Natural Theology

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Notes DB 90: Hylopsychism

Sunday 26 November 2023 - Saturday 2 December 2023

[page 26]

Sunday 26 November 2023

Barrow and Tipler page 441: 'Before leaving this topic (creation ex nihilo] it is worth noting that we know of no non-zero conserved quantities that the Universe must possess when it comes into being. Vacuum fluctuations would be matter-antimatter symmetric but subsequent baryon non-conserving interactions could arise to endow the universe with its observed symmetry. Barrow & Tipler (1996): The Anthropic Cosmological Principle

' It is of course somewhat inappropriate to call the origin of a bubble Universe or a fluctuation of the vacuum 'creation ex nihilo', for the quantum mechanical vacuum is not truly 'nothing' : rather the vacuum state has a rich structure which resides in a previously existing substratum of spacetime, either Minkowski or de Sitter spacetime. Clearly a true 'creation ex nihilo' would be the spontaneous generation of everything&mdashspace-time,, the wuantum mechanical vacuum, matter—at ome time in the past.' by or from an eternal God, maybe.

page 444: Hawking; ' There might be something very special about the boundary conditions of the universe and what could be more special that the condition that there is no boundary' ≡ infinite.

[page 27]

B & T page 445: Penrose - entropy boundary; Hawking no boundary.

page 446: 'To take the notion of gravitational entropy seriously we must imagine that there exists gravitational entropy g which measures the deviation of the Universal space-time geometry from homogeneity and isentropy.' We say entropy comes from quantum mechanics deriving energy from eternal gravitation bifurcated into potential and dynamic.

page 449: Hawking makes Minkowski space 4D Euclidean by introducing complex time, which is what it is in Minkowski anyway!

page 458: Quantum Mechanics and the Anthropic Principle.

Schrödinger smeared out electronb collapses to a point on the photographic plave.

page 459: Physicists prefer the Cophenhagen interpretation, Bohr, Como, 1927 COP 1924.

Page 511: Umberto Eco on kinematic vsdynamic:

Now I realized that not infrequently books speak of books: it is as if they spoke among themselves. In the light of this reflection, the library seemed all the more disturbing to me. It was then the place of long centuries-old murmuring, an impenetrable dialogue between one parchment and another, a living thing, a receptacle of powers not to be ruled by a human mind, a treasure of secrets emanated by many minds, surviving the death of those who had produced them or had been their conveyers.

Eco page 548: 'Truth is indivisible, it shines with its own transparency and does not allow itself to be diminished by out interests or shame.'

page 562: 'Clearly a genetic code of some sort is absolutely essential for ther existence of intelligent life,' What about bosons? Model a proton

[page 28]

B & T page 563: 'Inorganic processes cnnot fenerater an axygen tmosphere.

page 613: The Future of the Universe

page 615: A.N. Whitehead: Cosmology, since it is the outcome of the highest generality of speculation, is the critic of all speculation inferior to itself in generality.'

page 618: Zero energy Universe . . . ' . . . in effect, gravitation is the ultimate source of energy. J. D. Bernal: The World, The Flesh and the Devil. John Desmond Bernal (1929): The World, The Flesh and the Devil

Man is occupied and has been persistently occupied since his separate evolution, with three kinds of struggle: first with the massive, unintelligent forces of nature, heat and cold, winds, rivers, matter and energy; secondly, with the things closer to him, animals and plants, his own body, its health and disease; and lastly, with his desires and fears, his imaginations and stupidities. In each of these divisions in turn we will make the arbitrary assumption that his progress in it will continue while in other respects he remains the same. JD Bernal: The World, The Flesh and the Devil [full text]

Monday 27 November 2023

Conclusion: What has cognitive cosmology achieved? The plan: To graft a new sequel onto the old theology by bringing it into contact with modern physics. The result, a new understanding of divinity, matter and spirituality to replace old ideas that are an enormous burden on the human mind. There is no active principle of evil. All good comes from evolution and insight, but there are infinitely many dead ends to be harmlessly explored and rejected by a community aware of the nature of intelligence and the role of cybernetics. If I can write this conclusion I am on my way to the book, Cognitive Cosmogenesis. At this point in my life nothing else matters. I have always wanted to be a saviour and have exercised this power in small things like connecting hot water systems while thinking about the global solution, which demands strenuous exercise of my mind rather than my ageing body. Jeffrey Nicholls (2023): Cognitive Cosmology

[page 29]

Seeking the Anthropic Principle. Barrow and Tipler is enlightening but they seem to me to have missed the dynamic relationship between science and evolution which has been embedded in the world since the beginning and seems ti explain all the remarkable connections that explain why the Universe is our natural home. And I am going too fr by claiming a role for evolution that goes right back to the beginning by identifying the null geodesic as the genome of the world, the memory that carries us from generation to generation, expanding its bandwidth as it goes from U(1) in electrodynamics to 3 gigs in the human genome. This is the stuff that I should be exploring in the three field theory pages [and explain how we share genetic material by contact, like electrons and bacteria].

' t Hooft: Fifty years of Yang-Mills [ie expanding ther bosons from U(1) to U(3) . . .. It has local gauge invariance—here the gauge group [invariance group] is that of the general coordinate transformation—and the gauge group is non-Abelian also [local symmetries become global symmetries through communications that explain the local differences]. There are two fundamental differences. One is that in gravity the gauge group is non-compact . . .. [The other is that] the kinetic term cannot be made dimensionless, and consequently the interaction terms in the Lagrangian are also not dimensionless so that the theory can never be made renormalizable [so is talking to one another renormalizable using the infinite dimensional codecs of natural languages?]'. Gerardus 't Hooft (2005): 50 Years of Yang Mills Theory

Quantizing gravity meant quantizing Yang Mills. Feynman took it on after his success with electrodynamics. He found a problem [with]

[page 30]

unitarity which led to ghost particles [our speech to one another observes unitarity in the probability structures of the phonemes we utter no matter how complex the sentences, so obviously the quantum field theory that Feynman was stuck in was too narrow to do the job].

page 14: Fadeev-Popov ghosts should also be De Witt ghosts. Still with ud?

page 15: De Witt:: the space of gauge fields [ie the space of languages]; its structure and geometry [give up geometry and get into infinite dimensional data]. Feynman found that non-physical modes carried around the loop had to be compensated by another look involving the propagator for a fermionic field now called a ghost [and the moral of the story may be that the vacuum is a self contradictory concoction; see page 26 B & T talking about ex nihilo and structure of vacuum].

page 16: It is the purpose of this report to give a clear account of the space of the gauge fields (the carriers of the information necessary to map local variations to the global symmetry, is the local metrics that fit particular points so the global picture, the language of mutual understanding, same page finders [like I want to create a global theology that can underlie all the local theologies].

Breaking symmetries create new orders that is new differentiations of things, as when pure act breaks into potential and kinetic energy go give us gravitational potential and quantized particles which draw their energy from gravitational potential, so deepening [and stabilizing?] it. (' tHooft page 61 sqq)

in my dreams I feel that all this mathematical physics is too complex for a simple world and one day I will see through it all and reach a consistent logical / cognitive theory in which everything will become clear, but now the more i try (by eg reading 't Hooft) the deeper I find myself in the fog.

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Skip QED, QFT and QCD for a moment and write a summary / conclusion to convince myself (and my potential readers) that the project has been worthwhile and to gather momentum for an evolutionary perspective in the tree subjects listed above. Some sections:

1. From structureless, omnipotent, eternal divinity to our spiritual home.

2. Evolution and the history of science.

3. Random input explains the power and evil of evolution [a bit like the traditional physical vacuum which is considered dynamic rather than kinematic, a source of trouble.

4. Physics is the key to evidence based theology.

5. Peace in a [multicellular] body arises from sooperation based on a shared genome

Our shared motivation is the possibility of heaven on Earth [see JD Bernal above]

7. Love, ethics and justice grow from human symmetry [by maximizing entropy]

8. The next step share: the sunlight—Piketty—social control of capital.

my desire, of course, is to mirror boy [physics with foggly physics (Knabenphysik → Knacker-Physik].

Wednesday 29 November 2023

cc22_solar_spirit [summary / conclusion]

indigenous fashion. The Way We Wore. I am slowly getting a feel for the theology snd I have now scrapped the idea of cutting cognitive cosmology dhort. Take the

[page 32]

time to make it. Time to take my time and go the whole way bd capture the notion that quantum mechanics is conversation, gravity begins to learn quantum mechanics [and the principle of symmetry with respect to complexity tells that all interactions between "persons" at all levels of complexity are conversations. Quote from cc25_principles: "Principle 3: Symmetry with respect to complexity exists because all meetings of sources from quantum mechanical to human and beyond are personal involving a specific language."

The contents of all messages are elements of a group. In lectromagnetism we simply have phasr which is an element of the continuous group U(1). The in physics we go to 2Dand 3D messages SU(2) and SU(3). Then we come to gravitation and we have the Poincare Group. And how do we fit music and language into groups. And how do we fit all these groups into Hilbert space and how do we use Fourier transforms to connect it to the computable functions, is the connections between input and output at constant entropy, ie the lossless codecs which are the elements of unitarity in reversible computation. Keep hitting on this until it cracks., and once it does we will se howe simple quantum field theory can be when the field boson is spoken language, everything in the universe is talking to one another in the hierarchy of more complex languages. How do we gauge language, how do we imagine a global linguistic symmetry which is broken by individual spoken sentences shared by two human fermions. All of this is the theological gauge theory, [which looks a bit like codeless gravitation, the omnino simplex divinity] and by grafting the classical network onto thee quantum network as I am trying to do

[page 33]

in cc22_network_QED which gives us in effect U(1) theology. Poincaré group - Wikipedia

Thursday 30 November 2023

Quantum field theory conceived as a methodology based on a few assumptions about the world. cc23_quantum_field

First the name is wrong because the only field that exists is gravitation and that is not quantized. So what do we call it? Quantum is not generic because it does not apply to gravitation. My key idea is that theology is the theory of everything and embraces everything from gravitation to heaven. So the name cosmic theology. Cosmos - Wikipedia

Dirac page 43: The aim of science is to appreciate the creative genius of evolution. Graham Farmelo (2009: The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom

Friday 1 December 2023

So what is the heart of quantum field theory? Has it a hope of becoming a theory of everything? It does not see very lceart. Here are regions that need clarification:

1. Kinematic vs dynamic

2. Logical vs arithmetic

3. Communication and personality vs general covariance

4. Hilbert space prior to Minkowski space, taking quantum mechanics out of the realm of special relativity

[page 34]

5. Is quantum mechanics orthogonal to or included in gravitation?

6. Evolution and P vs NP vs creation

7. Evolution [gravitation], periodicity [orbits] and harmonic oscillators

23.4: rearranged as usual

23.1. change of name: quantum field theory becomrd cosmic theology.

23.2. Matter and spirit: Union of physics and theology.

23.3. A meeting pointy: science and evolution.

23.4. lust for life snd the power of faith and hope.

23.5. A meeting point: mathematics and logic.

23.6. is the creator of the Universe an omnipotent empty mind? . . .

23.4 Lust for life is the essential driver of evolution and is self replicating in that successful breeders breed successful breeders and successful breeding produces exponential growth which eventually pays back any initial investment, no matter how great.

Saturday 2 December 2023

[page 35]

23.4 Lust for life and the power of faith and hope.

1. No lust in kinematics, it is passive, only i active dynamics.

2. In physics, lust is a potential. From the theological point of view we equate must with the omnipotence of the initial singularity.

3. The first step of the divine creator is the kinematic development of Hilbert space in perpetual motion without energy.

4. Next point by quantum mechanics is to identify stationary states, fixed points which are formal and consistent, ready to extract energy from gravitation deepening the potential.

5. We may think of this as a formal feasibiity study to see whether a project is consistent and therefore viable (P vs NP again)

6. How did evolution get started? Massless bosons carry the genome (through Minkowski space?)

7. The initial singularity is lustful (see William Blake) and this is the case with all dynamic entities which move when inhibitions are removed.

8. Wr see all this first happening among the fundamental particles which have become dynamic at the same time as gravitation and quantum mechanics between them create space.

9. A few words about the cosmological constant and Wilczek's ether (condensate) resulting from ignorance of the distinction between inematic and dynamics.


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Cosmos - Wikipedia, Cosmos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The verb κοσμεῖν (κοσμεῖν) meant generally "to dispose, prepare", but especially "to order and arrange (troops for battle), to set (an army) in array"; also "to establish (a government or regime)", "to adorn, dress" (especially of women). Thus kosmos meant "ornaments, decoration" (compare kosmokomes "dressing the hair," and cosmetic). The philosopher Pythagoras used the term kosmos (Ancient Greek: κόσμος, Latinized kósmos) for the order of the universe. Anaxagoras further introduced the concept of a Cosmic Mind (Nous) ordering all things. The modern Greek κόσμος "order, good order, orderly arrangement" is a word with several main senses rooted in those notions. κόσμος has developed, along with primary "the universe, the world", the meaning of "people" (collectively).' back

Poincaré group - Wikipedia, Poincaré group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The Poincaré group, named after Henri Poincaré (1906), was first defined by Hermann Minkowski (1908) as the group of Minkowski spacetime isometries. It is a ten-dimensional non-abelian Lie group of fundamental importance in physics. . . . In Minkowski space (. . .), there are ten degrees of freedom of the isometries, which may be thought of as translation through time or space (four degrees, one per dimension); reflection through a plane (three degrees, the freedom in orientation of this plane); or a "boost" in any of the three spatial directions (three degrees).' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2023 © Jeffrey Nicholls