[Sunday 20 September 2009 - Saturday 26 September 2009]
[Notebook: DB 67: jciii]
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Sunday 20 September 2009
Aristotle understood motion as the conservation of an underlying matter the subject of changing form. Modern physics holds that energy is neither created nor destroyed, but may appear in different forms, the difference being that while matter is passive and motion must be initiated by the first unmoved mover, energy is active and from the point of view of quantum mechanics this activity is distributed throughout the Universe rather than being concentrated in the outer heaven.
Quantum information theory holds that the processing of information in the Universe is essentially hidden from is and only yields a fraction of itself to us on observation. Real information theory, on the other hand, imagines all information to be embodied in real objects whose interactions are the universal process, and that nothing is essentially hidden, nor is the Universe essentially deterministic, requiring a deterministic underlayer (God or the Wave Function) to make
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it work.
Monday 21 September 2009
Tuesday 22 September 2009
In telecommunications much of the cost is in the switching and with media like radio and optic fibre the cost of transmission is minimal. In nature we attribute delay to encoding and decoding [ie all process], which may be analogous to switching which is a function of the complex layers of the Universe, but we guess that at the basic hardware (energy) level the Universe has no size (space, memory) and so transmission is instantaneous, as suggested by quantum teleportation. (Nature Salart et al)
Wednesday 23 September 2009
Thursday 24 September 2009
What is ultimately possible in physics
Many physicists appear to believe that the Universe began subject to very tight constraints whose evolution had led to its current state, including our own existence. This attitude is embodied in the many creation myths (or hypotheses) that have been developed over the millennia in different human cultures. Those of us descended from the Western Judaeo Christian tradition attribute the current state of the Universe to creation and guidance by an omniscient, omnipotent being commonly called God, believed to have eternally preexisted the univerae and to be
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responsible for its current state. The only constraint on God is believed to be self consistency. Here we take the view that God and the Universe are the same reality, leading to the conclusion that theology and physics are in fact the same science and the Universe is subject to no externally imposed constraint, but is constrained only by the same requirement of self-consistency that we attribute to God.