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Notes DB 91: Divine_Gravitation_2024

Sunday 22 December 2024 - Saturday 9 December 2024

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Sunday 22 December 2024

I am well out of my depth but looking for a general plan to create the Universe from naked gravitation via Hilbert space,

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quantum mechanics, fundamental particles and Minkowski space. We start with a qubit which has basis states |fermion⟩, |boson⟩. We see this as possible because we represent a particle as an operator and we use the heuristic of simplicity to estimate the size of the operators in the qubit which can be packaged in normalized vectors with many internal degrees of freedom. We can imagine similar structures of greater complexity to represent hadrons, and package the whole lot as a space of fundamental particles. We conceive all operations as quantum computational processes [selected by quantum mechanics for their ability to survive, that is reproduce themselves]. We imagine particles as containing localized Hilbert spaces and operators, ie quantum systems which we consider to be software modules in the overall universal computational system. This is slowly morphing into a quantum computational network localized in particles which have gained energy from the bifurcation of naked gravitation [into kinetic and potential energy]. We build the overall system to embrace the properties of the known particles and we build it around the Schrödinger equation paradigm of isolated evolution and interaction / observation by exchange of bosons. From this we naturally derive the structure of Minkowski space.

We can imagine that Hilbert space carries one bit per dimension.

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Monday 23 December 2024

The management task for quantum mechanics is to line up many dimensions of random periodicity so that to produce stable systems in the end dimension [state] which is in effect the task of changing the diagonal of a matrix from complex to real values. That us when we observe a qubit we get either |0⟩ or |1⟩ with a certain probability which is set by the initial conditions established by the numbers a and b in the equation |Ψ⟩ = a2|0⟩ + b2|1⟩.

De Broglie found the clue, explained in Minkowski space where the quantum of action has the dimensions of angular momentum that the recipe for orbitals is that their angular momentum is an integer measured in units of ℏ.

Tuesday 24 December 2024

Hospital opthalmology, relatively painless.

The characteristic of stable quantum mechanical structures like atomic orbitals is that they involved integral (superposed) sequences of quanta of action (like water waves) as in quantum processing, like the Feynman path integral applying the hamiltonian variational method to achieve a complete quantum of

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action to achieve a probability of 1 for the actual path. First step is to use energy from gravitation to realize actual bosons and fermions and then we have the tools to create the interface between Hilbert and Minkowski space and introduce the relativistic constraints on physical particles [represented by the Minkowski metric].

This may be related to the idea that space and time are the operating system of the Universe. Hamiltonians are the nodes in the music of the spheres.

Wednesday 25 December 2024

Birth of Christ

Mental states are meaningful which is why I go through periods of euphoria and despair about my writing and have a certain fear of going to extremes like writing
|qubit⟩ = |boson⟩ + |fermion⟩ which seems to break superselection rules. My feeling here is that these may be rules that exist in observable spacetime but are within the power of quantum computation in the Hilbert regime prior to spacetime, since although we may write
|qubit ⟩ = a|boson⟩ + b|fermion⟩, observation always shows [either] boson or fermion and the structure of Minkowski space requires a and b to be equal and we never observe a hybrid. Because all particles are either bosons or fermions

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we know it is a root of a classification which extends to some 60 elementary particles [and many more composite fermions and bosons] which have properties in addition to spin in Minkowski space. It may be that the actual specifications of these particles are quite complex and require a larger set of basis vectors at the Hilbert level but all the necessary vectors can be superposed to give a qubit basis. We can see this structure at work in Feynman's discussion of the ammonia molecule which has a very complex structure out of which it is possible to distinguish the two states of the N atom above and below the triangle of Hs. Streater & Wightman (2000): PCT, Spin, Statistics and All That, page 5. Feynman, Leighton & Sands III:8: Chapter 8: The Hamiltonian Matrix, Elementary particle - Wikipedia

Cake ingredients - basis vectors for new tasty vector?

Wishing for insight, but what [future is uncertain, passage of time and uncertain future is fundamental observation of physics!]. Best thought in last two days |Ψ⟩ = |boson⟩ +|fermion⟩ made possible by naked quantum mechanics feeding off bifurcation of naked gravitation. Why not?

Bennett and Perrier: AI with human level of intelligence? Methodology seems a bit like linear superposition in quantum mechanics seeking stationary structure amid random noise. Perhaps it is time to begin making a mathematical model of the power of linearity in finding fixed nodes in random wave trains, depending on fixed point theory and bounded, continuous convex functions. Michael Timothy Bennett & Elija Perrier (2024_12_24): An AI system has reached human level on a test for ‘general intelligence’. Here’s what that means

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Intuitively the source of fixed point theory is the fixed boundary of the set being mapped onto itself. In the logical world [ie the Universe] this boundary is the divide between consistency and inconsistency.

When we study strings we see that the fixed ends of the strings introduce nodes, ie stationary points in the waveform so we think that the difference between boson (full string [full quantum of action]) and fermion (half string [half quantum of action]) is an octave.

We may think of the boundary of naked gravitation in logical terms. If you try to get outside the Universe that occupies the whole space of possibility (like the God of pure act) you go into the forbidden region of impossibility. This idea explains why the traditional god cannot create a universe outside itself, the logical space is already taken.

This could be the whole a story apart from the intelligence [quantum closure, orbit] of linear superposition. Then we have to explain how gravitation develops energy, that is sequences of action which are a consequence of random omnipotence [and so we see that closed sequences of action create permanent self sustaining (reproducing) particles]. Quantum mechanics selects the durable structures out of the ephemeral ones giving us a set of fundamental particles and continuing up through more complex structures to the Universe as a whole [see Eccles]. [The mass of these particles is the rate (energy) of self reproduction, closely defined]. John C. Eccles (1958): Innovation in Science: The Physiology of Imagination

Here we have the logical story of the beginning. A quantum is a logical operation which is naturally bounded, being

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complete in itself, eg NOT, and whose first and eternal incarnation is divine naked gravitation. We see something like quantum mechanics at work when we type random letters and the computer searches for the nearest real word which in the physical world is one of the elementary particles.

Everett's approach may be a bit too Platonic but it contains a fundamental truth, the real foundation of the world is Hilbert space not Minkowski space. All the problems in quantum field theory Arise from the decision recorded in Streater and Wightman to define Hilbert space and quantum mechanics on top of Minkowski space instead of beneath it. The real world is not continuous. Calculus is a convenient fiction [when it comes to physics] because the quantum of action is so small, but it does not describe the real world. The real world is a logical network built on quantum computation and communication and like Aristotle's hylomorphism that embodies form in matter, in the real world quantum mechanical form, being logical, is embodied in energy which is nothing other than a sequence of computational actions measured in quanta per unit time. [The mass of a particle like the electron is the energy (rate of action) necessary to maintain the integrity of the electron. This approach solves the so called measurement problem but before we get to that we need to recite a bit of the history treated by Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes and Lonergan. Bryse de Witt (1973): The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

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The key to survival in an ephemeral world is reproduction at all scales from the photon via the hadron to the human race, and the mass of each of these entities is the rate of action [ ie energy] necessary to survive [energy starvation leads to death].

What do I think I am doing? Exploring a new path from the God of Aquinas to the Universe I occupy, a logically consistent path that is consistent with both physics and theology, my dream. My confidence problem, of course, is that I am nobody trying to change the world, but I have nothing to lose and everything to gain, a Pascalian bet. Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia

Thursday 26 December 2024

Pascal bet on the chance of heaven which he must have known was zero. I am betting on the chance that quantum mechancs is the foundation of the world and it is logical that the quantum of action is logical and so physics and theology have the same subject.

What else. I just have to say what I have to say and send it off. Just waiting for a bit more motivation. Every day or two I feel new insights coming and that leads me to think that there are more to come and I should have patience and wait. I could spend the time writing up the pages for my site lust for life which places emphasis on the fact that evolution places so much importance on reproduction as the means for survival

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in an ephemeral world and I begin to see that the ability to reproduce themselves is just as important for electrons as for bacteria and people and the idea of quantum mechanics selecting for groups which are closed under reproduction is an important consequence of this selection for survival.

My feelings for a sensual, artistic, musical and poetic heaven are also taking up my time now that I have fully rejected the initial driving force in my life that made matter and flesh a source of evil, the core of Pauline gnostic preaching, an evil idea which has consigned so much sensual pleasure to the evil and exploitative category of pornography. Robert Crotty (2016): Jesus, His Mother, Her Sister Mary and Mary Magdalene: The Gnostic Background to the Gospel of John

We distinguish music from speech by entropy / information time rate of flow - energy, action/time.

Basically my driving force is that if I am even a little bit right my story will be a radical improvement on the current state of physics and theology and almost everything I write carries echoes of the manifesto that has occupied my mind since the Dominican order refused to listen to me and ejected me instead, and this has been my experience ever since, nobody (or very few people) are motivated to listen to me so all my words remain in the bank, in my websites awaiting the key that will unlock then. So keep fighting.

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Friday 27 December 2024

Culture wars and culture traps: women particularly are caught in cultural traps that curtail their space of behaviour. One of the strongest and most distinctive classes of traps are religious beliefs which are to a large extent completely arbitrary like head coverings and maintained by historical sanction which reflect historical control based in ideas such as that a woman's most powerful allure resides in her hair which must therefore be covered to limit her force of attraction. The power of science lies in the power of the Universe whose evolutionary foundation is the completely unconstrained variety of the initial singularity whose only constraint is the consistency that is fundamentally the ability to reproduce, in effect to form a group.

Worked well this morning but slow this afternoon. Is this due to some subconscious problem where the current line of thought has not been cleared for publication? Now in the park watching all the dogs taking their people for walks. Was the problem something to do with the transition from zero energy to the bifurcation of gravitation into kinetic and potential thus introducing a particulate degree of freedom, a particle existing independently inside naked gravitation. Once we have a fermion and a boson we have the foundation for Minkowski

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space. The newly created particles carry within themselves the quantum states that define them and serve as their personality in meeting, individuated after interaction by acquiring energy (matter), a bit like Aristotle's hylomorphism and creating particles with new degrees of freedom by quantum interactions rather than new invisible universes as Everett would have. Hylomorphism - Wikipedia

In the meeting scenario we do not need the collapse postulate as the particles meeting can have a complex conversation exchanging eigenvalues attached to different eigenvectors selected through the work of the linear operator which governs the Hilbert space in which the particles are meeting. Here we can go into the Zurek thing. Wojciech Hubert Zurek (2008): Quantum origin of quantum jumps: breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer and the transition from quantum to classical

Everything is happening at once first Hilbert space then quantum mechanics and intelligence and then a stable state arising from the zero sum bifurcation of gravitation into kinetic and potential. Somewhere in this moment we also have the emergence of time and energy and the quantum of action takes in the dimensions of angular momentum in Minkowski space. How does this happen? At the same time we consider selection being due to the development of a P type computability which creates a group structure similar to Eccles view of imagination and intelligence. John C. Eccles (1958): Innovation in Science: The Physiology of Imagination

We begin with the qubit of fermion and boson and see that the mass of a particle is a measure if the rate of processing

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within it which maintains its integrity. Evidence for thus is shown by the relation of electrons to their heavier versions [muon and tau, not to mention corresponding neutrinos] which obviously use less efficient algorithms to maintain their existence This situation allows for the creation and annihilation of particles and different particle states. This is all based on the computing power of naked quantum mechanics and there is room here for a discussion of why the quantum logical operator appears in Minkowski space with the classical dimensions of angular momentum. We leave this till tomorrow but has a lot to do with groups and orbits.

We compute the energy of an orbital by the number of quanta of action it is executing per second or the difference between the energy of orbitals by the frequency of the photon emitted [or absorbed].

Saturday 28 December 2024

So how does the quantum go from a logical operator in Hilbert space to an angular momentum operator in Minkowski space? E = mc2 = ML2T-2 = ½ mv2. Angular momentum = ML2T-1. Energy = rate of action = ML2T-1 x T-1 (ie frequency). In Hilbert space the logical operator is a [n x n] matrix [which operates on n bases of a vector].

I would like to think that eventually my contribution to theology and physics will serve as a catalyst to enable a peaceful human Earth which will enable us to peacefully settle our differences with one another and reality to begin the creation of heaven on Earth in the face

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of inevitable death and misadventure. I am casting myself as a saviour, adding a theoretical context to the preaching of Jesus, love reality, love your neighbour, which was ultimately ignored in Constantine's takeover of Christianity which led to almost two millennia of war as genocidal theocracy ruled the population of the world. The world is now full and so must outlaw genocide as an occupation as a standard route to obtaining a place to live. We hope that the actions of would be imperialists like Russia, Israel, the US, Chin and many others eventually become universally abhorrent and the symmetry of all life is recognized and respected. I am a little virus with big hopes in my 1 GigaByte of websites rooted at Jeffrey Neyaz Farooquee (2024_12_27): Manmohan Singh's decisions that shaped a billion lives

Today's idea: The Kakutani fixed point theorem takes the linearity of quantum mechanics to map the basis states onto the outcome states so that the number of eigenvectors is equal to the number of basis states and the implementation of this equivalence is executed by linear operators. We have no need for quadratic Hamiltonians, they belong in Minkowski space. The consequence of this theorem is that a set of stable well educated people (the basis states) will deliver stable outcomes by a sort of fixed entropy coding theorem, ie the linearity of quantum mechanics embedded in the Schrödinger equation maps the basis states onto the outcomes. Something like this. How does this relate

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to the logical quantum of action in Hilbert space mapping onto the angular momentum of the quantum on Minkowski space. What I would like to see come out of cognitive cosmogenesis is a terrific theorem like Einstein's field equation of gravitation, but linear and a theorem about Hermitian operators.

Worried about the formation of Hilbert space in naked gravitation which is simply an empty set (but a substantial entity) but we just assume that it forms a 2D Hilbert space and we populate it with bosons and fermions and imagine that these form an inchoate Minkowski space and we go on from there. Then we have an essay about naked quantum mechanics as the foundation for particles and explain that the fundamental selective quality to maintain existence in an ephemeral world is an ability to reproduce and create an expanding Minkowski space. Then we can go deeper into the power of naked quantum mechanics to make more complex structures from fundamental particles up to the structure of the universe, emphasizing the fact that every particle is a form of life able to communicate with other particles and continue the development via symmetry with respect to complexity up to the formation of animals and particularly humans.

Then go on with the political consequences

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for theology and physics, emphasizing the P vs NP approach to evolution and the computing power of quantum mechanics to make anything from particles which are in fact living cells and proceed to politics by analogy to the human body. P versus NP problem - Wikipedia


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Further reading


Crotty (2016), Robert, Jesus, His Mother, Her Sister Mary and Mary Magdalene: The Gnostic Background to the Gospel of John, David Lovell Publishing 2016 ' The Gospel of John has always been a difficult book to interpret. The differences between John and the Synoptics have always been a stumbling block for students. . . . This book takes up these problems. It demonstrates that the present text has followed a long and tortured journey from Jewish Gnosticism to a Christian Gnostic compendium, later extensively edited by Roman Christianity. The result is a surprising re-reading. The book throws light on a different Jesus to the canonical one (he is not human). . . The Roman Christians disagreed on all these interpretations and heavily edited the gospel in order to silence its Gnostic statement. This book will show how the gospel of John should be read at the present time to take account of this complex tradition history.' 

Streater (2000), Raymond F, and Arthur S Wightman, PCT, Spin, Statistics and All That, Princeton University Press 2000 Amazon product description: 'PCT, Spin and Statistics, and All That is the classic summary of and introduction to the achievements of Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory. This theory gives precise mathematical responses to questions like: What is a quantized field? What are the physically indispensable attributes of a quantized field? Furthermore, Axiomatic Field Theory shows that a number of physically important predictions of quantum field theory are mathematical consequences of the axioms. Here Raymond Streater and Arthur Wightman treat only results that can be rigorously proved, and these are presented in an elegant style that makes them available to a broad range of physics and theoretical mathematics.' 


Azam Ahmed (2024_12_24), Behind Afghanistan’s Fall, U.S.-Backed Militias Worse Than the Taliban, ' The Taliban were inching closer, encroaching on land that had once seemed secure, the American officer warned. Four of his men had just been killed, and he needed Afghans willing to fight back. “Who will stand up?” the officer implored a crowd of 150 Afghan elders. The people in Kunduz Province were largely supportive of the Americans and opposed to the Taliban. But recruiting police officers was slow going and, by the summer of 2009, local officials and the American officer — a lieutenant colonel from the Georgia National Guard — landed on a risky approach: hiring private militias. A murmur of discontent passed through the crowd. “I don’t think this is a good idea,” an old man stood up and said, according to four people at the meeting. “We have seen this before. The militias will become a bigger problem than the Taliban.” Over the grumbling, a onetime warlord named Mohammad Omar sprung up and denounced the others as cowards. “I will fight the Taliban!” he shouted. The gathering in Kunduz, in northern Afghanistan, is not registered in any official history of the war. But people across the province say this seemingly unremarkable moment reshaped the conflict in ways that Washington has never truly understood. . . . . Some of the most notorious warlords and criminals who brought such misery to Kunduz — and ultimately did more to support the Taliban than defeat them — faded away without a final battle or trial. Mr. Omar, the Wall Breaker, died of natural causes not long after the Taliban took over. Haji Fateh fled to safety as the province fell and resettled in Iran, where he lives in a swanky home paid for by the money he earned brutalizing the people of Kunduz, according to one of his friends. Mr. Fateh could not be reached for comment, but he welcomes visitors regularly for lavish meals or tea, said the friend, speaking on condition of anonymity out of fear of incurring his wrath. Among his most frequent guests, the friend said, are former Afghan government officials, hoping to convince him once more to take up arms on their behalf.' back

Ben Samuels (2024_12_23), Analysis | How Trump and the GOP Plan to Dismantle the U.S. pro-Palestinian Movement, ' WASHINGTON – Four weeks before U.S. President-elect Donald Trump takes power, all his rhetoric and appointments are indicating that his campaign's vow to crack down on pro-Palestinian sentiment in America will be a defining factor of his administration's early days. Throughout the campaign, both Trump and the Republican Party insisted that such a clampdown would be quick and complete. After Trump's speedy cabinet appointments and ahead of a Congress ruled by a GOP majority, the fight against the pro-Palestinian movement might be one of the only things that has a clear path across the government. - Advertisement - Once Trump's picks for the top diplomatic positions are in place, such as Marco Rubio as secretary of state and Elise Stefanik as UN ambassador, the harshest step – the deporting of pro-Palestinian protesters who have student visas – could be the first move. Both Rubio and Stefanik are well-known proponents of such a step, one of Trump and the GOP's few solid policy commitments on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during the campaign.' back

Camille von Kaenel(2024_12_26), These California farmers went for Trump. Now he could deport half their workers., ' SACRAMENTO, California — California farmers could soon enjoy bumper crops thanks to President-elect Donald Trump’s pledge to lift water restrictions. But who will pick them if he follows through on his deportation threats? The country’s largest agricultural constituency backed Trump in November, bucking California’s deep-blue electorate over his campaign promises to “open the faucet” and deliver more water to the state’s parched, conservative-leaning Central Valley. But now it’s reckoning with an uncomfortable contradiction: Trump also campaigned on mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, who make up at least half of the state’s agricultural workforce. . . . Deporting hundreds of thousands of undocumented farmworkers from California would be logistically difficult and time-consuming, to say nothing of the legal challenges California’s Attorney General Rob Bonta and other Democratic officials are already preparing. Homan has said the administration would prioritize deporting undocumented people who’ve committed serious crimes. “If that is indeed the focus of the administration’s effort, then I think most people would support that,” said Puglia, who also declined to say who he voted for. “So there’s a little bit of a wait and see thing here.” During his first term, Trump also said he wouldn’t go after workers in the food sector. But his administration still conducted raids at Mississippi poultry plants and Nebraska produce processing facilities, arresting hundreds of workers. The extent of Trump 2.0’s deportations efforts will determine how much California’s farmers could potentially sacrifice their water access to sway his immigration policies.' back

Elementary particle - Wikipedia, Elementary particle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In particle physics, an elementary particle or fundamental particle is a subatomic particle that is not composed of other particles. Particles currently thought to be elementary include the fundamental fermions (quarks, leptons, antiquarks, and antileptons), which generally are "matter particles" and "antimatter particles", as well as the fundamental bosons (gauge bosons and the Higgs boson), which generally are "force particles" that mediate interactions among fermions. A particle containing two or more elementary particles is a composite particle.' back

Feynman, Leighton & Sands III:8, Chapter 8: The Hamiltonian Matrix, ' One problem then in describing nature is to find a suitable representation for the base states. But that’s only the beginning. We still want to be able to say what “happens.” If we know the “condition” of the world at one moment, we would like to know the condition at a later moment. So we also have to find the laws that determine how things change with time. We now address ourselves to this second part of the framework of quantum mechanics—how states change with time. ' back

Haley Brown (2024_12_25), Killer whale mom who carried her dead baby for 17 days across 1,000 miles of ocean gives birth to new calf , ' The bereaved whale mother who made headlines when she heartbreakingly grieved her dead baby for more than two weeks has given birth to a new calf, scientists said. The mama orca, named J35 by researchers, was unable to let her calf go in 2018, carrying her baby’s lifeless body with her along a one-thousand-mile grief journey. But last Friday, scientists spotted the devoted mom with a new female calf in the Puget Sound, according to a Facebook post from the Center for Whale Research. . . . The mother whale is part of a critically endangered pod of whales who live in the Pacific Northwest and roam the Pacific Ocean between Washington state and British Columbia. Killer whales have strong social ties and continue to help their children even after they are fully grown, according to researchers. As of December 2023, the J-pod of whales had 75 members, according to whale researchers who have been monitoring the pod of whales since the 1970s.' back

Hylomorphism - Wikipedia, Hylomorphism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Hylomorphism (Greek ὑλο- hylo-, "wood, matter" + -morphism < Greek μορφή, morphē, "form") is a philosophical theory developed by Aristotle, which analyzes substance into matter and form. Substances are conceived of as compounds of form and matter.' back

John C. Eccles (1958), Innovation in Science: The Physiology of Imagination, ' Our task here is to see how far our present ideas on the working of the brain can be related to the experiences of mind. The way to the imagination, the highest level of mental experience, lies through the lower levels of sensory experience, imagery, hallucination and memory, and that is the path we shall traverse. All that we shall learn must itself, of course, be the product of perceiving, reasoning and imagining by our brains! back

Jonathan Kennedy (2024_12_25), The birth of Jesus would probably have been forgotten – if it wasn’t for a plague, ' The Plague of Cyprian was first reported in Egypt in 249. The pandemic hit Rome in 251 and lasted for at least the next two decades. Some historians argue that it caused the period of political instability and economic disruption known as the Crisis of the Third Century, which nearly caused the empire to collapse. For other historians, the Cyprian plague was just one aspect of this ancient polycrisis. . . . When your friends, family and neighbours are dying, and there is a very real prospect that you will die soon too, it is only natural to wonder why this is happening and what awaits you in the next life. The historian Kyle Harper and sociologist Rodney Stark argue that Christianity boomed in popularity during the Plague of Cyprian because it provided a more reassuring guide to life at this unsettling time. . . . Paganism offered little comfort to those struck down by disease. The old gods did not reward good deeds, so many pagans abandoned the sick “half dead into the road”, according to Bishop Dionysius, the Patriarch of Alexandria. Death was an unappealing prospect, as it meant an uncertain existence in the underworld. In contrast, Jesus’s message offered meaning and hope. Suffering on Earth was a test that helped believers enter heaven after death. Everlasting life in paradise is quite the prize, but Christianity provided another more tangible benefit, too. Christians were expected to show their love for God through acts of kindness to the sick and needy. Or as Jesus put it: whatever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters, you do for me. Emboldened by the promise of life after death, Christians stuck around and got stuck in. Dionysius describes how, “heedless of danger, they took charge of the sick, attending to their every need”. Early Christians would have saved many of the sick by giving them water, food and shelter. Even today, hydration and nutrition are important elements of the World Health Organization’s Ebola treatment guidelines. As Stark and Harper point out, the fact that so many Christians survived, and that Christians managed to save pagans abandoned by their families, provided the best recruitment material any religion could wish for: “miracles”.' back

Julie Bindel (2024_12_24), Enough with buck-passing, child abuse in the church is systemic, ' In November, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby announced his resignation as the leader of the Church of England after an independent review into the crimes of John Smyth exposed his persistent failure to take the necessary steps to bring the prolific child abuser to justice. He will officially step down in early January. The independent Makin review found that Smyth, a barrister involved in Christian ministry, abused as many as 130 boys and young men at Christian summer camps in Africa and England over four decades. Smyth, who the review found had subjected his victims to traumatic physical, sexual, psychological and spiritual attacks, died in 2018 at the age of 75, without facing full accountability. The abuse suffered at the hands of John Smyth was “prolific and abhorrent”, the inquiry found. “Words cannot adequately describe the horror of what transpired.” The testimonies of the victims who took part in the inquiry make heartbreaking reading. Many say they waited for over four decades to disclose the abuse because they feared that they would be blamed or disbelieved. The barrister’s horrific abuse of boys involved in Christian camps was first identified in the 1980s, the review found, but the Church of England failed to take appropriate action and practically allowed him to continue his abuse, both in England and Africa.' back

Kelly Bourke (2024_12_25, lueprint for success: how Australian architects made the world take notice in 2024, ' When an unassuming public primary school tucked away in an inner-city Sydney suburb took out the grand prize at the world’s largest architecture festival last month, it made international headlines. Crowned world building of the year, Darlington public school was the second major triumph for FJC Studio in 2024. Two months earlier, the Australian architecture firm had put Liverpool council’s new library, Yellamundie, on the international stage, when it was named one of the world’s four most beautiful libraries. Both buildings attracted high praise for the way the architects had seamlessly incorporated local First Nations culture and history into their design, a practice an increasing number of Australian architects are prioritising in their work that is making the rest of the world sit up and take notice. At the world architecture festival – which since its inception in 2008 has become the Venice Biennale of the architecture world – Darlington public school took out best in show, but 10 other Australian architects also collected major awards. Like at the Olympics, Australia is making a habit of punching above its weight in winning architecture gold, says the festival’s founder and the former deputy chair of the UK’s Design Council, Paul Finch.' back

Mansur Mirovalev (2024_12_24), Is Ukraine’s largest church still pro-Russian?, ' Khust, Ukraine – “Praise Jesus” instead of “hello” is what one often hears in Transcarpathia, Ukraine’s westernmost region. Known for piousness, mesmerising folklore, forested mountains and inventive smugglers, Transcarpathia used to be dominated by the Greek-Catholic Church that preserved Orthodox rites, but considers the pope its spiritual leader. Transcarpathia had never been part of Russia until Soviet leader Joseph Stalin annexed it in 1944, imposing the Russian Orthodox Church whose top clerics collaborated with the KGB, the main security agency of the Soviet era. “Soviet intelligence either forced all [Greek-Catholic] priests to the pro-communist Orthodoxy or killed them off in Siberia,” Oleh Dyba, a publicist and scholar of Transcarpathia’s religious life, told Al Jazeera. This is the second year when Ukraine celebrates Christmas on December 25 after hundreds of years of celebrating it on January 7 in accordance with the Gregorian calendar still used by the Russian Orthodox Church. But even so, the formerly pro-Russian Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) remains the country’s largest religious see.. . .' back

Michael Timothy Bennett & Elija Perrier (2024_12_24), An AI system has reached human level on a test for ‘general intelligence’. Here’s what that means, ' A new artificial intelligence (AI) model has just achieved human-level results on a test designed to measure “general intelligence”. On December 20, OpenAI’s o3 system scored 85% on the ARC-AGI benchmark, well above the previous AI best score of 55% and on par with the average human score. It also scored well on a very difficult mathematics test. Creating artificial general intelligence, or AGI, is the stated goal of all the major AI research labs. At first glance, OpenAI appears to have at least made a significant step towards this goal. While scepticism remains, many AI researchers and developers feel something just changed. For many, the prospect of AGI now seems more real, urgent and closer than anticipated. Are they right? You can trust this article because it’s written by academics. Generalisation and intelligence To understand what the o3 result means, you need to understand what the ARC-AGI test is all about. In technical terms, it’s a test of an AI system’s “sample efficiency” in adapting to something new – how many examples of a novel situation the system needs to see to figure out how it works. An AI system like ChatGPT (GPT-4) is not very sample efficient. It was “trained” on millions of examples of human text, constructing probabilistic “rules” about which combinations of words are most likely. The result is pretty good at common tasks. It is bad at uncommon tasks, because it has less data (fewer samples) about those tasks. back

Neyaz Farooquee (2024_12_27), Manmohan Singh's decisions that shaped a billion lives, ' People in India are reflecting on former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's contribution to the country since his death on Thursday evening. Singh, who held the top post for two consecutive terms between 2004 and 2014, was seen as an architect of India's economic liberalisation which changed the country's growth trajectory. The first prime minister since Jawaharlal Nehru to return to power, Singh was also the first Sikh to assume the top office. Known as a soft-spoken technocrat, he had earlier headed India's central bank, served as a finance secretary and minister, and led the opposition in the upper house of parliament. Here are five milestones from Singh's life that shaped his career and had a lasting impact on more than a billion Indians. . . . Economic liberalization: Singh led the initiative to deregulate the economy to avoid its collapse, which he argued was otherwise imminent. Despite stiff opposition from members of his government and party, Singh prevailed. He took bold measures that included devaluing the currency, reducing import tariffs and privatising state-owned companies. He was famously quoted as saying in parliament during his first budget speech in 1991 that "no power on Earth can stop an idea whose time has come". . . . "I honestly believe that history will be kinder to me than the contemporary media, or for that matter, the opposition parties in parliament," he said. "I think taking into account the circumstances and the compulsions of a coalition polity, I have done as best as I could do under the circumstances".' back

P versus NP problem - Wikipedia, P versus NP problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The P versus NP problem is a major unsolved problem in computer science. It asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified (technically, verified in polynomial time) can also be solved quickly (again, in polynomial time). The underlying issues were first discussed in the 1950s, in letters from John Forbes Nash Jr. to the National Security Agency, and from Kurt Gödel to John von Neumann. The precise statement of the P versus NP problem was introduced in 1971 by Stephen Cook in his seminal paper " The complexity of theorem proving procedures" and is considered by many to be the most important open problem in the field.' back

Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Pascal's Wager (also known as Pascal's Gamble) is an argument in apologetic philosophy which was devised by the seventeenth-century French philosopher, mathematician, and physicist, Blaise Pascal. It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or does not exist. Given the possibility that God actually does exist and assuming the infinite gain or loss associated with belief in God or with unbelief, a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.).' back

Reuters and Agence France-Presse (2024_12_27), Azerbaijan plane crashed ‘due to physical and technical external interference’: airline, . Azerbaijan Airlines suspended a host of flights to Russian cities on Friday and said it considered the crash was caused by what it termed “physical and technical external interference”. After the loud bang, the plane had acted strangely as if it was drunk, Rakhimov said. “It was as if it was drunk – not the same plane any more,” he said. Azerbaijan believes missile downed plane, Russia warns against ‘hypotheses’ The Embraer passenger jet had flown from Azerbaijan’s capital Baku to Grozny, in Russia’s southern Chechnya region, before veering off hundreds of miles across the Caspian Sea. It crashed on the opposite shore of the Caspian after what Russia’s aviation watchdog said was an emergency that may have been caused by a bird strike. After the turmoil of the crash landing, there was silence before the moaning of the injured began, Rakhimov said. Asked about reports that Russian air defences had mistakenly shot down the aircraft, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday he had nothing to add and did not want to give any assessments until the official investigation made its conclusions. Rosaviatsia, Russia’s aviation watchdog, said that the captain of the plane had been offered other airports at which to land, but had chosen Kazakhstan’s Aktau. It said that it would provide comprehensive support to Kazakh and Azerbaijani investigations looking into the crash. back

Valerie Hopkins (2024_12_25_, Released From a Russian Prison, This Activist Got Right to Work, ' For much of the last two years, Vladimir Kara-Murza barely used his voice. A political activist and vehement critic of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, he was confined to a harsh isolation cell in a Siberian penal colony. Now, he is using his voice as often as possible. Since being traded to the West in August in the biggest prisoner exchange since the Cold War, Mr. Kara-Murza, 43, has been lobbying Western leaders to take stronger action against Mr. Putin. At the same time, he is trying to give opposition-minded Russians at home and abroad reasons for hope. Mr. Kara-Murza said the need for more prisoner swaps had been among his main arguments to world leaders, including President Biden, Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany and President Emmanuel Macron of France. “While people are listening, I feel a responsibility to speak because I feel a responsibility toward all the others who are still left back there,” he said, referring to the hundreds of political prisoners in Russia. “We need to have more of these exchanges.” He has promoted this cause even though he has maintained that he was released from Russia against his will. “It has always been a question of principle that a Russian politician has to stay in Russia,” he said. “Because what moral right do I have to call on my fellow Russian citizens to stand up and resist the dictatorship if I wasn’t prepared to do it myself. . . He said his top priority is holding the Kremlin elite accountable for the atrocities they committed inside and outside of Russia, but he has steadfastly rejected the assertion, common in Ukraine and elsewhere, that all Russians bear responsibility for Mr. Putin and his aggression. “We were protesting Putin from the beginning, from the year 2000, while Western leaders on both sides of the Atlantic were looking into his eyes and seeing his soul, pushing reset buttons with him, rolling out red carpets, inviting him for summits, buying oil and gas and so on,” he said. “So if people want to talk about collective responsibility in Russia,” he said, “let’s not forget about the collective responsibility of Western leaders who were aiding and abetting and enabling and appeasing Putin throughout his first many years in power". ' back

Will Oremus & Naomi Nix (2024_12_24), This company rates news sites’ credibility. The right wants it stopped., ' When veteran newsmen L. Gordon Crovitz and Steven Brill started their news site rating company, they were prepared for the inevitable cries of bias from both sides. What they didn’t anticipate was that NewsGuard, their company of about 50 employees, would become the target of congressional investigations and accusations from federal regulators that it was at the vanguard of a vast conspiracy to censor conservative views. Since 2018, NewsGuard has built a business offering advertisers nonpartisan assessments of online publishers — backed by a team of journalists who assess which sites are reputable and which can’t be trusted. It uses a slate of nine standard criteria, such as whether a site corrects errors or discloses its ownership and financing, to produce a zero to 100 percent rating. . . . But conservatives now question the company’s premise. Brendan Carr, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Federal Communications Commission, accused the company of facilitating a “censorship cartel,” in a November letter to leading tech platforms. Noting that key legal protections depend on tech executives operating “in good faith,” Carr continued: “It is in this context that I am writing to obtain information about your work with one specific organization — the Orwellian named NewsGuard.” . . . Six years after its launch, NewsGuard has attained what Brill called “sustainable profitability.” But he and Crovitz no longer enjoy friendly bipartisan audiences in Washington. Instead, they find themselves a central target of Republicans’ wide-ranging war on content moderation — a practice many on the right deem censorship — with their reputation and their business at stake.' back

Wojciech Hubert Zurek (2008), Quantum origin of quantum jumps: breaking of unitary symmetry induced by information transfer and the transition from quantum to classical, 'Submitted on 17 Mar 2007 (v1), last revised 18 Mar 2008 (this version, v3)) Measurements transfer information about a system to the apparatus, and then further on – to observers and (often inadvertently) to the environment. I show that even imperfect copying essential in such situations restricts possible unperturbed outcomes to an orthogonal subset of all possible states of the system, thus breaking the unitary symmetry of its Hilbert space implied by the quantum superposition principle. Preferred outcome states emerge as a result. They provide framework for the “wavepacket collapse”, designating terminal points of quantum jumps, and defining the measured observable by specifying its eigenstates.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2024 © Jeffrey Nicholls