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vol VII: Notes



Sunday 31 December 2017 - Saturday 6 January 2018

[Notebook: DB 82: Life and Death]

[page 95]

Sunday 31 December 2017

Rain. The evolutionary reason for killing is basically a) to obtain resources (ie eating the prey) directly and b) to obtain resources indirectly, by genocide, for instance, to take over new country. There are two general answers to this: a) get by with less and b) produce more. A more general answer is to create an environment (a probability space) that has a minimal potential to kill. This activity is akin to applied quantum mechanics, where we set out to create potential spaces which will increase the probability of desired outcomes. This is another connection between physics and society. Why does light shine through glass? Because there are no barriers to stop (absorb) it, ie no holes to fit the photons.

How does the transfinite network define scientific method? The ultimate success in science is a logical connection between a set of phenomena expressed in definite language which is in effect an algorithm connecting inputs and outputs [the wider the set of phenomena consistently explained, the more probable it is that the hypothesis is correct].

Social progress is the recognition of symmetries. Much of the commentary on the Markle Windsor union is framed by race which is in reality irrelevant, but it is an issue for those whose

[page 96]

tribalism or patriarchialism renders it relevant. Michael S. Rosenwald: Cheers, Prince Harry! But the last time a British royal married an American, it didn't go well

The outing of love - expressing love in public places commonly forbidden by repressive regimes like the Catholic Church. Women's rights in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia

The exposure of hypocrisy, ie the gap between theory and practice, is the principal task of the scientific method. Quite a bit of corrupt science sneaks through, but we hope modern search methods makes it easier to find.

The basic epistemological guide is that inconsistent systems do not work. Inconsistent = disconnected, not effectively communicating [you are a liar].

Optimization: what is the best thing for me to do now? Write this and then try to hook it up to the concept of generalized geodesic developed in the context of the transfinite computer network version of a differentiable manifold. The fibre bundle, the thread running though the heart of the tcn, maybe the backbone. Fiber bundle - Wikipedia

Wildness explores all the possibilities. Civilization tries to modify the possibilities with capital [potential] structures running from physical infrastructure to individual worldviews constructed by socialization, education and experience.

TEXT = CAPITAL (physically embodied information).

[page 97]

Monday 1 January 2018

Message to Al Jazeera:

While the world's religions persist in worshipping invisible gods we are in trouble because such gods are arbitrary fictions that cannot be tested. Instead, let us accept that God and the Universe are identical. All our experience is then experience of God. If we agree that there is one God, one Universe and that scientific method leads toward truth, theology will tend to unity like the other sciences that have escaped political and institutional control. See Al Jazeera News 1 January 2018: Shahinda Ismail investigated for 'anti-Islamic' tweet

Converting a differentiable manifold into a network, which is equivalent to constructing a text (ie an algorithm) to make the conversion = transformation [we need to make the computable transformation reversible].

What do I want, ie what have I not got, ie what questions (potentials) do I have that are not fulfilled. First another cup of coffee; second collaborators in the reconstruction of theology.

So the 64$ question: what will I do this year? Write on. Reproduce my mind for my own pleasure and wealth and maybe contribute a little to the human capital, ie actualize some potential [like the Son from the Father, and then we can fall in love with each other].

At the root of the Christian Universe we find the Trinity, an atom of communication, two sources and a link. Two fermions and a flow of bosons. Father, Son and loving (communicating) Spirit. This may sound a bit blasphemous, but we are talking formalism, in the realm of absolute simplicity where there are no nuances of personality, only the first physical implementation of formal logic, ie not and and [defined by truth tables]. We can leave 2000 years of religious and theological meaning aside and go back to basics. [So we begin with a theological interpretation of energy / gravitation / quantum mechanics].

We are looking for the skeleton here rather than the flesh. As a matter of definition we equate skeletal members with computability and flesh as in the space betwen determinism and complete chaos where all possibilities are equiprobable. This symmetry is broken by computability and reproduction.

[page 98]

We have two lives, work and play. If our work is profitable we get a lot of time to play. If things are bad we must work from dawn to dark, trying to build up the capital to be a successful business.

Turing found the formal bound to computation, but this is way beyond the practical limit, imagining a countable infinity of memory locations and unlimited time, that is a countable number of operations. In real life, time is of the essence, beginning with quantum mechanics and remaining operative in all subsequent [states] of the network beginning with the space-time possibilities and impossibilities of communication, given the finite fixed velocity of light.

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Why did the big bang go off? Why did God become a Trinity (and stop there)? The only argument we can give is non-constructive (since there was no structure at that epoch to give a constructive explanation of what happened). We attribute the creation of the structure of the Universe to quantum mechanics and gravitation, and quantum mechanics and energy look like the most promising source. Given our origin of energy (not-p) we can expect random frequencies so random superpositions and the selection of in-phase processes. How do we couple this to gravitation? By network constraint - quantum mechanics communicates and communication is shaped by consistency, that is by being error free which is achieved by orthogonality which is achieved by 3D space-time. To exist at different times is to be orthogonal, as is to exist in different places. This all looks to me

[page 99]

to be very pregnant but maybe too far out to believe but press on. The purpose of writing at length is to create an environment of ideas where these things make sense. . . .

Wednesday 3 January 2018
Thursday 4 January 2018 2018

God: the personality of the Universe = {personality}.

παντα ρει everything flows, and every flow has its fixed points (?)

Freedom is in the mind. Its worst enemy is the teachings of the ancient religions of old men who wish to exercise thought control.

Friday 5 January 2018 2018

Trump shows that competence usually plays second fiddle to bullshit. Competence wins in the long run because it is computable and stable through its coupling to the real word. Bullshit, on the other hand (ie lies, fantasy, fiction, spin, marketing etc), has immediate appeal and drives a lot of real time decisions. The basic difference is the size of the past communication cone of the policy, [decision,] technology or discovery. Observation takes time, as quantum mechanics and scholarly experience demonstrate, and the slowest moving flow is the deepest, ie theology. I have been amazed, reading the Portrait of an Abstract Man, how much I knew back in1983. Since then my picture has come into sharper focus and has reached the level of quality theological speculation, based on 50 years of personal research, which is about as much as one can expect to fit into one lifetime.

[page 100]

Reading the news provides input for my story expanding my list of how things can go wrong and thinking about how to prevent these errors. News serves as negative feedback, particularly investigative reporting which reveals cancers in the system, ie unproductive and dangerous parasites.

Saturday 6 January 2018

. . .

Brain has gone dry on e10_paradise. Early to bed and start in the morning. A bit like the dark night of the soul the mystics talk about which is probably best understood by the statistics of random events like insight. At least made some progress on the car headlights, take it for a run when it gets dark.

We might say that the gravitational metric is induced by error free communication in the quantum mechanical network. Error free communication requires orthogonality, which requires 4D space-time, 3D so channels are not crossed, time because quantum mechanics runs on energy.


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Further reading


Click on the "Amazon" link below each book entry to see details of a book (and possibly buy it!)

Cantor, Georg, Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers (Translated, with Introduction and Notes by Philip E B Jourdain), Dover 1955 Jacket: 'One of the greatest mathematical classics of all time, this work established a new field of mathematics which was to be of incalculable importance in topology, number theory, analysis, theory of functions, etc, as well as the entire field of modern logic.' 

Christie, Agatha, Peril at End House, G. K. Hall 1988 Amazon editorial review: 'Nick is an unusual name for a pretty young woman. And Nick Buckley has been leading an unusual life of late. First, on a treacherous Cornish hillside, the brakes on her car fail. Then, on a coastal path, a falling boulder misses her by inches. Safe in bed, she is almost crushed by a painting. Upon discovering a bullet hole in Nick's sun hat, Hercule Poirot (who had come to Cornwall for a simple holiday with his friend Captain Hastings) decides that the girl needs his protection. At the same time, he begins to unravel the mystery of a murder that hasn't been committed. Yet.' Times Literary Supplement: 'Ingenious.' 

Cohen, I Bernard (editor), and George E Smith (editor), The Cambridge Companion to Newton, Cambridge University Press 2002 Amazon Book Description 'Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientists of all time, a thinker of extraordinary range and creativity who has left enduring legacies in mathematics and the natural sciences. In this volume a team of distinguished contributors examines the principal aspects of Newton's thought. They include not only his approach to space, time, mechanics, and universal gravity in Principia and his research in optics and mathematics, but also his lesser known clandestine investigations into alchemy, theology, and prophecy.' 

Heath, Thomas Little, Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements (volume 1, I-II), Dover 1956 'This is the definitive edition of one of the very greatest classics of all time - the full Euclid, not an abridgement. Utilizing the text established by Heiberg, Sir Thomas Heath encompasses almost 2500 years of mathematical and historical study upon Euclid.' 

Heath, Thomas Little, Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements (volume 2, III-IX), Dover 1956 'This is the definitive edition of one of the very greatest classics of all time - the full Euclid, not an abridgement. Utilizing the text established by Heiberg, Sir Thomas Heath encompasses almost 2500 years of mathematical and historical study upon Euclid.' 

Heath, Thomas Little, Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements (volume 3, X-XIII), Dover 1956 'This is the definitive edition of one of the very greatest classics of all time - the full Euclid, not an abridgement. Utilizing the text established by Heiberg, Sir Thomas Heath encompasses almost 2500 years of mathematical and historical study upon Euclid.' 

Misner, Charles W, and Kip S Thorne, John Archibald Wheeler, Gravitation, Freeman 1973 Jacket: 'Einstein's description of gravitation as curvature of spacetime led directly to that greatest of all predictions of his theory, that the universe itself is dynamic. Physics still has far to go to come to terms with this amazing fact and what it means for man and his relation to the universe. John Archibald Wheeler. . . . this is a book on Einstein's theory of gravity. . . . ' 

Mortimer, John, The Second Rumpole Omnibus, Penguin (Non-Classics) Amazon customer review: 'Mortimer gives another magnificent collection of stories with a good leavening of mystery, whimsey, and insight into the workings of the criminal justice system. One recurring theme of the stories is lawyer-client relations, which can become quite strained on occasion. As always, Horace Rumpole has a few insightful remarks to make on the subject: "People show an almost comic relief at not being locked up. They actually enjoy not having to share one chamber-pot through endless nights with vindictive, frightened, and sexually frustrated strangers." "One thing you can never guarantee about clients is that they won't behave like lunatics." "I could win most of my cases if it weren't for my clients. Clients have no tact, the poor darlings. No sensitivity. They will waltz into the witness-box and blurt out things which are far better left unblurted." "They're all guilty of something, my dear old thing. Everyone's guilty of something." And the mystery fan will be guilty of thoroughly enjoying these wonderful stories.' George R Dekle 


Al Jazeera News 1 January 2018, Shahinda Ismail investigated for 'anti-Islamic' tweet, 'The furore over Ismail's post began on December 20, when she responded to a speech by President Abdulla Yameen, in which he had vowed to crack down on what he said were domestic and international efforts to propagate faiths other than Islam in the Maldives. "Religions other than Islam exist in this world because Allah allowed for it. No other religion would exist otherwise, is it not?" Ismail said on Twitter.' back

Alex Stone, Ia Your Child Lying to You? That's Good, This experiment, designed by the developmental psychologist Michael Lewis in the mid-1980s and performed in one form or another on hundreds of kids, has yielded two consistent findings. The first is that a vast majority of children will peek at the toy within seconds of being left alone. The other is that a significant number of them lie about it. At least a third of 2-year-olds, half of 3-year-olds and 80 percent or more of children 4 and older will deny their transgression, regardless of their gender, race or family’s religion.' back

Barbara D. McClay, Reconciliation through Beauty: 'Bach and the Heavenly Choir', 'Where are Christians one? In Christ, we hope. Bach and the Heavenly Choir suggests that in our dealings with each other, however, we are unlikely to be reconciled through argument, but we might stand a chance through beauty. Listening to Bach, all Christians are, it claims, united—in experience, if not in actuality. If we could somehow keep it going—that delirious internal vertical motion and feeling of community induced by his music—we could be reconciled to one another. back

Bary Markosky, Market Bubbles and sonic attacks: hysterias will never go away, 'Collective delusions are the culprits behind mass hysterias and related phenomena. As traditionally defined, they’re characterized by a rapid, spontaneous and temporary spread of false beliefs within a circumscribed population.' back

Dana Millbank, Run, Mitt, run, ' This isn’t about ideology. The trouble is Hatch’s slavish devotion to Trump, kowtowing even when the likes of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) express misgivings. Yes, Romney briefly had kind words for Trump when Trump was considering him for secretary of state. But Hatch’s nonstop adulation of Trump legitimizes the president’s vulgarity and attacks on democratic institutions.' back

Fiber bundle - Wikipedia, Fiber bundle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In mathematics, and particularly topology, a fiber bundle (or, in British English, fibre bundle) is a space that is locally a product space, but globally may have a different topological structure. Specifically, the similarity between a space E and a product space B × F is defined using a continuous surjective map π: E → B that in small regions of E behaves just like a projection from corresponding regions of B × F to B. The map π, called the projection or submersion of the bundle, is regarded as part of the structure of the bundle. The space E is known as the total space of the fiber bundle, B as the base space, and F the fiber.' back

History of the United States Republican Party - Wikipedia, History of the United States Republican Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'The early standard bearers of the party expressed views of government that marked the first years of its existence. For instance, William H. Seward, New York governor who vied with Lincoln for the nomination in 1860, had called for welcoming immigrants with "all the sympathy that their misfortunes at home, their condition as strangers here, and their devotion to liberty, ought to excite".[4] In his 1861 message to Congress, Lincoln argued that the essential reason for preserving the central government was to maintain "in the world, that form, and substance of government, whose leading object is to elevate the condition of men – to lift artificial weights from all shoulders – to clear the paths of laudable pursuit for all – to afford all, an unfettered start, and a fair chance, in the race of life".' back

Mahsa Alimardan, Iran's Telegram Revolution, 'Will they develop better, secure tools to allow people to circumvent censorship, or will they collaborate with a system that endeavours to centralize and control the online lives of its users? More than perhaps any technology company in history, Telegram has a unique obligation to the people of Iran at a moment of their extreme peril. Will the company use its power wisely and humanely?' back

Marguerite Johnson, A feminist nightmare: how fear of women haunts our earliest myths, 'Pandora, the first woman, was created as a punishment. Before she was made, the earth was a paradise, populated by men who lived free from hardship and enjoyed the company of the gods. But after Prometheus disobeyed Zeus once too often, giving the gift of fire to mankind, the supreme god punished both him and the mortals complicit in his act of defiance. Prometheus was chained to a rock while a giant eagle nibbled his liver. Men were given women.' back

Michael S. Rosenwald, Cheers, Prince Harry! But the last time a British royal married an American, it didn't go well, 'It has been formally announced this 27th day of November in the year 2017 that a British royal — Prince Henry of Wales (known to drinking buddies as Prince Harry) — is marrying an American divorcée. The last time this happened — in 1936 when King Edward VIII decided to wed American socialite Wallis Simpson — it triggered a crisis inside Windsor Castle.' back

Michele Gilman, 3 myths about the poor that the Republicans are using to support slaching US safety net, 'These statements, the likes of which I expect we’ll all hear more of in coming months, reinforce three harmful narratives about low-income Americans: People who receive benefits don’t work, they don’t deserve help and the money spent on the social safety net is a waste of money. Based on my research and 20 years of experience as a clinical law professor representing low-income clients, I know that these statements are false and only serve to reinforce misconceptions about working class and poor Americans.' back

Misha Friedman, Ukrain's Lofty Ambitions, Fallen to Earth, 'Ukraine was once a vital part of the Soviet space program, home to many research institutes and rocket factories. Now, wracked by war and shaken by political upheaval, the nation struggles to hold on to its scientific traditions. On a recent visit, I was struck by the determination of researchers stripped of the resources taken for granted in the West. The biologist still tending a jar filled with bacteria once destined for space. The retiree holding together a small astronomy museum in Kiev with spare parts and pluck.' back

Palko Karasz, Jina Moore and Ceylan Yeginsu, The Most Dangerous Places for Children in 2017, 'In wars around the globe, thousands of children were front-line targets, used as human shields and recruited to fight this year on “a shocking scale,” Unicef said on Thursday. The United Nations agency warned against normalizing the brutality, a sentiment it has echoed in reports year after year. Our correspondents have followed the plight of children caught up in war, as well as those suffering from the fall out of these conflicts. Here is a selection of their stories, from the countries outlined in Unicef’s report.' back

Peter Greste, The Post is a timely reminder of the struggle between press freedom and government lies, 'Earlier this year, the Freedom of the Press Foundation launched the US Press Freedom Tracker . . . The site logs anything it regards as a threat to press freedom including arrests and assaults of journalists in the course of their jobs. From 1 January 2017 until the beginning of December, the site listed 32 journalists arrested in the US; 24 incidents where journalists’ equipment was seized, stolen or damaged; 35 physical attacks on journalists, and five times when they were stopped at the border.' back

Qasim Rashid, Trump is acting like Pakistan's former dictator, 'Pakistani President Mohammed Zia ul-Haq executed a military coup to come to power. Among his first actions, Zia signed an executive order targeting Pakistan’s Ahmadiyya Muslim minority — to which we belonged — prescribing fines, arrest and even death should we dare practice our faith. Zia hijacked media to claim Ahmadis hated Pakistan. He called us a “cancer” and accused us of spreading false information even as he shut down our mosques and schools. He spent his questionable presidency empowering right-wing religious fundamentalists, elevating fascist ideology, and mixing religion and state. We didn’t stick around to see what would happen next. By March 1987, we immigrated to America.' back

Robert M Wald, General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (full text), Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 23:02:27 GMT: 'We review the remarkable relationship between the laws of black hole mechanics and the ordinary laws of thermodynamics. It is emphasized that - in analogy with the laws of thermodynamics - the validity the laws of black hole mechanics does not appear to depend upon the details of the underlying dynamical theory (i.e., upon the particular field equations of general relativity). It also is emphasized that a number of unresolved issues arise in ``ordinary thermodynamics'' in the context of general relativity. Thus, a deeper understanding of the relationship between black holes and thermodynamics may provide us with an opportunity not only to gain a better understanding of the nature of black holes in quantum gravity, but also to better understand some aspects of the fundamental nature of thermodynamics itself back

Steph Yin, The Strange Origin of Manakin's Golden Crown, 'Opal-crowned manakins wear an iridescent toupee, evocative of a unicorn’s mane. Snow-capped manakins are topped with bright glacial patches. And members of the hybrid species, the golden-crowned manakin, display a burst of yellow to match their bellies. Choosy females prefer the particular color sported by males of their own species, leading to reproductive isolation.' back

Women's rights in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, Women's rights in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Women's rights in Saudi Arabia are limited in comparison to the rights of women in many of its neighbors. The World Economic Forum's 2016 Global Gender Gap Report ranked Saudi Arabia 141 out of 144 countries for gender parity, down from 134 out of 145 in 2015. The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) elected Saudi Arabia to the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women for 2018–2022. Women in Saudi Arabia constituted 13% of the country's native workforce as of 2015.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2020 © Jeffrey Nicholls