natural theology

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vol VII: Notes



[Sunday 3 March 2013 - Saturday 9 March 2013]

[Notebook: DB 75 Reconstruction]

[page 2]

Sunday 3 March 2013

Quid est hoc quod est esse? {encode, decode} =

[page 3]

communicate = change past state into future state via a present state.

We are constructing a model of God (=Theory of Everything). Mathematically, this model exists if it is self consistent. WEe have learnt that consistency in mathematics implies incompleteness and incomputability, which bounds the rate of communication. Ontologically, this model represented the fixed and communicable points in the divine dynamics. From these observable points we seek to understand the dynamic process that governs them.

It is taking me a long time to synthesise al the various insights I have collected (see list 14 December 1012, pp 34-35), and see the fastest way forward as publishing all my notes to provide an environmental background for the Unreasonable Effectiveness, Development, Commentary on the Summa and similar secondary productions. Notes 14 December 2012

Time to stop worrying and let myself flow. What does this mean? Less attempting to model and deal with the distant future and more response to the immediate local condition, at the matter molecules and solid particles in the raging river outside my window are doing. My ideal is the theory of everything instantiated in every event that I experience.

Armstrong pp 105-6: [Moghul emperor Akbar ruled 1560-1605] . . . was respectful of all faiths. He built temples for Hindus, and in 1575 set is a 'house of worship' where scholars of all religions

[page 4]

could meet for discussion.'

The flow of money is the principal component of the flow of [violent?] power and so needs to become transparent if we are to have an egalitarian (maximum entropy) society.

Obeid and co are analogous to cancer, directing the resources of a society toward its own destruction. SMH Editorial

One cannot turn back time [whatever the physicists say!. All reforms based on a return to the old days contain the roots of their own destruction because they are generally of lower entropy [than the present environment]. Wahhab, Armstrong, page 114. Armstrong

Armstrong page 115: 'Wahhabism is the form of Islam that is still practised in Saudi Arabia, a puritan religion based on a strict literal interpretation of scriptures and early Islamic tradition.'

page 121: 'To bear Europe at its own game a conventional agrarian society would have to transform itself from top to bottom, and recreate its entire social, economic, educational, religious, spiritual, political and intellectual structures. And they would have to do this very quickly, an impossible task since it has taken the West almost three hundred years to achieve this development.'

Drive on into the night. It is hard to imagine that even God does not know where it is going any more than I do. Created cannot be controlled nor predicted.

Monday 4 March 2013

[page 5]

Armstrong page 125: 'The European invasion of the Islamic world . . . began in Moghul India . . . "the plundering of Bengal" . . . '

page 134: 'Politics has never been central to the Christian religious experience.' A joke? 'In hoc signo vinces'. At this moment the election of a new pope is neck deep in politics!. In hoc signo vinces - Wikipedia

Policy: Religion is applied theology, and the principal outputs of religion are policies on how to think and behave. Natural theology respects the creative nature of ourselves and our Universe and so places no constraint on thought, which is not observable, but on actions (messages) which are observable. Natural theology, being scientific, will naturally home in on how the Universe really works, and its application through religion will have the effect of moving us toward harmony with our natural divine environment. Our fundamental theological fact is that the world is both creative and conservative. Our layered model of the fixed points of creation explains which this is so. A higher layer cannot exist unless it maintains the layer upon which and from which it is built.

We understand science (and everything else) from its history, since every moment of our lives arises from the moment before, its history. Dp,e f this process is deterministic and fixed (complete, computable) and the rest of it is indeterminate, a product of the symmetry that arises as a consequence of incomputablility, non-control.

[page 6]

Johnson, Nemesis page 77: '. . . simple amnesia . . . both [Niall] Ferguson and the Cambridge Illustrated Encyclopedia of the British Empire skip lightly over the fact that the empire ran the world's largest and most successful drug cartel. During the nineteenth century, Britain fought two wars of choice with China to force it to import opium. . . . The Australian scholar Carl A. Trocki concludes that, given the huge profits from the sale of opium, "without the drug, there probably would have been no British empire".' Johnson, Marshall, Trocki

page 80: 'For all its alleged liberalism and the capitalist institutions it forces on its captive people, the British Empire bred, inculcated and propagated racism as its ultimate justification.

Was the British Empire a 'good thing' or a 'bad thing'? Both. It was a one off, and is past, so there is so there is nothing we can do about is except to study it closely and learn from it. We learn about it from the memories of it that still exist in documents, buildings, sociual structures and all those things (memories) that have endured since imperial times.

Johnson page 86: '. . . the British government did everything inits power to cover up the genocide it attempted [in Kenya] including burning the colonial archives relating to Kenya on the eve of leaving the country in 1963.

Model: Einstein said the most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. Albert Einstein

[page 7]

Wigner touches a similar vein when he discusses the unresonable effectiveness of mathematics in the sciences. Physicists talk of finding a theiory of everything but what they mean is not a theory of everything but a theory of the relaitonships between the fundamental particles of the Universe. There is a lot more to everything that them. My 100 kg of flesh is a monstrously complex structure buit from some 1030 (?) fundamental particles, and a theory of everything should explain how this and many far greater structures like planets came about.

The traditional theory of everything is theology, which tells us in effect that everything is the way it is and behaves the way it does because God made it that way and guides its actions in minute detailo because God is both ombipotent and omniscient.

Religion = applied theology = applied applied metamathematics.

Model: Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas . . . Brouwer.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

The variety (complexity) of language matches the vriety of experience, and to some extent they increase together, new sentences encoding new experiences and new experiences eliciting new sentences. An example of positive feedback, creation or growth.

The Roman Catholic Church has lost all moral standing by its cover-ups

[pages 8-9 blank]

[page 10]

of child sexual abuse. Now we must show that it has got no intellectual standing either.

Epistemology: every science and tradition of science has a history that stretches back before the era of writing. Historians of science can mark a major transformation in each science where it ceased to base itself on eminent authorities and began to use observations and experience as touchstones of truth. We see this transformation happening in physics [beginning around the time of Galileo] and it has gradually taken place in biology and the psychological sciences. In all cases evidence based planning and action have replaced the whims of powerful people and organizations. The one major science where the transition has not happened is theology.

Traditional theology models God as a self-existent incomprehensible entity that creates maintains and destroys the world according to a mysterious 'history of salvation'.

The theory of network computing is the same at all scales, Turing machines and communication links.

We say God is comprehensible. We can say that it makes sense because our lives, properly understood, make sense. Christianity needs to push mystery because its story does not make sense, it only hlods together by mystery, miracles and magic.

As a construction worker I am accustomed

[page 11]

to trusting my life to the structures I build. If it falls down or breaks under me, I am quite likely to be injured or killed.

The psychology of monasticism: it is not just a belief system but a life system. So set in stone that we can bank on it. We are right We know. There is no need to ever change.

A comprehensible mathematical model of comprehensibility might turn out to be isomorphic to quantum mechanics.

I am motivated by a powerful idea: turning all of Western Christian theology on its head. What I aim to do is to bring theology back into the scientific fold. The basic step is simple. I identify God and the Universe so our symbol becomes GOD = UNIVERSE [Cosmos] Θ≡Κ

Cryptography Sebag-Montefiore Sebag-Montefiore

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Martial law. Martial law - Wikipedia

The era of rule by military force is dying along with the authoritarian approach to knowledge, another (inevitable) step in the history of science, a consequence of the statistical idea that entropy rarely decreases and often

[page 12]

increases. Muddling Through Fortun & Bernstein

[page 12]

Agatha Chimneys chapter xxx: '.. . There's damn little equality going about. Mind you I still believe in democracy. But you've got to force it on people with a string hand—ram it down their throats. Men don't want to be brothers—they may some day, but they don't now. My belief in the brotherhood of man died the day I arrived in London last week, when I observed the people standing on the Tube train resolutely refuse to move up and make room for those who entered. You won't turn people into angels by appealing to their better natures just yet a while—but by judicious force you can coerce them into behaving more or less decently to one another to go on with. I still believe in the brotherhood of man, but its not coming yet awhile. Say ten thousand years or so. Its no good being impatient. Evolution is a slow process.'

Here comes the sun

People will treat one another well when they know it is in their best interests [this is the foundation of trade]. Many of the current political structure in the world set people against one another, and are, we suspect at the root of violence. We can proceed only by devising cooperative structures and educating ourselves in their operation. Human security studies suggest that the process is in operation now and many people are working to achieve it. The fundamental text is the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and the notion that the limits on the rate of communication identified by Einstein mean that we can only understand our world locally, within the sphere of reliable communication. Human Security Report Project, United Nations, Special relativity - Wikipedia

[page 13]

Life is a deep game, and rivals seek to propagate error to enhance their own superiority. The British Empire, for instance, depended heavily on corrupting minds with drugs as well as killing people outright. This strategy is most manifest in elites who are trying to maintain control of their subjects. Our prime example is the error at the Root of the Roman Catholic Church which it uses to legitimize its 'infallible' authority. Trocki

The spectrum of human behaviour runs from tender love and reproduction to violent murder and cannibalism. These behaviours are activated by the environment (potential) in which people find themselves.Facing death by starvation or death by attempted plunder of the neighbours, those fit to survive will choose plunder, On the other hand, in the peace of secure human relationships, fitness dictates love. Given the uncertainty of all action, these behaviours are realized stochastically, the form (wavelength) of maximum probability being determined by the temperature. [Wien's law] A system is at its ost stable at absolute zero, ie the theoretical realm of perfectly deterministic determinism., where the energy change associated with any process is zero. Still grasping for the path between the collapse of the wave function and the act of insight. The concept that fixed formalisms are stationary points in the dynamics is the key to this, plus the theological [assumption[ that the dynamics of the Universe is locally consistent, that is within its light cone, ie it communication cone. Wien's displacement law - Wikipedia

Marx predicted the withering away of the state, but he failed to recognise that every tree must have a root and so the dictatorship of the proletariat degenerated into the imperial monarchies of Stalin, Mao, the Communist Party of China

[page 14]

and their ilk. Stalin saw that he has to break down all human allegiances, leaving only allegiance to himself, and he arrogated to himself the right to kill anyone who opposed this structure. This we might call monarchical hierarchy, represented most perfectly by the Pope, as opposed to network hierarchy, in which the higher layers have greater entropy, not less as we move toward ever more complex (larger localities of) integration.

An open letter to the new pope: you have been charged by your board (your fellow cardinals) to reform a massive morally and intellectually bankrupt organization. etc, etc etc.

Enigma: people set against one another by the environment of a war. How do we treat one another when we are at war? Kill, by the most productive means available, a mixture of force and intelligence. Oba\ma's drone wars, a considrable de-escalation from Bush;s land wars, but still lacking the due process of a civil society.

Like the Nixon presidency, the Vatican has been engaged in a massive cover-up which is gradually becoming the subject of criminal investigation in jurisdictions around the world. Eventually the Vatican itself will be impeached and found guilty. Center for Constitutional Rights

Why did the Church do this? Because it considered itself above human law, as it continues to see itself to be above the law of nature, that is divine law, propagating a false God, a God if its own imagination which not surprisingly confers divine blessing on the Church itself.

[page 15]

People at the interface with the world, farmers, hunters, physical workers of all kinds respect the constraints imposed by the world by careful observation and remembered experience. Ruling elites, on the other hand are inclined to propagate politically motivated doctrines designed to maintain their elite position.

Thursday 7 March 2013

The U-boat war demonstrates the power of knowledge to reduce search spaces to the point where (in the case of code) solutions could be found and (in the case of U-boats) submarines could be found and disabled or avoided.

Experiencing the stochastic nature of my own intelligence network, which seems to have put my writing mind on hold while I repair the leaks revealed by recent rains. One presumes that suitable sentences are not emerging from me at this point because the solutions to be represented in these sentences have not yet been found. The problem seems to be a way of expressing the self-perpetuating cycle of creation in an intelligible manner. Here we expect to see a clear expression of the idea incompleteness + incomputability ==> symmetry ==> broken symmetry = creation of fixed point upon which the next cycle of creation is to be based [fixed point is both dynamic and stationary, a local point mapping onto itself, by definition!].

A true theology would be of the greatest assistance in navigating human sace, avoiding or disabling the dangers = errors (U-boats, bugs, eg Hitler).

The local empirical test is for me to describe myself as a computer network. 'flop' = planck's constant. Now have

a clear grip of the idea that the 'collapse of the wave function' is represented by the halting of a computation and the emission of the answer a sa physical symbol, eg photon. This action corresponds to a quantum of action which in turn corresponds to a flop in modern computer jargon.

From a scientifc point of view, neither 'faith' nor 'infalibility' are grounds for belief.

Included in our dynamic range is the courage to face death.

SCIENCE = CODEBREAKING, learning to read God (Zoolander). Zoolander - Wikipedia

Friday 8 March 2013

The path from collapse of the ψ to insight is through the layers of the network. An insight, from a network point of view, is the consequence of a hierarchical series of 'insights' (messages) beginning at the quantum mechanical level and ending, for me, in this book.

Johnson, Nemesis page 91: 'In fact the president's untrammelled control of the CIA is probably the single most extraordinary power the imperial presidency possesses—totally beyond the balance of powers intended to protect the United States from the rise of a tyrant.'

[page 17]

Johnson page 95: 'The CIA belongs as much to the President as the Praetorian Guard once belonged to the Roman emperors.' This power can be broken by encouraging people to give their allegiance to God rather than particular political elites. This allegiance requires that no person be bound to secrecy but that we all use scientific method (ie observation and thoughtz) in composing our messages to our peers (ie every member of our species) and the layers of the network on which we depend (our environment or space). The basic problem in our society is error. One source of deliberate error is statements contrary to fact made for political purposes. In this context the most egregious such statement is the Church's claim that God is invisible, so we need the Church to communicate with it (It, IT(?)). In effect we maximize the entropy and stationarity of our world by all becoming 'whistleblowers', umpiring the human game at the local level by taking inside knowledge outside.

page 105: '. . . Chile provides us with the first written record of a US president ordering the overthrow of a democratically elected government—namely the handwritten notes of CIA director Richard Helms reflecting the orders given to him by president Nixon in the White House on September 5, 1970.'

Church: "covert action" is a"semantic disguise" for murder, coercion, blackmail, bribery, the spreading of lies and consorting with known torturers and international terrorists." '

US, like Roman Catholic Church and Communist Party of China, is a criminal organization.

page 112: 'William Casey . . . believed fervently that by increasing the Catholic Church's reach and power he could contain communism's advance, or

[page 18]

reverse it.' ([Casey CIA Director] 1981-1987)

Johnson page 120: ' "Extraordinary rendition" kidnapping and torture'

A stable system is represented by a persistent communication link, as maybe foreseen by John Eccles. We are bonded when we correspond regularly and totally bonded when we communicate with no one else.

A stationarypoint is equivalent to a computer nop, no operation (operation that does nothing, f(x) = x)

Saturday 9 March 2013

Faced with the indeterminacy of quantum mechanics, we may question the claim that the underlying process is described by continuous mathematics [ie calculus], and that continuous mathematics is truly deterministic. To answer these questions we turn to Shannon;t theory of communication, and, since the theory depends heavily on encoding and decoding, to Turing's theory of computation.

Hierarchical structure of the world, Meyers et al, Science 339:773 Meyers, McKittrick & Chen

My processing speed, Lan et al Science 339:554 Lan

[page 20]

A computer is a network, so we have a chicken and egg thing, as the computational encoding becomes more powerful, the number of distinguishable messages increases which increases the power of the computational encoding, a positive feedback that begins with the two state system and increases toward the Cantor limit (0) distinguishable messages, ie a state space of 0 dimensions which is sufficient to describe 1 states. Here we make the transition between physical and formal and introduce relativity of transfinity, taking us easily from finite to transfinite networks.

I feel like a codebreaker in a war. Each break made by a single person ot a small group is reflected in the theatre of war by the sinking of ships and submarines, the gain and loss of battalions of soldiers and swarms of tanks and planes. For me the war is against traditional errors, particularly the core error that God is invisible and unknowable. The basic assumption here is that God is knowable, ie we can communicate with it, beginning at the level of physics, the physical layer of God, and working up the transfinite hierarchy with the boundary between known and unknown always lying ahead of us and by Cantor's theorem always moving away form us as we move toward it, a model which encompasses both the comprehensible and incomprehensible features of God.

One operates on the edge of chaos, taking a rest (sleep) when things approach breakdown because one can no longer resolve and control all the elements in one's locality.

Churchill, like Yahweh was a fighting man. Keegan, Miles

[page 21]

The 'Shannon limit' on computation creates symmetry which is the foundation of broken symmetry (continuous to discrete).


My diurnal cycle:
1. Sleep
2. Wake and record night thoughts in this log.
3. Distribute this writing, with editing, to ciurrent writing projects (typically ciurca 3 in a given day)
4. Progress writing projects on the basis of available new material.
5. Do a bit of physical construction
6. Relax with drugs (eg alcohol, caffeine, chocolate . . . )
7. Sicialize or read.
8. Sleep again.

One cycle of theological processing

Everything can be built around the boundary between locally computable ad incomputable, which defines the Shannon limits on error free communication in a formal (ie symmetrical with respect to rate of execution [=energy]) way. Platonic mathematics envisages infinite rates of execution (the Turing machine stops immediately or not at all) [coupled with zero energy, ie the Platonic forms are eternal and invariant, a contradictory situation].

A 'get the Pope' facebook page, ie reconstruct the Papacy as a scientifically driven constitutional monarch[y].

The Unreasonable effectiveness is explained by mathematical theology.

[page 22]

Ie secularize the papacy, render it dynamic.

The war against history. I feel that I am out of the woods now and have a clear shot at the enemy (infallible eternal monarchy) and a weapon sufficiently thermonuclear to proceed.

Reform the Papacy.


You may copy this material freely provided only that you quote fairly and provide a link (or reference) to your source.

Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Armstrong, Karen, Islam: A Short History, Phoenix/Orion 2002 Jacket: 'One of the greatest of the world religions through the 1500 years of its existence, Islam has also been by far the most misunderstood. The Western world has undergone a complete revolution of thought in recent centuries, but its mistrust of Islam is still essentially medieval. . . . Karen Armstrong's book cuts through the cliché to reveal a faith which has inspired as many scholars, mystics and poets as soldiers. Islam, she makes clear, has not only been one of the world's most important and inspiring religions but the basis for one if its most illustrious civilizations.' 
Fortun, Mike, and Herbert J Bernstein, Muddling Through: Pursuing Science and Truths in the Twenty-First Century, Counterpoint 1998 Amazon editorial review: 'Does science discover truths or create them? Does dioxin cause cancer or not? Is corporate-sponsored research valid or not? Although these questions reflect the way we're used to thinking, maybe they're not the best way to approach science and its place in our culture. Physicist Herbert J. Bernstein and science historian Mike Fortun, both of the Institute for Science and Interdisciplinary Studies (ISIS), suggest a third way of seeing, beyond taking one side or another, in Muddling Through: Pursuing Science and Truths in the 21st Century. While they deal with weighty issues and encourage us to completely rethink our beliefs about science and truth, they do so with such grace and humor that we follow with ease discussions of toxic-waste disposal, the Human Genome Project, and retooling our language to better fit the way science is actually done.' 
Johnson, Chalmers, Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic, Metropolitan Books 2008 'The third book in a series begun with Blowback (2000), which predicted harsh comeuppance for the post-cold war American "global empire," and The Sorrows of Empire (2004), which continued Johnson's thesis with a lambasting of American militarism pre- and post-September 11, this book continues the author's broad condemnation of American foreign policy by warning of imminent constitutional and economic collapse. In a chapter analyzing "comparative imperial pathologies," Johnson reminds readers of Hannah Arendt's point that successful imperialism requires that democratic systems give way to tyranny and asserts that the U.S. must choose between giving up its empire of military bases (as did Britain after World War II) or retaining the bases at the expense of its democracy (as did Rome). Johnson also predicts dire consequences should the U.S. continue to militarize low Earth orbits in pursuit of security. To some extent a timely response to recent arguments in favor of American empire, such as those of Niall Ferguson in Colossus, this account also reiterates Johnson's perennial concerns about overseas military bases, the CIA, and the artifice of a defense-fueled economy.' Brendan Driscoll 
Keegan, John, Winston Churchill, Penguin Lives/Viking Press 'John Keegan's brilliant little book tells the story of Churchill's life with precision. It is an authentic gem. The Author's expertise in military history gives him s large advantage over previous biographers.'back
Marshall, Peter James, and (editor), The Cambridge Illustrated Hisotry of the British Empire, Cambridge University Press 1996 Bopok Description: 'For most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the British ruled over a colossal empire that stretched from one end of the map to the other. One cannot contemplate modern history without considering the role of the British Empire. The Cambridge Illustrated History of the British Empire is an illuminating survey of the development and impact of the British Empire from the end of the American Revolution to the present day. Against a background of striking illustrations, twelve experts on imperial history survey the experience of colonialism in North America, the Caribbean, India, Africa, Australia, the Middle East, and Asia. They emphasize social and cultural history: the movement of peoples, including slavery, and of ideas, including Christianity, art, and literature; the development of trade, transport, and urban life; the impact of imperialism on food, dress, and recreation; and the emergence of new national identities. Imperialism can be a contentious issue. While not seeking to avoid controversial topics, The Cambridge Illustrated History of the British Empire is by no means a nostalgic look at a bygone era. It is a lively document chronicling an important part of our cultural history. It will be of wide interest to history enthusiasts, students, and scholars alike.' 
Miles, Jack, God : A Biography, Vintage Books 1996 Jacket: 'Jack Miles's remarkable work examines the hero of the Old Testament ... from his first appearance as Creator to his last as Ancient of Days. ... We see God torn by conflicting urges. To his own sorrow, he is by turns destructive and creative, vain and modest, subtle and naive, ruthless and tender, lawful and lawless, powerful yet powerless, omniscient and blind.' 
Sebag-Montefiore, Hugh, Enigma: The Battle for the Code, Phoenix 2002 Jacket: No episode in the Second World War has captured to modern imagination more strongly than the cracking of the Enigma code by the boffins at Bletchley Park.

Yet was this really what happened? Without for a moment belittling the work of Alan Turing as his team of eccentric codebreakers, this book shows the extent to which the breaking of the all important Naval Enigma code was reliant on more traditional forms of cloak and dagger: the heroic capture of -bships and U=boats and their codebooks on the high seas, and the betrayal of his German homeland by the Enigma Spy, an old-fashioned traitor.' 

Trocki, Carl A., Opium, Empire and the Global Political Economy: A Srudy of the Asian Opium trade 1750-1950, Routledge 1999 Amazon customer review: 'Excellent study of the Empire as a 'global drug cartel' April 29, 2005 By William Podmore This book is an excellent study of the infamous opium trade, `the most long-continued and systematic crime of modern times'. And who committed this crime? The pious, canting, hypocritical Christian rulers of the British Empire! Throughout the 19th century, the British ruling class paid for its ever more expensive empire by producing opium in India and exporting it to China. The British state promoted, protected and profited from the trade. Revenue from the opium trade financed all its governments in Southeast Asia. . . . ' 
Lan, Shau-Yu, et al, "A Clock Directly Linking Time to a Particle's Mass", Science, 339, 6119, 1 February 2013, page 554-557. 'ABSTRACT Historically, time measurements have been based on oscillation frequencies in systems of particles, from the motion of celestial bodies to atomic transitions. Relativity and quantum mechanics show that even a single particle of mass m determines a Compton frequency ω0 = mc2/ℏ, where c is the speed of light and ℏ is Planck's constant h divided by 2π. A clock referenced to ω0 would enable high-precision mass measurements and a fundamental definition of the second. We demonstrate such a clock using an optical frequency comb to self-reference a Ramsey-Bordé atom interferometer and synchronize an oscillator at a subharmonic of ω0. This directly demonstrates the connection between time and mass. It allows measurement of microscopic masses with 4 × 10−9 accuracy in the proposed revision to SI units. Together with the Avogadro project, it yields calibrated kilograms.'. back
Meyers, Mark Andre, et al, "Structural Biological Materials: Critical Mechanics-Materials Connections", Science, 339, 6121, 15 February 2013, page 773-779. 'Spider silk is extraordinarily strong, mollusk shells and bone are tough, and porcupine quills and feathers resist buckling. How are these notable properties achieved? The building blocks of the materials listed above are primarily minerals and biopolymers, mostly in combination; the first weak in tension and the second weak in compression. The intricate and ingenious hierarchical structures are responsible for the outstanding performance of each material. Toughness is conferred by the presence of controlled interfacial features (friction, hydrogen bonds, chain straightening and stretching); buckling resistance can be achieved by filling a slender column with a lightweight foam. Here, we present and interpret selected examples of these and other biological materials. Structural bio-inspired materials design makes use of the biological structures by inserting synthetic materials and processes that augment the structures' capability while retaining their essential features. In this Review, we explain this idea through some unusual concepts.'. back
Albert Einstein Albert Einstein - Wikiquote 'The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. This version was given in Einstein: A Biography (1954) by Antonina Vallentin, p. 24, and widely quoted afterwards. Vallentin cites "Physics and Reality" in Journal of the Franklin Institute (March 1936), and is possibly giving a variant translation as with Holton.' back
Center for Constitutional Rights ICC Vatican Prosecution | Center for Constitutional Rights 'The Center for Constitutional Rights is dedicated to advancing and protecting the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Founded in 1966 by attorneys who represented civil rights movements in the South, CCR is a non-profit legal and educational organization committed to the creative use of law as a positive back
Human Security Report Project Human Security Report 2012 'The Human Security Report 2012 challenges a number of widely held assumptions about the nature of sexual violence during war and the effect of conflict on education systems. Both analyses are part of the Human Security Report Project’s ongoing investigation of the human costs of war.' back
In hoc signo vinces - Wikipedia In hoc signo vinces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'In hoc signo vinces . . . is a Latin rendering of the Greek phrase "ἐν τούτῳ νίκα" en touto nika, . . . and means "in this sign you will conquer". According to legend, Constantine I adopted this Greek phrase, "ἐν τούτῳ νίκα" (in this, win) as a motto after his vision of a chi rho in the sky just before the Battle of Milvian Bridge against Maxentius on 28 October 312. back
John Eccles (neurophysiologist) - Wikipedia John Eccles (neurophysiologist) - Wikipedia. the free encyclopedia 'Sir John Carew Eccles, AC FRS[4] FRACP FRSNZ FAAS (27 January 1903 – 2 May 1997) was an Australian neurophysiologist who won the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the synapse. He shared the prize with Andrew Huxley and Alan Lloyd Hodgkin. back
Martial law - Wikipedia Martial law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Martial law is the imposition of military rule by military authorities over designated regions on an emergency basis. . . . Typically, the imposition of martial law accompanies curfews, the suspension of civil law, civil rights, habeas corpus, and the application or extension of military law or military justice to civilians. Civilians defying martial law may be subjected to military tribunal (court-martial).' back
SMH Editorial ICAC inquiry should not be the end of Obeid investigation 'NSW residents deserve and expect the most thorough inquiries possible into the potential corruption of public administration. Decisions about how investigations proceed and whom they target should pay no heed to political affiliation, public profile and power. What matters is protection of the public interest and the restoration of public trust.' back
Special relativity - Wikipedia Special relativity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Special relativity . . . is the physical theory of measurement in an inertial frame of reference proposed in 1905 by Albert Einstein (after the considerable and independent contributions of Hendrik Lorentz, Henri Poincaré and others) in the paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies". It generalizes Galileo's principle of relativity—that all uniform motion is relative, and that there is no absolute and well-defined state of rest (no privileged reference frames)—from mechanics to all the laws of physics, including both the laws of mechanics and of electrodynamics, whatever they may be. Special relativity incorporates the principle that the speed of light is the same for all inertial observers regardless of the state of motion of the source.' back
The Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse The Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse 'The Commission was established on 23 May, 2000, pursuant to the “Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Act 2000” and given three primary functions: to hear evidence of abuse from persons who allege they suffered abuse in childhood, in institutions, during the period from 1940 or earlier, to the present day; to conduct an inquiry into abuse of children in institutions during that period and, where satisfied that abuse occurred, to determine the causes, nature, circumstances and extent of such abuse; and to prepare and publish reports on the results of the inquiry and on its recommendations in relation to dealing with the effects of such abuse.' back
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Home Page 'This site contains the most comprehensive collection of translations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948. Over 285 different language versions are available in HTML, PDF and graphical forms.' back
Wien's displacement law - Wikipedia Wien's displacement law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Wien's displacement law states that the wavelength distribution of thermal radiation from a black body at any temperature has essentially the same shape as the distribution at any other temperature, except that each wavelength is displaced on the graph.' back
Zoolander - Wikipedia Zoolander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 'Zoolander is a 2001 American comedy film directed by and starring Ben Stiller. The film contains elements from a pair of short films directed by Russell Bates and written by Drake Sather and Stiller for the VH1 Fashion Awards television specials in 1996 and 1997. The short films and the film itself feature a dimwitted male model named Derek Zoolander (a play on the names of Dutch model Mark Vanderloo and American model Johnny Zander), played by Stiller. The film involves Zoolander becoming a pawn in a plot to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia by corrupt fashion executives.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls