Natural Theology

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Notes DB 90: Psychogenesis_2024

Sunday 31 December 2023 - Saturday 6 January r 2024

[page 86]

Sunday 31 December 2023

The cosmological constant problem: the axiom garbage in garbage out may prove that if garbage comes out garbage has gone in, and so some of the field theoretical ideas that cause the cosmological constant problem must be garbage. Cosmological constant problem - Wikipedia

Is Dirac's equation right? He started with the energy momentum Schrödinger equation and took the square root of the momentum operator [to make it compatible with relativity] eliminating the cross terms with the gamma matrices, but did this really produce an equation in Hilbert space as the pure energy/time version of the Schrödinger equation is? True, it gave the right answer for the hydrogen atom, or can we do a better job by making the Schrödinger equation a pure kinematic energy / time equation with a Hamiltonian matrix in Hilbert space without reference to Minkowski space and then apply the Lorentz transformation to the resulting eigenvalues?

The connection between spin and behaviour is modelled by the spin statistics theorem in quantum field theory. This theorem works from the Minkowski metric to spin, but if we assume quantum mechanics is prior to Minkowski space, as we do on this site, maybe the line of argument goes the other way, ie the differences in spin are the cause of the Minkowski metric, particularly the most salient feature, the null geodesic which enables quantum states to be carried through spacetime, as we see with

[page 87]

the cosmic background radiation. The argument here is similar to the argument in the case of gravitation. Initially gravitation is like the divinity totally without structure, and having nothing to do with energy. Cosmic microwave background - Wikipedia

Then, because the gravitational divine initial singularity (identical to the classical singularity proposes by Hawking and Ellis) is convex, compact [and] continuous fixed point theorems arise, creating a complex algebraically complete Hilbert basis state which enables the evolution of quantum mechanics which splits gravitation into potential and kinetic energy (page 26 principle 2: Zero sum complexification), the source of the particles that now fill our space.

This sequence suggests that the particles and quantum mechanics have a role in the creation of Minkowski space which then has a role in creating the structure of general relativity, Minkowski space acting as the tangent surface controlling the implicit structure of gravitation. So why does quantum mechanics split particles into fermion and boson? We may guess that the answer lies in the logical rather than the dynamic role of the quantum of action, and what we see is that there is an evolutionary benefit in creating a system with two degrees of freedom, that is something like the Pauli matrices arrived before the gramma matrices that Dirac introduced for his equation. In other words, we are saying that the boson/fermion divide is another example of the gratuitous application

[page 88]

of the zero-sum complexification that gave us potential and kinetic energy ( a situation that arises at random proves its worth and becomes established. Spin (physics) - Wikipedia

Now we just have to explain how the metric of Minkowski space was derived from this and the obvious answer is first that if we want to have lots of particles, we have to have fermions that [avoid one another] in space, but on the other hand if these particles are going to talk to one another we need null geodesics too.

This is a consequence [of the assumption] that Hilbert spaces are to be found inside all particles, which have arisen by multiplication of the initial singularirty and if the Universe is to remain one all these Hilbert spaces have to be able to talk to each other using the intergalactic phone line, the null geodesic.

All this looks fantastic (phantastic), have a snooze on it and then we will be able to . . .

Monday 1 January 2024

Scientific physicists are bound to take the data as they find it and provide explanationas of what they see. I am being a bit more poetic and taking a God's eye / theological view of how I would create myself because I am [part of] the content of the Universe that started as an omnipotent empty mind like a

[page 89]

Hilbert type formal mathematician trying to invent mathematics on the basis of something like the symbolic system used by Whitehead and Russell. The difference is that their published work is purely kinematic created by their dynamic minds but my effort is starting from the dynamics that define my omnipotence which I currently place in the abstract concept of gravitation developing within itself, as an example of the empty set [and] the abstract concepts of Hilbert space and quantum mechanics which [are] in effect the meeting of Cantor's multidimensional ordered sets with Fourier's transformations. Whitehead and Russell (1910): Principia Mathematica, Cantor (1897, 1955): Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers, Fourier transform - Wikipedia

I have spent much of my life out on a limb and as I get older I wonder if I have been wise; but what I have written on the web and in these diaries convinces me that maybe some day my ideas will have an effect despite my tiny current impact. I am very happy with my overall understanding of quantum mechanics as the theory of conversation between particles acting in concert with the silent omnipotence of the deity we experience as gravitation.

Quantum mechanics, like network's and Cantor's theorem are all scale invariant and support symmetry with respect to complexity.

Having fled from the Christian God I am slowly sliding back to them via the initial singularity that follows

[page 90]

from Einstein's general relativity. I am writing a new story of the big bang. At the beginning of my 'toward natural religion project' I rejected the Christian idea of God and proposed that the Universe itself is divine. The project has hummed along for 60 years and I have sought all the evidence I can find to differentiate the world from the Christian God while at the same time trying to build my new picture on the scientific work of Aristotle and Aquinas who seem to me to have grasped the substantial truth of a divinity shorn of ancient mythology. Hawking & Ellis (1975)L The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time

In the last few months, the end of 2023, I have reached a new vision of God and the initial singularity within which the Universe has grown and have come to identify God with gravitation. All along the way I have been feeling that the quantum theory is the true path to the heart of God and have been rather sceptical of Hawking and Ellis's work showing that the initial singularity from which the world grew is a consequence of Einstein's classical theory of general relativity. Because it is classical, I felt that it fell outside my quantum mechanical project and set out to design a quantum initial singularity based on the Christian doctrine of the Trinity developed by Augustine and Aquinas. Aquinas, Summa, I, 27, 1: Is there procession in God?

In the last few days I have not been so

[page 91]

happy with this idea but it has led me to a startling conclusion – that out experience of gravitation is experience of God. The turning point that led me to this conclusion is page 17: Gravitation and quantum theory—in the beginning; so now am on a new trajectory, developing quantum theory inside the initial singularity which I take to be a manifestation of god. Now, beginning with page 18: Fixed points I can restate all that it have said in the beginning in this new light. The story is not much changed. The first step in the emergence of the Universe within the divinity remains the development of kinematic Hilbert space and quantum theory and the contribution of divine gravitation in turning this kinema into reality.

Perhaps we can say Part I: cognitive cosmlogy; Part II: cognitive cosmogensis. Part I: kinematic; Part II: dynamic. Once again the most exciting thing in my life that lifts me out of despair is insight. The theological problem: the ignorance of god solved by kinema; the omnipotence of god: making the movie come true [see page 5: God's ideas, cybernetics and singularity]

Kinematic realities are monoid so they have no constraints. Dynamics on the other hand are dual [diploid] like quantum measurement and so are constrained by their partners.

Tuesday 2 January 2024

Fixed point theory has enabled me to come in off my distant limb

[page 92]

toward the mainstream big bang trunk by identifying the structureless gravitational singularity with my idea of a quantum initial singularity so that now am closer to the big bag with an evolutionary picture of the origin and the consequences of quantum field theory and the answer to Einstein's dilemma detailed in his Herbert Spencer lecture. A good start to the year. I have pondered for a while why Einstein did not think of fixed point theory when he tried to make a theory if everything with continuous groups. I think my new insight may preserve most of the entries in my list of principles. The notion that we can eliminate all the difficulties in quantum field theory by thinking of the universe as cognitive and logical remains in place as does the notion implicit in the idea that both networks and quantum theory are scale invariant models of communication, love and bonding. The evolutionary approach provides an argument against Lonergan's idea of empirical residue and the heuristic of simplicity removes his distinction between proportionate and transcendental being and knowledge so my basket of eggs remains unbroken and my campaign for the unification of physics and theology seems to take a leap forward for 2024, which makes me feel that much younger, no longer oppressed by ancient evils and rising toward a new heaven. New Year's dawn fireworks. Albert Einstein (1933): On the Method of Theoretical Physics: Herbert Spencer Lecture 1933, Bernard Lonergan (1992): Insight: A Study of Human Understanding

[page 93]

Every quantum 'observation' is in effect a person to person negotiation to find a stable eigenfunction and eigenvalue at all scales.

I suppose that every effort to develop something new depends on criticism of the old, so the emotional impact of my dismissal from the Dominicans when I thought I was trying to help the cause of theology has lingered in the background of my theological efforts, strongly supported by my conviction that so much of Catholicism is simply an imperial political ploy by the priest class to consolidate their wealth and influence in the world. I was vaguely conscious at the time that my carefree and well fed life in the monastery was being supported by the faithful deluded by the "truth" (Veritas) being preached by the Order.

We can imagine the universal Hilbert space as a large collection of subspaces beginning with qubits and gradually being assembled with the help of Minkowski space and the real dynamic particles [with their own Hilbert spaces 'inside' them] communicating with one another through null geodesics to create a connected space for the whole Universe. This is [to be] the burden of page 24: Transfinite Minkowski space.

Wednesday 3 January 2024
Thursday 4 January 2024

The Trumpish wing of my psychology tries to portray me as a victim of the Catholic Church on grounds of mental abuse, but although a lot of what they taught me was and is complete rubbish they were all sincere believers and could not know any better after thousands of years of indoctrination. Instead they gave me, as history gave Copernicus, an incentive to explore new realms of realty which have given me an exciting intellectual life. [This] has led me to much good feeling and new insight which I hope to profit from in the final years of my life. The flow of insight has never really abated so the time it has taken me to reach my current position is a measure of the distance between the old and new theologies, almost 10 000 years of

[page 95]

history. And so often I imagine that I am carrying a precious cargo which I am gradually learning how to unload. Whatever happens, I an feeling good about my fate.

Given the success of cc18_fixed_points and the replacement of general covariance by conversational particles the process of establishing a linguistic interpretation of quantum mechanics can now proceed in the direction of quantum chromodynamics.

Friday 5 January 2024
page 18: Fixed points, laws and symmetries. I have worked my way from general covariance in gravitation to fixed points in quantum mechanics, taking the view that the particles in the Universe observe each other as cognitive entities. The view taken by Einstein of gravitation treats it as a closed, convex continuous space describable as a differential manifold using absolute differential calculus, ie tensor analysis, which ignores reference frames and honours Einstein's version of general covariance. Von Neumann's operator description of quantum mechanics has a similar property, isolating the interactions between the Hilbert spaces of particles from any connection to reference frames. This point needs to be made at the end of cc18. The states of the particles interacting are given. The Hilbert basis in which this is effective must be covariant.

[page 96]

Einstein in Alice Calaprice (ed) page 148: I maintain that the cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and noblest motive for scientific research. Alice Calaprice (2005): The New Quotable Einstein

' It is very difficult to elucidate the [cosmic religious] feeling to anyone who is entirely without it. . . . the religious geniuses of all ages have been distinguished by this kind of religious feeling which knows no dogma and no God conceived in man's image; so that there can be no church whose central teachings are based on it. . . . In my view it is the most important function of art and science to awaken this feeling and keep it alive in those who are receptive to it.' [On "cosmic religion" a worship of the beauties and harmony of physics that become the common faith of physicists.] Professor Albert Einstein (1930_11_09): Religion and Science

Saturday 6 January 2024

What am I? An island in the sun, alone in a wide wide sea, self sufficient and divine, bearing the seed of a new theology and a human understanding of quantum mechanics slowly converging on completeness and the salvation of the world. This has been necessary because none of the old religions are attuned to reality. This has been my life's work but I have yet to find a collaborator so I have bowed to necessity and tried to do it all myself, which seems to me to be my primary characteristic. I

[page 97]

look forward with anticipation to laying down my load and enjoying my peace. Meanwhile my image is infinite reduction and infinite traction so I am unstoppable. Someone has to do it. I am hoping that this assumption of invincibility will carry me to my goal, faith and hope leading to a significant act of charity. Meanwhile I sail through life without making a ripple. My greatest strength is forever thinking that ultimately I am going to get somewhere, although I am becoming more and more conscious of leaving my run very late. On the other hand I feel that my messy life has been a cumulative endeavour distilling a theology from 60 years of reflected experience, often moving on a and leaving a lot [of things and people] behind.

Stillness has a selective advantage in a moving world as I may claim since I have had the same theological hypothesis, that the Universe is divine, since about 1965 when I first read Lonergan's Insight. The same goes for hermitian operators in kinematic Hilbert space inside and driven by a dynamic particles like the initial singularity and all its children. How do these children define Minkowski space? Because Maxwell's equations describes a qubit.

The big mistake in the cosmological constant problem is the belief that the possibilities implicit in Hilbert space and quantum theory are supposed to go immediately from kinematic to dynamic without

[page 98]

the intervention of quantum fixed points and gravitational potential. We could have said this back on page 19 but now it can go in page 20 as part of the quality control system in evolution that guarantees consistency through the action of the Hermitean operators and gravitational potential. This observation in effect uses the cosmological constant problem to prove my view of the creation of particles and perhaps Minkowski space with the intervention of quantum theory adds structure to gravitation and the Universe.

cc20_memory. My habit is to dream up titles and then try to write something to them. In this case I am looking for a memory to play the role in the evolution of elementary particles analogous to the role of the genome in biology. These memories must be 'eternal' massless bosons and massive fermions and that is all there is to say unless we get into some calculation and more details of the quantum origin of Minkowski space.

Bohr, Father of the atom (Pais 132). Jeffrey, father of god. Einstein page 167: ' The state of mind which enables one to do the work of this kind . . . is akin to that of a religious worshipper or a lover, the daily effort comes from no deliberate intention but straight from the heart'. I have rarely been a worshipper or a lover. [All my time in the monastery was make believe and the only one I loved was one of the inaccessible brethren].

[page 99]

Logical constraint works on the ground state of the atom and in fact on all the constraints on atomic orbital structure, which we take as evidence that the quantum of action is a logical operator.


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Further reading


Calaprice (2005), Alice, and Freeman Dyson, Albert Einsein, The New Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press0691120757 2005 'For the first time in paperback, here is a newly expanded edition of the best-selling book that was hailed as "setting a new standard" for quotation books. Tens of thousands of readers have enjoyed The Quotable Einstein and The Expanded Quotable Einstein, with translations into twenty-two languages. This updated edition--which appears on the 100th anniversary of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity and the 50th anniversary of Einstein's death--offers more than 300 new quotations, or over 1,200 altogether. Nearly all are by Einstein himself and a few are about the self-professed "lone wolf" Time magazine named "Man of the Century" at the turn of the millennium.' 

Cantor (1897, 1955), Georg, Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers (Translated, with Introduction and Notes by Philip E B Jourdain), Dover 1895, 1897, 1955 Jacket: 'One of the greatest mathematical classics of all time, this work established a new field of mathematics which was to be of incalculable importance in topology, number theory, analysis, theory of functions, etc, as well as the entire field of modern logic.' 

Hawking (1975), Steven W, and G F R Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time, Cambridge UP 1975 Preface: Einstein's General Theory of Relativity . . . leads to two remarkable predictions about the universe: first that the final fate of massive stars is to collapse behind an event horizon to form a 'black hole' which will contain a singularity; and secondly that there is a singularity in our past which constitutes, in some sense, a beginning to our universe. Our discussion is principally aimed at developing these two results.' 

Lonergan (1992), Bernard J F, Insight: A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '. . . Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 


Adam Becker, What Is Spacetime Really Made Of?, ' Yet despite its spookiness, entanglement is a core feature of quantum physics. When any two objects interact in quantum mechanics, they generally become entangled and will stay entangled so long as they remain isolated from the rest of the world—no matter how far apart they may travel. In experiments, physicists have maintained entanglement between particles more than 1,000 kilometers apart and even between particles on the ground and others sent to orbiting satellites. In principle, two entangled particles could sustain their connection on opposite sides of the galaxy or the universe. Distance simply does not seem to matter for entanglement, a puzzle that has troubled many physicists for decades. But if space is emergent, entanglement’s ability to persist over large distances might not be terribly mysterious—after all, distance is a construct. According to studies of the AdS/CFT correspondence by physicists Shinsei Ryu of Princeton University and Tadashi Takayanagi of Kyoto University, entanglement is what produces distances in the AdS space in the first place. Any two nearby regions of space on the AdS side of the duality correspond to two highly entangled quantum components of the CFT. The more entangled they are, the closer together the regions of space are.' back

Alan Finkel, Made in America: how Biden’s climate package is fuelling the global drive to net zero , ' Just over a year since US President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law, it’s becoming clear this strangely named piece of legislation could have a powerful impact in spurring the global transition to net zero emissions by 2050. . . . In his 2020 presidential campaign, Biden promised to commit the US to net zero by 2050, and to spend US$2 trillion to get there – the biggest investment in manufacturing since World War II. Biden is delivering on those promises. . . . The IRA changes the landscape Passage of the IRA, in August 2022, ensured a swathe of green technologies would benefit from tax credits, loans, customer rebates and other incentives. The original announcement estimated that uncapped subsidies over ten years would be US$369 billion, but Goldman Sachs Research now estimates that total subsidies could reach US$1.2 trillion and attract US$3 trillion investment by industry. That’s trillion, not billion.' back

Albert Einstein (1933), On the Method of Theoretical Physics: Herbert Spencer Lecture 1933, ' It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience. back

Aquinas, Summa, I, 27, 1, Is there procession in God?, 'As God is above all things, we should understand what is said of God, not according to the mode of the lowest creatures, namely bodies, but from the similitude of the highest creatures, the intellectual substances; while even the similitudes derived from these fall short in the representation of divine objects. Procession, therefore, is not to be understood from what it is in bodies, either according to local movement or by way of a cause proceeding forth to its exterior effect, as, for instance, like heat from the agent to the thing made hot. Rather it is to be understood by way of an intelligible emanation, for example, of the intelligible word which proceeds from the speaker, yet remains in him. In that sense the Catholic Faith understands procession as existing in God.' back

Buddhism and Western philosophy - Wikipedia, Buddhism and Western philosophy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Buddhist thought and Western philosophy include several parallels. In antiquity, the Greek philosopher Pyrrho traveled with Alexander the Great's army on its conquest of India (327 to 325 BCE) and based his philosophy of Pyrrhonism on what he learned there.[1] Christopher I. Beckwith has identified a translation of the Buddhist three marks of existence[2] in Pyrrho's teachings. In the modern era, a few European thinkers such as Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche engaged with Buddhist thought. Likewise, in Asian nations with Buddhist populations, there were also attempts to bring the insights of Western thought to Buddhist philosophy, as can be seen in the rise of Buddhist modernism. After WWII spread of Buddhism to the West scholarly interest arose in a comparative, cross-cultural approach between Eastern and Western philosophy. Much of this work is now published in academic journals such as Philosophy East and West.' back

Cosmic microwave background - Wikipedia, Cosmic microwave background - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is the thermal radiation left over from the time of recombination in Big Bang cosmology. . . . The CMB is a snapshot of the oldest light in our Universe, imprinted on the sky when the Universe was just 380,000 years old. It shows tiny temperature fluctuations that correspond to regions of slightly different densities, representing the seeds of all future structure: the stars and galaxies of today.' back

Cosmological constant problem - Wikipedia, Cosmological constant problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In cosmology, the cosmological constant problem or vacuum catastrophe is the disagreement between the observed values of vacuum energy density (the small value of the cosmological constant) and theoretical large value of zero-point energy suggested by quantum field theory. Depending on the Planck energy cutoff and other factors, the discrepancy is as high as 120 orders of magnitude, a state of affairs described by physicists as "the largest discrepancy between theory and experiment in all of science" and "the worst theoretical prediction in the history of physics".' back

Fourier transform - Wikipedia, Fourier transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Fourier transform (FT) decomposes a function of time (a signal) into the frequencies that make it up, in a way similar to how a musical chord can be expressed as the frequencies (or pitches) of its constituent notes.' back

Lily Radziemski, The little-known history of Champagne, 'The real action is happening almost 20m underground. Carving through this underworld are more than 200km of cellars, with millions of Champagne bottles lining chalky rock walls, unlabelled and marked with the words "I was here" by tourists in the dust covering them. Some are upside-down, in chains, glowing in the dim light of the cellars against the backdrop of tunnels that seemingly lead to nowhere. Others are stacked in small caves guarded by wrought iron gates. This is ground zero of the world's Champagne market. And, historically in the caves, widows ruled. Some of the biggest innovations of Champagne came down to the ingenuity of several women. In the 19th Century, the Napoleonic Code restricted women from owning businesses in France without permission from a husband or father. However, widows were exempt from the rule, creating a loophole for Barbe-Nicole Clicquot-Ponsardin, Louise Pommery and Lily Bollinger – among others – to turn vineyards into empires and ultimately transform the Champagne industry, permanently changing how it's made and marketed. back

Paul Mujadi , Hilbert Space, ' The mathematical concept of a Hilbert space, named after David Hilbert, generalizes the notion of Euclidean space. It extends the methods of vector algebra and calculus from the two-dimensional Euclidean plane and three-dimensional space to spaces with any finite or infinite number of dimensions. A Hilbert space is an abstract vector space possessing the structure of an inner product that allows length and angle to be measured. Furthermore, Hilbert spaces are required to be complete, a property that stipulates the existence of enough limits in the space to allow the techniques of calculus to be used.' back

Peter Abelsen, Schopenhauer and Buddhism, back

Phoebe Zhang, Back to ‘black box’? As China tightens access to court records, legal experts fear for future of judicial transparency, ' The blackmail case of Xu Yan, a Chinese policewoman who extorted public officials after having sexual affairs with them, went unnoticed for a year until social media sleuths dug up the verdict online. Xu, an auxiliary police officer in the eastern province of Jiangsu, was sentenced to 13 years in prison and fined 5 million yuan (US$700,000) in December 2020 for using her sexual relationships to blackmail the nine men. She then rose to internet fame after online influencers found the court’s decision on China Judgments Online (CJO), a public database for judicial rulings. The details of the case prompted social media users to question where the officials got the money to pay Xu, whether bribery was involved, and why the men were not punished for sexual misconduct. The debate generated so much heat that Xu’s sentence was reduced to seven years with a fine of 300,000 yuan on appeal, and authorities eventually punished officials who were previously untouched in the scandal.' back

Professor Albert Einstein (1930_11_09), Religion and Science, ' EVERYTHING that men do or think concerns the satisfacion of the needs they feel to escape from pain. This must be kept in mind when we seek to understand the spiritual or intellectual movements and the way in which they develop. For feeling and longing are the motive forces of all human striving and productivity—however nobly the latter may display themselves to us.' back

Shaimaa Khalil & Ali Abbas, Israel Supreme Court strikes down judicial reforms, ' Israel's Supreme Court has struck down a controversial judicial reform that triggered nationwide protests last year against the Netanyahu government. The change would have limited the power of the Supreme Court in overturning laws it deemed unconstitutional. . . . In July, the government passed into law what is now known as the "reasonableness" bill. This removed the power of the Supreme Court and lower courts in Israel to cancel government decisions it deemed to be "extremely unreasonable". The law caused widespread anger and division, prompting hundreds of thousands of protesters to take the streets calling for the reforms to be scrapped - and for the resignation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Organisers said the weekly protests were the biggest street demonstrations in Israel's history.' back

Spin (physics) - Wikipedia, Spin (physics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In quantum mechanics and particle physics, spin is an intrinsic form of angular momentum carried by elementary particles, composite particles (hadrons), and atomic nuclei.
Spin is one of two types of angular momentum in quantum mechanics, the other being orbital angular momentum. Orbital angular momentum is the quantum-mechanical counterpart to the classical notion of angular momentum: it arises when a particle executes a rotating or twisting trajectory (such as when an electron orbits a nucleus). The existence of spin angular momentum is inferred from experiments, such as the Stern–Gerlach experiment, in which particles are observed to possess angular momentum that cannot be accounted for by orbital angular momentum alone.' back

Wei Wei, Israel-Gaza war: peace can only be achieved if we all pull together, ' Numbness. It’s a word that also aptly describes the attitudes of many in the world outside the miserable reality of that land. I grew up with news of Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, which never seemed to be absent from international news coverage. Somehow, it faded into the background of daily life. People got used to it. But it seems different this time. Israel’s latest military operation in Gaza sits among the deadliest and most destructive in recent history. The international community’s calls for a ceasefire grow stronger. Everybody knows how to ease the humanitarian crisis – stop the attacks and let the aid in. But it just cannot be achieved. There has been no resolution passed by the UN Security Council with clear wording on stopping the conflict since it broke out in October. Why? The US has become the biggest obstacle. It claims to support Israel’s right to self-defence against Hamas, and has twice vetoed resolutions calling for a ceasefire, on the grounds that it may allow Hamas to regroup and attack Israel again. But as what even US President Joe Biden describes as Israel’s “ indiscriminate bombing” goes on, America finds itself increasingly isolated, even at odds with traditional allies that support a Gaza ceasefire . After many delays, the UN Security Council finally passed a resolution on December 22 seeking “ urgent steps” to expand aid in Gaza, voting 13-0 with the United States and Russia abstaining. It is a watered-down version of a draft that pleaded for an “urgent suspension of hostilities” between Israel and Hamas. Russia wanted to keep the stronger language; the US did not. The resolution is a result of compromise. Although it lacks unanimous support for an immediate pause to the fighting, I’d still like to consider it a step forward, a glimmer of hope, as the US abstained instead of vetoing for a third time. During the voting process, there was a dramatic scene. The US representative to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, initially raised her hand in favour of the resolution but was immediately nudged by a staff member behind her. She lowered her hand and raised it later for the abstention. I’d like to believe it was an instinct that caused her to raise her hand to support the resolution. Maybe at that moment, she followed her heart, not her head. back

Whitehead and Russell (1910), Principia Mathematica, Jacket: 'Principia Mathematica was first published in 1910-1913; this is the fifth impression of the second edition of 1925-7. The Principia has long been recognized as one of the intellectual landmarks of the century. It was the first book to show clearly the close relationship between mathematics and formal logic. Starting with a minimal number of axioms, Whitehead and Russell display the structure of both kinds of thought. No other book has had such an influence on the subsequent history of mathematical philosophy .' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2024 © Jeffrey Nicholls