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Sunday 19 June 2022 - Saturday 25 June 2022

[Notebook: DB 88: Salvation]

[page 102]

Sunday 19 June 2022

There are strong parallels between the history of the universe and our history of understanding the universe. In the beginning the universe invented itself. Over the last 3000 years or so we have been stumbling toward an understanding of this creation.

So often go to bed in despair, wake in hope.

Prehistory: The Greeks

1. Parmenides;

2. Plato;

3. Aristotle;

4. Aquinas.

The [scientific] sequence:

1. Maxwell - light;

2. Planck - quantum;

3. Einstein - special relativity;

4. Einstein - photon;

5. Einstein - general relativity. Why so long? Learning to abandon metrics Albert Einstein (1949): Norton: Philosophical Significance of the General Theory of Relativity

6. Heisenberg - Matrix mechanics;

7. Schrödinger - Wave mechanics;

Dirac - Dirac equation. Dirac equation - Wikipedia

Waves go back to Aristotle, potency and act, but he did not know about the pendulum.

Quite possibly the key to the zero energy universe is that periodic functions like the pendulum have zero energy because the potential is the inverse of the kinetic. So the quantum world of Hilbert space is purely formal or ideal without [real] energy or momentum.

[page 103]

So having applied the via negativa to gravitation we now apply it to Hilbert space and say that the transition to Minkowski space generates both kinetic and potential energy and Dirac equation has something to do with it. Here we are lining up for a new breakthrough [tunnel] like the quantum creation of Minkowski space.

Monday 20 June 2022

I am trying to work out how the world works without being deluded by physics or theology by trying to find a consistent connection between both of them.

Even when the universe is infinitesimally small it has [gravitation], 4D, bosons and fermions all contained within a boundary of consistency, which is in effect the recipe for the proton, and so we can imagine a universe expanding by creating more protons [applying the proton symmetry in different regions of space?] and other particles which stay the primordial size while the universe inevitably expands remaining a Lie group full of little Lie groups resembling particles. We imagine that for the universe to get going it needs the full suite of [elementary] particles. . . . In particular the initial Minkowski space is already 'logically curved' [by the recursion of the Schrödinger equation] in order to contain the orbits of bosons and fermions rather like the Earth and the Moon. The question is where do all the numbers that we measure in physics come from. In some way they measure of the processes required in quanta of action to maintain the integrity of the relevant particles. We see this being developed by an evolutionary process exactly analogous to the generation and propagation of living cells. Elementary particle - Wikipedia

Things are impossible until one finds a way to do them and many more things are possible in Hilbert space than in Minkowski space which acts as a control on [Hibert] space.

Music is beautiful and exciting because it gives us an insight into the Hilbert space that underlies the rather plain and logical consistency of Minkowski space. Superposition requires memory, and memory is a function of objects like strings and vocal tracts that shape superpositions that create speech and singing and other significant sounds [since modulated sound, although continuous, carries information]. The aim of physics is to expose the processes that shape the realities that we sense, and the shapes of the senses that perform this task, giving us a view of the interior of the divinity. Marvels like movies and television take advantage of these processes to communicate images of themselves by realizing the quantum networks that make these things possible. My task is to explain this divine underlay in language that makes sense on the macroscopic scale.

We might say that the core of quantum theory is expressed in the equation PmQn − QnPm = δmn ℏ/c I, where P, Q, I are infinite matrices,

[page 104]

in other words 1 quantum of action distinguishes QP from its inverse PQ and this non-commutativity represents the heart of the process.

Can it make any sense to say that a state is defined by a vector with an infinite number of components which are nevertheless normalized to one and orthogonal to a vector with 1 − 1 components?

Von Neumann mqfm 11_General considerations page 6 (= page 231 of the document); '. . . the chief weakness of quantum mechanics: the theory is non-relativistic: it distinguishes the time t from the three space coordinates x, y, z and presupposes an objective simultaneity concept. In fact, while all other quantities (especially those x, y, z—so closely related to t by Lorentz transformation) are represented by operators, there corresponds to t not an operator T but an ordinary parameter t just as in classical mechanics' [so we are in effect back to the Newtonian concept of universal time]. John von Neumann (2014): Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

This suggests that we must consider Hilbert space to precede Minkowski space and all the operations in Hilbert space when it generates Minkowski space must embody the Lorentz transformation from the start through the mechanism discussed on page 12: The quantum creation of Minkowski space. This further suggests that we bypass Schrödinger etc and go straight to Dirac and speak of the diron as a pixel of spacetime containing both photons and charged particles and antiparticles with spin ±½.

' That measurements cannot in fact be instantaneous but must be of a non-vanishing finite duration has the status of natural law ' [maybe].

So we get to zero energy via the notion of the Minkowski metric which means that the energy of a photon is the inverse of its momentum when it in on a null geodesic and [massive] particles that travel at less that the c on geodesics have no energy, ie their kinetic energy is in some way equal and opposite to the potential energy that binds them together [and both these forms of energy exist in the ideal complex quantum mechanical world where E = ∂φ/∂t].

I have been depressed today by my difficulties with my project but now I see some new light.

von Neumann page 232: von Neumann escapes the problem above by measuring quasi-stationary states, ie we can only measure stationary states, stopped particles or reactions [cc26_principles §13; Only fixed points are observable].

page 230: Fundamentally different interactions:

1. measurement
2. dynamical evolution - time independent energy operator

[page 105]

Why do we need the special process 1 for measurement? 'The reason is this: In a measurement we cannot observe the system S by itself but must rather investigate S + M, in order to obtain (numerically) its interaction with the measuring apparatus M.'

2: simple unitary, transforming states into states. 1 can transform states into mixtures.

von Neumann page 234: 2 is reversible.

Chapter V.2: Observation creates entropy.

Tuesday 21 June 2022

What I need to feel confident is a clear understanding of the mechanism of the world which I would expect to be supplied by settled processes arising from evolution. The only thing I have to go on is unlimited action controlled by consistency. The problem is to derive self-sustaining processes, expressed as algorithms or groups, to explain this situation. At the moment my big problem is to explain the zero-energy universe through the bifurcation of energy into negative potential and positive kinetic, and I would like to see it in the relationship between the spinors predicted by the Dirac equation. Spinor - Wikipedia

My basic project is to couple logic and reality via Landauer's idea that information is physical, expanded by the idea that information processing is physical (as it is) and that the quantum of action is a thing, the basic hardware of information processing, able, like the traditional god, to reproduce itself ad infinitum. The rate of reproduction we perceive as energy, but the big problem here is to see that the total energy of the universe is a dynamic version of zero sum bifurcation to be understood by a modern version of Aristotle's potential and act which says that potential + act = 0, as we see in harmonic oscillators like the pendulum and quantum harmonic oscillators which work at the simplest level by creation and annihilation of states (situations, particles) whose sum, like particles and antiparticles, is zero. Feynman's idea that time runs backwards in antiparticles is equivalent dynamically to an antiparticle dismantling the structure created by a particle. One day maybe something will come of all this. The basic problem is to see how periodic functions (waves as in Hilbert space) can get anywhere and the clue lies in the fact that observation creates entropy, that is fixed points, ie eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

The perennial problem with quantum mechanics has been

[page 106]

how to interpret it, ie what does it mean? What do complex numbers mean? It feels good to write passages like this, but they have to find a place in an overall structure and I am still in the disassembled jigsaw stage with a 60 year collection of pieces from Plato to Piketty which have still to be fitted together. Thomas Piketty (2022): A Brief History of Equality

Theological pleasure, rooted in god, offsets the financial pain of the plunging stock marked upon which I am relying to propagate my ideas if ever I manage to cast them in a legitimately preachable form.

Quantum of action ≡ spinor?

Von Neumann page 127: ;. . . quantum mechanics makes possible the determination of one particular physical quantity—energy.

Energy is what we measure as a count per time and what we are counting is the number of quanta of action in a time interval. Timing appears to be of the essence in all activity as we see in sports, complicated information processing like computation and complicated mechanical processes like weaving, printing newspapers or filling and capping bottles of beer. What counts in an atom is the energy difference between different states which we measure with a spectrometer and then try to compute using quanta of action [and unitarity] as the fundamental constraint.

One suspects that all the spinor continuous belt trick stuff is fictitious because at that scale there is no continuity, only quantization, creation and annihilation. The continuous element, if any, is in the probability distributions and their evolution as circumstances represented by relatively fixed points change.

Feynman on symmetry. Operator changes state. We want to map quantum operators onto logical operators: Nielsen & Chuang. Nielsen & Chuang (2000); Quantum Computation and Quantum Information

'17.1 A physical system is symmetric with respect to the operation Q when Q commutes with U, the operation of passage of time.

17.11: QH = HQ defines a symmetry, H = Hamiltonian

Conservation of momentum: Dx (a) | ψ0 > = eika | ψ0 >.

Conservation of energy Dt (τ) | ψ0 > = e− iωt | ψ0 >. [' It is conventional to use the negative sign in defining ω; with this convention ω ℏ is the energy of the system, and it is conserved.'] Feynman Lectures on Physics III: Chapter 17: Symmetry and Conservation Laws

Note the negative exponent - does this mean zero energy

[page 107]

ie momentum − energy = 0. Displacement in time conserves energy. Displacement in place conserves momentum. Can we get zero energy out of this via the [spacetime and momentum-energy] 4 vectors in Minkowski space analogous to the null geodesic? Calculate!

Wednesday 22 June 2022

Feynman Lectures Main Index. Feynman Lectures: main Index

Looking for inspiration. In cognitive cosmology the physics comes from Feynman and the theology from Aquinas. The current sticking point is cc20_zero-energy. The global problem seems easy [derived from Einstein relativity]. What I am looking for is a local expression of this in my baby Hilbert / Minkowski universe.

Feynman I.15: The special theory of relativity. Relative mass increases with relative velocity.

Lorentz: Invariance of Maxwell's equations under Lorentz transformation.

I.15.7: Four vector x' 2c2t' 2 = x2c2t2.

15.8: Body acted upon by a force picks up momentum p = mv, m = m0 / √(1 - v2/c2).

15.9: 'The energy of a body always equals mc2. Equivalence of mass and energy.

We still have not found that mass energy is the negative of kinetic energy, the opposite in fact.

Feynman I.16: E2p2c2 = m02c4. Iff m0 = 0, E2 = p2c2.

I.40: Statistical mechanics applies to systems in thermal equilibrium. Logical mechanics applies to all systems.

One's ability to be deluded by other people id proportional to one's ability to delude oneself.

The dark night is creeping up. The heuristic simplicity is lost in the midst of 4D gravitation, fermions and bosons and zero energy, unable to find an order of precedence. So just cruise along reading Feynman for a while.

So am I getting drowned in physics or should I keep on trying to find a stable coupling between physics and knowledge? Remember that for many the uncertainty principle is a statement on the limits to knowledge [but it is more accurately a limit on both measurement and the reality to be measured, so no meaning is actually lost; same situation as when we communicate,as here, in discrete letters].

[page 108]

What we are looking for is an ordered set of symmetries. Maybe pitched in the model of building a computer [beginning with the clock = repeated undifferentiated action = energy]. Struggle is good. There are days when a sentence every few hours is good going.

Farmelo Dirac page 137: 'It seemed to me that the foundation of the work of mathematical physicists is to get the correct equations, that the interpretation of these equations is only of secondary importance' Yet to be verified they must be applied. Graham Farmelo (2009): The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom

Perhaps I was so cruel to my mother by leaving home at 17 and not coming back until the end of her life in 2016, 54 years later, but in a way we were religiously incompatible, even though I frequently took her to church near the end.

Thursday 23 June 2022

Wake in delight! A way forward appears. On interpreting Dirac. Dirac says the equation is the thing. I see that what counts is the interpretation so cc20_zero-energy §1; becomes On interpreting Dirac, and we put together the stories of the interpretation of the Dirac equation from Weyl, Kuhlman, Dirac (4th ed) etc and the universe as an information processor, and somehow use his equation to lay the foundation for the computational model of creation. Where there is hope there is faith, where there is faith there is hypothesis.

'Fluid, playful, elaborate pointlessness,' Bruce Isaacs Bruce Isaacs: Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis is super-spangly, explosive, narratively unhinged – and an artistic triumph

Zero-energy isthe interfsce to formalism, ie no motion [eternity], Platonism motivated by Aristotle's unmoved mover. Creation from nothing = formalism. Inflation (cosmology) - Wikipedia

Friday 24 June 2022

Farmelo page 168: the Negative Energy Difficulty (Dirac 1929). P. A M. Dirac (1929): A Theory of Electrons and Protons

On the verge of replacing wuantum mechanics with something better. Zero energy comes from the harmonic oscillator, the pendulum which has motion but no energy [potential + kinetic - 0]. So we can start the world with a grandfather clock.

No-cloning, like every other proof, cannot exist without spatial interaction and memory, like the mind of God which is in fact formalism [possibly real].

[page 109]

Saturday 15 June 2022

Bogged in zero energy. Feynman and co argue that it holds for the whole Einstein Universe but how does it apply locally? It seems to make sense in quantum theory (Wave mechanics) if we see a wave like a pendulum, a periodic function connecting potential and kinetic energy around zero. This makes sense in the linear regime, but when we enter the quadratic regime (−PE)2 becomes +PE. So we might see the interface between quantum and classical as the interface between linear and quadratic via the equation probability = |amplitude|2. So in the complex regime we can have negative energy as we find in the Dirac equation, but in the 'real' regime we have positive definite energies as appear to be demanded by relativity [perhaps another argument for differentiating Hilbert space from Minkowski space]. Nevertheless we have the quantum personality preserved in the 1, -1 signature of the Minkowski metric. Edging toward a solution made possible, I hope, by the independence of Hilbert space whose domain is no longer (?) Minkowski space. There is more here than met my eye when I first hit on this idea on page 12 of cognitive cosmology. Go for a walk in the botanic gardens and think about it and get some flower photos to send to my embattled Ukrainian friends. Metric signature - Wikipedia

Spacetime is made compatible with quantum mechanics by the Minkowski metric.

Zero energy universe, Schwartzchild metric E = Mc2 - GM2 / 2R. M = 0, R = 0, we have Minkowski metric. Berman Marcelo Samuel Berman: On the Zero-Energy Universe


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Further reading


Farmelo (2009), Graham, The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom, Basic Books 2009 Jacket: 'Paul Dirac was among the greatest scientific geniuses of the modern age. One of the discoverers of quantum mechanics, the most revolutionary theory of the last century, his contributions had a unique insight, eloquence, clarity and mathematical power. His prediction of antimatter was one of the greatest triumphs in the history of physics. One of Einstein's most admired colleagues, Dirac was in 1933 the youngest theoretician ever to win a Nobel Prize in physics. . . . Based on previously undiscovered archives, The Strangest Man reveals the many facets of Dirac's brilliantly original mind. The Strangest Man also depicts a spectacularly exciting era in scientific discovery.' 

Nielsen (2000), Michael A, and Isaac L Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press 2000 Review: A rigorous, comprehensive text on quantum information is timely. The study of quantum information and computation represents a particularly direct route to understanding quantum mechanics. Unlike the traditional route to quantum mechanics via Schroedinger's equation and the hydrogen atom, the study of quantum information requires no calculus, merely a knowledge of complex numbers and matrix multiplication. In addition, quantum information processing gives direct access to the traditionally advanced topics of measurement of quantum systems and decoherence.' Seth Lloyd, Department of Quantum Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Nature 6876: vol 416 page 19, 7 March 2002. 

Piketty (2022), Thomas, A Brief History of Equality, Harvard UP 2022 ' The world's leading economist of inequality presents a short but sweeping and surprisingly optimistic history of human progress toward equality despite crises, disasters, and backsliding. A perfect introduction to the ideas developed in his monumental earlier books.It's easy to be pessimistic about inequality. We know it has increased dramatically in many parts of the world over the past two generations.' 


Albert Einstein (1949), Philosophical Significance of the General Theory of Relativity, P/ A. Schilp (1969) Albert Einstein - Philosopher Scientist, 3rd edition, Open Court, Illinois: Auyang, page 26 Einstein: 'Why were seven years required for the construction of the general theory of relativity? The main reason lies in the fact that it is not easy to free oneself from the idea that coordinates must have an immediate metrical meaning.' back

Alexandra Petri, We must protect life from conception until the moment of birth!, ' The born demand food and clothes and a roof over their heads. They object to laws passed about their bodies by people who have only the remotest, foggiest notion of what their bodies actually contain. They feel, somehow, that they should be able to make their own decisions, medical and otherwise — even the ones who are capable of conceiving! They, themselves, want to choose, not a bunch of people in robes who have been laboring under a misconception for years and now would like everyone else to as well. And these born keep insisting they have a right to life, to liberty, to full autonomy. So needy! Now you understand, surely. There is life — pleasant, luminous, sacred, to be honored and protected at all costs. And then comes the moment of birth, after which all you have is the unpleasant, sticky process of actually living. That hardly seems worth protecting at all.' back

Bruce Isaacs, Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis is super-spangly, explosive, narratively unhinged – and an artistic triumph, ' The film is an artistic triumph because it is less about Elvis the historical figure than Elvis as a social, cultural, political and sexual phenomenon. Luhrmann uses his mastery of film to take what could have been a flaccid history and make it into a full-blooded, euphoric, eroticised audio-visual spectacle. Austin Butler’s chameleon-like turn is less a screen performance than an embodied imagining of what Elvis represents as a cultural signifier, realised in a glorious moment in which Luhrmann cuts between Butler’s and Elvis’ failing bodies in a 1977 performance of Unchained Melody. I’m convinced Luhrmann’s only genuine fidelity in this film is to Elvis as a cross-cultural, historically fluid body: in all its eroticism, grandiosity and tragic disassembling.' back

Dirac equation - Wikipedia, Dirac equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In particle physics, the Dirac equation is a relativistic wave equation derived by British physicist Paul Dirac in 1928. In its free form, or including electromagnetic interactions, it describes all spin-1⁄2 massive particles such as electrons and quarks, for which parity is a symmetry, and is consistent with both the principles of quantum mechanics and the theory of special relativity, and was the first theory to account fully for special relativity in the context of quantum mechanics. It accounted for the fine details of the hydrogen spectrum in a completely rigorous way.' back

Dmytro Kuleba, How Ukraine Will Win, Dmytro Kuleba is Ukraine Minister for Foreign Affairs. ' As Russia’s all-out war of aggression in Ukraine drags on for a fourth consecutive month, calls for dangerous deals are getting louder. As fatigue grows and attention wanders, more and more Kremlin-leaning commentators are proposing to sell out Ukraine for the sake of peace and economic stability in their own countries. Although they may pose as pacifists or realists, they are better understood as enablers of Russian imperialism and war crimes. It is only natural that people and governments lose interest in conflicts as they drag on. It’s a process that has played out many times throughout history. The world stopped paying attention to the war in Libya after former leader Muammar al-Qaddafi was toppled from power, in 2011. It disengaged from Syria, Yemen, and other ongoing conflicts that once generated front-page news. And as I know well, the rest of the world lost interest in Ukraine after 2015, even as we continued to fight Russian forces for control over the eastern part of the country.' back

E. J Dionne Jr., Thanks, Kevin McCarthy, for making the Jan. 6 hearings worthwhile, ' In a perverse way, the country owes a debt to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). He made this refreshing presentation possible. In an astonishingly foolish decision, McCarthy withdrew all his appointees to the committee after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) rejected two of his five nominees. She refused to seat Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Jim Banks (R-Ind.) because they actively spread disinformation about 2020 — and because Jordan was closely involved in Trump’s efforts to challenge the election. In defending Pelosi’s decision at the time, Rep Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) turned out to be prophetic. “The speaker is making clear we’re going to have a serious comprehensive investigation,” Raskin said. “This will not be just another run-of-the-mill, partisan food fight.” It wasn’t, thanks to the exclusion of Trump’s bomb-throwing apologists.' back

Elementary particle - Wikipedia, Elementary particle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In particle physics, an elementary particle or fundamental particle is a subatomic particle that is not composed of other particles. Particles currently thought to be elementary include the fundamental fermions (quarks, leptons, antiquarks, and antileptons), which generally are "matter particles" and "antimatter particles", as well as the fundamental bosons (gauge bosons and the Higgs boson), which generally are "force particles" that mediate interactions among fermions. A particle containing two or more elementary particles is a composite particle.' back

Feynman Lectures: main Index, Feynman Lectures: main Index, Caltech's Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy and The Feynman Lectures Website are pleased to present this online edition of The Feynman Lectures on Physics Feynman • Leighton • Sands back

Feynman, Leighton & Sands FLP III:17, Chapter 17: Symmetry and Conservation Laws, ' In classical physics there are a number of quantities which are conserved—such as momentum, energy, and angular momentum. Conservation theorems about corresponding quantities also exist in quantum mechanics. The most beautiful thing of quantum mechanics is that the conservation theorems can, in a sense, be derived from something else, whereas in classical mechanics they are practically the starting points of the laws. . . . In quantum mechanics, however, the conservation laws are very deeply related to the principle of superposition of amplitudes, and to the symmetry of physical systems under various changes.' back

Hanin Majadli, Opinion | Israel Has Reached Another Impasse. The Experiment Will Go on Failing, ' This gridlock will be resolvable only when enough Israeli Jews understand that there are only two options – a Jewish state that isn’t democratic, or a true Jewish-Arab partnership. And by partnership, I don’t mean one based on political extortion in exchange for economic extortion. Israel’s Arab citizens shouldn’t have to give up the rights they deserve in exchange for money or investments in infrastructure. An Arab citizen isn’t supposed to be a hostage or a subject begging for what ought to be self-evident. He should feel that his rights are upheld regardless of the political situation. True partnership has to rest on a basis of equality. Full equality at every level – civic, economic, cultural and also national.' back

Inflation (cosmology) - Wikipedia, Inflation (cosmology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In physical cosmology, cosmic inflation, cosmological inflation, or just inflation is a theory of exponential expansion of space in the early universe. The inflationary epoch lasted from 10^36 seconds after the Big Bang to sometime between 10^33 and 10^32 seconds. Following the inflationary period, the Universe continues to expand, but at a less rapid rate.' . . . The detailed particle physics mechanism responsible for inflation is not known. The basic inflationary paradigm is accepted by most scientists, who believe a number of predictions have been confirmed by observation; however, a substantial minority of scientists dissent from this position. The hypothetical field thought to be responsible for inflation os called the inflaton.' back

James Bikales, After 91 years, Black teen exonerated by defense lawyer’s great-grandson, ' As the first Black attorney in Delaware County, Pa., William Ridley was used to the odds being stacked against him. His parents escaped slavery, and he once faced down a Ku Klux Klan mob in his yard. But in 1930, he was handed a case he couldn’t win. A 16-year-old Black student, Alexander McClay Williams, was accused of brutally killing an attractive White matron at his reform school. Ridley received $10 and 10 weeks to build a defense alone, pitted against a team of 15 prosecution investigators. During the two-day trial, prosecutors omitted evidence they knew might have cleared Williams. An all-White jury convicted the teenager in under four hours, and sent him to the electric chair, the youngest person put to death in the state’s history. This week, in the same courthouse where the ruling was passed down 91 years earlier, Ridley’s great-grandson, Sam Lemon, finally won justice for Williams.' back

Jeffrey Gettleman, New Brand of Activist Takes Aim at Ukraine War and Climate Crisis, Together, ' “There are no metal barriers,” Dominika Lasota whispered. “Now’s our chance.” She and her activist comrade, Wiktoria Jedroszkowiak, stood up fast. They clicked on a camera. They marched right up to Mr. Macron, who greeted them with a charming smile, apparently thinking all they wanted was a selfie. But then they blasted him with questions about a controversial new pipeline in Uganda (which the French oil company Total is helping build) and the war in Ukraine. “My point is …” Mr. Macron tried to say. “I know what your point is,” Ms. Lasota, 20, said, cutting him off. “But we are living in a climate crisis, and you must stop it.” Ms. Jedroszkowiak, also 20, then jumped in, saying, “You can stop the war in Ukraine by stopping buying fossil fuels from Russia".' back

John von Neumann (2014), Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, ' Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by John von Neumann translated from the German by Robert T. Beyer (New Edition) edited by Nicholas A. Wheeler. Princeton UP Princeton & Oxford. Preface: ' This book is the realization of my long-held intention to someday use the resources of TEX to produce a more easily read version of Robert T. Beyer’s authorized English translation (Princeton University Press, 1955) of John von Neumann’s classic Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik (Springer, 1932).'This content downloaded from on Sat, 30 May 2020 22:38:31 UTC back

Loro (film) - Wikipedia, Loro (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Loro is a 2018 drama film directed by Paolo Sorrentino, starring Toni Servillo. The film talks about the group of businessmen and politicians – the Loro (Them) from the title – who live and act near to media tycoon and politician Silvio Berlusconi.' back

Marcelo Samuel Berman (2009), On the Zero-energy Universe, ' We consider the energy of the Universe, from the pseudo-tensor point of view (Berman,1981). We find zero values, when the calculations are well-done.The doubts concerning this subject are clarified, with the novel idea that the justification for the calculation lies in the association of the equivalence principle, with the nature of co-motional observers, as demanded in Cosmology. In Section 4, we give a novel calculation for the zero-total energy result. / back

Metric signature - Wikipedia, Metric signature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' In mathematics, the signature (v, p, r) of a metric tensor g (or equivalently, a real quadratic form thought of as a real symmetric bilinear form on a finite-dimensional vector space) is the number (counted with multiplicity) of positive, negative and zero eigenvalues of the real symmetric matrix gab of the metric tensor with respect to a basis. In relativistic physics, the v represents the time or virtual dimension, and the p for the space and physical dimension. Alternatively, it can be defined as the dimensions of a maximal positive and null subspace. By Sylvester's law of inertia these numbers do not depend on the choice of basis. The signature thus classifies the metric up to a choice of basis. The signature is often denoted by a pair of integers (v, p) implying r= 0, or as an explicit list of signs of eigenvalues such as (+, −, −, −) or (−, +, +, +) for the signatures (1, 3, 0) and (3, 1, 0), respectively.' back

P. A M. Dirac (1929), A Theory of Electrons and Protons, ' § 1. Nature of the Negative Energy Difficulty. The relativity quantum theory of an electron moving in a given electro magnetic field, although successful in predicting the spin properties of the electron, yet involves one serious difficulty which shows that some fundamental alteration is necessary before we can regard it as an accurate description of nature. This difficulty is connected with the fact that the wave equation . . . has, in addition to the wanted solutions for which the kinetic energy of the electron is positive, an equal number of unwanted solutions with negative kinetic energy for the electron, which appear to have no physical meaning.' back

Paolo Sorrentino, Loro, This film stems from the authors' independent and free imsgination. Any reference to real people or events is wholly artistic and makes no claim to represent an objective truth. The authors took inspiration from news stories to create a narrative that brings to the imaginary characters and real people in invented contexts to create an original work. No reference to people or events except those identified as rel is intended or should be inferred. back

Prudence Flowers, ' US Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade – but for abortion opponents, this is just the beginning , ' Banning abortion does not stop abortion, nor does it reduce the number of abortions. Regardless of their home state, pregnant people will still seek abortions, although they may need significant resources to do so and could face criminal sanctions. The majority of abortion patients in the US are already from vulnerable and marginalised populations. The devastating consequences of this decision will fall primarily on the shoulders of those least able to bear it.' back

Sheren Falah Saab, Opinion | For a Generation of Gazans, the Siege Is the Only Reality They Know, ' We, the members of the generation that lives under siege, see how young people in other places in the world progress and develop. We are denied even the ability to think about such opportunities. We’ve never had the excitement of going to an airport. We’ve only been exposed to ordinary planes through the TV screen. We’re very familiar with F-16s and drones.” These descriptions were given to the Gisha human rights organization by Thazem al-Jaouni, 23, a graphic designer. He was seven years old when Israel imposed the siege on the Gaza Strip after the rise of Hamas. His words were transmitted as part of the organization’s project to gather testimony from young Palestinians on the 15th anniversary of the siege.' back

Spinor - Wikipedia, Spinor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'In geometry and physics, spinors are elements of a (complex) vector space that can be associated with Euclidean space. Like geometric vectors and more general tensors, spinors transform linearly when the Euclidean space is subjected to a slight (infinitesimal) rotation. When a sequence of such small rotations is composed (integrated) to form an overall final rotation, however, the resulting spinor transformation depends on which sequence of small rotations was used: unlike vectors and tensors, a spinor transforms to its negative when the space is rotated through a complete turn from 0° to 360°.' back

Zania Stamataki, Poliovirus in London sewage – what you need to know, ' Just as we thought that monkeypox would be the new virus scare for 2022, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) declared a national incident of repeated poliovirus detection in sewage in north and east London. Repeated positive readings for polio suggest that there is an ongoing infection and likely transmission in the area. This is unexpected since the UK had been declared polio-free since 2003. Here’s what you need to know. . . . It is not found in animals, so, like smallpox, it can be eradicated. And thanks to effective vaccination campaigns, we have been getting closer to this goal every year. . . . Vaccines have been crucial in eliminating polio. In 2021, there were fewer than 700 reported cases around the world. . . . The downside of using OPV is that the weakened virus can mutate, and in rare cases, it can revert to paralysis-causing variants. . . . There are no reports of polio-related paralysis in the UK. ' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2022 © Jeffrey Nicholls