vol VII: Notes
[Notebook: DB 78: Catholicism 2.0]
[Sunday 16 November 2014 - Saturday 22 November 2014]
[page 54]
Sunday 16 November 2014
In 1999 I was going to the Australian Catholic University, putting myself under some pressure to conform while sticking to the message: the Universe is divine.
Now after 15 years of further development, I feel that enough promotion is justified to bring the theology issue to the attention of the academic establishment.
. . .
Monday 17 November 2014
[page 55]
The only way is to press on. I am afraid of some of my ideas because they are so far from the mainstream, but what I am developing step by step is a comprehensive picture rooted in the hypothesis that the Universe is divine.
Lovers talk fully alert to body language. The Churches deprecate body langage because is is a channel of communication they cannot control because it is intimate, not public.
An epistemological foundation: the coupling between forms and dynamics. The oldest question [in philosophy].
Google ad: Christians of the world revolt.
God is not a mystery owned by the Churches.
The Universe is divine, we are in God.
Tuesday 18 November 2014
Wednesday 19 November 2014
Thursday 20 November 2014
The backbone of Christian belief is incredible fiction.
Friday 21 November 2014
There still seem to be many insights to go before the digital to the core hypothesis is able to embrace quantum field theory
[page 56]
and gravitation. What have we got so far?
1. Communication is formally computation.
2. All information is physical
3. Eigenfunctions are Turing machines selected to optimize computation
4. Gauge symmetry describes unmodulated communication channels (universal gauge symmetry)
5. Gravitation is the theory of a network of meaningless particles, ie the symmetry known as general covariance applies to them, meaning there is no constraint on their interactions (this is the meaning of meaningless).
6. The invisibility theorem
7. Network as an explanation of superposition
Synopsis: new preface on religious war, religious belief, science and natural religion - second edition.
The Churches have managed to keep god hidden in plain sight and have tsken advantage of the supposed mystery ad invisibility of God to sell a fiction about 'God's Will'.
Saturday 22 November 2014
In the quantum regime energy couples linearly to probability via the periodic complex exponentiation. In the classical regime, the coupling is exponential via the real exponential. In Planck's law we find the hybrid exp(hν / kT) linking frequency and temperature (since h and k are constants). What is the digital explanation for their ratio?
Synopsis_e_2: I see this second edition of synopsis as a collection of ideas from which we can fashion the third
[page 57]
step in the takeover of theology by science. The first step was the Galileo affair. [Galileo] lost the battle but [science] has won the war. Only the invincibly ignorant no longer prefer scientifically tested fictions over those that bear no relationship to reality. The second step was the Enlightenment, which subjected theology to a close scrutiny and on the whole found it deficient. The Church fought back by declaring itself infallible and condemning vast swathes of scientific opinion which it found distasteful. Now the Church has demonstrated that it is morally bankrupt struggling still to hide its sexual crimes against children. From my point of view these crimes are just the tip of the iceberg of Catholic child abuse. The real mass of the evil lies in the false concepts of reality drilled into the minds of children like I once was. Galileo affair - Wikipedia, Age of Enlightenment - Wikipedia
Enlightenment revealed the possibility of autonomous secular culture, ie natural religion devoid of supernatural clap-trap.
The religions are to a large degree theological closed shops and apart from students of comparative religion, there are few theologians going behind the ancient religions to study and criticize the environemnt which they have created for themselves, a God who is not the world, invisible, incomprehensible, omniscient, omnipotent and so on.