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Sunday 25 September 2022 - Saturday 1 October 2022

[Notebook: DB 88: Salvation]

[page 158]

Sunday 25 September 2022

Now, given the establishment of a divine universe (in my mind) I turn to religion as the technological derivative of theology and a principled discussion of the prospects of establishing heaven on Earth, a difficult but necessary task. First page, Paradise, starting from Eden, via Aristotle, Aquinas and Milton to the modern conflict between absolutism and democracy to be based on evolution and cybernetics. Grace, we see here, is a consequence of P / NP where we find certain systems (like an engine or myself) which have the power to dynamically maintain themselves by having a closed loop structure analogous to the structure that has evolved for the Universe. Once again, the principles of symmetry with respect to complexity and the symmetries of particles, atoms, cells and people.

I am beginning to feel that my years of wandering around trying to find a cognitively harmonious harbour have come to an end and I now have a foundation to get serious about the most important elements of life, to live harmoniously with one another and the Earth, in other words to find a secure and consistent place in God.

Paradise Lost Books XII. John Leonard: Paradise Lost is a poem about civil war. John Milton (The John Milton Reading Room): Paradise Lost: Introduction "Haile wedded Love": Milton's Redefinition of Marriage

Not being a genius, I have to write a religion and politics of principle based on the creation of God outlined in cognitive cosmology. Entities as dumb as atoms have created quite durable entities like me.

[page 159]

A basic principle here might be that war is out of date.

Thomas H Luxton (Milton, Paradise Regain'd, Introduction) ' The Son in Paradise Regained prevails over Satan's temptations by a kind of heroism we are tempted to see as doing nothing—nothing but standing and repudiating, even rendering ridiculous, Satan's attempts to provoke him into one or another form of classical or biblical or romance heroic action. John Milton (The John Milton Reading Room) Paradise Regain'd

Luxton (Milton, Paradise Lost, 'What if the Sun'): 'As a rationalist, Milton must have admired the new sciences but, as a classicist and Christian theologian, he had not yet placed scientific knowledge ahead of poetry or biblical knowledge.' Paradise Lost: Introduction "Haile wedded Love": Milton's Redefinition of Marriage

Roman Catholic Church: The Mother of dictatorships.

Classical literature concocted a world of relationship and allusion which served as the literary and artistic universe for its practitioners in the same way that classical and popular music, art, film and drama do today, paralleled by the vast content of scientific literature which couples every aspect of the real world to every other. In the theological and religious sphere it is necessary to create a new universe of discourse to replace the mythology captured so excellently (and falsely) by Paradise Lost.

Monday 26 September 2022

On my geodesic, doing what I have chosen to do, provide lift to work, buy petrol, come home.

cs02_paradise. What we need is enough bandwidth to solve problems at all levels [when the budget for diplomacy is equal to the budget for war].

The Church, speaking in the name of its God, claims that every person is an absolutely powerless sinner in the face of its mandate and we do not even merit the grace of forgiveness. This is a gratuitous gift to God's chosen ones. We are required, in Chinese terminology, to lie flat, to be absolutely passive before the divine imperial power, on pain of death. One can see why people like Putin and Trump like Christianity, the greatest scam that ever walked.

It is a big leap from the perfect and complete god of Aquinas to the evolving and incomplete god of Nicholls of which we are part, and a step toward never ending completion. So the whole system of human development, the elimination of war and the creation of peace and happiness is just a local branch of the overall evolution of the world. Creation saves is in effect just an immediate local extensions of the stream of insight flowing through cognitive cosmology.

[page 160]

Aquinas and his predecessors created the world of angels by considering them in relation to corporeal thing and removing what they considered to be inappropriate to an incorporeal being. This is a bit like creating a universe without the corporeal degree of freedom and in cognitive cosmology I stumbled upon the idea of comparing angels to Hilbert space which may yet turn out to be a good idea.

The old authors of Christianity were treating subject far beyond everyday experience, yet getting somewhere by following logic and principles rather as physicists are doing today, dealing with theoretical entities with peculiar properties such as the Higgs field. Turing's invention of the computer gave us a means to represent any logically consistent peculiarity which is a computable algorithm, a restricted subset of all the things that Cantor could represent by a multiply ordered transfinite set. So here we are in deep water just like the old guys working out the future of humanity as an extension of the process by which the universe brought itself to be. We have inherited its creative power for our own use and people like Putin and Zuckerberg who make their living by destroying things.

A thought experiment: how would I explain the contemporary world and our knowledge of it to Aquinas?

Tuesday 27 September 2022

The Iliad is a theological explanation of human fate, a distant predecessor to Paradise Lost and the Roman Catholic / Christian story. We might say that the whole of literature is an exploration of the mysterious forces that move us. My physical approach to theology holds (?) that gravitation is the simplest and most obvious of the potentials that bind the world together, the negative side of the positive energy that creates all the detail of the universe [via quantum mechanics].

So creation saves begins with cs01_abstract above and cs02_mysterious_forces

We give concrete reality to imaginative content by constructing it in spoken or written language. This is also how the world works. It is the voice of God (currently cs02, to become cs03 to be followed by cs04_faith?)

So back to II, I: free fall ≡ beatitude, bliss, blessings. So geodesics including general geodesic give us a connection with Aquinas. See page 157. Heaven on Earth is to be moving inertially on a generalized geodesic. With the help of the principle of invariance with respect to

[page 161]

complexity, we can get to the definition of freedom and heaven on earth.This is the vision of god implicit in gravitation. Now I have a foundation for creation saves, to work toward it on 25 pages using the theological interpretation of inertial motion in human space [ie freedom from violence].

All particles in free fall are in heaven, in God [and the formation of structures restricts individual freedom ie the moon is in inertial motion, but the atoms in the moon are constrained].

In a nutshell. we start with a Hilbert space with dimension 0. We apply unitary operations to this space. A rotation [in a function space (?)] is in effect a permutation. There are 1 permutations of 0 elements each of which is equivaelnt to a network of Turing machines, so we can apply Cantor's theorem to get 1, 2 etc permutations, say 0 groups which amount to stable processes, ie surivable species, so going along with this we eventually come to a species equivalent to a universe at a certain point in evolution, say now, whose next rotation gives us a space from which the next moment of the universe is selected and so on, giving us a sequence equivalent to the history of the Universe, each [element] of which is a state space in the universal history [ie a history of everything]. Sabine Hossenfelder: No one in physics dares say so, but the race to invent new particles is pointless

Wednesday 28 September 2022

DoI really believe in my story? A least it seems better than the Christian version. What about my idea about [the divine nature of] gravitation? At least it give me an entrée into the Summa II, I and an idea about the vision of god and beatitude.

Thursday 29 September 2022

I sit and theorise endlessly, but does it do any good? I am following my Einstein model, seeking to make a theoretical advance so spectacular that it will capture the mind of the world, but is this possible without action, propagation, preaching? So far all I have done is soend $2000 in ads on Commonweal and National Catholic Reporter. Now I am turning to creation saves maybe I can more more into the moral space occupied by say Bob Dylan and promote human values and a consistent critique of the absolutist /warmonger monarchist / autocrat / dictatorial attitude of the Roman Catholic church embodied in Canon 333 § 3. The answer, as in the creation of God, lies in human symmetry, attacked by the Church. The next three sites in this series are based on the fact, drawn from Aquinas's discussion of just war [that] the Church attacks humanity on many fronts, and must be repelled, not by arms, but by words and evidence as in a court of justice. Summa Theologiae, II, II, q 40. Code of Canon Law, §333

[page 162]

Friday 30 September 2022

1. Aquinas defines god as pure act and as the theology of the Trinity demonstrates, God is the source of actions which are the divine equivalent of itself.

2. We assume that the process can proceed to infinity, creating a Hilbert space whose cardinal is the cardinal of the natural numbers 0

3. A superposition of these states may be transformed into a discrete Turing machine, that is a computable function.

4. A rotation in multidimensional space, performed by a unitary operator, is equivalent to a permutations.

5. Repeated applications of such an operator can, by analogy with Cantor's permutation of the natural numbers, create a set of 1 distinct Turing machines.

6. The fourier tranforms of such a set of turng machines will create a set of 1 distinct networks of turing machines. We may think of these networks as a random set, some of which will form closed orbits (groups) which will be stable elements in a growing universe. The rest, in an evolutionary way, will have ephemeral existence and will be selected out.

7. We may think of this as a transifinite verion of P / NP, where the P has cardinal 0 and the NP 1, of which the 0 are checkable and therefore selected for survival.

cs02_mysterious - forces that move the world - God from above, quantum theory from below. We are opting for quantum theory and here we give a very brief summary of cognitive cosmology up to the formation of spacetime and gravitation.

Gravitation has no intrincic information. All this comes from [quantum theory] but gravitation can carry pure energy, it it is in effect naked unquantized action in the form of potential that mirrors [quantized] kinetic energy [and serves to determine the large scale structure of the four dimensional universe]

[page 163]

An attack of the empty head. What is the probability of a writeable idea? Maybe one per week. On starting creation saves the key idea is the transition from Aquinas - actus purus to quantum mechanics / gravitation as the image of the creator [which is consistent with the network / communication idea that god is love].

Still trying to work out the sequel to cognitive cosmology (theology) to be expressed as creation saves (technology, religion). At the human level what we are looking for (as Aquinas sets out in II, I) is an appropriate expression of the meaning of human life. The Catholic Church says we are here to merit heaven, which is said to be the vision of the essence of God, which, given that [their] God is absolutely simple, is effectively nothing. In [my] current picture every experience is part of the vision of god, and our overall task is to improve our overall experience of this vision by our activity, which basically revolves around making a living and deriving the maximum pleasure from that living. Is that what I am doing, seeking cognitive harmony by expressing my relationship with the divine world and my fellows as harmoniously and pleasantly as possible while hopefully contributing to the overall welfare of the total system?

Am I the right person to be doing this, or even trying it? Maybe, maybe not, but I am the only one I know of and I feel that it need to be done. We unite body and soul, separated by the gnostic evil in Catholicism, bu uniting physics and theology.

It is necessary to say it clearly: the Catholic Church is a massive fraud which has been gathering strength and credibility [2000 years]. We may say that it began well with the life of Jesus of Nazareth, about whose life we know very little. It seems clear that he upset the ruling class in ancient Jerusalem. The leaders of the local community denounced him to the occupying Romans and they, with the sort of disrespect for the lived of poor people by the powerful, condemned him to routine torture and execution in order to maintain the peace in the occupation. Something we see happening to hundreds of people around the world every day. [We note that the Jewish State of Israel now occupies the land of the indigenous Palestinians and imprisons and kills large numbers of them every year while denying them normal human rights - the occupied are now the occupiers.] Then a clever pastiche of the New and Old testaments, hero work, a spreading movement, growing power and capture by the Emperor Constantine. The Nicene Creed, the foundation of false belief, to the present day. All this is preliminary to Aquinas's delusion of heaven. And then we turn to the alternative. See The Church Which Stole God. Jeffrey Nicholls (2008): Essay 9: The Church that Stole God

Saturday 1 October 2022

1. Our evolutionary heritage
2. The slavery of women
3. The Roman Catholic business plan

[page 163]

4. Our Hebrew heritage
5. Warlords, harems, eunuchs and rape
6. Human rights
7. A theological revolution: evolution revisited


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Further reading


Larsson, Stieg, and Reg Keeland (translator), The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Quercus, Maclehose Press ' Anticipation of the treats in store in the remainder of the trilogy are, sadly, tempered by the knowledge that shortly after presenting his manuscript, Larsson died of a heart attack aged 50 . . . [but] his perceptive insights into the abuse of power by both individuals and institutions are designed to reach a wider readership than he could ever have imagined.' Roger Perikns, Sunday Telegraph 


A J Brown, Australia and Norway were once tied in global anti-corruption rankings. Now, we’re heading in opposite directions, In the 2021 index released today, Australia has repeated its largest-ever annual drop – falling four points on the 100-point scale, from 77 to 73. Zero is considered highly corrupt, while a score of 100 is very clean. Overall, Australia has dropped 12 points on the index since 2012, more than any OECD country apart from Hungary, which also fell 12 points. Australia’s rate of decline is also similar or steeper than other countries with far worse issues, including Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria and Venezuela. Australia was ranked seventh in the world in 2012, level with Norway. This year, Australia has fallen to 18th out of 180 countries. In contrast, Norway’s global standing has improved, climbing from seventh to fourth on the index.' back

Alexei Navalny, This is what a post-Putin Russia should look like, ' War is a relentless stream of crucial, urgent decisions influenced by constantly shifting factors. Therefore, while I commend European leaders for their ongoing success in supporting Ukraine, I urge them not to lose sight of the fundamental causes of war. The threat to peace and stability in Europe is aggressive imperial authoritarianism, endlessly inflicted by Russia upon itself. Postwar Russia, like post-Putin Russia, will be doomed to become belligerent and Putinist again. This is inevitable as long as the current form of the country’s development is maintained. Only a parliamentary republic can prevent this. It is the first step toward transforming Russia into a good neighbor that helps to solve problems rather than create them.' back

Code of Canon Law, §333, The Roman Pontiff, ' Can. 333 §1. By virtue of his office, the Roman Pontiff not only possesses power over the universal Church but also obtains the primacy of ordinary power over all particular churches and groups of them. Moreover, this primacy strengthens and protects the proper, ordinary, and immediate power which bishops possess in the particular churches entrusted to their care. §2. In fulfilling the office of supreme pastor of the Church, the Roman Pontiff is always joined in communion with the other bishops and with the universal Church. He nevertheless has the right, according to the needs of the Church, to determine the manner, whether personal or collegial, of exercising this office. §3. No appeal or recourse is permitted against a sentence or decree of the Roman Pontiff.' back

James Kang Hoon Lee, The ‘fathers of the church’ died around 1,500 years ago, but these ancient leaders still influence Christianity today , back

Jennifer Rubin, Opinion Just how racist is the MAGA movement? This survey measures it., ' The connection between racism and the right-wing movement is apparent in a new poll from the Public Religion Research Institute. The survey asked respondents about 11 statements designed to probe views on racism. . . . The results shouldn’t surprise anyone paying attention to the MAGA crowd’s rhetoric and veneration of the Confederacy. “Among all Americans, the median value on the structural racism index is 0.45, near the center of the scale,” the poll found. “The median score on the structural racism index for Republicans is 0.67, compared with 0.45 for independents and 0.27 for Democrats.” Put differently, Republicans are much more likely to buy into the notion that Whites are victims.' back

John Long, A kung-fu kick led researchers to the world’s oldest complete fish fossils – here’s what they found, ' Today, four new papers published in Nature carry on this tradition by revealing the world’s oldest well-preserved jawed fishes, dating between 436 million and 439 million years ago to the start of the Silurian period. . . . The research teams behind the papers are led by Zhu Min of the Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology in Beijing. Min told me: The discovery of the Chongqing lagerstatte (a “lagerstatte” is a fossil site of exceptional preservation) is indeed an unbelievable miracle of fossil hunting. Suddenly we realised we have found a jaw-dropping lagerstatte. We are now close to the core of untangling the fishy tree of early jawed vertebrates.' back

John Milton , Paraadise Lost, ' Author: John Milton Release Date: February 1992 [eBook #26] [Last updated: August 13, 2022] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 Produced by: Dr. Joseph Raben back

John Milton (The John Milton Reading Room), Paradise Lost: Introduction "Haile wedded Love": Milton's Redefinition of Marriage, ' In Genesis, the story of Adam and Eve's fall is told in a single line: "she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat" (Genesis 3:6). In Paradise Lost, Adam eats the fruit of knowledge two hundred fourteen lines after Eve. Milton imagines an intervening mental strife unequalled in the history of the world as Adam comes to choose love and death over rational knowledge of God. The story is no longer one of disobedience, but man's disobedience of God in favor of a human relationship.' Sara Silverstein and Thomas H. Luxon back

Just war theory - Wikipedia, Just war theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 'Just war theory (Latin: jus bellum iustum) is a doctrine, also referred to as a tradition, of military ethics studied by military leaders, theologians, ethicists and policy makers. The purpose of the doctrine is to ensure war is morally justifiable through a series of criteria, all of which must be met for a war to be considered just. The criteria are split into two groups: "right to go to war" (jus ad bellum) and "right conduct in war" (jus in bello). The first concerns the morality of going to war, and the second the moral conduct within war.' back

Kath Kenny, Friday essay: ‘with men I feel like a very sharp, glittering blade’ – when 5 liberated women spoke the truth, ' "With men I feel like a very sharp, glittering blade that’s only partly out of its sheath. It glitters and glitters. They don’t see it, but I don’t dare to show that blade, to come right out of the sheath, because I’m afraid of how fierce and joyful it will be to stab – and stab – and stab. So I don’t show it, I hold it, somehow I hold it back, but it’s there, glittering." These lines are from a group-devised woman’s play, called Betty Can Jump, staged at Carlton’s experimental Pram Factory theatre in that year. A friend of Garner’s from university, Kerry Dwyer, was one of the founders of a theatre company based at the Pram Factory, the Australian Performing Group (APG).' back

Kathleen McPhillips & Tracy McEwan, ‘A long way to go’: Catholic women call for wide-ranging church reforms in new international survey, ' Catholic women across the world are calling for a wide range of reforms to the church, according to the results of our survey of more than 17,000 Catholic women from over 100 countries published this month. A substantial majority were concerned about the prevalence of abuse, racism, and sexism in church contexts, and many raised issues relating to transparency and accountability in church leadership and governance. The International Survey of Catholic Women is one of the most extensive surveys of Catholic women ever undertaken, and its findings should inform lasting and genuine change in the Catholic Church.' back

Moniya Roughan & Junde Li, Shifting ocean currents are pushing more and more heat into the Southern Hemisphere’s cooler waters , ' In the Southern Hemisphere, these currents – known as the western boundary currents – are warming faster than the global average at their southern limits, creating ocean warming hotspots. Until now, we haven’t known exactly why. These western boundary currents are particularly important in the Southern Hemisphere, which is more than 80% ocean compared to just 60% for the Northern Hemisphere. Our new research has found a vital part of the puzzle: strong easterly winds in the mid-latitudes are moving south, driving the western boundary currents further south and leading to faster ocean warming in these areas. ' back

Nicholas Casey, Taken Under Fascism, Spain’s ‘Stolen Babies’ Are Learning the Truth, ' In the late 1930s and 1940s, Antonio Vallejo-Nájera, a leading psychiatrist in the regime who was trained in Nazi Germany, promoted the idea of a Marxist “red gene” carried by the children of Franco’s left-wing opponents. The gene, he said, might be suppressed by removing children from their mothers and placing them with conservative families. Franco’s men soon began the abductions on a large scale. They targeted children orphaned by Franco’s firing squads and took newborns belonging to women who had given birth in jail as political prisoners. All were sent to be raised by regime loyalists. The era of the “stolen babies” had begun.' back

Olga Partan, Why it’s such a big deal that Alla Pugacheva, ‘the tsarina of Russian pop,’ came out against the war in Ukraine, ' Her fan base encompasses all elements of Russian society, including millions of everyday Russians who, because they rely on Russian state media for information, are particularly susceptible to the Kremlin’s powerful propaganda machine. In some ways, Pugacheva is a bridge to the past. Belonging to the same generation as Putin, she represents the stability and predictability of the Soviet era. Yet this isn’t the first time she’s leveraged her fame to challenge the political status quo.' back

Paradise Lost - Wikipedia, Paradise Lost - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton (1608–1674). The first version, published in 1667, consists of ten books with over ten thousand lines of verse. A second edition followed in 1674, arranged into twelve books (in the manner of Virgil's Aeneid) with minor revisions throughout. It is considered to be Milton's masterpiece, and it helped solidify his reputation as one of the greatest English poets of all time.The poem concerns the biblical story of the Fall of Man: the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. back

Paradise Regained - Wikipedia, Paradise Regained - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ' Paradise Regained is a poem by English poet John Milton, first published in 1671. The volume in which it appeared also contained the poet's closet drama Samson Agonistes. Paradise Regained is connected by name to his earlier and more famous epic poem Paradise Lost, with which it shares similar theological themes; indeed, its title, its use of blank verse, and its progression through Christian history recall the earlier work. However, this effort deals primarily with the temptation of Christ as recounted in the Gospel of Luke. ' back

Pooyan Tamimi Arab & Ammar Maleki, Iran protests: majority of people reject compulsory hijab and an Islamic regime, surveys find, ' Our 2020 religion survey confirmed that a secular shift is taking place in Iran. While more than 90% of respondents said they had been raised in a believing and/or practising religious family, around half indicated they had become non-religious in their lifetime. Meanwhile 72% explicitly opposed the mandatory hijab. . . . These secular attitudes help explain why women are publicly burning the hijab and chanting against the very idea of an Islamic regime. For them, the mandatory hijab is the Islamic Republic’s Berlin Wall.' back

Sabine Hossenfelder, No one in physics dares say so, but the race to invent new particles is pointless , ' Imagine you go to a zoology conference. The first speaker talks about her 3D model of a 12-legged purple spider that lives in the Arctic. There’s no evidence it exists, she admits, but it’s a testable hypothesis, and she argues that a mission should be sent off to search the Arctic for spiders. . . . Kudos to zoologists, I’ve never heard of such a conference. But almost every particle physics conference has sessions just like this, except they do it with more maths. It has become common among physicists to invent new particles for which there is no evidence, publish papers about them, write more papers about these particles’ properties, and demand the hypothesis be experimentally tested. Many of these tests have actually been done, and more are being commissioned as we speak. It is wasting time and money.' back

Sabine Hossenfelder - Wikipedia, Sabine Hossenfelder - Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia, ' Sabine Hossenfelder is a German theoretical physicist, author, and musician. She is currently employed as a research fellow at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies. She is the author of Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray, which explores the concept of elegance in fundamental physics and cosmology, and of Existential Physics: A Scientist’s Guide to Life’s Biggest Questions. ' back

Slave to Sirens, Slave to Leeches, ' Slave to Sirens Official Hello beautiful people of the world! We are so thankful for the encouraging comments and support! We would like you to know that despite the crazy ups and downs happening around us we are actually working on a full length album for 2022 and planning to release a single with a music video on march 1st 2022! Save the date and tell us what you think!' back is maintained by The Theology Company Proprietary Limited ACN 097 887 075 ABN 74 097 887 075 Copyright 2000-2022 © Jeffrey Nicholls