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vol VII: Notes



[Sunday 8 July 2012 - Saturday 14 July 2012]

[Notebook: DB 72 Energaia]

[page 73]

Sunday 8 July 2012

We may say that science as we know it began 2500 years ago with the work of Parmenides, From the fragments of his writing still extant, it appears that he was motivated by the fundamental question of science: how to we capture the nature of a moving world in static text? To answer this question, he split the world into two components: an eternal and complete element to by known by 'the way of truth' and the moving and uncertain elements to be known by the 'way of opinion'. John Palmer - Parmenides

Then Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Newton, Einstein, Noether,. In the present day, although we know much more about the world than Parmenides, we still postulate a deterministic world of the quantum state functions which determine the priobabilities of the random events that we observe.

To 'Why is the Universe Quantized?

Gravitation is the fundamental ordering principle of the Universe determining its large scale structure and defining down and up, ie movement toward and away from the centre of mass.

Part of the problem of trying to move into and see the unknown is to guess what one is looking for and how to recognie it when it is found.Insofar as we can talk about it, however, it must be speakable, that is represented in symbols. Bell: Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics

Non-locality of quantum mechanics tells us that there is a layer before space.

[page 103]

Gravitation is a manifestation of entanglement, is the descent of the Universe with modification [from an initial condition].

Hobson page 231: 'We can treat the Newtonian solution [for a general non-circular orbit] as the zeroth order solution of the general relativistic equation of motion.' Does this suggest that Newtonian physics perhaps capture the 1D layer of the Universe with instantaneous ('spooky') action at a distance and just one fixed frame of reference in which not-p represents p and vice versa. Hobson, Efstathiou & Lasenby

E-Theorem may be a relative of the fixed point theorem, taking us down from an infinite set of mappings to a countable set of fixed points. Only computable mappings are allowed, ie locally countable. Khinchin: The Mathematical Foundations of Information Theory

General covariance says there is a 'representational symmetry' insofar as any reference set of coordinate will do if it can be mapped to the Gaussian coordinates of a system. How many dimensions does a computer have? Can we see a computation as a writhing and wrestling of molluscs?

Precession of orbit happens because the orbit cannot close in general relativity as it can in Newtonian physics.

One can see the Christian assumption that God created the Universe in the development of string theory. Although the evolutionary paradigm suggests that the Universe began as something completely simple, string theorists propose more and more complex multi-dimensional and unobservable structures to explain it safe in the knowledge that God established the initial conditions and there is no limit on how precise or complex they may have been.

[page 104]

Hobson page 233: Photons can travel in a circular orbit at r = 3GM/c2

Belief: mental state one is prepared to act upon: I believe that this scaffold will hold me. As the cost of a false action rises, so we would expect a greater certainty of belief, maximized in matters of life and death. Hence the perverse value of martyrdom which suggested that the belief could be stronger than death even if, as history has shown, Christians have been duped in multiple dimensions. page 244: Spin in gravitation.

page 246: Gravity Probe B Stanford University

A solid (n-form) in pace is the reciprocal space of a vector. So we think solids and 3-space are born in unison,, like planes and to space, lines in 1 space and points in 0 space. A point is an 0-space, but it can be placed in an n-space and described by n coordinate parameters, ie it carries this amount of information due to its relationship with a reference frame.

page 250: 'The physically meaningful geometric quantities are the 4-tensors defined at any point of the spacetime manifold.' Which we may remember is comprised of observable points (events)_ which can be labelled using a Gaussian coordinate system.

Every sentence is another little glimmer of light, but how many do we need before everything becomes clear? Photons enable us to see atoms and molecules ad everything with electrons in it. They also serve to make the world by mediating the forces between

[page 105]

electrically charged particles.

Action and reaction are equal and opposite: for every action there is a positive and a negative and in a particular peer level they balance, although they may not balance at a higher level, eg matter and antimatter.

Strength of electric charge defines potential which defines quntum energy levels.

Cartan page 59: 'Any continuous linear group can be generated by its infinitesimal elements.' which may mean that there is no more information in the group that in any one of its infinitesimal elements, which seems equivalent to the idea that groups operate at constant entropy. Cartan

We can think of finite an infinite not in terms of size but in terms of determinate (digital) and indeterminate (continuous). Separate particles are finite, but they can become infinite (indeterminate) when they are interacting in contact. (the two shall become one flesh, as Landauer might say). Only finite (orthogonal) signals can carry information without error.

Venn diagrams are geometric representations of logic. We are looking for logical representations of geometry [logical relationships between 'geometric objects']. Venn diagram - Wikipedia

|ψ|2 = p what does this mean?

Monday 9 July 2012

The standard idea that all of spacetime is filled with

[page 105]

dozens of fields is very hard to take if we think of them having been put there when the Universe was very young and (we suppose) very simple. The alternative seems to be some sort of 'logical confinement', a force that works at all places, times and scales. We see it working in the minds of the physicists who cooked up the Standard Model in the first place, a vision that is consistent with our notion that physics is cosmic psychology.

Beatitude : pleasure comes with achievement. So when I wake up early in the morning depressed by the impossible task facing me and then the first insight o the morning brightens me up and convinces me that at least i have taken another step to my distant goal. This goal has two elements: a) a logically and empirically consistent picture of the world; and b) convincing everybody that this new God is fit to take the place of their old (falsish) Gods.

While writing the above, missed another one, now to hunt it down and put it in words.

You tube video: On False Gods.

Emergence: from infinity to finity: creation, motivation.

How do we translate the Standard Model into software? We are on the way when we write sentence about it, we just have to find a set of sentences that execute themselves to give us the world. All this seems too much to expect from one person, but perhaps I can get the rock rolling!

[page 107]

Familiarity breeds content. A few thousand years of familiarity have made us very much at home with the continuous model, but we have to follow through with the insights of quantum mechanics and the very obvious fact that everything we observe is discrete. Deceived by the flow of motion.

Does quantum mechanics describe a computer network?

Transfinite computer network is a phase space, TFN = {Cantor, Turing}.

Newton assumed instantaneous action at a distance and he justified this assumption by appealing to God, the Creator.

A true God., .net, .org registered

Where is the Creator? Gamblers know it best!

. . .

A string of processes a) purely random and b) connected to that the current process constrains the choice of future processes.

Basically, we have to prove thjt the network gives the same probabilities as the standard model.


Quantum mechanics is a version of hydrodynamics where the conserved flow is energy or probability.

[page 108]

A continuum is not observable, like a whiteout.

Although we find orthogonal basis states the simplest and error free we nevertheless have communication between dimensions that has the effect of breaking the orthogonality and introducing curvature into the space. We may think of gravitation in one way as an error signal arising from the overlap of messages which is tantamount to broken orthogonality or curvature [represented by off-diagonal terms in matrices]. Something like this. Communication breaks linearity.

Getting serious : making a larger [emotional] investment.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Continuity = confinement - arithmetic.
Logical continuity = logical confinement

The connection between trigonometric functions and complex exponentials comes through series expansions, ie a sequence of multiplications and additions. [in the early days, the Universe may have used only the first few terms].

Calculus maps from continuum to continuum, so [there is no information transmitted. (?)]

Just one death from AIDS that might have been prevented by the use of condoms puts the Vatical in the same class as the Taliban, people condoning death as a consequence of an arbitrary (and counterfactual) legal fiction. For us the founding legal fiction is that the sovereign owns all the land [including all its inhabitants] and can deal with it as it wishes, subject only to the possibility of losing its sovereignty. Holy See - Wikipedia, Taliban - Wikipedia

[page 109]

Democracy swaps sovereignty from the root of the tree to the leaves and is the natural situation, since the root cannot control the leaves of the transfinite tree. ['requisite variety' Ashby Ashby: Cybernetics]

Requisite variety enables us to swap uncertainty for determinism. An engine confines air and fuel in such a way as to produce macroscopic mechanical energy from the microscopic kinetic energy of moving molecules. This process works, and so we can work out the complexity of an engine from the number of degrees of fredom it contols: pressure, volume, temperature. Since these are related by a definite (probabilistic) function, asnhy two will do.


Both these disciplines work in terms of simple arithmetic whose symmetry is exploited by using continuous functions. An engine picks one state out of the f(n!) states of a hot body and deposits the rest of the states in a cold body.

Cybernetics = thermodynamics - communication theory - probability

Probability: We have had n years experience with big power reactors and two maximal errors in that period. Chernobyl disaster - Wikipedia, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster - Wikipedia

Probability and public health - stateistics.

We assess everything in terms of probabilities. The purpose of theory is to guide the computation of probability.

Feynman diagrams tell us that if we want to improve our assessment of the probability of an event, we must visit wider

[page 110]

and wider areas of the network that send occasional messages to the locality we are studying. So the National Security Agencies travel far and wide to find the sources of the messages that are coming to their suspects. Eric Lichtblau

I have started with a million piece jigsaw but by assembling patches of it I am beginning to get ideas about the completed picture.

All our statistical models are built up from the behaviour of individuals like coins and dice [this is analogous to physicists integrating a picture of the world from local infinitesimals.]

After such s long struggle, one wants to explode on the scene with the answer.

The algorithmic complexity of a continuous function is the length of the algorithm needed to compute it. We might see all continuous functions as computable since their variety is so low.

Transfinite arithmetic tells us that it is time, that is the exponent, that counts.

The power set P(S) is the set of all subsets of s. The empty set has no subsets, and its power is 0 [1?]. When the empty set splits in 2 (internally) to give us p and not-p we have a power of 2, the first (second?) transfinite number at this level of resolution.

Error free communication = perfect resolution of symbols.

[page 111]

The only arithmetic operation that gets us anywhere in the transfinite domain is exponentiation.

We must take physics out into the field of meta-mathmatics to see the whole picture. Using the transfinite computer network makes this obvious.

The Gaussian, measure theory and the identity of infinitesimals. Measure (mathematics) - Wikipedia

What is gravitation giving us the probability of? The path of a photon.

the 'naked gate' is a symmetry which is broken by clothing the gate with other gates to make a computer. A 'memory' is a latching gate with a set of states, ai, the letters of the state's alphabet.

Transfinite computable manifold? No, not continuous, but symmetrical subsets of the transfinite computer network can be approximated (as to probable outcomes) with a continuous manifold.

An unmodulated plane wave carries no information, Δp 0 (ie exact frequency) Δx = ∞, no spatial information.

A general proof of the applicability of discrete mathematics where continuous is currently used comes from the fact that all of our proofs for properties of continua begin with the discrete values and then seek the continuous limit if it exists, that is if the function of interest is differentiable. . . . [T]his process depends on the fact that the infinitesimals are linearly additive, that is integrable, a fundamental assumption of the theory of measure - all the points in a line

[page 112]

are of the same size. Information theory and measure theory - Wikipedia

This essay is in effect a philosopher's eye view of the current difficulties in physics.

It seems logical that discrete events should have discrete (rather than) continuous operations. However here we encounter the problem of 'action at a distance' and introduce the concept of logical continuity. How does the Universe cover the 'distance' between discrete entities named by different numbers, n and m.

The ideas recorded here appear in my mind as discrete states which I then try to capture in a few sentenced. From myposition as observe of my mind I cannot tell where they come from or where they go, but as a biologist and a physicists I am pretty sure that these mental states are the output of transparent network operations at all levels down to the initial singularity.

Gravitation sees the physical flow of information but takes no notice of its meaning [coordinate or context free].

We might think of a computer as a continuum whose input is a set of initial conditions and whole output or solution is a set o consequences of the initial conditions given [the structure of the computer]

All this, of course, is about myself, Where did I come from? What am I doing here? What is the future, etc.

[page 113]

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Kinema ; we represent a moving image by a series of snapshots. The link between these snapshots lies in the reality photographed rather than the snapshots themselves. The casual link is in reality.


We begin with velocity as an unanalysed entity which becomes a ratio of distance and time once space and time emerge from their 'hardware' which we take to be energy. The split into space and time is isopmorphic to the spit into potential and kinetic energy [, and into energy and momentum,] an act of creation.

So to justify calling the Universe divine we need a model of creation which we derive from Lonergan's insight. So we work from a microcosm, the working of my mind, to the macrocosm, the working of the divine mind. The origin of science corresponds to the origin of consciousness, which is the emergence of a layer of self control [internalized community control]. We have to work with what is given to us by evolution. So to understand creation we understand evolution., So this idea incorporates the work of Heraclitus, Aristotle, Darwin, Jaynes, [Lonergan] Heraclitus - Wikipedia, Aristotle - Wikipedia, Charles Darwin - Wikipedia, Julian Jaynes - Wikipedia, Bernard Lonergan - Wikipedia

So we ask : how does the phase space create itself, following Einstein's lead that we understand 'forces' as the property of space itself, not something working 'in' space, as the standard model assumes. This idea is already present in field theory if we consider the fields not so much as functions of space-time as in some way space=time itself.

[page 114]

Abstract : We understand things by comparing them to known frames of reference or 'reference bodies (Einstein ref). Newton formalized this approach by studying the motions of the heavenly bodies in an absolute space and time which he understood to be established and maintained by the creator (Newton, Scholium). Einstein assumed that frames of reference are defined for our own convenience, and reality goes its own way independently of how we look at it, so that all frames of reference are equivalent, the principle of general covariance. Nevertheless, following Riemann, he introduced 'self reference' into space through the mechanism of reciprocal spaces about an event connected by a metric which represented what was actually happening. In this way he understood gravitation as a geometric property of spacetime. Quantum mechanics was emerging in he same period as General relativity,. Relativistic spacetime has become the domain of quantum theory, and we model the life of the Universe using a set of continuous fields imagined to exist throughout space-time,. Following the Born rule, these fields predict the probability of creation and annihilation of particles corresponding to the fields. This scenario works quite well but there is a deep problem associated with the using the assumption that spacetime is mathematically continuous to describe the behaviour of a Universe which is observed to be completely discrete. The continuous approach leads to many series without limits, which appear to be unphysical. To deal with this problem, we propose a new 'phase space' with which to describe the Universe. This space, based on the technology of computer networks, is able to create itself, and so may describe the Universe from thhe initial point to its current state and beyond. Einstein, General Scholium - Wikipedia, Born rule - WikipediaGeneral covariance - Wikipedia

[page 115]

Now I am happy again. Something like childbirth, a painful time getting the baby out, the joy.

Old men, past their prime, like to impose celibacy on the youth in order to control them and get more output, undistracted by love [the real foundation of our existence].

Hilbert space / space of phases / space of processes in progress.

Reciprocal spaces, tensors and forms, n=tensors and n=forms. [?]

We replace the duality of reciprocal spaces with the duality of memory and content, ie dimension and parameter. [?]

The complex conjugate of z is the image of z in the 'real' axis.

Newton [and theology] James Force and Richard H Popkin: Stephen David Snobelen. Stephen David Snobelen

Veltman: back to the old question, do we apply the Lorentz transformations inside the Hilbert space or do we wait till the quantum system 'collapses' into a real particle and then apply the Lorentz transformation to the particle. The latter seems easier, taking things in stages instead of cooking up rather complex Lorentz invariant state equations [in the unobservable real of complex amplitudes].

The big question is not so much the mathematics (which is all, hopefully, computable) but how to interpret it'

[page 116]

If we apply Lorentz after the collapse, this implies that all the quantum mechanical stuff takes place 'outside' space, consistent with the idea that quantum mechanics is itself a one dimensional (line based [cardinal ?]) field theory.

Already 4-space is in effect 'applied relativity', a structure created out of 2D sections of space-time. Time does not make sense unless it is contrasted with space as change has no meaning unless something changes.

Special relativity: points come into coincidence after a delay which depends on the initial distance between them and the speed at which one travels relative to the other.

Address and memory are dual and there are no duplicates, giving us fermions.

Veltman page 15: '.. . we postulate that a particle with a well defined momentum and energy is described by a plane wave', ie a clock. Veltman

page 16: 'A generalization of quantum mechanics is that wavs may be complex and that the probability is not the square but the absolute value squared of the amplitude.'

How do we make this look like a network or vice versa? First the only information a wave carries is energy = rate of change of phase x ħ = ħω. There is minimal structure here at all, but we can treat it as a series of actions, that is transmissions of information without loss. A wave oscillates between duals, which are in some way represented

[page 117]

by φ and φ*. The space of duals in the basic case has an entropy of one bit, like the spin flip of an electron.

Looking at the way spins behave, one can almost se a computational paradigm emerging.

The real is the potential, the imaginary is the kinetic, and we see them transforming one into the other as the phase vector rotates.

By the time I was 20 I was firmly on the path to a divine Universe.

Veltman page 16: 'Planck-Einstein relation E = hν

The additional quantum mechanical concept is superposition' linearity.

Superposition is boson-like behaviour, simple addition and subtraction in two dimensions.

The metric in quantum mechanics is probabilities, and all the probabilities in a given event must sum to q, a fundamental constraint that can be realized mechanically [by eg, a coin].

The mechanism of the Universe is logical, not simply energetic. The energy determines the rate at which the logic is executed.


The set of distinct quanta is countably infinite.

What does the square of the amplitude mean? Probability, but how do φ and φ* work together to make a probability?

Veltman page 17 quote again: 'This plague, having to abandon Lorentz invariance in order to define the formalism seems common to all approaches to quantum field thoery. One always needs some sort of grid.' a suasio toward digitalism.


The Universe is Divine : a single concepts with many ramifications, most relating to the creation and annihilation of states. Hitler and his friends created the Nazi State, a point that could be represented in a sufficiently complete [space].

Creation: we generate by breaking symmetry. Deals are done when the potential difference is zero, buyer and seller both agree on a price (cross at a point).

What we want to know is 'how do amplitudes exist, and what makes the square important? The guess is that every observation is a two way street and is not complete until the circuit is closed by a reply to the original message (action and reaction = φ, φ*)

Quantum mechanics assumes that it can integrate over all space.

Veltman page 21: 'Under a translation the state |p> goes over into the state


[page 119]

which shows explicitly how the transformation of the vectors in Hilbert space differs from what happens in ordinary space. Note that the vector |p> just gets a phase factor, in other words it stays normalized and represents, physically speaking, the same state.

We only see the messages and must guess the dynamics that lie behind the messages,. We do this in human situations by watching our own expressions of our dynamics (feelings) and attributing them, with suitable transformations, to the other people we meet.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Veltman page 36 'A physical state in Hilbert space is a like a movie in a can. It is the whole movie, not just the opening scene, even if the movies is labelled that way, Seeing things this way it becomes hopefully clear that a progressing physical situation is not s vector in Hilbert space (such as |pq>in rotating to another state (|pq>out in the course of time,. A vector in Hilbert space has no time dependence, but, like a movie, all the action is contained in that state, In that dense the S-matrix is a cross index register, showing the relation between two labelling systems, Given the beginning scene of a movie, the S-matrix tells us what the final scene is.' Or at least gives us a probability distribution of possible final scenes.

A movie is a read only memory, an ordered string of symbols (images) which we read in order, in time, to realize the appearance of a dynamic situation.

[page 120]

Turing machines: read only, read and copy, read and transform.

Continuous functions either add or subtract 1 at each move (where 1 stands for some infinitesimal), so their variation can be said to be continuous, We guess that there are 0 such continuous functions that can be mapped to the 0 Turing machines. These functions are an infinitsimal fragment of the 1 mapings of 0 symbols onto themselves.

Following the Einstein path, we set up a gigantic space (the differentiable manfold), transfinite computer network.

The transfinite numbers are a static, Platonic structure.

The history of science is beginning to reveal that many of the sources os substantial scientific insights were theologically motivated, seeking to project a consistent picture of the world. Newton was content to explain the kinematics of the world and made no hypothesis about how it actually worked, except the assumption that God made it and kept it under control.

Veltman's picture is a typical 'accelerator physicist' scenario with free particles going into and coming out of an interaction or event and the modeller trying to match the statistics of many repetition of this event which have almost identical inputs. In reality the particles of the world have never been compkletely free but are entangled with one another by common descent.

We bgin with some finite permutations and then let them go to infinity.

[page 21]

Mathematics is a set of stationary points in the dynamic system we call the mathematics community.

We interpret the Cantor Universe as an ordering of computation processes, each with minimal action h.

The creative bootstrap works by layer (n+1) being able to control layer n so as to maintain all the systems it needs for survival. This means a) having an efficient algorithm and b) controlling errors.

We construct this in the transfinite network, growing in resolution as it grows in complexity

I do not understand quantum field theory but it is necessary that I should if I am to create a digital analogue of the standard model.

Creation means the emergence of new stationary points in the same dynamic system, rather like the creation of turbulence down to the scale of Planck's constant.

We start with the large scale structure of the Universe, since at one point early on we assume that the large scale structure was smaller than the smallest structures we currently see with our largest machines, We don't need a big machine to see an electron, which is felt to have zero size.

The Transfinite computer network sketched so far is Platonic.

Creation = emergence of higher cardinals.

[page 122]

Quantum mechanics converts from energies (frequencies of actions) to frequencies of events. Some frequencies are favoured by harmonies, standing waves. Like Turing's delay line computer.

Graham Greene Brighton Rock: 'Its a good world of you don't weaken.'

Friday 13 July 2012

The perennial question, which hits me almost every morning in the predawn darkness is 'does this project have any chance of success?' The fact that I go on with it despite my conscious misgivings seems to be evidence in favour. The principle seems good. A stable network must have error free communication, meaning digital communication, and since computer is effectively a network, digital communication. This coupled with the evidence that the world is discrete from the quantum of action on up seems to put this part of the picture on firm ground, The layered nature of computer networks and the desire for unlimited size seems to put the transfinite numbers in the frame.

I am a bit stuck when it come to the actual algorithms used in the Universal network, but the assumption that it starts very simple and complexifies seems well founded, so we expect the initial algorithms to be things like not, and or, which can by built up to do anything computable.

Our basic quantum field theory is built out of quantum mechanics and special relativity. We can follow

[page 123]

this path, generating digital versions of quantum mechanics and special (and general) relativity and then combining these digitally to get a theory of everything, So press on. The beauty of the current situation is that I have a steady income and the children are pretty much grown up, so I can spend a lot of energy on the project and hopefully contribute something to planetary peace and happiness while adding to my income and the property I can pass on to my descendants.

The opening into quantum mechanics is via the Turing machine, We assume that a complete computation corresponds to a quantum of action, We further assume that a complete computation corresponds to a complete cycle of phase, something that fits very naturally with the design of digital computers which proceed one step per clock cycle. Quantum mechanics proceeds by the addition and multiplication of phases represented by complex numbers, whose rate of rotation is strictly proportional to energy. A complete computation corresponds to the emission of as particle which can be observed, The Born rule suggest that what we see at any moment is an event with a probability of 1, that is a computation completed at the moment of observation.

Relativity is all about communication delay, and so it has input into the relative phases of processes communicating over a distance, which modulates the probability of outcomes, so this piece of the picture also looks good, The last step in the process is to describe creation, that is the generation and maintenance of new stationary points in the global dynamics, complexification [and annihilation, the decay or 'corruption' of a stationary point].

[page 124]

So now the sun is almost up and the fire is burning I feel better about the whole project and like Pascal see that the payoff is so great if I am on the right track that there is a good reason to plod on and hopefullycapitalize on the insights of the last fifty years. A mission from God,

Our starting point is the classical God of pure action which is conceived as the fixed point from which all else emanates. The task of the physics section is to show the compatibility of this God with the [Universe that we observe].

Epistemology : cosmic psychology. The structure of the website rflects the structure of God, beginning with a template that with the aid of a few vriables whose values are set by the environment in which it is rendered, beginning with the home page and applying to all the pages in the tree.

A spacelike slice is the set ofall the leaves of the cosmic tree which have the same proper interval from the root, the initial singularity.

Our first task is to explain the structure of Minkowski space beginning from the constant four velocity of every particle in the Universe, so that we can say of the Universe itself moving through proper time, ie proper phase, Proper energy measures the rate of processing associated with the march of proper time, ie the ratio between action and time, dS/dτ.

Saturday 14 July 2012

[page 125]

What we need now is a 'digital field theory' and the starting point might be an algorithmic Lagrangian. If we suppose potential energy is characteristic of memory and kinetic energy is characteristic of change of memory, and that each act of digital processing is associated with a quantum of action, we might guess that the action is stationary when there is a particular relationship between memory and computation, We may do a 'computation' in two general ways, either by using a look-up table (ie using a lot of memory) or by computing everything from scratch (ie using a lot of computation). We imagine some optimum algorithmic efficiency between these two extremes and hope to identify it with stationary action.

Veltman frequently notes that the computational methods used in the Standard model are pretty flaky, but that the results are better than the theory that leads to them, eg page 17: 'What we are doing here is quite horrible: we are violating Lorentz invariance'.

Given that quantum field theory is a blend of quantum mechanics and relativity, we should digitize these first, and given that quantum mechanics works in the one dimension of time, looks like it is the foundation of relativity since relativity requires space as well as time. We might guess that quantum mechanics does not need memory since each event appear to be a rather random consequence of the event before. Quantum mechanics in itself has no memory, only the equation E = hν.

Physics is a forest of equations, each of which asserts the numerical equivalence of certain strings of symbols, eg E = hν. What does this point to in reality? The symbols on each side of the equation are mapped to certain measurable quantities, that is quantities that bear come relationship to a standard. In

[page 126]

classical Newtonian dynamics the standards we use are intervals of mass, length and time, which eventually come down to the properties of something like atoms, which have a symmetry of mass, size and frequency.

Frequency is a fundamental measurement which can be made by phase locking between a certain standard and the frequency of interest. From frequency we move to energy and via special relativity to mass. From mass and frequency we get momentum and a measure of distance,

NOP is an action that does not change memory. Given binary digital memory, NOT.NOT = NOP, where here the equality speaks not so much of a quantity measured by a number, but of a state, where we say that |a> = |b> iff both vectors are identical, same basis, same coefficients.

We associate the mass of a particle with its energy, that is the rate of internal processing,. On this picture, massless particles like photons have no 'internal' process, ie their whole reality is visible from the outside, and they cannot interact without annihilation, but we might think that massive particles (like myself) can communicate without losing their identity, by, for instance, emitting and absorbing photons.

We might further guess that the basic source of numbers in the Universe is a count of quanta of action, and the size of a process is measured by the number of actions needed to complete it, as we might measure the size of a pain job by the number of brushstrokes it takes.

We can develop and understand the network model by mapping

[page 127]

it to the world, beginning with a count of actions which are the units we get to get the cardinal of a process.

We can express logic as Venn diagrams where 'contains' = implies. We can think of containment dualistically: I contain atoms spatially, but the atoms contain me dynamically. I am a memory full of atoms. The atoms make me go.

All the complex mathematics of quantum field theory is designed to yield frequencies of events by estimating the overlap of various initial and final conditions. We can interpret the overlap in terms of s 'channel' or process, whose frequency of completion is a function of the larger process in which it is embedded. The calculation of event frequencies thus becomes analogous to the estimation of the number of times a particular subroutine is called as part of a larger computation. In the case of the Universe, we build up the main routine out of subroutines beginning with the routine that operates the clock, NOT, whose frequency is the greatest of all and, since there is nothing to compare it to is assumed to be constant with a constant interval of proper time between every tick. As the railways served to synchronise the clocks of England, we assume that the time division multiplexing of the universal process introduces 'lines' into the spectrum of the initial singularity.

Essence and existence are the stationary and dynamic aspects of God and because of the divine simplicity are initially indistinguishable, since both the essence and the existence are both fixed and moving.

[page 128]

The mathematical foundation of quantum mechanics bears heavily on complex numbers which are isomorphic to two dimensional space with the real dimension orthogonal to the complex dimension and we might guess that they contain all the information available in the 2D layer of the Universe. To digitize, we can divide the phase angle into discrete units of 2π/n and do our calculation s with the complex roots of unity. Somewhere in here we may be able to explain the Born rule as the outcome of a process that complete the full circle from start to finish which we may think of as encoding, transmitting and decoding a message. So a clock in effect talks to itself, the tick eliciting the reply tock and tock, tick.

The relationships between real and imaginary numbers are induced by the operations of squaring and taking square toots,. What does this mean when mapped onto reality?

Physicists hope to create a theory of everything by learning the alphabet of the book of nature, Theologians, on the other hand see the theory of everything as the study of all the things that can be written with the alphabet of the Universe by stringing the alphabet of fundamental operations into sentences, paragraphs, books, literatures and so on. The realm of theology is therefore mathematical logic, transfinite numbers and all that ilk. The transfinite computer network is beg enough to do this, since it contains all of set theory, all of mathematics, all of group theory and so on. It is a representation of mathematics.

History teaches that the big developments in physics often have a theological foundation (ref Newton, Einstein).

[page 129]

The Universe is always concrete but it has symmetries an invariants which are the foundations of knowledge.

Via negativa - fermions - wave function changes sign on permutation.

We build extended structure out of fermions which we understand to be orthogonal degrees of freedom, ie orthogonal processes, ie not communicating. When electrons do communicate by exchanging photons they can maintain their identity while changing their state.

What does path integral method mean? It describes a sequence of processes: crack eggs, mix, cook, eat etc, or maybe a sequence of identical operations, step, step, step, . . .

One gets the impression from older quantum mechanical literature that the wave function only collapses and emits as particle when there is a physicist 'observing'.

Feynman's path integral method is simply the canonical formalism somewhat dressed up. The canonical formalism is itself based on the time honoured method of deducing a differential equation from local infinitesimals and then integrating it. Feynman's method following this rack creates a high infinity of different paths that must be added to find the path of stationary action, The computational method, on the other hand, imagines a finite number of computational steps between initial and final states which may branch with a certain probability to give the observed distribution of outcomes from a given initial situation.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Ashby, W Ross, An Introduction to Cybernetics, Methuen 1964 'This book is intended to provide [an introduction to cybernetics]. It starts from common-place and well understood concepts, and proceeds step by step to show how these concepts can be made exact, and how they can be developed until they lead into such subjects as feedback, stability, regulation, ultrastability, information, coding, noise and other cybernetic topics' 
Bell, John S, Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics, Cambridge University Press 1987 Jacket: JB ... is particularly famous for his discovery of a crucial difference between the predictions of conventional quantum mechanics and the implications of local causality ... This work has played a major role in the development of our current understanding of the profound nature of quantum concepts and of the fundamental limitations they impose on the applicability of classical ideas of space, time and locality. 
Brillouin, Leon, Science and Information Theory, Academic 1962 Introduction: 'A new territory was conquered for the sciences when the theory of information was recently developed. . . . Physics enters the picture when we discover a remarkable likeness between information and entropy. . . . The efficiency of an experiment can be defined as the ratio of information obtained to the associated increase in entropy. This efficiency is always smaller than unity, according to the generalised Carnot principle. . . . ' 
Cartan, Elie, The Theory of Spinors, Dover Publications 1981 Book description: 'Describes orthgonal and related Lie groups, using real or complex parameters and indefinite metrics. Develops theory of spinors by giving a purely geometric definition of these mathematical entities. Covers generalities on the group of rotations in n-dimensional space, the theory of spinors in spaces of any number of dimensions and much more.' 
Dennett, Daniel C, Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Pheno, Penguin Viking 2006 Jacket: 'In this daring and important new book, DCD seeks to uncover the origins of this remarkable family of phenomena that means so much to so many people, and to discuss why--and how--they have commanded allegiance, become so potent and shaped so many lives so strongly. What are the psychological dnd cultural soils in which religion first took root? Is it an addiction or a genuine need that we should try to perserve at any cost? Is it the product of blind evolutionary instinct or rational choice? Do those who believe in God have good resons for doing so? Are people right to say that the best way to live the good life is through religion. In a spirited argument that ranges through biology, history, and psychology, D explores how religion evolved from folk beliefs anbd how these early "wild" strains of religion were then carefully and consciously domesticated. At the motives pf religion's stewards entered this process, such features as secrecy, and systematic invulnberability to disproof emerged. D contends that this protective veneer of mystery needs to be removed so that religions can be better understood, and--more important--he argues that the widespread assumption that they are the necessary foundation of morality can no longer be supported. ... ' 
Einstein, Albert, and Robert W Lawson (translator) Roger Penrose (Introduction), Robert Geroch (Commentary), David C Cassidy (Historical Essay) , Relativity: The Special and General Theory, Pi Press 2005 Preface: 'The present book is intended, as far as possible, to give an exact insight into the theory of relativity to those readers who, from a general scientific and philosophical point of view, are interested in the theory, but who are not conversant with the mathematical apparatus of theoretical physics. ... The author has spared himself no pains in his endeavour to present the main ideas in the simplest and most intelligible form, and on the whole, in the sequence and connection in which they actually originated.' page 3  
Greene, Graham, Brighton Rock, Penguin Classics 2004 'Graham Greene's chilling exposé of violence and gang warfare in the pre-war underworld is a classic of its kind. Pinkie, the teenage gangster, is devoid of compassion or human feeling, despising weakness of the spirit or of the flesh. Responsible for the razor slashes that killed Kite and also for the death of Hale, he is the embodiment of calculated evil. As a Catholic, however, he is convinced that his retribution does not lie in human hands. He is therefore not prepared for Ida Arnold, Hale's avenging angel. Ida, whose allegiance is with life, the here and now, has her own ideas about the circumstances surrounding Hale's death. For the sheer joy of it she takes up the challenge of bringing the infernal Pinkie to an earthly kind of justice.' 
Hobson, M P, and G. P. Efstathiou, A. N. Lasenby, General Relativity: An Introduction for Physicists, Cambridge University Press 2006 Amazon Editorial Reviews Book Description 'After reviewing the basic concept of general relativity, this introduction discusses its mathematical background, including the necessary tools of tensor calculus and differential geometry. These tools are used to develop the topic of special relativity and to discuss electromagnetism in Minkowski spacetime. Gravitation as spacetime curvature is introduced and the field equations of general relativity derived. After applying the theory to a wide range of physical situations, the book concludes with a brief discussion of classical field theory and the derivation of general relativity from a variational principle.'  
Khinchin, A I, Mathematical Foundations of Information Theory (translated by P A Silvermann and M D Friedman), Dover 1957 Jacket: 'The first comprehensive introduction to information theory, this book places the work begun by Shannon and continued by McMillan, Feinstein and Khinchin on a rigorous mathematical basis. For the first time, mathematicians, statisticians, physicists, cyberneticists and communications engineers are offered a lucid, comprehensive introduction to this rapidly growing field.' 
Veltman, Martinus, Diagrammatica: The Path to the Feynman Rules, Cambridge University Press 1994 Jacket: 'This book provides an easily accessible introduction to quantum field theory via Feynman rules and calculations in particle physics. The aim is to make clear what the physical foundations of present-day field theory are, to clarify the physical content of Feynman rules, and to outline their domain of applicability. ... The book includes valuable appendices that review some essential mathematics, including complex spaces, matrices, the CBH equation, traces and dimensional regularization. ...' 
Aquinas 113 Summa I, 18, 3: Is life properly attributed to God? Life is in the highest degree properly in God. In proof of which it must be considered that since a thing is said to live in so far as it operates of itself and not as moved by another, the more perfectly this power is found in anything, the more perfect is the life of that thing. ... back
Aquinas 160 Summa: I 27 1 Is there procession in God? 'Our Lord says, "From God I proceeded" (Jn. 8:42).' back
Aquinas 20 Summa I, 3, 7: Whether God is altogether simple? 'I answer that, The absolute simplicity of God may be shown in many ways. First, from the previous articles of this question. For there is neither composition of quantitative parts in God, since He is not a body; nor composition of matter and form; nor does His nature differ from His "suppositum"; nor His essence from His existence; neither is there in Him composition of genus and difference, nor of subject and accident. Therefore, it is clear that God is nowise composite, but is altogether simple. . . . ' back
Aristotle - Wikipedia Aristotle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Aristotle (Ancient Greek: Ἀριστοτέλης, Aristotélēs) (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher and polymath, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. His writings cover many subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, linguistics, politics, government, ethics, biology, and zoology. Together with Plato and Socrates (Plato's teacher), Aristotle is one of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy. Aristotle's writings were the first to create a comprehensive system of Western philosophy, encompassing morality, aesthetics, logic, science, politics, and metaphysics.' back
Bernard Lonergan - Wikipedia Bernard Lonergan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Bernard J.F. Lonergan, SJ, CC (17 December 1904 – 26 November 1984) was a Canadian Jesuit priest, philosopher, and theologian regarded by some as one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century.[1] Lonergan's works include Insight: A Study of Human Understanding (1957) and Method in Theology (1972), as well as two studies of Thomas Aquinas, several theological textbooks, and numerous essays, including two posthumously published essays on macroeconomics. A projected 25-volume Collected Works is underway with the University of Toronto Press. He held appointments at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Regis College, Toronto, as Distinguished Visiting Professor at Boston College, and as Stillman Professor of Divinity at Harvard University. back
Born rule - Wikipedia Born rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'The Born rule (also called the Born law, Born's rule, or Born's law) is a law of quantum mechanics which gives the probability that a measurement on a quantum system will yield a given result. It is named after its originator, the physicist Max Born. The Born rule is one of the key principles of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. There have been many attempts to derive the Born rule from the other assumptions of quantum mechanics, with inconclusive results. . . . The Born rule states that if an observable corresponding to a Hermitian operator A with discrete spectrum is measured in a system with normalized wave function (see Bra-ket notation), then the measured result will be one of the eigenvalues λ of A, and the probability of measuring a given eigenvalue λi will equal <psi,|Pi|psi> where Pi is the projection onto the eigenspace of A corresponding to λi'. back
Charles Darwin - Wikipedia Charles Darwin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Charles Robert Darwin FRS (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an English naturalist. He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestry, and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection.' back
Chernobyl disaster - Wikipedia Chernobyl disaster - Wikipedia 'The Chernobyl disaster (locally Ukrainian: Чорнобильська катастрофа, Chornobylska Katastrofa – Chornobyl Catastrophe) was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine (then officially Ukrainian SSR), which was under the direct jurisdiction of the central authorities of the Soviet Union.' back
Eric Lichtblau More Demands on Cell Carriers in Surveillance 'WASHINGTON — In the first public accounting of its kind, cellphone carriers reported that they responded to a startling 1.3 million demands for subscriber information last year from law enforcement agencies seeking text messages, caller locations and other information in the course of investigations.' back
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster - Wikipedia Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster . . . is a series of equipment failures, nuclear meltdowns, and releases of radioactive materials at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, followed by the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011. It is the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl disaster of 1986. back
General covariance - Wikipedia General covariance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In theoretical physics, general covariance (also known as diffeomorphism covariance or general invariance) is the invariance of the form of physical laws under arbitrary differentiable coordinate transformations. The essential idea is that coordinates do not exist a priori in nature, but are only artifices used in describing nature, and hence should play no role in the formulation of fundamental physical laws. A physical law expressed in a generally covariant fashion takes the same mathematical form in all coordinate systems, and is usually expressed in terms of tensor fields. The classical (non-quantum) theory of electrodynamics is one theory that has such a formulation.' back
General Scholium - Wikipedia General Scholium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'The General Scholium is an essay written by Isaac Newton, appended to his work of Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, known as the Principia. General Scholium was first published with the second (1713) edition of the Principia and reappeared with some additions and modifications on the third (1726) edition.[1] It is best known for the "Hypotheses non fingo" ("I do not frame hypotheses") expression, which Newton used as a response to some of the criticism received after the release of the first edition (1687). In the essay Newton not only counters the natural philosophy of René Descartes and Gottfried Leibniz, but also addresses scientific methodology, theological and metaphysical issues.' back
Heraclitus - Wikipedia Heraclitus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Heraclitus of Ephesus (Greek: Ἡράκλειτος ὁ Ἐφέσιος—Hērákleitos ho Ephésios; c. 535 – c. 475 BCE) was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, a native of the Greek city Ephesus, Ionia, on the coast of Asia Minor. . . . Heraclitus is famous for his insistence on ever-present change in the universe, as stated in his famous saying, "No man ever steps in the same river twice" (see panta rhei, below). He believed in the unity of opposites, stating that "the path up and down are one and the same", all existing entities being characterized by pairs of contrary properties. His cryptic utterance that "all entities come to be in accordance with this Logos" (literally, "word", "reason", or "account") has been the subject of numerous interpretations.' ' back
Holy See - Wikipedia Holy See - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'The Holy See (Latin: Sancta Sedes, Italian: Santa Sede) is the episcopal jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Rome. The primacy of Rome makes its bishop the worldwide leader of the church, commonly known as the Pope. Since Rome is the preeminent episcopal see of the church, it contains the central government of the church, including various agencies essential to administration. As such, diplomatically, the Holy See acts and speaks for the whole Catholic Church. It is also recognized by other subjects of international law as a sovereign entity, headed by the Pope, with which diplomatic relations can be maintained.' back
Information theory and measure theory - Wikipedia Information theory and measure theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Many of the formulas in information theory have separate versions for continuous and discrete cases, i.e. integrals for the continuous case and sums for the discrete case. These versions can often be generalized using measure theory. For discrete random variables, probability mass functions can be considered density functions with respect to the counting measure, thus requiring only basic discrete mathematics for what can be considered, in a measure theory context, integration. Because the same integration expression is used for the continuous case, which uses basic calculus, the same concepts and expressions can be used for both discrete and continuous cases.' back
John Palmer - Parmenides Parmenides (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) First published Fri Feb 8, 2008 'Parmenides of Elea, active in the earlier part of the 5th c. BCE., authored a difficult metaphysical poem that has earned him a reputation as early Greek philosophy's most profound and challenging thinker. His philosophical stance has typically been understood as at once extremely paradoxical and yet crucial for the broader development of Greek natural philosophy and metaphysics. He has been seen as a metaphysical monist (of one stripe or another) who so challenged the naïve cosmological theories of his predecessors that his major successors among the Presocratics were all driven to develop more sophisticated physical theories in response to his arguments.' back
Julian Jaynes - Wikipedia Julian Jaynes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Julian Jaynes (February 27, 1920 – November 21, 1997) was an American psychologist, best known for his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (1976), in which he argued that ancient peoples were not conscious.' back
Measure (mathematics) - Wikipedia Measure (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In mathematical analysis, a measure on a set is a systematic way to assign a number to each suitable subset of that set, intuitively interpreted as its size. In this sense, a measure is a generalization of the concepts of length, area, and volume. A particularly important example is the Lebesgue measure on a Euclidean space, which assigns the conventional length, area, and volume of Euclidean geometry to suitable subsets of the n-dimensional Euclidean space Rn. For instance, the Lebesgue measure of the interval [0, 1] in the real numbers is its length in the everyday sense of the word, specifically 1.' back
NASA Gravity Probe B: The Relativity Mission back
Stanford University Gravity Prove B Mission - Overview back
Stephen David Snobelen Isaac Newton Theology, Prophecy, Science and Religion 'At the end of the seventeenth century, Isaac Newton (1642-1727) initiated a revolution in science. At the end of the twentieth century, scholars began a revolution in the understanding of Newton. As Newton's long-concealed private papers on theology become increasingly accessible, students of Newton's thought are coming to see Newton as more than a scientist. The author of the Principia mathematica was a true Renaissance man who spent decades delving in the secrets of alchemy and even longer studying the Bible, theology and church history. Leaving behind four million words on theology, Newton was one of the greatest lay theologians of his age. A study of Newton's theology and prophetic views illuminates the life of this great thinker and helps us understand his science.' back
Taliban - Wikipedia Taliban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'After the attacks of September 11, 2001 the Taliban were overthrown by the American-led invasion of Afghanistan. Later it regrouped as an insurgency movement to fight the American-backed Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (established in late 2001) and the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). The Taliban have been accused of using terrorism as a specific tactic to further their ideological and political goals. According to the United Nations, the Taliban and their allies were responsible for 75% of Afghan civilian casualties in 2010 and 80% in 2011. Today the Taliban operate in Afghanistan and northwest Pakistan. It is believed one of their current major headquarters is near Quetta in Pakistan. back
Venn diagram - Wikipedia Venn diagram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Venn diagrams or set diagrams are diagrams that show all hypothetically possible logical relations between a finite collection of sets (groups of things). Venn diagrams were invented around 1880 by John Venn. They are used in many fields, including set theory, probability, logic, statistics, and computer science.. back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2012 © Jeffrey Nicholls