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vol VII: Notes



[Sunday 31 May 2015 - Saturday 16 May 2015]

[Notebook: DB 78: Catholicism 2.0]

[page 169]

Sunday 31 May 2015

Like Russell and probably everybody else, I come to apparent dead ends as (in a game) a new puzzle has to be solved before we can move on. To some degree these hindrances can be glossed over by faith : I have faith in my overall network picture of the quantum world, but I do not yet know how to apply it to produce an evolutionary picture of the applications of quantum field theory. Insofar as the layered network theory is good, we can put this aside and move up a layer to network communication in biology which are easier to see given their molecular implementation. Then on to psychology, which we can talk about the forces in the human network that play boson and fermion roles, binding and separating us. FERMION —> SPACE. TIME (FERMI ALGORITHM)

[page 170]


All of Russell's logical work contributed to Göel, Turing and the computer. ? Neither Göel nor Turing's papers contain logical symbolism. Kurt Goedel I, Alan Turing

Having got this off my chest, I can now proceed happily to the necessary demolition and reconstruction necessary to bring theology into the scientific fold.

Bertie Russell: a self sufficient star on the boundary between ruling class arrogance and democratic science.

Science is democratic ( statistical ): democracy is scientific. Statistical mechanics and the dictatorship of large numbers.

What have I got that Russell has not got? Earthy ambition to bring theology down to Earth for everybody in the world.

Faith in the unity of the whole reflected in the unity of the model allows us to bypass some of the cracks while we wait for full understanding. Quantum field theory as seen by Veltman has many cracks and [dis] continuities but its saving grace is that it gives many correct answers despite its apparent weaknesses, so we are inclined to think that it is onto something. Veltman: Diagrammatics

The perversion at the heart of Catholic Universities: they owe institutional fidelity to the Papacy; as if a department of engineering had to believe what General Motors told it. John Paul II: Ex Corde Ecclesiae

Monday 1 June 2015

[page 171}

We say democracy is scientific insofar as it is data based decision making. Policies are in effect hypotheses that governments put up for judgement. So making the Church both scientific and democratic amounts to the same thing, the opposite of imperial and authoritarian.

For Bertie, his intellectual life was the text of a struggle and he appears to have had a series of epiphanic events, both intellectual and romantic which redirected his thoughts. I am neither so smart nor so exacting and have arrived at a stable phase space into which to fit my model. We may think of this model as a manifold, that is a set of named points whose names are vectors of a certain dimension, working our way through natural, rational, real, complex, [and] transfinite numbers at each level generating more complex vectors, that is more dimensions. The first dimension is time, closed to the past, open to the future. — ie it has a fixed point (the closure) and stretches from there to infinity, ie no upper bound in the set. It is only bounded by the next transfinite number. The beauty of this manifold is that it is self addressing: the points are not continuous and amorphous, but discrete and named by a structure or algorithm. My algorithm is me.

Luckily I asked the right question: What is God? and got the right answer: this is God and, like Einstein, we can extrapolate from our local gods to the global God. A five year dose of Thomas was enough to inoculate me, plus the conviction that we could produce a new picture of God by giving new meanings to the technical terms of Aristotle-Thomas theology. Remarkable that Aristotle's ideas lay dormant from about 320 bce to 1260, ie 1580 years.

MASS = ENTROPY = NUMBER = MOMENTUM — global democracy means every person has the same weight.

[page 172]

Getting excited by my own ideas. Mental masturbation. Bad. We do not want people getting ideas above their station.

Santayana Winds of Doctrine: Clark page 186. George Santayana (1913), Clark

Clark page 187: Santayana letter to BAG Fuller: '. . . he gave what was in 1913 a widely held professional opinion of Russell: . . . not a very trustworthy thinker . . . ' .

page 259: Russell in preface to The Principles of Social Reconstruction: 'Liberation of creativeness ought to be the principle of reform both in politics and economics.'

We are slowly, after nearly a century, breaking the curtain of secrecy thrown around the Church by Crimen sollicitationis. Supremae Sacrae Conregationis Sancti Officii, Tapsell: Potiphar's Wife

From the point of view of monarchy, the original sin is independence. From the point of view of independence, (maximum entropy) monarchy is the original sin.

Catholicism is the biggest lie. Who said the bigger the lie the better the chances of getting away with it? Adolph Hitler

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Cybernetic theology. Cybernetics shows us the limits of consistent action and so the boundaries of God. We know the interior of things through their boundaries, that is their interfaces with us. On the other hand, quantum mechanics shows us that our

[page 173]

Universe attains its boundaries, that is it is divine.

Cybernetics is the fundamental science of tradieship.

Cantor developed a natural scale of entropy.

It is a great pleasure, one might say an orgasmic pleasure, to be able to say what one wants to say, in writing or in our process of reproduction.

I am beginning to feel that the end is coming for this grim monstrosity which has dogged the lives of so many people by declaring them inherently evil, original sinners.

The cosmological constant problem tells s that the quantum field theoretical computation of the energy of the vacuum is wrong by a factor of abut 10100, the wrongest number in the whole of physics. Stephen Weinberg

The eigenfunctions of an operator are immune from its action as to their proportional dimensional composition [ie direction], but their probability is modified by the corresponding eigenvalue.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

The conflict between eternity and dynamism is one of the inconsistencies in the Catholic mode of God that is papered over by the claim that God is an invisible mystery far beyond our ken, but which can be understood by fixed point theory.

The Church has been on the defensive since the declaration of infallibility. This was followed by the syllabus errorum, the twenty four theses and Crimen sollicitationis bringing a

[page 174]

curtain of secrecy down around the infallible heart of the Church. The secular authorities are now gradually exposing the crimes committed behind the curtain. + Ordinatio sacerdotalis or some such. First Vatican Council: Infallibility, Pius IX: Syllabus, Pope Pius X: Theses, Richard Ackland: Crimen, John Paul II: Ordinatio

The Rule of Law and Natural Law. Our enactments will be most effective when they follow the laws of nature, that is consistency, which in a mathematical context means no point in the observable structure where p and not-p are both true. Ie, the world is concrete. There is no real superposition. We are all individuals in the concrete layer, but the concrete layer is built on the software which has evolved since the beginning of time. Any changes to the system must respect this legacy. One of the beauties of the layered network model is the spectrum is creates from the simplest of hardware to the most complex software. Here is my old question. If the Universe is a software system, that is a computer network, what is the hardware on which it runs?

Bounds of control / bounds of proof, ie what is provable. Many (most) things are not provable [but some can be checked]. Kurt Goedel 1

Russel and his generation laid the logical foundations for the cybernetic age, or more correctly, the age of cybernetic awareness, when we became aware of the complex interlacing field of feedbacks that grounds the natural process, the algorithms of wilderness, ie formal variables, structural variables, the means we use to communicate structures, language, art, mathematics, etc.

The hardware = { computable functions }

The software = { incomputable functions } [?]

My question is: do the ideas I have been chewing over

[page 175]

most of my life show a path toward the peaceful coexistence of Earth and humanity.

We expound by assumptions, set of axioms we take for granted. They may or may not be true.

Did Russell want to micromanage the world, trusting no-one to do it as well as he? I am going for micromanagement: change one bit at the root and then stand back and watch the consequences work out in all fields of human knowledge including theology.

I understand the transfinite network by applying it, and it is only applicable in finite form, Cantor's principle of finitism. Hallett: Cantorian Set Theory . . .

Clark page 517: Russell: 'men must learn to think of the human race as one family, a change of outlook which "could be brought about in a generation if educators cooperate in bringing up the young as citizens of the world instead of as predatory warriors" .'

page 519: 'If matters are to improve the first as essential step is to find a way of diminishing fear. The world at present is obsesses by the conflict of rival ideologies, and one of the apparent causes of conflict is the desire for victory of our own ideology and the defeat of the other. MONARCHY DOWN, DEMOCRACY UP.

Thursday 4 June 2015
Friday 5 June 2015

What is corruption? Formally correlation or non-orthogonality [in the wrong place].

Gravitation is the consequence of non-orthogonality brought about by communication at a rate proportional to the product of the masses divided by the square of the distance between them, to

[page 176]

the Newtonian order in which the [gravitational influence is transmitted at infinite velocity]

Corruption: leakage. We begin by imagining the transfinite computer network as a pipe system which enforces the conserved flow of energy, which may be subdivided into transfinitely small pipes through which very little happens, so the sources coupled by the pipe are effectively independent = orthogonal.

There is a flow of 'social energy' through the community which should ideally be organized to maximize the value of the energy flows for the concurrent wellbeing of individuals and society, the point of maximum entropy / energy.

Hopefully my life of long shots and wild speculation is coming home to a safe haven. At least I feel it is better than the existing model, and as it slowly fits together and fits my experiences, I slowly gain confidence in it.

Bless me father because I have not sinned. I was righteous all along.

Saturday 6 June 2015

My idea is to develop an irresistable mathematical model which suggests ways to improve human stability by maximizing 'social entropy' by maximizing freedom, democracy and the scientific study of history. [model based on communication theory]

The Platonic escape, motivated by fear of the concrete, where danger lies. In our reproductive process, women dealing with childbirth and nurture live a lot closer to the concrete than the ruling class of (predominantly) males reluctant to get their

[page 177]

hands dirty,

On Bertie Russell and the rule of law.

Christianity has embedded in us the conviction that most of life is bad and one way to create evidence for this position is to make sure that the ife of the subjects is bad by legislating as far as possible against natural human behaviour.

Clark page 624: Voltaire: 'One owes respect to he living. To the dead one owes nothing but truth.'

page 625: " "Sir Stanley", says a close friend, "knew his place. He was a good tradesman. Russell was an aristocrat" . '

Aristocracy: Determinants of the goods
Trade: realizing the interface between goods and money



Our fundamental delusion is that we are smarter than the world which made us because we are specially made by God.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Clark, Ronald, The Life of Bertrand Russell, Bloomsbury Reader 1973, 2012 Preface: '. . . Russell's letters to Lucy Donelly. to Lady Contance Malleson and above all the Lady Ottoline Morrell wikk, when pubkished in full, reveal the deep emotionak complexities of a man to whm no venture was too dangerous, no exploration too unlikely. It will eventually be possible to describe in greater some aspects of Russell's later life although it now seems conclusive — at least to the oreset writer — that these details will not materially alter the picture it is possible to draw today.' (1974) 
Hallett, Michael, Cantorian set theory and limitation of size, Oxford UP 1984 Jacket: 'This book will be of use to a wide audience, from beginning students of set theory (who can gain from it a sense of how the subject reached its present form), to mathematical set theorists (who will find an expert guide to the early literature), and for anyone concerned with the philosophy of mathematics (who will be interested by the extensive and perceptive discussion of the set concept).' Daniel Isaacson. 
Sproul, Barbara C, Primal Myths: Creating the World, Rider (Hutchinson) 1980 back
Tapsell, Kieran, Potiphar's Wife: The Vatican's Secret and Child Sexual Abuse, ATF Press 2014 Back cover: 'For 1500 years the Cathilic Church acepted that clergy who sexually abused children deserved to be stripped of theur status as priests and then imprisoned. . . . That all changed in 1922 when Pope Pius XI issues his decree Crimen Sollicitationi that created a de facto 'privilege of clergy' b imposing the 'secret of the Holy Ofice' on all infomration obtained through the Church'd canonincal investigations. If the State did not knw abut these crimes, then there would be n State trials, and the matter could be treated as a ourely canonical crime to be dealt with in secret in the Church courts.. 
Veltman, Martinus, Diagrammatica: The Path to the Feynman Rules, Cambridge University Press 1994 Jacket: 'This book provides an easily accessible introduction to quantum field theory via Feynman rules and calculations in particle physics. The aim is to make clear what the physical foundations of present-day field theory are, to clarify the physical content of Feynman rules, and to outline their domain of applicability. ... The book includes valuable appendices that review some essential mathematics, including complex spaces, matrices, the CBH equation, traces and dimensional regularization. ...' 
Adolph Hitler, Goodreads, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” back
Alan Turing, On Computable Numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem, 'The "computable" numbers may be described briefly as the real numbers whose expressions as a decimal are calculable by some finite means. Although the subject of this paper is ostensibly the computable numbers, it is almost equally easy to define and investigate computable functions of an integral variable of a real or computable variable, computable predicates and so forth. . . . ' back
First Vatican Council, Decrees of the [first] Vatican Council, Decrees of the Vatican Council, IV: Concerning the Infallible Teaching of the Roman Pontiff back
George Santayana (1913), Winds of Doctrine, 'The present age is a critical one and interesting to live in. The civilisation characteristic of Christendom has not disappeared, yet another civilisation has begun to take its place. We still understand the value of religious faith; we still appreciate the pompous arts of our forefathers; we are brought up on academic architecture, sculpture, painting, poetry, and music. We still love monarchy and aristocracy, together with that picturesque and dutiful order which rested on local institutions, class privileges, and the authority of the family. We may even feel an organic need for all these things, cling to them tenaciously, and dream of rejuvenating them. On the other hand the shell of Christendom is broken. The unconquerable mind of the East, the pagan past, the industrial socialistic future confront it with their equal authority. Our whole life and mind is saturated with the slow upward filtration of a new spirit—that of an emancipated, atheistic, international democracy.' back
John Paul II, Ex Corde Ecclesiae, '27. Every Catholic University, without ceasing to be a University, has a relationship to the Church that is essential to its institutional identity. As such, it participates most directly in the life of the local Church in which it is situated; at the same time, because it is an academic institution and therefore a part of the international community of scholarship and inquiry, each institution participates in and contributes to the life and the mission of the universal Church, assuming consequently a special bond with the Holy See by reason of the service to unity which it is called to render to the whole Church. One consequence of its essential relationship to the Church is that the institutional fidelity of the University to the Christian message includes a recognition of and adherence to the teaching authority of the Church in matters of faith and morals. Catholic members of the university community are also called to a personal fidelity to the Church with all that this implies. Non-Catholic members are required to respect the Catholic character of the University, while the University in turn respects their religious liberty. back
John Paul II, Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, 22 May 1994, '4. Although the teaching that priestly ordination is to be reserved to men alone has been preserved by the constant and universal Tradition of the Church and firmly taught by the Magisterium in its more recent documents, at the present time in some places it is nonetheless considered still open to debate, or the Church's judgment that women are not to be admitted to ordination is considered to have a merely disciplinary force. Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church's divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful.' back
Kurt Goedel 1, On formally undecidable propositions of Principia Mathematica and related systems, I, The classic paper, part I. back
Kurt Goedel I, On formally undecidable propositions of Principia Mathematica and related systems I, '1 Introduction The development of mathematics towards greater exactness has, as is well-known, lead to formalization of large areas of it such that you can carry out proofs by following a few mechanical rules. The most comprehensive current formal systems are the system of Principia Mathematica (PM) on the one hand, the Zermelo-Fraenkelian axiom-system of set theory on the other hand. These two systems are so far developed that you can formalize in them all proof methods that are currently in use in mathematics, i.e. you can reduce these proof methods to a few axioms and deduction rules. Therefore, the conclusion seems plausible that these deduction rules are sufficient to decide all mathematical questions expressible in those systems. We will show that this is not true, but that there are even relatively easy problem in the theory of ordinary whole numbers that can not be decided from the axioms. This is not due to the nature of these systems, but it is true for a very wide class of formal systems, which in particular includes all those that you get by adding a finite number of axioms to the above mentioned systems, provided the additional axioms don’t make false theorems provable.' back
Pius IX, The Syllabus of Errors Condemned by Pius IX, 'Venerable Brethren, you see clearly enough how sad and full of perils is the condition of Catholics in the regions of Europe which We have mentioned. Nor are things any better or circumstances calmer in America, where some regions are so hostile to Catholics that their governments seem to deny by their actions the Catholic faith they claim to profess. In fact, there, for the last few years, a ferocious war on the Church, its institutions and the rights of the Apostolic See has been raging.... Venerable Brothers, it is surprising that in our time such a great war is being waged against the Catholic Church. But anyone who knows the nature, desires and intentions of the sects, whether they be called masonic or bear another name, and compares them with the nature the systems and the vastness of the obstacles by which the Church has been assailed almost everywhere, cannot doubt that the present misfortune must mainly be imputed to the frauds and machinations of these sects. It is from them that the synagogue of Satan, which gathers its troops against the Church of Christ, takes its strength.' back
Pope Pius X, 24 Thomistic Theses, 'The Twenty-Four Fundamental Theses Of Official Catholic Philosophy Commentary by P. Lumbreras, O.P., S.T.Lr., Ph.D. Latin translation of theses by Hugh McDonald Citations of St. Thomas from and Fr. Edouard Hugon, O.P.'s Les vingt-quatre theses thomistes (Double-click any Latin word for its definition in Lewis & Short.) In our preceding paper we proved by documents of recent Popes that the Church, in exercising her right, has adopted the scholastic philosophy as her official philosophical teaching, that by scholastic philosophy the Church understands not only chiefly but exclusively the philosophy of St. Thomas, and that St. Thomas' philosophy stands for at least the twenty-four theses approved and published by the Sacred Congregation of Studies. In this paper we will give a translation of these theses with a very brief explanation of each. Sacred Congregation of Studies Decree of Approval of some theses contained in the Doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas and proposed to the Teachers of Philosophy Sacred Congregation of Studies Datum Romae, die 27 iulii 1914. B. Card Lorenzelli, Praefectus Ascensus Dandini, a Secretis' back
Richard Ackland, Protecting paedophile priests goes back to canon law, 'In 1922, Pope Pius XI issued Crimen Sollicitationis, which imposed the secret of the holy office. Priests who were meddlesome in the worst ways imaginable were to be kept under wraps. This was subsequently confirmed in 1962. In 1974 the "secret of the holy office" was rebadged as the "pontifical secret". It was confirmed again in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. Later Benedict XVI (the German pope) conveniently declared the secrecy provisions extended to allegations of priests having sex with intellectually disabled people. By 2010, the scandals of paedophile priests were well and truly on the front page. The heat was on, so the Vatican got busy and came up with a harmless amendment to the established code. A restricted form of reporting to the civil authorities was permitted, but only where the civil law required it.' back
Stephen Weinberg, The Cosmological Constant Problems, 'Abstract. The old cosmological constant problem is to understand why the vacuum energy is so small; the new problem is to understand why it is comparable to the present mass density. Several approaches to these problems are reviewed. Quintessence does not help with either; anthropic considerations offer a possibility of solving both. In theories with a scalar field that takes random initial values, the anthropic principle may apply to the cosmological constant, but probably to nothing else.' back
Supremae Sacrae Conregationis Sancti Officii, De Modi Procedendi in Causis Sollicitationis, 'Instructio De modo procedendi in causis de crimine sollicitationis. SERVANDA DILLIGENTER IN ARCHIVO SECRETO CURIAE PRO NORMA INTERNA NON PUBICANDA NEC ULLIS COMMENTARIIS AGENDA' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls