vol VII: Notes
Sunday 24 December 2017 - Saturday 30 December 2017
[Notebook: DB 82: Life and Death]
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Sunday 24 December 2017
Gittins comment: Tax ourselves into prosperity. We build peace by modifying the noospheric incentive space that surrounds us. Ross Gittins
Only those motivated by reproductive potential donate to the next generation.
It has been a long drive through hard rock to get from where I was in 1967 to where I am now, but the excitement of the beginning is coming back as parts of the plan to make the Universe divine fall into pace. I am glad to have the book out. It says everything I know even if it is a bit of a mess. And, looking at the past, I think my knowledge is valuable and the synthesis is new. Scientific theology: a new history of creation
Energy is the simplest dynamic process, tick tock but no counter. We measure energy as the rate of change of phase and build quantum mechanics on the basis that phases add linearly and events are acts of communication in the universal network, look at the picture in Misner, Thorne and Wheeler. Joined by photons, which are particles built on the foundation of momentum/energy - 4-momentum. Misner, Thorne & Wheeler: Gravitation[page 86]
The logical paradigm opens up the Universe to evolution from the very beginning which the deterministic mathematics of classical/quantum physics fails to do because it cannot accomodate the step changes implicit in a logical network. What does a photon cary: 1 qbit of spin and energy proportional to frequency.
The frequency of photons is modulated by the curvature of space as the photons go from geodesic to geodesic in the passage between inertial frames. The photon is an archetypical inertial frame. Acceleration is meaningless to it, yet its energy contributes to the shape of the space it occupies. We begin with the 4-momentum/photon universe.
We see each other through the heart, which is the top layer of our [personal] network.
Google TensorFlow is a computable implementation of a transfinite computer network. The computers handle the connections are indifferent to the messages in the level they are servicing. Spacetime is the server in which photons run. TensorFlow
Monday 25 December 2017
From a logical point of view the spanning set of states is 0, 1 and the spanning set of tools is not, and. We can see energy as a physical implementation of these spanning sets, from which all else is constructed.
The scientific method is a symmetry, an algorithm that is in tended to guide us to the truth.
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We can use the transfinite network to formalize this method and see that it applies across the scale, using the evolutionary methodology of variation and selection. Scientific method is a [statistical?] property of the transfinite network and it operates on the boundary between complete and computable and incomplete and incomputable. Chaitin. Have to go back and read the old stuff again to see that I have not deviated too far from the logical, mathematical and physical status quo. Mathematical theology is an application and interpretation of all this knowledge and places the anthropic principle in context: there are no (or measure 0) dead ends in the Universe, geodesics without origin or terminus [?]. In a way the simplest art is mapping from gravitation to divinity, via energy and quantum mechanics. I hope this can be done in e20. Gregory J. Chaitin: Gödel's Theorem and Information
A digitized differential geometry is a computer network.
My theology is my operating system which embodies my personality, my space of possible and probable responses to life's events.
Local = simple; the most local is the omnino simplex, the classical god. Aquinas, Summa, I, 3, 7
Tuesday 26 December 2017
Galileo learnt that the Church values its doctrine more highly than visible reality [and the lives of its faithful]. He had to deny the evidence of his own eyes to avoid being killed by the Inquisition. Nothing has really changed in the intervening years. . . . My search for God. Galileo affair - Wikipedia
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Christianity got going when it became the official religion of the Roman Empire and Constantine used his political power to get the bishops to draft a simple creed which has remained the standards definition of Christian doctrine to this day. Christianity in the form of the Catholic Church thrives in monarchical situations where the higher clergy are close to the ruling class so that Church and Stare work together to manage the population. Unfortunately for the Church, the political milieu is rapidly changing. The Church is no longer the hierarchy but the faithful and the State is no longer the Prince but all the people who are identified with it.
I set out in search of God and I have found it, in other words I have been able to map a transformation from the Classical Christian God of Aquinas. Since Aquinas the Church has sheered away from ontological questions into politics and sociology. The transition was motivated by competition with the Protestants for believers. The Martin Luther thing for me to do is to get a scientific theology movement going theologically. That is by making theology into a scientific movement. My search for God is a rough breakthrough recorded in Scientific Theology.
I have found the transformation from Aquinas to Einstein.
Fixed points are dynamic entities so they can change by communicating with one another, as the piston talks with the cylinder and so on. We take all this talk to be coded by computers.
Every exploration is in effect a series of shots in the dark, because it is only exploration if
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you do not know where you are going - practical epistemology.
Revolution = same words, different meaning [same people, different government]. I have revolutionized my position in the world. See if you would like to follow me. Nucleation = following.
We discretize differentiation and integation in units of Planck's constant.
Washington Post Op Ed submission:
Searching for my God
I finally lost my old God when I was about 40 years old, but we began to part in my twenties. I was educated by immigrant Irish Catholic clergy in a small Australian country town. Later I entered the Dominican Order. There I was entranced by the picture of God developed by Thomas Aquinas in the first part of his Summa theologiae. Thomas began to write this in 1265, 752 years ago.
The God of the Summa is the conclusion of about 1700 years of physical, logical and mathematical thought. This began about 500 bce when philosophers like Parmenides began to think about the mythical Gods they had inherited from poets like Homer. The doctrine of the Summa has never been supeseded in the Church. It remains officially endorsed in Canon Law.
In my third year a serpent entered my garden in the form of Bernard Lonergan’s treatise on Metaphysics, Insight. Aristotle invented the Christian God which he called the first unmoved mover. This entity is pure action, enjoying eternal pleasure. Aquinas proves the existence of this God using an argument taken almost verbatim from Aristotle.
Lonergan set out to upgrade the proofs for the existence of God into the psychological realm using the act of insight as his starting point. God, he said, must be perfectly intelligible. But the world is not perfectly intelligible, so it is not God.
This seemed wrong to me, and set me thinking that maybe God and the Universe are identical as Aristotle thought, rather than different, as the Church teaches. By making god invisible, of course, the Church gives itself the freedom to say whatever it likes about God and nobody can check.
So I said that I could see another way of thinking about God. This is heretical, and I was asked to leave the Order. After wandering about a bit I finally settled in the country and built myself a house where I could live very cheaply and think about the Church I got to know during my time in the monastery.
Theology would become scientific if we identified the Universe and God. The question was, why not? There are many difficulties, but the biggest is the contrast between the absolutely simple God imagined by Aquinas and the mystics, and the enormously complex Universe that we inhabit.
This problem answered itself for me when I saw that there was no logical reason why we could not apply the mathematical theory of fixed points to God. God is pure activity, pure dynamism, but the mathematics says that such a system will have fixed points, and I assume that the fixed points of God are the Universe that we live in and experience.
You can read about fixed points in Casti’s book Five Golden Rules, where I found them. I am no mathematician, but the idea looked pregnant and serves as a logical connection between the God of Aquinas and the Church and the Universe revealed by science.
Bit by bit for fifty years I have examined the idea that the Universe is divine contrasted to the Catholic idea that the Universe is not. Now I believe I can see a secure path connecting both of these views. The ancients thought there was an absolute gulf between motion and stillness. Relativity tells us that motion is relative. Fixed points are parts of the dynamics, simply parts that do not move, at least for long enough to be seen.
I think I have blazed a trail from the classical God of Aquinas to the Universe we inhabit, justifying, for myself, the idea that the Universe is identical to God.
You will find a rough map at http://www. scientific-theology.com.
Theology did not break away from the Church in the time of Galileo, as the other sciences began to do. It still remains captive to a wide variety of religious institutions. It is a religious tool of politics, part of the tissue of fiction by which we are governed. It is time for theology to break free of these institutions and come out and declare itself as a real science, based on reality not mythology.
Can it be done? It will be done by those whose entrepreneurial eyes light up at being in on the ground floor of a major new theological development. A new revision of cultural software: how do we live inside God? How do we treat each other as Gods? How do we keep away from the bounds of divinity beyond which there is contradiction and violence, system error?
Wednesday 27 December 2017
A good story, continuity and closure.
The ε δ arguments for continuity are circular, since we assume that ε and δ are continuous and can be made as small as we like. How do we explain differentiation and integration in digital terms [differentiation is the work of a Turing machine, integration its inverse]. We stop the limit taking at h, measured in the physical parameter action which is the the integral of energy, E = ℏν, E = ℏ / ν.A geometric continuum does not need memory since each points follows immediately from the point before. On the other hand a logical process like a Turing machine, or following and connecting the scenes of a movie, does need memory and the memory is in effect the connective, connecting the logical operations as the tape in a Turing machine does [the fixed points in the Universe are messages between events]
Thursday 28 December 2017
nn: I was still a monk when she met me and started me on the road to
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humanity. Major events are meeting which penetrate to the reproductive level. Two inevitably discrete people (or more) are bound together at the root, and must be able to develop lives of their own despite this fact, which means that we loosen the bonds of sexual possessiveness which is the root of all possessiveness, through the idea that money and power can buy a harem (of any gender).
Why does Ukraine attract me so much? [Because it has such a hard time at the hands of the Soviet Union and now the Russian government who have murdered about 10 000 people?] Holodomor - Wikipedia
The dynamic range of the transfinite computer network goes from starting a computer, starting with the first move, the on switch, feeding energy into a previously (at the computer level) dormant structure. Gradually the machine reds itself into existence, just as a baby does, reading the world and the culture around it. We take it that God does the same, reading the Word. A quantum mechanical exposition of the Trinity.
It is hard to understand the forces that shape one,but I feel that I was a rather apart child, acting energetically to get out what I was thinking somewhere in all this I developed a fear of girls. The most embarrassing event in my life was the prefects ball where I had no partner even though my friends had arranged a girl to meet me after school so that I could invite her. I avoided the meeting in some way already somewhat pathologically vowed to celibacy in sharp contrast to my natural sensitivity which is only lately beginning to reemerge from the long period of semi-celibate single minded obsession with developing a new scientific-ish theology as my contribution to saving the world. Patrick Wintour: Obama tells Prince Harry: leaders must stop corroding civil discourse
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Letter to a lover saying no. Four women from dating sites in the old USSR are writing to me and none of them have been prepared to take no for an answer. It is not so much me that attracts them, but the fact that I can act as a conduit to a free and prosperous niche for them to live in?
Compassion = network error correction
The internet has revealed the depths of the ancient violent mentality of kill or be killed, hate and troll behind the cloak of anonymity. For the network to be secure everyone must come out with a real identity just as every machine in the network has a hard wired MAC address. Will this lead to a wave of assassination? Does East Germany show us what might happen if anonymity is broken? Many people are already there under their own names and do not suffer for it.
Our axiom is the axiom of mathematics and theology, that is existence and consistency are the coupling between the physical and logical worlds. If it is consistent it will attract energy (ie consistency is apotential) and come into existence, ie communicate with the world (perhaps my retina as energy flows into the light bulb.
A beautiful struggle Andy vs Claire: Sports wrestling match
The war against sex, the war against drugs, the war against women and the war against Ukraine are all wars against self determination, of the powerful trying to fore people to be their followers, to own them and use them. So we have a coterie of fundamentalists at the government level trying to prevent a raped woman to have an abortion. They are sick power trippers, Trumps. David G. Savage: Trump official sought to block abortion for a 17-year old rape victim[page 92]
Friday 29 December 2017
Sitting here having my life which is a pure gift from the cosmos, ie God, so verifying in effect the Christian notion of grace. This does not remove my own role in my existence working to provide myself with food, shelter and a role in the construction of the human world and the conservation of our support systems. Joseph Pohle (Catholic Encyclopedia): Sanctifying Grace
Moving minds is not so easy because they are so big and complex. I only have to recall my own history to see this. It may be easy if one can simplify the message and make it very powerful. So my thermo-theological weapon is the [statement that the Universe is divine].
What does the Universe ultimately run on? God ie piure activity. Activity travels by logic and will follow an logically consistent course, like an electrical transmission line.
Public heath: avoiding social error.
Saturday 30 December 2017
As Darwin notes, life is a tangled web, because it is a network and an interrupt can come from anywhere, like the time I was falsely accused of abusing a child, an event that has had a significant effect on the last seven months of my and many another life. Events are what we have to deal with. The ultimate deal s to opt out by suicide or war, that is by annihilation, but the better course for preservation of life and capital is creation. Walter Scott
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Beautiful gentle morning rain.
God; a) actus purus; b) the way things are
Power: the ability to control other people, a product of personality whose power can be extended by wealth or control of deadly force.
The mental orgasm is so much longer and slower than the reproductive one but the processes are analogous with rich feeling and emotion driven by the potential to complete one perfect act, whether a baby or a good book
One must establish orthogonality between business (money) and politics. It is important to control falsehood, which can gain traction by being well funded.
The fear and distance from women tht I somehow acquired in my youth drove me into the celibate service of the Church as it was meant to do through the Church's politically perverted take on sexuality, gender and human rights. Now I feel that I have almost completed the task that was set for me by my upbringing and can move out of the narrow bunds of amateur scholarship into a fully open view of the world, tweaking Christianity where necessary to achieve this. The first step is to make God visible so that the beatific vision s an everyday occurrence, although for some it is torture and death at the hands of dictators and warlords.
The fundamental intellectual battle concerns the nature of God, ie of ourselves who see ourselves as in the image of God [a vision grounded in symmetry with respect to complexity, ie entropy].
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Buddhist devotion; The Buddha, like Jesus and others is the perfect person, to be imitated. Back in first year [1957] I remember Peter Searson (aka Brother Bonaventure) teaching us how to model ourselves on ideals. And lok how he turned out, one of Australia'a best known and documented paedophiles, rather an unbalanced person.
We expose ourselves to get attention, favourable or unfavourable depending on the audience and the nature of the exposure, from porn to high art, literature and music [and political activity]. A feature of many artists is poverty in life and post mortem fame.
In my monastic days it was exciting theological thoughts and forbidden lust. Fifty years later the thought is still exciting and the lust is no longer forbidden but it remains the driver of thought, the metaphysical aspect of reproduction, constructing a suitable milieu for the needs of the children.
Aristotle Metaphysics - 1069 b 14 matter is like random access memory, distributed in space and able to take different forms, eg 0 and 1. Aristotle 1069 b 14
Suicide and violence are affected by the milieu established by the zeitgeist which we encapsulate in the noosphere, or parts thereof, which is a network which like all other networks can be described by quantum theory, changing the probabilities of events like self harm and harm to others. Zeitgeist - Wikipedia
I would like my openness armoured with impeccable data and logic rather than being made credible by my political power, which is negligible at the moment.
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The idea would be to rebuild theology as an idea as irrefutable as special relativity.
Work is unnatural and we must be forced to do it. Work is natural and most of it is done without pay for the common good (like the dishes).