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vol VII: Notes



[Sunday 22 November 2015 - Saturday 28 November 2015]

[Notebook: DB 79: Galileo Wins]

[page 146]

Sunday 22 November 2015

Quantum and human communication: ask a question and one may get one of a spectrum of answers, eg yes/no or a long sentence whose constraint is to be a meaningful reply to the question.

Some inspired words, I feel: (McConnell, comment to Zoltan F Bexley) 'The plan is that we model the universe as a network. Networks are layered and scale invariant, so we can copy lessons learnt at the physical level to the universal network to the human trading level. Given the old hippy ideas that a dollar is analogous to a quantum of action and energy, the time rate of action, analogous to cashflow, we see that there might be a case for building analogues of the symmetries and conservations of physics into our control of flows of value. Pat McConnell

[page 147]

Irrational exhuberance must be tempered by prudence.

Prudence: practical coupling to reality. We can define levels of prudence by probabilities. I have had quite an intense fifty years trying to establish a new coupling to reality and now I can feel the excitement coming on as I try to propagate it.

The digitization of the phase space we use for our description is necessary to capture the full mathematical breadth of the Universe, the logical rather than the physical, but physically embodied logic, the stationary skin of God. . . .

The world is shaped by form, ie potential, ie stationary points.

The stationary points defined by a differential equation str the duals of the equation, coupled to the equation by a metric: ∂ψ = E has fixed points.

We must tailor our structures to the natural fixed points of the universe which is exactly what we do with lego, the bricks have their fixed points of coupling, and a spectrum of stationary states, analogous to the electrons in an atom.

Space is the screen on which the fixed points of the world are projected. Space is the minimum setting for a completely coupled netwok with no crossed wires. This is too simple to be true, but on the other hand we are looking for a simple foundation. A differential equation with three orthogonal solutions, Dirac, diron. 3D + 1D is the foundation of all stationary points. How does the velocity of light fit in.

The large numbers of uncorrelated digital operations can be

[page 148]

modelled by waves and linear superpositions, but when we observe a given system we always see instances of the broken symmetries.

What we want is a model of the minimal living system, that is the minimum network, something like a tetrahedron. To live is to cycle, a recursion, so the minimum recursive system. From action to energy and back to stationary points. The stationary points are computable transformations, fixed encodings and decodings, In physics and quantum mechanics, the fixed points are the nodes of vibrations. The 'vibrations' between the nodes are the incomputable halo of the nodes. The universe is a multidimensional stringed instrument, and the simplest dimension is the atom of action, the divinity. Atom = simplex (not divisible), image of God. Sheeting in the dark, ie the vibration between nodes - Turing / Gödel.

Quantum mechanics is like me, no memory of previous actions due to erasure (annihilation) of messages. In continuous quantum mechanics every moment (in space and / or time) erases its source.

Techniques for creating enemies are essential to the success of all those who seek legitimacy from destruction rather than creation, ie destroying communication rather than promoting it.

Space-time is a fundamental representation of order.

Monday 23 November 2015
All musical instruments have fixed parts which determine the frequency, overtones etc of the notes produced. Various notes and tones are produced either 'digitally' by pianos, flutes etc or

[page 149]

by continuous operations as with voices and fretless instruments.

Feeling as though I am on the edge of something new, a plausible model of 4D space-time growing quantum mechanically (logically) out of action / energy / time. The root of space seems to be orthogonality and the root of orthogonality is the distinction of mutually unintelligible languages. Pythagoras theorem in spacetime gives us as means of translation between orthogonal dimensions, so that we can rotate the axes of a frame of reference.

Governments 'print' money by selling bonds, thus borrowing money from the population, using 'paper', ie form, ie something like the physical process of converting potential energy into kinetic energy and vice versa. Paperwork of this sort is real in the domain of human trade.

Space-time enables the construction of dynamic 3D Venn diagrams. There is no superposition in real space. Venn diagram - Wikipedia

. . . .

Hans de Vries Hans de Vries: The real symmetric representation of the Dirac equation

[page 150]

Gaussian coordinate system merely names points without telling us the distance between them very like the nodes in a network where distance is measured by time (and so phase).

Tuesday 24 November 2015

All computations are real, but only a simple algorithm is necessary to program a computer to do complex arithmetic simply two steams of real arithmetic with the special feature that negative numbers have roots, a feature necessary to get algebraic closure. Algebraic closure - Wikipedia, Closure (mathematics) - Wikipedia

One might understand the meaning of the transfinite transition from n to ℵn+1 as the difference between solo sex and sex with another person.

Momentum - memory - vested interest, the cost of changing a memory cell, the cost of replacing a building, ie in general the cost of an act of creation and annihilation , the the cost of change. . . .

The interface between reality and money is by valuation in a market. Where is the market in physics?

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Time to get down to algorithms? the basic algorithms of quantum mechanics are the addition and subtraction of complex numbers.

The quantum mechanical relationship <ψ|φ> = <φ|ψ>*

[page 151]

tells us that the message from B to A is the complex conjugate of the message from A to B. What does this mean, ie what does it tell us? [it is a necessary consequence of normalization in a linear system] Feynman Lectures on Physics, volume 3 chapter 5

Relativity is the source of spin/ Perhaps spin is the source of relativity, ie the structural foundation of space-time. Q: is this idea worth a day's work? Would I ever have thought it if I did not think it just a moment or two ago? Another step on my conscious noetic world line many of whose salient point are documented in this log.

Write the invisibility theorem in terms of logging, Can a computer log everything it does, including logging everything that it does? No. It would never get anywhere, since even the simplest step toward its halted condition would generate an infinite overhead (requiring renormalization [?]), ie shut down the logging to get finite progress.

Only fixed points can be represented by fixed text. Parmenides

Wikipedia Complex number: 'Complex numbers cannot have the structure of an ordered field [because they are recursive?] . . . C is an algebraically closed field . . . C is the algebraic closure of R. . . . Matrix representation

|a -b|
|b  a|

a, b real.

e = ∑0zn/n!

Complex number - Wikipedia

What is the observable 'particle' space-time. It is a subroutine built into every particle. It is a clock whose rate is tied to the proper energy (including mass) of the particle. So the big question is how do particles move in space? Do they walk along taking steps whose frequency is proportional to their energy and whose spatial frequency is proportional to their momentum E2 = p2 + (mc2)2. Mass-energy equivalence - Wikipedia

[page 152]

What we need is a 'narrative' a transformation , that couples logic to spacetime. Now ordinary computers tell us that logical machines can do arithmetic, and arithmetic is the basic reference system we use to measure and describe (represent) the world, We can represent the fixed points; lepoard has no spots <==> leopard with spots and couple them with two stories: how the leopard got its spots; how the leopard lost its spots. In mathematics narrative / story = proof = turing machine .

Lonergan seemed to think that some things just happen with no meaning what he calles empirical residue, observations with no source. In the divine model nothing just happens, it must be done by some process or other. This is part of the pure activity of God whose flow is energy. Lonergan

How do you make 3D space out of logical process, ie what is the algorithm for space-time /

Why is the Higgs necessary to give mass if mass is exactly equivalent to energy [it corrects some error in the standard model?].

Inertial mass is a measure of the amount of processing required to change the state of motion of the mass. As the mass grows so the required processing increases, but since mass is processing [energy] the more processing is available to move the mass, so momentum, mass and velocity are closely coupled p = m.v

How is meaning embodied in a network? In the algorithms used to decode the messages.

Feynman III: 5-5: 'Before going on we want to summarize three important general laws about amplitudes

[page 153]

I <j|i> = δji

II <χ|φ> = ∑i<χ|i> <i|φ>

III <φ|χ> = <χ|φ>*

A series of amplitudes, a computation: <0R|j><j|A|i><i|+S>.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Simultaneous and localized states add amplitudes
Successive and evolving states multiply amplitudes.

We say orthogonality is a matter of coding, incompatible codes = no communication. Coding in quantum mechanics is a matter of frequency and timing. A radio picks up no signal when it is tuned away from the broadcast signal, and thee is uncertainty here introduced by the bandwidths of transmitter and receiver [no signal can be sent at zero bandwidth]. [Does] this get us any closer to 3D space? Keep trying. Bandwidth works a bit like noise to confuse closely tuned signals so eg the FM radio network os sliced (digitized) into 100 kHz intervals. Frequency modulation - Wikipedia

Our root hypothesis is that the 3D ness of space is necessary for error free communication (no crossed wires). What is the minimum size of a network to need 3D? 4 nodes, wired in a tetrahedron. If we try a square, the diagonals interfere with one another. Interference (in quantum mechanics) is a consequence of crossed wires, two signals sharing the same space, ie a connection in the wires.


[page 154]

Time adds linearly. Spatial dimensions add quadratically, according to Pythagoras.

Powers and roots are orthogonal. Fermions are orthogonal breaking [maintaining?] their orthgonality by exchanging bosons. I am sitting in my kitchen spaced out by fermions. The fact that two fermions cannot share the saem state has something to do with the fact that state and space are coupled., but states outside each other's light cone are orthogonal, they cannot communicate (? [spooky action at a distance]).

Spin = actin = zero dimensional, ie it is blind to direction, but has an intrinsic direction, the 'spin axis'. Do photons exist in zero dimensional space, bosons, although they have an axis of propagation when we find them in three space. Fermions only need one dimension to repel one another along.

Friday 27 November 2015

Hydrogen atom in the ground state is spherically symmetrical and electron has zero orbital angular momentum

Saturday 28 November 2015

Our genetic heritage is not too bad, having been subject to billions of years of testing [and selection] but our heads are full of completely unrealistic ideas inherited from previous generations. principally because we are indoctrinated into the language and culture of our birth long before we develop any critical faculties.

We can say that almost always the consequences of an error are . . . more expensive that if the error had not occurred.

[page 155]

ISIS are very much like all those entities that engage in zero [or less] sum games, where my gain is your loss and vice versa. The alternative is to get with the universal trend and seek out creative games.

Justice, prudence, consistency: we need a certain mimimum of computed behaviour to keep things on the right track. Requisite variety.

From 26 April 1982: I am beginning to see how religion works. They set you a hopeless task and blackmail you when you fail.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Adams, Marilyn McCord, Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God, Melbourne University Press 1999 Jacket: 'Thinkers in all societies have struggled to make sense of horrendous evil. This provocative book takes a religious perspective. It tackles a fundamental dilemma in Christian thought -- how to recocile faith in God with the evils that afflict human beings. Distinguished Americal philosopher Marilyn McCord Adams argues that analytic philosophy of religion is too narrowly focussed. The ground rules for debate have allowed philosophers to avert their gaze from the very worst evils and from their impact on human lives. She proposes a radical shift away from the preoccupation with morals and towards more fruitful evaluative categories such as purity, defilement, honour, shame and aesthetics. The innovative approach of Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God will challenge thinkers both religious and secular.' 
Lonergan, Bernard J F, Insight : A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '. . . Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 
Thompson, Laura, Agatha Chriastie: An English Mystery, Headline Book Publishing 2009 Amazon Product Description 'A passionate and accomplished writer, Laura Thompson now turns her highly acclaimed biographical skills to Agatha Christie—arguably the greatest crime writer in the world. Thompson describes the Edwardian world in which Christie grew up; explores the relationships she had, including those with her two husbands and daughter; and investigates the mysteries still surrounding Christie's life—including her disappearance in 1926. For the first time, Christie’s six Mary Westmacott romance novels—written under a pseudonym and highly revelatory about her hidden inner life—are fully studied in a biography. Agatha Christie is a mystery and writing about her is a detection job in itself. But, with access to all of Christie's letters, papers, and writing notebooks, as well as interviews with her grandson, daughter, son-in-law, and their living relations, Thompson is able to unravel not only the detailed workings of Christies detective fiction, but the truth behind her private life as well.' 
van Heijenoort, Jean, From Frege to Goedel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic 1879 - 1931. , 1999 Amazon book description: 'Collected here in one volume are some thirty-six high quality translations into English of the most important foreign-language works in mathematical logic, as well as articles and letters by Whitehead, Russell, Norbert Weiner and Post…This book is, in effect, the record of an important chapter in the history of thought. No serious student of logic or foundations of mathematics will want to be without it.' 
Pennisi, Elizabeth, "No Genome Left Behind", Science, 326, 5954, 6 November 2009, page 794-795. 'A project to sequence 10,000 vertebrates has just been launched, but sequencing technologies are not yet up to the task.'. back
Algebraic closure - Wikipedia, Algebraic closure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, I'n mathematics, particularly abstract algebra, an algebraic closure of a field K is an algebraic extension of K that is algebraically closed. It is one of many closures in mathematics. Using Zorn's lemma, it can be shown that every field has an algebraic closure, and that the algebraic closure of a field K is unique up to an isomorphism that fixes every member of K. Because of this essential uniqueness, we often speak of the algebraic closure of K, rather than an algebraic closure of K. . . . The fundamental theorem of algebra states that the algebraic closure of the field of real numbers is the field of complex numbers.' back
Andrew Jacobs, China Bars Anastasia Lin, Miss World Canada (and Rights Advocate), 'TORONTO — Clasping hands with youngsters in red Communist Youth League scarves, contestants from more than 110 nations descended on the southern Chinese island of Hainan this week for the 65th annual Miss World contest. But one contestant was absent from the opening ceremony: Miss Canada, otherwise known as Anastasia Lin, a 25-year-old actress and classically trained pianist who has been denied a Chinese visa to attend the monthlong pageant, apparently because of her outspoken advocacy for human rights and religious freedom in China' back
Aya Batrawy, In Saudi Arabia, artist Ashraf Fayadah sentenced to death for atheism, 'Dubai: When Palestinian artist Ashraf Fayadh​ was tried last year on blasphemy-related charges, the Saudi judges overseeing the case rejected the prosecution's request for a death sentence for apostasy. Instead, he was sentenced to 800 lashes and four years in prison over a book of poetry he wrote and for allegedly having illicit relations with women. An appeal was filed and the case was sent back to the lower court, but this time around judges threw out defence witness testimony, refused to accept Mr Fayadh's repentance and on November 17 sentenced him to execution for apostasy.' back
Carol Richards and Robyn Mayes, Link to mining sector are reventing Australian universities from divesting in fossil fuels, 'Strong links to the mining sector have put universities in a difficult position. They are conflicted between climate concerns and the income they derive from vested interests with big mining companies. While many Australian universities engage in the climate change debate, their commitment to divestment has, at best, been minimal.' back
Closure (mathematics) - Wikipedia, Closure (mathematics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A set has closure under an operation if performance of that operation on members of the set always produces a member of the same set; in this case we also say that the set is closed under the operation. back
Complex number - Wikipedia, Complex number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'IA complex number is a number that can be expressed in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit, which satisfies the equation i2 = −1. In this expression, a is the real part and b is the imaginary part of the complex number. Complex numbers extend the concept of the one-dimensional number line to the two-dimensional complex plane (also called Argand plane) by using the horizontal axis for the real part and the vertical axis for the imaginary part.' back
David Marr, The litany of child abuse by Catholic priests that no longer shocks the world. , 'Pell’s good work for the finances of the Melbourne archdiocese was documented dramatically by Furness in her opening address. Pell’s Melbourne Response paid victims so little. In Chicago each abuse claim has cost the church about US$1m. In Melbourne the tariff was $46,000. It’s a little miracle. ' back
Feynman, Leighton and Sands, FLP III: 5 Spin One, 'In this chapter we really begin the quantum mechanics proper—in the sense that we are going to describe a quantum mechanical phenomenon in a completely quantum mechanical way. We will make no apologies and no attempt to find connections to classical mechanics. We want to talk about something new in a new language. The particular situation which we are going to describe is the behavior of the so-called quantization of the angular momentum, for a particle of spin one.' back
FM Broadcasting - Wikipedia, FM Broadcasting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopdia, 'FM broadcasting is a VHF broadcasting technology, pioneered by Edwin Howard Armstrong, which uses frequency modulation (FM) to provide high-fidelity sound over broadcast radio. The term "FM band" describes the frequency band in a given country which is dedicated to FM broadcasting. This term is slightly misleading, as it equates a modulation method with a range of frequencies.' back
Frank Brennan, Cardinal Pell, his lawyers and the Royal Commission, 'For the sake of Pell's reputation, his lawyers will need to cross examine Green and Ridsdale testing their recollection and the consistency of their accounts, not about the sexual abuse they suffered, but about their recollections of any church cover-up. The fact that these men were sexually abused as children is uncontested. The issue is whether their claims that Pell knew or tried to effect some form of cover-up are true and accurate recollections. Given the high degree of scrutiny applied to Pell by the commission and the media, it's only fair that he have his lawyers cross examine these two victims who claim that he did not want to know that abuse occurred or even worse, that he tried to cover it up. And it is appropriate given that both Green and Ridsdale have indicated they have no objection being recalled to be so examined.' back
Frequency modulation - Wikipedia, Frequency modulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In telecommunications and signal processing, frequency modulation (FM) is the encoding of information in a carrier wave by varying the instantaneous frequency of the wave. This contrasts with amplitude modulation, in which the amplitude of the carrier wave varies, while the frequency remains constant.' back
Hans de Vries, Physics Quest: The real symmetric representation of the Dirac equation, 'We describe how one can transform the standard representation of the Dirac equation into a new, spatially symmetric, real valued representation. It is shown that this new representation can be used as a direct replacement in QED and other standard model applications, it produces the same results and the notation is carefully chosen to be virtually identical to the standard notation.' back
Hydrogen atom - Wikipedia, Hydrogen atom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A hydrogen atom is an atom of the chemical element hydrogen. The electrically neutral atom contains a single positively charged proton and a single negatively charged electron bound to the nucleus by the Coulomb force. Atomic hydrogen constitutes about 75% of the elemental (baryonic) mass of the universe.' back
Interpretation of quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, Interpretation of quantum mechanics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'An interpretation of quantum mechanics is a statement which attempts to explain how quantum mechanics informs our understanding of nature. Although quantum mechanics has received thorough experimental testing, many of these experiments are open to different interpretations. There exist a number of contending schools of thought, differing over whether quantum mechanics can be understood to be deterministic, which elements of quantum mechanics can be considered "real", and other matters.' back
Jeff Sparrow, Conservatives' yearning for Islamis the love that dare not speak its name, 'This week, Sydney’s Daily Telegraph published a cover portraying the African-born Grand Mufti Ibrahim Abu Mohammed as a monkey: a predictable manifestation of the Islamophobia unleashed since the atrocities in Paris. But there’s a complementary phenomenon that’s less obvious – a wave of conservative Islamophilia. Yes, Islamophilia. back
Jewel Topsfield, Mystery asylum seeker boat 'pushed back by Austrlian navy' found, back
Karthik Ramanna, Ruling From the Shadows, '“The social responsibility of business,” Milton Friedman famously said in this newspaper 45 years ago, “is to increase its profits.” But he was careful to clarify that his dictum for business held true “so long as it stays within the rules of the game.” Our acute reliance on industry experts in thin political markets and the instances of their self-serving behavior together raise a curious challenge for capitalism. What is the social responsibility of business when it comes to setting the rules of the game? Can it ever be legitimate to manipulate the definition of profit in the spirit of increasing profits?' back
Liturgy of the Hours - Wikipedia, Liturgy of the Hours - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Liturgy of the Hours or Divine Office is the official set of daily prayers prescribed by the Catholic Church to be recited at the canonical hours by the clergy, religious orders, and laity. The Liturgy of the Hours consists primarily of psalms supplemented by hymns and readings. Together with the Mass, it constitutes the official public prayer life of the Church. Upon ordination to any of the Holy Orders, the daily recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours becomes a canonical obligation. The Liturgy of the Hours also forms the basis of prayer within Christian monasticism.' back
Mass-energy equivalence - Wikipedia, Mass-energy equivalence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, In physics, mass–energy equivalence is the concept that any mass has an associated energy and vice versa. In special relativity this relationship is expressed using the mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2 where E is the energy of a physical system m is the mass of the system, and c = the speed of light in a vacuum . . . ' back
Melissa Davey, 'No one listened" to hundreds of complaints about priest, says principal, 'Sleeman said when Dooley did not act on that or other complaints, he had written numerous letters to other senior figures within the archdiocese of Melbourne and the Catholic Education Office, asking for meetings and outlining his concerns. The response had always been the same, Sleeman said – that there was not enough concrete evidence to investigate the complaints. “The whole time these events went on, they did not ever give me any real support, assistance or care about how to handle this guy,” Sleeman said. “It was all done off my own back. “I had to try and provide the best possible solutions to what I call the diabolical position I was in: how do I look after 400-and-something kids when we’ve got this raving lunatic loose?”' back
Murong Xuecun, Beware of China's Safety Record, 'Mega-engineering projects are not immune from low building standards. From 2007 to 2012, 37 bridges reportedly collapsed, with a toll of 182 deaths. These disasters are concealed by headlines touting China’s economic miracle. They are a result of the government’s love of mega-projects combined with rash planning, endemic corruption and careless construction, supervision and regulation. As Chinese capital flows abroad, dangerous practices are at risk of being exported. China’s experience at home should serve as a warning to other governments and companies. Chinese firms may offer the lowest bid on an infrastructure project, but Chinese construction brings tremendous risks.' back
Parmenides, Fragements 1-19, Burnet's English translation, '8 One path only is left for us to speak of, namely, that It is. In it are very many tokens that what is is uncreated and indestructible; for it is complete, immovable, and without end.' back
Prime Infrastructure, Prime Infrastructure, 'Prime Infrastructure Group (ASX: BBI) (1) is a specialist infrastructure entity which provides investors access to a diversified portfolio of quality infrastructure assets. Prime Infrastructure's investment strategy focuses on owning, managing and operating quality infrastructure assets in Australia and internationally. (1) ASX code expected to be changed around 7 December 2009. back
The Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, The Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, 'The Commission was established on 23 May, 2000, pursuant to the “Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Act 2000” and given three primary functions: to hear evidence of abuse from persons who allege they suffered abuse in childhood, in institutions, during the period from 1940 or earlier, to the present day; to conduct an inquiry into abuse of children in institutions during that period and, where satisfied that abuse occurred, to determine the causes, nature, circumstances and extent of such abuse; and to prepare and publish reports on the results of the inquiry and on its recommendations in relation to dealing with the effects of such abuse.' back
United Nations, United Nations: Human Rights, 'Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.' back
Venn diagram - Wikipedia, Venn diagram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'A Venn diagram or set diagram is a diagram that shows all possible logical relations between a finite collection of different sets. Venn diagrams were conceived around 1880 by John Venn. They are used to teach elementary set theory, as well as illustrate simple set relationships in probability, logic, statistics, linguistics and computer science.' back
Waleeed Ali, Islamic Stte is a bit player in a much bigger fight, 'It takes a special kind of ideologically induced amnesia to ignore all this. It's an amnesia that takes centre stage in the American Republican party and the lunatic fringe of our own Coalition. But if Malcolm Turnbull is to be believed, this amnesia is not taking hold of Western leaders more generally. That's because they understand IS isn't a player. It's the Middle East's illegitimate child: a byproduct of the power vacuums of a broken region. It exists because it gets lost amid the much bigger fights going on around it – you know, between armies that actually have planes to shoot down. And you can do what you will to IS. Until those bigger fights are somehow resolved, there will always be a byproduct.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls