Sunday 13 November 2022 - Saturday 19 November 2022
[Notebook: DB 88: Salvation]
[page 191]
Sunday 13 November 2022
Draft of The Impossible God of Catholicism submitted to Commonweal.
Gorbachev Heaven Gorbachev Heaven
We can translate the trinity into a 3D complex vector space [Hilbert space] Hilbert space - Wikipedia
All the theologically relevant detail of the theological trinity can be captured using a 3D Hilbert space of complex rays, that is complex planes.
The complex rays can be suprposed to make a simple vector, the one god, with three discrete basis vectors, the persons. Each of these vectors is a quantum of action and their orthogonality renders them really distinct.
We might interpret each of these planes as a 1-form with direction determined by its normal and phase depending on the phase of the normalized vector whose rate of rotation is a measure of the frequency or energy of the ray. Which, when superposed with other rays gives us a musical phase whose fourier tranform defined a computer function [ie some software, simplest operator not]. Getting closer.
Each individual person is a basis ray in the 3D divine Hilbert space [of the Trinity [and we can extend this to any set of particles in the universe, including people].
[page 192]
Each vector has only two features: it is orthogonal to the others and has a certain energy / frequency, in other words it is absolutely simple like god differentiated from the other persons by frequency and phase. As we move into the transfinite realm the superposition of the Hilbert basis vectors has sufficient entropy to represent any computable function [or network of functions] which leads us to the Turing vacuum.
Democracy: voting with one's feet. I have paid 10 k to enable A to walk out of an abusive nation. Domestic abuse. National abuse.
Is there enough entropy in the Hilbert trinity to define the difference between fermions and a boson? Father and Son are fermions, the Spirit is the boson.
The Father spins up, the Son spins down, the Spirit flips them
Monday 14 November 2022
Tuesday 15 November 2022
Wednesday 16 November 2022
Draft of The Impossible God of Catholicism submitted to Atlantic.
. . .
1. Principle of principles
2. Initial singularity - the Father
3. Fixed points - the Son
4. Zero sum bifurcation
5. Communication / quantization
6. Energy / time - action / potential
7. Gravitation / quantum
8. boson / fermion = Father / Son / Spirit
9. Trinity / transfinity
10. Computation
11. Symmetry / layering>
[page 193]
Our starting point: Traditional God and Tinity.
So try again:
1. Principle of principles [Einstein]
2. God
3. Initial singularity
4. Trinity
5. Word of God / fixed point
6. Distinction and quantification / Communication / continuity
7. Zero-sum bifurcation
8. Gravitation and energy / potential and action
9. Trinity to transfinity
10. Minkowski space
11. Computation / network [Hilbert space / quantum mechanics]
12. Symmetry / layering – membership: something comes from everything
[13. Fourier transformation
14. Turing vacuum]
Colette Colette (2018 film) - Wikipedia
I am trying to boil the whole story down to a logical sequence of principal propositions to make a compact version of cognitive cosmology as a toolkit to construct lust for life [politics and morality].
Thursday 17 November 2022
The idea is that the sequence of principles follows the sequence of construction of the universe. We begin with the Trinity,
1. Father – 1D Hilbert space quantized by its simplicity
2. Son, a fixed point in the Father, differentiated from the Father by orthogonality giving us a 2D Hilbert space, ie a qubit.
3. The Spirit, linking Father and Son. boson + fermion, the creation of space to make Scutum Trinitatis logically consistent.
It is now becoming clear to me how much my personality and my life was constrained by the complete set of falsehoods into which I was indoctrinated since birth by the Roman Catholic Church. Millions of others have been abused in the same way and it is clear that the mass of falsehoods embedded in Christianity has become an issue like the sexist racism and child abuse which are also endemic to the Church. Washington Post: Editorial Board: Opinion: The Catholic Church’s sex abuse scandal continues, Elizabeth Dias: U.S. Catholic Bishops Elect Leaders for Anti-Abortion Fight
Now I am beginning to go through the literary and artistic foundations of the false beliefs embedded in he traditional societies and religions.
I have been puling my punches. First step is to realize that the initial singularity has all the properties of god including infinity and it is a particle insofar as it is also determined by consistency to be continuous, compact and convex so that it is consistent with fixed point theory and the fixed point in the father is the son.
Next we see that the Father and the Son are particles, fermions but united and divided by bosons, the Spirit who is light like a photon and this structure implements the spin-statistics theorem without any fancy mathematics. We listen to Feynman on this score. Feynman, Leighton and Sands FLP II_02: Chapter 2: Differential Calculus of Vector Fields
Next we see the logical existence of the Trinity as described by the Shield of the Trinity requires space which turns out to be Minkowski space consistent with the communication theoretical requirement that communication requires contact which is made possible in Minkowski space by null geodesics. This is the whole story of the trinity in relativistic quantum mechanics. Shield of the Trinity - Wikipedia
All this story came to me in the dreams in this afternoons snooze but it has been coming for almost a year.
She Said She Said (film) - Wikipedia
Friday 18 November 2022
My fate is very much in the hands of fate [all my effort is directed to turning the status quo established at every moment by fate toward my own benefit as suggested by my responses to the movements in share prices which are out of my control].
The rationalists and many other modernists seem inclined to reject theology and religion as archaic manifestations of bygone misunderstanding, But they risk throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Chemistry was once alchemy and astronomy was once astrology but the submerged evidence based substratum of these old mythologies have eventually come to the surface as full blown modern science as their practitioners, diligently seeking understanding, were directed by reality. The same evolution is clearly available to theology and religion and the key move is to introduce realism by recognizing that God is not invisible and transcendent but an observable component of everyday life [so enabling us to align our mental states with divinity]. This is my motivation for building cognitive cosmology on the work of Aristotle and Aquinas, the previous high points of theology and religion.
The onset of senility is demonstrated to me be the fact that I had to look up the Wikipedia entry chemistry to recall the term alchemy as the predecessor of chemistry [once this would have been on the "tip of my tongue".
[page 195]
My days of theological advocacy are numbered but I have to stop seeing myself as a victim of the ancient evils of the Church and look on the bright side, inspired by the developments of alchemy and astrology into chemistry and astronomy. Nevertheless that motivation for revolution comes almost inevitably from those oppressed by the status quo as She Said demonstrates.
So, a new list of principles
1. respect for history - past is the source of present
2. search for consistency - communication - truth
3. measurement - control of imagination
4. entropy - counting, the simplest measure
5. simplicity - design of more complex counting algorithms
6. P vs NP - deterministic and random algorithms - evolution
7. initial singularity - fixed point - continuity / convexity / compactness - zero sum
8. theology - creation from trinity to transfinity
9. cybernetics / governance
10. quantum trinity - Hilbert to Minkowski
11. settlement - physics to theology contact and communication
12. gravitation - time / energy - potential / action
13. quantum field theory
14. Fourier transform - action to form
15. Turing vacuum - form to action
16. Symmetry - network layers
17. Psychological space - breadth of mind - How Universal - peace
Saturday 19 November 2022
My problem, I think, is to make my story simple enough to attract an audience. Nevertheless first I must struggle on in the dark to get my story right because I feel that there are some big insights to come. The 1987 2BOB insight needs development: Human symmetry + human orthogonality. Jeffrey Nicholls (1987): A theory of peace
18: God is the soul of the universe. Cantor gave us the dimensions of that soul. It is infinite, because as Aquinas said, they [god] are not contained [except by internal consistency].