natural theology

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Sunday 12 June 2022 - Saturday 18 June 2022

[Notebook: DB 88: Salvation]

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Sunday 12 June 2022

Revise, revise, revise. Coming near the end of cognitivecosmology and sorting out how to frame the punch line. Digital to the core in the context of quantum field theory and quantum electrodynamics. The persistent problem here is to make a network model of quantum mechanics in Hilbert space through its coupling to Minkowski space and the real transfinite network.

So the story goes: cc_network developed by analogy to the internet emphasizing the atomic origin of the network, the introduction of randomness by connection, the layering and the idea that it has no upper bound in size [or more specifically, that the upper bound of the digital network is 0]

cc17_transfinity: real transfinite spaces as establised in digital set based layered structures by Cantor.

cc18_trans_minkowski : the coupling to Minkowski space induces

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[transfinite instances of] Hilbert space.

cc19_zero_energy: the formation of actual energy in particles in spacetime establishing the zero energy universe by zero-sum bifurcation. Here we introduce the idea that the universe is one big particle [bounded by consistency, the universe containing its [own] consistent boundary].

cc20_gravitation: the 'one particle' coupling between gravity and quantum mechanics where we see quantum mechanics as the home of kinetic energy and logical processing and the encapsulation of kinetic energy in particles to gives us [potential energy] packages of kinetic energy.

cc21_memory: angels, spacetime and the operating system.

cc22_fixed points: rejection of zero point energy.

cc23_ summary of cc17_ - cc22_ , laying the foundation for a version of quantum theory.

cc24_chromodynamics: the logical interpretation of particle confinement and explanation of the durability of the proton.

cc25_mathematicians and the role of ideas in mathematics and the requirement that the real world be rooted in the initial singularity: the problems arising from unrooted imagination.

Does all this fit together to make a compelling story? With a few tweaks I think so. My main mission is to convince myself and the choice of the quantum of action as the initial singularity appears to be the key.

Deighton XPD page 426: 'Rationalization being man's only natural genius . . . ' Len Deighton (1981, 2009): XPD

Monday 13 June 2022

Coming to the crunch. One would like cognitive cosmology to solve all the problems implicit in 'quantum field theory' at a stroke. I feel that this is possible (rather like the old timers who were convinced that people would eventually be able to fly) but the target is a long way off. It has taken me six months to get this far and I was looking forward to a quick wrap which I could demonstrate by producing a logical version of chromodynamics which would make Wilczek's version seem reasonable, but there are still

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fundamental cogs missing [since reading Wilczek's book made me cranky enough to begin cognitive cosmology in the first place]. I feel that I am so far from civilization now that it is quicker to go forward than back, but there are still some basic insights lurking in the dark and I am very keen to find them so that I get a closure in the navigational sense so that my circle will no longer be broken. I am feeling that the truth is somewhere in the idea that the Fourier inversions of linear quantum superpositions reveal the non-linear Turing polynomials that explain the construction and properties of fundamental particles, particularly protons, and that inherent in this idea is the algorithmic speedup that makes the proton capable of processing itself into existence given its mass and internal structure. I have spent my life dreaming impracticable dreams, and perhaps this is just yet another one, but maybe the idea can be expressed in some sort of theorem like Shannon's work that establishes the possibility without actually providing the codes which enable error free communication and stable structure. Frank Wilczek (2008): The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces

It takes a certain amount of skill in the current theory to get from the spin states of the photon down to 2, ie ±1. This would be radically simplified if we thought of the photon as a 2D object in 2D space, ie working in a subset of the Minkowski space, and reserved the emergence of 4D space for the existence of fermions and Dirac's equation, and then we might be able think of hadrons as a species of 4D photons.

Another rearrangment. What is the best order for cc19_zero-energy, cc20_gravitation, cc21_memory and cc22_fixed-points?

We should go back to the primordial and accept that gravitation should come into existence at the same time as quantum mechanics. And then? cc19_gravitation, cc20_zero-energy, cc21_fixed-points, cc22_memory.

I have come a long way but now I am getting cold feet, standing back and wondering how to fit gravitation into the picture.

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Gravitation is real and places real boundaries on the universe whereas complex numbers cannot provide this service because they are linear and superposition has no reference to inconsistency—it cannot serve as a boundary.

[page 99]

This provides the distinction between Hilbert space and Minkowski space which provides us with the limit on the omnipotence of God because contradictions are possible in Minkowski space [precisely because there are spatially separated entities which would contradict and annihilate if they met]. Here is the root idea that provides the role for gravitation. It is coupled to Cantor and to real logic. So tomorrow we can implement this, perhaps. Sleep on it. Saved by the insight.

Wednesday 15 June 2022

Struggling along far out on my idiosyncratic branch wondering if my approach to theology can be justified without becoming involved in quantum theory. On the other hand I feel about cognitive cosmology the same as Dirac felt about his transformation theory: 'it had become my darling' (Kevin Brown). Cognitive cosmology is my darling, causing me me much difficulty but my only answer to my need to unite physics and theology. Einstein sent much of his life trying to elicit a particulate world out of continuous differentiable manifolds, but the answer was not there The solution is to follow the idea that there is a 'god particle' which many assume to be the Higgs boson. This is altogether too narrow a view. Instead I like to think that god ≡ the universe can be conceived as a particle, the initial singularity in which the universe has grown like a transfinite version of the Trinity. The boundary on this god is the interface between consistency and inconsistency. Kevin Brown: The Dirac Equation (Mathpages), Michio Kaku (2021): The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything

Thursday 16 June 2022

cc20_on the origin of mass. Something to do with Einstein relativity.

Friday 17 June 2022

Gravitation gives us a clue as to what is going on inside a particle because if we think of the universe as a particle we are already inside a particle and massless particles like photons are confined to this particle and so giving it mass in the same way that the gluons in a hadron give it mass. The idea becomes more plausible when we consider that the universe began very small, and the fact that it is a continuous, compact convex set gives us grounds for the Russian Doll approach to the generation of particles inside our universal particle and we have the overall picture of breaking symmetries within the overall symmetry with respect to complexity. This looks lovely to me and seems to be consistent with my set of principles. Although the job is taking a lot longer than expected, I am feeling that the

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delay is worth it and the general tendency of my thought is moving in the right direction toward a massive simplification of fundamental physics in line with the heuristic of simplicity. Matryoshka doll - Wikipedia

Here we come to a critical question. We know the universe is expanding because atoms have a fixed size and the universe is getting bigger relative to the atom. We have created space and the velocity of light through the assumption of the Minkowski metric, an arbitrary number in a sense. Now, however, we must take into account the size of the atom which relates to Planck's constant and the only number we have is c. How are we going to construct the mathematical nature of physics upon which every aspect of modern physics depends? In other words how do we establish a metric in spacetime which measures the size and charge of the electron and everything else, and connect it to the logical foundation of cognitive cosmology? Until this is done all my discussion so far is as Aquinas might say, so much straw. And I have got no clue about how to connect Planck's constant, the velocity of light, the size of the atom, the size of the proton etc etc etc, and until I do I have no credibility at all. Why have I gone along the theological groove for 60 years without thinking of this question before. I must have been dreaming.

Only when I can answer the question implicit in the relation of the quantum of action and the not operator can I have the slightest hint of credibility.

An ancient theological grudge surfaces. How can the god, in which I have trusted so much, leave me with such a gigantic blind spot. Or more precisely, what is the measure of this blind spot? Measurement is fundamentally a matter of counting, and what we are counting are quanta of action. We have made a vague assumption that the execution of a Turing machine is equivalent to a quantum of action. In the real world the execution of such a machine may require billions of logical 'quanta', so this idea is not consistent with measurement by counting even though we might consider the quanta to merge continuously to form a logical continuum.

Next Planck's constant has the dimensions of angular momentum. There is a clue here connecting it to the spin of fundamental particles, but how does this establish a specific numerical quantum exept through the properties of something like an electron or positron?

We may imagine that the quantum of action is another arbitrary coupling like c. c connects space and time. ℏ connects logic and time via

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ℏ = E / /dt. This may be arbitrary, but once it is established at the beginning, it becomes a fixed point, a metric. In other words we are seeking a coupling between counts of action seen as periodic functions which can be fourier converted into into the computations that make the world go round.

Analogy between proton and universe, logic and quantum of action.

Because the quantum of action is primordial it, like the velocity of light is initially arbitrary and then it is baked in and we simply assume that a logical operation is a dynamic event with the dimensions of angular momentum [justifying Aristotle's assumption that circular motion is perfect and that each logical operation is in effect the closure of a circle which implies in some way that it is reversible like unobserved quantum evolution]. Angular momentum is by definition ML2T-1, ie M.V.L, where M = E/c2, E = hf = hT-1.

The mathematical, or should I say arithmetical and linear perfection of the world is rooted in quantization, something overlooked in the world of physics brought up on the real numbers.

Keep saying the same things until I bore myself into truth. Gravitation is formalism, quantum mechanics is dynamism, ie complex periodic function vs real quadratic functions. Gravitation and real numbers establish fixed points. Complex numbers establish an algebraically complete field that can solve all polynomials and naturally couples to Fourier representation of Turing machines (I wish).

Can we work out all the physical constants with h, c and linear algebra plus i, ie complex numbers?

Saturday 18 June 2022

The war in Ukraine is an analogy of the dark night of my soul, another product of the false theology which became the theme of my life through the deep Catholic piety of my mother. I am reading Farmelo's biography of Dirac and following his rather fanciful reconstruction of Dirac's autistic struggle with quantum mechanics while I pursue my goal of reconciling physics and theology in order to put theology on a scientific footing. My aim is simply to eliminate religious wars like that being waged by Putin and his tame patriarch (Muniz). Luanna Muniz: UK sanctions head of Russian Orthodox Church

It is a long slow task but I feel that I am making headway and I am down to the business end. With gravitation I have come to the application of the via negativa to establish the universe as a particle with zero energy. With symmetry with respect to complexity and network symmetry breaking I have established the Russian Doll model of the universe in zero-energy and gained a clue to the interior structure of particles.

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Fixed point theory explains this in more detail and illustrates the sources of the constants ℏ and c from which all scales in the universe are derived. Memory is the store of complexification. Quantum field theory provides a logical foundation with network, memory and computation for the execution of the universe. Chromodynamics via the hadrons provides an explanation of the emergence of the bifurcation of potential and kinetic energy. Mathematics brings us into the realm of embodied imagination and the world of balanced evolution and devolution and the dangers of ungrounded imagination, and page 26: Some principles embedded in this siteprovides a structural foundation for the whole story.

Once I have broken through into the light of cognitive cosmology I can begin to revise and consolidate and produce a second edition of scientific theology.

Zero energy - entropic force [drivers of change energy reduction + entropy increase].


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Further reading


Deighton (1981, 2009), Len, XPD, Harper 2009 ' Jacket: June 11 1940 - where is Winston Churchill? A private aircraft takes off from a small town in central France, while Adolf Hitler, the would-be conqueror of Europe, prepares for clandestine meeting near the Belgian border. For more than forty years the events of this day have been Britain's most closely guarded secret. Anyone who learns of then must die — with their file stamped XPD — experient demise.' 

Kaku (2021), Michio, The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything, Doubleday 2021 ' This is the story of a quest: to find a Theory of Everything. Einstein dedicated his life to seeking this elusive Holy Grail, a single, revolutionary 'god equation' which would tie all the forces in the universe together, yet never found it. Some of the greatest minds in physics took up the search, from Stephen Hawking to Brian Greene. None have yet succeeded. In The God Equation, renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku takes the reader on a mind-bending ride through the twists and turns of this epic journey: a mystery that has fascinated him for most of his life. He guides us through the key debates in modern physics, from Newton's law of gravity via relativity and quantum mechanics to the latest developments in string theory.  

Wilczek (2008), Frank, The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces, Basic Books 2008 ' In this excursion to the outer limits of particle physics, Wilczek explores what quarks and gluons, which compose protons and neutrons, reveal about the manifestation of mass and gravity. A corecipient of the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics, Wilczek knows what he’s writing about; the question is, will general science readers? Happily, they know what the strong interaction is (the forces that bind the nucleus), and in Wilczek, they have a jovial guide who adheres to trade publishing’s belief that a successful physics title will not include too many equations. Despite this injunction (against which he lightly protests), Wilczek delivers an approachable verbal picture of what quarks and gluons are doing inside a proton that gives rise to mass and, hence, gravity. Casting the light-speed lives of quarks against “the Grid,” Wilczek’s term for the vacuum that theoretically seethes with quantum activity, Wilczek exudes a contagious excitement for discovery. A near-obligatory acquisition for circulating physics collections.' --Gilbert Taylor  


Kevin Brown, The Dirac Equation (Mathpages), ' "I have made no more progress in the general theory of relativity. The electric field still remains unconnected. Overdeterminism does not work. Nor have I produced anything for the electron problem. Does the reason have to do with my hardening brain mass, or is the redeeming idea really so far away?" Einstein to Ehrenfest, 1920
In later years Dirac described his motivations differently, explaining that he hadn’t pursued the quadratic form (leading to what is now called the Klein-Gordon equation) because it seemed inconsistent with his work on “transformation theory” based on the first-order time derivative.
I think [the transformation theory] is the piece of work which has most pleased me of all the works I’ve done in my life… [it] had become my darling. I was not interested in considering any theory which would not fit in with my darling. Therefore, the linearity of ∂/∂t was absolutely essential to me; I just couldn’t face giving up the transformation theory.' back

Linda Kinstler, Who Will Remember the Horrors of Ukraine, ' For many, Babyn Yar symbolizes the horror that largely preceded the gas chambers, the local Holocaust in which victims were shot at close range. Before the Nazis retreated, they had the corpses exhumed from the ravine and burned, an attempt to destroy the evidence of their crimes. . . . For the past six years, a group of historians, activists and designers has been working to correct the narrative and commemorate all that occurred. They hoped to build a series of museums on the site, to definitively bring to light what happened at Babyn Yar, to make the memory of its successive horrors inextricable from the land itself. back

Luanna Muniz, UK sanctions head of Russian Orthodox Church, 'The U.K. has targeted Patriarch Kirill, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as other allies of Vladimir Putin, in its latest round of sanctions, the government announced Thursday. Kirill has been sanctioned “for his prominent support of Russian military aggression in Ukraine.” In May, Pope Francis said he had warned the Russian not to “turn himself into Putin’s altar boy.” The European Commission targeted Kirill with sanctions in May — highlighting a series of pro-war sermons and remarks he had made since Russia’s invasion in February, including blessing Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine.' back

Matryoshka doll - Wikipedia, Matryoshka doll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Matryoshka dolls (Russian: матрёшка; also known as stacking dolls, nesting dolls, Russian tea dolls, or Russian dolls) are a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside another. The name matryoshka, literally "little matron", is a diminutive form of the Russian female first name "Matryona" (Матрёна) or "Matryosha". A set of matryoshkas consists of a wooden figure, which separates at the middle, top from bottom, to reveal a smaller figure of the same sort inside, which has, in turn, another figure inside of it, and so on.' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2022 © Jeffrey Nicholls