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Sunday 31 January 2021 - Saturday 6 February 2021

[Notebook: DB 86: Hilbert / Minkowski]

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Sunday 31 January 2021

What is the value of a divine universe? To put theology and physics on realistic bases. What is the problem? Science vs politics, ie the disconnect between reality and human minds. Aristotle was very interested in the realization of potential and invented the unmoved mover to do the work. Since then physicists have defined energy as the ability to do work and the classical definition of energy is the product of force and distance, E = F.s. In classical dimensions, E = ½mv2 → ML2T. F = ma = ML2T-2. F = ma = MLT-2, s = L, so we come round (again) to E = ML2T-2. The scientific revolution begun by Planck [120 years ago and nowhere near ended] replaced [augmented] classical physics with quantum physics and redefined energy as the product of the quantum of action by frequency, E = ℏω, where ω is the (time) rate of change of phase, dψ/dt. What does this mean for potential?

At the heart of classical physics is the conservation of energy,

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which was revealed when it was realised that there are two general forms of energy, potential and kinetic. This undid Aristotle's axiom that no potential can actualize itself [which was the foundation of his proof for the existence of the unmoved mover]. Potential is no longer a privation, but just as real as action, and so becomes endowed with active creative power, so we understand the creation of the universe by the big bang from the initial singularity as a classical example of the realization of potential energy in an explosion. How does this look in quantum theory?

The transformation from classical physics is built around reconception of potential, action, and energy which have been embedded in physics and metaphysics at least since Aristotle's time. From my point of view, trying to be a cognitive cosmologist, I am interested in coupling my personal potential to create interesting ideas to the potential represented by the initial singularity, god and the quantum of action. This is the subject of the (possible) first page of quantum theology "in the beginning".

Next we translate classical force into quantum processing in effect transforming violence into information processing. Then mathematics, logic and Hilbert space. The agent equals linear operator making unitary transformation (ie rotation) of state vector. Then quantum computation and communication.

Information is physical and causes motion: classical three dimensional E = F.s becomes quantum E = hf, which looks linear and E and f are represented by matrices .

Action is logical and does not involve space and time per se. Enerqy is the rate of action, that is the rate of processing ie inverse time so

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that energy multiplied by time gives action nℏ = E / ω = Et.

The actual processing in the universe does not occur in space-time but in Hilbert space. Spacetime acts as the medium for memory and communication, ie the operating system of the universe. This is true even of classical computers where the actually processing is done by quantum systems embedded in chips and wires embedded in spacetime which is four dimensional in order to maintain orthogonality between the underlying processes. All computing is quantum computing and always was. What the co-called quantum computing business is doing is fiddling with the interface between Minkowski space and Hilbert space.

Hilbert space is the symmetry underlying Minkowski space through the bifurcation of energy / momentum / space / time and is instantiated every time two particles [meet] in spacetime executing the interaction between them, often most easily studied in experiments where single particles are collided with one another, ie space-time is in some sense created by the tensor product of Hilbert spaces. How does pixellation in spacetime derive from quantum interactions in Hilbert space?

I know what I want. If I can pull it off the worlds of physics and theology will be reunited and the people will be saved. I know I can do it I have given myself twenty years but I see the target getting closer [after sixty years on the trail]. My thesis is good. I just have to add the insight that all classical computation (which is what the thesis is about) is built on applications of quantum computation

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since quantum mechanics is the root of the universe. Prolegomenon to scientific theology

Molly's Game Molly's Game - Wikipedia

What can I add that they have all missed? The layered network paradigm to explain the role of symmetries in the universe, making god, the quantum of action the fundamental symmetry and then explaining the origins or energy, quantum theory, space-time etc by a chain of broken symmetries each adding a layer of structure to the universe. A big chart of details to work out, but looks like a good foundation to bring order to theology and physic.

Quantum theology is therefore an attempt to execute a mission from god: to bring the real god to the attention of the world thus throwing shade on all the other false gods which have been created by self appointed priesthoods over hundreds of thousands of years.

The Christian fraud on the public makes the works of Trump and the Republican Party look like child's play. They have kept their story of eternal life, a universe damaged by human disobedience and a solution to all our problems by human sacrifice going for two thousand years by claiming sole ownership to a false god. Salvation History - Wikipedia

Symmetry equals subroutine. So how do we do subroutines in Hilbert space? Smaller and more energetic linear operators.

A network is a set of coupled sources which are subroutines from the

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point of view of the network as a whole. Such a set of coupled sources, if it is closed, is a group and little groups can be subgroups of larger groups [and they can all be represented by matrix operators just like quantum theory].

Monday 1 February 2021
Tuesday 2 February 2021

The backbone of space is impenetrability associated with fermions, a form of orthogonality meaning that things are distinguished by their roles, so on a flat earth travelling north-south is independent of travelling east-west, but one can go in any direction by superposing these two dimensions which maintain their individuality in superposition, as do basis vectors in any space up to 0 dimensions.

Wednesday 3 February 2021 home page uploaded [for the first time]

Thursday 4 February 2021

We may consider all communications to be elements of politics, either construcing or deconstructing relationships with one another and we can extend the same model to all communications in the world beginning with the fundamental ideas of bosons (constructive wavefunctions) and fermions (destructive wavefunctions}. Politics, like networks, creates communities at all scales.

Friday 5 February 2021

[page 55]

Turing devised a vey simple machine which is able to do anything computable by building up longer processes out of smaller ones and networking them together [calling subroutines and listening to their answers]. This remains a fundamental in both software engineering, politics and construction of the universe. Smaller units like electrons and protons communicate with one another to create atoms, atoms communicate to create molecules and so on. As complexity increases the frequency of communication decreases. As we increase energy we come to simpler structures until we come to such simple structures that increases in energy do not break them down they simply create more of the same particles, yielding the condition we call confinement [which applies to the whole universe, which is constrained by the boundary beyond which contradiction lies, as we see with fermions]

Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler and Newton pioneered the use of algorithms to compute mathematical models of natural behaviour. They were continuing the age old work of accountants using arithmetic algorithms [initially implemented by calculi (= pebbles)] to model flows of goods and money in [flocks,] warehouses and banks. Planck produced an algorithm to model the spectral irradiance of hot bodies, and Bohr,Heisenberg. Schrödinger, Dirac and von Neumann laid the foundations of quantum mechanical calculations, where the coupling to reality is through [two scales of] frequencies [one] representing energy and [the other the] rate of occurrence of events like the creation and annihilation of photons.

Possibility is defined by existing structure [complete sets of events].

Saturday 6 February 2020

What is the point of It is that if

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we consider just the Hilbert space domain of the theory of the world we find that it fulfils all the requirements for divinity, that is omnipotence and omniscience. Omnipotent because it can achieve anything that does not involve contradiction. Omniscience because it has no bounds on its information content.

What is the problem with this view? It is what has traditionally been called the quantum measurement problem. From the point of view of quantum computation, this is the notion that a quantum computer is infinitely more powerful than a Turing machine, but this power cannot be applied to the real world because the interface between Hilbert space and Minkowski space is "throttled" by the quantum of action manifesting as the uncertainty principle.

What is the solution? We must abandon the view that Minkowski space is mathematically perfect [continuous] as described by analytic function theory and accept that it too is quantized, ie pixellated by the underlying quantum processes and that uncertainty is not a defect, but the key to the creativity of the divine universe.

We understand genes in Bayesian statistics as creating both prior states that constrain future states, but which also contribute their own variety to variations in future states.

[uploaded a new version of]

Our emotional processes are closely analpgous to

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quantum processes in that any given stimulus may evoke one of a wide range of responses from an individual and we characterize personalities by a Born type assessment of an individual's responses to the various inputs which we all commonly receive in life on a many dimensional scale whose two fundamental vector might point toward optimism and pessimism, life half full and life half empty.

The people Upstairs The People Upstairs - Wikipedia


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Further reading


Coyne, Jerry A., Faith vs. Fact: Why Science and Religion are Incompatible, Penguin Viking 2015 Jacket: 'Using the clear-eyed, rational methodology of a world-class scientist, Coyne dismantles every claim to explaining the physical world, and the life in it, that religion proposes, from Genesis on. While science relies on observation, reason, testing and experiment, methods that have led to tremendous progress, religion's methods are based on faith—beliefs in things for which there is no evidence, insufficient evidence or even counter-evidence—as well as on dogma, authority and "confirmation bias," the tendency to see as true what you want to be true. Coyne irrefutable demonstrates the grave harm—to individuals and our planet—in mistaking faith for fact in making the most important decisions about the world we live in.' 

Hanusch, Horst, Evolutionary Economics: Applications of Schumpeter's Ideas, Cambridge University Press 2008 Amazon Product Description 'This volume contains eleven papers - some theoretical, others empirical - given at the 1986 founding meeting of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society in Augsburg. By raising questions and offering additional statistical evidence, they further stimulate interest and discussion about the kinds of intuitive ideas that Schumpeter introduced in his seminal period before World War I. Whatever may be the academic mainline trend in economics, two policy-oriented 'disequilibrium' schools have flourished and still thrive: one stresses the need for social redistribution as a counterweight to a negative propensity to unemployment; the other emphasizes the explicit roles of the dynamic entrepreneur, innovation and stressful competition in stimulating economic growth. And while it is possible that the heyday of the demand-side 'age of Keynes' is passing, it also may be true that the time of the supply-side 'age of Schumpeter' is now emerging.' 

Hawking, Steven W, and G F R Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time, Cambridge UP 1975 Preface: Einstein's General Theory of Relativity . . . leads to two remarkable predictions about the universe: first that the final fate of massive stars is to collapse behind an event horizon to form a 'black hole' which will contain a singularity; and secondly that there is a singularity in our past which constitutes, in some sense, a beginning to our universe. Our discussion is principally aimed at developing these two results.' 

Hofstadter, Douglas R, and Daniel C Dennett, The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self & Soul, Bantam 1985 Jacket: 'In this unique, mind-jolting book, DH, the author of G¨del, Escher, Bach, the intellectual best seller that won the 1980 Pulitzer Prize, and Philosopher Daniel Dennett, author of the widely acclaimed Brainstorms, explore the meaning of self and consciousness through the perspectives of literature, artificial intelligence, psychology and much more. . . . ' 

Lonergan, Bernard J F, Insight: A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '. . . Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 

Wilson, Edward Osborne, Sociobiology: The new synthesis, Harvard UP 1975 Chapter 1: '... the central theoretical problem of sociobiology: how can altruism, which by definition reduces personal fitness, possibly evolve by natural selection? The answer is kinship. ... Sociobiology is defined as the systematic study of the biological basis of all social behaviour. ... It may not be too much to say that sociology and the other social sciences, as well as the humanities, are the last branches of biology waiting to be included in the Modern Synthesis.'  


Ann Hornaday, Russian drama shines a multifaceted lens on a shameful chapter of Soviet history, ' “Dear Comrades!” is inspired by a true story: It takes place over a few days in 1962 in the city of Novocherkassk, Russia, where the Khrushchev Kremlin has just announced hikes in food prices at the same time that industrial workers are ordered to increase their production quotas. Employees at a locomotive plant go on strike, resulting in two days of unrest and government crackdown, ultimately ending in a massacre at the hands of the KGB. Kept secret for 30 years, the episode was finally brought to light in the 1990s.' back

Charlie Warzel & Stuart A.Thompson, They Stormed the Capitol. Their Apps Tracked Them., ' The location-tracking industry exists because those in power allow it to exist. Plenty of Americans remain oblivious to this collection through no fault of their own. But many others understand what’s happening and allow it anyway. They feel powerless to stop it or were simply seduced by the conveniences afforded in the trade-off. The dark truth is that, despite genuine concern from those paying attention, there’s little appetite to meaningfully dismantle this advertising infrastructure that undergirds unchecked corporate data collection.' back

Chris Mooney, The hidden environmental factors behind the spread of Zika and other devastating diseases, 'That mosquito, in particular, thrives in “artificially human-made habitats,” says Durland Fish, a professor of microbial diseases and also forestry and environmental studies at Yale University. “Tires and cans and plastic containers and rain barrels, and things like that.” What you need to know about the Zika virus Play Video1:10 [Zika virus: WHO declares global public health emergency, says causal link to brain defects ‘strongly suspected’] “It doesn’t live in the ground, or in swamps, or any other kinds of places where you would normally find mosquitoes,” Fish continues. “So humans have created an environment for it to proliferate, by having all of these water containing containers around, and the mosquito has adapted so well…it’s really kind of a human parasite. It’s like the cockroach of the mosquito world.” ' back

Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, Einstein field equations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Einstein field equations (EFE) or Einstein's equations are a set of ten equations in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity which describe the fundamental interaction of gravitation as a result of spacetime being curved by matter and energy. First published by Einstein in 1915[ as a tensor equation, the EFE equate spacetime curvature (expressed by the Einstein tensor) with the energy and momentum within that spacetime (expressed by the stress-energy tensor).' back

Elahe Izadi, Obama, Thomas Jefferson and the fascinating history of Founding Fathers defending Muslim rights, '"When enshrining the freedom of religion in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, our Founders meant what they said when they said it applied to all religions," Obama said Wednesday at the Islamic Society of Baltimore. "Back then, Muslims were often called Mahometans, and Thomas Jefferson explained that the Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom that he wrote was designed to protect all faiths — and I'm quoting Thomas Jefferson now — 'the Jew and the gentile, the Christian and the Mahometan.'" back

General covariance - Wikipedia, General covariance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, In theoretical physics, general covariance (also known as diffeomorphism covariance or general invariance) is the invariance of the form of physical laws under arbitrary differentiable coordinate transformations. The essential idea is that coordinates do not exist a priori in nature, but are only artifices used in describing nature, and hence should play no role in the formulation of fundamental physical laws.' back

Gerald Ryle, Firepower promoters suspended over sales, 'In all, more than $100 million was raised from selling Firepower shares to about 1300 investors - through these and other transactions - on the false premise that the company would deliver huge windfalls after it listed on a London stock exchange. At the centre of the optimism was a fraudulent claim by Firepower that it had invented a pill that could dramatically improve fuel consumption and decrease toxic emissions in motor vehicles.' back

Harrison Smith, Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel laureate who studied ozone and named new ‘Anthropocene’ era, dies at 87, ' Paul J. Crutzen, a Nobel-winning chemist who revealed threats to the ozone layer, developed the concept of “nuclear winter” and concluded that humans were having such a profound impact on the planet that it was time to recognize a new geological epoch — the Anthropocene — died Jan. 28 at a hospital in Mainz, Germany. He was 87. back

Joesph Schumpeter - Wikipedia, Joesph Schumpeter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Joseph Alois Schumpeter (8 February 1883 – 8 January 1950) was an economist and political scientist born in Moravia, then Austria-Hungary, now Czech Republic. He popularized the term "creative destruction" in economics.' back

Lagipoiva Cherelle Jackson, 'We had no paper, but we had our bodies': the sacred and symbolic in Polynesian tattoos, ' Instead of signifying low social standing, the tattoo in Polynesia is a mark of respect, hierarchy and cultural integrity. Unlike the European tattoos that they know, my hand was inked by a tufuga ta tatau (master tattooist), a preordained artist and chief borne of the lineage of tattooist in the Samoan hierarchy of chiefs. It wasn’t a buzzing electric needle that broke my skin but rather a serrated bone comb made of a boar’s tusk and hand tapped by the tufuga using burnt candlenut soot as ink. I was eight years old. My interviewers might all have fainted had they known this.' back

Leon Walras - Wikipedia, Leon Walras - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Marie-Esprit-Léon Walras (December 16, 1834 in Évreux, Eure - January 5, 1910 in Clarens, near Montreux, Switzerland) was a French mathematical economist associated with the creation of the general equilibrium theory. . . . In 1874 and 1877 Walras published Elements of Pure Economics, a work that led him to be considered the father of the general equilibrium theory. The problem that Walras set out to solve was one presented by Cournot, that even though it could be demonstrated that prices would equate supply and demand to clear individual markets, it was unclear that an equilibrium existed for all markets simultaneously. Walras created a system of simultaneous equations in an attempt to solve Cournot’s problem. He presented an informal argument for the existence of an equilibrium based on the assumption that an equilibrium exists whenever the number of equations equals the number of unknowns.' back

Molly's Game - Wikipedia, Molly's Game - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Molly's Game is a 2017 American biographical crime drama film written and directed by Aaron Sorkin (in his directorial debut), based on the 2014 memoir of the same name by Molly Bloom. It stars Jessica Chastain, Idris Elba, Kevin Costner, Michael Cera, Jeremy Strong, Chris O'Dowd, Joe Keery, Brian D'Arcy James, and Bill Camp. The film follows Bloom (Chastain), who becomes the target of an FBI investigation after the underground poker empire she runs for Hollywood celebrities, athletes, business tycoons, and the Russian mob is exposed.' back

Salvation History - Wikipedia, Salvation History - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Salvation History (German Heilsgeschichte) seeks to understand the personal redemptive activity of God within human history to effect his eternal saving intentions.
The salvation history approach was adopted and deployed by Christians, beginning with Paul in his epistles. . . . In the context of Christian theology, this approach reads the books of the Bible as a continuous history. It understands events such as the fall at the beginning of history (Book of Genesis), the covenants established between God and Noah, Abraham, and Moses, the establishment of David's dynasty in the holy city of Jerusalem, etc., as seminal moments in the history of humankind and its relationship to God, namely, as necessary events preparing for the salvation of all by Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. ' back

Salve Regina - Wikipedia, Salve Regina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Salve Regina, also known as the Hail Holy Queen, is a Marian hymn and one of four Marian antiphons sung at different seasons within the Christian liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. . . .
[English text] Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, Hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, Poor banished children of Eve; To thee do we send up our sighs, Mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. . . . ' back

Seth Perlow, What made Amanda Gorman's poem so much better than other inaugural verse, ' Despite the cliches, Gorman distinguished herself by performing with remarkable dynamism and grace. Instead of merely reading her poem from the page, she brought the language to life. Her delivery made poetry a more vital, stirring part of the ceremony than it usually is. Gorman drew upon the contemporary style of spoken-word poetry, which emphasizes the rhythms and rhymes of the poet’s voice as she speaks. Spoken-word poets treat poems as performances, rather than texts for silent contemplation.' back

The People Upstairs - Wikipedia, The People Upstairs - Wikipedia, the fre encyclopedia, ' The People Upstairs (Spanish: Sentimental) is a 2020 Spanish comedy film written and directed by Cesc Gay, starring Belén Cuesta and Javier Cámara. The film was nominated for five Goya Awards and four Feroz Awards. Plot Julio (Javier Cámara) and Ana (Griselda Siciliani) are a couple who spend most of their time arguing. One night, Ana decides to invite their upstairs neighbours, Salva (Alberto San Juan) y Laura (Belén Cuesta), for dinner, despite the fact that Julio is not their biggest fan, not least because of the noise they make while having sex. As the night goes on, various secrets about the couple come to light.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2021 © Jeffrey Nicholls