Sunday 25 December 2022 - Saturday 31 December 2022
[Notebook: DB 88: Salvation]
[page 227]
Sunday 25 December 2022
The distinction between intellect and will is bogus. Its political purpose is to make it possible for the rulers to accuse the ruled of sin whereas we see that for most people there is very little interval between thought and action and this instantaneity precludes deep thought. In fact, however, considered actions, ie those subject to inhibition prior to performance can be safer and more productive. The evolutionary process can be seen to disadvantage emotional ephemeral actions, as we see with Elon Musk's purchase and management of Twitter, so that prudence and providence have survival value and so tend to become fixed in systems observed to exist for long periods, like the Catholic Church which sees itself as an infallible and eternal proxy for an infallible and eternal God.
The fundamental stability in a society is closely related to the physical and mentsl health of the population. We are ware of the damage caused by plagues and diseases like influenza, 'plague' covid, etc. Mental health is equally, if not more important and relates closely to communication between people and truth [which avoids the pain of cognitive dissonance]. Much pain and fear is caused by the propagation of falsehoods. I know the personal angst I suffered for the first 40 years of my life, and still feel it when I reflect on it, from the [totally false] Catholic doctrine that I was a damaged and sinful individual in a sinful world. Catechism of the Catholic Church: IV Hell: 1035-1036
Another outline of the Case Against [the Catholic Church] Physical theology [prolegomenon] + How Universal + A theory of peace.
1. Is father christmas real?
2. Information is physical
3. Science agrees with omnino simplex, so evolution explains complexification and evil
4. From Trinity to transfinity
5. Communication, computation, quantization and network
6. Symmetry and probability
7. Survival and computability
8. Entropy, ethics, democracy and stability
9. Politics and science
10. Truth, power and corruption.
[page 228]
Monday 26 December 2022
[ Prolegomenon to Scientific Theology
Currently contains my thesis and essays from honours year 2019. Add [maybe] How Universal (1967), A Theory of peace (1987). Add essays written at Australian Catholic University (1996) and further essays written 1996 ++. A time capsule 1967 to 2019. Jeffrey Nicholls (1967): How universal is the universe?, Jeffrey Nicholls (1987): A theory of peace]
Artificial intelligence, or any sort of intelligence, requires random input and a selection process to pick out the ideas that make sense, ie produce a compact closure like a good story. Conan Doyle excelled at this work which is why we read his satisfying stories again and again. Set up an apparently insoluble problem and then let Sherlock see some [prearranged] subtle points that lead to a solution [Agatha Christie perfected the long form of this strategy]. Arthur Conan Doyle (1981): The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes
Tuesday 27 December 2022
God does the same thing randomly inventing new structures and selecting them by the necessity for realty to be consistent. Science then follows, randomly inventing hypotheses and testing them by checking consistency with the divinely created reality.
Aquinas: componens et dividens; me permutation.
Wednesday 28 December 2022
Keep getting new lists of contents for the Case Against the Catholic God,
1. The catholic God of Aquinas is completely inconsistent with the modern theories of information and communication. One cannot be absolutely simple and omniscient. So information is physical and the universe is the physical mind of God as explained at length on cognitive cosmology
2. How to we go from omnino simplex to the real world. Evolution, based on pure action [more or less uncontrolled] action, selection by consistency - Trinity to transfinity, an echo of the 1967 "how universal" [volume 1] and the 1987 "theory of peace" [volume 2] and the the 2019 "honours thesis" [volume 3]. So the elements of this case are the front end of scientific theology [volume4]. Insofar as How Universal is true, I was wrongfully dismissed from the OP.
[page 229}
So the obvious next step for the corporation for theologyco [The Theology Company Pty Ltd] is for it to become a startup "A Platform for a Papacy", and try to attract some angel investors . In effect a rewrite of Canon law.
Thursday 29 December 2022
3. Information is physical and relationships are established by sharing information. We use this insight to provide a new theory of the Trinity, and upon this basis extend the Trinity to the transfinite set of persons that constitute the known universe, which may as a consequence be called divine.4. Einstein, quantum mechanics and general covariance. The interface between classical and quantum mechanics [via personality and communication]. Einstein's general covariance is broken by the fact that all particles in the universe are sources or personas amd all communications between them change both, as when I see you millions of synapses in my brain change state.
5. We identify evolution and scientific method in a cognitive universe.
We might call this Notes on the God of Aquinas.
Subsequent pages 6 - 10 will elaborate on the points raised in 1 - 5.
6. Introduce the network model Gödel and Hilbert's problem [Entscheidungsproblem] and pick the eyes out of the two previous outlines of this project on pages 226 and 227, to be written and printed for presentation to the Archbishop on 12/1/23, along wth the original How Universal sealing my case for wrongful dismissal (I wish, but make it true).
7. Gravitation, the initial singularity, potential and actuality, the zero sum creation of [potential and kinetic] energy and the relationship of quantum theory and gravitation. Shannon information is quantized [and continua cannot carry information]. Gravitation like [the classical] God is unquantized, omnino simplex.
I love Sherlock (ie Doyle) and would like to be able to write equally fascinating stories, eg Silver Blaze, Arthur Conan Doyle (1981); The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes
8 (again) Symmetry and probability, requisite variety, entropy, stability.
9 Evolution and 'the probem of evil'.
10 Truth, power and corruption. Constantine and the perversion of Christianity. Borders, laws and police vs ideology.
[page 230]
There is no pleasure so great as when everything fits together. In the intellectual world, this is the pleasure of insight, so beloved of Bernard Lonergan. His vocation may have blinded him to its reproductive analogue, orgasm, the motivation that makes reproductive activity almost inevitable when the sort of rational study favoured by holy persons suggests that it should be avoided at all costs because of the enormous overheads of bringing up children. And it may be that because the bulk of the labour of child bearing falls upon women they are, in the normal course of events, particularly gifted with the attractive pleasures of sexuality. Bernard Lonergan (1992): Insight: A Study of Human Understanding