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[Notebook: DB 60 Spotlights]

[Sunday 15 October 2006 - Saturday 21 October 2006]

[page 16]

Sunday 15 October 2006

Ordering personality meets chaotic world result Parmenides, Pythagoras, Plato, Augustine. Chaotic mind meets chaotic world and lives with it, feeling no need to write = FIX

[page 17]

But the time is coming when I must make a living not by fixing and building thing but by fixing and building texts [which are things too].

The big Q: Quid est hoc quod est esse? The fact that we ask it tells us much about the answer. We are on an endless journey of experience, taken up by each being, lived and finally laid down in death to be recycled in another life.

How to live forever: think of Shannon and Nyquist.

The algorithm of survival works on the average, but not in every case.

Doubt is a function of error rate, cf Descartes.

Anybody can say things. The big question is what can we rely on.

The spaces and potentials of human desire have been the stuff of literature since people first tried to record their inner states in writing.

Monday 16 October 2006

FORMAL = COUNTABLE (ie distinct symbols)
DYNAMIC = UNCOUNTABLE (indistinct, dynamic)


[page 18]

All communication is normalized locally to self communication.

I am my own metric.

Tuesday 17 October 2006

God is totally other? The otherness is model dependent, as we shall see.

Free fall transforms gravity away - Einstein's happiest thought [fulfilled desires disappear]

Mathematical analysis relies on the symmetry of the continuum based on the Archimedian principle and Euclid's definition of a point.

One cannot control communication. It is like falling in love, it happens when it happens and getting pushy tends to destroy it. This situation (we hypothesize) is common to all entities in the Universe. Perhaps in different ways. We postulate two classes of entities. They are fundamental that are annihilated upon interaction. They are composite which maintain an identity through interaction, like me in other words, they have memory. So our categories are memory/not-memory. Not-memory we tend to identify with time, memory with space.

Beyond the simple Euclidian continuum there is the 'differentiable continuum' and its inverse,

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the 'integrable continuum'.

(Digital) general covariance is equivalent to symmetric Universe, in that the transformation between any two points in the Universe is a computable function [but its consequences at higher peer levels may not be computable]

Although mystics might tell us that time is an illusion, when it comes to fitness and survival, time is of the essence. All measurements are measurements of time, counts, 'numerus motus secundum prius et posterius' [the numbering of motion in the order of before and after Aristotle, Physics, 220a25, Aristotle], ie program counters.

Turing Oscillator: an oscillator (cyclic process, group) whose transition form one state to another are computable functions.

Wednesday 18 October 2006
Thursday 19 October 2006

Quantum mechanics [better, quantum field theory] describes processes without memory, ie at the level where particles are created and annihilated by each communication, rather than by existing through many messages (and so exhibiting a personality.

Local is simple. In a computer local = NAND, which is a bit like spin +- 1/2, one or the other, but not both.

What we want to do is replace the classical continuum with the logical continuum represented by a Turing machine.

Friday 20 October 2006

Einstein, Relativity, page 122: 'The following statement

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holds generally: Every physical description resolves itself into a number of statements, each of which refers to the space-time coincidence of two events, A and B. In terms of the Gaussian coordinates, every such statement is expressed by the agreement of their four coordinates x1, x2, x3, x4. Thus in reality the description of the time-space continuum by means of Gauss co-ordinates completely replaces the description with the aid of a body of reference, without suffering from the defects of the latter mode of description; it is not tied down to the Euclidian character of the continuum which has to be represented.' Einstein

page 123 General principle of relativity: 'All Gaussian coordinate systems are essentially equivalent for the formulation of the general laws of nature.'

page 124 'According to the general theory of relativity, on the other hand, by application of arbitrary transformations of the Gauss variables x1, x2, x3, x4, the equations must pass over into equations of the same form; for every transformation (not only the Lorentz transformation) corresponds to the transition of one Gauss coordinate system into another.'

page 125 'For this reason non-rigid reference-bodies are used which are as a whole not only moving in any way whatsoever, but which suffer alterations in form ad lib. during their motion.

'"reference mollusk"'

page 126 'The great power possessed by the general principle of relativity lies in the comprehensive limitation which is imposed on the

[page 21]

laws of nature in consequence of what we have seen above.'

Four space, as described by Einstein, is the tip of an underlying iceberg which we have to study using the methods of quantum mechanics.

Laws of physics are true for all observer. Laws of biology or sociology, on the other hand, are only true for observers observing biological or social systems. What about laws of theology. True for the whole, and for all the parts, and so true for all observers no matter what they are observing, ie they are the laws of observation or communication.

And in the end (when I got the distributor in on the right tooth, the engine came to life, doing its best to replicate the Carnot cycle.

God is not a body (Thomas), ie not extended, not continuous, not given to decay etc. Aquinas 14 The notion of the continuum has dominated physics since before the time of Aristotle. Even though quantum mechanics tells us that all observations are discrete (integral) quantities, we still work our quantum mechanics and quantum field theories in continuous spaces and manifolds.

The 'argument from continuity' continues to dominate in an obviously discontinuous world comprising at the moment raindrops and flashes of lightning all around me. Everywhere we model these phenomena with continuous functions which reach a breaking point or discontinuity in the moment when the lightning flashes over or the water condenses out of the air. Continuity appears to have some logical power.

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Universe = body; god = not-body. We want to change this, showing god and body are comparable using logical continuity rather than continuity by proximity, which presupposes a metric space.

Dual spaces 'contract' one another to a real number (an observable symbol = message). Since we consider the message to be the invariant, the 'sizes' of the duals must vary in an [inverse] manner, the one growing as the other gets smaller so that their 'product' (or contraction) remains constant. The invariance of the message is what physics is trying to explain eg why do we always get the same result (or an element from the same set of results) when we do x. Here is exactly the foundation of the creativity of the Universe: that a 'preparation (ie question) no matter how precise can easily lead to different outcomes. In quantum mechanics he dot product gives us the probability of an event; in general relativity, it gives is a spacetime interval. These to features may be united if we see distance as a function of probability and vice versa. ds2 = 0 <==> p = 1.

Saturday 21 October 2006

. . .

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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Aristotle, and (translated by P H Wickstead and F M Cornford), Physics books I-IV, Harvard University Press, William Heinemann 1980 Introduction: 'The title "Physics" is misleading. .. "Lectures on Nature" the alternative title found in editions of the Greek text, is more enlightening. ... The realm of Nature, for Aristotle, includes all things that move and change ... . Thus the ultimate "matter" which, according to Aristotle, underlies all the elementary substances must be studied, in its changes at least, by the Natural Philosopher. And so must the eternal heavenly spheres of the Aristotelean philosophy, insofar as they themselves move of are the cause of motion in the sublunary world.' 
Einstein, Albert, and Robert W Lawson (translator) Roger Penrose (Introduction), Robert Geroch (Commentary), David C Cassidy (Historical Essay) , Relativity: The Special and General Theory, Pi Press 2005 Preface: 'The present book is intended, as far as possible, to give an exact insight into the theory of relativity to those readers who, from a general scientific and philosophical point of view, are interested in the theory, but who are not conversant with the mathematical apparatus of theoretical physics. ... The author has spared himself no pains in his endeavour to present the main ideas in the simplext and most intelligible form, and on the whole, in the sequence and connectionin which they actually originated.' page 3  
Holland, Peter R, The Quantum Theory of Motion: An Account of the de Broglie-Bohm Causal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Cambridge University Press 1993 Jacket: 'This book presents the first comprehensive exposition of the interpretation of quantum mechancs pioneered by Louis de Broglie and David Bohm. ... Developing the theme that a material system such as an electron is guided by a surrounding quantum wave, a detailed examination of the classic phenomena of quantum theory is presented ... . ... The theory provides a novel and satisfactory framework for analysing the classical limit of quantum mechanics and Heisenberg's relations, and implies a theory of measurement without wavefunction collapse. It also suggests a strikingly novel view of relativistic quantum theory, including the Dirac equation, quantum field theory and the wavefunction of the Universe.' 
Hughes, Robert, The Fatal Shore: A History of the Transportation of Convicts to Australia, 1787-1868, Knopf 1987 Jacket: 'An epic description of the brutal transportation of men, women and children out of Georgian Britain into a horrific penal system which was to be the precursor of the Gulag and was the origin of Australia. The Fatal Shore is the prize-winning, scholarly, brilliantly entertaining narrative that has given its true history to Australia.' 
Lonergan, Bernard J F, Insight : A Study of Human Understanding (Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan : Volume 3), University of Toronto Press 1992 '... Bernard Lonergan's masterwork. Its aim is nothing less than insight into insight itself, an understanding of understanding' 
Aquinas 14 Summa: I 3 1: Is God a body? 'I answer that, It is absolutely true that God is not a body; and this can be shown in three ways. First, because no body is in motion unless it be put in motion, as is evident from induction. Now it has been already proved (2, 3), that God is the First Mover, and is Himself unmoved. Therefore it is clear that God is not a body. ...' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls