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vol VII: Notes



[Sunday 8 November 2015 - Saturday 14 November 2015]

[Notebook: DB 79: Galileo Wins]

[page 134]

Sunday 8 November 2015

Auyang is a bit disappointing in that she seems to follow the standard model and the standard mathematical approach without much fresh insight. Not that I have got much further. Auyang

I like to see spacetime as the visible screen on which the results of invisible computations are projected and that the algorithms of spacetime are a layer in the universal network which are built on the basic quantum layer of energy time by the advent of a three dimensional system of memory which enables communication without interference, that is without crossed wires. But have not progressed from here for a long time.

Paul Ehrlich Q & A: 'If you teach people details about non-existent supernatural monsters and then behave in relation to what you think they are telling you. That's child abuse. You don't raise your kids that way. FitzSimons Peter FitzSimons

Auyang page 176: 'Without a comparison we cannot tell if events are different. Without the relations of similarity and constancy, we cannot have any notion of changes. Without change, the notion of succession loses much of its meaning. No sense of a world obtains from such a heap of disjoint events.'

Mathematical physicists conceptually digitize the continuum by using point sets to study it on the assumption that the continuum is a set of points that can be addressed in a one to one manner

[page 135]

by real numbers. At the same time they are having trouble with the infinities that arise by dividing by 0. The fundamental difficulty arises from failing to distinguish between logical and geometric (physical) continuity. Mathematical analysis shows that we can develop a logically consistent theory of continuous spaces and real numbers, but these properties are realized in reality not with measureless points but with quanta of action, atoms of action with finite size which is measured by the 'distance' between true and false, 1 and 0, p and not-p. Our obsession with continuity in physics has blinded us to the discreteness and logic in our own communication.

Auyang page 176: 'To bring our inquiry closer to the traditional philosophical debate we can use the same mathematical model to represent the empiricist notion of experiences. In this case the curve γ(x) represents my world line and the events represent a successive sequence of sense impressions. I successively have the sense impressions vx, vx' etc. The impressions are loose and separate, conjoined but not connected, as Hume described.

Wrong (?): the succession of experiences is logically connected by the local environments of my world line ie through which my world line is passing, like this chair in this room in this house.

Here is a glaring example of the ignorance of logical continuity brought on by concentrating on the mathematics of 'analytic' continuity.

The digital universe: revealing the role of logical networks on our perceptions of our world.

Physicists assume the existence of a differentiable manifold as the background of all their work, but logically is must be constructed. We want to understand how our home is built.

[page 136]

Auyang page 177: 'The above mathematical model shows that when the global convention is purged, the notion of similarity collapses.' It cannot be purged, however, because it is built into the Universe by its logical descent from the one God.

Memory, nothing happens, a continuum in time, stillness, but quantum mechanics tells us the wave function is still going round, eit. Nothing observable happens. Is nothing happens equivalent to nothing observable happens? Yes, but nothing observable happens does not mean nothing happens because there may be invisible processing, there must be otherwise (according to the invisibility theorem) nothing would ever happen because a watched computer never halts because it must use up all its cycles to cooperate with being watched, leaving none for actually making progress toward its halted state.

Auyang page 180: 'When the absolute primacy of sense perceptions is taken seriously, we cannot break the solipsism of the moment. Similarity and the regular succession of events are as shaky as identity and causality.' Maybe for a philosopher but not for a person living in the real world. Symmetry is the key to knowledge.

page 181; 'In physics, the recommendation of a satisfactory conceptual framework that includes the relativity of events is embodied in the principle of local symmetry also known as the gauge principle.' Which we imagine is based on shared communication protocols.

page 183: 'In field theories, each event is free to choose its own conceptions in expressing definite quantities. The conventions of various events are mediated and their randomness compensated by the interaction potential' [text represents potential, ie form: this text represents an interaction potential between you and me].

page 185: 'To find relative phases, we need to reconcile the phase

[page 138]

conventions of various events. The mediation is provided by something akin to the heat [flow] . . . and is called the potential . . . The concept of force, which is prominent in classical mechanics, almost disappears in modern dynamics. In its place we find the potential. Potential is the integration of force, and indefinite integrals come with arbitrary constants. Thus the potential is intrinsically relative and can be determined only up to a constant.'

Auyang page 186: 'When we do measurements we effectively substitute one partner of the interacting system with our experimental equipment and discount the equipment.'

Fibre bundle: parallel / serial / parallel

page 188: 'In stark contrast to classical mechanics, field theories admit no path-independent means of comparing and correlating. This is epistemologically satisfying for universal and path-independent standards of comparisons are conventional [fictional?].

Monday 9 November 2015

Auyang's description of the world of quantum field theory and the standard model sets it up for conversion to the network model by interpreting every point in the physical continuum as an event, a discrete operation which we an easily take over as the transmission and reception of a message which takes place in the tangent space of the event.

Differentiability means that nothing happens, the move from point a to point b (measured by ε) is a bounded function of the movement from f(a) to f(b) (measured by δ) so that there are no unbounded jumps in the continuum as we find in the output of a communication source.

[page 138]

Evolution and P vs NP. The source of evolutionary variation is logical in the sense that NP errors introduced by noise in the preservation and copying of the genome may have P consequences which often appear in the phenotype, maybe affecting the selection process.

It's one world, dudes, we are all in it together and if we don't keep up we'll get left behind. The old guard think they are entitled, but these days you have to earn your title, inheritance no longer counts. The white Australia drongoes that are opposed to education are making us dependent on foreign [skilled] labour, just the opposite of what they thought they were doing.

Statisticians bin and count; theoreticians want to know why bins have the observed counts.

Auyang page 204: 'An individual ω is an entity that can be subject to a proposition. Individuals have qualities which are their their properties'.

What is a property? A form or algorithm. Smells like x means has a molecular form which stimulates the sensation x in the human olfactory tract.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

The potentals operating in human space (and every other space where there is competition for resources). Which of the 1 mappings of the natural numbers onto themselves will get the most resources? The o computable ones, because they can reproduce themselves by collecting the resources to make copies of themselves, the principal element of which is simply the ability to make copies of oneself — biology [and also literature, and all other reproduction of existing strings].

Wednesday 11 November 2015

[page 139]

How to map network layering to fibre bundles. [Auyang page 214]

From differentiable manifold to transfinite computer network [via point set theory, ie digitization of the continuum].

Auyang page 214 Fibre Bundles - a communication link is a fibre.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Newspapers have to entertain to boost sales, but the fundamental cybernetic role of the investigative side of journalism is negative feedback pointing out errors in the infinite dimensional course of the body politic through its environment.

In order to steer a deterministic course we need to control every degree of freedom. Ships, for instance, are controlled in the vertical dimension by buoyancy so they have only two degrees of freedom. Trains are controlled in the vertical dimension and one horizontal dimension, leaving the driver to control tangent velocity.

Time is the affine parameter in an infinite dimensional logical space and the single time reflected in the conservation of energy is bifurcated into the infinity of local (proper) times corresponding to processes in the universe.

Lower energy correlates with higher entropy, more states per Joule. S = ∫ dQ/T. Carnot machine conserves entropy but uses less energy to carry the same entropy in the low temperature 'source'.

Sex is our common language, the reproductive potential that keeps us alive in the face of individual inevitable death.

[page 140]

On generation and corruption. The invisibility theorem and the limits to self repair. Aristotle

Friday 13 November 2015

Copy of Francis to Commonweal to review. Letters to Pope Francis

Next book: The root of peace, radix pacis

The causes of war and disturbance: resources; culture. Can I say my culture is my total learned (as opposed to inherited) information content [the noome?].

A Theory of Peace concentrated on the size of the space we can occupy (so reducing pressure, viscosity and friction). Now we turn to our common origin in God. So the roots of peace are: a) our unity in God; and b) the unbounded creative space open to us. A theory of peace , 1987

Conflict and corruption (inconsistency)
peace and cooperation (consistency)

The network + Cantor + computability / incomputability give us the ingredients for the theory of peace. Radix pacis: A theory of peace.

Common descent: common protocols. Evolution builds humanity into the overall scheme of things.

Although death and destruction through war may be on a general downward trend, the exponential increase in media coverae of every event on Earth makes us feel that violence and corruption are on the rise

[page 141]

Secular humanity : ie basing our humanity on reality (the saeculum ) has moved far ahead of the traditional religions whose conflicts are generally based on radical misunderstanding of the nature of our world. Saeculum - Wikipedia

Saturday 14 November 2015

The root of our unity is that we are all personalities of God, like Jesus and the prophets. Every event in the universe, including ourselves is divine revelation.

We are all prophets. We are all Jesus. And a large number of get crucified by reactionary and occupying forces, like Jesus did.

Churchill bombing Mespotamia [Iraq] Marek Pruszewicz

You can never [overestimate] the gullibility of a population and the Catholic Church takes full advantage of this, preaching the power of prayer while leaving it to others to make their prayers come true.

Democracy: making prayers come true. We pray for equality, but we must also do it in our own lives.

Of course I am on a mission from God. When one writes the script one can take on any role. I wish to reveal the God hidden in every detail of everyday lie.

It is the feeling that generates brand wealth: Gruen. Wil Anderson

. . .


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Augustine, Saint, and Edmond Hill (Introduction, translation and notes), and John E Rotelle (editor), The Trinity, New City Press 1991 Written 399 - 419: De Trinitate is a radical restatement, defence and development of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. Augistine's book has served as a foundation for most subsequent work, particularly that of Thomas Aquinas.  
Auyang, Sunny Y., How Quantum Theory is possible, Oxford University Press 1995 Jacket: 'Quantum field theory (QFT) combines quantum mechanics with Einstein's special theory of relativity and underlies elementary particle physics. This book presents a philosophical analysis of QFT. It is the first treatise in which the philosophies of space-time, quantum phenomena and particle interactions are encompassed in a unified framework.' 
Cheney, Margaret, Tesla: Man out of Time, Touchstone 2001 Jacket: 'In Tesla: Man Out of Time Margaret Cheneyexplores the brilliant and prescient mind of the twentieth century's greatest scientist and inventor.  
Khinchin, Aleksandr Yakovlevich, The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistics, Dover 1998 'In the area of quantum statistics, I show that a rigorous mathematical basis of the computational formulas of statistical physics . . . may be obtained from an elementary application of the well-developed limit theorems of the theory of probability.' 
Matthew, and Alexander Jones (editor), in The Jerusalem Bible, Darton Longman and Todd 1966 Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels: '[Matthew is] a dramatic account in seven acts of the coming of the kingdom of heaven. 1. The preparation of the kingdom in the person of the child-Messiah. . . . 2. the formal proclamation of the charter of the Kingdom i.e. the Sermon on the Mount 3. The preaching of the kingdom by missionaries 4. The obstacles that the kingdom will meet from men 5. Its embryonic existence ... 6. The crisis . .. which is to prepare the way for the definitive coming of the kingdom . . . 7. The coming itself ... through the Passion and resurrection.' 
Aristotle, On Generation and Corruption , 'Our next task is to study coming-to-be and passing-away. We are to distinguish the causes, and to state the definitions, of these processes considered in general-as changes predicable uniformly of all the things that come-to-be and pass-away by nature. Further, we are to study growth and 'alteration'. We must inquire what each of them is; and whether 'alteration' is to be identified with coming-to-be, or whether to these different names there correspond two separate processes with distinct natures.' back
Benjamin H. Strauss, Scott kulp and Anders Levermann, Carbon choices determines US cities committed to futures below sea level, Abstract: 'Anthropogenic carbon emissions lock in long-term sea-level rise that greatly exceeds projections for this century, posing profound challenges for coastal development and cultural legacies. Analysis based on previously published relationships linking emissions to warming and warming to rise indicates that unabated carbon emissions up to the year 2100 would commit an eventual global sea-level rise of 4.3–9.9 m. Based on detailed topographic and population data, local high tide lines, and regional long-term sea-level commitment for different carbon emissions and ice sheet stability scenarios, we compute the current population living on endangered land at municipal, state, and national levels within the United States. For unabated climate change, we find that land that is home to more than 20 million people is implicated and is widely distributed among different states and coasts. The total area includes 1,185–1,825 municipalities where land that is home to more than half of the current population would be affected, among them at least 21 cities exceeding 100,000 residents. Under aggressive carbon cuts, more than half of these municipalities would avoid this commitment if the West Antarctic Ice Sheet remains stable. Similarly, more than half of the US population-weighted area under threat could be spared. We provide lists of implicated cities and state populations for different emissions scenarios and with and without a certain collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Although past anthropogenic emissions already have caused sea-level commitment that will force coastal cities to adapt, future emissions will determine which areas we can continue to occupy or may have to abandon.' back
Chakra - Wikipedia, Chakra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Chakra (derived from the Sanskrit cakraṃ . . . ) is a Sanskrit word that translates as "wheel" or "turning". Chakra is a concept referring to wheel-like vortices which, according to traditional Indian medicine, are believed to exist in the surface of the etheric double of man. . . . Much of the original information on Chakras comes from the Upanishads, which are difficult to date because they are believed to have been passed down orally for approximately a thousand years before being written down for the first time between 1200–900 BCE.' back
Dominicans, Dominicans: Order of Preachers, 'WWW.OP.ORG is the official international Web site of the Order of Preachers (the Dominicans). The branches of the Dominican family are multiple: brothers, contemplative nuns, congregations of contemplative and apostolic sisters, lay persons in fraternities or secular institutes, secular priests in fraternities. "Each one has its own character, its autonomy. However by taking part in the charism of saint Dominic, they share between them a single vocation to be preachers in the Church (Chapter of Mexico, 1992)."' back
Emile Grgin, A Historical Approach to research in Fundamental Phyiscs, Essay Abstract 'Research that aims at identifying new fundamental ideas in physics can greatly profit from a historical approach. The present essay develops this idea by conceptually analyzing the major physical theories created since antiquity and by distilling from them the research trends that have been unmistakably successful. The author's approach to research is based on extrapolating these trends into the future. It is a method that led to a unification of quantum mechanics and relativity based on a new number system structurally located between the complex numbers and the quaternions. Following a brief description of the concrete results obtained so far, the question of what's ultimately possible in physics is addressed by speculatively generalizing the results in question. back
Hebrew Bible - Wikipedia, Hebrew Bible - Wikipedia, The Hebrew Bible . . . is a term referring to the books of the Jewish Bible as originally written mostly in Biblical Hebrew with some Biblical Aramaic. The term closely corresponds to contents of the Jewish Tanakh and the Protestant Old Testament (see also Judeo-Christian) but does not include the deuterocanonical portions of the Roman Catholic or the Anagignoskomena portions of the Eastern Orthodox Old Testaments. The term does not imply naming, numbering or ordering of books, which varies (see also Biblical canon).' back
Jeffrey Nicholls, Letters to Pope Francis, 'The cover-up of the crimes against children in the Catholic Church points to a failure of governance greater than the sale of indulgences which led to the Reformation. If it is to survive as a fitting citizen of the modern world, the Church must turn to democracy for its politics and to science for its doctrine.' back
Marek Pruszewicz, The 1920s British air bombing campaign in Iraq, 'The Air Minister, Lord Thomson, detailed how one district of "recalcitrant chiefs" was subdued in the Liwa region on the Euphrates in November 1923. He wrote: "As they refused to come in, bombing was then authorised and took place over a period of two days. The surrender of many of the headmen of the offending tribes followed." As far as the British government was concerned, the strategy was a pragmatic success. Iraq was subdued by a handful of RAF squadrons and a small force of troops. The RAF maintained its military control over Iraq until World War Two, even after Iraqi independence in 1932.' back
Michael Mendelson, Saint Augustine - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Aurelius Augustinus [more commonly "St. Augustine of Hippo," often simply "Augustine"] (354-430 C.E.): rhetor, Christian Neoplatonist, North African Bishop, Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church. One of the decisive developments in the western philosophical tradition was the eventually widespread merging of the Greek philosophical tradition and the Judeo-Christian religious and scriptural traditions. Augustine is one of the main figures through and by whom this merging was accomplished. He is, as well, one of the towering figures of medieval philosophy whose authority and thought came to exert a pervasive and enduring influence well into the modern period (e.g. Descartes and especially Malebranche), and even up to the present day, especially among those sympathetic to the religious tradition which he helped to shape (e.g. Plantinga 1992; Adams 1999). But even for those who do not share this sympathy, there is much in Augustine's thought that is worthy of serious philosophical attention. Augustine is not only one of the major sources whereby classical philosophy in general and Neoplatonism in particular enter into the mainstream of early and subsequent medieval philosophy, but there are significant contributions of his own that emerge from his modification of that Greco-Roman inheritance, e.g., his subtle accounts of belief and authority, his account of knowledge and illumination, his emphasis upon the importance and centrality of the will, and his focus upon a new way of conceptualizing the phenomena of human history, just to cite a few of the more conspicuous examples. back
natura, natura - Wiktionary, 'Latin [edit]Etymology From nascor (“be born”) [edit]Noun nātūra (genitive nātūrae); f, first declension nature, quality of a thing character, temperament, inclination the natural world (literally, rare) birth' back
Peter FitzSimons, The Fitz Ciles: Monarchists reply with rallying call, '"If you teach people details about non-existent supernatural monsters and then behave in reaction to what you think they are telling you. That's child abuse. You don't raise your kids that way." US Professor Dr Paul Ehrlich, on Q&A, speaking out against religious instruction to minors.' back
Rod Nordland and Jawad Sukhanyar, Afghan Mullah Leading Stoning Inquiry Condones Practice, 'President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan called it a “heinous act” and ordered an investigation, sending a delegation to the central province of Ghor, where the attack took place. One of the leaders of that presidential delegation, however, is a prominent, pro-government mullah who believes the stoning and flogging of adulterers is perfectly justified — as he made clear both in a sermon on the Ghor killing at Friday Prayer and in a subsequent interview on Friday.' back
saeculum, saeculum - Wiktionary, 'saeculum (genitive saeculī); n, second declension race, breed generation, lifetime age, time century' back
Saeculum - Wikipedia, Saeculum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A saeculum is a length of time roughly equal to the potential lifetime of a person or the equivalent of the complete renewal of a human population. The term was first used by the Etruscans. Originally it meant the period of time from the moment that something happened (for example the founding of a city) until the point in time that all people who had lived at the first moment had died. At that point a new saeculum would start.' back
Secularity - Wikipedia, Secularity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Secularity (adjective form secular) is the state of being separate from religion. For instance, eating and bathing may be regarded as examples of secular activities, because there may not be anything inherently religious about them. Nevertheless, both eating and bathing are regarded as sacraments in some religious traditions, and therefore would be religious activities in those worldviews. Saying a prayer derived from religious text or doctrine, worshipping through the context of a religion, and attending a religious school are examples of religious (non-secular) activities. Prayer and meditation are not necessarily non-secular, since the concept of spirituality and higher consciousness are not married solely to any religion but are practiced and arose independently across a continuum of cultures, however it may be argued that these practices have arisen as a result of religious (non-secular) influence. Most businesses and corporations, and some governments, are secular organizations. All state universities in the United States are secular organizations (due to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution) while some private universities are church-related; among many, six church-related examples are Brigham Young University, Boston College, University of Notre Dame, Baylor University, Mercer University, and The Catholic University of America. The public university systems in the United Kingdom and Australia are also secular, although many public primary and secondary schools are religiously aligned. back
Tom Arup, How runaway sea level rise could one day swamp the world's biggest cities, 'The project is based on a scientific paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA in October. That analysis - carried out by researchers at Climate Central - found that four degrees of warming could lock-in 8.9 metres of long-term sea level rise in the centuries to follow. If warming was held to two degrees by strong emissions cuts - the goal of a new global climate agreement countries are negotiating through the United Nations - then the rise would be more like 4.7 metres. About 280 million people live in areas below that watermark.' back
Wil Anderson, Gruen, 'In the final Gruen of the year, Will, Todd & Russel unwrap some Christmas ads & look at one of our favourite ads of the year. Two agencies show us that wrinkles can be sexy. Guest panelists: Milla McPhee & Claire Salvetti.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls