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Notes DB 91: Divine_Gravitation_2025

Sunday 5 January 2025 - Saturday 11 January 2025

[page 327]

Sunday 5 January 2025

Here I wish to begin by acknowledging the fatal forces that made in necessary for me to write this book. My parents were born at the end of the first world war and I was born about six months before Japanese Imperialism was killed by the nuclear weapons developed by the new imperialists, the British and US empires. These wars killed about 100 million people and concluded nearly two millennia of [the] theocratic genocide which entered history when the emperors of dying Rome took control of the new Christian religion and set about steering the minds of the world from a huge spectrum of languages, cultures and creeds to global monotheism build around a mythical character who said "I am the Lord your God, and you shall have no other Gods before me." This policy was enforced, as we see in Exodus, by the murder of all who disagreed. Exodus 32: The Lord orders Moses to slaughter the worshippers of the Golden Calf

Conversion by military force under penalty of death became a standard modus operandi and remains so to this day as genocidal religions claim their divine right by destroying ancient indigenous civilizations.

[page 328]

This history entered by life when my father came home from the attempt by the Japanese emperor to occupy the Pacific world and my parents, both newly graduated doctors, bought a medical practice in a small South Australian country town. Life was relatively blissful until it was established that some element of our new environment was making my mother ill and we moved to the city. At the age of 14 I moved from the Catholic Marist Brothers College in Mount Gambier to complete my education in a school run by the Dominican Order in Adelaide. The Dominicans had been founded in the 13th century Europe to combat the Albigensian heresy. Dominican Order - Wikipedia

A twenty year military campaign against the heresy, the Albigensian Crusade, was initiated by Pope innocent III and waged between 1209 and 1229. Dominic, the founder of the Order, considered that the best weapon against the Albigensians was the truth of the Christian doctrine and he adopted the motto Veritas, truth. As became standard in the interface between the Church and heretics, the Church confined itself to the detection and judgement of heretical beliefs and turned its conclusions over to the 'secular arm' for execution. I knew none of this at the time, but fate led me to join this ancient order. I learnt a lot, they treated me well and I became aware of the official deep history of Christianity. Albigensian Crusade - Wikipedia, Keith Hopkins (2001): A World Full of Gods: The Strange Triumph of Christianity

[page 329]

I got on well with Father Lawrence Fitzgerald OP [headmaster at Blackfriars Priory School (✝ 29 May 2003) partly based on a shared addiction to the humour of Peter Sellars. Two of my teachers John Hooper and Anselm Curran had science degrees and I did well in what we now call STEM subjects. Religion was a compulsory subject which did not really interest me, a fact reflected in my exam results.

I entered the Order in 1963 and left in 1968. In 1967 I circulated an essay How Universal is the Universe. This led to long discussions with Laurence Fitzgerald who had by this time become Master of Studies in the new Blackfriars Priory in Canberra. I moved [there] from Wahroonga on 12 March 1966 and was put to work under the supervision of the architect Father Bonaventure Leahy OP (✝ 16 July 1990). In the course of 1966-67 I made hundreds of tables, bookshelves, wardrobes, priedieux, refectory tables and altars to furnish the new monastery, thereby learning the trade which was to serve me for more than 50 years after I left the Order. Dominican Order, Australian Province: List of Anniversaries of Deceased Friars, Father Bonaventure Leahy: ACT Heritage Council – Signadou and Blackfriars Precinct, Australian Catholic University

I was solemnly professed in 1967, left the order on January 4 1968. The Provincial of the Australian Province of the Order, Jeromes James O'Rorke (✝ 8 Mach 1985) eased my separation by appointing me his chauffeur for long interstate

[page 330]

drives. It was on a visit to Adelaide that I discovered the conflict between Catholics and Methodists. My grandfather was a Methodist lay preacher who had been a wheat farmer near Crystal Brook in the north of the state. While in Adelaide I decided to visit him and my Grandmother in their retirement, wearing my clerical garb. Grandmother made me a cup of tea but Grandfather retired to his bed and did not speak to me. It was an aspect of the Christian world that I hardly knew. Later I learnt that my Methodist father could not marry my Catholic mother until he signed document promising that all their children would be raised Catholic. Following the advice of the philosopher Pascal, Dad was baptized Catholic in the last years of his life [by his friend the priest who had been chaplain in his battalion in Bougainville. Peter Medcalf (1986): War in the Shadows: Bougainville 1944-45 ].

I can safely say that from the people who decided that I must leave the Order of Preachers to every single person I have told about my claim that the Universe is divine, everybody has told me that it is a silly idea with no future. I still disagree. You will have to read this book closely to see why. Jeffrey Nicholls (2025): Cognitive Cosmogenesis: A systematic integration of Physics and Theology

Monday 6 January 2025

Cognitive cosmogenesis essay on the brink of completion. Today acknowledgements for book and proceed with proofing. [Went to see]Parthenope and missed last bus and had to walk home Currie Street bus stop to Portrush Road, 6 km, 1.5 hours, day's exercise. Parthenope - Wikipedia

[page 331]

We cannot know precisely why my brother Andrew killed himself or the cause of other suicides in the family so we must guess. He has a number of physical ailments and a possible last straw was that he was advised to get a hip replacement which was beyond his means. However family were prepared to foot the bill and there is an extensive family network prepared to support him. Long ago his partner had died of HIV and Australia's rather unwelcoming immigration laws had separated him from a close friend. What else? Deep in his life I see the conflicts between the arbitrary pronouncements of the Roman Catholic Church on sexual politics which had a decisive effect on motivating my decision to join a religious order despite my proclivity to enjoy forbidden sexual pleasure, and I would not be surprised to learn that the Catholic idea that we must suppress our true biological nature to get to their fictitious heaven played a role in his death as it played in my life. The difference between us being that I wish to add to the revelation of the evil effects of the Church's arbitrary opposition to the true reality of our world. The key to the answer, my case here, is that theology must become a science and since the wold is one, physics must accommodate this revision. False religion is a radical source of murder, suicide and pain and none of this behaviour is necessarily implicit in nature.

Although naked gravitation is initially structureles and powerless, quantum medhanics extracts order and power

[page 332]

from this primordial structure and in the process extracts energy from gravitation to create our magnificent world whose tremendous power is continuously being revealed by astronomers with instruments that explore the power of quantum mechanics to reveal its own power. James Webb Space Telescope - Wikipedia

Tuesday 7 January 2025

All day correcting cognitive cosmogenesis. Up to page (?)

Monday phone notes: For essay cognitive_cos_dec2024 seeking to extend Einstein's paper Electrodynamics of moving bodies to the period when bosons and fermions first appeared in the Universe and their interactions gave rise to Minkowski space.

The idea is that quantum mechanics and the Schrödinger equation precede the emergence of spacetime so there is no need at this point for relativistic quantum mechanics because there is as yet no Minkowski space and no special relativity. All the available structure is purely linear quantum operators and our particular interest is in the source of Maxwell's equations [an idea here may be that the photon (massless boson) can exist in Hilbert space before the emergence of fermions like the electron which obey the exclusion principle and demand the addition of the Euclidean portion of Minkowski space and contribute the null geodesic and the speed of light in the process, leading to the Maxwell equations [in space-time] in a manner analogous to the conversion of the quantum of action from a logical operator to a unit of angular momentum].

Wednesday 8 January 2025
Proofreading, Begin Chapter 3: Bernard Lonergan I need a new God page 47. Chapter 4 page 54, Page 62 Eternity, time and Hilbert space. Page 100 in MS

[page 333]

Quantum computation is based on the delusion that a qubit |Ψ⟩ = a|0⟩ + b|1⟩ is a continuous function because they think a and b are real continuous numbers.

Chapter 6: The Old Quantum Mechanics proof page 68, MS page 114. Chapter 8 God's ideas, cybernetics and singularity proof p 83, MS page 142.

Thursday 9 January 2025
Friday 10 January 2025
Saturday 11 January 2025

Proofreading page 16 Gravitation and the creation of dynamic particles. Have so far changed about 20 words to account for new insights developed in my essay cognitive cosmogenesis which currently stands at about 10 000 words and will be completed after the book is done and then probably divided up as pages for the ontological part of Lust for Life site. All is sweet as I plough through 80.

End of Chapter 16: 'Mathematical stories that are interesting and logically consistent are admitted to the mathematical canon. Organizations like the Clay Mathematical Institute are aware that physical speculation is a rich source of mathematical ideas so they promote cross fertilization by offering big money hoping to energize work in this domain. When the book comes out we will enter it for the money. It is a radical revision of the relationships between physics and theology with deep implications for both of them: an epistemological and an ontological re-vision of the way we look at ourselves and our world.


You may copy this material freely provided only that you quote fairly and provide a link (or reference) to your source.

Further reading


Hopkins (2001), Keith, A World Full of Gods: The Strange Triumph of Christianity, Penguin Random House 2001 ' In this provocative, irresistibly entertaining book, Keith Hopkins takes readers back in time to explore the roots of Christianity in ancient Rome. Combining exacting scholarship with dazzling invention, Hopkins challenges our perceptions about religion, the historical Jesus, and the way history is written. He puts us in touch with what he calls “empathetic wonder”—imagining what Romans, pagans, Jews, and Christians thought, felt, experienced, and believed-by employing a series of engaging literary devices. These include a TV drama about the Dead Sea Scrolls; the first-person testimony of a pair of time-travelers to Pompeii; a meditation on Jesus’ apocryphal twin brother; and an unusual letter on God, demons, and angels.' 

Medcalf (1986), Peter, War in the Shadows: Bougainville 1944-45, Collins 1986 Jacket: '... written by an Australian infantryman who, as a nineteen year old, fought in the bloody campaigns on Bougainville, tells the dramatic truth about jungle warfare in the south-west Pacific during the second world war from the point of view of the combat soldier.' 

Nicholls (2025), Jeffrey, Cognitive Cosmogenesis: A systematic integration of Physics and Theology, ' 2025 ' More than 60 years ago my spiritual advisors (rightly or wrongly) diagnosed in me a divine call to the Roman Catholic priesthood. As soon as I turned 18 I entered the Dominican Order
I quickly fell on love with their leading theologian, Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1275) and read him voraciously. His Latin is so easy and his ideas quite cosmic.
Aquinas revolutionized theology by harmonizing it with the work of Aristotle, the best science available in the Middle Ages. Since the time of Galileo (1562 - 1642) modern science has travelled far beyond Aristotle. We now have comprehensive knowledge of the Universe. We can now see that it is big enough and beautiful enough to be considered divine. It seems obvious to me that it is time to introduce science to theology once again. Just three steps are required:
First, we must assume that the Universe is divine. This makes God observable, amenable to modern science which is based on observation.
Second, it follows, if this is the case, that physics and theology have the same subject and must therefore be consistent.
Third we need open up a new field of research, repeating Aristotle’s ancient journey from physics to theology. In this book I have tried to trace a quantum theoretical path from the unstoppable omnipotent emptiness of the initial singularity to the exquisite complexity of our world. My only guide is the logical constraint placed on omnipotence by consistency.'  


ACT Heritage Council, Background Information – Signadou and Blackfriars Precinct, Australian Catholic University, ' At its meeting of 7 February 2019 the ACT Heritage Council decided that the Signadou and Blackfriars Precinct was eligible for registration. The information contained in this report was considered by the ACT Heritage Council in assessing the nomination for the Signadou and Blackfriars Precinct against the heritage significance criteria outlined in s10 of the Heritage Act 2004. [. . .] Blackfriars Priory: The Dominican’s intention for Blackfriars Priory was to ensure a church and studentate – a ‘Studium Generale’ – where young men preparing for the priesthood in the Order would be prepared for their work by pursuing courses in philosophy, theology, and those doing subsidiary subjects (Image 5). Those attending the university in Canberra could be housed in convenient proximity. The priory was to include assembly rooms and lecture halls, and from the initial accommodation for about forty it was later upgraded for about one hundred (Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn 1958) back

Albigensian Crusade - Wikipedia, Albigensian Crusade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'When Innocent III's diplomatic attempts to roll back Catharism met with little success and after the papal legate Pierre de Castelnau was murdered (allegedly by an agent serving the Cathar count of Toulouse), Innocent III declared a crusade against Languedoc, offering the lands of the schismatics to any French nobleman willing to take up arms. The violence led to France's acquisition of lands with closer cultural and linguistic ties to Catalonia (see Occitan). An estimated 200,000 to 1,000,000 people were massacred during the crusade.' back

Australian Catholic University, A brief history of ACU: Blackfriars, ' Australian Catholic University (ACU) was opened on 1 January 1991 following the amalgamation of four Catholic tertiary institutions in eastern Australia: Catholic College of Education Sydney in New South Wales Institute of Catholic Education in Victoria McAuley College of Queensland Signadou College of Education in the Australian Capital Territory. [. . .] Through a series of amalgamations, relocations, transfers of responsibilities and diocesan initiatives, more than 20 historical entities have contributed to the creation of the University. [. . .] 2004: ACU, in partnership with the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn, acquires Blackfriars. Blackfriars is renovated to house staff and students, the offices of the Catholic welfare agency Centacare Canberra and Goulburn, and the Institute of Child Protection Studies. 2005: Blackfriars was officially opened by ACT Liberal senator Gary Humphries. Described as a new “welfare hub” for the community, Blackfriars has helped ACU researchers, students and staff work in partnership with other key organisations to improve the lives and prospects of children and adults in Canberra, Goulburn and beyond. back

David Gritten (2025_01_07), Iran reportedly executed at least 901 people in 2024, UN says, ' At least 901 people were reportedly executed in Iran last year, including about 40 in a single week in December, according to the UN human rights chief. "It is deeply disturbing that yet again we see an increase in the number of people subjected to the death penalty in Iran year-on-year," Volker Türk said. "It is high time Iran stemmed this ever-swelling tide of executions." The total is the highest recorded in nine years and marks a 6% increase from 2023, when 853 people were executed. Most of the executions were for drug-related offences, but dissidents and people connected to the 2022 protests were also executed, according to the UN. There was also a rise in the number of women executed. . . . Iran accounted for 74% of all recorded executions worldwide in 2023, according to the human rights group Amnesty International. Those figures excluded China, which Amnesty said was thought to execute thousands of people each year, but where data on the death penalty was classified.' back

Dominican Order - Wikipedia, Dominican Order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The Order of Preachers (Latin: Ordo Praedicatorum, postnominal abbreviation OP), also known as the Dominican Order, is a mendicant Catholic religious order founded by the Spanish priest Dominic of Caleruega in France, approved by Pope Honorius III via the Papal bull Religiosam vitam on 22 December 1216. . . .Founded to preach the Gospel and to oppose heresy, the teaching activity of the order and its scholastic organisation placed the Preachers in the forefront of the intellectual life of the Middle Ages. The order is famed for its intellectual tradition, having produced many leading theologians and philosophers.' back

Dominican Order, Australian Province, List of Anniversaries of Deceased Friars, back

Exodus 32, The Lord orders Moses to slaughter the worshippers of the Golden Calf, '27 Then he said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbour'.” 28 The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. 29 Then Moses said, “You have been set apart to the Lord today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day”.' back

Father Bonaventure Leahy, ACT Heritage Council – Signadou and Blackfriars Precinct, Australian Catholic University, ' Father Bonaventure Leahy Fr Bonaventure Leahy had undertaken architectural training before he joined the Dominican order in Ireland. Prior to working on the Signadou and Blackfriars buildings, he collaborated with other architects on the design and planning of the Chapel at Santa Sabina Convent, Strathfield NSW. The convent was established in 1894 by Dominican Sisters. [. . .] During all stages of construction of the Blackfriars building, students and brothers in the Dominican community are said to have worked under Fr Leahy’s direction and contributed much to the finishing of the Blackfriars building. The temporary Chapel was apparently used as a joinery and carpenter’s workshop, and many of the furnishings in the Prior y were made on-site, as demonstrated in Image 6 (”Blackfriars Priory” 1967).' back

Father Bonaventure Leahy, ACT Heritage Council – Signadou and Blackfriars Precinct, Australian Catholic University, ' Father Bonaventure Leahy Fr Bonaventure Leahy had undertaken architectural training before he joined the Dominican order in Ireland. Prior to working on the Signadou and Blackfriars buildings, he collaborated with other architects on the design and planning of the Chapel at Santa Sabina Convent, Strathfield NSW. The convent was established in 1894 by Dominican Sisters. [. . .] During all stages of construction of the Blackfriars building, students and brothers in the Dominican community are said to have worked under Fr Leahy’s direction and contributed much to the finishing of the Blackfriars building. The temporary Chapel was apparently used as a joinery and carpenter’s workshop, and many of the furnishings in the Prior y were made on-site, as demonstrated in Image 6 (”Blackfriars Priory” 1967).' back

Fred Harter (20256_01_05), War crimes and rebel bishops: Christmas celebrations marred by bitter split in Ethiopia’s ancient church, ' The rift began in 2021 when the province’s senior clergy cut ties with the Holy Synod in Addis Ababa, the capital, angry at its failure to condemn the brutal war then raging in Tigray. When they ordained 11 new archbishops and formed their own synod in 2023, they were promptly excommunicated. A monk using a rope to climb a cliff Monks use a leather rope to climb the cliff face to Debre Damo monastery. Photograph: Fred Harter As Ethiopia prepares for its Christmas, which roughly 36 million Orthodox Christians celebrate on 7 January, the rift shows no sign of healing. At times, it can seem arcane, featuring allusions to ecclesiastical law and ancient myths. But it mirrors the many divisions that still afflict this vast, war-riven nation of 120 million people more than two years after a flawed ceasefire ended the bloodshed in Tigray while seeding fresh conflict in the neighbouring region of Amhara. At his stone home in Debre Damo’s sprawling monastery complex, Menbere Birhanemeskal, a monk, says Tigray’s bishops were right to break away. Like many in this region, he believes a genocide was perpetrated against ethnic Tigrayans, who number 6 million and once dominated Ethiopia’s fractious federation. “Every fighter came with a mission to destroy our people and culture, but the synod remained silent,” says Menbere. Not all Debre Damo’s 300 monks believe that splitting is the right decision, however. At 34, Kiros Fisseha is one of the youngest monks. He believes the church should rise above ethnic politics and work to heal the wounds of Ethiopia’s wars. “Religious leaders should serve all who follow the Orthodox religion, so it is wrong to separate from them,” says Kiros. “I hope they reconcile as one.” During the Tigray war, hundreds of priests were slaughtered. In one district alone, 31 holy sites sustained damage. Massacres took place at churches including one at Maryam Dengelat, about 20 miles south-east of Debre Damo, where more than 160 worshippers were killed at a festival for Saint Mary. Among the dead were teenage choir members who had sung at the local church the day before.' back

James Webb Space Telescope - Wikipedia, James Webb Space Telescope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' The James Webb Space Telescope (often shortened to JWST) is a space telescope which conducts infrared astronomy. As the largest optical telescope in space, its high resolution and sensitivity allow it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble Space Telescope. This will enable investigations across many fields of astronomy and cosmology, such as observation of the first stars, the formation of the first galaxies, and detailed atmospheric characterization of potentially habitable exoplanets.. back

Josh Green (2025_01_07), I’m the Governor of Hawaii. I’ve Seen What Vaccine Skepticism Can Do., ' Within 48 hours, we assembled an extraordinary emergency medical team of about 75 volunteer nurses and doctors to fly to Samoa. Organizations such as UNICEF and the Health Care Association of Hawaii provided essential medical supplies, including vaccines. The team’s willingness to drop everything to help a neighboring Pacific nation was nothing short of extraordinary. Our plane landed in Samoa on Dec. 4, 2019, first thing in the morning. Over the next day and a half, alongside a few hundred Samoan health care workers, our team traveled from village to village and vaccinated tens of thousands of people. By the time our plane took off for Hawaii the next afternoon, we had helped curb the measles epidemic. Health data released later that month showed a dramatic decline in cases, the result of Samoa’s vaccination rate reaching 95 percent.The measles epidemic in Samoa was a heartbreaking example of how quickly things can go wrong when vaccination rates are allowed to fall. A tragic human error in 2018 involving improperly prepared vaccines led to the deaths of two local infants, shaking public confidence. Though the vaccine was confirmed to be safe, many parents became hesitant to immunize their children. . . . Mr. Kennedy and others fanned the flames of this fear with misinformation. The people of Samoa shared with me that they got very little news from outside their community, but in the months before the 2019 epidemic they had been bombarded with social media posts claiming that vaccinations were unsafe and would harm or even kill their children. Activists from other countries, including Mr. Kennedy, claimed vaccines were dangerous. Many Samoans were afraid to vaccinate their children, and by late 2019 the epidemic was raging, overwhelming Samoa’s national health care system. back

Matt Neal (2024_01_04), Nostalgia alert: Here are 30 albums turning 30 in 2025, Music 1 songs Queer Garbage Garbage (20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition/Remastered) back

Michelle Boorstein, Anthony Faiola & Stefani Pitrelli (24_01_05), ' Vatican to name San Diego Cardinal Robert McElroy as new D.C. leader, ' The Vatican on Monday will name one of the country’s leading liberal Catholic prelates to run the prominent D.C.-area archdiocese, according to multiple individuals, sending to the nation’s capital as a second Trump administration begins a cleric known for a pastoral approach to migrants and for the “radical inclusion” of the LGBTQ+ community. You are what you read. Reveal your 2024 reader type with Newsprint. San Diego Cardinal Robert McElroy, who has led a diocese that runs the length of California’s southern border with Mexico for a decade, will take over an archdiocese still bruised by a major sex and mismanagement scandal that broke in 2018. McElroy, who holds a political science doctorate from Stanford University, is considered by some Catholics to be a leading intellectual aligned with Pope Francis — and, by others, too direct at times on secular politics. Just after Donald Trump’s first presidential inauguration in 2017, McElroy said “we must all become disrupters,” citing the use of the military to deport undocumented people, the portrayal of refugees as enemies and Muslims “as forces of fear rather than as children of God.” “Given the fact that the president-elect has indicated a willingness to challenge certain constitutional assumptions, there’s only one bishop in America who has thought deeply about the intersection of public life and Catholic theology, and that’s Bob McElroy,” said Michael Sean Winters, a longtime columnist for the National Catholic Reporter news site. If McElroy is named, Winters said, then “the pope is sending to the capital city the one American bishop who has a profound understanding and has thought about the American Constitution and religion for his entire adult life". [. . . ] Massimo Faggioli, a Catholic theologian at Villanova University, called McElroy “the most progressive Catholic bishop and cardinal at this time in the United States.” His appointment would be “a statement and a response to the political direction the country has taken".' back

Parthenope - Wikipedia, Parthenope - Wikipedia, rhe free enxyclopedia, ' Parthenope is a 2024 coming-of-age drama film written, produced and directed by Paolo Sorrentino. An international co-production between Italy and France, the film stars Celeste Dalla Porta, Stefania Sandrelli, Gary Oldman, Silvio Orlando, Luisa Ranieri, Peppe Lanzetta and Isabella Ferrari. . . . The Guardian's Peter Bradshaw dismissed the film as being "facile" and "conceited", accusing Sorrentino of "pure self-parody" and likening the film to a long-form advertisement for expensive cologne. Cineuropa's Davide Abbatescianni defines it Sorrentino's "less accomplished feature film, technically impeccable but narratively weak," adding how Dalla Porta's character "is too cryptic," making the audience "struggle to understand her behaviour, her arrogance and audacity, and the many bombastic and didactic conversations she's part of." back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2025 © Jeffrey Nicholls