermions are particles with a half-integer spin, such as protons and electrons. They obey the Fermi-Dirac statistics and are named after Enrico Fermi. In the Standard Model there are two types of elementary fermions: quarks and leptons. . . . In contrast to bosons, only one fermion can occupy a quantum state at a given time (they obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle). Thus, if more than one fermion occupies the same place in space, the properties of each fermion (e.g. its spin) must be different from the rest. Therefore fermions are usually related with matter while bosons are related with radiation, though the separation between the two is not clear in quantum physics. back
General covariance - Wikipedia General covariance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In theoretical physics, general covariance (also known as diffeomorphism covariance or general invariance) is the invariance of the form of physical laws under arbitrary differentiable coordinate transformations. The essential idea is that coordinates do not exist a priori in nature, but are only artifices used in describing nature, and hence should play no role in the formulation of fundamental physical laws. A physical law expressed in a generally covariant fashion takes the same mathematical form in all coordinate systems, and is usually expressed in terms of tensor fields. The classical (non-quantum) theory of electrodynamics is one theory that has such a formulation.' back
Higgs boson - Wikipedia Higgs boson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'The Higgs boson or Higgs particle is a proposed elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics. The Higgs boson is named after Peter Higgs who, along with others, proposed the mechanism that predicted such a particle in 1964.The existence of the Higgs boson and the associated Higgs field explain why the other massive elementary particles in the standard model have their mass.' back
Holy See - Dei Verbum Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation 'Dei Verbum' SOLEMNLY PROMULGATED BY HIS HOLINESS POPE PAUL VI ON NOVEMBER 18, 1965, 'PREFACE 1. Hearing the word of God with reverence and proclaiming it with faith, the sacred synod takes its direction from these words of St. John: "We announce to you the eternal life which dwelt with the Father and was made visible to us. What we have seen and heard we announce to you, so that you may have fellowship with us and our common fellowship be with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ" (1 John 1:2-3). Therefore, following in the footsteps of the Council of Trent and of the First Vatican Council, this present council wishes to set forth authentic doctrine on divine revelation and how it is handed on, so that by hearing the message of salvation the whole world may believe, by believing it may hope, and by hoping it may love.' back
Jeremy Bentham - Wikipedia Jeremy Bentham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Jeremy Bentham (15 February 1748 – 6 June 1832) was an English author, jurist, philosopher, and legal and social reformer. He became a leading theorist in Anglo-American philosophy of law, and a political radical whose ideas influenced the development of welfarism. He is best known for his advocacy of utilitarianism and the idea of the panopticon. In recent years he has also become known as an early advocate of animal rights.' back
Plato Republic Translated by Benjamin Jowett. The Republic of Plato is the longest of his works with the exception of the Laws, and is certainly the greatest of them. There are nearer approaches to modern metaphysics in the Philebus and in the Sophist; the Politicus or Statesman is more ideal; the form and institutions of the State are more clearly drawn out in the Laws; as works of art, the Symposium and the Protagoras are of higher excellence. But no other Dialogue of Plato has the same largeness of view and the same perfection of style; no other shows an equal knowledge of the world, or contains more of those thoughts which are new as well as old, and not of one age only but of all. Nowhere in Plato is there a deeper irony or a greater wealth of humor or imagery, or more dramatic power. Nor in any other of his writings is the attempt made to interweave life and speculation, or to connect politics with philosophy. The Republic is the centre around which the other Dialogues may be grouped; here philosophy reaches the highest point to which ancient thinkers ever attained.' back
Plato Timaeus back
Poisson bracket - Wikipedia Poisson bracket - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia 'IIn mathematics and classical mechanics, the Poisson bracket is an important binary operation in Hamiltonian mechanics, playing a central role in Hamilton's equations of motion, which govern the time-evolution of a Hamiltonian dynamical system . . . In a more general sense: the Poisson bracket is used to define a Poisson algebra, of which the algebra of functions on a Poisson manifold is a special case. These are all named in honour of Siméon-Denis Poisson.' back
Rolf Landauer Information is a Physical Entity 'Abstract: This paper, associated with a broader conference talk on the fundamental physical limits of information handling, emphasizes the aspects still least appreciated. Information is not an abstract entity but exists only through a physical representation, thus tying it to all the restrictions and possibilities of our real physical universe. The mathematician's vision of an unlimited sequence of totally reliable operations is unlikely to be implementable in this real universe. Speculative remarks about the possible impact of that, on the ultimate nature of the laws of physics are included.' back
Scott Atran & Joeseph Henrich The Evolution of Religion: How Cognitive By-products, Adaptive Learning Heuristics, Ritual Displays and Group Competition Generate Deep Commitments tp Prosocial Religions Abstract 'Understanding religion requires explaining why supernatural beliefs, devotions, and rituals are both universal and variable across cultures, and why religion is so often associated with both large-scale cooperation and enduring group conflict. Emerging lines of research suggest that these oppositions result from the convergence of three processes. First, the interaction of certain reliably developing cognitive processes, such as our ability to infer the presence of intentional agents, favors—as an evolutionary by-product—the spread of certain kinds of counterintuitive concepts. Second, participation in rituals and devotions involving costly displays exploits various aspects of our evolved psychology to deepen people’s commitment to both supernatural agents and religious communities. Third, competition among societies and organizations with different faith-based beliefs and practices has increasingly connected religion with both within-group prosociality and between-group enmity. This connection has strengthened dramatically in recent millennia, as part of the evolution of complex societies, and is important to understanding cooperation and conflict in today’s world.' back
Scriptorium - Wikipedia Scriptorium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Scriptorium, literally "a place for writing", is commonly used to refer to a room in medieval European monasteries devoted to the copying of manuscripts by monastic scribes. Written accounts, surviving buildings, and archaeological excavations all show, however, that contrary to popular belief[citation needed] such rooms rarely existed: most monastic writing was done in cubicle-like recesses in the cloister, or in the monks' own cells.' back
Second Vatican Council - Dei Verbum Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation 'Dei Verbum' SOLEMNLY PROMULGATED BY HIS HOLINESS POPE PAUL VI ON NOVEMBER 18, 1965, 'PREFACE 1. Hearing the word of God with reverence and proclaiming it with faith, the sacred synod takes its direction from these words of St. John: "We announce to you the eternal life which dwelt with the Father and was made visible to us. What we have seen and heard we announce to you, so that you may have fellowship with us and our common fellowship be with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ" (1 John 1:2-3). Therefore, following in the footsteps of the Council of Trent and of the First Vatican Council, this present council wishes to set forth authentic doctrine on divine revelation and how it is handed on, so that by hearing the message of salvation the whole world may believe, by believing it may hope, and by hoping it may love.' back
Self-domestication - Wikipedia Self-domestication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Self-domestication refers to the process of adaptation of wild animals to humans, without direct human selective breeding of the animals. The term is also used to refer to biological processes in the evolution of humans and human culture.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls